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  • File : 1309992892.jpg-(102 KB, 500x281, tumblr_lnxer9a45P1qlrvl6o1_500..jpg)
    102 KB Anime Expo thread who knows what number Anonymous 07/06/11(Wed)18:54 No.4684563  
    Wondering where the last thread went, so here have another generic AX thread. Post photo requests whatever, go.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/11(Wed)18:56 No.4684566
         File1309992972.jpg-(248 KB, 960x1280, 1309925912180.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 07/06/11(Wed)18:58 No.4684575
         File1309993131.jpg-(423 KB, 2048x1365, 271631_2236770925217_142631652(...).jpg)
    423 KB
    weeaboo Xing
    >> Anonymous 07/06/11(Wed)19:03 No.4684583
    If anyone could post some pictures from the Persona gathering, that'd be great.
    >> Soma 07/06/11(Wed)19:06 No.4684589
         File1309993578.jpg-(39 KB, 240x317, DSC05458-1.jpg)
    39 KB
    I went to the Gundam Unicorn signing & I met that Stephanie Sheh lady. She was pretty cool with me, even though my friend went into full fan-girl mode for that Yuri guy right next to me...
    >> Hotpants. !YcQtyPgSFA 07/06/11(Wed)19:14 No.4684609
         File1309994043.jpg-(483 KB, 1036x1552, c13b856b6b6061568505675fb41323(...).jpg)
    483 KB
    Herp derp self-post.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/11(Wed)19:34 No.4684684
    Did anyone get a picture of the Zero No Tsukaima (Louise) cosplayer from Saturday? That would be my younger cousin. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if she was the onlly ZnT cosplayer at the whole con.
    >> PantsuNugeruMon !!pjuJP0576Q+ 07/06/11(Wed)19:41 No.4684731
    Still looking for pictures of either me as Mio Akiyama in Don't Say Lazy and Listen!! and/or Hotpants and I as Angel Panty and Stocking. We were the ones that competed in the Masquerade on Sunday. They have to be out there somewhere.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/11(Wed)19:42 No.4684739
    I am in search of any pictures of an African american Prussia

    anyone anyone? (and yes i know the irony in what i sad)
    >> Hotpants. !YcQtyPgSFA 07/06/11(Wed)19:49 No.4684791
         File1309996193.jpg-(140 KB, 533x800, 1246234..jpg)
    140 KB
    Hey look a reference picture of us.
    >> Kabuki Mouse !2Ze1d7IESk 07/06/11(Wed)19:51 No.4684794
    Those are dudes, right?
    >> Anonymous 07/06/11(Wed)19:53 No.4684806
    I hope so.
    >> Hotpants. !YcQtyPgSFA 07/06/11(Wed)19:55 No.4684816
    Lol oh u.
    >> Mango !/H75r04CD. 07/06/11(Wed)19:55 No.4684819
         File1309996530.jpg-(760 KB, 1200x1600, Segata Sanshiro AX 2011.jpg)
    760 KB
    Segata Sanshiro proudly clutching his Dreamcast
    >> Mango !/H75r04CD. 07/06/11(Wed)19:57 No.4684829
         File1309996655.jpg-(778 KB, 1200x1600, Segata Sanshiro is not Pleased(...).jpg)
    778 KB
    I asked for a picture with him... wait what's wrong, Mister Segata Sanshiro?
    >> Mango !/H75r04CD. 07/06/11(Wed)19:58 No.4684835
         File1309996711.jpg-(734 KB, 1200x1600, Segata Sanshiro Judo Throw AX (...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 07/06/11(Wed)19:59 No.4684839
         File1309996740.jpg-(47 KB, 500x500, 1288144003078.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 07/06/11(Wed)20:00 No.4684846
    The lack of Umineko cosplayers at this con disappoints me. All I saw was a really old looking Maria and a decent Kanon. I was hoping for a pretty Jessica or Shannon
    >> Anonymous 07/06/11(Wed)20:02 No.4684856
    K-ON gathering anyone?
    >> Anonymous 07/06/11(Wed)20:02 No.4684858
         File1309996963.png-(269 KB, 603x417, segata_sanshiro.png)
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    >> Anonymous 07/06/11(Wed)20:05 No.4684871
         File1309997148.jpg-(712 KB, 1080x1440, Ange.jpg)
    712 KB

    This was the best Umineko cosplay in AX, imo.

    Delicious Angeburger
    >> PantsuNugeruMon !!pjuJP0576Q+ 07/06/11(Wed)20:07 No.4684880
         File1309997256.jpg-(660 KB, 1600x1200, DSCF4834.jpg)
    660 KB
    Since I only stayed for the group shot, which was at the very beginning, all I got was this. It was a total bust, in my opinion, so I wasn't going to waste my time at it. What pissed me off was that the chick next to me kept touching my baby (Elizabeth, the bass) because I guess she thought it was in her way. I'm the Mio with the bass on the middle/right side of the picture.

    Sorry I can't deliver anything better, Anon!
    >> Anonymous 07/06/11(Wed)20:09 No.4684888
    Does anyone have any blazblue from the photoshoot on sat or any in general?
    >> Anonymous 07/06/11(Wed)20:12 No.4684905
    Ah yeah.. I showed up a little late as No Thank You Mio.. All the Mugis showed up really late
    >> Anonymous 07/06/11(Wed)20:14 No.4684923
    There was a good looking witch!Eva too, but she ran off before i could ask for a photo.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/11(Wed)20:17 No.4684928
    anyone got pics of the mouning lesque group
    >> Anonymous 07/06/11(Wed)20:18 No.4684936
    I think I saw that witchEva but the material of her cosplay irked me
    >> Anonymous 07/06/11(Wed)20:20 No.4684944

    there's a few more photobucket albums too (found this one off the coscom ax photo galleries list).
    >> Anonymous 07/06/11(Wed)20:20 No.4684947
         File1309998049.jpg-(469 KB, 1700x1275, DSCN1412.jpg)
    469 KB
    >> Mango !/H75r04CD. 07/06/11(Wed)20:21 No.4684949
         File1309998075.jpg-(857 KB, 1200x1600, Eva-Beatrice AX 2011.jpg)
    857 KB

    You mean this? It's the only one I got of her. I wonder if she brought her staff...
    >> Anonymous 07/06/11(Wed)20:22 No.4684956
    Thanks anon. Been looking everywhere for pics.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/11(Wed)20:22 No.4684957
         File1309998142.png-(61 KB, 414x301, demcrabs1.png)
    61 KB
    Does anyone have the pic of the two spies doing this pose?
    >> Anonymous 07/06/11(Wed)20:22 No.4684959
         File1309998174.jpg-(213 KB, 800x600, IMG_1416.jpg)
    213 KB
    >> Anonymous 07/06/11(Wed)20:24 No.4684972
    She didn't, I saw her when I passed by the Umineko gathering
    She was pretty and fit the character, though.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/11(Wed)20:26 No.4684976

    NP. There's actually a lot of people out there that linked to just the K-On gathering in this thread.


    Try ACP too.
    >> Mango !/H75r04CD. 07/06/11(Wed)20:27 No.4684984
         File1309998467.jpg-(654 KB, 1824x1026, Morning Rescue aiding Assassin(...).jpg)
    654 KB

    I hope she brings a staff next time. :3

    While we're posting of Morning Rescues, here's my contribution.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/11(Wed)20:29 No.4684992
    the nintendo line up please.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/11(Wed)20:36 No.4685025
    I only saw her from the side in the crowded exhibit hall, so I only caught a glimpse of the outfit. Looked okay from what I saw.

    yeah, that's probably her.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/11(Wed)20:38 No.4685033
    Anyone have TK from Angel Beats?
    >> Anonymous 07/06/11(Wed)20:40 No.4685042
    >eurobeatking, eurobeatking dumps everywhere
    >> Anonymous 07/06/11(Wed)20:42 No.4685052
    Anyone have any pictures of that Ritsu?
    >> Anonymous 07/06/11(Wed)20:43 No.4685061
    Did anyone get photos of the super hot angel panty and cop stocking on saturday? I tried to get a photo of them but the crowds kept blocking me.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/11(Wed)20:44 No.4685064

    thanks brosephs
    >> Anonymous 07/06/11(Wed)20:45 No.4685068
         File1309999526.jpg-(5 KB, 251x251, 88.jpg)
    5 KB
    Spy disguised as Hatsune Miku anyone?
    >> Matt !o504RVa/WI 07/06/11(Wed)21:03 No.4685138
         File1310000599.jpg-(59 KB, 500x282, tumblr_lnwkkctrlJ1qk3msko1_500.jpg)
    59 KB
    Anyone have any pics of me as Kamina?
    >> MrFreeman !KsSAk/XATI 07/06/11(Wed)21:03 No.4685143
         File1310000636.jpg-(72 KB, 720x431, sdfsdfsdf.jpg)
    72 KB
    Can we discuss the Miku concert? I read a bit of the official AX forums and most of them are crying that the environment wasn't "hardcore" enough for them and not everyone was standing to show their appreciation during the concert like in the videos of the Japanese concerts.

    The Nokia Theater wasn't DESIGNED for that kind of thing. There was also complaints of people in the front front not being wild enough, which I actually appreciated. Any glowsticks or lighting on the crowd in front of Miku would reflect directly off her panel. This was really prominent with the red lighting in the encore.

    My main problem was, of course, where I was seated. Not so much because Miku wasn't clear 100% of the time, but to the left of me, everyone stood during the concert, and to the right of me was a giant wall. This caused an odd echo effect and also muddled sound. It wasn't until I watched the stream later that I realized what I thought was an extended "Po-Pi-Po" was actually an English reprise.

    Also, dat encore wait time. Pic related, where I sat, Second level, H510.
    >> Poolboy !!FxpWWedJUtg 07/06/11(Wed)21:07 No.4685154
    let me check my fap folder
    >> Anonymous 07/06/11(Wed)21:07 No.4685155
    Did anyone have dirty con sex?
    >> ♠Todd♣ !XOXOXO8wDs 07/06/11(Wed)21:09 No.4685160
         File1310000949.png-(134 KB, 602x324, Screen shot 2011-07-06 at 11.4(...).png)
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    >> BLUE !./././VTrk 07/06/11(Wed)21:09 No.4685162
         File1310000996.png-(39 KB, 452x299, hellsfuckingyeah.png)
    39 KB
    >> Anonymous 07/06/11(Wed)21:10 No.4685163
    is that little green dot Miku?
    >> MrFreeman !KsSAk/XATI 07/06/11(Wed)21:10 No.4685166
    >but to the left of me
    I meant to the right. I'm pretty burnt out tonight apparently.
    >> MrFreeman !KsSAk/XATI 07/06/11(Wed)21:13 No.4685175
    Taken before the concert started. People who even held their phones or cameras too high would be escorted out of the concert. I've always hated the Nokia Theater and it's retarded "no exception" rules.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/11(Wed)21:13 No.4685176
    I don't think the concert had was a sold out concert and those seats look empty. Didn't so, so I wouldn't know.
    >> Poolboy !!FxpWWedJUtg 07/06/11(Wed)21:13 No.4685178
         File1310001210.png-(104 KB, 251x251, 1282539238264.png)
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    >> Matt !o504RVa/WI 07/06/11(Wed)21:14 No.4685181
         File1310001247.jpg-(17 KB, 322x248, ANd Verything Went Better Than(...).jpg)
    17 KB

    Ok, I lolled
    >> Anonymous 07/06/11(Wed)21:14 No.4685182
    >> Anonymous 07/06/11(Wed)21:15 No.4685188
    Anyone have pics of the cute Zelda and Peach? I think they wore them all four days.
    >> Mango !/H75r04CD. 07/06/11(Wed)21:18 No.4685197
         File1310001494.jpg-(628 KB, 1824x1026, Zelda & Peach 1 AX 2011.jpg)
    628 KB

    These ladies?
    >> ♠Todd♣ !XOXOXO8wDs 07/06/11(Wed)21:19 No.4685207
         File1310001574.jpg-(337 KB, 700x700, Untitled 2.jpg)
    337 KB
    >> Anonymous 07/06/11(Wed)21:20 No.4685210
    Yessss. Ah they were so adorable. The dresses looked EXTREMELY well made as well, and they fit the looks.
    >> Poolboy !!FxpWWedJUtg 07/06/11(Wed)21:20 No.4685211
         File1310001641.jpg-(22 KB, 500x463, 1254955170760.jpg)
    22 KB
    >> Mango !/H75r04CD. 07/06/11(Wed)21:24 No.4685227
         File1310001851.jpg-(448 KB, 864x1536, Zelda & Peach 2 AX 2011.jpg)
    448 KB

    Here's another one I took.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/11(Wed)21:26 No.4685233

    How come you didn't like the K-on gathering? I liked your Mio, would have loved to get more pics of you. Were you with that Ritsu?
    >> Anonymous 07/06/11(Wed)21:28 No.4685241

    That's why Segata Sanshiro destroyed him. He called his Sega Saturn a Dreamcast.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/11(Wed)21:30 No.4685256
         File1310002235.jpg-(74 KB, 537x720, 267908_10150263244118281_50734(...).jpg)
    74 KB
    Searching for any Scanty from PSG cosplay pics or pics from the PSG Gathering on Day One :>
    >> PantsuNugeruMon !!pjuJP0576Q+ 07/06/11(Wed)21:35 No.4685278
         File1310002505.jpg-(56 KB, 651x693, 1308185622684.jpg)
    56 KB
    Ahh man, that one was good.

    I've actually stumbled upon several pictures of you in some galleries, while searching for pictures of me and Hotpants.

    I kinda expected the glass panel on stage to be bigger for some reason. Most of the time, I had to watch her on the big screens. I can't really complain because I had a pretty good isle seat near the front, I suppose. It still was a tad difficult to see her. I sat a V401. I was kinda irked that we couldn't take any pictures, and that even press were escorted to the back with their camera. I mean, I had a good time, but still.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/11(Wed)21:35 No.4685279
    2nding the request for any PSG gathering photos. I passed by it when it was around 1pm and didn't see any great cosplays so I didn't stick around.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/11(Wed)21:37 No.4685288
         File1310002668.jpg-(159 KB, 480x640, IMG_1261.jpg)
    159 KB
    >> PantsuNugeruMon !!pjuJP0576Q+ 07/06/11(Wed)21:39 No.4685294
         File1310002753.png-(127 KB, 250x351, 7326.png)
    127 KB
    No, I wasn't with that Ritsu. My Ritsu was unfortunately back home, here in Texas, along with all my other girls.

    I just don't really know why I didn't like it. It was kinda just...there, like things weren't being very organized, so I just thought it better to leave. I can't describe it very well. Glad to know you liked my Mio cosplay, though.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/11(Wed)21:41 No.4685308
    I was butthurt that I missed buying a ticket and thus missed the concert. Earlier today I watched the recording and felt like if I were there I would have been crazy excited and helping the crowd get worked up
    >> Anonymous 07/06/11(Wed)21:42 No.4685311

    Oh, okay - sorry, got you mixed up for a sec. Yeah, I liked that you had the bass, it was legit. Sorry it felt disorganized. Hope you still had fun at the rest of the con, though.
    >> Hotpants. !YcQtyPgSFA 07/06/11(Wed)21:47 No.4685356
    Anyone happen to have pictures of the lolita girl? It's my friend, and I'm trying to get pictures for her.
    >> Militsiya Officer Boris !!pP78TjSIAmJ 07/06/11(Wed)21:50 No.4685375
    Would anyone happen to have any pictures of me as Pop'n Music Masamune? I remember being asked for a lot more picutures than I thought, it was a real surprise.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/11(Wed)21:50 No.4685379
    Thirding this. Just curious to how the pictures ce out. I was pretty much the female Brief that was attacked when Panty and Brief pairing was called up
    >> Anonymous 07/06/11(Wed)22:29 No.4685599
         File1310005795.png-(1.41 MB, 692x922, alright.png)
    1.41 MB
    Did anyone happen to get a pic of this guy? I was bummed that his bags are in the way
    >> Anonymous 07/06/11(Wed)23:11 No.4685813
    OP Bump.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/11(Wed)23:13 No.4685827

    Ahh my friend has an amazing pic with his camera but he hasn't uploaded photos yet, I'm really sorry. I'll try to remind him to upload them! He was an amazing Mugen, though.
    >> Dead !Mau55LLxj. 07/06/11(Wed)23:14 No.4685833
    Still looking for pictures of my Kyubey Kigurumi if anybody has them. I wore it on days 3 and 4.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/11(Wed)23:26 No.4685885
    Awww dang, if he gets around to it tell him to post it here. Mugen's my favorite
    >> Anonymous 07/06/11(Wed)23:33 No.4685912
         File1310009588.png-(1.57 MB, 761x1014, yes.png)
    1.57 MB
    Looking for more of dat Jigen.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/11(Wed)23:45 No.4685962
    I still haven't seen anything about who won Best in Show at the contest.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/11(Wed)23:46 No.4685967
         File1310010375.jpg-(79 KB, 540x720, kaminar.jpg)
    79 KB
    Just one with your friend who decided to get in the picture. lol
    >> Dead !Mau55LLxj. 07/06/11(Wed)23:46 No.4685969
    What do you mean? As far as their cosplay?
    >> Dead !Mau55LLxj. 07/06/11(Wed)23:47 No.4685972
    MattxHobbes is the OTP of this board.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/11(Wed)23:53 No.4686007
    It was a Nadeisco group. They had fantastic costumes, but the skit itself was mediocre.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/11(Wed)23:54 No.4686009

    I haven't even heard who won. So yeah, cosplay and/or cosplayer.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/11(Wed)23:56 No.4686026
    Ah, didn't know lol.
    >> Sandwich !Kd9ZSo7SyQ 07/06/11(Wed)23:57 No.4686027
    Still looking for any pictures of my mamimi from day 1. All I have is the ones my boyfriend took day 2 when my hair was all gross from sleeping in a car and sweating all night.
    >> Anonymous 07/06/11(Wed)23:57 No.4686034

    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)00:03 No.4686055
         File1310011432.jpg-(492 KB, 1000x667, IMG_1367.jpg)
    492 KB
    Anybody know who these 2 are? (Especially the one on the left). I seem to be running into them every year at AX.

    Took this photo on day 3, if it matters any.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)00:06 No.4686066

    came across their names on facebook (grace is the mio, celicia or something is the azusa) while looking through AX albums.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)00:07 No.4686072

    make sure to bring a cig next time!
    >> Sandwich !Kd9ZSo7SyQ 07/07/11(Thu)00:09 No.4686079
    I know I know! My bad :c
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)00:17 No.4686116
         File1310012243.jpg-(588 KB, 667x1000, IMG_1555.jpg)
    588 KB
    Cool, thanks. Is it odd that I literally don't know anybody I take photos of? (Not really a /cgl/ regular).

    Anyway, have more unknown cosplayers that I am unfamiliar with.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)00:21 No.4686133

    No, it's completely fine. AX is a huge con and a lot of people are just busy running around everywhere. Usually unless you stop and chat/hang out with the cosplayer after taking a photo (assuming they're free), it's normal not to get to know them. Most photogs I know are ones that found me on facebook after the con and I struck up conversation with them, or I found them on the forums.
    >> Da0 !pv64UU0pH. 07/07/11(Thu)00:26 No.4686155
    Busou Shinki
    (yes, they're cosplaying toys)

    left to right: Oorbellen, Raptias, and Artille
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)00:34 No.4686196

    Oh wait.. sorry, did you mean the cosplayers personally or what series they're cosplaying? Because they're Mio and Azusa from K-On, sorry. I thought you meant like, what their real names were or something. In case you wanted a photoshoot.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)00:34 No.4686197
         File1310013293.jpg-(511 KB, 1000x667, IMG_1584.jpg)
    511 KB
    THAT'S WHAT IT WAS. It was odd that the one in white seemed so familiar.

    Ah, I see. Everytime I stop a cosplayer for a photo, I'm always worried that I'm cock-blocking them to some event/panel that they're in a hurry to get to. Maybe I should start talking to them more next year...
    >> MrFreeman !KsSAk/XATI 07/07/11(Thu)00:36 No.4686203
         File1310013381.jpg-(19 KB, 712x400, MikuWink.jpg)
    19 KB
    I couldn't be the only one who attended here, could I?
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)00:37 No.4686211
    Oh no, totally knew who they were cosplaying. Was just curious about their names since they tend to consistently put on good outfits every year.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)00:38 No.4686217

    Personally, I'm always pleased to get my photo taken and stop to chat for a bit about the series. If they seem like they're in a hurry, just take a quick photo and leave - takes less than 30 seconds. But if they're really rushing somewhere or eating, I'd wait and catch them another time. It's always helpful to catch a photo when they're already posing, too.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)00:41 No.4686226
    Anyone got shit from the pokemon gathering?
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)00:41 No.4686228
    Oh, okay. Yeah I only have their facebooks (awkwardly enough), I'm not sure of their accounts or deviantarts, sorry. I don't think I should post it just for their privacy reasons, but if you do come across them on facebook (I think I found the album with them tagged on the Anime Expo "Con photos/reports" thread) just send them a friend request and tell them you saw them at AX and you liked their costumes.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)00:42 No.4686233

    Not sure if you can see this album, but this guy posted a shitload of photos from the pokemon gathering

    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)00:43 No.4686239
         File1310013834.jpg-(114 KB, 720x480, 262296_10150246566894833_59455(...).jpg)
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    Meant to include a picture in that.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)00:45 No.4686246
    Hnng no go. Thanks anyway
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)00:46 No.4686251
    All right. I'll dump a few. Give me a few minutes
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)00:48 No.4686260
    Would you be willing to post some here? I was one of the dodrios... so I'd just like maybe the gen1 shot or the Normal pokemon shot?

    I have Yugioh and some Valve gathering to trade with :I
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)00:49 No.4686265
         File1310014176.jpg-(1.21 MB, 2816x2112, IMG_2185.jpg)
    1.21 MB
    Thanks a ton!
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)00:51 No.4686272
         File1310014268.jpg-(91 KB, 720x480, 261621_10150246573479833_59455(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)00:51 No.4686275
         File1310014287.jpg-(233 KB, 1152x1536, AX 3587.jpg)
    233 KB
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)00:51 No.4686280
         File1310014316.jpg-(95 KB, 720x480, 263891_10150246571484833_59455(...).jpg)
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    Mind you, this isn't my album, it's just a friend's album.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)00:52 No.4686283
         File1310014350.jpg-(106 KB, 720x480, 264076_10150246566804833_59455(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)00:53 No.4686287
    It's cool man, thanks for all the info.

    I don't think I'll be contacting them anytime soon however, since I want to actually learn how to conduct a legit photoshoot before I start adding people on FB. Photography might be one of my hobbies but I definitely don't know how to direct people on poses.

    Thanks. Always great to have some sort of insight about the people wearing the outfits themselves.

    Well, not gonna spam the thread with my shit anymore, but I do have more stuff on my flickr for anybody interested:

    polite sage
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)00:53 No.4686288
         File1310014425.jpg-(89 KB, 720x480, 268901_10150246569319833_59455(...).jpg)
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    I flipped through the photos, and since he was cosplaying as a trainer I don't think he took photos of alot of the gijinkas.. Sorry
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)00:54 No.4686295
    Anyone got any pics of Madoka cosplayers and/or the Aniplex gathering?
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)00:55 No.4686301
         File1310014520.jpg-(108 KB, 720x480, 270676_10150246568264833_59455(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)00:56 No.4686304
         File1310014582.jpg-(1.02 MB, 2112x2816, IMG_2155.jpg)
    1.02 MB
    Ah, makes sense. Thanks for these! There were way too many people and it was hard to see a lot of the cosplays.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)00:57 No.4686316
         File1310014628.jpg-(621 KB, 1700x1275, DSCN1389.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)00:59 No.4686326

    I'm here, I'm here!

    Personally, I'm just pissed that I didn't get the memo that by getting your ticket on day zero you get priority seating (I guess it should have been obvious, but I wasn't really thinking about it). Then again, it wouldn't have mattered due to my travel arrangements ensuring I would only get to go to the con on Saturday and Sunday, but still. My seat wasn't too terrible, as I got it early in the day on Saturday, and I could see/hear fine the whole time, so whatever.

    Really, not as many people were standing/super into it as I expected, but I heard that quite a lot of people who weren't Vocaloid fans were going just to see the technology, so I guess some party-poopers is to be expected. No big deal. I just felt kinda awkward sitting in between two people who were sitting/on their iPhones for half the concert. Seriously. Meanwhile, I'm singing along and screaming like it's nobody's damn business, like the fantard I am.

    It took me a minute to realize that the second PoPiPo was in English too, but once I got it, I thought it was pretty damn cool.

    My main wish was that Len/Rin/Luka would have had more/different songs. I know the concert was designed to be Miku-centric because of the whole Toyota deal and the concert being called "Mikunopolis" and her being a GoH and all, but still, I woulda liked to hear something like Kokoro or Spice or Double Lariat or something. I was also surprised that there wasn't a Magnet routine, but they DID do W.E.D so I guess that makes up for it.

    tl;dr I had a wonderful time, and it was a memorable concert. I would definitely go again (preferably with some more variety/other Vocaloids).
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)01:00 No.4686330
         File1310014822.jpg-(1.49 MB, 2816x2112, IMG_2395.jpg)
    1.49 MB
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)01:02 No.4686340


    any more of the group in the second pic? dat madoka.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)01:04 No.4686348
         File1310015077.jpg-(780 KB, 1700x1275, DSCN1442.jpg)
    780 KB
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)01:05 No.4686359
    Anything from the Persona Gathering? Anything? Even the Midnight Gathering at the Westin?
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)01:06 No.4686364
         File1310015217.jpg-(740 KB, 1700x1275, DSCN1388.jpg)
    740 KB
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)01:08 No.4686370
         File1310015307.jpg-(78 KB, 720x540, 270931_10150306551667533_78139(...).jpg)
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    >> CAPTAIN !DYKElxHomo 07/07/11(Thu)01:08 No.4686372
         File1310015317.jpg-(190 KB, 960x543, FOREVER ALONE hoobs.jpg)
    190 KB
    Oh hay what's goin on in this thread.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)01:08 No.4686373
         File1310015337.jpg-(981 KB, 2112x2816, IMG_2152.jpg)
    981 KB
    Just this.. Nothing from the gathering.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)01:09 No.4686376
         File1310015376.jpg-(84 KB, 540x720, 264361_10150306553292533_78139(...).jpg)
    84 KB

    I'm not too familiar with Persona. I'll post pics from my friend's album.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)01:09 No.4686377
    /r/ing the pedobear with candy pictures on Day 2
    >> MrFreeman !KsSAk/XATI 07/07/11(Thu)01:09 No.4686378
    The whole "You get your ticket in the order they are passed out and not when you made your purchase online" was something I had feared, as I knew AX wouldn't be smart enough to be able to bundle tickets and badges together.

    Also, going to pick up my Miku ticket by myself and not with a friend also made it so I sat beside strangers.

    I will admit, I went for the tech, but I've always been a casual fan of Miku. Save a few cute pieces of art, keep some of the songs I like, but that was about it.

    I feel like such a poser getting into the series during it's debut in the US. Naruto, One Piece, Bleach, and many others, the fandoms just lose what they once had when they weren't available to the masses in the US.
    >> piplup !Ebgln4OHzA 07/07/11(Thu)01:10 No.4686384
         File1310015432.png-(249 KB, 600x338, piplupcry.png)
    249 KB
    That's so sad... not even his shoe wants to stay with him.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)01:10 No.4686385
         File1310015433.jpg-(1008 KB, 2816x2112, IMG_2216.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)01:10 No.4686386
         File1310015449.jpg-(108 KB, 720x540, 271189_10150306556837533_78139(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)01:11 No.4686392
         File1310015507.jpg-(100 KB, 720x540, 270003_10150306558692533_78139(...).jpg)
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    >> TTGL Cosplays? Ciphero 07/07/11(Thu)01:12 No.4686395
    Anyone have good TTGurren Lagann cosplays? Not too interested in the gathering.
    >> Hotpants. !YcQtyPgSFA 07/07/11(Thu)01:12 No.4686397
         File1310015564.jpg-(2.65 MB, 3008x2000, (b).jpg)
    2.65 MB
    Finally uploading my pictures from my camera.
    >> MrFreeman !KsSAk/XATI 07/07/11(Thu)01:12 No.4686398
         File1310015575.jpg-(123 KB, 768x576, beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.jpg)
    123 KB
    That picture reminds me of something....

    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)01:13 No.4686402
         File1310015598.jpg-(104 KB, 720x540, 262154_10150306558452533_78139(...).jpg)
    104 KB
    >> Hotpants. !YcQtyPgSFA 07/07/11(Thu)01:18 No.4686425
         File1310015901.jpg-(1.23 MB, 2000x3008, Yuna1.jpg)
    1.23 MB
    >> Hotpants. !YcQtyPgSFA 07/07/11(Thu)01:20 No.4686430
         File1310016003.jpg-(2.35 MB, 3008x2000, SquirtleTrio.jpg)
    2.35 MB
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)01:21 No.4686434
         File1310016063.png-(232 KB, 432x340, mkjlljl.png)
    232 KB
    Not enough Hnng in the world for that Kamina up there. And seconding that call for TTGL shoots.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)01:22 No.4686442
    Still looking for Fallout cosplay :(
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)01:23 No.4686447
    Ohhh is that where the bubbles were coming from?
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)01:26 No.4686459
         File1310016361.jpg-(99 KB, 720x540, 268244_2003886495734_120077081(...).jpg)
    99 KB
    :P self post
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)01:26 No.4686465
    Holy shiy. Those girls have to be one of the most terrible Panty and Stocking ever.
    Especially Stocking, LOOK WHAT THEY DID TO HER.
    Jesus, rage for that gigantic chin, it's like PT's lost sister.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)01:28 No.4686479

    Lovely! That is the only photo from the shoot I've seen D: I feel kind of creepy, but are there any more? :3
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)01:29 No.4686481
         File1310016581.jpg-(214 KB, 516x587, 1081.jpg)
    214 KB
    Saw a Niizuma Eiji cosplayer (Bakuman) for a brief second with a Takagi on Day 2, but I couldn't snag a picture because I was on my way to another gathering! Did anybody catch him? He's a red-haired bowl cut guy with weird little wings, and Takagi (don't remember if it was Takagi or Mashiro - I'm sure it was Takagi though) was a blonde guy with glasses. Thanks so much.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)01:32 No.4686495
         File1310016770.jpg-(79 KB, 720x480, 268657_10150300367802288_70654(...).jpg)
    79 KB

    Ask and you shall recieveee...

    Still waiting for the rest of the pictures from the actualy KaminaxSimon photoshoot.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)01:33 No.4686496
         File1310016792.jpg-(112 KB, 897x1000, nirgilis.jpg)
    112 KB

    nirgilis was pretty boss
    they were fine with you taking photos
    during the monday signing too
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)01:36 No.4686510

    That Yoko looks so tired and unenthusiastic.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)01:37 No.4686518

    Lol, looks fine in the previous picture. It's a serious expression with kamina probs.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)01:39 No.4686524
         File1310017188.jpg-(131 KB, 856x1005, b6c4172a1eb21b92b29ebab259754d(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)01:46 No.4686553
         File1310017569.png-(1.74 MB, 761x1014, heythere.png)
    1.74 MB
    Thanks! Posting more pics... This guy was fucking huge
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)01:51 No.4686574

    There are so many fat cosplayers I can't enjoy these pics. Seriously? a 300 lbs Shinjiro? Aigis being a hambeast?
    >> GarbageFace 07/07/11(Thu)01:51 No.4686575
    > dat tattoo
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)01:51 No.4686577
    /cgl/, how do I get over post-convention depression?

    My life just seems so boring now. ;_;
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 07/07/11(Thu)01:52 No.4686581
    Oh Reggieduke. We will cosplay the bouncer @ PMX. I'm setting a date.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)01:54 No.4686588

    I know, I know. I usually try to avoid gatherings for the most part, unless I'm passing by and see some really good ones.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)01:55 No.4686593
    plan for next year
    or ALA or fanime.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)01:57 No.4686602
    Post-AX depression?
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)01:59 No.4686612
    /r/ing the nessa cosplayer from here, did anyone get a pic?
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)02:00 No.4686614
         File1310018432.jpg-(41 KB, 512x384, 1300147373764.jpg)
    41 KB
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)02:04 No.4686628
    >go to all 4 days of con
    >happily shoot the fuck out of all the good cosplays with dslr
    >spend next week or so combing through photos and editing
    Feels pretty bad afterwards. No more festivities, no more cute girls wearing stuff you dream of, the only thing left is heat.

    Feels pretty depressing passing by the convention center over the next several months as well, knowing that the center once filled with anime fans and industry icons has been replaced with a lame boat exhibition.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)02:05 No.4686632
         File1310018736.jpg-(2.01 MB, 3072x3328, 1306783793334.jpg)
    2.01 MB
    >go to anime/game fest
    >have Open carry permit
    >dress as snake
    >carry my hk usp
    >everyone thinks it is a nice prop
    >think i made it, jelly as fuck
    >no one wants to hold it
    >anime/game fest secure
    >feels good man
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)02:08 No.4686646
         File1310018880.jpg-(58 KB, 480x720, 264476_10100571614965833_12071(...).jpg)
    58 KB
    Found a Dodrio cosplay? Was it the anon asking earlier? Or is it the wrong evolution form of Dodrio... Er... Trio...dro... I dunno. It's been a while.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)02:08 No.4686648
         File1310018900.jpg-(21 KB, 400x300, 090504_104600.jpg)
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    >> Hypnocrotch !BqcQeeA4HA 07/07/11(Thu)02:09 No.4686651
    Well aren't you just so fucking cool? You do realize that even if you have a permit to carry a weapon, since it is a convention, they have the right to say you can't have that there? I believe MOST cons have that in the rules. So way to go, you broke the rules. Just another criminal with a gun.

    Not to mention, that just is kinda stupid on your part.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)02:10 No.4686654
    i saw a doduo on one of the days and behind it was another person with one more head. i wasn't sure if it was supposed to be a dodrio or not.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)02:12 No.4686662
         File1310019140.jpg-(71 KB, 448x473, 78954926.jpg)
    71 KB
    >> Dead !Mau55LLxj. 07/07/11(Thu)02:14 No.4686671
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)02:14 No.4686673
         File1310019282.jpg-(21 KB, 400x300, fullmetaljacketpicture.jpg)
    21 KB
    i like you, how about you come over and fuck my sister
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)02:14 No.4686674
    I was a different Dodrio, LOL
    There was a total of three of us there. I was very surprised.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)02:16 No.4686683
         File1310019363.jpg-(38 KB, 407x407, 1292072873631.jpg)
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    >unarmed in 2011
    tell me you don't do this

    a armed society is a safe society
    >> Hypnocrotch !BqcQeeA4HA 07/07/11(Thu)02:16 No.4686684
    You're absolutely right, Mr. Cylon, and here's why.

    The idea that some Snake cosplayer is carrying around a real gun just doesn't sit well with me. It's irresponsible. It's people like this that end up ruining the cons for other people when they make it so nobody can have gun props unless they are completely fictional looking.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)02:17 No.4686689
         File1310019478.jpg-(109 KB, 448x579, 1293663758313.jpg)
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    but you don't understand, i have a permit to CARRY a pistol with me anywhere i go. it is my right
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)02:18 No.4686690

    not legal signage. no provision in CA that allows for such signage anyways. places like TX and maybe CO do though. they can ask you to leave though, and if you refuse, you can get cited for trespassing.

    but the guy is an attention whore nonetheless
    >> Hypnocrotch !BqcQeeA4HA 07/07/11(Thu)02:18 No.4686696
    I much prefer the society where I don't NEED to rely on violence.

    When was the last time you went to a con and felt your life was in danger and you needed a weapon? If you have, you're doing it wrong, or that's just a bad area.

    I just can't help it!

    Will she make me breakfast in the morning?
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)02:18 No.4686698
    Is breaking a convention's rules grounds to call someone a criminal? Grounds for expulsion from the convention, yes, not arguing with that. Also, open carry permit? What? You don't need a permit for that in California. I had a couple folding knives on me but they don't really check you very thoroughly even when getting wanded or heading through the metal detectors due to the sheer number of people they need to process to get into theaters. Same deal with airport security to be honest. Bury it in your bag and there's a fair chance it'll get through as long as it isn't too big to standout like a light on the xray
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)02:19 No.4686704
    goddammit /k/, GTFO my /cgl/ and pretty girls
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)02:20 No.4686705
    implying cons only happen in those states
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)02:20 No.4686707

    in public areas only. private businesses decide what goes on in their premises. you can go ahead and boycott them, although i doubt they will miss your money :3
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)02:20 No.4686708
    >likes being defenceless and weak
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)02:21 No.4686710
         File1310019688.jpg-(24 KB, 422x292, 1290317498871.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)02:21 No.4686713
    You don't really know what you are talking about, just stop while your still ahead.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)02:23 No.4686718
    I'll just assume that you didn't read this, you stupid fuckwit.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)02:24 No.4686726
         File1310019848.jpg-(52 KB, 500x402, 1306431240794.jpg)
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    Anybody have any cosplays from any spring season anime? Already saw the Okarin and Kurisu from Steins;gate from the other thread.
    >> Hypnocrotch !BqcQeeA4HA 07/07/11(Thu)02:24 No.4686729
    No, that's not true. I pay taxes so someone else can enforce the law and keep me and mine safe. I don't need to be carrying something that can end the life of someone else just so I feel safe.

    I wanna make something clear as well. I'm not anti-guns, or anything like that. I just don't think being armed at a convention, using the weapon as a prop, and probably pointing it at people is a smart thing to do.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)02:26 No.4686739

    also he's being a retard by saying "hurr durr its mah right", all the while disregarding private property rights. most likely a troll or a redneck gun owner. and lord knows we have enough of those.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)02:26 No.4686740
    >implying AX has the authority to make rules that overrule state laws.

    It has been covered the most they could do is ask you to leave. If what you are saying is true then they can just make up rules that take away ALL your rights as a US citizen.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)02:26 No.4686741
         File1310020001.jpg-(57 KB, 434x720, 259876_10100571615948863_12071(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)02:27 No.4686747
    you realize the person who posted never mentioned where he went. so it was obviously one outside of CA. also considering that in cali they do not issue open carry permits to anyone
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)02:28 No.4686748
    Enjoy the cops getting there thirty minutes late, but just in time to draw a chalk outline of you.
    >> Hypnocrotch !BqcQeeA4HA 07/07/11(Thu)02:28 No.4686750
    Hit it like the fist of an angry god. UNF.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)02:28 No.4686753
         File1310020135.jpg-(610 KB, 1700x1275, DSCN1358.jpg)
    610 KB

    is dat some finished MSYU from jessie/animeangel? hnnnnnng yesssssssssss

    sage for selfposting. surprisingly, a lot of people recognized anohana.
    >> God !BrODINgKJM 07/07/11(Thu)02:29 No.4686758
    If you go into their convention center, you have to obey your rules. Private buildings can have whatever restrictions regarding what they want in.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)02:29 No.4686759
    Sometimes cops wont always be around to save you.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)02:30 No.4686764
    star bucks got in huge trouble for refusing to serve a customer who was open carry in store. not they can not deny service to anyone that open carries
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)02:31 No.4686770
    You don't need a permit to openly carry in CA. Open carry in CA is having it, unloaded, in plain view (generally this means a holster on your hip in the open), with ammunition separated. You're thinking of a CCW which is what you need to concealed carry and which they pretty much never give to the general public in CA.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)02:31 No.4686778

    because starbuck's company policy = everyone else's?
    >> Hypnocrotch !BqcQeeA4HA 07/07/11(Thu)02:32 No.4686781
    No, Starbucks got alot of bad publicity for refusing to serve. Most, if not all businesses, have the right to refuse service for any reason, or no reason at all.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)02:32 No.4686783
    >which they pretty much never give to the general public in CA.

    not if you live in the right county...

    which i don't ;___;
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)02:32 No.4686784
         File1310020352.jpg-(655 KB, 1275x1700, DSCN1423.jpg)
    655 KB
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)02:33 No.4686793
    goddamnit, camera. why did you focus on the simon in the background instead.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)02:34 No.4686797
         File1310020459.jpg-(27 KB, 400x300, OpenCarryGunStates.jpg)
    27 KB
    sigh...everyone so mad, so uneducated on laws.

    sad time we live in, sad time..regardless i had fun that that convention. nice people. but so many awful people on /cgl/
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)02:35 No.4686801
    excuse me, come again?
    >> Hypnocrotch !BqcQeeA4HA 07/07/11(Thu)02:36 No.4686810
    Most businesses have posted somewhere in the building that they reserve the right to refuse service to anyone, for whatever reason.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)02:38 No.4686817
    "Open Carry of a Loaded Handgun"
    If it is unloaded, it is legal
    >> Strawberry ShortCrew !6KMyhHELLA 07/07/11(Thu)02:48 No.4686875
         File1310021313.jpg-(10 KB, 225x225, 1301907244253.jpg)
    10 KB
    >dangerous to have real steel just because they cosplay as Snake a few weekends out of the year

    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)02:49 No.4686884
    Did you happen to fuck an Asian Reimu?
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)02:53 No.4686900

    your pic. I raffed.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)02:54 No.4686907
    Each time I scroll past the OP, I think the banner is a pair of lips on that building.

    Just so you know.
    >> Vernedead !!6JbuOyC+b2w 07/07/11(Thu)03:11 No.4686967
         File1310022695.jpg-(84 KB, 480x720, 265098_236022003082606_1952774(...).jpg)
    84 KB

    Then the thought of me working at a nuclear power plant with a M4, and a Glock 22 must be horrible for you to image.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)03:13 No.4686971

    How do you do your makeup so you look old? Do you use anything special like liquid latex or anything or is it just like eyeshadows and stuff?
    >> Strawberry ShortCrew !6KMyhHELLA 07/07/11(Thu)03:15 No.4686975
         File1310022918.gif-(1.05 MB, 250x187, 1286508181709.gif)
    1.05 MB
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)03:17 No.4686980
    how'd your dudes' mgs group go anyway? did you have every major character?
    >> Vernedead !!6JbuOyC+b2w 07/07/11(Thu)03:17 No.4686983
         File1310023076.jpg-(99 KB, 540x720, 264448_10150306275675407_53797(...).jpg)
    99 KB

    My wife could explain it better than me. It's just normal makeup, we tried liquid latex but my skin won't let it work.
    >> Hypnocrotch !BqcQeeA4HA 07/07/11(Thu)03:18 No.4686986
    Not at all, because that is part of your job. In your costume, at conventions, do you carry your real firearms?
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)03:19 No.4686990

    Damn, that's crazy. Is your wife a wizard...
    >> Vernedead !!6JbuOyC+b2w 07/07/11(Thu)03:22 No.4687005
         File1310023328.jpg-(107 KB, 480x720, 263830_531813875626_205501123_(...).jpg)
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    sadly all of our group had to pull out about a month ago.

    >>4686986 see >>4686967


    I'm starting to think so.
    >> Precious !!kGW3mvg3DSW 07/07/11(Thu)03:25 No.4687026
    I don't use latex for it because when I tested it on his skin, it only showed up in person but not in photos. I just use eyeshadows and eyeliner to do contouring.

    No one was able to have their costumes ready for AX (including myself), but we'll have a few for Comic Con and a shoot later on this year.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)03:36 No.4687084
    aw :( was looking forward to it
    guess i'll try to find you guys at sdcc and take a few photos then
    >> Reggie_Duke 07/07/11(Thu)03:47 No.4687136
         File1310024865.jpg-(218 KB, 800x1066, b10b2eda16a34c5d74643b1f6a5b9d(...).jpg)
    218 KB
    Hoping you like the N7 tattoo, I was told my tattoos ruined some of my cosplays.

    some self-posting too.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)03:48 No.4687140
    Anyone have pictures of rapist Kamina?
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)05:45 No.4687358
         File1310031957.jpg-(50 KB, 352x640, 267804_10150238006885326_59005(...).jpg)
    50 KB
    anyone have more of this cosplay?
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)07:18 No.4687464
    Anyone got hambeasts from AX?
    >> Mango !/H75r04CD. 07/07/11(Thu)08:02 No.4687504
         File1310040136.jpg-(838 KB, 1600x1200, Gwendolyn & Velvet AX 2011.jpg)
    838 KB
    Gwendolyn and Velvet from Odin Sphere.

    I felt kinda weird that the Velvet cosplayer was someone I knew; she's a preppy girl that used to work in gamestop inside a mall. I think I saw her in AX last year, too. Jesus, you'll never know who's into anime. My best buddy, who's the biggest dork I've seen, can hardly be mistook for a weeaboo.
    >> Mango !/H75r04CD. 07/07/11(Thu)08:05 No.4687511
         File1310040359.jpg-(788 KB, 1200x1600, Shin AX 2011.jpg)
    788 KB
    And a fucking Dorohedoro cosplay! Why aren't there more cosplayers from this amazing series? Pictured here is Shin, the guy with the heart mask, and... my buddy. Hell, even if it wasn't great, it's still feels awesome to see cosplays from underrated series. My apologies for failing to get a solo shot.
    >> Mango !/H75r04CD. 07/07/11(Thu)08:11 No.4687518
         File1310040688.jpg-(885 KB, 1080x1920, Snake Pliskin AX 2011.jpg)
    885 KB

    omg, is that Volt from the Bouncer?! Someone cosplayed a character fromThe Bouncer?! omfg, why did I miss it? ;_;

    Have some Snake Pliskin.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)08:36 No.4687537
    It makes me glad I don't live in the US, I don't even know how people can be so paranoid as to not feel safe unless they have a gun.

    I wouldn't want people that delusional carring guns in the first place, really.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)12:30 No.4688027
    if it makes you feel better the number of people shooting themselves dead (17000) is higher than the number of people shooting other people dead (12000) ( - granted, these are 2007 numbers) and overall a very small percentage of the u.s. population (300 million). the vast majority of people in the u.s. will never touch or see an actual gun, let alone own one. you're perfectly safe 99% of the time.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)13:56 No.4688216
    Anyone else had an annoying time at the weapons check? When I was there, it was just this frigid Asian bitch who is more suited for the DMV than an anime convention.
    >> Matt !o504RVa/WI 07/07/11(Thu)14:34 No.4688372
         File1310063647.jpg-(413 KB, 1360x2048, 271386_1706190789398_167689837(...).jpg)
    413 KB
    lol ok, I know for a fact I saw a ton of people taking pics of me carrying Zal around on my shoulders.

    Got anymore? Haha
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)15:06 No.4688489
    She has no ass or tits, didn't know you were into that stuff bro.
    >> blusparkles 07/07/11(Thu)15:07 No.4688492
         File1310065647.jpg-(273 KB, 1296x864, 5908193230_6745ed404a_o.jpg)
    273 KB
    D: Can't find many pics of my cosplayyyyy
    >> Soma 07/07/11(Thu)15:09 No.4688498

    Who were you cosplaying as?
    >> blusparkles 07/07/11(Thu)15:21 No.4688556
    Matt and Mello from Death Note
    >> Soma 07/07/11(Thu)15:24 No.4688575

    Matt & Mello? Hmm. I'm not sure that I took any pics., but I'll look into it & see if my friends have any.
    >> blusparkles 07/07/11(Thu)15:39 No.4688633
    thanks man o:
    >> Matt !o504RVa/WI 07/07/11(Thu)15:40 No.4688636
         File1310067617.jpg-(9 KB, 196x174, IDEA.jpg)
    9 KB
    >Implying tits make the woman
    >Implying she doesn't have a great ass.
    >Doesn't understand that a fantastic personality is what's most important.

    Good Job!
    >> smoker !VUmDTeLJOM 07/07/11(Thu)15:43 No.4688647
    Matt you owe me, if I'm ever on the west coast. You owe me something, I dont know what.
    >> Matt !o504RVa/WI 07/07/11(Thu)15:45 No.4688653
         File1310067957.jpg-(13 KB, 205x244, Haha neat.jpg)
    13 KB

    I owe you something awesome is what.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)15:48 No.4688662
    Its okay if you like your women to look like 11 year old chinese boy we dont judge you bra
    >> Matt !o504RVa/WI 07/07/11(Thu)15:50 No.4688670
         File1310068203.jpg-(4 KB, 149x74, Dohohohoh.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)15:51 No.4688676
    Some guys just like the emaciated look
    >> ♠Todd♣ !XOXOXO8wDs 07/07/11(Thu)15:52 No.4688680
         File1310068322.png-(182 KB, 568x325, Screen shot 2011-07-06 at 11.5(...).png)
    182 KB
    I think you actually like women that look like me.
    >> Zal !gd9NVb5EGA 07/07/11(Thu)15:52 No.4688682
    Holy shit, when did 11 year old boys start getting to be 5'9"?!?!
    >> ♠Todd♣ !XOXOXO8wDs 07/07/11(Thu)15:53 No.4688690
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)15:54 No.4688692
    You would make an excellent convincing crossplayer, have you done any yet?
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)15:57 No.4688707
    If you're gay and fall for a crossplayer, does that make you straight?
    >> Hatsuu !!W771RVhBTbC 07/07/11(Thu)15:59 No.4688713
    A little late but, ahaha, my first thought was just don't move to PG County, Maryland. I've had a gun pointed to my face at 3/5 of my jobs (I was telling a friend 2/4 last night but then I forgot about Gamestop) and the 4th one a murder happened.

    1. Robbed twice at gunpoint at Subway
    2. Murder/stabbing at Hooters
    3. Had a gun pointed at me by an anti-government citizen while doing Census Bureau work
    4. Had a gun pointed to me and my co-worker when we couldn't accept his X-Box because we didn't have the cash to reimburse him at Gamestop.

    Polite sage for off-topic, I just found it funny.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)16:05 No.4688741
         File1310069145.jpg-(107 KB, 700x1050, [Anime Expo 2011] 178.jpg)
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    Self-postan. Still in search of other photos though.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)16:13 No.4688771
    Anyone have pics of regular/red dress Panty?
    Besides ones from the gathering, Thanks.
    >> Zal !gd9NVb5EGA 07/07/11(Thu)16:29 No.4688827
         File1310070599.jpg-(495 KB, 1036x1298, 293dbec1ebbbd0a475af4eaf53e32a(...).jpg)
    495 KB
    Yes actually, I have fully embraced my androgynous looks and have done several crossplays.

    Sage for selfpost
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)16:38 No.4688857
    You are just the most adorable thing I've ever seen. Post mroe pics?
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)16:38 No.4688858
    Were you tired in that picture, or are you just getting uglier as you get older?
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)16:40 No.4688863
    You've claimed to be 5'7, 5'8" and now 5'9" in the span of the same year. Please choose one story and stick with it.
    >> Zal !gd9NVb5EGA 07/07/11(Thu)16:42 No.4688872
    Hungover more than likely. I really need to stop that.
    >> PantsuNugeruMon !!pjuJP0576Q+ 07/07/11(Thu)16:43 No.4688879
         File1310071434.jpg-(13 KB, 480x360, 0.jpg)
    13 KB
    I owe you, too, but you already know that.

    >mfw I just looked through my camera, and found some small clips I took at the Miku concert.
    They're not great quality, but I didn't get my camera confiscated, and it's still footage.
    >> Vernedead !!6JbuOyC+b2w 07/07/11(Thu)16:45 No.4688885
         File1310071517.jpg-(358 KB, 684x1024, fdfa0495b0a991f09a812bb6cf591e(...).jpg)
    358 KB
    Well Precious is 5'9" and here is a pic of them standing next to each other. You be the judge.
    >> Zal !gd9NVb5EGA 07/07/11(Thu)16:46 No.4688891
    Last I checked I've only EVER claimed being 5'8" to 5'9"

    I know I've said I wished I was 5'7", but I haven't been that short since high school some 5 years ago.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)16:47 No.4688894
    she's definitely a few inches shorter.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)16:48 No.4688895
    No you don't, thats what cons are FOR mang,
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)16:48 No.4688898
    Oh what tangled webs we weave...
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)16:52 No.4688914
    She looks about 5'7"
    >> Vernedead !!6JbuOyC+b2w 07/07/11(Thu)16:55 No.4688923
         File1310072108.jpg-(653 KB, 1024x683, _MG_9488.jpg)
    653 KB
    I just got corrected. Precious is 5'10".

    sage for me not helping.
    >> Zal !gd9NVb5EGA 07/07/11(Thu)16:56 No.4688931
         File1310072212.jpg-(113 KB, 476x354, tumblr_lnzder7PEk1qjh6mto1_500.jpg)
    113 KB
    For hangovers? Naw man, I just need to stop being such a derp and remember to drink enough water after I booze it up.

    Is it bad that the first thing I thought about was Spiderman and this image?
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)17:08 No.4688981

    Thank you :) I'm trying to find any more photos, I remember having my photo taken several times that day.
    >> Matt !o504RVa/WI 07/07/11(Thu)17:10 No.4688992
    Oh God. Yes. This.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)17:13 No.4689003
    It looks like Zal isn't the only one who likes to change stories to suit their agenda.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)17:15 No.4689011
    >I just need to stop being such a derp and remember to not fuck guys in relationships.

    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)17:19 No.4689028
    slut get off of 4chan
    >> Matt !o504RVa/WI 07/07/11(Thu)17:23 No.4689058
         File1310073830.jpg-(13 KB, 177x240, Yup.jpg)
    13 KB
    Cool stories, bros.

    You should sell them and make millions.
    >> Zal !gd9NVb5EGA 07/07/11(Thu)17:24 No.4689061
    My goodness you sure do care about something that you have nooooothing to do with.

    Here, tell you what. If you can name a time I fucked a guy who was already in a relationship with a girl, and wasn't Lofi, then I will forever stop posting on /cgl/ and me on my merry little way :3

    Hey man, you wanna talk about my life then let's go take this outside. I'd much rather just fuck around on here and talk about cosplay rather than my personal life. Just sayin'
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)17:28 No.4689082
    It's pathetic how Zal keeps posting every once in while as if everyone's just going to magically forget that she's a shameless loser slut.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)17:30 No.4689093
    In other words you're hoping people don't find out about the other stuff you've done. People who do that kind of shit hardly ever just have it be a "one time thing". It's part of their personality not to give a shit. You're practically sucking Matt's dick already.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)17:31 No.4689097
    >My goodness you sure do care about something that you have nooooothing to do with.

    -Casey Anthony
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)17:32 No.4689102
    >> Matt !o504RVa/WI 07/07/11(Thu)17:33 No.4689106
         File1310074436.jpg-(3 KB, 77x80, Im Sure.jpg)
    3 KB
    That's cute. You think I don't know anything about the woman I care most about.

    Sure is mad in here.
    >> Beloved_Of_Cthulhu !!wIEkitftaKh 07/07/11(Thu)17:35 No.4689115
         File1310074531.jpg-(73 KB, 704x528, 1252122075326.jpg)
    73 KB
    instead of haters I would much rather see pics of you looking pretty cosplaying and talk about the costumes and props etc
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)17:35 No.4689116
         File1310074534.jpg-(36 KB, 373x471, hotdoghallway.jpg)
    36 KB
    whats it like dating a used handy down from 10 other guys?
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)17:35 No.4689117
    For a drunken party girl slut who likes to fuck random guys, Zal sure is one boring monotone motherfucker.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)17:36 No.4689121
    how old are you? you look about 27
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)17:37 No.4689126
    just so you know you don't sound like a bro, you sound like a whitetrash tryhard slut
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)17:38 No.4689130
    >Dude, you dont understand. The girl I talk with on the internet I totally know SO WELL.

    Try toning down on the white knight routine a bit. You sound fucking retarded.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)17:41 No.4689147
    Zal has a fetish for hooking up with guys at cons dressed like Kamina. If you have abs and do the same you too can be next in line to pork her.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)17:42 No.4689151
    would rather not have my dick sucked into a black hole.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)17:42 No.4689152
         File1310074948.png-(140 KB, 237x390, eyebleach.png)
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    Is that Zal? She's ugly as shit. I can't believe even Lofi's diseased ass stuck his dick in that.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)17:42 No.4689153
    Anyone get a picture of the Lucifer and Biscuit Hammer group that walked around during the first half of day 2?
    >> Zal !gd9NVb5EGA 07/07/11(Thu)17:43 No.4689154
    >thinks I assume people have forgotten
    I'd be fucking amazed if people forgot about what happened a year ago. I'm moving on and bettering myself from that mistake, as should you.

    Other stuff I've done? By all means enlighten me. I can't even fathom ever doing that again. I ruined someone's life because of my selfish actions and I'd be a shitidiot to ever pull that shit again. :/
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)17:45 No.4689162
    Wait everyone hates Zal because she had sex with Lofi?

    Why is that a reason to hate someone?
    >> Matt !o504RVa/WI 07/07/11(Thu)17:47 No.4689167
         File1310075222.jpg-(6 KB, 133x144, Yeaaaah.jpg)
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    >Implying we've only spoken with each other on the internet

    >> Zal !gd9NVb5EGA 07/07/11(Thu)17:47 No.4689171
    It's because he was still dating someone at the time. That's why.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)17:48 No.4689173
    you have low standards man
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)17:49 No.4689174
    did you know he was?

    Even still shouldn't we be hating Lofi?
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)17:49 No.4689175

    >I got caught and will now make sure not to get caught again. Can you provide proof?

    Give it time, sweet cheeks. Give it time. You're obviously a shallow person that just likes to fuck and you haven't changed your behavior.
    >> God !BrODINgKJM 07/07/11(Thu)17:49 No.4689176
         File1310075388.png-(197 KB, 500x340, tumblr_lm6uxwqylX1qj41h3o1_500.png)
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    Anons sure are mad.
    >> YALL MAD Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)17:50 No.4689180
         File1310075417.jpg-(11 KB, 184x222, 1278222749543.jpg)
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    Its cosplay man. All of you dudes are sex abuse victims, have family issues, or dont have a good relationship with your biological father

    Its like a whorehouse but with cartoon characters

    Embrace that shit.
    >> piplup !Ebgln4OHzA 07/07/11(Thu)17:50 No.4689185
         File1310075459.gif-(466 KB, 350x254, 2mgkpi9.gif)
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    sounds like it's really only one anon...
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)17:51 No.4689189
         File1310075470.jpg-(114 KB, 500x333, 848275233.jpg)
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    >caring about tripfags
    lets get back to the AX cosplays
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)17:51 No.4689190
    >likes to fuck
    lol is this honestly considered a bad thing now?
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)17:51 No.4689191
         File1310075506.gif-(250 KB, 330x220, 1291619155553.gif)
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    /sp/ here, this is what you all do? Like a mass fuck party, i need to to find myself an anime character. Which show is most popular now?
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)17:53 No.4689197
    We don't particularly like either of them.

    Some tripfags accept Zal because she parties with Masa D. Luffy and follows other tripfags around like a puppy, so they feel inclined to rush to her aid. But she's more or less just a shallow slut.
    >> Zal !gd9NVb5EGA 07/07/11(Thu)17:54 No.4689209
    Yeah, I knew he was dating someone.

    6/10 I almost responded fully to that. You can laugh at me when I do it again, how's that sound?
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)17:55 No.4689216
    More like lonely nerds hooking up at nerd events out of the desperate need to feel included.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)17:56 No.4689218
    A good summary of a cosplay event is this
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)17:57 No.4689224
    >I almost responded, but then I realized I don't actually have a response.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)17:59 No.4689228
    they remind me of the outcast nerds that youd see at a high school and would only be popular online and never in actual life thats why all their fb friends are all convention friends
    >> Matt !o504RVa/WI 07/07/11(Thu)18:04 No.4689245
         File1310076263.jpg-(11 KB, 150x277, I uhhhhhh.jpg)
    11 KB
    ITT: People mad for no reason.

    Honestly people, what reasons do you have to hate me being with Zal? Why do you choose to bring up stuff with no bearing that you know I'm already aware of?
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)18:06 No.4689256
         File1310076388.png-(31 KB, 256x204, 1309047834343.png)
    31 KB
    New to /cgl/ here. Do you people do this shit often in your threads?
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)18:07 No.4689261
    Nobody is talking to you.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)18:14 No.4689288
    Don't buy her shit. She'll only only sugar-coat it. She stayed at this girls house who was nice as fuck to her and even made her breakfast, and what does she do? She fucks the girls boyfriend. Jimi(Lofi's gf) was so broken up about it she ran away or some shit and her motther was so hysterical calling up Jimi's friends. She went missing for awhile people and her mother thought she killed herself. Meanwhile, Lofi and Zal where unapologetic about their slutiness and were playing it up,even saying they were dating on Facebook. Don't buy her "I'msosorryIrepent" attitude. She's a shameless backstabbing slut if I ever saw one. Her and Lofi are scum. At least Lofi knows to stay the fuck off /cgl/.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)18:17 No.4689302
    >> Matt !o504RVa/WI 07/07/11(Thu)18:17 No.4689304
         File1310077043.jpg-(11 KB, 125x312, Right On.jpg)
    11 KB
    Not really. Some people on /cgl/ are unhappy because I got together with Zal. They're attempting to make her feel bad and make poor comments on her past history which was painful and drama filled. Her past relationship was with someone who has also cosplayed Kamina, and essentially people are saying she's a whore for Kaminas, when in reality that isn't true in the slightest.

    My attraction to her, and vice versa actually has nothing to do with Kamina in the slightest, and is incredibly stable despite the hate being tossed at it. People are upset too based upon her happiness and my own. Just wait and watch the drama unfold.

    Ah yes, but I am involved in the situations, so you can deal with it.
    >> Zal !gd9NVb5EGA 07/07/11(Thu)18:25 No.4689340
    Jesus fucking christ. I'm sorry that I don't want all the god damn details of what had happened put up on here, because it's no ones business at the end of the day. Fuck, half of what you just wrote is still stretched truth.

    You have no fucking idea what the 3 of us went through. And you know why you'll never know what happened? It's because it's none of your god. damn. business.

    NOW, someone make another AX thread picture thread. I'm finished slutting this one up.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)18:29 No.4689356
    /v/ here.

    How the fuck do people on an anonymous message board know each other on a first name basis and have IRL drama or beef between each other? Holy crap. I didn't even think that was possible on 4chan, you guys should be ashamed.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)18:29 No.4689358
         File1310077791.jpg-(8 KB, 240x240, glare5.jpg)
    8 KB
    Everyone's a fucking rape victim, get the fuck over it already.

    Goddamn, I wish I could count all the women who bring up how they have a "troubled" past and how they were sexually abused at one point. And I'm talking of the women I personally know. I don't think I've dated a single chick that didn't have some sort of issue with being molested as a child. And I went and fucked every one of those chicks anyway, regardless.

    Of course, some of you might think I'm a monster, that I don't know the pain and suffering, blah, blah, "more femenine bullshit none of us want to hear" etc. Well guess fucking what, ladies? My older brother made me suck his dick when I was 12. And you know what? I've not complained about it ONCE. Because I'm not a whore for attention and don't need other people to lick my wounds for me.

    Fuck every goddamn one of you, you are not special, you do not deserve entitlement, and you know what else? Rape is completely overrated. Let me know when you have an actual problem, like a broken arm or something. Maybe then you'll have my sympathy. Until then, GET OVER IT.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)18:32 No.4689374
    Zal permission to Fap
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)18:32 No.4689375
    /mu/ here.

    This is incredibly hilarious, do continue.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)18:33 No.4689379
    the fuck is going on here?
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)18:34 No.4689383
    NEW THREAD >>4689332
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)18:37 No.4689393
    I like cosplay and seeing them, but his kind of shit is exactly why i don't go to /cgl/
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)18:47 No.4689452
    I think it's refreshing to get first hand evidence that, no matter how big a game they talk. "nerdy-girl" types, be they into anime or video games or cartoons or whatever, still have the mentality of highschoolers and can be safely dismissed.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)18:47 No.4689453
    My 16 and 17 year old step-brothers made me suck their dicks when I was 10. You don't see me bitching about it. And I'm also a productive member of society. Bitches need to chill and deal.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)18:51 No.4689473
    /sp/ here to remind you to always slap your women before they leave the house.
    >> sagehoge !!sWiOZcWvsxC 07/07/11(Thu)18:55 No.4689485
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)18:57 No.4689495
    /v/agrant here

    seagulls will drama it up at any given chance, it's just nature I guess

    I mean I once made a post about me hooking up with a girl at a con and we ended up having drunk sex on the beach. Of course since I said that at the time I was 18 and she was 16 suddenly I'm a rapist and should be exterminated even though to this day she remains my friend and she never thought that night was wrong in any aspect.

    But yeah, girls will be girls, now women on the other hand move on from those things and keep the drama out of the equation
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)19:02 No.4689521
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)19:04 No.4689526
    hahaha cocksucker
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)19:06 No.4689538
    i went to an anime con once to humor a friend

    i was made fun of for not being in a costume

    you fuckers are weird
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)19:17 No.4689593
    /v/igilant here

    Holy shit this has more drama than /v/ during E3.

    You guys are weird, seriously. Also so much cock sucking. Wow, and they say /v/ is gay hah!
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)19:24 No.4689649
    holy shit this board is so fucked up!
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)19:29 No.4689693
    so this is the faggot board on 4chan,

    full of trip fags too, how atypical
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)19:34 No.4689731
    wow, i used to think /soc/ was the worst board on here.

    well at least now /v/ is that much farther from being the worst board

    enjoy your drama, tripfag circlejerks, and RAPE
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)19:43 No.4689787
    Holy shit, BOUNCER cosplay?! Much respect, sir.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)20:00 No.4689879
    welcome to 4chan how my we ruined your day?
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)20:33 No.4690060
    what cosplay is this?
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)20:37 No.4690071
    What cosplay is this?

    sorry idk how to use reply thing
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)21:27 No.4690283

    Looks like Selvaria from Valkyria Chronicles.
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)22:00 No.4690429
         File1310090441.jpg-(3 KB, 127x121, 1293030621882.jpg)
    3 KB

    /cgl/ sucks harder than I thought it did
    >> Anonymous 07/07/11(Thu)22:00 No.4690430
    so is this an "other boards come stare at /cgl/" thread now...?
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)03:21 No.4691706
         File1310109702.jpg-(262 KB, 517x800, 265294_134958939918951_1000021(...).jpg)
    262 KB
    Daaaaaaaaaat Officer Jenny!!!
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)03:28 No.4691725
    Do you have moar?
    >> Anonymous 07/08/11(Fri)06:21 No.4692127
    Fuck me! An accurate Officer Jenny!

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