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  • File : 1308640432.jpg-(202 KB, 968x640, dddsfdsgfdsgdfhdfh.jpg)
    202 KB Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)03:13 No.4618839  
    Can we get a dump of these?
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)03:19 No.4618854
    I'd give her alcohol
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:04 No.4618991
    or you know, you could not be a douche.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:05 No.4618994
    wtf is up with the sachie love.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:06 No.4618998
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    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:06 No.4619000
    i would buy her alcohol
    i dont give a fuck if shes a bad person
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:06 No.4619001
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    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:07 No.4619002
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    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:07 No.4619006
    spoiler alert shed fall for any half alpha acting nerd
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:08 No.4619008
         File1308643698.jpg-(243 KB, 1124x997, tenleid2 - Copy.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:09 No.4619011
         File1308643790.jpg-(54 KB, 507x497, motivationposter - Copy.jpg)
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    Following trip fag posters to be made in queue:

    >> mawree !!Ljn805VLFjR 06/21/11(Tue)04:10 No.4619013
    so much jelly in this thread
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:11 No.4619016
    I get the feeling this anon is trying too hard. It was funny at first but then it just turned into circle jerking and using it as an indirect way to make /cgl/ your personal army.
    >> Sandwich !Kd9ZSo7SyQ 06/21/11(Tue)04:12 No.4619018
    MORE these are funny and I can't sleep
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:12 No.4619022
         File1308643951.jpg-(25 KB, 336x448, MIXED.jpg)
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    Someone do yukapon lol

    I know her well but too lazy to do the shoop.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:12 No.4619023
    Agreeing with this >>4619016 anon. Tenleid made sense in the moment because she was a rude bitch.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:13 No.4619025
    Oh come on.
    >> Souviet !YbrmcBEMWk 06/21/11(Tue)04:13 No.4619026
    I come back to you accusing someone of being me in one thread and you picking up the I CAN'T SPELL THIS GIRL'S USERNAME shit too.
    There is a U.
    Use it.

    I'm pretty excited to see my poster. Kind of curious what you're going to put.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:13 No.4619027
    nobody is jelly of high school kids. sorry to burst your bubble
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:13 No.4619029
    these are just sad. someone actually took the time to make these.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:14 No.4619031
    nobody is trying hard. the posters arent meant to entertain. rather, it's the way i see it. my words are the law. take your butthurt somewhere else
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:15 No.4619032

    All it takes is someone who hates another person enough and if they have enough free time. It's summer, and a lot of impressionable 16 year old kids are on the internet.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:16 No.4619036
    no. because she isnt a trip on /cgl/

    i dont think i can make a poster of you anymore, you're too fat to fit on the screen. my computer has a small resolution and can only fit thin people
    >> God !BrODINgKJM 06/21/11(Tue)04:16 No.4619038
    Some fat ugly anon sure is projecting a lot.
    >> Souviet !YbrmcBEMWk 06/21/11(Tue)04:17 No.4619040
    All the better. I understand. There's not enough bullets to make it worth it. Fat and frumpy only goes so far.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:17 No.4619041

    >my words are law

    lol no
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:17 No.4619042
    i like summer fags. you all year around fags need new hobbies and things to do with your time instead of circle jerking all year around. faggot.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:17 No.4619043
    You sound like a 12 year old. Not even the insults but your delivery of them sounded like they were coming out the mouth of a child.
    >> Matt !o504RVa/WI 06/21/11(Tue)04:18 No.4619044
         File1308644302.jpg-(56 KB, 648x839, 406462.jpg)
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    I'm actually surprised by the fact I don't have one of these yet. I thought people hated me more then tenleid.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:18 No.4619045
    summer fags have lives outside of /cgl/. you regulars on /cgl/ dont. nasty hambeast you.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:19 No.4619048
    >fat hambeasts

    >rumors, 4.5 best, character traits that nobody can confirm

    >sucks dick for coke

    >fails to gain e-fame on /cgl/ while everyone in /cgl/ knows who it is

    Confirmed for jelly tripfag vendetta.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:19 No.4619049

    Exactly my point. It's summer. The kids are out to play.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:22 No.4619053

    Confirmed for underage faggot troll. Reported your posts
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:22 No.4619055
    My question is;

    Are any of your lives REALLY effected this much by these people? So much wasted energy on hating someone you probably don't even know.
    >> Sandwich !Kd9ZSo7SyQ 06/21/11(Tue)04:22 No.4619056
    I don't see wha the big deal is, don't most tripfags want one of tese things anyways to see what people would say about them? We're all attention whores, negative attention is still attention
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:26 No.4619063
    >sucked dick in high school
    I don't see that as a negative factor... High school kids are known for their sexual promiscuity.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:29 No.4619066
    >supposedly had sex with her dog
    Um... SUPPOSEDLY you fuckwad. That means it most likely didn't happen.

    Really? You're so confident you know how attractive people are that you're using decimals?
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:31 No.4619069
    You call that a hambeast? Are you fucking kidding me?

    You're poster is based on her eating habits? Wow... how fucking lame are you?
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:31 No.4619070
         File1308645066.jpg-(547 KB, 2020x1816, souviet - Copy.jpg)
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    Hope you like it.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:32 No.4619071
    >You call that a hambeast? Are you fucking kidding me?

    whoa whoa ... are you counter-trolling me? haha, good one!
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:32 No.4619072
    >> Souviet !YbrmcBEMWk 06/21/11(Tue)04:33 No.4619073
    I'll save that. :)

    I see you couldn't form any better insult that LOL U FAT.
    Out of material already?
    Maybe you're just tired. You've spent /all fucking day/ on here insulting people on how fat they are. One person job as it is, I'm sure you exhausted.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:33 No.4619074
    Hence why I don't see why there needs to be 500 pages about PT. Only maybe 30 people on /cgl/ have to see her at conventions, if she's so ugly, why do you keep posting her delusional ass?

    Other than her being way older than the average, she's just like every other damn weeaboo.

    I can understand TZP getting posted because they're just plain scamming people out of cash, recent dramu, shit cosplays etc, but dragging on shit that everyone by now knows about, about people that don't care about you, you don't care about them other than OMG THEY'RE SO REPULSIVE/DELUSIONAL/EVIL? Really? You're going to waste ten minutes minimum a day, 5 hours a month, 60 hours a year whining about how fat, sexually active and ugly someone you don't know is?
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:34 No.4619076
    Go play outside sweetheart. I'm sure your dollies are waiting for you.
    >> buzzkill Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 06/21/11(Tue)04:34 No.4619077

    You must have a shitty CPU. No, really..that picture is 547KB.

    Get out, you're not even funny
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:35 No.4619079
         File1308645316.jpg-(489 KB, 1816x1708, souviet - Copy.jpg)
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    Somebody called the hambeast waaah-bawwlance.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:36 No.4619080
    over 13 dicks! is that normal for teenage girls nowadays?
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 06/21/11(Tue)04:37 No.4619081

    >she still thinks her joke is funny

    in b4 racism, the income tax bracket i file in, my bitch, and the clique i claim
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:37 No.4619082
    LOL yes actually.
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 06/21/11(Tue)04:38 No.4619083

    That's pretty creepy that you keep up with what a bunch of underage kids do for fun
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:39 No.4619084
    I gotta say, I know AI, She's quite nice, very considerate, and fucking adorable. So, think what you will, whatever you say won't be diminishing what I think of her. Never once was she a dick to anyone we hung out with, nor condescending. And who cares if she engaged in some perversions, everyone has 'em.


    ITT: Jellyfag tries to dish dirt and ends up making an ass of him/herself.

    Nothing different, same shit happens daily on /cgl/
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:39 No.4619085
         File1308645558.jpg-(246 KB, 1620x864, souviet - Copy (2).jpg)
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    Are you mad, you homo-sex spic.
    >> Senor Cardgage !LxW.8Zlfig 06/21/11(Tue)04:39 No.4619086
         File1308645586.png-(35 KB, 221x589, senor 13.png)
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    I've got seven on the fort...
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:40 No.4619087
    >Sucks dicks in exchange for alcohol.

    I'm gonna need a lot more information related to this.
    Speaking of which, throwing a room party this year Luffy?
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:40 No.4619088
    Oh wow. You are just flowing with the childish insults aren't you? It's kind of cute. How are you honey?
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 06/21/11(Tue)04:40 No.4619089

    I'm just letting you do all the work for me, keep posting lol
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:41 No.4619090
         File1308645681.jpg-(55 KB, 500x332, tumblr_l0wsuvziHd1qzxzwwo1_500.jpg)
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    Group of people I was friends with when I was 13 wanted to grow up and be porn stars or Amsterdam hookers. They refused to eat lunch because it made them fat and they told everyone they were obese when they averaged at 5'5" at 110 lbs.

    Who gives a fuck if some kid sucks 13 dicks in high school unless you're related to her.
    >> Souviet !YbrmcBEMWk 06/21/11(Tue)04:41 No.4619092
    Awhh. I guess you didn't think I was fat enough to be bad.
    Just had to squish my photo there, hm?

    I also like how you used the decent photo. It's so cute how sweet you are to me!
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:42 No.4619094
    >ITT: OP B'awwws because chick will blow anyone but him.
    >> Alice !7zd3Jgwb1. 06/21/11(Tue)04:43 No.4619095
    tripfags gonna trip.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:43 No.4619096
    >in b4 racism, the income tax bracket i file in, my bitch, and the clique i claim

    I don't think so, Rodriguez. Not with your minimum wage job, plus your side income of cutting grass
    >> Senor Cardgage !LxW.8Zlfig 06/21/11(Tue)04:44 No.4619097
         File1308645868.png-(36 KB, 182x537, senor 17.png)
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    Laybe we could go inside, Bertha...
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:44 No.4619099
    Owow! You're making fun of him for being a spic! Hold on, my kidneys are bursting from laughing too hard.

    Jesus man, let it go.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:45 No.4619100
    Isn't it cute? The child thinks they can insult.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:46 No.4619101

    You really suck at samefagging Masa, just FYI.
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 06/21/11(Tue)04:46 No.4619103

    I'm sorry I didn't find you attractive but sometimes I have to say no. :l

    Standards are a wonderful and terrible thing at the same time, I apologize. I'd buy you a starbucks to tide things over, but I wouldn't want to give you the wrong impression that I'm hitting on you or anything.

    What about a handshake? I promise I'll only sneeze once before we shake.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:46 No.4619104
    I'm pretty sure I know who you are. You're one disgusting as fuck pizza face Asian.
    >> !zEBpPcJJ0w 06/21/11(Tue)04:47 No.4619105
    Not Masa, I'll put on a trip just because this thread is terribad and OP really should feel bad for it.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:48 No.4619106
    Uhh, no, sorrah bro. I'm German, nowhere near Asian.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:48 No.4619107

    It is a terrible thread, but absolutely nobody likes Masa. Stop trying to whiteknight yourself.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:48 No.4619108
    Didn't say you were?
    >> Sandwich !Kd9ZSo7SyQ 06/21/11(Tue)04:49 No.4619109
    I think masa's alright :<
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 06/21/11(Tue)04:50 No.4619112

    No no, it's okay. I don't need help. D:<

    I appreciate the sentiment but..


    What?? Okay now that's just not true. I have friends you know. :p
    >> Sandwich !Kd9ZSo7SyQ 06/21/11(Tue)04:50 No.4619113
    inb4 sandwich is masa
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:50 No.4619114
    Long, convoluted post to >>4619096 's post.

    Admit it beaner, you're 24. Still running around cons - with the same costume you bought 5 years ago.

    Working at some minimum wage job and hoping to make new friends on /cgl/

    You're one gay homo sex.
    >> !zEBpPcJJ0w 06/21/11(Tue)04:50 No.4619115
    I don't know the /cgl/ tripfags, mostly on /co/,/ck/, or a few other boards. While I don't like him, I really don't care about any of the /co/ tripfags. Seriously.

    This is just like everyone hating on PT. Seriously, who gives a fuck? Ignore her, she goes away, kinda like my tumor.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:51 No.4619116
    Same happened to Zerodomon. She's been posting one thing a month tops since everyone's ignoring her on /cgl/.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:51 No.4619117
         File1308646306.jpg-(272 KB, 1282x834, masa - Copy.jpg)
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    Nice ass.
    >> Souviet !YbrmcBEMWk 06/21/11(Tue)04:51 No.4619118
    It's okay. I never had an issue with him either. He seems alright.
    Feel kind of bad for him. The spic jokes have got to be annoying.

    also: saging. obvious why. I suggest to same out of everyone else, but I understand some people won't anyway.
    >> Zeik !ORNA9eS5a. 06/21/11(Tue)04:53 No.4619122
         File1308646427.jpg-(88 KB, 500x500, 1300942498505.jpg)
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    These were kind of fun to read, but I expected much better insults than what were posted.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:54 No.4619125

    Masa comes across as an awful spic.

    His parents illegally jumped across the barb wire fence to give him a potentially bright future but he spends his time taking naked pictures of himself and his ass for his gay homo lovers and talk on an image board full of hambeasts.

    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:54 No.4619126
    Because they were made by teens who don't know how to put together a coherent and GOOD insult.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:56 No.4619128
    You've been touched as a child haven't you? Have you been sexually abused? I'm guessing it was your gay brother or something... right?
    >> !zEBpPcJJ0w 06/21/11(Tue)04:56 No.4619129
    I'm sure your parents would have done the same for their child if they lived in a drug riddled, war tor-- Oh wait...

    Well, I'm sure you would do that for your chi-- Oh wait...

    Never mind, keep being a sad excuse for a sentient being.

    Who gives a fuck what he does with his life? If he wants to inject heroin into his sack while running down an LA street screaming about the End of Days, who gives a fuck. It isn't your life now is it? Obviously, you don't have one, otherwise you wouldn't be concerned about it. Choose someone more interesting to live vicariously through.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)04:58 No.4619132
    Funny insults are okay, but the best insults are stabbing truths that make people cry a river.

    And Masa knows deep down he's a useless spic still working a minimum wage job at 24 and NOT furthering his education.
    >> Diesel !Nyan/aNxfk 06/21/11(Tue)04:59 No.4619134
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)05:00 No.4619135
    Like most people that live in America? At least he has a job when thousands of people can't due to our fucked up economy.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)05:01 No.4619136
    And? You're on a board about cosplaying bitching about a useless spic working a minimum wage job and posting homosex pictures.The more useless of the two is fairly obvious to see, which makes your argument moot.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)05:01 No.4619137
    >Who gives a fuck what he does with his life? If he wants to inject heroin into his sack while running down an LA street screaming about the End of Days, who gives a fuck. It isn't your life now is it?

    Why do you care, that I care about Masa's life?

    The fact is, I don't care about Masa. But he's a faggot, and I can call him out on it.

    >Obviously, you don't have one, otherwise you wouldn't be concerned about it. Choose someone more interesting to live vicariously through.

    Stop projecting onto me. You live vicariously through him because you're white knighting - oh nevermind. It's Masa posting. Ha ha, you same at same fagging Masa.
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 06/21/11(Tue)05:02 No.4619138
         File1308646962.jpg-(15 KB, 320x240, 40781_454080436868_503671868_6(...).jpg)
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    >Admit it beaner, you're 24.

    Get it right, my birthday is this sunday. I'm allowed this last week fool. :D

    >Still running around cons - with the same costume you bought 5 years ago.

    And how is that any different from the fun you have? You likely go to cons too. Not my fault you don't have as much fun as I do.

    Besides, a lot of those shorts have seen a lot of interesting things and adventures you will never see or do in your lifetime. That to me makes them more important than anything you could've accomplished.

    >Working at some minimum wage job and hoping to make new friends on /cgl/

    Ain't you ever heard of no nursery rhyme song? Make new friends but keep the old.

    You're just sad because you just-got-told.

    >You're one gay homo sex.

    No. I'm pirate as fuck.
    >> Zeik !ORNA9eS5a. 06/21/11(Tue)05:03 No.4619139
    It took me six months to find a job after I was laid off from my last one. And it's a low-end Burger King one. Mind you I lived in my own apartment those six months while still in college. I got groceries like once a month in order to still afford rent, and when I moved out I got a job about two weeks later. I've never felt the same feeling of being relieved and so pissed off.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)05:03 No.4619143
    Difference between you and I - I'm not emotionally invested in. I come from a place of amusement, while you're butt hurt as fuck.

    Cry me a river, hambeast.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)05:04 No.4619145
    Jesus, this is worse then /b/. No, I'm not Masa, I'm not white knighting to protect him, I am however posting because you're an annoying prick who's further shitting up a board already rife with drama. Yeah, I'm feeding a troll, but who cares, I'm bored.

    Keep shouting "HURRR DURR SAMEFAG," I'm going to keep posting and calling you a retard.
    >> jack spicer !WOKSXBTrMs 06/21/11(Tue)05:05 No.4619146
    aww /cgl/ is just as catty as i remember.
    good to know.
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 06/21/11(Tue)05:06 No.4619147

    On behalf of my behind being blasted to overblown proportions on /cgl/, I apologize.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)05:06 No.4619148
         File1308647182.jpg-(7 KB, 200x150, 1303247920642.jpg)
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    >this thread

    it had potential, what the hell happened?
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 06/21/11(Tue)05:08 No.4619152

    I did. I didn't like this thread, so I figured I'd trash it.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)05:08 No.4619153
    >trying to make /cgl/ a better place

    ah, the last hambeast refuge on the Internet.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)05:10 No.4619156
    not at all. you're just a boring spic
    >> jack spicer !WOKSXBTrMs 06/21/11(Tue)05:10 No.4619157
    aww don't apologize to ME.
    i wouldn't have it any other way. other people, i'm not so sure.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)05:12 No.4619158
    >I'm going to continually go NO U way past the point of psychosis

    Okay, so you're not a samefag. There just happens to be two people on this board with the same debilitating form of board-destroying cancer as Masa. Really.
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 06/21/11(Tue)05:12 No.4619159
         File1308647545.jpg-(48 KB, 350x333, 1306906228059.jpg)
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    There, I've exhausted most of your insults. :0
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)05:15 No.4619160
         File1308647748.jpg-(113 KB, 631x475, EVERYDAY.jpg)
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    not yet.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)05:17 No.4619162
    Why so angry and hurt? It's sad to see your fellow whale kinsmen get insulted, no? Sit down and tell me how you feel.
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 06/21/11(Tue)05:17 No.4619164

    You should post your face. :0
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)05:17 No.4619165
    You try too hard Masa. You'll never be cool as, say, Mika.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)05:21 No.4619171
         File1308648099.jpg-(43 KB, 269x269, 1293383519102.jpg)
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    >trolling at 5 in the morning

    living the dream
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)05:23 No.4619174
    >time zone
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)05:23 No.4619175
    I'm sure you small retarded brain knows that not everyone lives in the same time-zone.

    Or... I could be wrong. You may be that stupid.
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 06/21/11(Tue)05:27 No.4619184

    Nah. Trying too hard would be to solicit a sage-bomb and to show what 20 people saging a thread at once looks like.

    I mean, I could do it but that would be trying WAY too hard for just a thread like this, lol.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)05:30 No.4619192
    I think I like her, there is really nothing bad about her. So she eats, you are acting like if nobody has ever stuffed their face with food.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)05:40 No.4619204
    shut your cake hole.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)05:50 No.4619221
         File1308649835.jpg-(14 KB, 363x321, hehehe.jpg)
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    going by the timezone on 4chan obviously
    >> Siliconmage !!Q0aKb/ubkoa 06/21/11(Tue)06:41 No.4619270
    I'd just like to pop in here to say I also think Masa's alright, and this thread is stupid.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)06:58 No.4619290
         File1308653939.jpg-(45 KB, 480x720, ore no tshirt.jpg)
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    Oh snap, do you have the full version of that?
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)07:09 No.4619302
    I guess I'm the only anon who likes Masa?
    >> B-O-Y !lXtoUMADsc 06/21/11(Tue)07:17 No.4619306
    i think hes a pretty cool guy
    >> JillyBean !!JNfSKsTtdUC 06/21/11(Tue)07:27 No.4619317
         File1308655661.jpg-(37 KB, 450x300, hedgehogs tiny.jpg)
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    he's entertaining. Not a bad guy, dont see what the big deal is. Ive got more issues with the anons who clutter up the board with threads like these than I do with any trip.

    And this made me lol at 4:23 in the morning.
    Here anon, have a hedgehog. They always make me feel better. In fact, theres enough butthurt in here for two hedgehogs.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)07:32 No.4619320
    Of course, anywhere else this would fail. Only on /cgl/ does something like this become masterful trolling.

    No respect.
    >> Smoker !VUmDTeLJOM 06/21/11(Tue)09:25 No.4619413
    This whole thread is hilarious. Though I think someone's compensating. Hard.
    >> BLUE !./././VTrk 06/21/11(Tue)09:26 No.4619416
         File1308662816.png-(337 KB, 496x715, 1308624951880.png)
    337 KB
    stay classy /cuggle/
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)10:22 No.4619518
    >brown nosing

    typical of b-o-y
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)10:30 No.4619531
    Masa, you are the only fucking tripfag I want to get the fuck out of /cgl/ and never come back. You insert yourself into every thread you can manage in the most invasive way possible, knowing that the thread, no matter how legit it is (this thread not being an example...), is going to derail and turn into a giant bitchfest about you and get ruined.

    I fucking hate your complete disregard for anyone or any topic.
    >> Lilitu !!xrorRTcEU5x 06/21/11(Tue)10:35 No.4619541
    Come on guys I am fatter then souviet!
    >> Honeybadger !URnewFAgBI 06/21/11(Tue)10:42 No.4619559
    >> Corky-Lunn !CorkyloMxc 06/21/11(Tue)10:47 No.4619569
         File1308667675.png-(26 KB, 500x500, 1270361492058.png)
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    The thing that offends me most in this is the jpeg quality of that photo. Did you make this in MS Paint?
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)10:50 No.4619576
    Stay classy /cgl/.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)10:51 No.4619579
         File1308667879.jpg-(217 KB, 1000x1000, 1307226662528.jpg)
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    I have a present for you all.
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 06/21/11(Tue)13:00 No.4619851

    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)13:10 No.4619880
    ah hahahaha, these are so funny
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)13:16 No.4619900
    Times like this make me glad that only 2 people on this board would even know who I was if I started namefagging...
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)15:55 No.4620471
    Post a picture then you fucking cunt
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)15:56 No.4620477
    Quiet fattie, I had to re-size your picture because you're too fat and went over 2000 pixels
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)15:58 No.4620486
    The real faggots aren't anon who post and go on their merry way but attention seeking tripfags that get butt hurt everyone they got called out on.

    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)16:04 No.4620512
    more pixs of sachie!!!
    >> Corky-Lunn !CorkyloMxc 06/21/11(Tue)16:06 No.4620518
         File1308686776.gif-(226 KB, 320x240, 5060 - animated_gif cat chii c(...).gif)
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    still doesn't explain the jpeg compression artifacts. Sure you can resize the photo, but why fuck with the image?

    Poor form.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)16:08 No.4620529
    Hey fattie, if you can re-size your cosplay picture to 222x568 px I'll happily update the poster for you.
    >> Corky-Lunn !CorkyloMxc 06/21/11(Tue)16:09 No.4620539
         File1308686996.jpg-(75 KB, 500x631, chunli_cutthatout.jpg)
    75 KB
    why make the poster so big then? Sacrifice size over image quality any day, don't you know the photoshop rules?
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)16:10 No.4620542
    Those aren't jpeg artifacts, it's from resizing the image disproportionately without anti-aliasing

    Aren't you a web or graphic designer or some shit? I'd expect you to know this
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)16:11 No.4620550
    It doesn't matter how you re-size, or what quality it is, you'll still be one, fat, blubbering land whale.

    Lose some weight fattie, I could've sworn you were like 100 lbs before you balloon like a typical American pig.
    >> Corky-Lunn !CorkyloMxc 06/21/11(Tue)16:12 No.4620554
         File1308687147.jpg-(16 KB, 206x273, 8C_Scott.jpg)
    16 KB

    lol, ok. Do your homework anon.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)16:16 No.4620569
    You're a Canadian that sells shitty n-DS at during Anime North.

    And STOP jabbing your fat fingers on the keyboard, you'll putting too much stress on the keys.
    >> Corky-Lunn !CorkyloMxc 06/21/11(Tue)16:19 No.4620578
    I'm getting tired of you pulling off the fatty card. Do you have anything else interesting to say?

    >You're a Canadian that sells shitty n-DS at during Anime North.

    lol, k. Made enough to pay for 2 cons. Flight, hotel, and tickets included.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)16:22 No.4620588
         File1308687759.jpg-(122 KB, 900x602, Mononoke_by_Corky_Lunn.jpg)
    122 KB
    Ladies and gents, this is Corky-lunn in 2009.

    Within a span of 2.5 years, she has balloon to a behemoth of epic proportions.

    Corky-lunn, did you eat twinkies every morning?
    >> Crimson !BroTusMC/E 06/21/11(Tue)16:26 No.4620604
         File1308688003.jpg-(95 KB, 720x480, Sengoku Basara group01.jpg)
    95 KB
    This thread is dumb and I am bored so I am gonna dump cosplay.
    >> Crimson !BroTusMC/E 06/21/11(Tue)16:27 No.4620606
         File1308688060.jpg-(96 KB, 720x513, Sengoku Basara group02.jpg)
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    >> Crimson !BroTusMC/E 06/21/11(Tue)16:28 No.4620610
         File1308688102.jpg-(199 KB, 470x700, LOLLLL.jpg)
    199 KB
    >> Corky-Lunn !CorkyloMxc 06/21/11(Tue)16:28 No.4620611
    sup Crimson.

    Speaking of Sengoku Basara, there were several Date cosplays at AN that I wanted to mention to you. Jesse didn't get a chance to take photos of them though.
    >> Crimson !BroTusMC/E 06/21/11(Tue)16:28 No.4620613
         File1308688137.jpg-(386 KB, 600x400, 1177731662261.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)16:29 No.4620615
         File1308688153.jpg-(174 KB, 744x720, wat.jpg)
    174 KB
    That is alot of jelly roll donuts
    >> Crimson !BroTusMC/E 06/21/11(Tue)16:30 No.4620619
         File1308688234.jpg-(137 KB, 609x640, 1767735.jpg)
    137 KB
    There were several at Fanime too. And I loved them all~ Hopefully I shall see the ones you mentioned at... uhh... shit. I'm not going to FanExpo. Otakuthon? Atomic Lollipop? lol
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)16:31 No.4620622
    poor corky D:

    what happened to her?! maybe its a medical condition?!
    >> Crimson !BroTusMC/E 06/21/11(Tue)16:31 No.4620623
         File1308688288.jpg-(60 KB, 397x640, 829892.jpg)
    60 KB
    some featherweight gundam~
    >> Crimson !BroTusMC/E 06/21/11(Tue)16:32 No.4620626
         File1308688327.jpg-(42 KB, 222x309, 1177872946843.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)16:32 No.4620628
    The medical condition of eating too much donuts!
    >> Corky-Lunn !CorkyloMxc 06/21/11(Tue)16:32 No.4620629
    I'm thinking we might see them at AL.
    >> Crimson !BroTusMC/E 06/21/11(Tue)16:33 No.4620631
         File1308688389.jpg-(56 KB, 450x359, 1180511621321.jpg)
    56 KB
    A actual mash up between these would make me happy.
    >> Crimson !BroTusMC/E 06/21/11(Tue)16:34 No.4620635
         File1308688440.jpg-(101 KB, 600x400, 2145774.jpg)
    101 KB
    But who would wear such a complicated costume to a carnival/rave?
    >> Crimson !BroTusMC/E 06/21/11(Tue)16:34 No.4620637
         File1308688483.jpg-(36 KB, 410x500, 1189724782651.jpg)
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    >> Crimson !BroTusMC/E 06/21/11(Tue)16:35 No.4620639
         File1308688518.jpg-(106 KB, 640x427, 1190832627436.jpg)
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    Motherfucking Okami.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)16:35 No.4620643
    Oh hey look its Kumoricon 2008
    >> Crimson !BroTusMC/E 06/21/11(Tue)16:36 No.4620645
         File1308688573.jpg-(192 KB, 426x568, 1209592001342.jpg)
    192 KB
    What condoms WOULD P. Hiddy use?
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)16:37 No.4620647
    Crimson you're keeping this thread alive, noooooo
    >> Crimson !BroTusMC/E 06/21/11(Tue)16:37 No.4620648
         File1308688639.jpg-(270 KB, 484x640, 1189995178376.jpg)
    270 KB
    Is it? I just saw this pic and was like AWESOME so I saved it. I've never even been to kumoricon.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)16:38 No.4620656
    geez i d fuck the 2009 version.
    >> Crimson !BroTusMC/E 06/21/11(Tue)16:39 No.4620661
         File1308688797.jpg-(2.94 MB, 2304x3072, 1212233792466.jpg)
    2.94 MB
    ok, I'll stop. I just wanted to clear some drama out. I figure if I post 100 more pictures it'll autosage~ haaa

    But if it starts again, I mean the pics are more interesting than the hate.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)16:40 No.4620662
    Yeah, That Captain Falcon is a bad ass.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)16:40 No.4620664
    actually, good point. keep dumpin
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)16:52 No.4620705
    All was well until I got to the shoes. D:
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)16:54 No.4620715
    Go away, fattie. Shoooooo~
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)16:55 No.4620716
    who is she and was it 12 dicks at the same time?
    >> Crimson !BroTusMC/E 06/21/11(Tue)16:55 No.4620720
    Yeah I saved them in part because the shoes made me lol
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)17:02 No.4620734
    Cianna is fat lol
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)17:12 No.4620759
    Sachie my girlfriend's best friend, looked at me through her dark-lined eyes, "Loosen up, patsy." You would think the silly little bitch could read minds or something.

    "Loosen up? We are on our way to a sex club, Alice." Her eyes brightened at the phrase. Sex club. Christ, almighty. "Edward, it's going to be fun. Stop being such a fucking tight ass." Alice wove her fingers through her boyfriend Jasper's hair, pulling him into a kiss. Tongue and everything.

    "Sachie can you wait till we get there?" I hissed. "Hey, bro! This is pre-game, buddy." Emmett, my best friend and partner-in-crime, threw back a shot of Patron as his blonde bombshell girlfriend, Rosalie straddled his lap. "That's my monkey man," Rosalie cooed as she shoved her tongue down his throat.

    Jasper pulled away from Alice's attacking mouth, "Ok, look, any of you fucking blow this, I'll take your asses with me. This is my boy. And this is his place of business. I mean, you know the phrase, what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas? Well, heavily consider that phrase and its meaning.

    What happens at Club Erotica stays at Club Erotica. And Edward, I've known you since we were kids. If you fuck this up by getting all tight-ass on us, I'll hunt you down and kill you myself. Understood? We all agreed this was supposed to be fun." Jasper held up his fist for the bump. I bumped my fist to his, smiling. Emmett did the same.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)17:27 No.4620799
    that is the worst fan fic ever, anon
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)17:41 No.4620820
    Don't know anything about her, but she doesn't look that fat to me.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/11(Tue)17:47 No.4620832
    Alright, I hate white knighting and all that bullshit as much as the next guy, and I don't know who these girls are so I have nothing to say about their character, BUT

    holy shit you guys, they are not fat. The one cosplaying girl finn is chubby, but not fat, and neither of them are hambeasts. It's a little bit ridiculous to call someone fat because you don't like them, don't you think?

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