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!BroTusMC/E 06/24/11(Fri)23:11 No.4637943 File1308971483.jpg-(49 KB, 750x600, 1263-noscale-NintruthTwilightP(...).jpg)
 uhh.. well I just made a MAL account. Seems kinda silly... Anyway http://myanimelist.net/history/CrimsonBrotus
I have beat.. Hmm I'm just gonna say... Out of 200+ games, I have
probably beat 30-50 of them. Some I can name: Okami, Fable III, Heroes
Chronicles: Clash of the Dragons, Sacred 1 & 2, Mass Effect 1 &
2, Dragon Age 1 & 2, Kingdom Hearts 1, 2, and 358/2, Assassin's
Creed 1-Brohood, Sonic Adventures, Bayonetta, Pokemon Snap, Battletanx 1
& 2, Gauntlet:Dark Legacy, Timesplitters 2 & FP, Lost Kingdoms
I, Skies of Arcadia, Tales of Symphonia, Portal, Amnesia, Sonic and the
Secret Rings. Ok I'll stop now.
But seriously who is gonna read that list?! Or care for that matter..
>>4637879 aww shit are we posting last.fms? http://www.last.fm/user/Juyushi
oh pic related. I beat that too. |