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  • File : 1310075239.jpg-(437 KB, 900x600, 5900513680_b8767ecd00_b.jpg)
    437 KB Puella Magi Madoka Magica Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)17:47 No.4689169  
    16 pages and no Madoka thread? For shame!

    Post new content from AX if you've got it! There were a lot of awesome PMMM cosplays there.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)17:50 No.4689179
         File1310075415.jpg-(239 KB, 1024x683, 5902536465_5ae4cdfbcc_b.jpg)
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    Kyuubey and Gendo? FUND IT
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)17:51 No.4689187
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    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)17:51 No.4689192
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    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)17:53 No.4689201
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    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)18:00 No.4689234
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    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)18:33 No.4689380
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    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)18:38 No.4689405
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    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)18:40 No.4689416
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    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)18:50 No.4689467
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    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)19:48 No.4689815
    Stop selfposting Anastasia
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)20:00 No.4689878
         File1310083232.jpg-(386 KB, 683x1024, 5902918354_4eb67296d8_b.jpg)
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    who? fuck off and stop fagging up the thread. i'm not her, i just think it's a good cosplay.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)20:15 No.4689969
         File1310084133.jpg-(1.14 MB, 1218x1641, 5899242097_f5e4ffc261_o.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)20:19 No.4689995
    Not one fucking good Mami in the entire shot.

    You all fail, go into despair and turn into witches already.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)20:22 No.4690008
    Is there such thing as preexisting Homura tights (other than the Anna Sui ones, but the design isn't crisp enough)? Or even with the same pattern (but in a color that it would be possible to color the diamonds myself)? Or would I just be better off making my own ...

    been ebaying and taobaoing for days. :(
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)20:25 No.4690018
         File1310084707.jpg-(80 KB, 938x562, manmi.jpg)
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    >implying you wouldn't fuck Manmi
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)20:26 No.4690028
    Wow, wish I'd seen them at the convention. Too cute.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)20:28 No.4690034

    Manmi is hot as fuck, get out.

    As for the others, I don't get what you mean. The only really terrible ones are the crossplaying one in the very back and the one with the greenish wig. The others look just fine.

    If you want fail cosplay, look at some of the Madokas. Yikes. The two farthest to the right (bottom right and kind of in the middle) in the picture are the only good ones.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)20:28 No.4690042
    you probably have to make them anon, I spend a good 4 hours trying to find the perfect Mami thigh highs and then gave up and decided just to do it myself.

    nothing from sock dreams quite cuts it...
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)20:29 No.4690048

    lol are you kidding? they're both really inaccurate, ill-fitting costumes and the mami is butterface.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)20:31 No.4690053
    Somebody's jelly.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)20:33 No.4690062
    Because straight hair mamis are all the rage.

    Lazy bitches.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)20:37 No.4690072
    any pictures from the aniplex booth?
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)20:40 No.4690091
         File1310085657.png-(137 KB, 373x494, Kyouko_character_art.png)
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    Can I ask a question pertaining to cosplay construction in this thread or is it just for pics?

    Asking anyway: How would you craft Kyouko's wig? Any suggestions? I understand it's a half up half down kinda thing, but I just don't know how to do it.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)20:44 No.4690109
         File1310085867.jpg-(66 KB, 424x640, 1303785868021.jpg)
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    Perfect cosplay? No. But my favorite Mami of all time.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)20:45 No.4690112

    ...not the anon you replied to but have you ever even looked at a reference photo for either of those costumes?

    they're inaccurate and poorly sewn. anyone looking at them would see this immediately.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)20:46 No.4690120
    straight hair? where? i don't see any straight hair mamis in that picture.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)20:46 No.4690121
    self post
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)20:46 No.4690122
         File1310085998.png-(2.58 MB, 1477x900, 1308898384.png)
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    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)20:49 No.4690134
    Nope. I have no idea who the girl is.

    I cosplay Homura.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)20:54 No.4690151

    I don't see why not, as long as it has to do with Madoka.

    For my own Kyouko wig, rather than buy one of the pre-made ones or... a Yoko wig or something, I tried something else. The pre-made ones are different levels of decent out there, so I don't know, there might be something good. But whatever you do, DON'T buy a Yoko wig for her just because it's easier and Yoko wigs are more common right now. Yoko's hair is a completely different shade of red. Nothing throws a Kyouko costume off (for me, at least) than firetruck red hair. Even in the reference photo you attached it's very obvious her hair is a dull maroon shade. So definitely prioritize getting the right color of wig!

    Anyway, I went and bought two long, layered wigs. Kyouko's hair is really full and thick so I figured that would be the best way to do it. I attached one to a strong claw clip and then cut the other one shorter. I used pins to bring back the back layers and clipped the longer wig on top. It actually looks really nice this way, and the bow helps even more to make it look like one seamless wig.

    I got a lot of compliments on my Kyouko wig and that wound up working for me, so I'd suggest trying that too? If not, there ARE some decent pre-made ones, like I said. I'd selfpost a picture for reference but somebody already posted me in this thread lol. Good luck with it!
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)20:58 No.4690167
         File1310086697.jpg-(69 KB, 284x300, 1306777684952.jpg)
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    I hate Madoka fandom and this thread shows why. There are the people who think it's just girls sexing each other up but so many of them are uptight bitches that are total pricks to other fans.

    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)21:01 No.4690179
    Fucking this. I cosplayed from MSMM at AX, and 90% of the cosplayers were completely stuck up bitches (with the exception of the awesome MONINGU LESCUE guys). With the exception of 2 or 3 cosplayers, every time I went up an tried to talk about the show or our costumes, I was snubbed.

    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)21:06 No.4690196
         File1310087163.jpg-(113 KB, 1440x810, 1303574682319.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)21:06 No.4690197
         File1310087174.jpg-(206 KB, 531x750, ccd46f57dcbd8d20f552d5a6ee1a18(...).jpg)
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    Wow, it really sucks that that happened. I was there too (the Kyouko who organized the gatherings) and I didn't have an experience like that. Although... One of my friends mentioned a Mami being really rude to her, which kind of made me sad to hear. Everyone I talked to was really nice, though, and I even made a new friend through a Homura I met on Friday. I hope your experience hasn't dampened your enthusiasm. I think with every fandom there's nice people and not-so-nice people.

    That, and... idk, people DO tend to get really busy/in a rush at AX. I know I didn't get to talk to everyone as much as I'd have liked to, but I'd never have organized the gatherings if I didn't intend for them to be a way for Madoka fans to bond.

    So I don't know. Keep cosplaying from Madoka, anon, I'm sure you'll meet some great friends through it!
    >> Kyuubey !!ZX+PqvxlY7A 07/07/11(Thu)21:09 No.4690207
         File1310087379.gif-(306 KB, 500x281, rollingkyuuby.gif)
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    Shut up Sayaka, no one cares about you. Turn into a witch already, I got quota goals to meet.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)21:14 No.4690227
    Thank you for replying, I think I know which Kyouko you are and your wig is very lovely if I am correct, great color.

    When you say you attached the wig to a strong claw clip are you speaking about in the manner that heza-chan does in her Yoko tutorial if you know what I am talking about? This will be my first actual style I usually buy my wigs pre-styled or they have not been very difficult. I haven't liked any of the pre-styled wigs I've seen for her so far so I am venturing out.

    Also, did you dye it yourself? Do you mind answering where you purchased those wigs in that lovely shade?
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)21:20 No.4690255
    Holy shit, I had the same experience.
    I was cosplaying one of the girls, and I only met two friendly PMMM cosplayers all weekend. With the other two series I cosplayed at AX, there were other cosplayers waving or willing to talk about the series.
    I saw a Kyouko start laughing after she rejected a girl's request for a picture. Who knows if there was some reason for it, it just looked bitchy.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)21:28 No.4690287
         File1310088503.jpg-(202 KB, 500x600, tumblr_ln2hlnnIHT1qknk15o1_500.jpg)
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    I'm >>4689416 and thank you very much! I actually had to look up Heza's tutorial just now, but wow, that's pretty much exactly what I did. I hadn't done it before either, but it wasn't that hard. If I could do it, you can, too! Be sure to try to find a 'non-slip' clip. I found that helped a lot to keep it in place ('non-slip' is like a special coating they put on some hair styling products).

    And I actually did dye it- I used the RIT dye method but used Dylon dyes instead. I began with a bright red and used Navy dye to make it more maroon.


    Jeez, that sucks. I hope it wasn't me. I know I turned down a few photos that weekend but it was only when we were shooting or I was rushing to get somewhere. Maybe the cosplayer was laughing because she was continuing a conversation with her friends? I mean, there's a lot of reasons to turn down a photo. fffuuuuu I want Madoka cosplayers to get along.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)21:41 No.4690358
    Just hang with us lescue guys, we are drink spokesmen, we know how to chill
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)21:46 No.4690370
         File1310089566.jpg-(1.98 MB, 3264x2448, 066.jpg)
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    I totally did talk to a bunch of you at AX (if you were at AX???) and they were all awesome. Pic related.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)21:46 No.4690372
    It's sad when a non cosplayer can talk more about the series with you than cosplayers of that series...
    It was at Metrocon by the way.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)21:49 No.4690388
         File1310089758.jpg-(108 KB, 640x480, Photo0368.jpg)
    108 KB
    everyone was so cute and wonderful <3

    here's a pic that was taken at the wrong time but ended up somewhat humorous
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)21:49 No.4690391
    I took a pic with you guys! You guys were awesome.

    Yeah, I just want to make friends, bawwww. I want us to all get along, too! You'd think we would because we share similar interests.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)21:50 No.4690398
    Most of the Madoka cosplayers I talked to were really nice...
    Then again, I talked to around eight of them. Hurrrr.

    polite sage for no contribution
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)21:51 No.4690406
    your homura must've been unrecognizable.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)21:53 No.4690411

    No, she was a gorgeous Homura. I'd post her but friends don't post friends on 4chan. She was in the schoolgirl uniform, though, which doesn't show up in any of the promotional art. I think said Madoka/Sayaka had never actually watched the series and just looked at some of the art, went ''Oh, how cute!", and skipped off to eBay.
    >> Kyuubey !!ZX+PqvxlY7A 07/07/11(Thu)22:02 No.4690439
         File1310090557.png-(235 KB, 640x360, madoka-1.png)
    235 KB
    Post her anyway, I have to congratulate her for producing the strongest magical girl ever
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)22:24 No.4690508
         File1310091853.jpg-(89 KB, 600x749, 7f19879412b4c2b388e9dd8868e6d6(...).jpg)
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    >> Kyuubey !!ZX+PqvxlY7A 07/07/11(Thu)22:29 No.4690527
         File1310092143.png-(256 KB, 642x280, Kyuubey_aaah.png)
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    Sigh...even though I have multiple bodies, It is a a bit troubling each time you kill me
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)22:37 No.4690553
    I love meeting people through costumes, I've met some of my best friends that way.

    I was nowhere near AX though...and also haven't finished my Mami costume.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)22:42 No.4690578
         File1310092952.jpg-(158 KB, 375x500, 81617a0c927c02c606905b87ce4823(...).jpg)
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    Pretty much agreed. I was a big fan of this girl's Mami cosplay before when I saw pictures of it after Fanime, but she was a huge bitch IRL. It kind of sucked to find out someone I admired was so nasty. Oh well.
    >> Sheryl !!czSBQuVZNHF 07/07/11(Thu)22:47 No.4690595
    Sorry to hear you had a bad experience, Anon. Same thing happened to me, but with cosplayers from another series. Ugh.
    >> Jessie//AnimeFagAngel 07/07/11(Thu)22:53 No.4690617
         File1310093583.jpg-(97 KB, 600x389, IMAG0130.jpg)
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    Man, one of the reasons I really liked the Madoka fandom is because everyone seemed to be super cool with everyone. I even had fun at my first gathering, which was the Saturday Madoka one. In the green room, we pretty much spent all of our time with the other Madoka group. We were so happy other people were cosplaying from the same series.

    I hope it doesn't discourage you from continuing to cosplay from the series or talk to other people cosplaying from the series. I'd say most of us are pretty cool.

    Pic related. Crappy cell phone pic of my group <3
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)22:53 No.4690619
         File1310093585.gif-(394 KB, 200x163, anger.gif)
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    All of my rage.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)22:54 No.4690629

    Which gathering were you at? The Aniplex one or the one held outside West Hall? I don't remember seeing you at either...
    >> Jessie//AnimeFagAngel 07/07/11(Thu)22:56 No.4690638

    I was in the school uniform for Madoka. I showed up at the one that had just left the Aniplex booth, when we were eating the Kyubei cake.

    I ran straight from judging to the gathering, but they weren't allowing anyone in or out of the dealer's room because of the bomb scare, so I was really late.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)22:59 No.4690649
    Does anyone have a pic of the Mami on the far right in the OP pic?
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)23:01 No.4690662

    Oh, I must have missed you! Congrats on your group's win by the way, your skit was great.
    >> RunaFragment !!QJxBaKkl1GW 07/07/11(Thu)23:01 No.4690665
    Jessie, did you do the gradient on the pink part of Madoka's skirt? I haven't been able to tell from the pictures I've seen so far.
    >> Jessie//AnimeFagAngel 07/07/11(Thu)23:08 No.4690691
         File1310094505.jpg-(105 KB, 806x674, Untitled-1.jpg)
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    Thanks! We worked really hard on it. :3 I really want to make this next :X

    Also, brbcryingforever
    >> Jessie//AnimeFagAngel 07/07/11(Thu)23:13 No.4690708
    I did! One of our stage ninjas, Han, is an airbrush artist and did it for me. He's also the one that airbrushed my Msyu tights.
    >> RunaFragment !!QJxBaKkl1GW 07/07/11(Thu)23:21 No.4690733
    Awesome! That's one thing I noticed most Madoka cosplayer missing on their costumes. Can't wait to see more pictures!
    >> Jessie//AnimeFagAngel 07/07/11(Thu)23:38 No.4690801
    Sadly we didn't get any photos done at AX. We are planning on having a photoshoot sometime before I leave though!
    >> Jessie//AnimeFagAngel 07/08/11(Fri)00:06 No.4690925
    Watching the last episode again, I hope that people cosplay the other magical girls that are supposed to represent famous women throughout history.
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)00:13 No.4690950
    You want to make sparkily naked Madoka? lol
    >> Alternate Timeline Dickweed 07/08/11(Fri)00:14 No.4690953
         File1310098444.jpg-(1.63 MB, 2760x3680, DSC01491.jpg)
    1.63 MB
    Second Season with Morning Rescue guy subbing in for Homerun?

    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)00:15 No.4690960
    Oh god.. one of the Madokas on Saturday's gathering was such a huge bitch. I just wanted to compliment your costume, you don't have to snap.

    Plus I heard she felt up all of the Morning Rescue guys when she asked for a pic.
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)00:20 No.4690975
         File1310098817.jpg-(1.01 MB, 3032x1986, yodawg.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)00:22 No.4690989
         File1310098965.jpg-(140 KB, 640x480, IMG_1401.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)00:23 No.4690992
         File1310099022.jpg-(263 KB, 904x766, IMG_1402.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)00:25 No.4690999
         File1310099132.png-(117 KB, 482x484, 1301044547420.png)
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    This is amazing.
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)00:40 No.4691084
         File1310100021.jpg-(63 KB, 720x540, 262213_10150687878000462_66457(...).jpg)
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    Which one was it?
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)00:47 No.4691117
    The right most one.
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)00:51 No.4691148
         File1310100713.jpg-(380 KB, 1024x683, 5902394255_75bce0213b_b.jpg)
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    lol, knew it. she had a constipated bitchy look on her face the entire time at the gatherings.
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)00:59 No.4691189
         File1310101140.png-(64 KB, 372x375, 1301065779530.png)
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    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)01:09 No.4691250
         File1310101794.jpg-(2 MB, 2070x3680, DSC01490.jpg)
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    Glad you guys like it, had to pose 'em myself :P
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)01:20 No.4691308
    She shoved me out of the way at the Saturday gathering with a snide remark, even though there was enough space to move around me.
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)01:27 No.4691342
    I see other people had issues with her too, huh?
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)01:29 No.4691349
         File1310102942.jpg-(117 KB, 492x492, 1307443185871.jpg)
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    >Smug Madoka
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)01:32 No.4691364
         File1310103174.jpg-(89 KB, 720x540, 264140_200663183318852_1988837(...).jpg)
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    Any pictures of the Aniplex gathering? The ones on their facebook are blurry as shit.
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)01:37 No.4691378
         File1310103461.jpg-(213 KB, 1200x1600, Photo411.jpg)
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    Really? Man, hate to hear that. I enjoyed myself a lot, and no one really came off as all that mean to me. Maybe you were catching people at the wrong time?
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)01:46 No.4691408
    I totally took a pic with you guys.

    But anywho, it wasn't so much as they were outright mean, but when you'd go to talk to them or compliment their costume, you'd be snubbed and then they'd be snarky.
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)01:57 No.4691439
         File1310104658.png-(1.05 MB, 1000x750, Photo399.png)
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    Well rest assured that Morning Rescue is universal in their appreciation of fans.
    >> Kaguya is a !BEaRD8DGAI 07/08/11(Fri)02:10 No.4691482
         File1310105455.jpg-(434 KB, 667x1000, 2011.AX-3659.jpg)
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    Fuck that rule about not posting friends.
    If it's good, I'm fucking posting it!
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)02:16 No.4691497
    There are some better ones on ACP. It didn't look like there were too many people there, though.
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)02:17 No.4691499
         File1310105857.jpg-(369 KB, 800x533, 7a0ef9a07bb1f78c1f37a740212e0b(...).jpg)
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    Would work if I attach the pictures....
    >> Kaguya is a !BEaRD8DGAI 07/08/11(Fri)02:18 No.4691501
         File1310105918.jpg-(463 KB, 667x1000, 2011.AX-3604.jpg)
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    P/Leather Seyiku is best Seyiku.
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)02:19 No.4691503
         File1310105940.jpg-(363 KB, 533x800, cfac9cc3ac4cecf4ea8529e0ae922d(...).jpg)
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    Cute Kyokos
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)02:20 No.4691508
         File1310106005.jpg-(373 KB, 800x533, ae48450c87fddc181b8936a1cbf879(...).jpg)
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    Charlotte showed up.
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)02:21 No.4691512
         File1310106113.jpg-(398 KB, 800x533, ed5e0e3935259b55f13f0287e295c8(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)02:23 No.4691517
         File1310106217.jpg-(421 KB, 800x533, 4301adc514d632cea3eff5e0a65101(...).jpg)
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    Group shot. I thought there were more than two Mamis. I'm surprised there was only one Sayaka as well.
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)02:24 No.4691521

    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)02:24 No.4691523
         File1310106297.jpg-(344 KB, 533x800, 80775b0a6ecfaa72c8f46bc778c9a7(...).jpg)
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    This was cute.
    I think everything else was from the Nico video and the eating of the cake.
    >> Kaguya is a !BEaRD8DGAI 07/08/11(Fri)02:27 No.4691537
         File1310106437.jpg-(454 KB, 1000x667, 2011.AX-3377.jpg)
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    Fuck yeah, Kyokos!
    >> Kaguya is a !BEaRD8DGAI 07/08/11(Fri)02:28 No.4691543
         File1310106530.jpg-(507 KB, 667x1000, 2011.AX-3368.jpg)
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    Have a trio instead.
    >> Kaguya is a !BEaRD8DGAI 07/08/11(Fri)02:31 No.4691553
    Best Mamis.
    >> Kaguya is a !BEaRD8DGAI 07/08/11(Fri)02:33 No.4691557
         File1310106781.jpg-(469 KB, 1000x667, 2011.AX-3070.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)02:36 No.4691573

    HOW COULD YOU? ;_; Did you get any of her with her group maybe? She's with >>4690992.
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)02:39 No.4691580
         File1310107140.jpg-(87 KB, 640x480, Sayaka_Miki_Anime_Design.jpg)
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    You know, I've really been scratching my head over the fact that this Sayaka went to the effort of trimming the flaps on her skirt in white bias tape, even mitering all the corners. It's not in the original design. It just seems like an unnecessary headache to add in.

    Oh well. Maybe she was going off of memory and just remembered the white on the bottom of the skirt.
    >> Kaguya is a !BEaRD8DGAI 07/08/11(Fri)02:47 No.4691606
         File1310107649.jpg-(486 KB, 1000x667, 2011.AX-3121.jpg)
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    They were busy with another photog and I didn't want to be 'that guy'
    Plus, that heat and the lack of sleep were NOT helping.

    Some people can't help giving off certain vibes.
    She's actually pretty nice.
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)03:03 No.4691655

    Sorry but I don't think her rolling her eyes at one of my friends for no reason counts as a 'certain vibe'. It was pretty blatantly bitchy.
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)03:08 No.4691667
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    >> Kaguya is a !BEaRD8DGAI 07/08/11(Fri)03:15 No.4691687
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    I wasn't there so I can neither interpret that and neither do I care to.
    I'm simply posting my experiences with her cause this board has enough shitty drama as it is.

    Cheer up. Have some Homu.
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)03:21 No.4691705

    i like her but... dem argyle tights. whyyyy. the anna sui ones would even have worked better.
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)03:25 No.4691716
    why is it so hard for Homura cosplayers to make the right tights...
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)03:27 No.4691719
    White girls really can't pull off Madoka... All of these girls have amazing costumes but it's their face and body that ruins it, if you're not short and A cup with a cute face then forget about it.
    >> Kaguya is a !BEaRD8DGAI 07/08/11(Fri)03:52 No.4691778
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    And golf clubs aren't allowed at AX yet this one is peacebonded.
    1/10 is the best I can do for you so fuck your clique and the bitch you rode in on, you shitty excuse for a non-tripping-Proud-Asian.

    Anna Sui ones do work much better but even those aren't the greatest. They're just the best manufactured ones.

    Cause it's pretty difficult to paint your thighs with a pattern like that.
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)04:07 No.4691826

    seeing as Madoka doesn't even look Asian to begin with, idk what the hell you're getting at. really, the only character in the show who DOESN'T look white is Homura, and that's only because of her coloring. Asian people aren't the end-all be-all of cosplay. I'm sick of people acting like white girls can't pull off cute anime girls when in fact it's the white girls who look more like them.
    >> Kaguya is a !BEaRD8DGAI 07/08/11(Fri)04:22 No.4691875
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    Leave it be. This is a Meguka thread not a Proud To Be Asian thread.

    So, have some more non-asian Homu <3
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)04:47 No.4691943
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    you're right, good sir. here's some non-Asian Kyouko.
    >> Kaguya is a !BEaRD8DGAI 07/08/11(Fri)05:37 No.4692055
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    Have a shitty shot of the genderflipped Mami.
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)05:39 No.4692057
    a guy in the front got yelled at because she was running the shoot and wasn't around to handle the countdown so he stepped up

    lol cosplay meetups
    >> Kaguya is a !BEaRD8DGAI 07/08/11(Fri)05:51 No.4692082
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    It's like I'm fated to never meet you in person ;_;
    >> Jessie//AnimeFagAngel 07/08/11(Fri)10:20 No.4692382

    I'm sorry ;~; What's your next con?
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)15:11 No.4692989

    lol, that would be me and I was right there and available, actually! I was watching the crowd to make sure everyone was getting their shots in. it was near the beginning of the gathering and I think the Madokas and Homura were up? at that time, more people kept arriving and hurrying to pull out there cameras. dude was in the front getting impatient so he decided to tell everyone to GTFO himself. not cool, imo, and I told him such, not 'yelled'. :|
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)15:13 No.4693001


    I should not be allowed to spell when I've just woken up.

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