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  • File : 1308942546.jpg-(420 KB, 1288x1304, 43153451244645.jpg)
    420 KB Anonymous 06/24/11(Fri)15:09 No.4635630  
    >> Anonymous 06/24/11(Fri)15:09 No.4635634

    /a/ can't come up with new trolls.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/11(Fri)15:12 No.4635653
    lol fuck that's gross. The things people say when their anon... just wow.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/11(Fri)15:16 No.4635682
         File1308942991.png-(10 KB, 1101x104, wise words.png)
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    Most of what they're saying is the truth even if you excuse the fact some of them are making sweeping generalizations.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/11(Fri)15:21 No.4635711
    Disregarding the rest of that comment, why the fuck would I want to date a male nerd? They've got worse entitlement issues than any other group.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/11(Fri)15:33 No.4635806
    Entitlement issues? It's not that we feel we deserve a nerdy girl because we're nerdy, it's more we'd prefer someone that would share the same interests and someone that can genuinely enjoy our company, as we would enjoy theirs. But it seems most girls don't like that idea and would rather someone that kinda shares interests but would like to hang with their bros more doing what they wanna do and hanging with their girl when it'll lead to sex. Making a bit of a generalization here, but it really seems like girls are more after people that would appreciate them less, and then they complain when their guys are unfaithful and wonder how it happened. Rather than picking a guy that genuinely finds them interesting and actually wants to spend time with them and not in their skirt, they go with someone that kinda enjoys spending time with her sometimes and loves poking under her skirt when he gets the chance to.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/11(Fri)15:36 No.4635833
    I mean they feel like they deserve a girl just for existing, they call anyone with a girlfriend an asshole, and they think they're the only men who could ever love a woman for more than her vagina.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/11(Fri)15:37 No.4635842
    Then again, this is me just speaking for myself here. I'd love to just have a cute girl that's just as nerdy as I am, but all of them seem uninterested in me. I'm not unattractive, a lot of them seem to come onto me before they learn about how much of a geek I am, and I do sometimes actually get tapped at cons asking if I want to go to some hotel room, but I'm not the kind of person that enjoys casual sex with a stranger, and I'd rather not lose my virginity to some con whore.

    Girls just don't like me when they get to know me. I didn't have confidence issues before, but after being rejected (there's only ever been one person I think I've really felt strongly enough for to confess to) I kinda don't feel like trying. I can tell when girls impressions of me change. Some of them offer to be friends with benefits, but I don't want that.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/11(Fri)15:39 No.4635853
    I interpreted that comment as referring to the 'nice guy syndrome' so many geeky/nerdy guys have, not to their hobbies and interests.
    >"I am nice to them, treat them like friends, listen to their problems, and then they start dating some asshole who asked them out? BITCHES AND WHORES"
    >treat them like friends
    >why are they not sucking my dick I am confused

    This is so unbelievably common, it's depressing. A good number of nerdy guys I know actually aren't like this and they're awesome, but the ones that are just ruin everything. They're why I can't enjoy /a/ or /adv/.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/11(Fri)15:39 No.4635857
    >Girls just don't like me when they get to know me.

    Have you considered that your personality may be shit?
    >> Anonymous 06/24/11(Fri)15:42 No.4635876
    That's a pretty cruel way to put it. You don't think everyone has at least someone out there they deserve? I think I understand where you're getting at, but you're implying they never put work into getting a girl, when a lot of them actually do work very hard. It's just easier to drop perverted flirts from day one and be a perverted slob than to be a caring shy dude that makes sweet compliments and tries to show that he appreciates her for who she is rather than for having a vagina.

    That's the kind of stuff that irks me a bit. Someone really does try, but it doesn't seem like he is just because he's not being aggressive with it. It takes the right timing to genuinely get that "Awww how sweet" moment where he actually means what he says. But it doesn't take any effort to make a joke about fucking her in the ass and passing it off like nothing.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/11(Fri)15:44 No.4635895
    >everyone has at least someone out there they deserve?
    But people aren't objects. You don't "deserve" anyone.

    >you're implying they never put work into getting a girl, when a lot of them actually do work very hard
    Most "nerdy guys" who "work hard" to get girls are doing the Nice Guy manipulation shtick. Why would I respect a manipulator? Honestly, your comment is giving me the impression that you also do the Nice Guy thing. Here's a hint: be a good guy, not a Nice Guy.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/11(Fri)15:48 No.4635915
    I consider myself to have a very nice personality, actually. A lot of them seem to think so as well, and really do think I'm very caring, affectionate, intelligent, great with handling issues in a mature manner, and very understanding. I can be selfish when I want to, so I'm not a doormat or anything, but I do enjoy making a girl I like happy. I'm not afraid to voice my concerns if I have them. But they make it more of a "you're not my type" or in one case "you'd just get hurt being with me, because I don't deserve you" which is most likely just bullshit, but I won't question her about it.

    But I guess it doesn't mean anything coming from me. Despite what they say to me, they could be lying.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/11(Fri)15:49 No.4635929
    You're doing it right now.
    Can't you see?
    >It's just easier to drop perverted flirts from day one and be a perverted slob
    >it doesn't take any effort to make a joke about fucking her in the ass and passing it off like nothing

    Look, man, it sucks that you haven't found a girl who's right for you yet. It sucks that you try hard and they don't return the feelings. That doesn't give you the right to think that men who do manage to get a girlfriend or even casual sex are perverts and slobs. The majority of men in relationships are decent guys. You're projecting your disappointment and insecurities on them, and it's making you look bad and most of all unattractive. Girls can just smell that kind of bitterness in a person, hence the change of mind.

    >Flop-Eared detant
    why Captcha
    >> Anonymous 06/24/11(Fri)15:50 No.4635932
    Yeah, no. Those are excuses to brush off Nice Guys. Try being nice for the sake of being nice rather than being nice for the sake of getting pussy.
    >> Stupei, Ace Defective !1HOs/D5o7M 06/24/11(Fri)15:50 No.4635935
    eh us girls know when some guys are just too good for us which is sometimes while we'll let you go. some of us are just confused and shitty people sometimes and know that we'll just end up dragging you through our shit. granted there are those who use it as an easy excuse to break up with somebody easy, but if somebody doesn't think they're worth your time and affection, there's no way you can convince them otherwise or try and mend that divide. it's their problem, not yours.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/11(Fri)15:55 No.4635960
    Girls hate pervy slobs... They are "creepers". If anyone made that "joke" to me, I'd tell them to fuck off for forever kthnxbai.
    If you are meeting girls that like these assholes, they are low quality girls. "nice guy syndrome" goes both ways. Guys complain girls only use them and prefer assholes. Why do guys prefer these using bitches? You probably know many genuinely great girls, but because they aren't hot enough or bitchy enough or are more obtainable you ignore them in favor of girls who treat you like shit.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/11(Fri)15:56 No.4635973
    Jesus fuck, just get married to /a/ or some shit. God Damn
    >> Anonymous 06/24/11(Fri)16:02 No.4636024
    But /v/ loves /a/, we couldn't possibly make them break up
    >> Anonymous 06/24/11(Fri)16:06 No.4636056
    Why don't we just move this whole thread over to /a/ since they're the ones that want to discuss this?
    >> Anonymous 06/24/11(Fri)16:06 No.4636061
    Don't you know? /cgl/ is full of cheating, homewrecking bitches and whores and men just can't help but cheat, as it's in their nature.
    I learned something today.
    >> Anonymous 06/24/11(Fri)16:09 No.4636074
    Did I not just say I turn down pussy offers from these girls?
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)11:28 No.4639336
    this is why i went gay...

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