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  • File : 1309712781.jpg-(288 KB, 1288x1304, cgl.jpg)
    288 KB Anonymous 07/03/11(Sun)13:06 No.4670482  
    I don't come here often, but... it's not really like this here is it? I thought this was for costumes and such?
    >> Anonymous 07/03/11(Sun)13:07 No.4670486
    It gets worse.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/11(Sun)13:09 No.4670492
    yes. now leave.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/11(Sun)13:11 No.4670501
    welcome to /cgl/

    hambeast population: massive
    >> Anonymous 07/03/11(Sun)13:12 No.4670506
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    >> Anonymous 07/03/11(Sun)13:14 No.4670516
    Why do you shitheads act like this is fucking horrible and newsworthy and ask about this anyway? /g/ currently has a thread full of people keeping piss in pepsi bottles and regurgitating a thread about a guy who bottled his jizz year by year, and this shit is what you're grossed out so much on?
    >> Anonymous 07/03/11(Sun)13:17 No.4670527
    What the fuckk
    >> Anonymous 07/03/11(Sun)13:18 No.4670531

    OP here, I'm surprised is all. Last time I came to /cgl/ was for some help with my Rorschach costume years ago. Then I saw that screencap posted on another board and had to be sure if it was really like that here.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/11(Sun)13:20 No.4670540
    Trust me, whatever depths you think women stoop to, men are 100% more disgusting, they really set the bar high (or low depending on your point of view) on that one.


    Norman link in case the thread dies you can search it by greenoval.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/11(Sun)13:25 No.4670552
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    >hairy nipples
    >> Anonymous 07/03/11(Sun)13:26 No.4670556
    It's like that everywhere on 4chan. About 50% of the posts are boys pretending to be girls making random shit up that can't possibly be anatomically correct. It vindicates the idea that girls are disgusting ugly whores not worth anyone's time so they can go back to their beaches and shores dragon dildo pissing in pepsi bottles threads, feeling happy they put the wimmenz back in their place.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/11(Sun)13:28 No.4670566
    And what's wrong with them? Both sexes have hairy nipples generally the more sensitive the breast tissue the more hairs there are to protect it. you just think shit's unnatural because bleached waxed bodies in porn. While we're at it, some women have different lengths in labia minor leading to what people call "beef curtains", and Hamlet dies at the end.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/11(Sun)13:38 No.4670589
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    That thread is disgusting, I can't believe it.
    Puke on the wall, wtf. Those bottles of cum lying around for years. I feel sick.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/11(Sun)13:41 No.4670600

    So... you have hairy nipples and keep them hairy too?
    >> Anonymous 07/03/11(Sun)13:44 No.4670613
    I am fortunate enough to have faint hairs similar to vellus hairs you'd see on the upper lips of people, and yes, I leave those hairs be. If you look closely at your own nipple you'd see hairs too. Stop being a retard.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/11(Sun)13:45 No.4670615
    Didn't we just have this thread?
    >> Anonymous 07/03/11(Sun)13:49 No.4670626
    We did, but you see, /g/ decided to have another pee/jizz bottled by year in soda bottles thread and they needed to feel better by thinking girls are just as disgusting if not more. Don't ask me how hairy nipples equates on the disgust meter at the same scale as piss/jizz being bottled by year and turning brown to the point its owner forgets it's not pepsi and takes a swig of it.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/11(Sun)13:50 No.4670630

    The girl in OP's pic was talking about hairs that were like pubes. That's not peach fuzz on boobs, that's a mini-bush on someone's boob.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/11(Sun)13:53 No.4670638
    I don't have hairy nipples, wtf?
    >> Anonymous 07/03/11(Sun)13:53 No.4670640
    Thanks a lot faggot. Now we're going to have another fucking one of these threads.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/11(Sun)13:53 No.4670642
    And again, there are lots of people who have such thick hairs on their nipples, though they tend to grow wavy and not in tight curls. There are also some people who genetically can't have underarm hairs. We all live by what lot we are given in life. Just becase the hairs "look like pubes" doesn't mean there are unwashed pubes stuck on someone's nipple. It might not be visually pleasing to someone who grew up on photoshop, but it's hardly "disgusting".
    >> Anonymous 07/03/11(Sun)13:56 No.4670650

    mine have some hairs. my boyfriend doesn't even come close to minding.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/11(Sun)13:59 No.4670660
    Stop bumping the fucking thread you idiot. Next you'll give the fucktards a stroke by mentioning that girls fart too.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/11(Sun)14:01 No.4670675
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    this is what i imagine girls on cgl to look like
    >> Anonymous 07/03/11(Sun)14:05 No.4670682
    OP here. I didn't realize this happens as often as it does, I sincerely didn't mean to come off as a troll or whatever.

    But if this happens a lot, I dunno why you guys keep talking bout that stuff if this place is for costumes. Whatever.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/11(Sun)15:12 No.4670819
    >Trust me, whatever depths you think women stoop to, men are 100% more disgusting,

    I'd love to argue for your stupid overestimation, but as I have noticed most of /cgl/ can not perform any kind of reading-comprehension and likewise most of /cgl/ seems to hate anything that has a dick.

    But here goes:
    The amount of men I have met (IRL) with terrible body-habits compared to the amount of women I have met (IRL) with terrible body-habits is the same: 2 men and 2 women.

    Granted, I am pretty sure that the one woman was retarded, but still that does not mean that 100% of all men does not know how to clean themselves.

    I'm not going to comment on /g/ however, I am sure they are gross too, but that does not mean that all the other boards with a major-male population is disgusting.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/11(Sun)18:26 No.4671382

    God, aspie idiots who learned everything they "know" about female anatomy and reproductive systems from hentai make me weep for humanity.

    Some of the other stuff is pretty gross, though, like the thing about pus-filled pimples and extra labia (wtf?).
    >> Anonymous 07/03/11(Sun)18:30 No.4671393
    Yeah I hate this too, how normal girls who haven't had surgery get called "used" or "dirty" or "beef curtains" because they actually HAVE labia. Jesus christ, I mad. (You men do realize that the vast majority of porn stars who have those perfect, smooth cunts have had labiaplasty, right?)
    >> Anonymous 07/03/11(Sun)18:33 No.4671402
    >pissing in bottles
    I didn't wanna wake up mom.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/11(Sun)18:36 No.4671415
    It's worse. Everyone is bitchy and judgmental to try and eke some little bit of self-esteem out for themselves.

    It's a place full of ugly people with ugly souls. Truly a den of misery.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/11(Sun)18:38 No.4671420
    You're a woman. You're designed to be able to drink those bottles of cum. It's in your nature.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/11(Sun)18:47 No.4671442
    welcome to 4chan
    >> Anonymous 07/03/11(Sun)19:50 No.4671671
    /cgl/ is the only genuinely terrible place on 4chan along with /b/ and /soc/.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/11(Sun)20:00 No.4671697
    >> Anonymous 07/03/11(Sun)20:02 No.4671706
    Well here goes: when a male is disgusting, usually it's nothing close to "natural". The male goes out of his way (vomit on walls, piss in pepsi bottles, cuts on his dick from dried smegma) to achieve his status of disgusting.

    When women are called disgusting, it's because of natural functions the woman can't help (menstruation, elongated labia, hairy nipples) that has little to do with hygiene in the first place and the woman tries to minimize the effects of anyway.

    How the fuck are hairy nipples "disgusting" anyway?
    >> Anonymous 07/03/11(Sun)20:05 No.4671720
    Somebody hasn't been to /g/, /jp/ and /int/. All male dominated boards, all singularly shitholes full of disgusting men.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/11(Sun)20:08 No.4671726
    Because no one likes getting hair in their mouth
    >> Anonymous 07/03/11(Sun)20:10 No.4671736
    They say they're plucking it anyway and you're not sucking on anyone's nipples.

    Holy fuck next up you shitheads will say a vagina gets more loose with each penetration.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/11(Sun)20:13 No.4671747
    Really, I don't get this.
    Society still tries to mystify women's bodies, so when men discover that women actually do take shits, they act like it's more disgusting than saving up bottles full of semen and drinking it.
    Women can't help but bleed from their snatches, it's life, holy shit.

    How many times have you seen guys make entire threads on other boards just to talk about turds or smegma? I've certainly seen plenty, yet women talking about menstruation is "the most disgusting thing on 4chan".
    >> Anonymous 07/03/11(Sun)21:17 No.4671969
    There are tons of disgusting women out there, though.
    Not trying to throw off an argument, but there are both neat and disgusting people in each gender.
    For every guy who likes to keep his cum, there is a girl who rips off her pinky nail, puts it over her clit (and calls it clit armor to the enchanted forest) and then eats the nail a week later.

    I hope I still have that screen cap.

    nope. I don't. It's on my desktop. You just gonna have to trust me 'gulls.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/11(Sun)21:27 No.4671998
    I really need to find who posted about having the mangled, mini pair of labia above their vagina. I have the same thing and I cannot find anything information on it, and I am desperately looking to talk to someone else about it.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/11(Sun)21:27 No.4671999
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    The last time I was on /cgl/ was 2 years ago. I remember people occasionally posting cool cosplay pics, but now it's become this? Not so much disgusted, but more surprised to see a board change so much.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/11(Sun)21:35 No.4672021

    Apparently a lot of types of birth control can trigger hair growth around the nipples too.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/11(Sun)21:41 No.4672036
    So can age, even without BC. And I'm not talking "age" as in 30s here, I'm talking as in 17. You're a hairy animal, it's a hair, pluck it or not but do not panic and immediately convince yourself you're gross and no one will ever love you.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/11(Sun)21:42 No.4672039
    Thank you. Seriously, people act like periods are so disgusting omfg. It's just blood that comes out of your vagina. Unless you're squeamish about blood, there's nothing to it. And how vaginas are so gross. Dude, it's a part of our bodies. Unless there's something wrong down there, our body regulates it and keeps it relatively clean. It's not like we have year-old vag goo stuck to the walls of it.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/11(Sun)21:45 No.4672060
    /cgl/ was the worst non /b/ board before /soc/
    I think you need to lurk more.
    lol. They're totally vanilla.
    >> Anonymous 07/03/11(Sun)21:47 No.4672065
    My mom beat my periods / period sex are disgusting mentality into me. Blame her.

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