>> |
07/02/11(Sat)21:56 No.4669012>>4668983
attitude is one of the things that makes me extremely worried for many
feminists who support things like Slutwalk, and here's why.
course, we're going to expect that normal, metnally healthy men behave
responsibly and show some self control. But you can't go up to a
psychopath, tell him to have some self-control, and expect that he's not
going to rape anyone. 99% of men DO show self-control. The other 1% or
so are sociopathic and no amount of feminist rhetoric or Slutwalk
demonstrating is going to stop them from raping. They're not going to
turn around and think 'oh, maybe I shouldn't do this', because they have
no morals and no empathy.
If you expect that simply 'telling men
not to rape' is going to stop rape, you are sadly extremely naive. We
tell people not to become serial killers, but nutcases do it anyway.
Mentally sound men will not rape, and the men that do aren't going to
have their minds changed by a mere sociopolitical movement.
by 'rape' I mean actual, legitimate, completely non-consensual rape, not
'I got drunk and slept with some guy and now I feel guilty so I'm going
to accuse him of rape'. For the record, it sounds like the OP could
have actually been drugged and taken advantage of, in which case I feel
extremely sorry for her and I hope she can find the guy and find out
exactly what happened.) |