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  • File : 1309501262.jpg-(94 KB, 852x1280, 5856092898_fecf35a8b5_o.jpg)
    94 KB Homestuck Thread Anonymous 07/01/11(Fri)02:21 No.4663259  
    Hey /cgl/, let's have a thread for GOOD Homestuck cosplay.

    I'm tired of hambeasts who don't know how to apply makeup properly.

    in b4
    >pick two
    >> Anonymous 07/01/11(Fri)02:34 No.4663342
    I am very much in favor of this, but all I have are either selfpost or friendpost and I don't want to do that...

    But I'll post in hopes someone will post something good.

    also that Dad is fantastic, and the con he was at had a surprising amount of well-made-up trolls.
    >> Anonymous 07/01/11(Fri)02:37 No.4663362
         File1309502255.png-(664 KB, 800x567, the_lipstick_by_cesia-d3f3vgl.png)
    664 KB
    >> Anonymous 07/01/11(Fri)02:39 No.4663374
    Hmm, I'm working on a WV cosplay right now. How serendipitous.

    I think the trick to finding good homestuck cosplay is just looking for things that aren't trolls. Not that there aren't good trolls, but that's where all the concentrated shit seems to be.
    >> Anonymous 07/01/11(Fri)02:43 No.4663401
    Jesus christ, for the longest time (I.E from the start of the fad till just now) I thought it was Homestruck not homestuck

    >> Anonymous 07/01/11(Fri)02:45 No.4663411
    probably because none of them knew the reasoning behind the name.


    >> Anonymous 07/01/11(Fri)02:59 No.4663462
    It's okay, I thought Dave was 'turntechGodhand' forever.
    >> Anonymous 07/01/11(Fri)03:00 No.4663464
    >so disappointed that it's not Dr. Nemesis cosplay
    >> Moose 07/01/11(Fri)03:05 No.4663474
         File1309503927.jpg-(92 KB, 640x480, 1282670796851.jpg)
    92 KB
    Oh man. I did that with Rose.
    >Always read as Tentacle-The-Rapist
    >Later realize it's TentacleTherapist
    >Can't turn back now
    >> Anonymous 07/01/11(Fri)03:51 No.4663617
    Finally. I've been looking forward for this thread. I'm tired of seeing bad Homestuck cosplays. There are good ones out there you just gotta dig.
    >> Anonymous 07/01/11(Fri)04:23 No.4663693
    i feel so RETARDED.
    >> bonk 07/01/11(Fri)04:31 No.4663706

    Fuck I know, I feel like I almost finally understand Homestuck now.

    >> Anonymous 07/01/11(Fri)05:37 No.4663810
    Currently working on Nepeta cosplay.... will be chubby-peta. Chubby Nepeta is BEST Nepeta...
    >> R.D. !!73iCscAAWq1 07/01/11(Fri)05:39 No.4663819
         File1309513194.jpg-(187 KB, 600x903, dave-cosplay-homestuck-action-(...).jpg)
    187 KB
    dayumm selfpost.
    cause I just turned on my ego for that cosplay.

    Also Tentacle-The-Rapist... Rose would approve of this cause I guess it might be Freudian
    >> Tim 07/01/11(Fri)05:43 No.4663822
         File1309513387.jpg-(97 KB, 644x480, 1304945262558.jpg)
    97 KB
    I really dig the styling on your wig! It doesn't particularly bother me when Daves just toss on a blonde wig, but it stands out so much more when people try to emulate the tiny details in the sprite/comic art. Nice job! '3'
    >> R.D. !!73iCscAAWq1 07/01/11(Fri)05:51 No.4663830
         File1309513873.jpg-(30 KB, 640x430, 1285457335322.jpg)
    30 KB
    O god this is the best cosplay EVER!!

    Yeah I'm so happy with my wig as well- my girlfriend styled it for me and she even did it twice- once when only I way into homestuck and wanted to cosplay as Dave and then when she got into homestuck she was all "LET ME STYLE THAT WIG AGAIN!!!"

    Also she makes the cutest John but I will not post her pics cause you don't post friends or partners on 4chan
    >> Guy who sometimes dresses up 07/01/11(Fri)08:51 No.4664002
         File1309524717.jpg-(71 KB, 500x669, tumblr_ln3jwcxs5n1qbnzz1o1_500.jpg)
    71 KB
    Fucking love your cosplaying bro, it's more gorgeous than royal shit encased in diamonds.

    Female Daves tend to be fantastic though.
    >> Guy who sometimes dresses up 07/01/11(Fri)08:52 No.4664003
         File1309524757.jpg-(420 KB, 900x1200, dave_cosplay_lohacse_homestuck(...).jpg)
    420 KB
    >> Guy who sometimes dresses up 07/01/11(Fri)08:53 No.4664004
         File1309524802.jpg-(180 KB, 576x1024, 1300651614365.jpg)
    180 KB
    >> Guy who sometimes dresses up 07/01/11(Fri)08:54 No.4664006
         File1309524872.jpg-(178 KB, 900x675, brother_wasn__t_there_by_abess(...).jpg)
    178 KB
    >> Guy who sometimes dresses up 07/01/11(Fri)08:56 No.4664010
         File1309525007.jpg-(161 KB, 1024x768, 128989419196.jpg)
    161 KB

    and this person
    >> Guy who sometimes dresses up 07/01/11(Fri)08:57 No.4664013
         File1309525060.png-(380 KB, 400x500, 1299493209358.png)
    380 KB
    >> Guy who sometimes dresses up 07/01/11(Fri)08:58 No.4664014
         File1309525102.jpg-(404 KB, 563x750, 1302828675043.jpg)
    404 KB
    so many daves

    all women
    >> Guy who sometimes dresses up 07/01/11(Fri)08:59 No.4664017
         File1309525159.png-(1021 KB, 900x675, 1300655334254.png)
    1021 KB
    think this is a guy
    >> Guy who sometimes dresses up 07/01/11(Fri)09:02 No.4664024
         File1309525339.png-(534 KB, 440x632, 130746737182.png)
    534 KB
    >> Guy who sometimes dresses up 07/01/11(Fri)09:03 No.4664026
         File1309525434.png-(267 KB, 500x321, tumblr_lm8gi1caS61qe6ix6o1_500.png)
    267 KB
    another davesprite

    then again dave is piss-easy to do
    and a video
    >> Guy who sometimes dresses up 07/01/11(Fri)09:05 No.4664027
         File1309525541.jpg-(1.34 MB, 914x1374, 1302691407755.jpg)
    1.34 MB
    almost out of daves
    >> Guy who sometimes dresses up 07/01/11(Fri)09:06 No.4664029
         File1309525596.jpg-(148 KB, 900x1200, 1303813985337.jpg)
    148 KB
    >> Guy who sometimes dresses up 07/01/11(Fri)09:09 No.4664032
         File1309525751.png-(1.01 MB, 602x806, tumblr_lnl2p5pRMr1qbye1f.png)
    1.01 MB
    >> Guy who sometimes dresses up 07/01/11(Fri)09:10 No.4664034
         File1309525802.jpg-(1.17 MB, 1536x2048, behold_caledscratch_by_deflare(...).jpg)
    1.17 MB
    >> Guy who sometimes dresses up 07/01/11(Fri)09:11 No.4664035
         File1309525861.jpg-(115 KB, 900x675, 130364042930.jpg)
    115 KB
    thats enough daves
    >> Guy who sometimes dresses up 07/01/11(Fri)09:14 No.4664038
         File1309526045.jpg-(234 KB, 479x720, metrocon_2011___dave_strider_1(...).jpg)
    234 KB
    wait okay one more
    >> Guy who sometimes dresses up 07/01/11(Fri)09:19 No.4664043
         File1309526365.jpg-(52 KB, 500x375, 1308168294016.jpg)
    52 KB
    >> Anonymous 07/01/11(Fri)09:29 No.4664052
         File1309526999.jpg-(160 KB, 536x800, 1305364912101.jpg)
    160 KB
    >> R.D. !!73iCscAAWq1 07/01/11(Fri)09:32 No.4664053
         File1309527151.png-(62 KB, 163x199, 1293479977319.png)
    62 KB
    I am female actuallly

    C'est moi as well
    >> Anonymous 07/01/11(Fri)09:33 No.4664054
         File1309527209.png-(284 KB, 358x500, gamzeehands.png)
    284 KB
    >> Guy who sometimes dresses up 07/01/11(Fri)09:36 No.4664058
         File1309527396.jpg-(225 KB, 455x800, 1300652253319.jpg)
    225 KB
    Yes I had the female part figured out, and also the other pics.

    Anyway, let's try to slow down on the Daves here.

    This is Lexxy.
    >> Anonymous 07/01/11(Fri)09:37 No.4664059
         File1309527423.png-(621 KB, 580x800, MWOPR.png)
    621 KB
    >> Guy who sometimes dresses up 07/01/11(Fri)09:39 No.4664061
         File1309527598.jpg-(106 KB, 900x675, pie_n___faygo_by_muffin_summon(...).jpg)
    106 KB
    Actually let me just comment that your Dave is one of my favourites, you look gorgeous in that getup and I wish I could pull it off half as well.
    >> Guy who sometimes dresses up 07/01/11(Fri)09:44 No.4664064
         File1309527883.jpg-(367 KB, 800x600, 1306888701447.jpg)
    367 KB
    >> Guy who sometimes dresses up 07/01/11(Fri)09:45 No.4664066
         File1309527923.jpg-(16 KB, 193x613, 1308772425825.jpg)
    16 KB
    >> Guy who sometimes dresses up 07/01/11(Fri)09:46 No.4664068
         File1309528010.png-(616 KB, 400x1179, 130577734831.png)
    616 KB
    >> Guy who sometimes dresses up 07/01/11(Fri)09:47 No.4664069
         File1309528072.jpg-(118 KB, 900x675, children_and_enjoyable_moments(...).jpg)
    118 KB
    >> Guy who sometimes dresses up 07/01/11(Fri)09:48 No.4664073
         File1309528122.jpg-(400 KB, 778x1162, i__ll_show_you_by_dangerouslad(...).jpg)
    400 KB
    >> Guy who sometimes dresses up 07/01/11(Fri)09:49 No.4664074
         File1309528190.png-(275 KB, 497x587, EKT9U.png)
    275 KB
    so uguu
    >> Guy who sometimes dresses up 07/01/11(Fri)09:50 No.4664075
         File1309528228.jpg-(114 KB, 600x903, john_and_dave_cosplay___bro__s(...).jpg)
    114 KB
    >> Guy who sometimes dresses up 07/01/11(Fri)09:51 No.4664077
         File1309528277.jpg-(202 KB, 682x1024, wear_the_hood__be_the_leader__(...).jpg)
    202 KB
    dat zillyhoo
    >> Guy who sometimes dresses up 07/01/11(Fri)09:53 No.4664080
         File1309528396.png-(1.25 MB, 640x1144, tumblr_lmhv1s6NjS1qbye1f.png)
    1.25 MB
    >> Anonymous 07/01/11(Fri)09:53 No.4664083
         File1309528425.jpg-(44 KB, 480x640, 1589789621.jpg)
    44 KB
    >> Guy who sometimes dresses up 07/01/11(Fri)09:54 No.4664084
         File1309528448.jpg-(85 KB, 500x375, 130196855042.jpg)
    85 KB
    >> Guy who sometimes dresses up 07/01/11(Fri)09:54 No.4664085
         File1309528487.jpg-(171 KB, 1024x768, dave__get_the_girl__by_azahhak(...).jpg)
    171 KB
    >> Guy who sometimes dresses up 07/01/11(Fri)09:55 No.4664086
         File1309528524.jpg-(160 KB, 900x598, ___ca_began_trolling_gg____by_(...).jpg)
    160 KB
    >> Guy who sometimes dresses up 07/01/11(Fri)09:55 No.4664088
         File1309528558.jpg-(82 KB, 776x674, 130110428892.jpg)
    82 KB
    these two
    >> Guy who sometimes dresses up 07/01/11(Fri)09:56 No.4664089
         File1309528608.png-(760 KB, 600x800, 1300652022117.png)
    760 KB
    >> Guy who sometimes dresses up 07/01/11(Fri)09:58 No.4664092
         File1309528729.png-(430 KB, 489x366, DAT WAITS.png)
    430 KB
    this fucking terezi is damn-ass attractive god damn
    >> Guy who sometimes dresses up 07/01/11(Fri)09:59 No.4664093
         File1309528786.jpg-(118 KB, 900x675, homestuck__invisible_motorbike(...).jpg)
    118 KB
    dat rose
    >> Guy who sometimes dresses up 07/01/11(Fri)10:01 No.4664096
         File1309528872.jpg-(107 KB, 900x675, my_future_self_is_a_douche__by(...).jpg)
    107 KB
    >> Guy who sometimes dresses up 07/01/11(Fri)10:02 No.4664097
         File1309528920.jpg-(223 KB, 600x800, tumblr_lgxgg0vbW81qbo8cy.jpg)
    223 KB
    >> Guy who sometimes dresses up 07/01/11(Fri)10:02 No.4664098
         File1309528977.jpg-(166 KB, 894x504, wwizard_battle_by_snowdrak-d3e(...).jpg)
    166 KB
    >> Guy who sometimes dresses up 07/01/11(Fri)10:05 No.4664101
         File1309529155.jpg-(72 KB, 479x720, 130352410188.jpg)
    72 KB
    does anyone know who this guy is or is it a girl
    i have no fucking clue but they look great
    >> Guy who sometimes dresses up 07/01/11(Fri)10:07 No.4664104
         File1309529275.jpg-(145 KB, 500x667, tumblr_lj5q68qdEj1qbxamm.jpg)
    145 KB
    i mean god damn look at them fucking styling everywhere
    >> Guy who sometimes dresses up 07/01/11(Fri)10:11 No.4664107
         File1309529501.jpg-(47 KB, 720x540, 1300651724290.jpg)
    47 KB
    >> R.D. !!73iCscAAWq1 07/01/11(Fri)10:11 No.4664108
    Whelp there you see me failing all over the place and it keeps HAPENING

    I guess ever since someone state "the guy in the picture looks like Borat" or something I'm lightly concerned about the Boratness
    >> Anonymous 07/01/11(Fri)10:16 No.4664110
    i never really understood homestuck

    sage for no contribution
    >> Guy who sometimes dresses up 07/01/11(Fri)10:17 No.4664111
         File1309529860.jpg-(356 KB, 800x1200, 1302199011768.jpg)
    356 KB
    >> Guy who sometimes dresses up 07/01/11(Fri)10:20 No.4664113
         File1309530034.png-(473 KB, 507x673, fapworthy.png)
    473 KB
    >> Guy who sometimes dresses up 07/01/11(Fri)10:24 No.4664116
         File1309530245.png-(1.33 MB, 1023x641, 1308168690620.png)
    1.33 MB
    more people should do the felt
    >> Guy who sometimes dresses up 07/01/11(Fri)10:27 No.4664119
         File1309530456.jpg-(118 KB, 900x538, sweet_bro_and_hella_jeff_group(...).jpg)
    118 KB
    >> Guy who sometimes dresses up 07/01/11(Fri)10:37 No.4664129
         File1309531049.jpg-(103 KB, 500x667, nannasprite_cosplay_wip_by_mis(...).jpg)
    103 KB
    >> Smoker !VUmDTeLJOM 07/01/11(Fri)10:37 No.4664131

    Pick one.
    >> Anonymous 07/01/11(Fri)10:41 No.4664135
         File1309531275.jpg-(28 KB, 386x600, 1308628421304.jpg)
    28 KB
    I recently got into Homestuck and am considering doing Equius. Though I have no idea how to do the make up.
    >> Guy who sometimes dresses up 07/01/11(Fri)10:48 No.4664143
         File1309531705.jpg-(408 KB, 600x800, what__s_up__pm__by_jaqhnun-d3e(...).jpg)
    408 KB
    >> Guy who sometimes dresses up 07/01/11(Fri)10:51 No.4664150
         File1309531896.jpg-(72 KB, 558x480, tumblr_llkozxABjw1qc8evu.jpg)
    72 KB
    >> Anonymous 07/01/11(Fri)10:52 No.4664153
    lol bucket.
    >> Guy who sometimes dresses up 07/01/11(Fri)10:53 No.4664158
         File1309531997.jpg-(110 KB, 800x565, 0u0_by_angel_ina21-d3hlsua.jpg)
    110 KB
    >> Anonymous 07/01/11(Fri)10:53 No.4664159
         File1309532022.jpg-(376 KB, 900x538, 1309530456617.jpg)
    376 KB
    this distracted me.
    >> Guy who sometimes dresses up 07/01/11(Fri)10:54 No.4664161
         File1309532047.png-(737 KB, 450x701, 130053024742.png)
    737 KB
    >> Guy who sometimes dresses up 07/01/11(Fri)10:55 No.4664163
         File1309532137.png-(818 KB, 641x965, 130358746721.png)
    818 KB
    >> R.D. !!73iCscAAWq1 07/01/11(Fri)10:56 No.4664164
    This is glorious
    >> Guy who sometimes dresses up 07/01/11(Fri)10:58 No.4664168
         File1309532282.png-(945 KB, 700x866, 130689311874.png)
    945 KB
    dis terezi
    >> Guy who sometimes dresses up 07/01/11(Fri)10:59 No.4664170
         File1309532352.jpg-(131 KB, 774x1032, 1300642717952.jpg)
    131 KB
    best terezi
    >> Guy who sometimes dresses up 07/01/11(Fri)10:59 No.4664171
         File1309532385.png-(699 KB, 461x615, 130380666070.png)
    699 KB
    >> Guy who sometimes dresses up 07/01/11(Fri)11:00 No.4664173
         File1309532437.jpg-(55 KB, 640x480, 1300654066800.jpg)
    55 KB
    >> Guy who sometimes dresses up 07/01/11(Fri)11:07 No.4664181
         File1309532848.jpg-(153 KB, 541x437, 1303237009970.jpg)
    153 KB
    >> Anonymous 07/01/11(Fri)11:10 No.4664188
    Two things. I cannot stand when people cosplay Homestuck. Using their real hair. And headbands. Mostly using their real hair ruins the cosplay.
    >> Guy who sometimes dresses up 07/01/11(Fri)11:13 No.4664194
         File1309533186.jpg-(103 KB, 540x720, 130722623073.jpg)
    103 KB
    >> Guy who sometimes dresses up 07/01/11(Fri)11:14 No.4664200
         File1309533280.jpg-(846 KB, 1936x1288, 1300651637593.jpg)
    846 KB
    this karkat fuck yeah
    >> Guy who sometimes dresses up 07/01/11(Fri)11:17 No.4664209
         File1309533479.gif-(334 KB, 400x300, 1302688384578.gif)
    334 KB
    >> Guy who sometimes dresses up 07/01/11(Fri)11:18 No.4664213
         File1309533525.jpg-(86 KB, 500x375, 1304277368871.jpg)
    86 KB
    fuck yeahr dia de los muertos
    >> Guy who sometimes dresses up 07/01/11(Fri)11:20 No.4664219
         File1309533639.jpg-(76 KB, 720x478, 1305910135295.jpg)
    76 KB
    >> Guy who sometimes dresses up 07/01/11(Fri)11:21 No.4664222
         File1309533701.jpg-(113 KB, 467x700, 1305225348514.jpg)
    113 KB
    >> Guy who sometimes dresses up 07/01/11(Fri)11:24 No.4664229
         File1309533852.jpg-(316 KB, 871x1280, 1306232051975.jpg)
    316 KB
    >> Anonymous 07/01/11(Fri)11:24 No.4664230
    Made my own Karkat shirt yesterday using a V-neck. Actually, for a first run, it wasn't terrible. Though some paint went over the stencil lines and i cut a few holes accidentally with the x-acto knife when removing a pattern.

    Once i get some PVC pipe, i'm going to start model-magic-ing up a Cast Iron Horse Head Hitcher for my spades slick cosplay.
    >> Guy who sometimes dresses up 07/01/11(Fri)11:26 No.4664234
         File1309533994.jpg-(84 KB, 500x375, 1306221337250.jpg)
    84 KB
    >> Guy who sometimes dresses up 07/01/11(Fri)11:30 No.4664248
         File1309534202.jpg-(72 KB, 540x720, 1308001816121.jpg)
    72 KB
    >> Guy who sometimes dresses up 07/01/11(Fri)11:31 No.4664251
         File1309534268.jpg-(462 KB, 1536x2048, 1307047318112.jpg)
    462 KB
    >> Guy who sometimes dresses up 07/01/11(Fri)11:32 No.4664254
         File1309534339.jpg-(100 KB, 720x478, 1305910562028.jpg)
    100 KB
    >> Guy who sometimes dresses up 07/01/11(Fri)11:34 No.4664256
         File1309534449.png-(166 KB, 173x455, 1306889628760.png)
    166 KB
    this feferi
    i want to make her my waifu
    >> Guy who sometimes dresses up 07/01/11(Fri)11:34 No.4664260
         File1309534491.jpg-(52 KB, 500x375, tumblr_lmrem8JjyM1qce8jx.jpg)
    52 KB
    >> Anonymous 07/01/11(Fri)11:35 No.4664265
    she looks amazing and adorable and just...hnng
    >> Guy who sometimes dresses up 07/01/11(Fri)11:35 No.4664266
         File1309534547.jpg-(1013 KB, 1944x2592, 1308770757820.jpg)
    1013 KB
    >> Guy who sometimes dresses up 07/01/11(Fri)11:36 No.4664267
         File1309534590.jpg-(107 KB, 900x538, aradia_trio_by_alchemicsorcere(...).jpg)
    107 KB
    >> Guy who sometimes dresses up 07/01/11(Fri)11:37 No.4664272
         File1309534651.jpg-(276 KB, 312x1068, bestwaifu.jpg)
    276 KB
    >> Anonymous 07/01/11(Fri)11:38 No.4664273
    Creepy eyes....
    >> Anonymous 07/01/11(Fri)11:38 No.4664274
         File1309534692.jpg-(803 KB, 1920x2560, Karkatshirt.jpg)
    803 KB

    >> Guy who sometimes dresses up 07/01/11(Fri)11:38 No.4664275
         File1309534727.jpg-(176 KB, 480x640, 1308168537143.jpg)
    176 KB
    >> Anonymous 07/01/11(Fri)11:39 No.4664277
         File1309534769.jpg-(956 KB, 2560x1920, Karkatshirt2.jpg)
    956 KB
    You can't see it from the pictures, but there's a pretty big hole on the lower 9 figure, around the circle. Was cutting too hard while lifting the pattern off.
    >> Guy who sometimes dresses up 07/01/11(Fri)11:39 No.4664280
         File1309534775.jpg-(113 KB, 900x600, alalalallalaaaaa_by_nichichan-(...).jpg)
    113 KB
    aw yeah
    but bro you know karkat wears a long sleeve right?
    >> Anonymous 07/01/11(Fri)11:40 No.4664284

    Shit it's me, kinda super honored to be called good.
    >> Guy who sometimes dresses up 07/01/11(Fri)11:41 No.4664286
         File1309534862.jpg-(251 KB, 900x1414, acen_2011__homestuck_trolls_by(...).jpg)
    251 KB
    >> Guy who sometimes dresses up 07/01/11(Fri)11:42 No.4664289
         File1309534920.jpg-(51 KB, 480x720, bittersweet_rivalry_by_temiise(...).jpg)
    51 KB
    god fucking damn it youre another of my favourite dave cosplays
    fucking amazing man
    why do women make such attractive daves
    >> Anonymous 07/01/11(Fri)11:42 No.4664290

    Yeah. This was more of a "for fun" kinda thing. If i were to cosplay karkat, i'd feel obligated to do the makeup and all that, and i just don't have the expertise, willingness, or time to get all that together. Can't really buy shit from the internet. Plus, the shirt, paint, and freezer paper for pattern transfer were like...16 bucks total. So, not bad in total.
    >> Guy who sometimes dresses up 07/01/11(Fri)11:42 No.4664291
         File1309534969.jpg-(253 KB, 504x774, bugging_by_kiippu-d3jg81o.jpg)
    253 KB
    i would post all my homestuck cosplay if i could but
    i have too much
    >> Anonymous 07/01/11(Fri)11:43 No.4664293

    Oh, and a wig. Can't forget that i'd need a wig.
    >> Guy who sometimes dresses up 07/01/11(Fri)11:44 No.4664296
         File1309535096.png-(1.61 MB, 900x1200, fountain_fun_by_mistface-d3kkt(...).png)
    1.61 MB
    oh okay yeah
    makes more sense then and fuck yeah for casual sort of...cosplay, more like wearing a nerd shirt in that case

    same for me and my one dave shirt, got the wrong damn shirt, got the female version but i still cosplayed in it and had a lot of fun
    gonna try to do female dave instead, just waiting for the wig now
    >> Guy who sometimes dresses up 07/01/11(Fri)11:46 No.4664303
         File1309535210.jpg-(149 KB, 648x968, gamzee_makara_by_awacko-d3fy8h(...).jpg)
    149 KB
    >> Guy who sometimes dresses up 07/01/11(Fri)11:47 No.4664307
         File1309535266.jpg-(260 KB, 426x640, homestuck__training_kismesis_b(...).jpg)
    260 KB
    next time just request a character and i will dump what i have of them
    >> Anonymous 07/01/11(Fri)11:47 No.4664308

    What i'm considering doing is taking the karkat shirt and wearing it under all my spades slick shit. So in the event that it gets boiling lava hot at otakon, i can just take off the trench coat and dress shirt and shit i plan to wear, and still keep some nerd cred. I'll make horns, but i don't have the means to do makeup.
    >> Guy who sometimes dresses up 07/01/11(Fri)11:49 No.4664312
         File1309535364.jpg-(35 KB, 500x375, glub_glub_by_kellobear-d37yh24.jpg)
    35 KB
    you could just wear it for the sake of wearing your patron shirt as well

    also pics on that spades slick cosplay hot damn carapaces fuck yeah
    >> Anonymous 07/01/11(Fri)11:49 No.4664313

    Aww dude thanks!
    er, uh, maybe it's the lankyness that girls can have give off the cool Dave appeal...? yeah what are words?
    >> Guy who sometimes dresses up 07/01/11(Fri)11:51 No.4664318
         File1309535482.jpg-(99 KB, 900x598, hs__don__t_squeeze__that_ball_(...).jpg)
    99 KB
    probably also considering he is supposed to be thirteen girls pull that off a lot better than 20+ males
    though i have seen great male daves too
    dave is an easy cosplay, but he looks the best when attractive ladies such as yourself cosplay him

    what am i saying i am going over to my corner again
    >> Anonymous 07/01/11(Fri)11:51 No.4664319
         File1309535495.png-(247 KB, 587x444, 130158851424.png)
    247 KB
    >wake up.
    >see this thread at the top of the page.
    >today will be a good day.
    >> Anonymous 07/01/11(Fri)11:53 No.4664321

    The spades slick cosplay is mostly present in the form of, "I own a trenchcoat" at the moment. But when i finish all the other shit, i will make a new damn thread in here just for you, man. I still need (in black) And some pvc pipe for a handle for the Horse Head Hitcher i'm making out of model magic.

    Oh, and as for my patron shirt, if i wanted to do that i'd have to make a libra one. The problem therein is that i am a GUY.
    >> Anonymous 07/01/11(Fri)11:57 No.4664326
         File1309535856.jpg-(171 KB, 924x693, 1302923716989.jpg)
    171 KB

    There are! Yeah it's definitely the lankyness no matter if it's a dude or chick.
    >>Also you're making me blush with a straight face behind this computer screen. Thanks again bro! Here have my favorite Gamzee.
    >> Anonymous 07/01/11(Fri)12:01 No.4664336
    This thread has been amazing. Any more Vriska?
    >> Anonymous 07/01/11(Fri)12:03 No.4664340
    Even though you guys all seem pretty good at what you do in this thread, posting this for informational purposes.

    Troll shirt tutorial is on there, if you can't get one off the site. It's what i used.
    >> Guy who sometimes dresses up 07/01/11(Fri)12:26 No.4664405
         File1309537607.jpg-(259 KB, 1023x685, 1308000414759.jpg)
    259 KB
    shit yeah hanyuus gamzee is boss as fuck
    and yeah, the lanky really helps i cant really see dave as anything but either slightly muscular or lanky, but definitely slim
    then again you gotta have the correct face for it too and you definitely had that
    and sshh dont say such things i will have to call out the compliment train and choo choo over there with these sick approvals

    also someone wanted vriskas
    >> Guy who sometimes dresses up 07/01/11(Fri)12:29 No.4664412
         File1309537741.gif-(116 KB, 149x263, tumblr_llzkopUVmQ1qkzb98o1_250.gif)
    116 KB
    who cares be genderbent terezi
    or just be a pround LIBRARIAN
    >> Guy who sometimes dresses up 07/01/11(Fri)12:29 No.4664414
         File1309537782.jpg-(280 KB, 720x596, hs__problem__by_midsummerfanta(...).jpg)
    280 KB
    >> Guy who sometimes dresses up 07/01/11(Fri)12:34 No.4664428
         File1309538095.jpg-(76 KB, 540x720, let__s_pl8y_by_ashhorror-d3hns(...).jpg)
    76 KB
    >> Guy who sometimes dresses up 07/01/11(Fri)12:36 No.4664430
         File1309538171.jpg-(309 KB, 900x1505, pirate_vriska_by_alchemicsorce(...).jpg)
    309 KB
    >> Guy who sometimes dresses up 07/01/11(Fri)12:37 No.4664434
         File1309538258.jpg-(98 KB, 900x410, eridan_cosplay_test_pics_by_as(...).jpg)
    98 KB
    >> Guy who sometimes dresses up 07/01/11(Fri)12:38 No.4664436
         File1309538315.png-(675 KB, 900x571, sollux_captor__done__by_dizzyd(...).png)
    675 KB
    there sure are a lot of attractive people in this fandom
    >> Guy who sometimes dresses up 07/01/11(Fri)12:40 No.4664439
         File1309538423.jpg-(1.41 MB, 1536x2048, no_not_nepeta_by_deflare-d3hpp(...).jpg)
    1.41 MB
    a lot
    >> Guy who sometimes dresses up 07/01/11(Fri)12:42 No.4664445
         File1309538550.jpg-(66 KB, 540x720, tumblr_ln82q48Mdk1qgp5ar.jpg)
    66 KB
    these two
    >> Guy who sometimes dresses up 07/01/11(Fri)12:43 No.4664448
         File1309538588.jpg-(60 KB, 391x700, tumblr_lkarpbROCX1qhjibso1_500.jpg)
    60 KB
    >> Guy who sometimes dresses up 07/01/11(Fri)12:58 No.4664485
         File1309539519.jpg-(140 KB, 791x620, tumblr_llvb6bwqQI1qi0ykz.jpg)
    140 KB
    >> ThatGirl 07/01/11(Fri)13:00 No.4664490
    Aw, after getting into this recently I was thinking of doing Feferi sometime, and the ones you have are great! Really, these are all good, too bad the people I saw at Katsucon put me off it for a while. [They were rude, obnoxious, and had terribad costumes, hence some apprehension].

    Sorry I don't have any good Homestuck to post. I have question, though, would you be able to purchase a grey bodysuit instead of painting up a large part of your body.
    >> Guy who sometimes dresses up 07/01/11(Fri)13:00 No.4664491
         File1309539620.jpg-(137 KB, 720x523, 0261e942b0f4f64383ee13c5bdec9a(...).jpg)
    137 KB
    >> Guy who sometimes dresses up 07/01/11(Fri)13:01 No.4664494
         File1309539718.jpg-(60 KB, 584x403, 1300639711022.jpg)
    60 KB
    many people make bodysuits in black, so i dont see why you couldnt possibly make one in gray?
    then again doing that is a bit harder... youll just have to google around!
    >> Guy who sometimes dresses up 07/01/11(Fri)13:03 No.4664499
         File1309539800.gif-(471 KB, 500x350, 130317161384.gif)
    471 KB
    this is just
    >> Anonymous 07/01/11(Fri)13:04 No.4664502
    She does a very attractive dave cosplay as well and is a sweetheart
    >> Guy who sometimes dresses up 07/01/11(Fri)13:05 No.4664507
         File1309539955.jpg-(333 KB, 500x752, 1301759023865.jpg)
    333 KB
    time for more dave
    >> Guy who sometimes dresses up 07/01/11(Fri)13:07 No.4664513
         File1309540057.png-(1.36 MB, 900x1200, behind_the_shade_by_zemmer-d3k(...).png)
    1.36 MB
    pics of that dave cosplay
    she looks like a darling send her my regards that she is an attractive person who seems really fucking neat
    >> Guy who sometimes dresses up 07/01/11(Fri)13:08 No.4664514
         File1309540125.jpg-(116 KB, 731x1092, coolkidz_by_usaginess-d3hhval.jpg)
    116 KB
    >> Anonymous 07/01/11(Fri)13:09 No.4664516
    There are tutorials on how to make sleeves and stockings and such out of stockings and paint so you dont have to paint your entire body.
    >> Guy who sometimes dresses up 07/01/11(Fri)13:12 No.4664526
         File1309540325.jpg-(103 KB, 600x800, 1302692102004.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 07/01/11(Fri)13:13 No.4664532
         File1309540386.jpg-(418 KB, 800x600, 1298355082297.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 07/01/11(Fri)13:14 No.4664533
         File1309540498.jpg-(28 KB, 400x600, 1303733216855.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 07/01/11(Fri)13:15 No.4664534
         File1309540546.jpg-(308 KB, 752x500, homestuck__everyone_smile_by_t(...).jpg)
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    >> Moose 07/01/11(Fri)13:17 No.4664540
         File1309540656.jpg-(163 KB, 858x644, 100_0506.jpg)
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    He was so spot on it was both hilarious and awkward.

    >> Guy who sometimes dresses up 07/01/11(Fri)13:25 No.4664556
         File1309541136.jpg-(99 KB, 540x720, cb4acf7e64848ebbc26b0997fc217f(...).jpg)
    99 KB
    tell me about it
    >> Anonymous 07/01/11(Fri)13:28 No.4664563
    Okay hey quick question, is about six feet tall enough to be Pickle Inspector, and how do you ask a fat person to be Ace Dick without making it seem like you're only asking them because they're fat and read MSPA, even though that is the only reason?
    >> Guy who sometimes dresses up 07/01/11(Fri)13:30 No.4664568
         File1309541400.jpg-(181 KB, 900x675, it_keeps_happening_by_theviole(...).jpg)
    181 KB
    >> Guy who sometimes dresses up 07/01/11(Fri)13:31 No.4664571
         File1309541472.jpg-(167 KB, 479x720, metrocon_2011___dave_strider_3(...).jpg)
    167 KB
    be honest
    if the dude is fat he should cosplay fat people
    >> Anonymous 07/01/11(Fri)13:40 No.4664593
         File1309542056.jpg-(156 KB, 900x599, dave.jpg)
    156 KB
    It would appear I dont have any attractive photos of her oops...

    Have the least blurry one i could find on short notice
    >> Anonymous 07/01/11(Fri)13:42 No.4664599
    Say you're doing a pickle inspector costume and yuo want to do a problem sleuth group with him

    Maybe he'll come to that conclusion soon enough
    >> Guy who sometimes dresses up 07/01/11(Fri)13:45 No.4664607
         File1309542307.jpg-(104 KB, 500x667, tumblr_ln4788U2631qbbzguo1_500.jpg)
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    >> Lala !!x0xtvfb/8bN 07/01/11(Fri)13:45 No.4664608

    How do you figure? I mean, I see if its not styled at all for Vriska or Eridan or one of the like, but for some of them like John or Jade, I see no reason why, provided their hair is similar, they couldn't just leave it.
    >> Guy who sometimes dresses up 07/01/11(Fri)13:48 No.4664613
         File1309542485.jpg-(54 KB, 500x400, tumblr_llqumxV4wf1qb25uso1_500.jpg)
    54 KB
    i like what i see anyway
    >> Guy who sometimes dresses up 07/01/11(Fri)13:49 No.4664616
         File1309542571.png-(1.07 MB, 1000x665, 279f85da6dc025a247b04c1c969a41(...).png)
    1.07 MB
    >> Guy who sometimes dresses up 07/01/11(Fri)13:56 No.4664626
         File1309542987.jpg-(184 KB, 640x426, taste_the_tropical_flavors_by_(...).jpg)
    184 KB
    >> Guy who sometimes dresses up 07/01/11(Fri)13:57 No.4664631
         File1309543069.jpg-(121 KB, 683x720, 1305909984391.jpg)
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    >> Guy who sometimes dresses up 07/01/11(Fri)13:58 No.4664634
         File1309543138.jpg-(152 KB, 500x375, 1308251594962.jpg)
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    >> Guy who sometimes dresses up 07/01/11(Fri)13:59 No.4664636
         File1309543188.jpg-(652 KB, 907x1355, don__t_need_no_permission_by_d(...).jpg)
    652 KB
    >> Guy who sometimes dresses up 07/01/11(Fri)14:01 No.4664637
         File1309543261.jpg-(85 KB, 900x665, jade__be_a_hipster__by_killerc(...).jpg)
    85 KB
    >> Guy who sometimes dresses up 07/01/11(Fri)14:03 No.4664644
         File1309543411.png-(527 KB, 800x536, tumblr_lmpg4bTZ1T1qb9t8x.png)
    527 KB
    >> Guy who sometimes dresses up 07/01/11(Fri)14:09 No.4664662
         File1309543795.png-(426 KB, 600x398, this_is_stupid_by_barragilbo-d(...).png)
    426 KB
    where else do people here post about cosplay?
    >> Anonymous 07/01/11(Fri)14:15 No.4664669

    Homestuck cosplay? Depending on the flavor of the day you could try one of the many Homestuck Generals in /co/. They're frequent, there.
    >> Anonymous 07/01/11(Fri)14:18 No.4664682
    Also, are you going to be at Otakon, good sir?
    >> Guy who wishes they were Dave 07/01/11(Fri)14:19 No.4664683
         File1309544373.jpg-(117 KB, 900x1200, 129910835942.jpg)
    117 KB
    nope, i am in europe
    but i might make it to pax west
    >> Guy who wishes they were Dave 07/01/11(Fri)14:20 No.4664687
         File1309544432.jpg-(176 KB, 478x1686, dave_and_his____creations_by_k(...).jpg)
    176 KB
    >> Guy who wishes they were Dave 07/01/11(Fri)14:21 No.4664691
         File1309544475.jpg-(225 KB, 900x1505, spades_slick_by_alchemicsorcer(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 07/01/11(Fri)14:21 No.4664692
    Have a Hanyaan Dave. Not as spectacular as her Gamzee but I kinda like it.
    >> Anonymous 07/01/11(Fri)14:21 No.4664693

    Damn. Oh well, then.
    >> Anonymous 07/01/11(Fri)14:22 No.4664695
         File1309544554.jpg-(256 KB, 750x1000, i_am_too_cool_to_be_this_lazy_(...).jpg)
    256 KB
    whoops forgot picture
    >> Guy who wishes they were Dave 07/01/11(Fri)14:27 No.4664706
         File1309544829.jpg-(292 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_llxqetNwq91qcw0j.jpg)
    292 KB
    that is hanyaan?
    >> Anonymous 07/01/11(Fri)14:27 No.4664707
    It's mostly when people cosplay the trolls. They don't have brown straight hair, guys.
    >> Anonymous 07/01/11(Fri)14:29 No.4664714
    Do you have any more Tavros than >>4664318 ?
    If there was a way to fake shaving my head, I would be all over it. I can see why not many people do him.
    >> Anonymous 07/01/11(Fri)14:32 No.4664725
         File1309545126.jpg-(159 KB, 1000x750, homestuck_dave_cosplay__i_suck(...).jpg)
    159 KB
    yes it is. she has two dave photos on da, this is the other.
    >> Guy who wishes they were Dave 07/01/11(Fri)14:35 No.4664739
         File1309545303.jpg-(136 KB, 900x600, mspa__we_l0ve_y0u_j0hn_by_wana(...).jpg)
    136 KB
    yes i have
    two i think
    female daves
    my weakness
    >> Guy who wishes they were Dave 07/01/11(Fri)14:36 No.4664743
         File1309545367.jpg-(130 KB, 377x614, hs__lovebite_by_beechs-d3cor2w.jpg)
    130 KB
    >> Guy who wishes they were Dave 07/01/11(Fri)14:37 No.4664745
         File1309545427.jpg-(178 KB, 586x408, lovebite_closeup_by_lilaclace-(...).jpg)
    178 KB
    and thats it
    >> Lala !!x0xtvfb/8bN 07/01/11(Fri)14:38 No.4664749

    I can agree with that.


    Another homestuck Otakon cosplayer?
    >> Guy who wishes they were Dave 07/01/11(Fri)14:39 No.4664751
         File1309545548.png-(315 KB, 481x844, 1300652347779.png)
    315 KB
    >> Hanyaan !OmDdt8anl6 07/01/11(Fri)14:39 No.4664752
         File1309545573.jpg-(174 KB, 852x1280, 5871368526_e2f5943cc4_o.jpg)
    174 KB
    since it seems to be okay


    because I am proud of this makeup job and how i finally nixed the hot glue fuckup headband.

    I kind of want to do stoned gamzee makeup again and take photos on the beach at night.....
    >> Hanyaan !OmDdt8anl6 07/01/11(Fri)14:41 No.4664758
         File1309545675.jpg-(252 KB, 852x1280, 5870811993_54f006fa61_o.jpg)
    252 KB
    Also yes, I know I need more accurate clubs. These are shitty party ones. I do plan on buying some, as well as possibly making a zillyhoo! But I also want to be Kanaya and oh god I have the funniest prop for that that nobody will be seeing until I finish it (or unless you bug me on AIM).
    >> Guy who wishes they were Dave 07/01/11(Fri)14:44 No.4664771
         File1309545859.jpg-(323 KB, 900x1350, honk_honk_by_lilaclace-d3c8e82.jpg)
    323 KB
    you make one of the best gamzees gurl
    i super enjoyed your dave too

    and fuck yeahr that is some awesome makeuping youve been doing there
    >> Guy who wishes they were Dave 07/01/11(Fri)14:45 No.4664775
         File1309545908.jpg-(345 KB, 1363x2048, 1307319510770.jpg)
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    >> Guy who wishes they were Dave 07/01/11(Fri)14:46 No.4664778
         File1309545970.jpg-(85 KB, 900x675, 1300651000625.jpg)
    85 KB
    >> Guy who wishes they were Dave 07/01/11(Fri)14:48 No.4664791
         File1309546084.jpg-(76 KB, 720x480, eridan_and_feferi_by_kehega-d3(...).jpg)
    76 KB
    >> Guy who wishes they were Dave 07/01/11(Fri)14:52 No.4664811
         File1309546347.jpg-(462 KB, 1600x1200, IMG_2237.jpg)
    462 KB

    a shameless self post

    got the wrong shirt though whoops
    >> Guy who wishes they were Dave 07/01/11(Fri)14:53 No.4664818
    oh god it was the image limit whyyyyyyyy
    >> Hanyaan !OmDdt8anl6 07/01/11(Fri)15:07 No.4664867
    that's okay, I don't think anybody would really mind a second thread! GO GO GO!
    >> Lala !!x0xtvfb/8bN 07/01/11(Fri)15:08 No.4664868

    New thread?
    >> Guy who wishes they were Dave 07/01/11(Fri)16:28 No.4665091
    second thread a go
    >> Guy who wishes they were Dave 07/01/11(Fri)16:29 No.4665100

    new throd

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