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  • File : 1309326808.jpg-(21 KB, 300x300, fyora.jpg)
    21 KB Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)01:53 No.4654941  
    Weird question, but has there ever been neopets cosplay?

    The faeries at least, they're somewhat pretty.
    >> Souviet !YbrmcBEMWk 06/29/11(Wed)01:57 No.4654957
    There was a planning thread for some faeries recently, but I don't know if there has actually been some cosplays yet.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)02:06 No.4654987
         File1309327566.gif-(8 KB, 150x150, Newairfaerie.gif)
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    Oh shit, I did an Air Faerie cosplay a loooong time ago. I have no idea if I have any pictures saved though.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)02:13 No.4655013
         File1309328020.gif-(29 KB, 300x300, illusen.gif)
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    I'd totally do a group Neopet Faeries cosplay. Some of them are so badass.

    Pic related.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)02:16 No.4655024
         File1309328195.jpg-(119 KB, 600x521, Earth faerie.jpg)
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    I've only ever come across this pic, and I'm not even sure it's definitely neopets.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)02:18 No.4655033
         File1309328321.jpg-(57 KB, 439x480, 1307721943804.jpg)
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    Am I the only female who never got into neopets, even when younger?
    Am I missing something?
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)02:24 No.4655056
    It use to be really good, but once they sold out to Nick I stopped playing like I use to. I still would log in for xmas items. I'm up to like 6 1/2 or 7 years now on my account. (would be 8 or 9 on my original account, but it died) I recently started playing again because of the stupid cup game going on right now.

    I've seen like actual Neopet costumes, but don't feel like looking for the pictures in my cosplay folders
    >> Souviet !YbrmcBEMWk 06/29/11(Wed)02:26 No.4655066
    It was kind of crappy after Nick bought it out...
    I did spend unneeded amounts of time on the Fan Clubs board, though.
    >> Sirene 06/29/11(Wed)02:26 No.4655067
    A part of me has always really, really wanted to get a group of friends together to cosplay all of the faeries.. but it keeps getting pushed to the back burner by other stuff. I have no idea which one I'd do, possibly the Earth Faerie. I always liked her quests the best.

    I know tons of people (myself included) would freak out seeing them at a con though, it's one of those generation-definable things. Right up there with Tamagotchis, Pokemon, NickToons, etc. I'd nostalgia so hard.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)02:27 No.4655070
    No. But anyway neopets stopped being good ever since they turned family friendly, and that was before they sold out to Nick. Once they finally did it was over for me. I remember I participated in so many guilds, and I was like the vice president of a Hamtaro one lol. Neopets was my life.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)02:28 No.4655075
         File1309328919.gif-(7 KB, 150x150, Soupfaerie.gif)
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    illusen & the soup faerie ftw
    they were always the best
    >> OUTRAGEOUS 06/29/11(Wed)02:38 No.4655104
    I have a friend who definitely plans to cosplay some fairy by the end of next year. I definitely have no interest in Neopets so I have no idea the name.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)02:38 No.4655106
    oh fuck
    i haven't fed my uni since christmas
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)02:59 No.4655166
    Why the hell did this make me laugh so hard.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)03:09 No.4655183
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    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)03:16 No.4655196
         File1309331787.jpg-(117 KB, 375x500, soup faerie.jpg)
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    this is about all I've seen. I'd love to do or see some more Faeries cosplays.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)03:25 No.4655218

    Nope, you're not alone. Then again, I was around 20 when it was launched.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)03:28 No.4655220

    The power of those two posts combined made me pee a little
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)10:22 No.4655811
         File1309357374.gif-(9 KB, 150x150, t_934.gif)
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    Wonder if I could do the Soup Fairy, or if everyone would just think I'm Cooking Mama...
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)10:25 No.4655814
         File1309357545.jpg-(10 KB, 212x160, fuuko05.jpg)
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    >mfw that was my home board when Shawn/Drawk lurked about, continuously fagging the place up with Kame and some other chick

    Then Nick came around and all it ever was was OMG LLAMA I'M SO RANDUM and omg stop trying to be edgy get out we're queen of this place now.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)12:05 No.4655992
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    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)12:07 No.4655998
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    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)12:12 No.4656012
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    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)15:23 No.4656574
    I've wanted to cosplay one of the faerie's for ages
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)15:33 No.4656589
    No, it is, it's Illere. I think she was just in a site plot, but she's pretty popular.

    Also not relevent but Captcha: HIV Negatory
    >> Raticate !VbtyBtrZ9A 06/29/11(Wed)15:55 No.4656660
    Man, I'd actually like to make some Neopets dolls or something. I remember I used to be that person who got pets from the pound and Lab Ray'd them. I pretty much got kicked off once they implemented the 'What's your Birthday?' part of the log-in process, though, since I guess I put in a fake birthday when I was a kid.

    A Faerie group would be awesome, too.
    >> dill !PicKleqHjM 06/29/11(Wed)16:01 No.4656682
         File1309377701.jpg-(42 KB, 491x398, 1305167432524.jpg)
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    They got rid of that step now a while ago. I was the happiest girl when I heard the news
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)16:05 No.4656696
    I remember Neopets, I used to go on the chat boards and get every single one of my accounts frozen. Good times. I miss being little and thinking "fake picture drama" was so badass.

    I don't think I'd want to see Neopet cosplays though. Nobody who ever played that game would get it, and the people who would recognize the cosplays would most likely deny playing the game anyway.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)16:10 No.4656724

    My dream brush was the royal brush, I WAS GOING TO GET THAT ROYAL AISHA (girl) IF IT WAS GOING TO KILL ME. logged out for awhile and once I tried to log it, it was that cockblocker of a birthday question, same thing happened to me. Damn I was crushed as a little kid knowing my dream pet was never going to be Royal, I'm pretty sure I was close to the amount to actually buying that brush.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)16:26 No.4656779
    I'm 23 and I do not deny playing that game. It was awesome when I was younger.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)16:31 No.4656795
    Hnng. I'm so tempted to cosplay Illusen or another faerie now.

    I'm 20 and my friends and I still play (occasionally).
    I only still play to check on my ice bori. There don't seem to be too many of those anymore. And restocking and the habitarium are fun.
    >> BLUE !./././VTrk 06/29/11(Wed)16:33 No.4656807
         File1309379634.jpg-(122 KB, 777x167, napats.jpg)
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    Anybody else start playing Neopets again since these threads?
    Pic somewhat related, my vast amount of riches B-]
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)16:34 No.4656808
    The neopets forums were where I learned to RP. Later I took my RP skills elsewhere, and those RP skills put me in the same online vicinity as the man who would later become my fiance.

    I owe a lot to neopets, lol.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)16:34 No.4656811
    Unfortunately, in the current Neo economy that's barely pocket change.
    >> BLUE !./././VTrk 06/29/11(Wed)16:35 No.4656814
    i know
    i was trying to feel rich
    just this once
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)16:36 No.4656817
    Man I want to cosplay this so bad now. Too bad none of my friends played and they wouldn't cosplay with me D: I wish I still had my old accounts. I used to "hack" a bunch, too. Oh lawl.
    >> ♠Todd♣ !XOXOXO8wDs 06/29/11(Wed)16:38 No.4656824
    What's Neopets? Don't wanna google it because I'm a hipster.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)16:38 No.4656825
         File1309379902.jpg-(76 KB, 298x400, illusen.jpg)
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    I'm planning to do Illusen for Fanime next year.

    My original account was deleted because I didn't know my fake birthday and I have not been logging in after several years. I made a new one recently to see what was up's not as cool was it was in elementary school.
    >> BLUE !./././VTrk 06/29/11(Wed)16:40 No.4656836
    play the slightly more underground version
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)16:43 No.4656854
         File1309380207.gif-(52 KB, 400x400, caption_718.gif)
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    Oh yes also, if you are gonna go back to Neopets, do the habitarium. You'll earn quite a bit of NP for just leaving a tab open on that page (especially at level 50).
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)16:44 No.4656856
    As an artist for sites like Neo and Mara I can say fuck Marapets. It's coated in ads and assholes.

    Yeah, imad.
    >> BLUE !./././VTrk 06/29/11(Wed)16:46 No.4656869
    It's awful, right?
    I only go on it to sell these "super special items" for like 1 Marapoint or whatever the currency is on it.
    It's my way of giving a big middle finger to the makers.
    Not sure how it works, but yeah.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)16:48 No.4656881
    I'm sure that pisses off the oldfags. They deserve it.

    There's actually plenty of places to go to other than Mara and Neo if they're both too boring/ad-based/lame. I'd post the site I work for but I'd feel like I was advertising.
    >> ♠Todd♣ !XOXOXO8wDs 06/29/11(Wed)16:50 No.4656886
    What kind of game is it though? Is it like farmville?
    >> BLUE !./././VTrk 06/29/11(Wed)16:52 No.4656897
    yes neopets is exactly like farmville
    No but seriously dude check it out, it's awesome.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)17:07 No.4656949
    oh my fuck neopets
    I was on this shit like 6 or 7 years ago... fuck.
    Back when it was good
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)17:11 No.4656966
    Yeah I also used to draw shitty comics for the neopian times or whatever on MS PAINT lol. I found them on an old comp recently and just about died oh my god. Would post but on diff comp
    LOL neopian economy
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)17:19 No.4656994
    Oh my god Blue do you actually play neopets? Will you be my neofriend? My group and I just got back into it. It's absurd.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)17:25 No.4657019
    >people talking about how neopet sucks now

    ...Wasn't it just a bunch of pretty pictures, hidden shit, occasionally some events and games? How could Nick have shat it up? What did they do?
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)17:26 No.4657022
    Can we all exchange account info? It'd be pretty cool to have neofriends from here.

    Mines randomarchergirl
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)17:32 No.4657044
    I'm eienai_tenshi. I'm trying out the Habitarium right now and I have a feeling I'm going to be checking on my bugs a lot.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)17:36 No.4657059

    I'm meatherfoon (yay old accounts). Just added you guys!
    >> dill !PicKleqHjM 06/29/11(Wed)17:40 No.4657077
    mine's coolneo120

    I got a Krawk. be mad jelly
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)17:41 No.4657080
    Mine is redroses3164

    That used to be my old account name before it got BAHLEEEHTED so now I'm not an old account anymore... ;_;

    @eienai_tenshi: on the neoboards for the habitarium, there's hella guides so you don't have to watch them. What I use personally:
    >> BLUE !./././VTrk 06/29/11(Wed)17:43 No.4657088
    i am so jelly
    like strawberry jelly

    Also I won't post mine because it's got my real name and stuff, sorry guys.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)17:43 No.4657089
         File1309383788.png-(114 KB, 554x487, neopetsfaeries.png)
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    Oh my I would love to do a Neopets faerie cosplay, especially a group cosplay. I would probably have to be Juhdora, the water faerie, or Illusion...
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)17:49 No.4657110
    I have a Krawk too! I paid 700k for the petpet back in the day so I laugh now when I see how much people are paying for them.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)17:52 No.4657115
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)17:53 No.4657117
    iwillruletheuniverse :3
    ~*~add me*~~
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)17:59 No.4657136
    Man, I was SO close to owning a Cybunny (dream pet omg), had the neopoints for the transmogracatiodjdkjjhdfsion potion. Then I stopped playing for a while and when I tried to log back on they put up that birthday filter. I can't for the life of me what fake birthday I used to sign up with :'< Sad times
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)18:09 No.4657166
         File1309385378.gif-(63 KB, 319x300, NeggFaerie4.gif)
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    blast to the past. I haven't logged onto neopets since I was 11 or something.

    Doing a faerie cosplay would be pretty sweet though. I always that the negg faerie was cool.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)18:09 No.4657167
    Reading through those now. Already level 5 in the Habitarium, yay!
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)18:10 No.4657170
    Exchanging Neopet account names? Hell, might as well make a /cgl/ guild!

    And if any of you go to ACen, I will gladly dress up as a faerie for ACen.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)18:12 No.4657176
         File1309385536.jpg-(390 KB, 1333x1000, 1308899259319.jpg)
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    ahh neopets! I freaking love all the flash games on there. I gotta go play some meerca chase and ice cream factory now!

    I've had this account since like 5th grade. Add me if you like: sailor_genth
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)18:12 No.4657177

    derp. Thought.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)18:13 No.4657182
    Someone go make the guild. I'll join.

    Dunno if you can have slashes in the names though so maybe name it Seagulls or something.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)18:18 No.4657203
    Damn, I can't remember my password and my e-mail address I had it linked to apparently doesn't exist anymore.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)18:26 No.4657227
    Some of my friends are doing a faerie group for a con this fall. Never got into it, but the designs are cute.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)18:28 No.4657231
    YES! i have recently restarted playing neopets. pleeease make a guild, someone?
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)18:29 No.4657237
         File1309386563.jpg-(44 KB, 200x200, 1275588758563.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)18:34 No.4657253

    FFFF. I LOVE YOU. This is before everything turned into cutesy shit right?
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)18:35 No.4657256
    Aww shit. I remember making look ups that went over that sidebar.

    Good times.
    >> Souviet !YbrmcBEMWk 06/29/11(Wed)18:37 No.4657263
    There was a site a while ago (IDK if it still exists?) called Leopets... It was really nice until it got cliqueish, dramaful and the leader was semi-psycho.
    I left. I couldn't handle it.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)18:38 No.4657265
    I can't make an account ;___;
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)18:40 No.4657281
    omg THIS.
    Mind you I left years ago- was Laska still in charge when you were there? I remember leaving after a huge fight about a pet named 'Fag' broke out or something like that. It was ridiculous.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)18:41 No.4657287
         File1309387311.jpg-(78 KB, 490x489, hierarchy.jpg)
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    Members would be seagulls. That's about all I can figure out.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)18:42 No.4657289
    The ray is fired at Quiksey...
    ... and he changes gender!!!!

    Wow, it's been ages since I was on neopets! I should check my stock.
    >> Rahne 06/29/11(Wed)18:44 No.4657299
    Making it now, if I can remember my password...
    >> BLUE !./././VTrk 06/29/11(Wed)18:45 No.4657306
         File1309387533.gif-(69 KB, 160x120, db734f0d7141b65f450f774b3aef0d(...).gif)
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    okay I made a new account
    let's do this
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)18:46 No.4657310
    everyone is a seagull.
    >> BLUE !./././VTrk 06/29/11(Wed)18:47 No.4657313
    also they don't like it when you call your neopet RedDickies
    just a heads up
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)18:48 No.4657319
    Let me know how that works out. If not, I'll go make it.

    Also, what neighborhood? (not that it matters really):
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)18:48 No.4657321
    Sup /cgl/.
    Early in the summer a bunch of /co/mrades had a nostalgia fit and went back to Neopets for good times and whatnot.
    If anyone's interested, a bunch of us made a guild at
    Just in case anyone is interested.
    Friggin' lab ray, why won't you do anything interesting this week?
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)18:49 No.4657326
    ahh I want to cosplay the ice fairy or whatever the fuck she was, damn

    I miss my account I had a purple aisha and a krawk and some cool shit like that. of course this was like 6-7 years ago, I got banned for sexual harassment? somehow?? fuck I was like 11 what did I know about sexual harassment
    I still have no idea what I could have possibly done that could have qualified as that
    but a sexual harassment ban is non-negotiable
    lol fuck you too TNT ¯\(°_o)/¯
    >> Rahne 06/29/11(Wed)18:52 No.4657340
    Making the guild now, unless someone else has one started. Or do we want to join >>4657321 and their guild?
    >> God !BrODINgKJM 06/29/11(Wed)18:54 No.4657350
    Lol this site has always been shit with uptight mods and staff
    >> ♠Todd♣ !XOXOXO8wDs 06/29/11(Wed)18:54 No.4657351
    I made an account too, but it looked confusing. I got scared and threw my laptop out the window. I'm on my desktop right now.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)18:55 No.4657352
    Just make one. That way, it's cosplayers/lolitas/whoever the hell goes on here.

    Not everyone is a /co/mrade.
    >> Rahne 06/29/11(Wed)18:58 No.4657366
    I have the guild up:
    Sorry if you don't like the colors. And I'll start adding you all as friends, too.
    >> ♠Todd♣ !XOXOXO8wDs 06/29/11(Wed)18:59 No.4657371
    can I join?
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)19:01 No.4657380
    Just click "Join Guild" on the side when you click the link.
    >> Souviet !YbrmcBEMWk 06/29/11(Wed)19:01 No.4657382
    Totally joined.

    I'm hoping I don't murder these accounts. I tried to get into my favorite and apparently I did something (nothing), because it was frozen. Wth.
    >> BLUE !./././VTrk 06/29/11(Wed)19:03 No.4657390
    >your account has not been active long enough to join a guild
    aw damn it
    As soon as it lets me I'll join.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)19:05 No.4657397
    could you maybe make some of the ranks like seagull - lolita, or seagull - cosplayer (or seagull - both). it might be interesting to see who's who, unless we want to make a point to just be ~*unified as seagulls*~ beyond just being in a guild together
    >> Sirene 06/29/11(Wed)19:05 No.4657401
    Joined! My username is "hythelia", I'mma add you guys. I started up a new account this fall while I was at school - it seems like a lot of my friends started playing Neopets again now that we're all bored college students.
    >> ♠Todd♣ !XOXOXO8wDs 06/29/11(Wed)19:06 No.4657405
    Can I get Mewtwo in this game?
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)19:06 No.4657406
    Probably in the description you should add /cgl/ just so random people who like actual seagulls join.
    >> BLUE !./././VTrk 06/29/11(Wed)19:07 No.4657407
    >> Rahne !rgChoco7wo 06/29/11(Wed)19:07 No.4657408
    Finally have my trip back.
    And omg so excited for this guild!
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)19:07 No.4657409
    *don't join
    >> Souviet !YbrmcBEMWk 06/29/11(Wed)19:07 No.4657411

    also, why is faerie bubbles a "classic" game?
    >> Rahne !rgChoco7wo 06/29/11(Wed)19:10 No.4657424
    Any other suggestions? Want me to change the colors?
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)19:12 No.4657429
         File1309389129.jpg-(43 KB, 100x100, Untitled-2.jpg)
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    Here I just took 4chan's header and made a little guild logo real quick.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)19:15 No.4657445
         File1309389332.jpg-(42 KB, 426x640, On stage at Blizzcon '10.jpg)
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    This girl worked at neopets for a looong time and did pretty much all the art. I'm pretty sure she did most of the faerie designs.

    Neopets is now cosplay related!
    >> Rahne !rgChoco7wo 06/29/11(Wed)19:18 No.4657464
    Done. And attempted to add everyone as friends. Hope I didn't forget anyone. My username is rahne_
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)19:18 No.4657471
    I'm so down for a Neopets fairy cosplay group. I haven't played neopets for YEARS
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)19:21 No.4657484
    Seriously? Interesting.

    Add some css stuff (if you understand how)

    I could help in that regard (after AX though).
    >> Rahne !rgChoco7wo 06/29/11(Wed)19:26 No.4657494
    I used to be able to do basic coding when I was younger. I kinda forgot most of it now. Thanks for the link, I'll see what I can do.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)19:27 No.4657504
    Joined the guild! My username is 16bitWARS
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)19:30 No.4657509
    Also what: >>4657397 said. Though you'd have to neomail users and ask to make them certain members.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)19:33 No.4657521
         File1309390421.jpg-(5 KB, 150x150, af_illusen.jpg)
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    Or you could do it this way:
    Member 1 is Seagull
    Member 2 is Seagull - cosplayer
    Member 3 is Seagull - lolita
    Member 4 is Seagull - both
    Member 5 is Seagull - neither (I'm imagining lurkers or something)

    Then in the description or whatever, you can say that a user has to neomail you to change their rank.
    >> Rahne !rgChoco7wo 06/29/11(Wed)19:34 No.4657525
    >The phrase that was blocked was 'lolita'.

    WTF, I'll see what I can do.
    >> Lucky Cannon !4SoLucky1k 06/29/11(Wed)19:35 No.4657530
    You could try spelling it 'rorita' or 'rori'?
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)19:36 No.4657538
    I recently got a mutant Aisha potion from Dr. Sloth. A friend of mine said that he only ever had his money stolen by him, so we joked that Dr. Sloth was stealing money from people just to buy me that potion.

    The habitarium is pretty good for cash, as other anons said.

    And to make this post relevant, Jhudora was always my favourtie faerie and if I ever feel up to it I may cosplay as her in the future.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)19:37 No.4657544
    I joined too, my username is latenightsuperstar.
    >> Rahne !rgChoco7wo 06/29/11(Wed)19:38 No.4657546

    Done. Made it L0l1t4 since TNT is dumb and thinks Lolita is just as bad as saying shitting dick nipples or something.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)19:39 No.4657553
    Perhaps you could just put in J-fashion? There seems to be a lot of gyaru/gal/fairy kei/kodona/etc around these parts in addition to lolita.
    >> Micnax !!JOgXJlDqDmX 06/29/11(Wed)19:42 No.4657561
         File1309390945.jpg-(115 KB, 811x543, neopet.jpg)
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    Jesus christ, Never thought I'd see a Neopets thread.

    Thank god they didn't convert my pet into some fuckugly thing.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)19:43 No.4657570
    I started playing earlier this year when I found that they don't require your birthday anymore. I had to use a fake birthday and totally forgot it.
    I'm obsessed with just collecting nice items for the hell of it, as well as avatar-collecting. It's how I stayed on Neopets for like, 7 years
    >> Rahne !rgChoco7wo 06/29/11(Wed)19:44 No.4657573
    Okay, so I have Jfash, Cosplay, Rorita, Both, and Lurker. Right now everyone is at Lurker. If you want it changed just neomail me or make a post on the message board.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)19:46 No.4657578
    redroses3164 - cosplay
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)19:47 No.4657586
    Ahh I'll join when my account is old enough!
    >> Rahne !rgChoco7wo 06/29/11(Wed)19:48 No.4657594
    Uh... How do I change your guys' rank again?
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)19:48 No.4657596
         File1309391317.jpg-(66 KB, 568x481, 1304341241747.jpg)
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    Oh gosh. Neopets. I remember those days. I remember that's the first time I got scammed. ; A;

    I had and Ice Negg or something like that that was worth like 15k NP at the time and some Fearie Bottle. I gave them to my guild leader. She said she was going to use it improve the guild or some shit. The next day, everyone goes: "The guild leader disappeared! She's gone! She quit her account! Everybody quit guild!" Cue everyone's running around trying to understand what happened.

    "Hmm. o Ao; ... I wonder what happened. I hope she's okay~" -

    >stays in the guild forever, awaiting her return
    >mfw years later when I remember this
    >> Rahne !rgChoco7wo 06/29/11(Wed)19:49 No.4657598
    Herp, ignore. I figured it out.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)19:50 No.4657609
    Shit, I'll join. Excuse my username mewmew_bit, it's one of my oldest accounts from being a weebish teen but I can't bear to trash it.
    >> Souviet !YbrmcBEMWk 06/29/11(Wed)19:54 No.4657628
    You should be able to go into members and individually change the ranks.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)19:55 No.4657631
         File1309391745.gif-(3 KB, 80x80, 100neopoints.gif)
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    Something has happened!
    Some messy person has spilled 100 Neopoints on the floor on this page. You hastily pick them up!

    Well I'm fucking rich now.
    >> BLUE !./././VTrk 06/29/11(Wed)19:57 No.4657637
    who else is playing dubloon disaster right now
    because i am
    and i love it
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)20:04 No.4657661
         File1309392296.jpg-(130 KB, 900x547, illusen__s_wings_by_srsrazzmat(...).jpg)
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    A friend of mine made Illusen's wings a while back and her good friend was going to cosplay Soup Faerie with her.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)20:08 No.4657667
    I'm playing Pyramids while my Habitarium is happily running.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)20:11 No.4657669
    Those are some awesome wings. Any pics of the final product?
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)20:12 No.4657671
    Pyramids because I'm obsessed.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)20:14 No.4657675
    Ugh I suck at that game.

    Right now I'm just letting my habitarium population to die off since I'll be at AX. Keeping it open to earn a few XP while browsing the internets.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)20:20 No.4657685
    I don't think that the girl she made the wings for ever got around to doing her, perhaps in the up coming months she will.
    >> Souviet !YbrmcBEMWk 06/29/11(Wed)20:22 No.4657689
    OKAY, idk if anyone does this, but I'm busy pound lurking...
    And it keeps refreshing strangely when I see something of a nice color.
    anyone know what's up?
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)20:24 No.4657695
    People might have gotten it already before you could. Or Neopets doesn't want you to have nice things?
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)20:25 No.4657697
    Neopets in general today has been really laggy for me.
    >> Souviet !YbrmcBEMWk 06/29/11(Wed)20:27 No.4657702
    I dunno- I'm not used to this form of the pound, to be honest... But I saw a Christmas pet, then it refreshed... Saw it again a couple of seconds later, refreshes again.
    Come on, I have a 60 month old account, lemme do what I want.
    >> Rahne !rgChoco7wo 06/29/11(Wed)20:32 No.4657714
    Attempted that Beach Volleyball game. Completely failed...
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)20:35 No.4657722
    I hate that you can't pound neopets until 7 days. I want to just get some avatars real quick (not that I really want them eagerly like some...I just get the easy ones).
    >> Souviet !YbrmcBEMWk 06/29/11(Wed)20:36 No.4657726
    ...I just got a Halloween Uni.
    But it's name is narf_narf123456789.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)20:37 No.4657730
    Rofl! That name. It's fun to say aloud.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)20:40 No.4657736
    My first neopet's name was heydude12345678910.

    I don't really know why I did that. That account has long been deleted though haha
    >> Souviet !YbrmcBEMWk 06/29/11(Wed)20:41 No.4657739
    I'm trying to figure why someone would zap/paint a neopet with a name such as this...
    It's kind of sad.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)20:43 No.4657744
    Just go for the ones of just viewing pet pages and stuff.

    As for my first neopets, I actually named two of them after my state and city. Thinking about it I laugh at how stupid that was. Oh, but how I miss my pirate neopet.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)20:44 No.4657751
    They probably had zapped it so it would have a better chance being adopted.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)20:45 No.4657755
    I zapped my ridiculously named one.

    Not sure why...just because I guess.

    I got those. I figured, I might as well get the other ones that are easy even if I have to wait 7 days to pound it.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)20:53 No.4657785
    Sometimes my friends and I would try to find neopets with decent to awesome names in the pound and adopt them, zap them, and put them back there for the hell of it.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)20:54 No.4657786
         File1309395257.jpg-(26 KB, 746x227, bitchesnwhores.jpg)
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    Well, shit.
    They deleted my account. MY ENTIRE FUCKING CHILDHOOD.
    I remember spending a very long time on a picture to submit to the art gallery (circa 2002, i think). It was of the potato-counter kacheek man, for kacheek day (my favorite neopet). After not getting in, my enraged 11-year-old self sent in a picture with the text "TNT NEEDS 2 DIE!!!". I got frozen/banned/whatever immediately for "hurting people's feelings". I had millions of Neopoints and the coolest pets.

    pic related.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)20:56 No.4657795
    Did anyone read that comic in the neopet newspaper called "island babe" or something? i was in the fan club guild. this thread is making me nostalgia so goddamn hard.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)23:21 No.4658506
    Shameless bumping for the nostalgia. Just joined the guild, forgot this account is 7 1/2 years old haha.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/11(Wed)23:57 No.4658718
    Back in the day I had a sweet account with a mutant Krobat and Cybunny. Then I got one of the magical poogle plushies and a cloud paint brush. I loved my cloud poogle so much. I think I had a shadow Kyrii as well, but then used extra accounts to vote in the stupid beauty contest of utterly fake shitty people's art.
    Got banned.

    Would kill to have my poogle back, but they whiped a lot of old accounts earlier this year.

    Anywho still play on this one if anyone wants to neofriend Rai_hates_u oh to be a angry 12 year old again
    >> !/ReimuGFWM 06/30/11(Thu)01:22 No.4659152
    I'm a bit late to the party but yukaraisanctus is my name on there if anyone wants to add an oldfag like me.
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)01:30 No.4659185
    FYI, it is snowager time.
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)01:36 No.4659197
    Oh my god, I remember when my entire fifth grade class got an account. It spread like a goddamn virus.

    I can't believe it's still around, to be honest. Hasn't it collapsed under the weight of advertising and censorship yet?
    >> Anonymous 06/30/11(Thu)01:37 No.4659206
    Yessssssssssssss thanks!
    >> Souviet !YbrmcBEMWk 06/30/11(Thu)02:22 No.4659350
    Giving this a bump.

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