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  • File : 1309379830.gif-(2.84 MB, 350x262, teheehee_by_logseux-d3jtqab.gif)
    2.84 MB Sort of Seagull related Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)16:37 No.4656819  
    So did we hear back from Logseux our favourite PT fan artist? I wanted to know if she was well and will be continuing to grace us with her drawings. That and if I was right in my medical assumptions
    >> sage Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)16:38 No.4656826
    We already have four PT threads ask in one of them you dumbass.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)16:39 No.4656830
    It's a shame she is so pretty cause her personality must suck if she finds the need to hate on PT.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)16:41 No.4656843
         File1309380079.png-(146 KB, 600x673, beautiful_hourglass_figure_by_(...).png)
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    This is not directed at PT but her number one fan and stalker who loves to depict our plump goddess in amusing drawings
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)16:43 No.4656853
    She's pretty but her she's an ugly person..
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)16:45 No.4656863
    What a shame. Such a pretty girl with a horrible personality. She must be extremely shallow or really insecure, I know Pixy is no beauty queen but there's no need to parade her unattractiveness in an array of unpleasant drawings
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)16:46 No.4656868
         File1309380381.jpg-(8 KB, 180x225, skwisgaar.jpg)
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    >>4656853 She's pretty but her she's an ugly person..
    >> BLUE !./././VTrk 06/29/11(Wed)16:47 No.4656871
    sup pixyteri
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)16:47 No.4656873
    If I recall, she said her boyfriend was the first to notice her weight was decreasing. Not the fact she was vomiting most evenings which is horrifically wrong. Wouldn't surprise me if their whole relationship was based upon aesthetics
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)16:47 No.4656877
    >>4656863 Such a pretty girl with a horrible personality. She must be extremely shallow or really insecure
    that covers like 80% of good looking girls on the planet.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)16:50 No.4656888
         File1309380628.png-(577 KB, 1331x4899, originol.png)
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    Original thread
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)16:50 No.4656891
    >Most women in general


    I don't know any girl who doesn't have one or the other type personality wise.

    It's rare to find any girl that is down to earth and normal without major issues outside of anime cons or the cosplay scene.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)16:51 No.4656895
         File1309380682.jpg-(12 KB, 285x238, 1296531512196.jpg)
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    Only an ugly girl or beta neckbeard would say that.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)16:53 No.4656903
         File1309380795.png-(28 KB, 1323x166, teehee.png)
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    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)16:54 No.4656911
    OP here,

    I just want to know if she's healthy or not :( She makes me laugh
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)16:54 No.4656913

    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)16:57 No.4656920
         File1309381034.jpg-(4 KB, 126x126, awk1-1.jpg)
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    >>4656895 Only an ugly girl or beta neckbeard would say that.
    actually no. I'm quite handsome if I do say so myself.
    (I'm on every version of the hot men of cosplay image that floats around here sometimes. though I'm not giving any spoilers).
    but you sound like a bitch with problems. WHAT A SURPRISE!
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)16:57 No.4656922
    That's probably the stupidest thing I have ever seen. How does that prove any legitimacy?
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)16:58 No.4656926
    It's probably just Logseux defending herself. She slipped up in the original thread after posting anon and then actually leaving her trip in by accident
    >> God !BrODINgKJM 06/29/11(Wed)17:00 No.4656932
         File1309381239.gif-(1.99 MB, 409x338, 1277162226473.gif)
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    itt: madfatties
    >> BLUE !./././VTrk 06/29/11(Wed)17:01 No.4656936
         File1309381312.gif-(1.78 MB, 380x208, overweightness.gif)
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    hey god unrelated to everything but i found this
    it looks like the kind of thing you'd like
    >> God !BrODINgKJM 06/29/11(Wed)17:03 No.4656941
         File1309381420.jpg-(277 KB, 650x1340, FfRk1.jpg)
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    Lol ive seen it. Have you seen the youtube video?
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)17:04 No.4656943
         File1309381452.png-(77 KB, 395x273, 1302569829922.png)
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    You sound like you have trouble with wimmenz.

    Maybe you shaved your neckbeard, but you're still a beta.
    Having good genes and grooming skills does nothing for a cynical personality.
    "All pretty wimmenz are bitches! That's why I go for the average ones."

    Have a gf? One who's not someone you simply settled for?
    >> BLUE !./././VTrk 06/29/11(Wed)17:04 No.4656946
    yeah both of them
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)17:05 No.4656948
    You're a fucking moron. That was sarcasm.

    Holy FUCK you're stupid.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)17:07 No.4656955
    Hi Logseux, so what did the Doctor say? Are you dying yet?
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)17:11 No.4656963
    Just how bored are you? You know damned well chubby bitch ain't in here.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)17:13 No.4656970
         File1309381997.jpg-(208 KB, 640x480, 1309034501573.jpg)
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    Oh she admits to lurking a lot. I wouldn't doubt it if she's here
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)17:14 No.4656973
         File1309382068.png-(128 KB, 500x700, uguu_by_logseux-d3fckww.png)
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    She's online on DeviantArt

    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)17:14 No.4656975

    Let's seee
    >>bleach blonde
    >>DA attention whore
    >>needs to draw "art" of someone who is obviously less attractive to validate her own appearance and looks.

    That's an insecure bitch if I've ever seen one.
    >>inb4 BUT SHE PURDY
    Yeah, give it five years after she becomes a used up, obsessed, bitter assface.
    I admit PT is funny but no1curr enough to draw her pictures. And people who shoop her better are only showing off their PS skills.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)17:16 No.4656980
    Wouldn't be surprised if this was a self-post.
    >>Who the fuck cares about someone who draws PT fanart
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)17:16 No.4656982
    Do you REALLY believe that's her DA? Did you even look at it?
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)17:17 No.4656986
    You, sir, are a genius!
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)17:20 No.4656996
    Didn't read the thread, didn't look at the links.
    I'd rather not care.
    Just hope I'd cause some rage for five minutes.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)17:20 No.4656998
    It is, she claims to have a second but it's just bullshit. She's personally linked it herself
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)17:24 No.4657010
    Holy shit guise, stop fagging up my thread. I just want to know if her doctor appointment went well and if she had an endoscopy and what the results were

    I'm still banking on a tapeworm
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)17:31 No.4657040
    Hey Logseux, if you're reading this, will you marry me?
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)17:33 No.4657047
    It's Logseux talking to herself. Cute.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)17:34 No.4657054
    WTF with OP's pic. She must be a tumblr whore too.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)17:38 No.4657065
         File1309383480.gif-(2.91 MB, 400x300, 28h3d40.gif)
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    I don't like her either but I;d still like to know if she's okay. I'd never wish anyone unwell, no matter how much of a horrible person they are
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)17:41 No.4657079
    for me it's more of the fact that while she posts "pt fanart", it's more annoying that she also post webcam pictures of herself.
    I wouldn't care if they were nicely done photos, but it's just really annoying whenever somone puts up shit quality candid pictures
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)17:42 No.4657086

    I'm assuming it's her attempt to be an edgy, cool troll with the whole japenese phrase thrown in here and there along with her pictures of PT
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)17:45 No.4657097
         File1309383924.png-(922 KB, 545x894, 07078700012501821959053.jpg.png)
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    She's a camwhore too folks
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)17:49 No.4657109
    >>"Hey u gies! Look at my filthy, disgusting mirror that makes my ass look striped like Tony the Tiger's when I go to pose for nudes in it!"
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)17:50 No.4657112
         File1309384254.jpg-(32 KB, 288x374, Ackbar.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)17:52 No.4657114
         File1309384367.jpg-(112 KB, 861x721, 05379990012501821704705.jpg)
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    >Guise, this is the curvy body I miss. I vomit every night and now I'm too skinny for me and my boyfriends liking. So I mock a really fat girl on DeviantArt by drawing horrible pictures of her to make myself feel better about the situation

    Heh, if she replied with her trip it would probably go along the lines of "Thank you for the page views"

    So self indulgent
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)17:56 No.4657127

    Hambeast Jelly? Hambeast jelly.
    >> God !BrODINgKJM 06/29/11(Wed)17:57 No.4657129
         File1309384622.jpg-(235 KB, 1024x576, 1268203780720.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)17:57 No.4657132
    So. Logseux is a self-hating PT fanatic, who draws unkind pictures of a rather curvy girl because she herself has lost her own curves. She likes to make crappy .gif's of herself in order to scrounge around for some compliments and acceptance. She mocks the whole Japanese culture by making hateful comments about other Cosplayer's and teasing by having an over-use of Japanese words when she types. She's never Cosplayed or dressed Lolita so her only reason to come to /cgl/ is to troll and feed her self-loathing habit by finding other chubby Cosplayers to attack?


    She's nothing but a parasite
    >> BLUE !./././VTrk 06/29/11(Wed)17:59 No.4657139
    okay you guys are probably going to dislike me and everything but
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)18:01 No.4657140
         File1309384893.jpg-(176 KB, 640x480, 1301605489008.jpg)
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    No it's cool. She said she's lost her 'big tits and arse' now because she vomits every night
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)18:02 No.4657144
    >>Guys wanting to fuck girls.
    >>implying you don't have terrible taste in doing so
    We're both shocked and mad about it.
    Carry on.
    >> BLUE !./././VTrk 06/29/11(Wed)18:03 No.4657146
    >> ♠Todd♣ !XOXOXO8wDs 06/29/11(Wed)18:05 No.4657153
    why did she take nudes... ?
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)18:10 No.4657168
         File1309385405.gif-(27 KB, 444x600, 04c9ff4887ae15837daed736630ce9(...).gif)
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    She posted nudes...nudes.... on the internet! why the fuck would you do that!

    Good luck getting a job now you bitch! Or someone who doesn't think you are a shallow whore who is only good for being a cum bucket.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)18:20 No.4657208
         File1309386009.png-(90 KB, 434x313, countermad.png)
    90 KB
    You guys are fucking retards.

    All of you make fun of PT and then hate on a girl who doodles something fucking amusing as hell for being a "horrible person" -

    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)18:21 No.4657213
    No, it's pretty fair to say that someone who takes the amount of time out of their day to draw, or even photoshop pictures of PT really does need to get a life or a hobby.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)18:22 No.4657215
    I don't think she's a horrible person because of PT.

    I think she's a horrible person because people without any amount of humility irritate the fuck out of me.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)18:24 No.4657219
    Dear Logsuex:

    Clean your mirror.

    That is all.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)18:39 No.4657267
         File1309387146.jpg-(14 KB, 300x358, 07512550012499507497372.jpg)
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    Just a generic attentionwhore if you ask me
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)18:40 No.4657273
    This is what I don't like about her. She mocks girls who does this type of thing, yet does it herself on the quiet side

    She's probably drooling all over this topic about her right now
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)18:45 No.4657302
    She's pretty damn cute, that's for sure. Many people do bad and/or dumb things in life. Maybe it's her outlet for a deeper issue. There have been plenty of times I've been given a second chance and made the most of it. I've also been denied a second chance many times for the dumbest of reasons. I'm going to assume that whatever she's doing, there's a good person who we may not quite see through this little internet window.

    I hope she's well.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)18:54 No.4657349
    She's got a LOT to make up for;

    - Jailing her ex for no reason
    - Faking Cancer
    - Faking Pregnancy
    - Mocking fat girls
    - Dates her ex's best friend
    - Hits on an ex who is now engaged
    - Hates on girls who underneath it all, she is just the same as

    Eurgh, maybe this health scare will knock some sense into her horribly bleached head
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)18:55 No.4657354
    Ehh too flabby for me, I like toned fit girls.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)19:00 No.4657372
    I don't know this girl so I can't speak for her personality, but I think she's really cute.

    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)19:06 No.4657402
    she's the most beautiful and hottest girl even posted on this board, who cares about personality, you don't stick your cock in a girls personality
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)19:08 No.4657414
    And you found out about all this... on 4chan?
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)19:12 No.4657427
    soo much samefag
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)19:24 No.4657491

    Normally I would not reply to comments, but I sincerely find Logseux to be an attractive female, and her art to be amusing.


    That was my comment.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)19:33 No.4657519
    Congratulations on being huge hypocrites, /cgl/. If you actually gave a shit about how Pixyteri was doing or how she is being smeared all over the internet, you would be vocal in the several daily threads about her and would report posts/threads that did otherwise.

    I am laughing at how any of you criticize Lowhatever her name is for making fun of someone's appearance and then turning around and saying that she's a stupid fake blond.

    Saged and reported for stupidity. Sorry OP. I was wondering what was wrong with her as well. I like hearing diagnoses.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)19:43 No.4657566
    hey guys,
    can we just get her banned, email her nudes to friends and family, and ignore her after instead of giving her attention and make her the new MJ.

    One attention whoring trip fag is enough
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)20:32 No.4657712
    Bit of a difference when we're just typing a few laughable insults whilst she sits for an hour or so and scribbles out some shit art
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)20:34 No.4657718

    1) It shouldn't make a difference how long it took for you to make an insult. It's still an insult.

    2) People don't sit for an hour or so shooping her pics into oblivion and then sending them to her?

    Well done defending yourself.
    >> God !BrODINgKJM 06/29/11(Wed)20:35 No.4657725
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)20:39 No.4657734
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)20:40 No.4657737
    Logseux doesn't shoop, she draws. Read the thread idiot
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)20:52 No.4657781
    She is a brother in arms. I come here all the time while seeing grown people dress up like retards.


    Exactly. You bitches fill up PT threads with comments like you wish you could fill up your vagina with cock and pretend to be angry at some girl who's doing the same as you.

    How many times have I seen women comment on PT's DA laughing at her "weaboo" ways while I check up on your own DA's with your shit cosplays and ugly lolita. At least this blonde tramp is way more attractive than PT, unlike a lot of your pics on DA.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)21:02 No.4657818
    4chan and her ED article before ED got fucked over and then her virgin fanboys stepped in a ruined it. Her personal shit has been spread across the internet a dozen times and now she's rebelling by doing the same to another
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)14:08 No.4660644
    Bump for Doctors diagnosis
    >> Logseux !kH8wjcKndo 06/30/11(Thu)16:18 No.4660970
         File1309465104.jpg-(59 KB, 250x250, 1305236320447.jpg)
    59 KB
    ITT: vendetta-chan. So much samefagging going on.

    Yep, I posted a coupla nudes when I was 15 (what, 8 years ago?). I was pretty terrible.

    Anyway, I won't bore you with intimate details, but there's this one chick (see 90% of posts in this thread) who's spent years following me around the internet, making up as much dramu as she possibly can. She's even made some alt on deviantArt (ReliableJustice?) in a bid to get me removed from DA.

    Whenever she pulls some vengeful stunt like this (and believe me, there have been plenty), it's pretty transparent. I'm sorry my 'internet baggage' has filtered through here, but I guess my mere presence upsets her.

    And for those who seem to think I hate PT, I really don't. I'm actually fiendishly obsessed by her. I would would be fucking -stoked- if she made it to Japan, desu~
    >> Logseux !kH8wjcKndo 06/30/11(Thu)16:24 No.4660986
         File1309465487.jpg-(17 KB, 444x299, woman laughing.jpg)
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    Oh, and for those that were interested (and for those who had similar symptoms) as far as a diagnosis goes I'm just waiting to hear back from my results. (blood, urine etc)

    The most obvious answer would be a food allergy.

    >> sage sage 06/30/11(Thu)16:54 No.4661093
         File1309467265.gif-(286 KB, 500x300, 1302172529591.gif)
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    u sure do know alot about logswhatever. sage this shit for vendetta.
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)19:40 No.4661598
    The girl is pretty, really a huge turnoff with all the troll behavior though. It screams try-hard.
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)19:57 No.4661634
    Definitely. Typical attentionwhore
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)20:06 No.4661658
    I for one, really like Logseux because she's like me.
    She's normal. People need to be cruel, it's in our nature. Anybody who denies this,'re in denial.

    The kind of lives we live, everybody needs some way to vent and it's so easy to take it out on some squealing hog of a girl. Am I ashamed? No. Should I be? I don't think so.

    See most of the PT that gets posted here, all those incredible shoops? That's me, and a part of every sinlge one of you chuckles.

    Hi Logseux, you hog.
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)20:08 No.4661664

    P.S - get well soon, I want more PT art x
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)20:08 No.4661666

    Huh, I don't feel the urge to be needlessly cruel with no provocation... am I abnormal? :P
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)20:10 No.4661673
    Dont perpetuate your shitty behavior on everyone else with sweeping generalizations like that.

    Not saying you should be ashamed though, hell do what you want.
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)20:13 No.4661682

    No provocation? Pixyteri has never provoked you in any way? I remember once her accusing me of being proana when I suggested helpful weight loss techniques. I'm actually a very nice girl in real life , but she is way too easy.
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)20:14 No.4661686
    >>People need to be cruel
    >>People need to waste their pathetic lives shooping
    >>Shooping a picture of a fat girl no1curr about
    >>Mistaking 'cruelty' for an obsession

    Speak. For. Yourself.
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)20:15 No.4661690

    Oh trust me, I'm not wasting my life over this. At the moment I have plenty of spare time with absolutely nothing to fill it. This is just entertainment.
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)20:17 No.4661696

    Erm no?
    She doesn't personally invade my life or make it any more unpleasant. Sure, she has unflattering pictures and behavior that's posted here, but she's not personally bringing it here, other people are.

    From my own observations on what is brought to these boards, I won't lie, she definitly has problems and seems needlessly aggressive, but I don't need to participate in it. Someone on the internet doesn't need to be involved in my life unless I go out of my way to interact with them, wether it be for good or bad intentions.
    I just come here to see the pretty dresses :D
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)20:19 No.4661705

    That's all well and good then. Maybe I have an angry, raging core at the heart of my soul. I do like pretty dresses though... but they never get posted enough D:
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)20:29 No.4661732
    Well said, I agree with you 100%.
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)21:07 No.4661825
    Lawl. I'm a fan and nice tits! 15? Jeez you dumb kids keep getting dumber. Glad you aren't such a tramp in your 20s and hope your tits are just as nice. No, I'm not a guy and I'm not a lesbian. I just appreciate. Also, I think cosplay is stupid and I hate lolita. I'm here to troll

    Is this too long that you didn't read? Gimme more PT drawings! desu!
    >> piplup !Ebgln4OHzA 06/30/11(Thu)21:22 No.4661888
         File1309483367.png-(19 KB, 95x87, 7897689.png)
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    I like logseux's caricatures...
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)23:22 No.4662307
    Bump for more pics of Logseux? :D
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)23:25 No.4662314
    This shit is stupid just like "Logsucks."
    Sage for fuckery.

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