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    120 KB Anonymous 06/23/11(Thu)03:32 No.4628073  
    Going to my first con next month. Completely alone.

    And I am incredibly shy. To the point I don't really have any friends (hence why I'm going alone).

    Am I asking for a bad time?
    >> Pickled Pepper !8lBEjKOhI2 06/23/11(Thu)03:35 No.4628087
    Being shy will limit certain fun factors at a con. A large part of a convention is not only fandom but its associated community. I have gone to many cons alone and had a plenty good time just going to panels and events, and even just hanging out and meeting people. If the con is good, and you are willing to have fun and loosen up a little you will have fun.
    >> Anonymous 06/23/11(Thu)03:37 No.4628100
    Go in costume. People approach you so you don't have to approach them. Funfunfun.
    >> Anonymous 06/23/11(Thu)04:22 No.4628263
    Thank you two for the advice. Hopefully all goes well. I plan on going as gijinka venusaur.
    >> inglorious. 06/23/11(Thu)04:24 No.4628277

    maybe you could see if there's going to be a pokémon meet or something? you might meet some new people there!
    >> Anonymous 06/23/11(Thu)04:28 No.4628296

    I think there might be! I'll have to look at the schedule again soon.
    >> Anonymous 06/23/11(Thu)04:32 No.4628313
    This seriously, I'm shy as fuck too. Plus if you're like me, being dressed up helps you break out of your shell more.
    >> Anonymous 06/23/11(Thu)04:37 No.4628330
    i've gone to cons alone except for once
    the difference between the two is that you have to find how to burn time when by yourself
    on the other side of the coin, you aren't held back by the others and their schedules. you're free to go to whatever the hell you want. i'll be honest, i talked to no one for my first few cons. they just happened to be san diego comic con so it didn't matter. there was enough shit to keep me going by myself at all hours.

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