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    2 KB Helpful/nice people on coscom? Anonymous 06/22/11(Wed)20:54 No.4626251  
    Do they exist? I know there was a general coscom stupidity thread the other day, but it got me wondering: are there any people that seagulls find helpful or nice on coscom?
    >> Anonymous 06/22/11(Wed)20:57 No.4626262
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    They're all fucking retarded.
    >> Anonymous 06/22/11(Wed)21:01 No.4626282
    kuukii-san and Hee-hee are helpful with wigs
    Nowdays people don't seem to wanna do any actual work in their costume or wig. Instead they want to buy everything and half the questions are about where to buy a specific character's wig
    >> Anonymous 06/22/11(Wed)21:03 No.4626296
    >Nowdays people don't seem to wanna do any actual work in their costume or wig. Instead they want to buy everything and half the questions are about where to buy a specific character's wig

    Yes, and sadly you can't tell people to go look on google like you can here.
    >> Anonymous 06/22/11(Wed)21:07 No.4626311
    Yes, Axelai is the most helpful person ever on coscom.
    >> Anonymous 06/22/11(Wed)21:09 No.4626322
    If you're 14 and a hetaliafag, sure.
    >> Anonymous 06/22/11(Wed)21:13 No.4626341
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    I agree with you. Axelai is so helpful on coscom! Not only is she sweet and considerate of others, but she takes time out of her day to teach us etiquette rules of Hetalia cosplay. Not only that but she never contradicts herself and always points out the wrong in other peoples posts. Everyone who doesn't like her is just her jealous ex Mary samefagging. God what faggots they are.
    >> Anonymous 06/22/11(Wed)21:19 No.4626374
    I hope that caused you immense pain typing all that lol
    >> Anonymous 06/22/11(Wed)21:28 No.4626420
    I don't like her and I was posting in the thread. I find it pretty hilarious that she claims it's just her ex samefagging when you can check for such things.Which would've revealed that it was more than one person posting against her.
    I guess she's helpful if you want her to tell you to buy your wigs from Fantasy Sheep or your costumes from Cosmonde. Because honestly, that's all she ever states. And she contradicts herself quite a bit. Preaching flag etiquette only to let your flag touch the ground isn't the most non-contradictory.
    Sweet and considerate people hardly post their relationship issues all over the internet, btw.

    As for on-topic, most of the helpful posters, aside from Kuukii-san and Hee-hee who only deal with wigs, don't really stick out all that often since they're not attention-whoring themselves out.
    >> Anonymous 06/22/11(Wed)21:33 No.4626445
    You're probably just jealous and dislike Axelai since she's good looking, and has people who like her, while you are either fat, uglier than shit, or no one likes you since you have a dull and awful personality. Probably all of the above. God, get a life why don't you?
    >> Anonymous 06/22/11(Wed)21:37 No.4626472
    I have to get it off my chest: does anyone else want to punch that fucking GCNGamer128 in the face? Something to say in every thread, and all of it is bullshit.
    >> Anonymous 06/22/11(Wed)21:40 No.4626485
    Totally! I was thinking of getting a black wig that matched my character's reference sheet, but she let me know my monitor was just tilted and recommended me a bright blue wig! Boy, I would have looked silly if she didn't help me!
    >> Anonymous 06/22/11(Wed)21:44 No.4626503
    Dude, Aearon was way the fuck worse. Thank God that asshole got banned. Could not stand him.
    >> Anonymous 06/22/11(Wed)21:45 No.4626511
    I know right! She is so helpful to others it's unbelievable! Boy is she great!
    >> Anonymous 06/22/11(Wed)21:47 No.4626516
    Honey, like you're any better. Why are you even trying to whiteknight on /cgl/?

    I don't like her for a variety of reasons, none of which you just listed. And even if saying such things on an image board is pointless, I'm about the same size as her, short of the fact I have a chest. And yes, I have people who like me as I have more in common with them than a gag show.
    >> Anonymous 06/22/11(Wed)21:47 No.4626517
    Did he? I zoned out when he posted in threads and just pretended he didn't say anything.
    >> Anonymous 06/22/11(Wed)21:50 No.4626523
    He was banned for a while, but I don't know if this last absence streak is because he got banned again, or just lost interest in trolling everyone.

    Adding on to >>4626516 (Which is me, check if you don't believe)
    The last part was a reference to the fact she hates Homestuck and it's fandom due to the fact that a couple friends moved onto it and don't want to cosplay Hetalia with her anymore. Real sweet and considerate, am I right?
    >> Anonymous 06/22/11(Wed)21:50 No.4626524
    I find the GCNFuckwit more annoying because of his tone. Aeron may not have anything constructive to say, but this new dude responds to people like they're retarded.
    >> Anonymous 06/22/11(Wed)21:51 No.4626532
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    General who do ya like who do ya hate coscom thread again?
    >> Anonymous 06/22/11(Wed)21:52 No.4626535
    I can't believe I have to say this, but no one whiteknighting Axelai in this thread is serious.
    >> Anonymous 06/22/11(Wed)21:57 No.4626554
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    ^ Here again, replying to
    .... Jesus Christ /cgl/. You fucks are the easiest people to troll. I'm astounded that any one believed me, and I'm ending this before shit possibly gets out of hand. I am trolling, and my reason was to show my friend how easy you guys are to troll. Thanks for proving my point. ... I dislike Axelai but I just put her on my ignore list like any sensible person would do.
    >in b4 "I knew you were trolling!"
    Wow. Too easy.
    >> Anonymous 06/22/11(Wed)22:01 No.4626565
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    I'm amazed that some people even believed you.
    >> Anonymous 06/22/11(Wed)22:09 No.4626603
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    My bad. I should've checked before jumping onto my hate wagon.

    I wouldn't judge a board based off of one idiot who after six months, can't recognize a troll.
    >> Anonymous 06/22/11(Wed)22:17 No.4626639

    There are a few genuinely helpful people on coscom, but the more they try to help the more they get punished by the endless immaturity, stupidity, egocentrism, helplessness and ignorance of the rest. The "I'm a pillar of the community" types stick it out. The rest come here disillusioned and end up bitter and twisted, shells of their former cosplayer selves.

    ...Speaking from personal experience of course. Still, I'll take the vicious trolls who challenge my intelligence over the vacuity of coscom any day. At least here I can speak my mind.
    >> Anonymous 06/22/11(Wed)22:21 No.4626665
    This is my experience as well. Whenever I tried to help on CosCom, there would always be some dumbass who posted saying "lol use colour spray instead of a wig" or "use tinfoil instead of painting" and the OP would go with their advice.

    I now only post advice on /cgl/ since people here are usually looking for a good method, not the cheapest.
    >> Anonymous 06/22/11(Wed)22:25 No.4626689
    Eh, I try in the props section.

    But most try to go the simplest and cheapest method for something that will obviously take a lot more than that.

    For example: Metallic spray paints look like shit. Want to make it look less like shit? Enamel Gloss Black base coat (from a spraycan). Bam. Easy. Too many complaints that it adds another step.

    I gave up after a while. My eye twitches ever so slightly when I explain to people how I made my armor so life like shiny and their response is something like "lolol that's too much, is there just a spraycan?"
    Yeah. Shit's $60 a can, guess why I did it this way?
    >> Anonymous 06/22/11(Wed)22:25 No.4626690
    This so hard. I have learned to PM people instead of posting threads on there. It helped avoid stupid answers or "I dunno's" and got me solid advice from costumers whose work I really like. I have a few people I admire in the props forum, Hee Hee and Kukkii in wigs, a few people for contact lenses, like 1 person who gives non-condescending tips for makeup, but generally I find that as the cosplaying population gets younger, the more immaturity and retardedness infiltrate the community which is sad. I know they can't all be that stupid, can they?
    >> Anonymous 06/22/11(Wed)22:35 No.4626753
    Anyone posting reaction images automatically gets relegated to "least helpful, I'm a tool" status. It's annoying to see a string of images instead of people actually sharing thoughts and opinions in a thread that wasn't supposed to be a reaction image thread.
    >> Anonymous 06/22/11(Wed)22:40 No.4626786
    Off topic, but I am interested in your shiny spray painting technique though I'm not sure I want to go through multiple $60 cans given the size of the project.
    >> Anonymous 06/22/11(Wed)22:41 No.4626796

    ...Are we still talking about coscom?
    >> Anonymous 06/22/11(Wed)22:44 No.4626809
    Yes, people have been shitting reaction images all over coscom boards lately and it usually is the same few people.

    Reaction images on 4chan are totally cool with me, in fact they can be really funny but when an entire page of a thread on coscom is stupid reaction images or 50 variations of "Haters gonna hate"... words just can't describe
    >> Anonymous 06/22/11(Wed)22:51 No.4626856
    Fuck yeah that would be annoying. Clearly not a forum I lurk. On the other hand I hardly go to coscom anymore. Deleted most of my pics and profile because the stupid shits there make me rage worse than cgl.

    Which means the universe is probably inverted.
    >> Anonymous 06/22/11(Wed)22:59 No.4626888
    Probably not a bad idea all in all. I was thinking about doing the same, but the system is so inefficient I can't clear out everything easily. Unless there's a quick way to do this?

    Most people ignore you if you're not cosplaying something very mainstream anyway, I am not sure why I even bother sharing my work there anyway, the ambiance has changed so much since I joined. It's not about sharing amazing cosplays and tips anymore, it's about grabbing as much attention as possible or slapping things together easily and cheaply even if it is ultimately shitty.
    >> Anonymous 06/22/11(Wed)23:55 No.4627254
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    Holy shit!? How dare others have fun in their cosplays if it isn't a gold star in 4chan's book. How dare someone not go to the same extents as you!!!
    I can't believe these kids just enjoying themselves in whatever rather than care about craftsmanship. Everyone should go to the same standard for a hobby. They can't talk about cheap alternatives! People can't be happy with just having a cheap costume to dick around in for a weekend. WTF is up with that! Fuck degrees of investment and dedication. Either go big or go home for the Serious Business that is cosplay.
    >> Anonymous 06/23/11(Thu)02:12 No.4627725
    Unfortunately there's no quick or easy way to clean out a coscom account without just PMing a mod to delete you completely. It's probably easier to remove a facebook account, these days.

    A lot of people on coscom take cosplay seriously too. I would say that includes a lot of the actual helpful ones... you know, the topic of this thread?

    I'd have named some seriously helpful people here already, except the first rule of cosplay fight club forbids it.
    >> Anonymous 06/23/11(Thu)02:15 No.4627745
    I lost it after someone sent me a PM correcting a spelling error I made in a thread 2 year prior to the message. Haven't posted or interacted with anyone there since.

    I will still check the con sub forums to figure out photoshoot times and whatnot but that's pretty much it.
    >> Anonymous 06/23/11(Thu)02:24 No.4627799
    Ohshi- for real? They were that irritated that they sent you a PM about something that was old? LMAO amazing.

    Uh actually that was more referring back to what someone said earlier about people asking for advice on making things, then the person goes and ignores any and all advice. WHat's the point in asking for advice if the person's not even going to read it?

    I don't expect everyone to have professional quality costumes either, it was more like "Maybe try a little harder than putting a wig on and posting multiple bad quality photos of your face before you bitch about people not looking at your costumes."
    >> Anonymous 06/23/11(Thu)02:30 No.4627827

    Good god, this and this. I have to admit that I'm getting frustrated.

    I post in the fitness subforum sometimes, figuring my knowledge will be helpful. And I like to help people. But it always goes like this:

    OP: I want to lose weight!

    Me: *gives sound fitness and dietary advice enabling person to lose 1-2 pounds per week in a healthy manner*

    SomeRandomPerson: Lol stop eating white bread and eat five grapefruits every three hours and only eat nuts after 4 PM, i did this and lost 10 pounds per week

    Me: WTF? That's not even...

    OP: Wow SomeRandomPerson that sounds great! *stays fat*
    >> Anonymous 06/23/11(Thu)02:34 No.4627846
    LOL, I stay out of that forum because questions from retards trying to drop 10+ pounds with 1 week before their con would drive me crazy. There's no magic pill nor easy exercise that will lose the weight, but hey people love the stories about grapefruits and nuts working.
    >> Anonymous 06/23/11(Thu)02:49 No.4627898
    Anytime there is a fitness thread anywhere near a cosplay forum, it goes that direction. Also "toning" ... "I am working on toning my stomach so I can have abs" ... you know how you can get the abs you want? Don't worry about weight loss so they can actually show ... just tone the area!"

    There are days I wish I had degrees in fitness, just so I can give all the proper information and shut down everyone who tries to push bullcrap. So basically, I stay away from fitness threads in general.
    >> Anonymous 06/23/11(Thu)03:05 No.4627970

    Man, that doesn't even work. I cite scientific evidence for reasonable methods - and it's not hard to find, given that the facts about weight loss, gain, and such have been known for years - and they'd still rather have a quick fix or gimmicky promise.

    You can't even shut them down, 'cause some people will take magic beans from a huckster over hard work any day.

    Don't get me wrong, there are plenty of decent people there, too. But SO many of the others are very irksome.
    >> Anonymous 06/23/11(Thu)09:55 No.4628812
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    I find your observation true with most people on the forums when it involves take care of anything or doing the logical thing. Myself and a few others have given sound advice on skin care, makeup, wigs, and contacts but some people are still like "I's too po' to see a dermatologist to treat ma condition that OTC products haven't helped, I's too po' to visit an eye doc to get a lens fitting so I'll just jam random lenses in and hope they fits an dun maek meh blind! Ima buy dis wig from a known scammer an wonder why dey scammed meh. Oh and I's too po' to buy decent makeup, so I gonna buy shit-tier products and wonder why they no work well."

    I'll never understand how these people expect great results when they're not willing to put forth some effort, whether it requires getting off their ass and spending a little money to get to an actual doctor, doing some research before they buy shit, or getting off their ass to hoof it around town to buy the best products for their needs. Laziness, pure and simple. When people give out good advice and they don't even consider it because it would require changing up the routine, pure laziness of the "please just don't ask next time" sort.
    >> Anonymous 06/23/11(Thu)10:56 No.4628940

    It irritates me that they waste time asking.

    If you're lazy, fine. But don't waste other people's time when you have no intention of actually making an effort to help.

    It's as if they're hoping that someone has some magical cure or fix for their condition with no effort, and all they have to do is keep asking until someone uses the magic.

    It's stupid.
    >> Anonymous 06/23/11(Thu)11:15 No.4628972
    That's exactly what they want though. They want someone to walk up and say "oh just trying using a little flour to wash your face three nights in a row under the full moon, it will cure all your skin problems and turn your hair pink!" they want a magic bullet. I've seen it on here even, questions where you have to wonder wtf the asking party expected.
    >> Anonymous 06/23/11(Thu)12:56 No.4629332
    Alclad II lacquer paints for airbrushes along with their Gloss Black Base coat. $7-8 a bottle but it lasts you for a good sized project.

    Piece needs to be primed and as smooth as possible.
    Alclad II Gloss Black Base Coat/a very good Gloss Black Enamel base coat must be applied. Any imperfections here will show up on the finished product.

    Alclad II paint. Two mist costs (that means very light coats) and bam. Fucking metal.

    You can use Alclad's top coats but I used Pledge with Future just fine.

    Alternative but much more time consuming way:
    Rub n Buff in very small amounts buffed to the point where you will want to kill the nearest living thing after you're done. I do it this way when I don't want to setup my airbrush rig so the lacquer fumes won't destroy my nervous system
    >> Anonymous 06/23/11(Thu)14:29 No.4629754
    Not same anon as before, but thanks for sharing your info. This will be very helpful.

    Btw, have you delved into auto paints much? One of my friends uses them and his props always look amazing but he also does a lot of commissions. I was just wondering if it was worth the investment if one is not constantly doing props.
    >> Anonymous 06/23/11(Thu)14:39 No.4629787

    >they want a magic bullet

    this is true for what seems like a majority of the population- why do you think garbage like Shake Weights and copper bracelets are/were so popular?

    hell, my sister still drinks echinacea tea when she "thinks" she's getting a cold. a quick google search on most of these things gives you an answer about if it's worth your time and money or not.
    >> Anonymous 06/23/11(Thu)14:39 No.4629788
    I want to round up every person who starts a thread with either of these things:

    1. "Is it okay to___________"
    2. "I dunno if this is in the right place, feel free to move it"


    Every other fucking thread starts with one of these, I swear to god. And the thing that may or may not be okay? Always something UNBELIEVABLY stupid or that there's a tutorial thread for directly underneath. "IS IT OKAY TO MAEK MY COSTUEM OUT OF GUM" "IS IT OKAY TO BUY A SHIRT FOR MAI COSTUEM"

    Also fuck you and your "okay to move" shit, you're lazy fucks and it's not like anyone gives a damn whether you say it's okay or not.
    >> Anonymous 06/23/11(Thu)14:45 No.4629807
    Whoa now, don't dis Shake Weight. Those are hilarious to watch someone work out with. LOL
    >> Anonymous 06/23/11(Thu)15:18 No.4629963
    I miss Koumori, she was helpfull with big-dress stuff. I think she went off to Rebooted Cosfu though.
    >> Anonymous 06/23/11(Thu)15:22 No.4629993
    >I've seen it on here even, questions where you have to wonder wtf the asking party expected.

    At least on here you can just cuss out the people who post shitty methods and expect validation.
    >> Anonymous 06/23/11(Thu)15:56 No.4630142
    Your question's kinda confusing so I'll answer it the best I can:

    I assume you're talking about automotive paints and not their spray paints. I'll talk about both.
    Auto paints are great, you can get those nice auto finishes. Thing is, not every prop needs that glossy, reflective I CAN SEE MY FACE THERE finish. The color selection is sort of low since cars don't come in that many colors.

    If you're talking about the spray paints, those are nice too but I hate the nature of spray cans. You constantly have to adjust your spray pattern since the air pressure in the can is falling the more you use it.

    I've never used a spray gun rig, strictly an airbrush though I'd imagine them to be the same. It takes a while to get used to painting large surfaces (read: Buster sword) with an airbrush but it's worth it.

    As for investing into a painting system:
    Meh, if you can justify a $100-$150 investment for a few props, by all means. I use my airbrush rig for props, gundam model kits, detail work, some art, etc.

    Also you can use an airbrush to paint fabric, pretty well actually. As long as you can take of one, it'll be very very useful for cosplay.

    That said, spray can primers are fucking amazing.
    >> Anonymous 06/23/11(Thu)17:09 No.4630479
    Herpderp, thanks for the response. I didn't mean to be so vague in my question. I was referring to automotive paints for real cars, as you assumed. Basically I am gearing up to work on some armor (think FF game type armor) and was not sure what the best paint for the job would be. I checked out the offerings at local auto/parts stores but the color offerings were very limited.

    I think I'll try your earlier suggestion using Alclad paints for airbrushing since I already own a system (unless you have a different suggestion). My previous experience with model paints was rather hit or miss but that was before I got my airbrush.
    >> Bunny Mage !TvNZI.MfJE!!K5cz4Oivace 06/23/11(Thu)17:25 No.4630528
    Most people on are nice and helpful. Not necessarily because they are nice or helpful people, but because the militant mods there who enforce their 'play nice' rules have everyone scared of being perceived as mean or negative. If you post a negative comment on you better make sure you sugar coat that shit until it tastes like candy. Otherwise you may receive a warning, get the thread closed, or have people turn their nose up at you.
    >> Anonymous 06/23/11(Thu)17:26 No.4630533
    Glad to help, model paints are what I use exclusively since you can get nearly every color option out there, anime or real life equivalent since the hobbyists who use these paints primarily try to recreate as close to real life military planes/tanks/vehicles and others use them for Fantasy like statues and stuff.

    But as a note: I was serious that this stuff attacks your nervous system. Wear a respirator.

    Also for note on armor: Not all armor has a mirror like reflective finish. Some just a metallic tone to it. Alclad II offers that as well and it's used differently.

    Regular finishes usually do it for most, unless you need that mirror reflection off the metal. All that requires is priming the surface and making it as smooth as you want.

    High Shine are the mirror like finishes. Those require a Gloss Black base coat.

    It'll take a bit of practice to get the hang of painting the stuff but once you do, you'll have a hard time finding a much nicer metallic paint job out there.
    >> Anonymous 06/23/11(Thu)17:33 No.4630557
    THe "Is it okay to _________" is bad but worse when it's "I've seen everyone say not to use your real hair but I want to use my real hair ... is it okay to use your real hair? I don't care and will do it anyway but I want your opinions on if I should"

    Or anything similar, and they just want a flood of people saying "yes, it's fine!"
    >> Anonymous 06/23/11(Thu)18:22 No.4630745
    For OP's topic, I've noticed that there's an L cosplayer that posts a lot (or at least used to) on the fitness threads. I'm not sure how good their advice was, but they always at least tried their best to be helpful.

    As for things that bother me, when con threads become basically a giant conversation. Yes, it's okay to say what you're cosplaying, maybe interact a little bit, and ask staff some questions. When it is over 40 pages of nonstop talking to each other, usually just three or four people, you need a bitchslap.
    >> Anonymous 06/23/11(Thu)18:31 No.4630796

    At the very least, on MOST dedicated fitness forums, people who ask for advice will more or less take it.

    On the Coscom ones, many will usually take whichever advice requires the least amount of effort or willpower, regardless of how ridiculous it might be.

    I don't recall the number of times I've recommended strength training for requests on changing body composition - it's a lot, though - and I honestly cannot recall a single time when someone actually took my suggestion. Despite the fact that strength training is, hands down, the most important element in altering body comp.


    Yup, Kasinator. He had his stuff together... wasn't afraid to change his viewpoint in light of new information, either. I don't think he posts much anymore, though, but he was one of the people who tried to be helpful. I can see why he might have been scared off.
    >> Anonymous 06/23/11(Thu)19:01 No.4630935


    I just can't be bothered being nice to dumbasses anymore. Thank you cgl for destroying my polite reserve. It feels so good to be able to tell lazy asses to go fucking google something. (And fitness threads? Like some of you, I won't even go there.)
    >> Anonymous 06/23/11(Thu)19:19 No.4631004
    I have been unhappy with spray paint lately... so, I've been considering purchasing an airbrush.

    Thank you for your explanation of what you do. I wish you'd do a write up on cause god knows how long this post will last.

    Pardon the off topic, but this info is too good to pass up.
    >> Anonymous 06/23/11(Thu)19:38 No.4631078
    You're welcome, I'm just glad I can pass some info along.

    As for the write up, I'm thinking about making one instead of just typing this stuff over and over. 90% of the time I make a post about it over at coscom I get the "isn't there an easier way to get that?" type of response. I think that stems from the initial investment of having to buy an airbrush.

    Ahh, while I'm at it, here are a couple of links to some airbrush equipment I'd recommend:
    $80 and it's a damn fine air compressor. I've gone through 3 different airbrush and am on my 4th and I'm still using this compressor. Easy to clean the moisture trap, easy to set the air pressure and it's pretty quiet.
    $15 airbrush. Cheap, sturdy, great to learn how to clean and maintain an airbrush. Dual action so you can do shading, sort of fine lines, and it'll even atomize stuff like FolkArts acryllic (once thinned. But everything you airbrush should be thinned).

    I still use my original for primer on small scale projects.

    You might be tempted to get this from the same store:
    I do not recommend it over the other two. The moisture trap builds up rust really quick, which will destroy the performance of filtering the moisture out of the hose. Which will end up shooting through your airbrush and mess up your paint job.
    It also has no air pressure regulator so the finer detail work you'll eventually want won't be quite possible.

    Hope this has been helpful.

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