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!kH8wjcKndo 06/30/11(Thu)16:18 No.4660970 File1309465104.jpg-(59 KB, 250x250, 1305236320447.jpg)
 ITT: vendetta-chan. So much samefagging going on.
Yep, I posted a coupla nudes when I was 15 (what, 8 years ago?). I was pretty terrible.
I won't bore you with intimate details, but there's this one chick (see
90% of posts in this thread) who's spent years following me around the
internet, making up as much dramu as she possibly can. She's even made
some alt on deviantArt (ReliableJustice?) in a bid to get me removed
from DA.
Whenever she pulls some vengeful stunt like this (and
believe me, there have been plenty), it's pretty transparent. I'm sorry
my 'internet baggage' has filtered through here, but I guess my mere
presence upsets her.
And for those who seem to think I hate
PT, I really don't. I'm actually fiendishly obsessed by her. I would
would be fucking -stoked- if she made it to Japan, desu~ |