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  • File : 1309332714.jpg-(441 KB, 900x752, 1305259319420.jpg)
    441 KB Weeaboo/Convention Horror Stories Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)03:31 No.4655231  
    I'm addicted to these threads, but I doubt anyone has any new content right now.
    Regardless, new horror story thread?
    If you have no horror stories, then post about the worst thing that has ever happened to you at a convention.

    Ready? Go!
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)03:36 No.4655238
    >worst thing that has ever happened to me at a convention
    >really have to shit
    >run to bathroom, open the door
    >Narutard sitting on the sink, with a hambeast fingering her from the floor
    >get the fuck out of there
    >still have to shit
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)03:36 No.4655239
    Is it bad that this is how I prepare myself for AX?
    I feel like an ass bumping without content, so here's a mild creeper tale.

    The creepiest I've got is this horrible Medic who frequents Southern California cons. He's a infamous both for accessorizing his Medic cosplay with cat ears and a collar and hitting on underage girls. A few AXes back he hit on my friend, who was sixteen at the time, and kept photographing her lesbian friends kissing, despite the fact they weren't in cosplay.
    >> Tim 06/29/11(Wed)03:37 No.4655241
    >Medic cosplay
    >cat ears and collar
    Once upon a time, TF2 cosplay didn't have this kind of bullshit.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)03:38 No.4655244
    Judging that you were at ALA, you probably saw this guy.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)03:42 No.4655253
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    I have a few I think, I'll dump them.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)03:43 No.4655256
    Not really a horror story but its the weirdest thing that happened to me

    >Supercon '08 or '09 (can't remember)
    >leaving the rave because its boring as fuck
    >group of people pass by me and one turns me around
    >they tell me that the fun has arrived
    >foolishly go back to the rave with them
    >guy immediately grabs my hips and starts grinding against me
    >pry him off and thank him for the dance and start to leave
    >he holds onto my hips trying to slow me down asking me to stay
    >tell him I don't like dancing with guys as an excuse
    >he suddenly leaves
    >start heading to the door
    >guy's back grinning ear to ear and says "She's for you if you let me watch"
    >TAJ is still grinding up on me like there's no tomorrow and starts kissing my neck and slipping her hand up my shirt
    >elbow that bitch in the ribs get the fuck out of there
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)03:44 No.4655259
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    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)03:45 No.4655263
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    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)03:45 No.4655264
    What happened in the last thread? I saw it last night before I went to bed, but when I got home from work, it was gone. Did I miss anything?
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)03:46 No.4655268
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    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)03:47 No.4655271
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    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)03:48 No.4655273
    Where was this? Is this a common thing at cons?
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)03:48 No.4655275
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    Sorry guys, all I had. I really need to start saving more of these...
    Enjoy though!
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)03:50 No.4655277
    Not the person you're asking, but I've been to multiple cons over the past years and I don't even have a slightly horrific story to share.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)03:50 No.4655279
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    Delicious Pastel repost.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)03:56 No.4655296
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    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)03:57 No.4655301
    Holy fucking shit.

    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)04:02 No.4655311

    Oh god.
    I think I did see this guy at ALA.
    Luckily I never talked to him.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)04:03 No.4655315
    I was at AX last year dressed as Yoko when this ugly-ass creep asked me for my picture. He was your typical weeaboo, clad in a stained Inuyasha T-Shirt and a Naruto headband. I, stupidly, obliged. He started to go on about how he liked the costume and how hot I looked in it, never made eye contact once. I don't know about you, but if an ugly guy compliments my looks I feel violated. So I excused myself and hoped I'd never see him again. Few hours later, I'm at Karaoke and who else should be there but Ugly McCreepington. He came up to me and thanked me for the pictures. Great, now not only is he creepy and ugly, he's stalking me too! So I run to security in the hopes I can have them tell the fucker to back off. A friend of mine who was working staff told me he started crying like a little bitch and saying it was a coincidence. Seriously, he's using that excuse? He was banned for the rest of the weekend, thankfully. If I see him again, I'm calling the cops.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)04:04 No.4655317

    Stop reposting that shit. It's old and unfunny now.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)04:06 No.4655319
    Why don't you guys go to the fucking police about these stories? Like seriously, are you all fucking retarded? Do you want someone else to get molested by a hambeast?
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)04:09 No.4655321
    Does anyone have the one from that A-Kon thread where the girl was rooming with a neckbeard and found snot smeared inside the shower curtain and then almost dried off with a shit-smeared towel?
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)04:12 No.4655326

    No, but I am very interested. Haven't heard that one before.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)04:12 No.4655327

    That's what a meme is.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)04:12 No.4655328
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    Looks like I have a picture of him, sans cat ears and collar.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)04:12 No.4655330

    That's what a forced meme is.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)04:13 No.4655331
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)04:23 No.4655345

    The fact you are aware of it and actively terrified of it is a step in the right direction. You should be fine.
    >> Eri 06/29/11(Wed)04:25 No.4655347
    I have one. I'll make it short though. I was twenty two in this story and he was the same age I was.

    I had the greatest luck of running my panel at 8 a.m. on the Saturday morning of a con. Of course, not many people were there since it was so early. (Just about half of the panel room was filled.) But in the front row was this guy who was wearing a Misuzu "Gao!" shirt. He really paid attention and listened to what I had to say, asking questions and being a really awesome panel viewer. Afterward the panel I packed up my things, and the guy managed to catch me, asking me if I wanted to hang out. I had gone to the con with a group, but they weren't up that early, so I agreed. I ended up spending almost the entire day with him. He was easy to talk to, despite being a little shy. The end of the day comes, and we've pretty much have become friends, hanging out the entire day and going to see gatherings, panels, and whatnot.

    Sunday comes, I have to leave early with the group since they're my ride. I said good-bye, and we exchanged numbers and emails. Over the next few weeks I began talking to him on a regular basis. We lived about an hour away from each other, and the next time he had the day off he was going to come and visit me. Then the day before he comes to see me, he breaks off all contact with me, for no particular reason. He doesn't answer me for months, and I just assumed that he was toying with me. So I stopped texting and emailing him.

    pt.2 next
    >> Eri 06/29/11(Wed)04:26 No.4655349

    Seven months pass, and no contact at all. And all of a sudden, I walk into my house after a long day of work, and there he is, sitting in my couch, in the living room. I start freaking out, and ask him how he got in my house. One of my windows was unlocked, apparently. It was almost 0 degrees outside, with the wind temperature below that, so I could sympathize, but even at that point I was getting worried if I was going to be okay, and why the sudden uninvited re-appearence. He says that he made me a drink and left it in my kitchen, since I probably had a long day at work and was tired. I just nodded, and took the drink. I sat down on the couch next to him, sipping the drink, and he started to babble on and on about so and so, and about the latest anime. Normal stuff we talked about at the con. At this time I was getting sleepier and sleepier, but I just shook it off as being tired from work. (We had a looong and busy day.) After thirty minutes of his babbling and my nodding, I was REALLY tired. Suddenly he gets all serious, and asks me if he can tell me something very serious. I say sure.
    >> Eri 06/29/11(Wed)04:28 No.4655351

    He ran away from his parents home where he was living at.... and before that he hit his Mom with a baseball bat several times, so she wouldn't stop him. His Dad was at work and wasn't there. Alarms are going off in my fucking head, and I jump off of the couch, backing away. I tell him why would he do that, and he suddenly breaks down and is sobbing his eyes out about how he doesn't know why, he just had to. Obviously something is wrong with him, mentally. I tell him he needs to turn himself in, and get better. His attitude does a complete 180, he gets up, grabs my wrist, and punches me right in the face, yelling about how I didn't understand, I was an outsider. I fall down from it, and start crying since I'm awful with pain. He changes again, sitting down next to me and cooing to me that we should run away together, that we were destined to be together. I pushed him away, start screaming to get out of my house, and he gets up, and bolts out of the front door. My neighbor, who heard all of the commotion and saw him running out, comes into my house, sees me, calls the cops, and takes me to the hospital.

    I found out that he snuck 8-10 benedrylls into my drink, which explains why I was getting so tired and got upset so quickly. He put them in my drink and waited for them to dissolve, and gave it to me. I'm an idiot for drinking it. ... He ended up in a mental hospital because he is VERY unstable, with a history of violence, suicide attempts, and self-harming. I really do feel bad for the guy. His mother was okay though and didn't have severe injuries. She and I sometimes talk on the phone so I can see how he is doing. I haven't come in contact since that day. This happened about a year ago.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)04:32 No.4655360

    >guy broke into your house
    >says he made you a drink
    >you drank it

    >> Eri 06/29/11(Wed)04:36 No.4655364
    I hadn't seen the guy in MONTHS. He didn't come off as a guy with severe mental problems at all. Sure busting into my house was weird, but I didn't think much of it. I've dealt with weirdos all the time, hell I'm weird myself. My thought was, 'Oh, he's come on a spontaneous trip? And broke through my window...? Well, it IS really cold out, so I guess it's just an instinct...?' I have friends who would've done the same thing. I was tired already too, and just rolled with it honestly. I wasn't thinking straight.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)04:44 No.4655377
    >you're a fucking idiot
    >this is fake

    Pick one.
    Or two.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)05:03 No.4655403
    Let's avoid stupid tripfag drama and get back to posting more stories.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)05:11 No.4655412

    Found the old thread, if anyone wants it.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)05:29 No.4655433
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)05:45 No.4655449
    Hey! Stop being me right now!
    >> Oddmund 06/29/11(Wed)06:27 No.4655481
    they need to stop being me as well!

    It's so awkward for me when I'm hanging out with con-friends because I always worry about whether or not they'll consider me a hambeast. It's even worse since I cosplay Hetalia and we know how THOSE hambeasts can get.

    Anyways, the creepiest experience that I ever had at a con was that a 26 year old America cosplayer was hitting on a 13 year old Seychelles cosplayer who I was hanging out with. He somehow got her number and kept on texting her. She told him to leave a million times, but he never did. Eventually, he invited her to his hotel room. She declines and he keeps pestering her. She tells him her mother doesn't want her hanging out with people so much older, but he continues following her.
    We call security and they escort him out.
    Turns out, he didn't even have a hotel room.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)07:26 No.4655536
    Sometimes I fear I am the creeper.
    So I stay in the corner and avoid people just in case.

    It works
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)07:55 No.4655565
    Except by "corner" I mean my room.
    Such is the way of the hidden powerlevel, but I'm cool on the internet so that makes everything ok......probably.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)08:15 No.4655584
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    Im a refugee from /v/, so ill make it a greentext
    The people you fucking meet at cons

    >Like 8 years ago?
    >Some really small con
    >Last day, everyones packing up
    >Two friends of mine have been socialising with some of the staff for past few days
    >I just find them fucking creepy
    >They exchange numbers or emails or whatever

    Pretty much my worst summer ever

    >Guy 1: Half korean something, says he was adopted, says his parents hate him, has a liking to really 'black humour'. Doesn't realize when he has hurt people with his jokes, parents gave him a car but he says they hate him
    >Drives people around but extorts them for crazy money because GAS EXPENSIVEZ

    >Guy 2
    >Has weird lisp/throat problem, fucking creeper, jumped everyone and gave them hugs,

    >Girl 1
    >Hambeast, just plain annoying

    >Turns out guy 1 and 2 were fucking eachother

    >Me and my friend mutually agree to never again speak to these people.

    I hate these peoples guts, we always manage to run into their asses and it's always so fucking awkward, we had to quit going to our favorite indian food restaurant because they basically live there.
    I Cringe everytime i see ads for their con.
    I was like 14 at the time too.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)08:32 No.4655594
    I wonder.

    Does this sort of make us not-creepers. Or uber creepers? It's just, everytime I talk to someone I feel like I'm the fucking creeper and I don't fucking want to do that.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)08:34 No.4655597
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    You sound cool.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)08:36 No.4655601
    I literally avoid people because I just assume they'll think I'm weird or something.
    Meh, just means I'm loyal to the friends I do have so I just roll with the punches.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)08:39 No.4655608
    You sound like a histrionic psychopath...if this is your idea of a con horror story I can only imagine all the other stories people have about interacting with you. Clearly that guy was fucking with you from the situation YOU created the day before and you overreacted like a typical /cgl/ histy...and created drama where there was none.

    "Nobody touches me" shut the fuck up...learn to real life.

    Fucking crazy.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)08:51 No.4655643
    I kind of wish I had a story to share.

    And at the same time, I don't.

    LET'S SEE WHAT AX 2011 BRINGS US. :)))))))
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)08:52 No.4655645
    >several years ago
    >be stupid fifteen-year old at first con
    >guy at Photoshoot asks for hug
    >"um, okay"
    >he takes my one armed, sideways, no body contact hug as an invitation to pull me closer
    >rubs his boner on my stomach
    >freak out and struggle, he doesn't let me go
    >friend sees this and flips shit at him
    >gets security, who (I suppose) kick him out (I was freaking out and just saw them escort him off somewhere)
    >the kicker: to this day I still look like a twelve year old boy. At the time I was dressed as baby nel from bleach. If you're getting hard over a preteen in a potatosack, you probably should be using your con money for therapy.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)08:59 No.4655665
    yes because in real life it is totally cool to fondle a person's face when they have repeatedly told them to back off.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)09:23 No.4655703
    You mean you dont?! Astounding...
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)09:24 No.4655706

    Sure is samefag in here...

    But seriously...throw your trip back up and defend yourself like a boss...don't stoop to whiteknighting for yourself with anonymous posts.

    Fucking histy.
    >> Windmill !!zpOncy44Z9t 06/29/11(Wed)09:28 No.4655718
    Dude what.
    Since when the fuck is it okay to molest someone's face IRL? Is it suddenly wrong to not let someone touch you now?
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)09:28 No.4655719

    Yay! I'm not alone!
    >> (black) Cmdr. Shepard 06/29/11(Wed)09:33 No.4655733
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    Sure is asshole who cant tell the difference between samefagging and blatant unrelated sarcasm.

    Eh, no big, I giggled at my sarcasm and that's all that matters.

    But you go on ahead and keep being buttmad. I'll be playing L.A. Noire.

    Oh and in case you haven't gathered I'm not >>4655665 I'm >>4655703 and >>4655449
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)09:36 No.4655741
    >Cosplaying at a con several years ago, being asked for lots of photos
    >Notice after a while that Inuyasha cosplayer with shitty wig has been asking me repeatedly for photos over the course of the day, think it is over 7 so far.
    >Avoid, but every time he spots me he asks for another photo. Start making excuses not to pose.
    >Get home, log into con forum
    >Recognize Inuyasha posting in 'Who did you cosplay' thread
    >Look closer
    >His icon is a picture of me. His signature is a picture of me. His profile is full of pictures of me.
    >Forum name is 'psycho'
    >Freak out, beg mod via PM to ban from forum (since meetups are discussed there). Have not seen since, but keep an eye out while at this con.
    >> SlowMope !LQ6XW3vel6 06/29/11(Wed)09:59 No.4655775
    LOL WAT? In what world do you live in where a guy who looks like your brother hits on you, then after you tell him in no uncertain terms that you want him to stop, rubs his greasy un-showered hand all over your face while telling you how much you obviously want him, is a completely normal and acceptable behavior?
    ... OH WAIT! I get it! you were upset about the orange parachute pants comment. Look I am sorry that I hurt your feelings bro but those are hideous, you need to ditch them. Possibly light them on fire.

    also, why the fuck are my posts gone? what the fuck?
    let me get back to my computer and I will repost them.
    >> SlowMope !LQ6XW3vel6 06/29/11(Wed)10:07 No.4655792
    OK! reposting my magically removed posts.

    So this was at fanime a good four or so years ago, I was just under seventeen and old enough to handle myself, and in my families eyes if I could get out of curfew and keep myself safe then I could wander the con floor late at night with my friends if I damn well felt like it. Of course it helped that my older brother used to staff Fanime and worked the late night stuff but whatever, doesn't matter. On my own, for all intents and purposes.
    Anyway, one day I was sitting at stage zero (A stage out on the con floor that has random games and information, a fun thing) and I look to the front of the seating and I see a guy in orange parachute pants that I SWEAR TO GOD is my brother! Same hair, jawline, everything. So I start walking up to him wondering why the fuck he is wearing those retarded pants. I tap him on the shoulder, he turns around, I am about to ask him why he is being ugly on purpose when I realize, “oh fuck, this guy isn’t my brother”! He was obviously about my age whereas my brother is twelve years older than me. I kinda do an awkward blinking stare at him for a few seconds before I stutter “I… you look JUST like my brother”! He doesn’t answer and I call over my best friend to confirm the likeness to which she says “HOLY SHIT!” at which point we ask him for a photo so that we can show my mom and brother. We rave and rant at him about how he could be my brother’s clone for a long fucking while, he doesn’t say much other than OMG REALLY? Other than that, silence. Nothing.
    >> SlowMope !LQ6XW3vel6 06/29/11(Wed)10:08 No.4655794
    Cut to the next day late at night, about midnight possibly much later. My BFF and I had come out of yaoi night and were ridiculously tired, so tired and our feet hurting so much we couldn’t walk downstairs and cross the street to our hotel. I couldn’t even stand I was so exhausted. So we rested at the tables fanime sets out for people like us. While we were talking about our awesome day, my brother’s doppelganger walks up (wearing the same clothing no less), and excited to see someone we had met at the con my friend invites him to sit down and talk with us. He JUST STANDS THERE STARING AT ME, doesn’t even acknowledge my Bff. He steps closer to me and begins hitting on me,
    > “you know, you are very pretty, I was wondering if you thought I was… interesting”
    ”listen dude, you look JUST like my brother, EXACTLY like him. You hitting on me, is like my brother hitting on me, it’s wrong”.
    >”like your brother?”
    He touches my face, running his thumb along my jaw
    >”but we could be so much more than that” (NOT EVEN KIDDING)
    “Stop it dude, get away!”
    >”I know you like me”
    At this point, despite being so tired I couldn’t walk half a fucking block I jump away from him, lift my chair above my head without even realizing I did, and tell the guy;
    “get away from me, no one touches me, I will beat the fucking shit out of you with this chair if you don’t run right now”
    This guy, with all his gall, looks to my friend for confirmation of my craziness, (because there is totally NOT a chair aimed at his head) at which point being the sane person she is, tells him to “RUN!”
    He stares, I flinch with every intention to beat him, and he runs the fuck away.
    The moral of this story is: don’t wear parachute pants. (no really butt hurt dude, they are ugly... really really ugly)
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)10:24 No.4655812
    I decided to cosplay timeskip Hinata a few years ago because I'm a rather quiet person myself (although you can easily translate that to me being a bit of a pussy too... I get overwhelmed by things too easily sometimes).

    >play in the cosplay chess
    >get placed right in front of some fat kid with an Organisation XIII jacket on and no wig
    >he suddenly leans in very close to my face, leers at my boobs and asks if I stuffed my bra
    >laugh it off, looking around awkwardly, and get yelled at by others to stand straight
    >kid stares at my chest the entire time and continues to make lewd comments and asks about my boobs while I try to ignore him
    >later find out when he went to stand near my friend's sister he told her his father liked to get drunk and chase him with scissors
    >continually see the same kid at every con I go to and he wears the same jacket, feel creeped out every time

    >walking around con after encounter with that kid, feeling kinda vulnerable and slightly freaked out and friends have vanished
    >landwhale girl suddenly confronts me, says I look cute and proceeds to hustle me into a corner and grabs me by the wig
    >keeps me there for some time with an iron grip on my wig as she brushes the fuck out of it with a normal brush full of human hair
    >try to escape a couple times, but she has an iron grip on my shoulder and keeps trying to get me to say "Naruto-kun" in a cute voice
    >am finally able to get the fuck out of there when she turns around and asks if I'll braid her greasy hair for her
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)10:32 No.4655830
    Why do I always assume it's a guy in these stories, and it ends up being a girl writing them? Fucking annoying.

    Also, this
    is a horrible fake.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)10:36 No.4655838
    I go to a lot of smaller conventions, and there's this one guy my group constantly sees and have dubbed him "Negima Guy." He's about 40, has crooked teeth, really heavy set, wears nothing but con t-shirts and mesh shorts, constantly carries a Negima staff, and obviously has no life outside of participating in memes like "the game." Every panel I've seen him in, he's constantly interrupting the panelists and shouting things at them, like "You N000BS imma PWN YOU HARD." Seriously *shouting* with spittle flying everywhere.

    I feel bad, I honestly thinks he has some sort of mental handicap. Once, I ducked into an AMV contest and the only available seat was next to him. I shrugged and sat down right as an Evangelion AMV came on. I heard panting, then I looked over and saw him rocking back and forth, drooling and rubbing his thighs over his mesh shorts while staring at Rei. I got the fuck out of there.

    Another time, my group saw him across the lobby of the hotel, where a hot girl dressed as Yoko or Nami (can't remember, but it was a bikini cosplay,) was asking him seductively about his "magic stick," in reference to the Negima staff he always carried. He then corners this girl for half an hour and starts talking about Negima in a totally platonic way, almost robot like.

    He weirds me out, I've been sighting him for the last five years at most of the cons I go to. Still, I haven't had any personal conversations with the guy so I consider myself an aloof observer.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)10:38 No.4655842
    i don't care if you're a woman.


    if someone is touching you and you don't want them to, fight back, scream rape or fire or something.

    it's not cute. it doesn't make anyone want to protect you. you just sound like a pussy who wants pity.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)12:06 No.4655994

    If you've been reading any of these stories you'd realize that all these people who have been attacked by weaboos had tried to make them go away.
    >> Eri 06/29/11(Wed)12:28 No.4656060
    Obviously I'm a fucking idiot. I was being retarded.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)12:34 No.4656083
    Holy shit, dude. That was my drunk friend. I remember you. I remember apologizing profusely for that bullshit. We don't talk to him anymore.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)12:59 No.4656163
    Not really a horror story but.

    >Friend is crossplaying.
    >First time at con, decide to break off and go exploring.
    >After a while or so I see friend talking with random group of people.
    >Sneak up from behind and wrap my arms around him and whipser shit in to his ear.
    >Friend: "uhhhhhh..."
    >It's not my friend.
    >It's an actual girl who is pretty much wearing the same thing.
    >My real friend was almost literally, behind me the whole time.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)13:05 No.4656189
    You couldn't have known what would have happened. Glad everything ended sort of well...
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)13:05 No.4656191
    And by sort of well, I mean you weren't injured more or killed :/
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)13:21 No.4656232
    Town center as in Boca? if so i think i know who you are talking about
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)13:45 No.4656296

    Damn... I really hope I'm not considered a horrible Weeaboo when I cosplay outside of cons.
    Normally its for group outings once or twice a year.
    >> Lala !!x0xtvfb/8bN 06/29/11(Wed)14:15 No.4656388
    Not horror stories, but what I've got. Didn't seem so bad at the time, but in retrospect, I'm incredibly embarrassed I let these things happen.

    >First con, Otakon, cosplaying Noel Vermillion, short dress made with my mum's help, not awful for a first cosplay, though hair was bad
    >Despite not having a perfect cosplay, get stopped for pictures a lot, very proud
    >Second day, with sent to get a friend from the fountain for lunch, guy stops and asks for picture
    >Tell him my other friend who is cosplaying Jubei is near if he wants a picture too, feel awkward taking pictures alone
    >He says he doesn't know who that is, but okay. Something fishy here.
    >He brings us over and starts taking pictures, asking for poses that are suggestive and have my legs spread
    >Panic, look to friend for help, he gives some excuse and we escape

    >Very tired one day
    >Laying down outside, tell friends I need to rest for a little because boots were killing me
    >They sit with me
    >Guys across the street taking shots of my panties
    >They tell me
    >Too tired to give a shit, later wish I had.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)15:07 No.4656545
    Is there more?!
    >> Lala 06/29/11(Wed)15:38 No.4656605
    A new Lala? Damn this is gonna get confusing for people.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)15:40 No.4656613
    bump because moar
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)16:24 No.4656774
    Bumping for moar
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)16:32 No.4656799
    Did anyone screen-cap the story from the last thread about the guy in the artist alley?
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)16:56 No.4656918
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    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)17:02 No.4656937
    Oh god, I actually lol'd.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)17:03 No.4656939
    Wtf, thats terrifying.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)17:05 No.4656947

    The one with the Taiwanese girl from forever ago?
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)17:07 No.4656951

    Nah, it was about some dude who didn't take his meds and went crazy or something like that. Don't really remember.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)17:08 No.4656957
    > Go to local sushi place with friends
    > See table full of teenage girls
    > 1 has really faded green hair, greasy.
    > Another has one of those stupid hats with the long tail things on the side that come down to be mittens. It's a panda.
    > General squealing overheard.
    > They pay and leave as we're being seated at the table next to them
    > Dodge bullet.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)17:14 No.4656972

    Saw this today. It appalled me.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)17:24 No.4657011

    What the flying fuck.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)17:34 No.4657056

    Somebody should send this journal to the staff at Fanime. This chick needs to get banned.
    >> Militsiya Officer Boris !!pP78TjSIAmJ 06/29/11(Wed)17:37 No.4657063
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    Not a con horror story, but a horror story all the same.

    >many years ago, me and my old girlfriend were at Suncoast.
    >it was closing so we wanted to score some anime DVD's for cheap
    >this dude starts creeping on us
    >asks us what kind of anime we like
    >we're polite, and we tell him what we're into
    >take this chance to talk to us about yuri and how hot yuri is
    >figures out we're girlfriends. DO YOU GUYS LIKE YURI????
    >seriously creeped out, try to leave
    >girlfriend is too nice and gives him her Gaia
    >constantly PM's her about how cute we are together and how we're like a yuri couple
    >asks to meet us at AX
    >she blocks his ass
    >hadn't seen or heard from him in a while
    >a few months after AX, we're in a book store
    >see him in the manga section
    >> BLUE !./././VTrk 06/29/11(Wed)17:41 No.4657084
    >somebody buys you an ice cream
    >throw it on the ground
    wait did I read that right?
    I mean, seriously?
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)17:44 No.4657091

    I'm more shocked that she stole from their purse just because they were cosplaying some faggot from Kuroshitsuji.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)17:45 No.4657095
    Disgusting. Is that person really 22 like they're saying? I have a hard time imagining someone older than me, even if it's only by a year, acting so atrociously to what I imagine are probably teenagers. Or anyone, for that matter.
    >> BLUE !./././VTrk 06/29/11(Wed)17:46 No.4657100
    Shit, I missed that, I was getting bored hearing about her puking, I skipped to the end.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)17:48 No.4657103
    Ohmy gosh, guys at my university are creepy enough when I'm with a lady, I don't want to imagine how creepy they can be at cons : l
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)17:55 No.4657124

    It was at the very end. She stole money out of 'that Trancy dog's purse' because 'THEY DESERVED IT'.
    >> BLUE !./././VTrk 06/29/11(Wed)17:57 No.4657130
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    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)17:57 No.4657131

    Was it the Pastel story? I was going to screencap it, but when I got online, the thread had 404'd.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)18:01 No.4657141
    What a vile person. I don't think they're 22, the way s/he talked about school sounded like highschool They said teacher, not professor. Professors don't send you to the nurse.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)18:09 No.4657165
    >>Professors don't send you to the nurse.

    Or indeed the health center, which is what universities have.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)18:11 No.4657173
    But they're never like "Go to the nurse in the health center", I found her wording of things fishy for someone claiming to be 22. I've never even had a professor tell me to go to the health center [though I'm sure they're some who do] I'm sick a lot, they either tell me go home to ask if I can make it till the end of class.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)18:12 No.4657175

    I don't remember.
    >> Militsiya Officer Boris !!pP78TjSIAmJ 06/29/11(Wed)18:14 No.4657187
         File1309385660.jpg-(28 KB, 230x230, is boris gonna have to choke a(...).jpg)
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    She screams petty 16 year old.
    If I saw this unfold I'd have kicked her square in the face. That's uncalled for.
    >> jack spicer !WOKSXBTrMs 06/29/11(Wed)18:18 No.4657200
    oh yay, someone posted it!
    i was appalled by what she did, but now i'm just sitting back and watching everyone spit fire at her.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)18:23 No.4657216
    fuckin' saved
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)18:26 No.4657226
    Someone is reporting her to the convention workers, idk how since they don't have her name [or do they?]. But her profile user id is silly, it says she's married to TWO anime characters.
    Possible troll?
    >> Oddmund 06/29/11(Wed)18:28 No.4657234
    I don't think she's a troll.
    She seems pretty serious, and everyone here is pretty good at detecting trolls.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)18:29 No.4657236
    I was just hoping :(
    >> Oddmund 06/29/11(Wed)18:30 No.4657240
    yeah. I'd like to believe she's a troll, but I'm pretty sure she's actual serious.

    In this case, she's just a bullying weeaboo.
    >> Hellpop Hammer 06/29/11(Wed)18:32 No.4657243
    Oh man!

    I live in the same state as her!
    I know.
    I am going to cosplay as Alois next con. And when she hunts me down, I am going to punch her in the fucking face.
    >> ThatGirl 06/29/11(Wed)18:36 No.4657261
    What is that chick's problem? I would've been falling over myself to say sorry if there was a collision like that, even if I wasn't my fault fully or partially, and if somebody offered to replace the ice cream I'd by very grateful and amazed at how nice they were.

    By 'Trancy', does she mean the Black Butler guy? Alois Trancy, that's his name, right?
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)18:39 No.4657269

    Yeah. She went out and purposely picked on Alois cosplayers because she hates the character.
    >> jack spicer !WOKSXBTrMs 06/29/11(Wed)18:42 No.4657288
    someone found what looks like a possible facebook account.
    it's private, though, so there's really no way of knowing, as far as my knowledge takes me. still, from her profile picture (if it is her) she doesn't look 22 at all.
    but i know lots of people that don't look their age. and, uh, it could also be not her.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)18:43 No.4657296
    This girl's awful and all, but could we get this thread back on track?
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)18:49 No.4657325
    If nobody has new content, can someone at least post more screencaps? Can we have the Ursula one, please?
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)18:49 No.4657327


    But I still hate her.

    >at a convention wearing a flapjack cosplay
    >shirt is very tight on my chest but I don't care
    >in elevator with man the age of my dad
    > man: "I like your costume. You a sailor?"
    > me: "Ha yeah kind of. I'm flapjack. He's from a cartoon about adventurers and shit"
    >I leave the elevator, not really caring.
    >somehow end up in the same elevator with him. today I'm wearing a very baggy T-shirt.
    >He looks at me.
    > him: "you're not wearing your sailor outfit"
    > me: "haha yeah well It got sweaty yesterday so I changed into this"
    >him: "I preferred your sailor shirt."
    >I gtfo.
    >> Militsiya Officer Boris !!pP78TjSIAmJ 06/29/11(Wed)18:53 No.4657345
         File1309388038.gif-(107 KB, 640x480, Usavich 52.gif)
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    You got it. Here's another weeb story of mine.

    >spring semester, European history class in college
    >keep power level low at school for obvious reasons
    >there's this chubby girl who plays her DS at high volumes all the time before class
    >professor tells us to get into groups to help eachother with a thesis, she's in the group
    >she notices my MGS book bag, all hell breaks loose
    >she JUST ADORES One Piece, Naruto and Bleach
    >she's apparently fluent in Japanese, says all Japanese character names with accent and last name/first name
    >apparently watches anime and reads manga raw, also plays Japanese videogames
    >tries to school me in Japanese history when she finds out I like Sengoku Basara. all basic shit anyone would know.
    >spouts random Japanese at me constantly, so totally sugoi desu ne
    >starts sitting next to me in class for rest of semester, highly annoyed at this point but too polite to say anything
    >one day am talking to professor after class
    >asking questions about 17th century England for a visual novel project i'm doing with a Japanese artist
    >weeb girl overhears
    >won't shut the fuck up, keeps begging for contact info
    >tell her I don't need help, artist speaks decent English
    >she still won't shut up
    >never mentions this project around weebs or weeb-like people again in order to avoid this kind of shit
    >semester ends, never see her again

    Thank goodness.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)18:55 No.4657353
    Were you by any chance the Flapjack at ALA? Whoever wore that did an adorable job on their costume!
    Sage for offtopic.
    >> Mr. B !jTwseny72A 06/29/11(Wed)18:59 No.4657370
    I wish I had more evidence to who this person is. I've worked staff at Fanime for the past 2 years, so I have contact with the higher ups etc. I would love to have them banned.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)19:00 No.4657373
    OH my god.


    Want a weeaboo to trololol?

    Search the comments until you come across xxkawaiineko07xx.

    She is convinced that yaoi and shonen ai are the same, all gays like yaoi, and if you don't like yaoi then you're a homophobe (Also she thinks Hentai is gross)
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)19:02 No.4657385
    The email on her deviantART is Perhaps it's the same one she used in registration?
    >> Mr. B !jTwseny72A 06/29/11(Wed)19:03 No.4657391
    I'll look into it. Not expecting much, though. They don't have a picture of the person or any other such evidence. But who knows, miracles happen.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)19:04 No.4657393
    naah. wasn't me.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)19:05 No.4657398
    holy fuck don't ban her yet. I still need to cosplay as alois and punch her in her cunt.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)19:05 No.4657400
    Let's see..
    Quicky Horror stories.

    Anime Reactor 2005 at the Purple Hotel
    >Actually attended this trainwreck. If you don't know how bad it actually was, consider yourself lucky.

    Acen 2006
    >Get groped and flashed by a horrendous hambeast with tits like pancakes tucked in her armpits...

    ACen 2007
    >Get a nice double tree room.
    >Gets progressively fuller as the day goes on. By Friday Night, the room is covered front to back in people I don't know.
    >Spend the night huddled under a coffee table, clinging to a Strawhats Pirate Flag for warmth
    >Next day, one of these mystery fuckers is still sitting in my room, whining nonstop about how he got food poisoning from McDonalds

    ACen 2011
    >Room with two Hetaliatards. Have the Worst ACen ever.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)19:08 No.4657412
    >cosplaying as flapjack again.
    >walking around, having fun
    >hambeast runs up to me, pulls down her shirt
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)19:08 No.4657413
         File1309388913.gif-(500 KB, 500x196, tumblr_lm6fqbwDiy1qjt9p1o1_500.gif)
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    thank you for that anon
    >> Mr. B !jTwseny72A 06/29/11(Wed)19:09 No.4657419
    I've already messaged my division head about it. Hopefully he'll be able to do something about her. Honestly, I would love to see someone punch her and might even "not have seen anything happen" if I was there, but you gotta realize that she could be doing this shit to other people besides you. No reason they should suffer just so you could do enact revenge that would, in all honesty, get you banned from the con.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)19:11 No.4657425
    hmm. that one smells like a troll.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)19:12 No.4657428
    Not really horror story so much as what the fuck

    >My last time at Anime Punch which was years ago
    >Went to 'Your Favorite Anime Sucks' which is where the audience suggests anime and the conchair makes me fun of it
    >Conchair was on stage drinking beer...well, that one must have been his one too many because he was making a total ass of himself
    >He didn't know a lot of the anime suggested, and it wasn't like it was obscure, he was just out of touch with the scene.
    >Was personally attacking this one couple for bringing a baby
    >Most of the jokes weren't funny
    >Then someone suggested 'Ouren Host Club'
    >He's quiet for a moment then goes on a 5-10 minute rant that starts with "I'm not joking around, I want you to listen to me, I'm dead serious..."
    >Then continues onto about Ouren Host Club is one of the most sexist pieces of anime out there, it makes woman look bad, objectifies woman etc he just goes on and on
    >Finishes with telling us that any woman who are fans of the show should be ashamed of themselves because we're setting woman's rights back by 10 years.
    >Awkward laughing in the room, no one knows what to say or make of it. There's a drunk guy on stage acting more and more erratic.
    >He just takes a swig from his beer can and asks for the next one.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)19:13 No.4657436
    That's true you've got a point there. Banning her from your con is definitely the most effective method of taking care of her.

    But it would still be nice to punch her in the cunt.
    >> Mr. B !jTwseny72A 06/29/11(Wed)19:15 No.4657440
    Aaaand bad news, guys. My divhead doesn't care. He was kinda flaky at the con, too. Hardly ever at the staff table with us, impossible to get ahold of, just all around unreliable. He was more there to socialize than anything else.
    >> Mr. B !jTwseny72A 06/29/11(Wed)19:16 No.4657450
    Well since the banning thing doesn't seem like it'll happen, punch away. Give her a good cunt-punching for me.
    >> BLUE !./././VTrk 06/29/11(Wed)19:28 No.4657505
    promise me something
    if that ever happens to you
    slap a bitch
    >> Don Kanonji !qQ0Wv/4eCY 06/29/11(Wed)19:35 No.4657532
         File1309390515.png-(326 KB, 539x461, Screen shot 2011-06-29 at 4.34(...).png)
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    Oh yeah, man. It's fucking on. I don't take shit like that.
    I'll make sure it gets recorded for you, Blue.
    >> BLUE !./././VTrk 06/29/11(Wed)19:37 No.4657545
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    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)19:39 No.4657551
    At AX08 with two of my friends, one of who, has an interweb friend who lived near the area. (Gaiafags, But I let it slide cuz I thought she was actually kinda awesome... Boy was I wrong) Anyway at this time, I had a massive thing for this girl, and she knew it. Problem was, so did her friend, and man, this guy... This guy had no concept of personal space or oral hygiene. Like, Remember that episodes of the Simpsons where the dentist made Ralph look through the big book of British smiles? Oh my god his right incisor was at an upward angle. His parents must not have loved this poor fucker because DOHS TEEF. Seriously, Orthodontists are cool, you should give THEM your money, not anime cons and hotels. God, two years later I can still see them... when I close my eyes OH GOD WHY WONT THOSE IMAGES GO AWAY... Anyway long story short, Im an ass, but lady friend was a bigger one, because that guy made me feel like a third wheel in my own hotel room. and Im pretty sure she spent a good deal of time doing shit with him, after doing it to me... That last part shouldn't upset me because we weren't going out, but at the same time... OH GOD THOSE FUCKING TEETH. INDIRECT TEETH KISS OH GOD.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)19:41 No.4657559

    his teeth were bad.

    Not really a horror story, but I know what you mean.
    >> ♠Todd♣ !XOXOXO8wDs 06/29/11(Wed)19:43 No.4657565
    >One Piece, Naruto and Bleach

    Oh man.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)19:50 No.4657612
    Please tell me she won't be going to Otakon. Please tell me she's nowhere near Baltimore.

    If she's at Otakon, I'm fucking her up and I don't even like Kuroshit.

    >Okay. Cipatte

    I don't need your approval, captcha.
    >> Keima, God of Conquest !K.q6eLFTNQ 06/29/11(Wed)19:54 No.4657626
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    >starts sitting next to me in class for rest of semester, highly annoyed at this point but too polite to say anything

    Are you me? I put on the biggest shit eating smile when i'm around those type of people so hopefully they at least see that and get the picture.
    >> Don Kanonji !qQ0Wv/4eCY 06/29/11(Wed)19:54 No.4657629
    Her Facebook says she's from San Jose, CA.

    Coincidentally, ten minutes away from where I live.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)19:56 No.4657636
    OH, if you saw them, you would understand why I posted this here.
    That and the mutual lady friend was a crazy psychologically abusive jerk, but that's a story for ... well, never. I dont bring Vendettas to internets, I just wanted to vent because as I mentioned, the teeth... Oh god

    But, to really keep things related, as I mentioned before, Anime Boston Dog puppet man. The man who never talked, and just made gestures with his puppet. Also, I saw a really fat guy wearing a really worn out Etna shirt my first AB.
    >> Militsiya Officer Boris !!pP78TjSIAmJ 06/29/11(Wed)19:59 No.4657648
         File1309391993.png-(42 KB, 244x220, hmm.png)
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    I talk a big game but often times I just let things slide until it gets way out of hand.
    I should probably stop that before I encounter someone especially awful.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)20:26 No.4657699
    I will never go to another con. Fuck those places. Breeding grounds for ugly human beings, inside and out.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)20:46 No.4657758
    Lmao that kuroibarra bitch deactivated her dA account.
    >> Militsiya Officer Boris !!pP78TjSIAmJ 06/29/11(Wed)20:48 No.4657769
    Shut up, no way. That's hilarious.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)20:50 No.4657773
         File1309395013.png-(19 KB, 849x307, errstyt.png)
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    Riiiight before she did she posted this. Hilarious.

    I guess that means she wasn't trolling though. =(
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)20:52 No.4657782
    It doesn't really help her account if she deactivates it lol.
    >> Militsiya Officer Boris !!pP78TjSIAmJ 06/29/11(Wed)20:56 No.4657792
    Something tells me she'll be back with another account sometime, and she'll never hear the end of it.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)20:58 No.4657797
    >Cosplaying from Ao No Exorcist as Rin and Izumo as my friend
    >While she gets her picture taken by old men, I stand by and watch
    >feels someone literally scooping my vagina
    >turn around to see a Ouran cosplayer
    >I punch her in the face and demand to know why she did such a thing
    >She cries that she didn't touch me and points to the real culprit
    >across from me a group of fuckers are laughing their asses off
    >one of them is motioning her hand and grinning at me.

    worst part was, they got away with it because security took me away after I punched the girl.

    This wasn't even in America.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)21:02 No.4657820
         File1309395756.jpg-(9 KB, 176x186, 1300818405527.jpg)
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    ...that's what "Your favorite anime sucks" is all about, you idiot. It's supposed to be obnoxious, America Fuck-yeah, sarcastic. If you took it seriously, you fail son.

    The only thing that put me off was that they didn't make it 18+ or atleast 16+
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)21:15 No.4657866

    >account deactivated

    I was out for a little while, can someone please tell me what was so rage inducing about her journal?
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)21:19 No.4657879
         File1309396787.png-(19 KB, 671x556, asdf.png)
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    if I'm not mistake, this
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)21:20 No.4657883
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)21:23 No.4657888
    What exactly is "that white girl gasping noise thing"...?
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)21:25 No.4657891
    I think she's trying to sound edgy and non-white [she's asian]
    >> WS !!8OUXgoXayJr 06/29/11(Wed)21:27 No.4657894
    >> Risette !EKlieJQ7Jw 06/29/11(Wed)21:28 No.4657900
    That account along with countless other shitty ones were set up by /a/
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)21:32 No.4657907
         File1309397531.jpg-(200 KB, 249x699, loli - misako cry.jpg)
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    >In high school, minor weeb, nothing serious
    >Hardcore cultlike Christian (not anymore)
    >Find friend
    >Friend brings in "hardcore shonen ai"
    >shoves in my face, in class, on the sexytimes
    >embarrassed, but shrug off - lonely, beta, etc
    >find out notebook of writing has been stolen
    >look for it
    >get email - "friend" took notebook
    >attachment on email?
    > . . .hardcore porn fanfic of my characters
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)21:34 No.4657915
         File1309397654.gif-(40 KB, 100x100, Teh_Horror_by_tehhorrorplz.gif)
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    I've been bamboozled!
    >> !/ReimuGFWM 06/29/11(Wed)21:41 No.4657937
         File1309398103.gif-(202 KB, 160x120, 1141530651172.gif)
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    I commend this one. Although it reeked of troll lots of people still fell for it.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)21:51 No.4657972
    Anyone else remember neko-0w0-nyan from dA?
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)21:54 No.4657981
    fff didn't mean to break out "hardcore" so many times.
    Hardcore apologies.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)22:24 No.4658153
    Completely fake.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)23:19 No.4658490
         File1309403965.jpg-(8 KB, 400x481, 14.jpg)
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    Obvious one-upping personality is obvious.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)23:39 No.4658609
    god i am so glad i came to /cgl/. I was bored of /v/'s bullshit and heard you guys had some serious girl drama, but hot damn, i did not think it would be this interesting. I might have to lurk around these parts more often.
    >> Eri !/YbHGiyNtI 06/30/11(Thu)00:36 No.4658935
    FFFFFFFFf okay sure lol I have no idea what this is about but ehh i'll give ya a 2/10
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)01:10 No.4659094
         File1309410655.png-(53 KB, 500x500, tumblr_lj6i91reDH1qi7n4xo1_500.png)
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    Excuuuuuuuse me anon, but I've actually had been going to the event for years. There was something different and really off that night compared to former performances--I mean he was acting different and was downright drunk.

    If you don't believe me that he was serious and being a complete drunk ass on stage compared to former performances when he was poking fun and being really entertaining, you simply weren't there. And if you weren't, then you should STFU because you don't know what you're talking about.

    He even said "I don't want anyone of you laughing because I'm dead serious. By enjoying this show, you're degrading yourselves and insulting woman everywhere and a bunch of mansplaining as if Ouren is any more insulting then all the harems out there."

    And then he set some guy's leg on fire and turned out to rape some girls. Guy just went loony I guess.
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)01:17 No.4659123
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    Mike, it that you? I'd suggest don't run events drunk, but you can't get off the booze.

    Also, read the whole post before you call someone an idiot to make sure that you don't seem like the bigger idiot.
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)01:28 No.4659176
    This guy sounds hilarious. /r/ more stories about him
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)01:30 No.4659184
    "Mansplaining" is one of the stupidest, most insultingly ignorant phrases since "reverse racism", and anyone who uses it should be shunned as either a bigot or a moron.

    Just sayin'.
    >> Lilitu !!SXtzhYBl9ng 06/30/11(Thu)01:34 No.4659192
    Enjoy a repost of one of mine.

    >One year removed from high school getting all of my room stuff together for Otakon.
    >Invite my younger sister (17 at the time) to come along too.
    >A weird girl who thinks my sister is her best friend invites herself.
    >I call this girl and shut down her hopes hard yet still politely.
    >she doesn't get it.
    >Otakon rolls around and I am walking around the convention center with some of my attractive cosplaying friends.
    >Girl proceeds to jump me from behind saying how excited she is to be staying with me. Her mother is behind her with her stuff for the weekend.
    >Friends I was with asked confused "There is another girl staying with us?"
    >Interrupting girl interrupts and says "Yeah I am staying with you!" then proceeds to call my friend a slut for what she's wearing.
    >I go ahead and shut this girl down again politely again but still stern. And inform her that she is not staying I never said that she was and that she shouldn't insult my friends and what not.
    >She still doesn't get the hint and thinks she is staying with us. While she is talking to her mom (who also doesn't understand) we bolt. Yeah it was shitty to do but at this point we want to be somewhere else.

    >Later on she had attached herself to my sister. My sister is into raving and in line for the rave is trying to chat up boys.
    >My sister is successful despite her height and weight but then the annoying girl ruins it.
    >This annoying girl has spit in my sister's face in the past, my sister is not going to be nice to her at all.
    >At the rave sister and hot guy proceed to ditch the annoying girl and go to hot guy's room to drink for a bit.

    >Few hours later I get a call from my daddy.
    >The annoying girl and her mother showed up at his house to complain about us not letting her stay with us.
    >Tell daddy what was going down.
    >He figured as much and had told the two of them off.
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)01:35 No.4659196
    I'm not sure how you'd describe what was going on then. I'm not a sjer, but this guy going on and on about woman right's when he had no idea what he's talking about, and on top of that, he has a rep for being sexist.

    I think guy can understand sexism just fine if they know their stuff, this guy just didn't.
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)01:38 No.4659207
    Then just say that he was being a drunk, stupid, condescending asshole.

    The problem with mansplaining is that it infers that the act of being a condescending asshole is inherently male, when that is A) wrong and B) sexist as fuck.

    Sage for my bullshit semantics and OH NO SEXISM ON 4CHAN WHATEVER SHALL WE DO.
    >> Militsiya Officer Boris !!pP78TjSIAmJ 06/30/11(Thu)02:01 No.4659270
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    Oh damn, I just realized that I saw him at ALA as well. What a piece of work.
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)02:09 No.4659295
    I'm not going to name the con or the specific locations or names, because I think this person may lurk here, but here it goes.

    >at a rather small local convention
    >with some friends, but we end up meeting some other friends at the con
    >one of the friends we meet up with brings along the mother of all creepers
    > said creepy is a 5' 4" male with a Jew fro, who is pretty much as weeb as they come, but he doesn't outwardly look it
    >talks with Japanese honorifics, says Nyan a lot, calls himself a bishie, when it is blatantly clear he is not.
    >out of all the people he could choose to stalk, it was me
    >follows me around all day, doesn't stop touching me, is generally annoying and acts all entitled towards my friends
    >have a private word with the friend that brought him along, friend says that the creeper is actually a fairly nice guy once you get to know him
    >creeper follows me to other cons, finds out what I'm complying from and butchers fabric in attempt to make cosplays to go with mine
    >keeps trying to get me to date him
    >doesn't take a hint

    He gets worse every time. When I'm with guy friends at cons, he's practically on top of me the whole time, like he owns me. At one point, a good male friend of mine and I were cosplaying as Jessie and Woodie from Toy Story, and he shows up as Buzz, trying to look like we're together. I have no fucking clue how he knew what I was going as, because I've severed all contact from him as far as I know.

    More like con creeper, but he is a weeb to go along with it.
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)02:19 No.4659341
    I just know about his recent /cgl/ antics. He tried to troll /cgl/ with a Vic scat story and failed misery.

    Some girl wrote a negative review of his con, so he said he was going to sue her--but never did, and e-mailed her mom over being butthurt.

    He has a delusional girlfriend he cheats on. She's on of those people who at first glance looks attractive, but when you actually look at her you realize a) she needs braces and b) she's actually a cross between a man, and a 12 year old, and a horse. I'd cheat on that too.

    Also, he does bad things, but it doesn't make him a bad person. He's just misunderstood he says.

    Batshit crazy is a good term I think...
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)02:24 No.4659359
    Maybe it's time to move beyond hints?
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)02:31 No.4659382
    This one is too fucked up to be a lie. Holy Christ this girl was nuts.

    >Momocon in the ATL is about to have it's first year
    >friends and I are getting ready for a big group cosplay of Myazaki characters
    >needed a girl for Kiki, friend knows a girl who lives in her neighborhood who's into cosplay and Myazaki, she says she will do it
    >have planning party at my house, invite everyone who's in the group to join
    >I own a pure black cat, and she's my total bro
    >Kiki girl shows up, is a total weeb
    >is wearing a full, yet terribly put together Lolita outfit, speaks in broken Japanese, is white but thinks she is Asian, tries to make herself seem like she knows everything about Myazaki
    >planning gets started, Kiki girl keeps interrupting with stupid false facts about Japan and anime
    >my cat jumps on my lap, Kiki suddenly flips out and demands I let her use my cat as a living prop
    >I politely decline, but tell her that I have a stuffed black cat she can use
    >party winds down, people leave, the front door was open for a good bit while people were leaving
    >Kiki leaves without saying goodbye, didn't even see her go
    >that night, can't find my cat, think she got out while people were leaving
    >a week goes from the party to the con, still no cat, am heart broken
    >show up at con, the group is all there, and lo and behold Kiki HAS MY FUCKING CAT IN HER ARMS
    >says she found her wondering around in her neighborhood, so she took her in and decided to use her in the con

    Best part? We live five miles away from each other, and my cat would have had to crossed six lane traffic to get to where she lives to this crazy bitches house. Luckily, I got my cat back, but why the fuck would you steal a cat?
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)02:34 No.4659393
    I think I've got one.

    >New York Anime Festival, some years ago- I was about 15 or 16
    >Attending with a fluctuating group of friends from my school, most younger than me- everyone's coming and going, doing their own thing
    >One of the aforementioned group of school-goers was the resident weeaboo- Freshman, little chunky, frizzy hair, talked loudly, was obsessed with Naruto/Sonic/Kirby, ect. But we all had her to thank for introducing us to cons in the first place, so of course we continued to include her
    >Everything's fine until she suddenly finds me Saturday night all freaked out
    >Claims she fucked a guy in an empty panel room
    >Spends the entire train ride home freaking out about STDs and if she was pregnant
    >Con vibe is completely murdered as we all spend the entire trip comforting her
    >After the train ride home, ever hear of the incident again
    >Like a year later, I meet the guy that she claimed to fuck and my friend who was already good friends with him asks him about it
    >He nearly spits out his drink, saying he'd never even consider it

    Obviously we were all slightly pissed she dramawhored like that, but it had been a whole year, so no one even wanted to bring it up. She played us like a violin back then.
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)02:38 No.4659421
    Holy mother of god, I would have flipped my shit if that happened. Who the fuck steals someone's cat?
    >> Kuro !V7hOCNPjSE 06/30/11(Thu)02:43 No.4659446
    oh my god.
    if someone DARED to take my kitty, some serious shit would go down.
    i hope you at least slapped that bitch.
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)02:44 No.4659449
    What I wonder is how she kept the cat in her arms and from being freaked out by all those people. Poor kitty.

    Too bad you couldn't call the cops on her.
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)02:45 No.4659451
    I really hope you told her off, I'd be so freaking angry if I thought my cat was lost but someone actually TOOK her and as a prop too. Does momocon even allow live animals?
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)02:45 No.4659458
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    This is the thread I come to /cgl/ for.
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)02:48 No.4659472
    I may be a little late in the game but...
    >Loves Jesus
    Now, I'm Christian myself and support my LGBT community rabidly, but good lord I'm pretty sure that the bible doesn't condone smut. What the fuck am I reading?
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)02:58 No.4659510

    just sayin', I've been to quite a few hilarious ones, but sometimes the people think they're fo' serious and get pissed off about it.

    You didn't really describe your situations that well compared to what those panels are like.

    sorry if you had a bad one, you're right, I don't know.
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)03:03 No.4659523
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    Omg..I can't even go into what I'd want to do to her if she stole my cat.
    Pic related though.
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)03:08 No.4659540
    Mine's not so bad. Dressed as Minnie Mouse of all things, not even that revealing (was wearing a corset beneath it though so it kind of pressed my chest up). A guy comes up and asks for a photo. All cool, whatever. Except he doesn't have a camera -_-

    Very clearly leans over and looks down my shirt before going, "thanks," and walking off. Gotta give him props for the effort.
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)03:30 No.4659597
    Anyone have any Otakon horror stories? I'm gettin hype for next month.
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)03:41 No.4659627
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    I'm a /co/splayer and not into anime much, so I don't go to those kind of cons.

    But what is it about anime and shit that makes these people into...these monsters?

    This is shit out of some Hollywood psycho thriller horror movie.

    I remember one story about creeper-in-a-trenchcoat who got this obsession with the storyteller, and wanted to "try out" all the things in his hentai stuff. That gave me the fuckin' shivers, man.

    Because at shit like ComicCon and C2E2, the worst you'll get is some skinny-armed pencilneck getting a bit too touchy-feely with the Power Girl cosplayer during a photo. But other than that, we don't get this kind of shit.

    Why? There has to be some kind of scientific explanation, a lump mental disorder, SOMETHING.
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)03:48 No.4659648
    HOLY FUCK.I would have beaten down that bitch. Just reading this makes me rage.DEAR GOD. I went to Momo that year but didn't see this... still... fuck I want to kill... If it were my cat I would have.
    >> Badonkadonk 06/30/11(Thu)03:48 No.4659650

    Seconding the request for Otakon stories. Bring 'em.
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)03:54 No.4659661
    >At Otakon
    >Bitches keep touching me.
    >Push them away
    >> GreenTrashcan !6mvmNVD6E6 06/30/11(Thu)03:55 No.4659665
         File1309420559.jpg-(77 KB, 500x375, 4363513778_ba95d9a9a3.jpg)
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    >Getting ready for bed
    >Can't bring myself to get off 4chan
    >Decide to look at /cgl/ to bore me to sleep
    >See a weeaboo story thread
    >Be awake for another 3 hours

    Every damn time.
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)03:56 No.4659666
         File1309420593.png-(2 KB, 168x144, 1290415121308.png)
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    >"Whoa man, cool costume!"
    >Guy raises his hand for a high five
    >Do it
    >He walks away
    >See furry tail

    Ha ha! Time to wash my hands.
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)04:14 No.4659712


    Cause I think I know this chick from somewhere. Reallllyyyy want rest.
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)04:18 No.4659729
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    Yeah, shame on a furry for being not creepy.
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)04:32 No.4659775
    /r/ing caps of mute girl stories or for mute girl to re tell them, missed the ending of the last one :(
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)04:52 No.4659822
    gtfo furfag
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)04:55 No.4659829
    Scum of the Earth
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)05:00 No.4659837
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    get out
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)05:00 No.4659838
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    Anime, honestly, promotes bad behavior. In anime, it's cute to grab people by the tits, 'sexually harass' them, act like a complete spaz, fall over on your face for comedic effect, over-exaggerate, ect. ect. In anime, pathological liars are cute and people who react with violence in almost all situations are admirable.

    Basically, anime is really not for impressionable pre-teens- because that's how we get these people. Also, I assume anime appeals to people whom have a bit of mental fuckery going on because of the aforementioned qualities of a good chunk of the characters.
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)05:07 No.4659851
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    >> felix !!BRZEOMOoX+1 06/30/11(Thu)05:15 No.4659862
    Apologies in advance for typing I am on my phone.
    Not weeaboo just slightly creepy. Last October someone added me to Facebook. I didn't know who it was but accepted because I figured out it was someone I had met at a con the week before. Whatever, didn't care.
    Come 2011 this guy starts talking to me whenever I go on facebook to check stuff. Ignore it because it's annoying as hell. He continues to do it. He sends me a message on fb asking if my online name is xxx. It is so i'm a little creeped out by now as i've never stated this on my facebook, so I delete him off my list.
    Few weeks later someone adds me to Msn, it's him. As soon as I realise this I block him.
    Come mcm may i'm running a panty and stocking meet. Between trying to arrange photos and avoid drama I have no time for anything else.
    I hear my full name so I turn around and this guy is asking people at the shoot if they know where I am.
    Obviously they don't because my name isn't my badge name. I turn around and ask what he wants.
    He explains who he is, kinda freaked out at this point. Tell him I don't know him and to leave me alone. He said he added me because we lived in the same city.
    Tl;dr creeper creeps.
    >> Green Star 06/30/11(Thu)06:05 No.4659899
    Preparing for AX tonight. Let's rehash some old memories~

    Let's call her J

    This is during my third year at AX. She was a hambeast and I met her after fixing my wig in the bathroom. She was handcuffed to the most half assed "Roxas" I've EVER seen. Supposidly J was "Axel" .. no spikes in her hair.. just.. a bad orange and slicked back to reveal her fat piggy face.

    The Roxas .. was merely wearing a black skirt.. and a black sweater.

    (the only props went to their Sora)

    Any way. I met J with the Roxas and Sora.. and somehow we ended up hanging out. Now, J didn't seem so bad, at first. Even for short hambeast status.

    But as the day dragged on I found myself on the other end of the handcuffs.... and being tugged on!

    Eventually, J and her buddies left.

    We met up again, and I actually got along very well with the Sora. (we're still friends now)

    And despite her obnoxious loud behaviour I did get handcuffed again so it was ok.

    Everything went ok on the second day.

    Third day, at the Kindom Hearts gathering, I find myself on the other end of those infernal things again, near the lagoon... afraid of being tossed in and telling her to stop pulling, but she won't!

    I laughed internally when they broke. And J gave me this "oh shit what?"

    Fourth day... was decent... she hung around and was "Riku" with the biggest amount of pudge hanging out of her belly..

    it was rather scary... and she was a bit MORE obnoxious this time around. But.. yet we did nothing.. nothing.

    And then the con ended.
    Nothing was done until a few months after when she started being creepy online and telling me she'd send me weird things (like a sex toy box or something)

    or that she loved me even though I already had a girlfriend.

    She generally got very annoying and I ended the friendship... a few of my friends shortly followed.
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)06:11 No.4659905
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    how is momocon anyway?
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)07:06 No.4659946
    >I remember one story about creeper-in-a-trenchcoat who got this obsession with the storyteller, and wanted to "try out" all the things in his hentai stuff. That gave me the fuckin' shivers, man.

    oh dear god, I'm in the mood for a good scare. Someone post this, please
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)07:21 No.4659962
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    This is everythign i hate. I have ridiculous love for Kingdom Hearts but am so tired of being lumped with these kinds of people i can't even cosplay from my favourite series of games. I'm just glad they're clearing out and into Hetalia/Homestuck?Kuroshitsuji. Maybe one day I can cosplay KH and not be so embarrassed that I feel the immediate need to take it off and shower twice.
    >> Siliconmage !!Q0aKb/ubkoa 06/30/11(Thu)07:29 No.4659972
    Shhhh, don't mention that here without spellchecking afterwards.

    Pretty sure it was capped, I don't have it, but someone should.
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)08:00 No.4659999
    Anyone have any Homestuck horror stories?
    >> Doll !L76VKgP3Fg 06/30/11(Thu)08:00 No.4660000
    >into Kuroshitsuji
    Goddamnit, man, why'd you gotta send them to us... fff.

    This is the best way to describe the problem.
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)08:08 No.4660007
    Omg, just here for the Hercule Poirot screen cap. :D

    I love him to death. :)
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)08:12 No.4660010
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    oh believe me if i had a choice i'd opt to cull them all before the kill another decent fandom but apparently such behavior is deemed unacceptable in modern society. Shame that.
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)08:13 No.4660012
    I know it one of my favourites and i've been waiting to use it
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)08:28 No.4660027
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    i hope you seriously fucked her up for that, if it was my cat i would probably have gone fucking apeshit and done some damage.

    i'm not even into all this japanese stuff, but from all these crazy fucked up stories it sounds to me like the whole culture attracts outsiders from other countries, who don't really fit in with normal people. not that all you guys are freaks or anything, but threads like this make it sound reasonable.
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)08:42 No.4660035

    I missed it. Her account was deactivated =[

    What was the story?
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)08:43 No.4660036
    Cat story girl here.

    1. Yes, I back handed her. Due to momo staff being lazy fucks, I got away with it
    2. The group had about 12 people, and we all told her off before I back handed her
    3. Momocon doesn't even allow live animals, but I live about two minutes away from the venue, and drove my cat home and back after I got it back from her
    4. The group, and friend who recommended her has since ostracized her from th group, for many reasons, but stealing my cat was one of them
    5. Apparently, she has mental issues that we weren't aware of, but that just adds to the reasons why we don't hang out with her
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)08:45 No.4660039

    Oh, derp, I just found it, pardon me guys.
    >> SamtheGuy !!RGo3r6wYmea 06/30/11(Thu)08:54 No.4660047
         File1309438450.jpg-(43 KB, 600x398, Dan-dan-vs-20547197-600-398.jpg)
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    I'll be back from AX with a plethora of horror stories my friends!

    but here's a nice one

    >Not really cosplaying anything just looking around artist alley
    >Girl at a funny looking booth stops me and tells me I shouldn't cosplay characters from western T.V. shows at an anime convention.
    >Get confused and ask her what she means
    >she pulls out her iPhone, searches up something and shows me
    >I'm dressed and have the same facial hair and haircut as Dan from Dan Vs.
    >I laugh, but she becomes irate and starts telling me to stop being an insufferable baka (NOT EVEN KIDDING!)
    >I tell her that the outfit is really close to normal wear and I wasn't wearing a shirt that said JERK, but just a regular black t-shirt
    >while I explain how I'm not cosplaying anything, she starts breathing heavily out her nose and gets a really smug look on her face
    >she tells me to stop harassing her before she calls con security
    >I'm so taken aback that I just walk away

    Poor girl didn't seem like she was all there in the head, still weird to be harassed about western cosplay when I"M NOT EVEN IN ANYTHING
    >> Doll !L76VKgP3Fg 06/30/11(Thu)08:57 No.4660051
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    Can't we just... say that there's Kawaii Gurerru/Sebby Buttsex waiting behind a grove of trees, and send them all sailing off a cliff like herds of lemmings?
    >> Corky-Lunn !CorkyloMxc 06/30/11(Thu)08:57 No.4660052
    I remember going to PMall a while ago and seeing a girl dressed up as Rin Tōsaka, but she didn't seem too weabooish or anything. Just some squeeing when they got to the one animu store on the first floor.

    I can deal with that.
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)09:11 No.4660064
    You have got to be kidding me....
    She STOLE you cat, because she wanted a prop to go with her costume? WTF?!

    I'm ....flabbergasted really...

    I already can't imagine that someone would consider it a good idea to take an untrained cat, which is not used to large crowds and which she barely knew in the first place, to a crowded con and not expect this to go severely wrong.
    And then theres the fact that she randomly decided it should be the cat of this person she just met because this is obviously a reasonable request. (Please see the sarcasm dripping off these words, thank you)
    And THEN she felt is was okay to STEAL your cat when you disagreed with her using your cat as a living ragdoll for the day.

    What did she expect when she arrived? For you to go, "Oh there you are snookems I didn't know Kiki here had taken you, don't you look cute trying to claw your way out of her arms."?
    The thought process this person must have....

    I'm not prone to violence, but if someone would steal my pets, not to mention for such an utterly idiotic reason. I'd probably go balistic on them.
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)09:41 No.4660087
    Not misunderstood. Definitely batshit though.
    Guy openly admits to having legit CP on his computer. He's paranoid as fuck, and thinks everyone is out to get him. He'll also claim that anything wrong with AP is not actually his fault.

    At one point in time, while dating one of the nicest girls in the con scene, he was also:
    1) sleeping with a 14yr old
    2) sleeping with a crazy asian girl who just turned 17
    3) slept with another girl to get information about the people who were trying to take his stupid con down
    4) God knows who else

    One of the infamous AP after-parties had him demanding girls take their shirts off. When a couple refused and broke into tears over the harassment, he got pissed and kicked them out. The girls were too scared to press anything, as he also harasses girls with threats.

    I know he harassed the 14yr old with the nice girl's parents (they just happen to be lifestyle bikers), saying that their biker gang was going to destroy her life.

    He's insane. Everyone saw his new toy at Colossalcon, who he was openly groping, kissing, etc. Then I guess Jennifer showed up, and pretended like nothing was happening. He's the lowest of scum.
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)09:47 No.4660094
    >I shouldn't cosplay characters from western T.V. shows at an anime convention.

    I hate people like this
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)10:43 No.4660188
    You too? I absolutely love Poirot.

    You guys sure got some stories to tell. I never had anything real bad happen and I hope it continues to stay that way.
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)11:38 No.4660298
    >Girl goes to ALcon
    >Girl gets drunk at the party
    >Event organizer helps girl back to room
    >Event organizer isn't seen for a few hours
    >Next day, girl in tears. Event organizer raped her while she was too drunk to stop him

    You can't get much more con-horror than that.
    >> ThatGirl 06/30/11(Thu)11:47 No.4660312
    My TV diet in summer is mainly whatever PBS throws at me. It mainly throws Sherlock, Doc Martin, and Poirot. Hence, that little Belgian is dear to mine, and apparently many other, hearts.

    I wonder if there is any good Poirot costumes...? anyway, sage for unrelated.
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)12:05 No.4660350
    then repost it here plz. i was too late and the DA account is deactivated
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)12:08 No.4660359
    Which movie is your favorite? I like the ABC murders, and will most likely end up liking The Hallo'ween Party when it airs on PBS this Sunday.
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)12:10 No.4660363
    I've seen the Miss Marple series, but I didn't like it as much as I thought I would.
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)12:10 No.4660364
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    >15, wearing Chii's maid outfit (pic related)
    >followed all day by old guy with greying hair and beard.
    >taking pictures of me without consent from far distances
    >trying to walk next to me to get upskirt shots.
    >try and avoid him for 5 hours by running away and hiding behind other people at the con.
    >he always spots me and keeps trying for under my skirt.
    >friend tells con security, and I have a panic attack and break out crying because I feel violated.
    >man gets his badge taken away.
    >see him for the next two years doing the same shit.
    >> ThatGirl 06/30/11(Thu)12:19 No.4660389
    ABC Murders was good, though I really liked the Masterpiece Mystery one from Sunday, The Clocks. It had a good, thrilling vibe, and in some ways the later ones chronologically a my favorites.
    The Granada(I think it's Granada) ones they show after Jeremy Brett Sherlock Holmes on Thursday nights are also good, though shorter. I'd watch them tonight but my presence is required somewhere else.
    I am excited to see The Hallo'ween Party, MM is some of the best television ever. Wallander, one of the others in the MM oeuvre is rather depressing though.
    >> Holden Caulfield !!m7XhxC+5SQm 06/30/11(Thu)12:22 No.4660395
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    As an avid TF2 fan, all I have to ask is why?
    >> ThatGirl 06/30/11(Thu)12:26 No.4660408
    Miss Marple isn't as good, but I like it a bit. Poirot has a much better character than Marple, though, which is why I like him better.
    The new Sherlock, too, has an amazing characterization. I find it interesting that two of my favorite shows[Sherlock and Doc Martin], which are British, have protagonists that are obviously aspie in some way.
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)12:29 No.4660418
    Are you going to watch Zen(?) after Poirot is over?
    When it comes to MM I will only watch Margaret Rutherford, because she's pretty hilarious, then Angela Lansbury for the sake of who she is.

    When it comes to who plays Hercule Poirot, I think David Suchet is the best. A lot better than Albert Finney or Peter Ustinov :(
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)12:44 No.4660445
    I was at a con over the weekend that just passed, and I was cosplaying as Wind Waker Link. Lots of people ran up to me, hugged me, asked for pictures, and it was awesome considering it was my first cosplay.

    So a friend and I were walking downstairs after an anime showing, and this guy stopped me, proclaiming that he ADORED my cosplay, and I was the best WW Link he'd ever seen. I blush like a schoolgirl, thank him, and go to walk away with my friend, since we were late for something we wanted to go to.

    The guy proceeds to stand in my way, and hug me so hard I thought my arms were going to go numb. I just pass it off as him being a fanboy or whatever, and go to walk off again once he lets me go. He won't move out of my way. He then claims that he has a Zelda game in his bag, and I can have it if I wanted. But only for sexual favours.

    Okay, no thanks, creepy guy. Friend drags me off.

    I think this is the last I'd have to deal with Mr. Creepy, but I was sorely mistaken.

    >> ThatGirl 06/30/11(Thu)12:48 No.4660457
    Hmm, I'm not sure about that. It might interesting, though I am more excited for the rumors of a new set of Inspector Lewis shows. I love them, partially because of the intriguingly nerdy themes they choose for each episode, like the one with the /tg/ kid from last year.

    David Suchet is the best, but I like some of Peter Ustinov's shows.
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)12:48 No.4660459

    The friend and I do our thing for the rest of the day, playing some games, looking at the merch etc, and we were heading up to check out the table top games, Mr. Creepy sees me, and runs full sprint at me, trying to pull me onto the ground, on top of him. I freak out, on my knees beside him, managing to get to my feet again, saying I REALLY didn't want to go on the floor. So he decides that telling me he'll just look up my tunic instead would be better. So glad I wore shorts under it.

    Friend grabs onto my wrist and DRAGS me away, because he's more than creeped out by this. We don't see him at all the rest of the day...Crisis averted, right?

    Nope. We still have another two days.

    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)12:52 No.4660470

    So it's the second day, and friend and I get up early so we can register for the Pong tournament. We register, and we end up waiting to play some DDR, since we didn't get a chance to the day before. Cue Mr. Creepy tapping my shoulder.

    "Can I have a hug?" He seemed...less creepy to me? I guess it was the early morning tiredness, but I said sure.
    "...Can it be hug?"
    What. I said I wasn't sure, and looked up at my friend for help. Friend declares he's my big brother, and he doesn't want him touching me like that. Mr. Creepy wraps his arms around me, pressing his crotch against me, and oh god, why does he have a boner. Friend pushed him off of me and yelled at him to leave me alone. So he runs off, and maybe, just maybe I hope that's the last time we see him.

    Not a chance.

    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)12:53 No.4660471
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    >Cosplay as L. (i was lazy that year)
    >See charging yoko with yaoi paddle.
    >She is cute.
    >Brace for impact.
    >She apologizes profusely
    >We hug. (best hug ever)
    >Open the door.
    >Get on the floor.
    >Everybody walk the dinosaur.
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)12:56 No.4660480

    We don't see him for the rest of the day, and we've made some new, awesome friends to hang about with. We headed over to the film theatre across the road for the showing of Summer Wars at 11pm, and we're standing in the concession area, chatting away. Mr. Creepy appears.

    He asks what age I am. I think about it for a moment. He doesn't look any older than about 15...I claim I'm 14. (I look very young, and pass for 15 on public transport, cinema etc) You'd think he'd stop creeping on an under age chick, yes? Nope. He says he's 16, and that I should look up to him as my mentor because he's older than me!

    One of the friends we'd made, said to him, in no uncertain terms that he should 'Wise the fuck up, turn around and walk away.'

    He didn't get the hint. He stood there for at least another five minutes before he left and went to harass one of the girls I had been chatting to previously. needless to say, one of the guys we'd made friends with went and got the girl and brought her to us, to keep him away from her.

    But oh, we have one final day to go!

    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)13:02 No.4660490

    So we're on the final day, and we arrive at the con at about 10:30am so I can sign up for the cosplay masquerade and judging. We're told registration is on the top floor, where the anime screenings are. Cool, we can pop in and watch some anime after I've signed up.

    We get to the third floor, and I register, and we start walking to the rooms for the anime to see what was being shown. I'm not looking in front of me as I walk, paying attention to the friend I was with as we spoke. Out of nowhere, Mr. Creepy appears, tackles me, takes all of the air out of my lungs, and knocks me to the ground. I smashed the side of my head against the door frame next to us, and there's a little blood on my face from it. The kicker? Mr. Creepy doesn't seem to give a flying fuck he just hurt the chick he's been practically stalking all weekend. No. He starts to try to dry hump me.

    Friend runs around the corner to get the attention of one of the con staff, and they drag him off of me. I'm sitting up on the floor, terrified as one of the staff helps me wipe the blood off my face, then helps me to my feet.

    Mr. Creepy finally got kicked out of the con. We DID complain about him during the con, but we had been told that there wasn't anything they could really do, since it was just a few hugs here and there, and we had no real proof of the sexual harassment.

    So there's the story of my first con and first cosplay...
    >> h.n. elly 06/30/11(Thu)13:08 No.4660508
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    Am the 14 year old (and the one who wrote the blog post), although not 14 anymore. I ended up staying by him longer then I wanted because I was downright terrified what he'd do to my family and the police kept brushing me off.

    Though when I got away, I toughened up fast. A lot of people call me crazy--I have OCD, fibromyalgia, and suffer from seizures--but you do what you have to make sure no one dares mess with you or your family. I made sure I was trained to use a gun and to be a complete asshole when I needed to be. Luckily, I've never needed to do anything drastic, none of his threats had any merit.

    But I'm doing successfully in both college and the modeling industry, as well as unofficially engaged so I'd like to think I'm doing quite well. It's true what they say--the best revenge is massive success especially after someone told you that you'd just be failure your entire life.
    >> Lala !!x0xtvfb/8bN 06/30/11(Thu)13:53 No.4660601
    Is the homestuck fandom really that bad? Obviously, there will be a few awful and annoying fans, but I keep hearing its the new kuroshitsuji/kingdom hearts. I'm cosplaying hs at Otakon this year and its starting to sound like a bad idea.


    There's another Lala? I've been posting under this trip for awhile, I'm surprised we've never seen each other.
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)14:02 No.4660629
    /r/ "Rock-Chan"
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)14:04 No.4660634
    I have had a psuedo-experience with Homestuck cosplay, but it's a bit of a nonstory...
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)14:56 No.4660725

    Your friends are fucking beta for not kicking the guy's ass.
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)15:02 No.4660740

    the first time we complained about the guy (When he offered me the game for sexual favours) con staff told us they couldn't do anything since none of them saw it etc, and that if we took matters into our own hands, we would have gotten kicked out...We didn't think we'd see him again, but I'm just relieved that I always had someone with me when he appeared.
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)15:13 No.4660765
    I have a horror story that turned out better than expected after a little intervention. I guess the moral of the story is to get help.

    No Brand Con 2010. My older brother dropped me off. I had a blast with my friends. This year we all agreed on a Bleach Theme for the con. I was dressed as Nel, one of my other friends was orihime, another and my last friend Rukia. I go into several photoshoot’s with people and other cosplayers. We received several complements that day as well. However one experience left me with the creeps, the guy looked like he was in his late 20, early 30‘s. Had this big old Nikon and said he ran a studio. He gave a us a business card so we can view the pictures after the con. Well in return he asked for a face book invite and a phone number so in the near future we could do a future shoot. I of coursed jumped on the idea.
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)15:15 No.4660772
    This was my first mistake, my gut told me DON’T give this guy your number, but the little angle me that normally site on my right shoulder was absent at the time. The con itself was a blast. I never had so much fun. After the con, I check my phone, this number kept appearing over and over again. 7 missed calls, 12 unread text messages. The hell? Who the fuck is this? At home I decide to call the number back. I receive a happy hello for the other line.

    Me: Who is this, why are you calling me?

    Guy: “I took pictures of you at the con remember we exchanged numbers.”

    Then I remember, the guy’s face who I exchanged a number with, the photographer. Whatthechrist.jpeg.
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)15:15 No.4660775
    This continues for about 2 weeks. Constant friend request via face book, the text, the phone calls at hours of the night. I grew worried when he started leaving messages about wanting to pick me up from my high school, and picking me up from my house to go clubbing or something. Then the day when he shows up at my school, wanting to pick me up so I can skip and hang out with him. I of course hide in the girl locker room. That was the last straw. Something has to be done! I work up the courage to tell my brother about this. My brother is not that big a fan of anime, he may have watched a few episodes of any series. He however is a massive videogame nerd. So we share some common ground. After informing him about the calls and his phone number, my brother just nods, like he was shrugging me off. I was fed up with him and left and go back to my room.
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)15:17 No.4660778
    A half an hour later I get a knock on my door. My brother is standing there with a few sheets of papers. I let him in and the first thing he shows me is a blown up face of the photo guy.

    Brother: “Is this the guy?”

    I look at the picture and I already knew it was him. I answer “yes, it’s him.”

    My brother nood and hands me another sheet. It was the guys name, street address, phone number. He even had the make, model and license number of the guys car. I was astounded by his research.

    “How did you find all of this?”, I asked.

    Brother: “Google is an amazing fucking tool.”

    I asked my brother what he was going to do next, go over to his house and bust him open like a piñata with a baseball bat? Tie is ass to the back of his hitch and drag him down the road? NO! My brother had a much more subtle approach. He takes out his cell phone and puts it on speaker. He sets it down on my desk and stands wand wait for him to pick up.
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)15:19 No.4660789

    f5 f5 f5 f5 f5 f5 f5 f5 f5 f5 f5 f5 f5 f5
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)15:21 No.4660797
    Whoever's writing this is a master of suspense!
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)15:21 No.4660799
    Brother: "It is Joe Blow(real name being withheld)? Currently living at the residence of (such and such street).”

    PhotoGuy: “Yes.”

    Brother: “This is detective Hughes with the Green Bay PD. We have received several complaint over harassing phone calls from your residence.”

    Joe Blow: “Wait what?”

    Brother: “Have you or have you not tried to make contact with one (uses my full name)

    Guy: “she gave me her number.”

    Brother: “Are you currently aware that the girl in question is only 16 and therefore under the legal age of consent in the State of Wisconsin. Sir with the evidence brought before me, this could get very bad for you. How old are you sir?”

    Guy: “28, but I didn't know?”

    Brother: “Sir, ignorance is no excuse. Now the case I have in front of me is that of a 28 year old stalker in a relentless pursuit of a 16 year old. And this has been going on for almost a month.”

    Photoguy: “I’m so sorry. Oh jesus. I didn’t know.

    Brother: “Now we come to the order of business. Now if you agree to break any and all contact with this girl to me, the family has agreed to drop the harassment and restraining order brought aginced you.”

    PhotoGuy: “I’m sorry. I’ll never talk to her again. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. Please. I swear to God.”

    “brother. Mr. Blow, I believe you, and I will hold you to your word. But God have mercy on your soul if you break that trust. I WILL END YOU. Now you have a good day and stay the straight and narrow. Have a good day.

    photoGuy: yes sir, I’m sorry.

    *Hangs up.*
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)15:23 No.4660805
    The whole time I was speechless. This was honestly the coolest thing I had ever seen him do. I mean watching himlay waist to the Covenant in Halo on Legendary like he was playing it on easy was cool in itself, but this, was like He looks at me and pats me on the shoulder.

    Brother: “If he ever calls you again, let me know. Then I will end him.”

    Year and a half later, the guy still never called again, broke contact with me via face book as well

    My brother is an omega level troll.
    >> h.n. elly 06/30/11(Thu)15:24 No.4660812
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    What a cool brother
    >> M3RC 06/30/11(Thu)15:25 No.4660816
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    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)15:26 No.4660817
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    Anyways, to stay on topic, the worst I ever got was someone stepping on my skirt and ripping the entire thing off my body. Not "Oh whoops it fell down let's never speak of this again" but "Oh whoops it fell down, has a huge rip going all the way up and a muddy shoe print on it." More embarrassing than horror, because I wore some shorts underneath it so my legs wouldn't be raw all day.
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)15:31 No.4660832
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    Not much of a horror story so much as I was just weirded out at the end of it.

    >NDK 2010, hooray!
    >Costume falls apart, boo
    >Decide to wear fun outfit with pink wig and hat, no cosplay whatsoever
    >In Dealer's Room looking at Pokemon, tum de dum!
    >Hambeast tackles me and screams in my ear
    >Goes off about some character who she thinks I am and a weird yuri pairing
    >This goes on for ten minutes
    >Finally leaves
    >mfw it's over with

    Seriously. I was in a Sheryl Nome wig, puffy Nightmare Before Christmas hat, white shirt and black/grey striped skirt. Wtf do I look like?
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)15:34 No.4660841

    That's God Tier worthy trolling.

    Had I been your older brother I probably just would have went to his house and beat the shit out of him. But this! THIS!!! Is way better!
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)15:35 No.4660845
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    Either Arizona is really lacking in con creepers or I'm just really boss at avoiding all of them... And so is everyone I know. Seriously, the only time anyone in my group has gotten creeped on was at Anime Vegas. Which I shall share a story from:

    >Anime Vegas '09 I think.
    >Have big Ouran group.
    >Our Hunny (my girlfriend) is hanging out after some host cafe.
    >Chillin' being cool when suddenly CREEPY L FROM NOWHERE.
    >Kisses her on the cheek and runs away.


    >She's still hanging out, not doing much.
    >Others in the group (Tamaki and Kaoru) standing by.
    >Notice creeper L and its friends standing by glancing at Hunny
    >Hear them say "I seriously wanna kidnap hunny and raep him hurhurhur"
    >They have to watch her the rest of the day.

    I didn't get to go to that AV, but when I heard this I was not happy.
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)15:38 No.4660853
    Your brother is amazing.
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)15:42 No.4660867

    Screen capped and saved so future generations of seagulls may enjoy.
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)15:45 No.4660872
    I know who you are <3
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)15:46 No.4660875
    Do you now? I just might know you as well!
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)15:54 No.4660895
    Were you at Q-con?
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)15:55 No.4660901
    Who's his new girl--another underage or barely legal girl or is it someone actually of age?

    And yeah, Jennifer would ignore it. She backstabbed, lied to, and screwed over a ton of people to be with him, as well as telling people that her relationship with Mike was gonna be different. She'd be all alone, and everyone would be right if she admitted what was going on.
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)16:02 No.4660916
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    yup, I took you to the Cherry Blossom Festival!
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)16:04 No.4660924
    Then I do indeed know you, haha.
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)16:27 No.4660993
    Haven't heard of any Homestuck cosplay related horror stories beyond bad troll make-up and lack of wigs, and all the HS cosplayers I met at a recent con were for the most part decent and polite people. I think you'll be fine.
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)16:39 No.4661038
    Oh boy, I can contribute! This may be a bit tl;dr, as there Is quite a bit that isn't anime related, but I'm really condensing this story/leaving out minor things as much as possible without diffusing the holy hell this guy is a massive creeper.

    Let me tell you the tale of Creepy Chris. Creepy Chris falls into the weeaboo section here.
    So its my first day at community college. Previously I'd been homeschooled, and I knew no one. When I get to my animation class, it's me, and twenty three guys. The professor makes a special point during the introductory lecture to pause and say, “Now, we have a lady in this class.” He goes on to talk about men being super awkward with women in this industry, and how these guys should avoid being that creepy mouth breather guy giggling quietly to himself because there are breasts in the room.

    Its the first class, and there isn't much to it besides the lecture. The professor steps down, and I feel a prickle on the back of my neck. Turn around slowly, and there are two guys standing there. Smiling at me. Just a-grinning.
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)16:40 No.4661045
    I stare at them. They stare at me. I spend a few minutes wondering if either one is ever going to say anything. I also spend a minute wondering is smiling boy #2 realizes he has eight straggly two inch hairs sticking out of his chin. I assume not, because smiling boy #1 has a matching mustache.

    Eventually I say hello. Smiling boy number two responds with, “I like your shirt.” I have a tricycle on my shirt that says Old School on it. I didn't wear another shirt with graphics on it to this class for the rest of the semester. I say thank you, his is neat, too. (It's a monkey. It's cute. This guy is obviously very socially awkward and I figure it doesn't hurt me to be nice, and it isn't the first time someone has stared at my boobs blatantly.) Creepy Chris tells me that he thinks they should take the monkey off of his shirt and put it on the trike on mine.

    I assumed that this meant he really wanted to put his penis on my boobs.
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)16:41 No.4661047
    I had several weeks of fun with Creepy Chris. And by fun I mean not fun at all. after that first class, I started to walk home. I lived about eight miles away and I didn't think it would be a big deal. Creepy Chris starts to follow me out. He is sticking very closely to my side. I dont think anything of it, even though he's invading my personal space and smells unwashed. The parking lot is that way, I assume he's going to the parking lot. I get unnerved by him bypassing the parking lot and crossing over to the bike trail with me. I pause to tie my shoe, he takes a few steps, realizes I'm not with him, and stops to wait for me.

    I ask him where he's going.
    “With you!”

    No you aren't. I'm walking home. I'm walking eight miles home through almost nothing but cornfields you're not coming home with me. I get on the phone with my sister for safety and then manage to convince Chris to go away. (He goes to hang out at the high school across the street. He does this every day. At the time I believe he was 26. I don't know what he did at the high school every day.)
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)16:42 No.4661051
    Okay so I realize this may not seem applicable yet, but I wanted to set the stage for just how socially awkward this guy was.
    I show up back at the college for an evening class later the same day.

    Creepy Chris is there.

    Creepy Chris doesn't HAVE that class.

    Creepy Chris offers to let me read a manga he'd drawn himself.

    Creepy Chris gave me a three chapter manga. In chapter one, a woman was pregnant. A vampire killed her lover and abducted her. They had sex and she gave birth. Explicit birth. Then she died. Chapter two: The son grew up as a vampire and fell in love with the wife of a vampire hunter. He killed her husband after she had sex with him on a picnic basket and abducted her. They fell in love and she was pregnant and gave birth. She died in childbirth. Can you guess what happened in chapter three? He carried this comic book around with him in his back pack all the time to show to all his favorite ladies.
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)16:44 No.4661057
    Okay well that was freaky. Also I never walk home again after that first day, I wait for a ride. While waiting for my ride to show up one day, Creepy Chris tells me all about anime conventions. I'd never been to one (and actually only finally attended my first one this year.) He sits very close to me and shows me his collection of con badges. All I saw were characters I didn't know in skimpy clothing, but I show interest to be polite. He proudly tells me how he tries to collect one of every version of badge from every con he goes to, and shares with me the joys of special anime showings. (I didn't know they showed hentai at cons at this point.) He puts his hand on my thigh at this point and asks if I've ever been to one. I shoved his hand off my leg so fast that he lost balance.

    Because I didn't know anyone at this college at all, I didn't have anyone to buffer me. Creepy Chris liked to grab my computer mouse while I was working (and my hand at the same time) and try to do things for me. I annoyed him by calling him a controlling perfectionist, and to please stop grabbing my mouse. He would scoot his chair really close to mine. He asked me what my sign was once. I knew this was going somewhere bad, but couldn't think of a way to get out of it. I told him, and he proceeded to look up sexual compatibility between my sign and his. It was not favorable, so he started to protest that I didn't fit the Aries profile. When I said I did have a temper, he leered and said he would like to see that.
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)16:45 No.4661061
    Creepy Chris took the same classes at college over... and over. And over. He turned in the same work every semester. He did this so that he would have time to find girls he thought were cute, find their schedule out, and have a reason to be on campus. He would skip his classes and sit outside the door of classes the girls were in, waiting for them to get out. (no escape. Creepy Chris was there. Always waiting.)

    Creepy Chris especially liked to take photos of girl's faces. Then, in the public mac lab, and shopped their heads onto skimpy anime bodies and saved them as a collage for his desktop wallpaper. (As far as I know, I was never one of these girls.)
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)16:46 No.4661066
    The one good point in poor old smelly unwashed sparse bearded Chris's favor is when I finally got sick of it. I was being nice to him for a few weeks because he was so obviously, painfully, socially awkward. But then he showed up at one of my classes and grinned at me like a puppy, waiting for me to be proud of him. After telling him for weeks to not touch me, tricking him into walking in front of me and then running in another direction, to please scoot out of my person bubble, but still being relatively nice, I laid it out flat for him.
    “Look, can I be honest with you?”
    That smile dropped. “...yeah?
    “You really creep me out, and I need you to leave me alone.” I proceeded to tell him that when he meets girls, to not follow them everywhere. Dont touch their upper thigh. Dont... do any of the things he did. The ONE point in his favor is that he left me alone after that.

    Of course, he got kicked off campus a few weeks later for stalking another girl. He also got kicked out of akon that same year for harassing more girls from campus and trying to get in a hotel room with some guys from that class. (Sadly, this isn't the worst guy I dealt with from that class. Like 18 bro tier guys in there, and then a few creepers. The other one doesn't really apply for this board though.)
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)16:55 No.4661098
    you're a good storyteller. please tell your story anyways.
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)17:08 No.4661133

    Please tell the story anyways? I'm enthralled.
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)17:15 No.4661150
    Haha, okey dokey! I've got to be away for 10~15 minutes, but I'll come back and regale you with the (horrifying) tale of Alex the Programmer afterward.
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)17:16 No.4661157

    Can't wait. =)
    >> Mstski 06/30/11(Thu)17:18 No.4661162
    The homestuck fanbase isn't bad at all of course you'll have those few fans who take it to an extreme (but that's with any series or whatever) so it's pretty much chill for the most part. Now i've heard some HS cosplayers get a bit crazy with the loud cursing but i guess it's mainly for the sake of the characters like karkat, Gamzee, Dave, etc.

    But other than the cursing, i've come into contact with alot of cool people who enjoy Homestuck
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)17:23 No.4661176
    I know an Alex who's a programmer. I hope we aren't talking about the same guy though; the Alex I know may as well be a living teddy bear.
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)17:33 No.4661205
    Am back and will start typing up my post about Alex the Programmer for posting.

    I hope we're not. A terrible thing is that an Alex, who is a programmer, was hired at my workplace in the middle of this going on. I didn't speak to him for months because I was afraid it was the same Alex. (Thankfully it was not.)
    >> colors 06/30/11(Thu)17:57 No.4661269
    me to but I don't get annoyed by the gender reveal.
    >> colors 06/30/11(Thu)18:30 No.4661361
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    my first time coming here good stories to read
    mfw reading stories and wondering how people get this way.
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)18:39 No.4661403

    I was at Q-con! :D
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)18:49 No.4661441
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    Alright, so my interactions with this guy were a bit less “Haha, wow. What a creeper.” And are a bit more “...Wow. That’s the reason I carry pepper spray!” I have shared this story once before on some forums, and have kind of cobbled together bits from that and cut out some things and shortened it.

    It's ... still very, very long so I'll just post it as images.
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)18:51 No.4661457
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    no, really. Its very long.

    Oh man I was so very, very stupid.
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)18:57 No.4661478
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    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)18:58 No.4661480
    I guessed as much : D!

    Was that why those guys were escorted out by police on the Sunday?
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)18:58 No.4661481
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    God that's a creepy fucker.
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)19:00 No.4661490
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    Last one. Phew.

    I am exceptionally talented as attracting really, really creepy and or obsessive people, but Alex was the worst. Creepy Chris I can laugh off. I have bumped into him before, outside of the college, and it wasn't frightening. I probably will never set foot on this campus again, and hope that Alex's abrupt personality shift was just ... a one time thing. Maybe. Hopefully.
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)19:04 No.4661500
    Can someone summarize? ^

    I'm on my ds and can't read it. Thanks.
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)19:09 No.4661513
    The short summary: The TA in one of my classes turns into a creepy fucker who badmouths me to my male friends (while threatening them away from me) and tells strangers that he can fix me because I must have been hurt in the past. That must be why I'm not interested in him. He turns from gentle giant to angry drunk and sends me accusatory, emotionally maniuplative emails.
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)19:11 No.4661521
    its ok anon.

    You were wronged by these people, but you just need to get over it.

    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)19:19 No.4661548
    It took me a moment, but then I laughed.
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)19:23 No.4661559
    Story time! Mine spans a con and college, so it's going to fun.

    Go to visit some guy-friends from Japanese club at their dorm, and they invite me to play BlazBlue with them. Never played it before, and there's two girls there, including myself. All the guys I knew from the club, were big, scary men who were bouncers for various clubs downtown, so I felt safe being there past 10, which I hadn't done there before, being the 3rd week of my freshman year.

    Young man, whom I will name.... Norman, since that is the verification oddly enough, is sitting there, talking about his WoW account, ect, ect, and being generally annoying while we're trying to play. Other girl leaves, says she's sick, and one of other kids I'd just met follows her. So it's just a couple of us left. He plays against me, and then I lose, and he starts cracking up. "God she sucks, she doesn't play anything, who is this chick..." And the president of the club gets mad at him. "Shut up, Norman, she's my friend, she's nice, ect." "Well, I bet she doesn't know who even Neil Gaiman is, I have all his books, yadda, yadda." I was so damn confused, what did that have to do with anything?

    And then I piped up, "Oh, I know who that is, I read some of his books..." And it gets realllyyy quiet.

    And hell breaks loose. He's talking about the books, which ones I read, which ones he has, how it's similar to some American comic stories-which I stupidly admit to him I read Runaways- and then he goes onto rambling about, and said I could borrow the last book.
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)19:27 No.4661565

    Hey anon, I'm not an animator but I know your pain. I'm a software engineering major, and the only woman in my whole year. The creepers suck. Stick in there though and stay at it! They do eventually get the message.

    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)19:29 No.4661573
    Norman is getting annoying at this point, and is playing WoW, when he suddenly goes, my girlfriend is an ass, yadda yadda, I should break up with her... And he types something on the computer, and turns to me. "I broke up with her, wanna go out?" All the guys start laughing, but we keep playing. Finally, it's going on 2 am, so I thanked everyone for letting me play, and told him I'd get it later at his dorm. I planned on never going. But the president goes, wait, let's walk you halfway home, and then I can grab something to eat. Everyone goes with, yay, but unfortunately, so does Norman.


    "Um, far away, in the branch wayyyy off normal campus...."


    So I stop to grab something to eat with them, and then go to walk home. Norman is conveniently leaving at the same time.

    "Well, I can walk you home, I'm worried about you-"

    "No, no, it's okay, it's okay...I'll take the bus..." And I hit the button on the side of my phone that makes a beep, and I pretend to pick it up and talk to my mom and walk back. About 3 am. He adds me on facebook literally before I got home, which was sometime in the 5 minutes it took me to walk back. I decide to be nice and say yes, since I had no information as to where I was on there. Smart move on my part.
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)19:36 No.4661587
    Norman sends me a message a couple days later, and asks about my phone number. I gave him a fake one, and said I might be getting a new number soon, so he should wait to call it till I can update him. That Friday, I end up going to the anime club with our Japanese club president, and Norman's there, with all his books.

    "I CARRIED THESE ALL WEEK SO I COULD GET THEM TO YOU." Uhhhh. Okay. I take it, skim it there, and try to give it back before the meeting ends. "OH, DON'T YOU WANT TO TAKE IT BACK WITH YOU, YOU KNOW, SO YOU CAN READ IT FULLY, AND EXAMINE THE ART CHANGES AND STYLES-" So, I take it with me. Outside the building, I give it to our president and tell him to give it back to Norman in a couple days for me. He said he'd talk to him about leaving me alone, make up something about having a boyfriend.

    A couple days later, he makes it facebook official that they broke up from that first night, and messages me about it. I decline, and then he said, "Oh, I see you like Pokemon, can we trade Pokemon? I'll be here, (Random apartment address)." Told the pres, "Yeah, Norman wants to exchange POKEMON...." And he laughs at me, "Yeah, and prolly try and breed some!" So, don't hear from him for a while, but carry my DS with me so when I do see him, I can trade and be over with him.
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)19:39 No.4661596
    God I am embarassed on behalf of Neil Gaiman fans everywhere that this guy loves him.
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)19:39 No.4661597

    I'm not too sure? Was it four guys about 30 years old? Apparently those guys show up every year and harass the cosplayers. One of them almost got into a fight with security this year!

    Mr. Creepy was wearing a brown jacket the day I got him kicked out. Was just him thrown out.
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)19:40 No.4661599
    I facepalmed a bit in embarrassment, too.
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)19:45 No.4661608
    I don't see him though, and one day, I'm in my dorm room with some friends, and we have the door open cause it's so DAMN hot in that building. Well, guess who walks past, going to visit another victim down the hall. Try to be nice, drop hints, "Oh, we're going here, going there, tired, yeah, see you..." He doesn't leave till god knows when. Next day, keep door closed. He knocks though, and we answered, thinking it was someone else. Doesn't leave till late again. Told the other girl to watch for him, and the next day, he knocks, she calls, we don't answer. He disappears.

    I get a message a couple days later, supposedly I was spreading rumours he wanted in freshmen's pants, he was a stalker, and a creeper and I had a protection order...Um, what? I guess that other girl complained to him, and brought me up and played up that I really DESPISED him. Okay. Strange. Agree to meet up with him to straighten it out at the major campus hub, with almost a thousand people there at a time. He won't do SHIT there.

    Get there, see him, be cordial. "Didn't want a relationship, didn't say that, she's a liar, I've been nice to you, I never did anything..." Okay, all squared away, and we talk a little bit. This random girl, ugly as fuck, face of a horse, comes up and goes, "Norman, I'm leaving, she's not going to jump you."


    "Oh yeah, he asked me to sit a couple tables back to make sure you didn't kill him, cause he thought you were psycho."

    WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS. I just smiled and shook her hand, and we introduced, and she left. I make some cock-and-bull story that I'm going to meet someone else...Ugh.

    Plan to never meet him EVER again. Okay. Doesn't happen that way though.
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)19:50 No.4661618

    So, a couple weeks later is the annual Ohayocon! Yay! So, I end up meeting with some of the anime club, and we get there, having a great time. Guess who walks up, with a costume thrown together shittly from the same show as me.


    Wait what. I found out someone told him what I was doing later, seeing as how after our little meeting I blocked him from seeing SHIT on my wall. At all. And I checked it too that day, he couldn't see anything at all. And he says this too, that he cannot see it, so I know he's been attempting to check on me. Ugh.

    OH FRIENDS HERE KTHXBAI. So I leave, and I see him snapping candid shots of me all the time, and I finally get pissed and tell the con ops. Said that they cannot do anything. FFFFFFF.

    Have an okay time dodging him for the rest of the weekend.
    Don't see him for the rest of the year, HUZZAH. So happy.

    Get back to school the next year, and the club president comes up to me.

    "Btw, Norman's never coming around us again, if you see him, please call the cops."

    Uh oh.
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)19:53 No.4661623

    Oh boy here we go.
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)19:56 No.4661632

    So. As it turns out, Norman did a couple things this summer that had the entire campus of nerds looking for him.

    One, he was staying there all summer, and jumping from a person's apartment to another. First, he stole $3000 dollars from a kid's wallet in cash and credit cards. So, he ran.

    Next place, he took my buddy's Wii and pawned it, and stole some various games, and then booked outta there.

    Got into a fight with a gay guy at the next one after asking him to teach him how to dress in drag (???????????) and quickly ran outta there before they cut him up.

    Staying in a quad then, and knows two of the kids there, other two said it's okay.

    This one is FUN.

    Anyway, I guess he broke their toilet. He took a REALLY massive dump and it backed up horribly, when none of them were there. He took one kid's towels, and then MOPPED UP HIS SHIT WATER with them, until it was just sitting at the rim of the bowl, just slopping over a couple times. I guess he let them sit in the shower a while, and then went to take a shower, and left them in there. AND THEN USED THEM. Cause there was shit EVERYWHERE ON THE WALLS. And they came home to find him gone.

    So, all four places took his stuff and had a bonfire with it after the cops neglected to take it for evidence. Hehehe.

    But it gets better.
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)20:06 No.4661652

    Looked up this kid's records. Not only was he not a student at the school at ALL, but he had failed out of all the class that he had taken at one time. This kid, literally, sat at the campus hub all day and night, sleeping and eating there. But because it is such a large campus of 20k people, the cops could never get him. And as it turns out, he'd been stealing from people for years, and trying to using their money to pay for his classes. Hmmm.

    Anyway, we spot him a couple times staying with an Residence Assistant near me, so we call the cops, and he keeps hopping places to stay at with poor, confused freshmen. We heard he'd been spotted in 8 different dorms as a result.

    But anyway, I was talking to a girl whom had just moved into my dorm that year, talking about how she used to commute. All of a sudden, I get this facebook message from him about some DnD group. Anyway, she sees his picture, and freaks out.

    I guess this kid went to school with her brother, and their high school was 15 minutes away from our campus. But here's the kicker, her brother graduated with him. Her older brother. Who's 28. So, she said he'd failed, making him at least 29 years old. Creeping on freshmen in college. At least 10 years younger than him. Hmmm.

    So add statutory rape to Norman's agenda (as we'd found he'd done to young girls at cons, adding to his sheet as our local police found. We even ran wanted adds for him in our papers, with a list of the stuff they wanted to question him for. Just unnamed. But we knew it was him. No one else stole M's Wii that year but him, since he was also listed there with name.).

    But the girl and I became friends, and I'll call her Amanda. Anyway, Amanda and I went to go grab a bite to eat one day, and guess who we saw?
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)20:15 No.4661691

    Norman's sitting there with a table of young girls, flirting with them, I saw him, and I pointed him out. Amanda goes up to get a hamburger, having an idea, when he starts eyeing her. Sorta strange. She comes back to sit with me, and he notices me and waves at me. Yes! Perfect. He leaves them and walks over, and sits down to eat with us instead. She quickly texts me, and says not to call the police yet, she has an idea. Anyway, we're talking, he's talking about the next Ohayocon, Sugoicon, A&G, ect, ect, and I'm half listening, watching Amanda, when she goes,

    "Oh, hey, I recognize you...You're Norman, right?"

    "Oh yeah, you are..."

    "I'm Amanda. Where did you go to school?"

    "Oh, I went to Woods..."

    "Hey, I did too! Did you know Kevin M?"

    "Oh, yeah, I remember him.....why?"

    "Oh, he's my older brother. " And he goes white, and says he has to leave.

    Amanda's older brother I guess was a jock. A big, scary one, but a nice one. Norman was a royal creep then too, and use to be even fatter, smellier, and uglier then. Anyway, I guess Norman also use to make fun of the disabled kids, and preached about God going to kill them all for being unholy or some other bullshit. Kevin, Amanda's brother, realllyyy hated him, and would beat the shit outta him every time he'd hear him, and shove his head in the toilet. Amanda called her brother that day and told him who she'd seen, and he came the next couple days to visit us and creep around campus, trying to find him. Last I'd heard from Kevin, he'd been spotted there and Norman almost shit himself before running away. Well, that day he deleted me from facebook, and I have not seen him since.

    And that's the story of Norman. So if you see a creepy man, who's really heavy and smells and talks about Neil Gaiman a lot, and goes to "university", but appears to be around 30, call the cops at any Ohio conventions please. :) Just say he's being creepy. But we're still looking for him.
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)20:18 No.4661701
    Creepers ruin shit for people like me.

    Because we're always afraid of being the creeper. So to spare people from our potential creepiness, we don't talk to anyone we don't know for quite some time.

    It makes meeting people such a pain in the arse.

    What's even funnier, I have been on the receiving end of a creeper too, which surprised the holy fuck out of me because I'm tall, fat, hairy and very fucking male. But some shitehawk still insisted on trying to start a webcam session with me on AIM. That's just WTF
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)20:33 No.4661750
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    Here is an image of Bruce Lee looking cool.

    I bequeath this unto you as you might as well be my clone.
    You receive one internet, sir.
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)21:30 No.4661912
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)21:31 No.4661916
    Hey guys! I'm here to tell a story on behalf of a friend who had a terrible con experience.
    We'll call her Mary.

    We went to a smaller local con, where she saw a group of guys dressed in "visual kei" style. She thought they were cute so when went to take a picture of them. As she walked away on of the guys in the group said "my friend wants to know if you'll meet him at the rave tonight"
    Of course she will! Mary thought they were all cute, one guy in particular. Let's call him Tod.

    So that night, Mary saw Tod and she immediately got nervous because, hey, he was cute and she wanted to hang out with him, but she was scared. We told her to go talk to him.

    They spent the night together. They danced and then they left the room together and talked. He was seeming sweet, polite, and nice. We thought it was cute they hit it off so well.

    They decided to hang out the second day of the con as well

    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)21:35 No.4661929
    (well, the experience wasn't really at the con, but it was because of it)
    Day two, same thing. They held hands and had a really great time together at the con, By the third day, they had exchanged numbers and had agreed they wanted to hang out.
    All in all, Tod seemed like a really nice guy.

    First impressions can be deceiving.

    They ended up dating and at first, everything went well.

    They talked and learned a lot about each other. She said she wanted to be an artist when she grew up, he said he wanted to be a coroner. She thought it was odd, but interesting.

    A few weeks later, they were hanging out at his house. Tod let her go on his computer while he did other things.

    What she found was... interesting...

    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)21:39 No.4661946
    Mary found many things on his computer. First, she found intense guro. It's weird, but not a huge deal. At least it's not real, right?

    Wrong. She kept looking and found real gore. Huge folders full of it.
    Well... some people are interested. He wants to be a coroner, right?

    Wrong again.
    She kept looking and soon found tutorials on how to murder and not get away with it and how to properly dispose of dead bodies without leaving evidence.
    This was more than unnerving.

    She kept her finds secret, afraid to tell her friends, family, or to let Tod know that he need some psychological help.

    He started talking to her about his violent desires. How he hates people and how he sometimes fantasizes about killing people he hates.
    He tells her he loves her and how he would be a mess without her

    She's starting to get even more afraid

    A few months later, another con is going on in our area. He buys the two of them tickets so they go together.

    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)21:42 No.4661967
    At the con, they have a fun time, until the rave. At the rave, they're dancing together and another guy bumps in and dances with my friend. Yeah, it wasn't the smartest of her to dance with him, but she's not the type who grinds. She's just dancing innocently. She doesn't stay with the guy very long, and tries to join back up with Tod.
    He grabs her by the wrist (to the point where it was painful for her) and drags her out of the rave.
    She asks him what's wrong

    "We're leaving."

    She asks him what she did wrong and he won't answer.
    "Tod, why won't you talk to me? What's wrong?"

    He flips out, screams at her in front of everyone and cusses her out.
    She's stunned. He's never been this angry before.

    She realizes she should probably get out of the relationship soon.

    Mary has a good long talk with me and I tell her how he seems very unstable and that she should leave.

    Here comes the fun part... and by fun, I mean frightening
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)21:47 No.4661986
    She tells him that she needs distance and that she thinks they should end the relationship.
    It doesn't seem to phase him. He says okay, but continues texting her asking when they're going to go out next.
    She repeats to him, in person
    "Tod, we're done. I'm sorry, but I can't go out with you anymore."
    He starts crying and tells her how she's the only person he'll ever love and that he needs her.
    He tells her
    'I'll wait for you. I'll wait for you to come back to me. However long it takes... I know you're meant to be for me."

    She tells him it's never going to happen.

    Later, she gets a text "I'll wait for you."

    A little while after, she starts receiving presents. He tells her they're from him. They're expensive too.
    He comes to her door and gives her flowers.
    She doesn't take them and tells him she doesn't want them.
    He leaves and starts texting her creepy things

    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)21:50 No.4661996
    He starts texting her how he has a keylogger on both her laptop and her family's computer. He knows everything she does and everything she says to people.

    He tells her how he was going to come after her family, but he thought it'd be too cruel so he's coming after her.

    She's in a panic. She finally tells her parents and they say she should think about getting a restraining order.

    He continues texting her and she finally threatens him.

    He stops texting after a few months and he blocks her and looses all contact with her.

    and that's that story.
    I have more, but I figured this one is the most interesting.
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)22:04 No.4662050

    Oh my gosh.
    Tell us more.
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)22:11 No.4662068
    I mean general stories.
    He really was a creep, though.

    He seemed so nice at first...

    I have a con story involving me?
    It's not nearly as exciting, though
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)22:14 No.4662080

    Threads not moving very much anyways. You should tell your story.
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)22:23 No.4662123
    Alright then

    >Go to con, dressed as mini with a lolita twist
    >Guy asks for photo
    >He's creepy, but whatever, I'm in costume

    Next day
    >I'm in lolita, but nothing special
    >Waiting in line for the masquerade
    >I see him coming down the hallway, camera ready
    >Not in the mood to take pictures
    >Hide head in friend's lap
    >Peek up, see him pointing his camera
    >"Sorry, not in the mood for pictures right now"
    >"Oh, it's okay, lay back down, that's a nice pose"
    >"I said no pictures, please"
    >"That's a good pose too"
    >One friend (who's now my boyfriend) yells at the guy to go away
    >Best friend also tells him to go away
    >He yells "fine! Gosh...." and storms off

    Next day
    >Running around, looking for friend's lost badge
    >I'm in casual clothes
    >He asks for a picture
    >"I'm sorry, I can't right now"
    >"Just one picture! Please!"
    >"Not now, I'm sorry!"
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)22:24 No.4662128

    New thread is here, guys!
    >> Anonymous 07/01/11(Fri)01:19 No.4662922
    its happening to me right now. help anon. please :'(

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