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  • File : 1310259528.jpg-(26 KB, 441x313, 1309917073404.jpg)
    26 KB Steins;Gate cosplay Anonymous 07/09/11(Sat)20:58 No.4698557  
    Steins;Gate cosplay thread.
    I haven't seen many, but if Tiger & Bunny can have so many done already, why not Steins;Gate?
    >> Anonymous 07/09/11(Sat)20:59 No.4698566
    my camera died before I could get a picture of these guys - thanks anon
    >> Page !PageMe/drI 07/09/11(Sat)21:00 No.4698573
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    But there is already some?
    >> Page !PageMe/drI 07/09/11(Sat)21:01 No.4698578
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    >For FB...
    >> Page !PageMe/drI 07/09/11(Sat)21:02 No.4698582
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    Kurisu hnngghhh
    >> Anonymous 07/09/11(Sat)21:04 No.4698593
         File1310259846.jpg-(142 KB, 900x659, s_g___mayushii_and_kurisu_chan(...).jpg)
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    >> Page !PageMe/drI 07/09/11(Sat)21:04 No.4698596
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    >> Anonymous 07/09/11(Sat)21:04 No.4698598
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    >> Page !PageMe/drI 07/09/11(Sat)21:05 No.4698600
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    Feiris... kill it...
    >> Anonymous 07/09/11(Sat)21:05 No.4698606
         File1310259946.jpg-(159 KB, 960x1440, 1307823039472.jpg)
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    I did Mayushi at AX but it was a really quick, thrown-together-the-day before one so I think I'll redo it for ALA or something.
    >> Anonymous 07/09/11(Sat)21:05 No.4698607
    Future Kurisu cosplayer here.
    I was wondering how to get the jacket like >>4698557 instead of >>4698582
    >> Page !PageMe/drI 07/09/11(Sat)21:11 No.4698649
    Just make the jacket and wear it losely?
    >> Anonymous 07/09/11(Sat)21:14 No.4698668
    Make the jacket and wear it loosely, and make sure to make those belts on her arms to keep them loose.
    >> Anonymous 07/09/11(Sat)21:15 No.4698672
         File1310260522.jpg-(477 KB, 1920x1200, steins_gate_00000003.jpg)
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    I don't really see what the difference is besides in the color of the jackets. Am I missing something?

    Don't forget you need the buckles on the arms too, she's shown securing the buckles on the jacket in one instance.
    >> Anonymous 07/09/11(Sat)21:17 No.4698683
    >> Mika !oRbSrLD/7w 07/09/11(Sat)21:18 No.4698694
         File1310260722.jpg-(583 KB, 1000x1500, 1309589633165.jpg)
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    Wait is this you?
    >> Anonymous 07/09/11(Sat)21:21 No.4698716

    No, I wish. I got a picture with her, though! Her cosplay was way better constructed than mine was.
    >> Anonymous 07/09/11(Sat)21:52 No.4698869
         File1310262758.jpg-(314 KB, 1071x1457, 1309953104999.jpg)
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    Any clue on where I could get belts of that size?
    [spoiler]My arms are pretty thin, would I need a certain size too?[/spoiler]
    >> Anonymous 07/09/11(Sat)21:54 No.4698876
         File1310262862.jpg-(39 KB, 500x523, 1309792943661.jpg)
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    My bad, I forgot spoilers don't work here.
    I'm mostly on /a/.
    >> Anonymous 07/09/11(Sat)21:56 No.4698888

    You're going to want to custom make them with pieces of pleather or leather and then attach a buckle. You're probably not likely to find them in a standard belt thing unless you find that style as a bracelet. Perhaps you could modify a wristwatch.

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