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  • File : 1309415830.jpg-(288 KB, 1288x1304, 1309414821443.jpg)
    288 KB Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)02:37 No.4659414  
    This is how the rest of 4chan see's you, are you proud?
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)02:38 No.4659423
    You fool, this is how we keep the summer people out!
    It's all according to plan!
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)02:39 No.4659425
    No one gives a shit.

    Ask anyone else what the think of /a/ lol.
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)02:39 No.4659429
    Everyone freaks out that girls talk about weird body functions too.
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)02:40 No.4659434
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    Course I am. I'm the shit.

    And I never read that thread, I just ignored it.
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)02:41 No.4659438
    Ugh, /a/. I'd rather talk about gross bodily functions than be a 3DPD foreveralone-except-for-his-waifu guy that doesn't know how to interact with real people.
    >> Poolboy !!FxpWWedJUtg 06/30/11(Thu)02:42 No.4659440
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    girls dont go to the bathroom, everyone knows that
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)02:43 No.4659444
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)02:47 No.4659465
    Gross body thread? Gross body thread.

    On advice from my coach, I started wearing two bras when I go running. It worked great, held the girls nice and close, no bouncing.

    After a week of this, I was taking a shower, and I found a patch of red, chafed skin on one breast... and one nasty zit on the other one. I've never, ever had a problem with this, and now I'm horrified that my boyfriend will find a zit or something that I missed and be forever disgusted with me.

    :( Sorry, double bagging bras, you worked so well, but the downside is too much.
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)02:47 No.4659467


    >> Poolboy !!FxpWWedJUtg 06/30/11(Thu)02:49 No.4659475
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    >> Eva Expert !GWCY8FQTlE 06/30/11(Thu)02:49 No.4659479
    Still don't like how it's OK for guys to be absolutely hairy but not girls.
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)02:51 No.4659483
    Just as many guys find hairy girls gross as girls find hairy guys gross...
    >> Poolboy !!FxpWWedJUtg 06/30/11(Thu)02:52 No.4659485
    i think hair on me is gross too...
    i dont want to go down on bush, i assume the same applies for women
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)02:53 No.4659487
    For what it's worth, I think body hair on men is pretty much as bad as body hair on women.

    Unless we're talking about a bear. Then it's alright.
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)02:53 No.4659489
    I think everyone should shave.

    Except for those that find hair beautiful

    Be the change you want to see in the world.

    Want a shaved girl? Be a shaved man.

    Want a hairy girl? Be a hairy man.

    It's okay.

    But it's not okay to demand your girlfriend shave, then deny her when she asks you to shave as well.

    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)02:54 No.4659490
    What happened to that person's ear?
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)02:55 No.4659495
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    This forever!
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)02:57 No.4659500
    :( But what if I'm a shaved girl who wants an unshaved man? Or vice versa?
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)02:58 No.4659505
    /cgl/ is one of the only boards that isn't living in a magical fantasy land.
    >> Poolboy !!FxpWWedJUtg 06/30/11(Thu)02:59 No.4659512
    that is what happens when your surgeon is inept and doesnt listen when you tell him you think it is infected and then you have to go to the hospital and they have to slice half your ear off and put in a drain to get rid of the massive amounts of built up pulse
    >> Poolboy !!FxpWWedJUtg 06/30/11(Thu)02:59 No.4659513
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)02:59 No.4659514
    ROFL How ironic.
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)03:00 No.4659516
    I meant to say that's fine too.

    I made a TL'DR version of not requesting others to do something you would not do yourself.
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)03:01 No.4659518
    Oh Jesus. The image combined with your discription just made my stomach churn hardcore. I'm so fucking squeamish about shit like that.
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)03:03 No.4659524
    I'm sorry.
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)03:03 No.4659525
    Is the stick thing the drain, or is that hardened pus?
    >> Poolboy !!FxpWWedJUtg 06/30/11(Thu)03:03 No.4659526
    they did the operation to remove essentially half my ear under local anesthetic,
    and anesthesia doesnt have any effect on infected tissue,

    >> Poolboy !!FxpWWedJUtg 06/30/11(Thu)03:05 No.4659529
    the drain...
    they had already removed all the infected bits...
    there are actually portions of that ear that are paper thing now
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)03:05 No.4659530
    Oh god I'm so glad the mucus that comes out throughout the day even when I'm not thinking about sex doesn't mean there's something wrong with me.
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)03:06 No.4659531
    Why is there no sage?
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)03:06 No.4659532
    I had a doctor start stitching up my crotch tear after I gave birth, not realizing I didn't have any sort of painkiller. I think that might compare, though I can't say for sure. Only ear-related trauma I've had before was when I had my skin grow over the back of my new earring and I cut my ear open to free the earring.
    >> Poolboy !!FxpWWedJUtg 06/30/11(Thu)03:10 No.4659546
    im sure that was also very painful...
    but i found the worst part about getting your ear sliced open is that you can hear it happening D:
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)03:12 No.4659550
    That is awful. Things like that realllllly get to me. Did you start making noises to drown out the sound?
    >> Poolboy !!FxpWWedJUtg 06/30/11(Thu)03:15 No.4659565
    well, during the original surgery which was under local, which was bad cause i have a fear of needles and had to get 10+ of them in my skull,
    i kept asking technical questions about the surgery and what sutures were made of and what were the benefits of each material...

    the infection surgery...i just remained as still as i could and tried not to cry.
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)03:17 No.4659567
    ;_; can i hug you??
    >> Eva Expert !GWCY8FQTlE 06/30/11(Thu)03:18 No.4659568
    Is eating menstrual blood considered a form of cannibalism?

    I've always wondered this.
    >> Poolboy !!FxpWWedJUtg 06/30/11(Thu)03:18 No.4659570
    yes, yes you may
    >> Poolboy !!FxpWWedJUtg 06/30/11(Thu)03:19 No.4659571
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    and no.
    eating a fetus wouldnt be either,
    as they are not people
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)03:27 No.4659593
    What about chewing your own lip and ending up eating the little bits of skin?
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)03:31 No.4659600
    brb cleaning my newly pierced ears
    >> Poolboy !!FxpWWedJUtg 06/30/11(Thu)03:32 No.4659604
    those would be dead skin cells, sooooo
    safety first
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)03:33 No.4659607
    I think technically, it's called autocannibalism.

    ~The more you know~
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)03:35 No.4659615
    Regardless, don't eat it.
    >> Eva Expert !GWCY8FQTlE 06/30/11(Thu)03:40 No.4659625
    >> Poolboy !!FxpWWedJUtg 06/30/11(Thu)03:41 No.4659626
    inept surgeon
    >> Eva Expert !GWCY8FQTlE 06/30/11(Thu)03:42 No.4659628
    Did you sue? I would sue. I would sue so hard.
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)03:45 No.4659633
    Don't worry, you're fine. I don't know if you're a loli or not, but a few weeks back there was some drama because one retard thought that everyone was "weird" because they wore panties as well as bloomers to prevent staining/bleaching, or prevent the "mucus" getting anywhere except the extra layer of fabric on the panties. Obviously, she was told that she was being thick and ignorant. But here's some really good information I learned from the thread:

    "- the vagina produces fluid to keep itself clean and healthy, not only when it's aroused.
    - every woman is different, therefore the amount of vaginal discharge is different. There's no "right" or "wrong" amount unless it's caused by a disease.
    - it depends on how many mucous glands are on the inside of the vagina. If you have many of them, more fluid is produced what makes using tampons and even giving birth easier, both situations were you aren't "turned on", but you'll also have to change panties more often. Same the other way 'round."

    I hope that helped a little. You aren't alone.
    >> Poolboy !!FxpWWedJUtg 06/30/11(Thu)03:45 No.4659635
    i was way too traumatized and just generally unsure what was going on at the time to sue...
    and now its too late...
    although its been over a year and im still having complications
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)04:33 No.4659780
    What if my vag is really really acidic though? As long as I can remember it's been burning holes in my panties. I need to buy new underwear pretty frequently and this makes it so that I can't wear my cute underwear unless I'm really sure it'll be seen (else it gets ruines)
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)04:42 No.4659802
    You should really get that checked out. I'm not sure if that is normal.
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)05:11 No.4659857

    -ruined. Fuck. Tonight isn't my night.

    Thing is, I don't get infections really. I've only had a yeast infection once, and that was because I was on some -cillin medicine. Never had a UTI, never really anything. Just acid-vag.
    >> GreenTrashcan !6mvmNVD6E6 06/30/11(Thu)05:27 No.4659871

    Vaj juice is basic. Pee is acidic. Wipe yo coochie after you use the restroom. Every time.
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)05:29 No.4659872
    >change panties more often

    What? Or you could, y'know, fork out a couple of dollars and wear a panty liner every day.
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)05:36 No.4659880
    Pretty sure vaginal fluid is usually acidic. Urine can vary between acidic and alkaline depending on diet & health, though the first leak of the day is usually acidic.
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)05:44 No.4659884
    Oh, I remember reading that thread. I didn't stick around long enough to learn that stuff, though. Thanks, anon!
    >> GreenTrashcan !6mvmNVD6E6 06/30/11(Thu)06:12 No.4659906

    I don't know where you're getting this from, but I'll just assume you know more than I do.
    I just remember Sex Ed mentioning that vaj juice was basic, in order to flush out the acidity of a woman's pee and facilitate conception.
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)06:28 No.4659913
    No, semen is basic, vagina is acidic.
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)07:16 No.4659955
    Is that true? I've never heard that, but it's kind of interesting.
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)08:19 No.4660019
    I'm proud that this board isn't filled with a bunch of bitter virgins. Now you guys from /a/ /v/ /co/ /g/ /jp/ or whatever can't say the same.
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)08:22 No.4660022
    I wish I could filter that picture. And yes, I hate them too.
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)11:03 No.4660240
    I don't like my guys hairy, so it's not OK for guys in general. At least not for mine. World ok again?
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)11:16 No.4660250
    What I find amusing is that, although the stereotypical /a/non is seen as a fat neckbeard, /cgl/ is more overweight than /a/, based on both board's /fit/ threads. /a/ is mostly skiny-fat guys who need to build some muscle, while on /cgl/ there are those who actually need to lose weight.
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)11:16 No.4660252
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)11:18 No.4660255
    Do we have stats for that? I weigh 110lbs.
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)11:23 No.4660258
    I find it sad that the gross threads on cgl give much more information about the women's body than the entirety of health and sex ed classes I've ever had in school.

    All it basically boiled down to 'sex is bad, smoking is bad, drugs is bad, alcohol is bad, plus AIDS and some other STDs, Oh, and here's the miracle of birth video.'
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)11:23 No.4660259
    >implying basement dwelling neckbeards feel the same need to lose weight as people who cosplay in public.
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)11:24 No.4660261
    I'm a girl an that whole thread fucking disgusted me. I never get smegma like that. I get a little bit of white discharge that ends up on my panty liner, but never stays on my body. I also shave everything below the bellybutton. All the hair is gone, always. Baby smooth is the way to go. I've never had to deal with red bumps of ingrown hairs and shit. I guess I'm lucky.

    I also bathe every day. Perhaps that's why I don't get smegma but, if that's what not showering gets you, then fucking GROSS.

    personal hygiene people.
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)11:25 No.4660263
    That's a stereotype only because cosplayers/lolitas and women in general are more worried about weight and appearance.

    The only thing really true about /a/ is that the majority of them are male. Can't say for others since I've lurked there for years and the few /soc/ or survey threads I've seen have been surprising, if even half of them were true.
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)11:28 No.4660269
    >>personal hygiene people.
    >>Implying bathing everyday will balance out internal bodily functions dictated by heredity, diet, and other biological factors that contribute to the overproduction of mucus.

    You may have lucked out, but if there's anything I learned from that thread, some bodies require more maintenance to achieve the same results.
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)11:29 No.4660273
    No, I'm really just making observations based on what /fit/ threads, so it doesn't include the posters who don't care about the /fit/ threads, or those with no weight problems. Its just that it seems like most /a/nons in those threads are looking to gain weight, while more seagulls are trying to lose weight.

    Of course there is plenty of room for me to be wrong. /fit/ threads are more common on /cgl/, and more posters here care about them than on /a/.

    I'm around 6'2'' and 145 lbs, but I'm not really a regular here or on /a/.
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)11:29 No.4660274
    I want to thank all the people who originally posted those "gross" things. Some of them happen to me too and now I don't feel as bad about it.
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)11:32 No.4660283
    Yeah, so, bathe every day and carry baby wipes with you for a freshening up during the day. Not that hard.
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)11:35 No.4660292
    I don't really give a shit because I know that most of the other boards have conversations that are just as bad, if not worse. Like the threads on /a/ asking which K-On girl has the greasiest shits or NSFW Pony threads on /co/.
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)11:36 No.4660294
    All I have to say is this..
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)11:38 No.4660296
    I haven't come across anything as bad as this on /m/, but that's probably because we are too busy arguing about what is /m/.
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)11:48 No.4660315
    Constantly wiping and cleaning out the area may stimulate the mucous glands to produce even more, since, ya'know, the vajayjay isn't meant to be dry and clean as a whistle. It's a self cleaning organ and that's why douching isn't generally recommended.

    Personal hygiene is there for personal comfort and, yes, it is generally healthy. However, it is not an end all solution because the human body is rarely that clear cut.

    Point is, not all girls who have these symptoms are slobs who forego personal hygiene. In fact, they wouldn't care about personal hygiene so much if it were so. But baby wipes and soapy baths are far not permanent solutions.

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