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  • File : 1309230780.jpg-(82 KB, 1024x768, shimapan_striped_pantsu_idols_003.jpg)
    82 KB Anonymous 06/27/11(Mon)23:13 No.4649288  
    Hey /cgl/

    How would a classy gentleman like myself obtain a pair of dirty, used panties?

    Any panty stealing veterans on here with tips to share? Any tricks of the trade that I don't know about?

    I'm open to suggestions and willing to listen to all advice offered.

    >> Anonymous 06/27/11(Mon)23:15 No.4649297
    This is just fucked up. Why would you want to steal someone's panties? Their loss, your gain, and WHY IN THE NAME OF THE LORD
    >> Anonymous 06/27/11(Mon)23:15 No.4649298
    >google "buy used panties"
    >> Anonymous 06/27/11(Mon)23:15 No.4649301
    i've never understood why this is a thing.

    used panties are gross.
    >> Anonymous 06/27/11(Mon)23:15 No.4649303
    I think a few girls here have tried to sell panties on other sites (lolita oriented, probably) but they don't have much luck. Not sure what site they use to sell them.
    >> Anonymous 06/27/11(Mon)23:16 No.4649307
    You can just buy them, you know.

    Probably be less entertaining to watch than some neckbeard huffing and puffing into someone's house to steal them though.
    >> BLUE !./././VTrk 06/27/11(Mon)23:16 No.4649311
    take a lader
    op are you listenng
    take a lader
    and clibm it
    up to the females weindow
    and enter the bedrom
    onc in the bedrom
    open the draers
    and take the pantis
    you now have the pantis
    >> Iris 06/27/11(Mon)23:18 No.4649324
    Wow. You're a pro at this, Blue
    >> Anonymous 06/27/11(Mon)23:18 No.4649329
    >> Anonymous 06/27/11(Mon)23:20 No.4649337
    >> Anonymous 06/27/11(Mon)23:20 No.4649340
    >> Anonymous 06/27/11(Mon)23:20 No.4649342
    OP, from a confused femanon, what is the allure? Just knowing that they were used? The smell? Or do you want ....deposits? I don't understand. Any other panty aficionado feel like answering this, please do. I'm just trying to understand the level of allure here.
    >> BLUE !./././VTrk 06/27/11(Mon)23:20 No.4649343
    thank you
    experience helps

    fuck you are right
    >> Anonymous 06/27/11(Mon)23:20 No.4649344
    Then substitute "drawer" for "hamper" (or "floor" if he's broken into my room).
    >> Anonymous 06/27/11(Mon)23:22 No.4649358
    >> Iris 06/27/11(Mon)23:26 No.4649387
    Actually, go to VS or something. Or anyplace they let you try on the panties and get them there.
    >> Anonymous 06/27/11(Mon)23:27 No.4649392
    >dirty, used panties
    >> BLUE !./././VTrk 06/27/11(Mon)23:27 No.4649401
    wear the pantis
    they are now darty used pantis
    no need to tank me it's part of the jewb
    >> Anonymous 06/27/11(Mon)23:29 No.4649407
    But a man can't get those nice acidic vaginal secretions. Do we need another Gross Shit Your Vagina Does thread?
    >> BLUE !./././VTrk 06/27/11(Mon)23:30 No.4649414
    buy the pantis
    ask your moter to ware them
    they are now darty used pantis
    >> Anonymous 06/27/11(Mon)23:31 No.4649422
    you obviously need more experience with panties
    >> Anonymous 06/27/11(Mon)23:31 No.4649433
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    Panties are something a woman doesnt like revealing. They just sit there, rubbing along a woman's most intimate place for hours on end, capturing all of the juices and her scent in the process. And when she's done with them, and takes them off, the scent remains on the fabric. The scent alone gets me hard instantly. And all women have their own unique scents, so many different varieties, you just want to try them all. It's like a hobby, almost. Like collecting baseball cards, but erotic.

    How don't you understand the appeal of used panties?
    >> Anonymous 06/27/11(Mon)23:32 No.4649434
    I'll sell you mine, not even joking.
    >> BLUE !./././VTrk 06/27/11(Mon)23:32 No.4649435
    what the fuck are panties
    >> Anonymous 06/27/11(Mon)23:33 No.4649442
    I'm female, and I wear them. I don't understand the appeal, for all the reasons you mentioned.

    I mean, I'd sell them to someone if they would pay me for it, but ... I still don't understand the appeal.
    >> Tadpole Jackson !df1Kh9hC0g 06/27/11(Mon)23:34 No.4649448
    >nobody calls op out on trolling

    Come on guys you're better than this.
    >> Anonymous 06/27/11(Mon)23:34 No.4649450
    He was posting in /adv/ before. They sent him here. Apparently they think we're a bunch of degenerates like /v/.
    >> Anonymous 06/27/11(Mon)23:35 No.4649454
    The thing you put over your vagina. To keep all the men out
    >> Anonymous 06/27/11(Mon)23:36 No.4649463
    You think OP is trolling, are you fucks kidding me?
    Every time I go to a female friend's house I nab a pair and stuff them in a jean pocket so I can masturbate with them later.
    >> BLUE !./././VTrk 06/27/11(Mon)23:36 No.4649464
    i don't have one of those
    >> Anonymous 06/27/11(Mon)23:38 No.4649471
    The vagina? or the panties?
    >> BLUE !./././VTrk 06/27/11(Mon)23:38 No.4649476
    yes those
    >> Anonymous 06/27/11(Mon)23:38 No.4649478
    >capturing all of the juices

    Okay, and this is where I get confused. Maybe it's just me but I don't constantly leak out of my vagina. When someone says "dirty, used" I think of like weird trashy people that have nasty shit in there like urine or puss or something. And that's disgusting.
    >> Anonymous 06/27/11(Mon)23:39 No.4649485

    They're not really used. It's illegal to sell used panties in Japan. I read the fine print.

    It's even in the name - "Girls' underwear simulation".


    They just make them smell like they've been used, and throw on a few stains.
    >> Anonymous 06/27/11(Mon)23:40 No.4649492
    I do recall browsing a website where girls would own shops of used panties. I can't remember what it's called now, damn it.

    But the successful girls there would buy a fresh pair, wear it for 24-48 hours (more hours = more money), often rub themselves with them and sometimes masturbate. I think some girls even threw in a video of them doing it with the panties.

    Average used pair went for abotu $20-40, depending on how hot the girl is, her reputation, what kind of panites, and how long they've been worn
    >> Anonymous 06/27/11(Mon)23:41 No.4649502
    Well we have had threads telling people exactly how to sell their panties for the best price possible.
    >> Anonymous 06/27/11(Mon)23:41 No.4649505
    Oh. well. I can give you the panties. You'll have to find the vag somewhere else though
    >> Anonymous 06/27/11(Mon)23:42 No.4649513
    >people saying that op is a troll

    No, panty fetishes are quite common. I often snag a pair from the hamper when wanking when given the chance

    i draw the line at menstruation and scat fetishes, personally
    >> Anonymous 06/27/11(Mon)23:43 No.4649515
    Everyone's vagina produced different amounts of discharge. Congratulations, you don't produce much. Again, do we need another thread about our vaginal secretions?
    >> Matt Ward 06/27/11(Mon)23:44 No.4649526
    Try, there are tons of girls who sell of there of all styles.
    >> Everyone !!2SwzWwY/sXH 06/27/11(Mon)23:44 No.4649529
    All of the aforementioned contribute to and heighten the experience. I can't speak for others but based on personal experience, part of the joy is from the "hunt". Often times I wish to be caught in the act.

    OP, if you don't really care whose panties they are and you live with your family just offer to do the laundry. Or assuming that you are sociable enough to enter an inner circle and get invited to someone's house, just go through their dirty laundry. I've gone into a few of my friends' sisters' rooms only to discover with the utmost dismay that they didn't have personal hampers and just mixed their pantsu in with their brothers'. I've been forced to suffer digging through my bros' stuff and occasionally sometimes even catch their scent so be prepared for that if you go this route.
    >> Anonymous 06/27/11(Mon)23:44 No.4649530
    Think of when you ovulate. That's probs what they want
    >> Nova★ !!9FsKRAuNsdD 06/27/11(Mon)23:46 No.4649539
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    sweat and a girls "wetness" when she gets aroused can be referred to as "juices".
    nothing gross about that.
    >> Anonymous 06/27/11(Mon)23:50 No.4649563
    1. make friends with girls, or guys who have sister
    2. when girl is getting a snack/going to the bathroom/out of the house, go into her room, into her hamper, and grab a pair of panties. I know it'll be tempting to get the most pretty, scandalous pair, but she'll be least likely to notice the absence of an old, rattier pair.

    get a girlfriend, become comfortable with her, ask for pair of panties.
    >> Anonymous 06/27/11(Mon)23:51 No.4649569
    How horrible. You, a panty thief, had to touch men's underwear.
    >> BLUE !./././VTrk 06/27/11(Mon)23:51 No.4649571
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    >> Anonymous 06/27/11(Mon)23:54 No.4649588
    You're a terrible person
    >> BLUE !./././VTrk 06/27/11(Mon)23:55 No.4649592
    i know
    it was this post which got me

    >> Anonymous 06/27/11(Mon)23:56 No.4649596
    It's okay. I would still cuddle with you on the couch while we watch tv.
    >> Anonymous 06/27/11(Mon)23:59 No.4649612
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    >They just sit there, rubbing along a woman's most intimate place for hours on end, capturing all of the juices and her scent in the process.
    >capturing all of the juices

    uhh, so not very many girls wear panty liners?
    >> Girl 06/28/11(Tue)00:00 No.4649616
    I gotta say, this thread pisses me off, because I would love to sell my panties. I could use some extra cash right now, and frankly I find it slightly hot that some guy's going to get off thinking of me. But I've heard stories from other girls who've sold their panties, and it doesn't seem worth the effort. Most guys are cheap lying douchebags who get off on the idea of getting another girl's panties but are either too stingy to pay or to wimpy to follow through. Sad but true.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/11(Tue)00:05 No.4649647
    that shit's stupid. Just wash them
    >> Everyone !!2SwzWwY/sXH 06/28/11(Tue)00:07 No.4649660
    Most men secrete more dicksauce than women do on a daily basis due to a mixture of sweat, urine, and the occasional, involuntary release of seminal fluid. Are you implying we should use liners too? Although now that you mention it, sometimes I sniff my own boxers also and although the euphoria doesn't quite match up to that of smelling a girl's, it does satiate my desires quite aptly.

    You're making it too easy. By that logic, most men could just drive around at night, find a hooker, and pay for her panties. Granted, that's super icky, but still. Your looks also play a large part in whether or not your pantsu will sell (which is why many vending machines in Japan will include photos of the girl who wore the pantsu).
    >> Anonymous 06/28/11(Tue)00:08 No.4649664
    This thread reminds me that I need to panty shopping.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/11(Tue)00:10 No.4649673

    what a waste of money. you just wash them after wearing them for the day.

    my vag only secretes often when something is wrong with it or it's cleaning.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/11(Tue)00:10 No.4649677
    You can get anywhere between $12-$50 on ebanned depending on what you offer. Porn-star's are worth more, so get to work!
    >> Anonymous 06/28/11(Tue)00:11 No.4649682
    I would definitely be willing to sell my panties online and include pictures of my body.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/11(Tue)00:16 No.4649712
    Well, I could tell you I'm cute, but you'll just go LOL LIAR.

    But as far as making it "too easy" am I supposed to make it difficult? I get that there's supposed to be an element "naughtiness" to it, like, you're not supposed to be having my panties.'re buying my fucking panties, fren.

    I just had an idea: I could pretend to be a guy who STOLE the panties from my sister/ex/roomie's girlfriend and am selling them? And offer pictures of "her"? Would that work? Hmm
    >> Everyone !!2SwzWwY/sXH 06/28/11(Tue)00:29 No.4649794
    Admittedly, I don't have much experience with the pantsu e-trade exchange but you have a valid point.

    Just saying, it would seem less plausible if you acted as a third party instead of being yourself and if I were the buyer, I would be even more apprehensive. I'm assuming that you're considering this route because you don't want to share your real picture with anyone due to fear of being found out. Shit, if anything, just start up a thread here or on some other board with your face mosaic'd, in cosplay, or whatever, and offer to meet up with some anons at a con to sell your pantsu directly to them.
    >> Nova★ !!9FsKRAuNsdD 06/28/11(Tue)00:40 No.4649865
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    haha sorry Blue.

    and this seems like a reasonable idea to me.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/11(Tue)00:44 No.4649888
    >How would a classy gentleman like myself obtain a pair of dirty, used panties?

    You can have mind for free. [spoiler]or did you want them from a girl?[/spoiler]
    >> Anonymous 06/28/11(Tue)00:49 No.4649916
    nice try
    >> Anonymous 06/28/11(Tue)01:07 No.4650030
    hey OP,

    Just post on craigslist asking for used panties. I remember some girl from /cgl/ selling her panties through craigslist
    >> Anonymous 06/28/11(Tue)01:08 No.4650037
    >> Anonymous 06/28/11(Tue)05:12 No.4651254
    Are you looking for a certain kind OP?
    >> Anonymous 06/28/11(Tue)05:20 No.4651284
    I just caught my mother sniffing my boxers yesterday as she was doing the laundry. I've been trying to brush it off as her just setting if I masturbated or not but I've also caught her staring at my crotch as of late. Should I say anything or do anything?
    >> Anonymous 06/28/11(Tue)05:36 No.4651321
    what is this i don't even.
    >> Anonymous 06/28/11(Tue)05:43 No.4651331
    Maybe your underwear smells like booty. But if it bothers you, catch her in the act and say something.
    >> Keima, God of Conquest !K.q6eLFTNQ 06/28/11(Tue)06:13 No.4651377
         File1309256031.png-(1.18 MB, 1280x720, 89458902.png)
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    >Ask for gf's panties
    >smell the dark stain from said juices
    >Realize I have siblings going throughout my room at all times of the day
    >Vaccum seal that shit in a ziplock bag
    >Frantically trying to figure out where to put it
    >Open up my computer and throw it in

    >> Anonymous 06/28/11(Tue)06:17 No.4651382
    I'll sell you mine.

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