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06/30/11(Thu)02:18 No.4659337 File1309414700.jpg-(416 KB, 1074x952, ゆき - にょたじーえっ(...).jpg)
I'm getting so sick of: What does /cgl/ think about genderbending characters? What does /cgl/ think about black people as white characters? What does /cgl/ think about white people as black characters? What does /cgl/ think about using your real hair? What does /cgl/ think about fan art cosplay? What does /cgl/ think about original characters/outfits? What does /cgl/ think about BLAH BLAH BLAH!?
god you will always get negative and positive answers. Its always the
same answers. Honestly why does everyone feel the need make sure /cgl/
agrees with what they're doing? Because you don't want to end up here?
Look op, you can do whatever the hell you want. You will always be
talked about and haters will always hate. You can't escape that even if
you make a good costume.
You know those weaboos flying around in
their Roxas bathing suit outfits may be stupid, but they're having fun
and they don't give a shit. Learn to not give a shit. When it comes to
construction, or debating ideas, etc. anything like that then sure. But
wanting to gender bend a character but not doing it because /cgl/ said
no is ridiculous.
Yes op I know weren't specifically talking
about yourself, and I know things like this can be nice to discuss, but I
find we've had an abundance of these questions in the past year and its
getting old. Yes, I'm a teensy bit mad. |