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  • File : 1308782342.jpg-(48 KB, 280x280, or803.jpg)
    48 KB TEXAS FUCK YEA Anonymous 06/22/11(Wed)18:39 No.4625600  
    Texasfags report in!

    ITT our state is the most alpha state and the rest are super jelly. We got the best economy
    We got the most land (fuck you Alaska you're way too cold so you don't count)
    We got guns
    We got the bestlookin' people
    We got the worstlookin' people
    We got OIL
    We got Miyu *shwing!*
    We got PT *shrivel!*
    We got the best conventions
    We got the best steak
    We got the most cheap illegal immigrant labor for your garden and your pool
    We got fuckin Austin
    And our dicks are huge
    >> Anonymous 06/22/11(Wed)18:40 No.4625615
    You got the majority of the morbidly obese. Congrats.
    >> Anonymous 06/22/11(Wed)18:41 No.4625618
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    >> Anonymous 06/22/11(Wed)18:41 No.4625619
    >> /soc/
    >> Anonymous 06/22/11(Wed)18:42 No.4625625
    Fuck yes Texas. You got a problem, you take it up with my Lucheses on your way out the door baby
    >> Anonymous 06/22/11(Wed)18:42 No.4625626
    We also enforce the death penalty and have the best stripclubs in the country. Shit evens out man.
    >> Anonymous 06/22/11(Wed)18:43 No.4625631
    Enjoy your shitty weather.
    >> Anonymous 06/22/11(Wed)18:44 No.4625639
    I have air conditioning suck my dick :D

    We have some damn fine women here.
    >> Anonymous 06/22/11(Wed)18:45 No.4625641
    fuck yeah best economy in the US
    >> Anonymous 06/22/11(Wed)18:46 No.4625643
    what the fuck is up with Texas, New york, New Jersey, and California thinking their gods blessing to this country?

    No one likes you, stop acting so fucking pompous.
    >> Alpha !W1/Jat/S2U 06/22/11(Wed)18:48 No.4625646
    texas means business.
    >> Anonymous 06/22/11(Wed)18:48 No.4625648
    I like Texas. I hate the weather. But I enjoy it most of the time.

    I like it a lot more than Florida.
    >> Anonymous 06/22/11(Wed)18:51 No.4625658
    >we got some damn fat women fuck yeah

    It's okay, be proud of your chubby chassers
    >> smoker !VUmDTeLJOM 06/22/11(Wed)18:51 No.4625659
    You are pointing out the wro- oh fuck it. FUCK YEAR TEXAS.

    San japans coming up guys, anyone got plans yet?
    >> Anonymous 06/22/11(Wed)18:52 No.4625662
    >> Anonymous 06/22/11(Wed)18:52 No.4625664
    Not so much CA. California is shit right now and everyone knows it. I live in SoCal and trust me, I'd rather not.
    >> Anonymous 06/22/11(Wed)18:52 No.4625669
    Enjoy your oil spilled beaches, humidity, thunderstorms, obese people, hicks, brown recluse spiders, hurricanes, lack of grocery variety, mosquitoes, lack of activities, lack of theme parks, high property tax, and traffic.
    >> Anonymous 06/22/11(Wed)18:53 No.4625673
    >Only number five on the list for states with the highest teen pregnancy

    Are you even trying? You don't even teach sex ed and you're a huge state. There's no reason you shouldn't be number one.
    >> smoker !VUmDTeLJOM 06/22/11(Wed)18:53 No.4625675
    What texas are you taking about?
    >> Anonymous 06/22/11(Wed)18:55 No.4625684

    Curiosity strikes me. Whats going on over there?
    >> Anonymous 06/22/11(Wed)18:56 No.4625689
    I will never forget my summer in Dallas.

    I had to spend it with this horrible bitch of a woman, who seemed to be putting her three year old on track to be on MTV's Sweet Sixteen (is that even a show still?). That entire month, I had to hold back from telling her off. And to top it all off, she never let me actually see Dallas. I saw a few events, but everything I wanted to do was shot down, even though that was part of the reason I was there. I still get angry when I think about her.
    >> Lala 06/22/11(Wed)18:57 No.4625693
    I like it here in Southern California lol, and as far as problems every state has their own issues, I am just thankful for good weather and lot's of stuff to do.
    >> Anonymous 06/22/11(Wed)18:59 No.4625703

    You get that shit anywhere you go, the accent will be different but the people stay the same. Wish you could have enjoyed the area, there are some amazing things in the DFW area.
    >> smoker !VUmDTeLJOM 06/22/11(Wed)18:59 No.4625706
    >implying the weather isnt fine in texas
    >implying there is more to do in cali than texas
    >> PantsuNugeruMon !!pjuJP0576Q+ 06/22/11(Wed)18:59 No.4625710
    Mmm, this TXfag is reporting in.
    >> Anonymous 06/22/11(Wed)19:00 No.4625712
    Shit economy, shit real estate, no one can get work, no one can afford to even fucking live there because they keep raising rent costs on apartments and housing.

    Not to mention Social Security benefits as well as SSI are steadily decreasing.

    But the weather is SO NICE!!!!! (sarcasm)
    >> Anonymous 06/22/11(Wed)19:00 No.4625716
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    >mfw Texas thread

    I love this place. So much better than Russia.
    >> BLUE !./././VTrk 06/22/11(Wed)19:00 No.4625718
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    texas sounds like fun
    is texas fun
    i might go there
    >> Anonymous 06/22/11(Wed)19:01 No.4625719
    Much though I enjoy living in Texas ... have you not been outside lately, dude? We're in the middle of the worst drought in decades. We have wildfires popping up statewide. Fireworks are banned for the 4th. Fires in general are banned for the next three months.

    The weather, right now, is shit.
    >> Anonymous 06/22/11(Wed)19:01 No.4625723

    No beaches in Dallas (and did we even get hit by the oil spill?), humidity is everywhere, you really used thunderstorms as a reason?, obese people are everywhere, hicks are everywhere, spiders too?, hurricanes hit over 15 states, I have Aldi/Kroger/Whole Foods/Sams Club all within 3 miles of my house, the mosquitos are never that bad and again...everywhere, tons of shit to do, Six Flags is 20 minutes away, and I drive 70 to and from work every day with minimal traffic.

    Try again.
    >> Anonymous 06/22/11(Wed)19:02 No.4625731

    Considering the storms we've had the past few days, that may change soon.
    >> Lala 06/22/11(Wed)19:03 No.4625733
    If you read what I put I never said Texas didn't, I simply stated that I am happy that I can enjoy the weather here and that I am not bored, honestly now.
    Also my brother lives in Austin so I have been plenty of time.
    >> PantsuNugeruMon !!pjuJP0576Q+ 06/22/11(Wed)19:05 No.4625751
    You know that you and I have plans set at SJ, hun.
    >> smoker !VUmDTeLJOM 06/22/11(Wed)19:06 No.4625756
    It rained today, the weather was nice and breezy and then a mild heat. It was pleasant when I was out smoking my reds. And Just drive outside of the city limits for Fireworks brah.
    If you read I said you were implying it. There is a difference between writing something at the forefront of the message, and the subtle undertones of the messages.
    Me gusta.
    >> Anonymous 06/22/11(Wed)19:06 No.4625757
    Depends on the area, I guess. The "storm" we had today lasted all of an hour and now it's as dry as it was yesterday.
    >> Lala 06/22/11(Wed)19:07 No.4625761
    >> BLUE !./././VTrk 06/22/11(Wed)19:08 No.4625763
    daym smoker

    l u 2 no homo
    >> Anonymous 06/22/11(Wed)19:12 No.4625787
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    I went to Texas once, it was hot but no where near as humid as the swamp I live in. The barbacue was God tier, dem sauces son.
    >> PantsuNugeruMon !!pjuJP0576Q+ 06/22/11(Wed)19:15 No.4625800
    Blue, I love you. Hnnnng. Come and vist Smoker and I.
    >> PantsuNugeruMon !!pjuJP0576Q+ 06/22/11(Wed)19:16 No.4625805
    Derp. On my phone.
    >> Anonymous 06/22/11(Wed)19:16 No.4625806
    anyone ever been to/is going to anime overload?
    >> BLUE !./././VTrk 06/22/11(Wed)19:17 No.4625807
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    I'm hoping to go to America next year, or the one after and A-Kon is on the list of conventions I'd go to if I have enough money.
    >> Sage Sage 06/22/11(Wed)19:17 No.4625808
    Sure is /soc/ in here today...
    >> PantsuNugeruMon !!pjuJP0576Q+ 06/22/11(Wed)19:18 No.4625811
    Went the first year because I live in Austin. Never again. It's the shittiest con I have ever been to.
    >> Souviet !YbrmcBEMWk 06/22/11(Wed)19:18 No.4625812
    I envy you that. I visited Dallas once... Got out of the airport and ran right back inside. I felt like I was walking through soup.
    >> Anonymous 06/22/11(Wed)19:18 No.4625813
    >> Anonymous 06/22/11(Wed)19:19 No.4625816
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    >this thread
    >> BLUE !./././VTrk 06/22/11(Wed)19:21 No.4625825
    Aye, should be fun if I can afford it.
    I'm gonna start saving now.
    >> PantsuNugeruMon !!pjuJP0576Q+ 06/22/11(Wed)19:21 No.4625830
    I know that you gusta. Me gusta what our plans are, as well.

    >> Anonymous 06/22/11(Wed)19:22 No.4625834
    If you go, I may have to actually show up in order to bring you a cupcake.
    And a striped beater since you had trouble finding one that worked.
    >> BLUE !./././VTrk 06/22/11(Wed)19:24 No.4625838
    I know right!
    Me, you and Smoker should hang out and chill and stuff.
    Be awesome.

    I just couldn't find one in the right colour, sorry Anon.
    And anyway, I got to save money from now on.
    >> Anonymous 06/22/11(Wed)19:24 No.4625842
    well shit. thanks for the warning. i'm an austinfag as well. i was hoping for something other than ikkicon. haven't heard great things about that one either.
    >> Anonymous 06/22/11(Wed)19:25 No.4625845
    I'll just have to accept that it's a lost cause. Sigh.
    >> PantsuNugeruMon !!pjuJP0576Q+ 06/22/11(Wed)19:38 No.4625893
    No problem, bro. AO is primarily just a tiny HOT AS HELL con that parents drop off their weeb kids to.
    IKKi is pretty shitty now as well, sadly.
    >> Anonymous 06/22/11(Wed)19:41 No.4625908
    hate to ask this, but are there any cons closer to austin that aren't shitty?
    >> Anonymous 06/22/11(Wed)19:43 No.4625917
    >san japan
    >> GarbageFace 06/22/11(Wed)19:45 No.4625925
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    Possibly planning on moving to Texas from Northern/Central California.
    My career path is in that of veterinary care and uhh.. I want to go to some good cons. :/
    Hoping to find some place with weather similar to my city's.

    Any suggestions on which city would be best?
    >> Alpha !W1/Jat/S2U 06/22/11(Wed)19:47 No.4625930
    i go to UT austin and i hate how all the cons are during holidays and stuff. like one's during halloween and the other is new years.. crazy college parties and 6th street > anime conventions :< sorry
    >> Anonymous 06/22/11(Wed)19:47 No.4625932
    tits. okay. thanks.
    it surprises me that austin has such shitty cons considering how ~**~diverse~*~*~ and ~*~artsy~*~* we are.
    >> Anonymous 06/22/11(Wed)19:48 No.4625937
    Not Houston.
    Not Houston.
    Not Houston.

    Either Dallas(meh), Austin, San Antonio, or Corpus Christi.
    >> Anonymous 06/22/11(Wed)19:50 No.4625944
    Austin is too busy being *different* and *artsy* to deal with weebs. It also is small compared to other places in texas.
    >> Anonymous 06/22/11(Wed)19:50 No.4625945
    don't go anon...don't go unless you like warehouses in the barrio.
    >> PantsuNugeruMon !!pjuJP0576Q+ 06/22/11(Wed)19:55 No.4625973
    >> Anonymous 06/22/11(Wed)19:55 No.4625976

    I've lived in Austin and Dallas.
    I liked living in Austin more, but it is also much more expensive and it's harder to find work there. Dallas (or the DFW area in general) has a lower cost of living, more job opportunities and more to do in general. Houston is going to be similar to Dallas in terms of cost of living and jobs, but their weather is shit so don't go there.

    Honestly, if you can find work in the Austin area go for it, but be prepared to live on the outskirts of town if you don't want to pay more than 800 dollars a month in rent. If you want an easier time then head to Dallas.
    >> Moxxi 06/22/11(Wed)19:59 No.4625992
    TXfag who lived in Ca each summer for a while, what part of CA? I was in the bay area, and you'll be hard pressed to find somewhere with weather like that. If you're from the valley, then fuck it, anywhere north is good. The DFW and even Austin areas and surrounding suburbs get my vote. South you get the humidity, and fuck that.

    Also, is San Japan good? Thinking of going for the first time this year, if I can scrounge up the money. It'll be right after SDCC basically, and I'll be broke as shit.
    >> smoker !VUmDTeLJOM 06/22/11(Wed)19:59 No.4625993
    San antonio is the same as you describe Dallas, but it has more latino cultura and its kinda Car mandatory how the city is spread out.
    >> GarbageFace 06/22/11(Wed)20:00 No.4625998
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    How come?
    What's so bad about the weather?

    Sorry, just trying to get some information before flying hundreds of miles and finding out I hated it as much as I did in Oregon.
    >> smoker !VUmDTeLJOM 06/22/11(Wed)20:00 No.4625999
    >5k people last year
    >only been around for 3 years
    >nice hotel connected to a mall.
    >major Texas city
    >Full weekend con

    >> Anonymous 06/22/11(Wed)20:01 No.4626001
    Dallas is the best city when it comes to the job market in Texas. Austin is a dirty city, but very Cali-like if you miss your kind of people.

    By the way, you picked a good choice. Best state in the U.S.-fucking-awesome-A.

    >> Anonymous 06/22/11(Wed)20:02 No.4626004
    Houston is extremely humid, especially in the summer. It's just downright uncomfortable to be outside for like 4 months out of the year there.

    I've also personally never liked the city itself. It seems too commercial and sterile, if that makes any sense.
    >> Anonymous 06/22/11(Wed)20:03 No.4626009
    San Japan is probably one of the best cons in Texas right now. If you can afford it go.
    >> smoker !VUmDTeLJOM 06/22/11(Wed)20:05 No.4626017
    Texas is hot.
    We have awesome AC, but its hot, each city has a different kind of hot.

    SA: Dry heat, unless it rains, which is uncommon.
    Austin: Slightly less hot than SA.
    Dallas: more north, dry heat most of the time, more regular weather patterns
    CC: beach city, humid hot, but lotsa breeze.
    >> Anonymous 06/22/11(Wed)20:07 No.4626024
    Dallas gets humid a lot. Trust me. Outside right now it is humid as hell. Austin gets a good amount of humidity as well.
    >> Anonymous 06/22/11(Wed)20:09 No.4626031
    Dallas's humidity is little to none. Yeah, it's not as dry as San Antonio, but it is not as humid as god-forsaken Houston which always feels like you are swimming around in a swimming pool.

    God, fuck Houston weather. Nevaaaaaaar going back there to live.
    >> smoker !VUmDTeLJOM 06/22/11(Wed)20:12 No.4626040
    Eh, sorry, that was just from my personal experiences visiting those places. San Antonio FUCK YEAR DRY HEAT. Its always odd when I think 98degree weather feels good.
    >> Moxxi 06/22/11(Wed)20:12 No.4626043
    Herp, I'm dumb sometimes.
    Oooh, just checked the dates. I'll just be getting back from California the 1st of august. I'll have to work some crazy voodoo money magic. And convince my job I need more time off. But DAMNIT I want to go! D:<
    >> GarbageFace 06/22/11(Wed)20:12 No.4626044
    Thank you guys for all the information! Its really appreciated!

    Born and raised in the Sacramento valley, so I'm content with +98°f weather all day errday. I can't stand the bay-area weather, it reminds me a lot of Portland, OR.
    I was leaning more towards looking into the DFW area as it was. Seems pretty nice out there... and uhh.. yeah. Not down for any of that humidity.

    Sooo.. definitely look into more of the Austin, DFW or SA areas. Time to start Googling shit.
    >> Anonymous 06/22/11(Wed)20:14 No.4626053

    Blue, if you go to A-kon next year I expect to see manmoetron. You will be able to inherit my Nigerian fortune then. I will give it to you in person. I will give you a hotel room and you will meet me there alone in costume. If you are not alone then I will not respond nor open the door.
    >> Anonymous 06/22/11(Wed)20:16 No.4626063
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    >> Anonymous 06/22/11(Wed)20:16 No.4626068
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    >> Anonymous 06/22/11(Wed)20:17 No.4626074
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    >> Anonymous 06/22/11(Wed)20:18 No.4626077
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    >> smoker !VUmDTeLJOM 06/22/11(Wed)20:18 No.4626082
    Nice dubs.
    Austin: arts hub of texas. Compact when it comes to entertainment and having fun. High cost of living
    Dallas: Big business hub. Lotsa people in cities that are so close they should be part of Dallas. mid cost of living
    San Antonio: Tourism hub? haha, its a very spread out city with a heavy latino party influence. Low cost of living. (dificult to not go into more detail about home town compared to others.)

    And when it comes to colleges
    San Antonio

    In that order.
    >> Anonymous 06/22/11(Wed)20:19 No.4626083
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    >> Anonymous 06/22/11(Wed)20:19 No.4626084
    are we just posting drama whores now?
    >> Anonymous 06/22/11(Wed)20:19 No.4626088
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    >> Anonymous 06/22/11(Wed)20:20 No.4626090
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    >> Anonymous 06/22/11(Wed)20:21 No.4626097
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    >> Anonymous 06/22/11(Wed)20:21 No.4626098

    Smoker, for Dallas it can really depend.

    Every city North of Dallas and East of Denton has like a 90k a year median income. The rest of the area is pretty middle class though.
    >> Anonymous 06/22/11(Wed)20:21 No.4626099
    Too many dirty Mexicans down in San Antonio, could never live there.
    >> Anonymous 06/22/11(Wed)20:23 No.4626108
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    >> Anonymous 06/22/11(Wed)20:23 No.4626110
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    >> Anonymous 06/22/11(Wed)20:24 No.4626114
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    >> Anonymous 06/22/11(Wed)20:25 No.4626122
    Wow! They're a Texas nostalgia bomb!
    >> Anonymous 06/22/11(Wed)20:26 No.4626124
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    >> Anonymous 06/22/11(Wed)20:26 No.4626128
    why are we photodumping such old pictures? I don't think a single one is older than 2007...I recognize all of these.

    thats a bad thing isn't it?
    >> Anonymous 06/22/11(Wed)20:27 No.4626129
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    Just dumping my TX folder. Mostly older cosplays.
    >> Anonymous 06/22/11(Wed)20:28 No.4626136
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    Contribute something newer if you want.
    >> Anonymous 06/22/11(Wed)20:30 No.4626142
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    >> Anonymous 06/22/11(Wed)20:31 No.4626147
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    >> Anonymous 06/22/11(Wed)20:34 No.4626161
    Oh Ao, I miss your pretty, crazy ass.
    >> Anonymous 06/22/11(Wed)20:37 No.4626173
    Austin is hippy central in Texas. Went there to visit my brother. Hippies everywhere. A lot of panhandlers too.

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