>> |
!OmDdt8anl6 06/23/11(Thu)18:39 No.4630844>>4630787 speaking
of zillyhoos, how DO i zillyhoo? I'm not exactly a prop goddess, and
I'd like one which could hold up to being lugged around in my
hammerspace jokerkind bag. (at Kintoki-con, my satchel had a bike horn,
three fake juggling clubs, two bottles of Faygo, a pack of cards, chalk
and a magic 8 ball for people who needed those, a bubble wand because
why the fuck not, two pairs of fangs so I could use the larger or
smaller ones as needed, two bottles of tooth black, extra grey makeup,
and two combs. I will probably be adding to this at some point; I'd like
better fake juggling clubs and more bike horns.) |