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  • File : 1308122184.jpg-(64 KB, 720x540, 1281327910122.jpg)
    64 KB Anonymous 06/15/11(Wed)03:16 No.4595787  
    >> Anonymous 06/15/11(Wed)03:21 No.4595802
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    >mfw i actually like that snow.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/11(Wed)03:25 No.4595811
    oh heyy it's these guys posted once again. i like that snow too
    >> Anonymous 06/15/11(Wed)03:26 No.4595822
    That squall is sexy
    >> Pickled Pepper !8lBEjKOhI2 06/15/11(Wed)03:28 No.4595833
    It kinda goes to show you that if you are attractive and in relatively good shape you can be just about whoever.
    >> Iris 06/15/11(Wed)03:31 No.4595843
    These guys. They're cool and all

    But why another thread? Not sure if vendetta...
    >> Anonymous 06/15/11(Wed)03:35 No.4595857
    I know these guys. they never take cosplay serious and make fun of the fact that they are black and end up on 4chan alot
    >> Anonymous 06/15/11(Wed)03:37 No.4595859

    they also been known to have self-post conversations with themselves on 4chan to try to boost their popularity and praise themselves
    >> Iris 06/15/11(Wed)03:41 No.4595868
    What? Really? You have screens?
    >> Anonymous 06/15/11(Wed)03:42 No.4595871
    hatuhs gonna hate
    >> Anonymous 06/15/11(Wed)03:46 No.4595889
    Are you butthurt people actually like these guys?
    >> Anonymous 06/15/11(Wed)03:48 No.4595895
    I know them and their asian girlfriends (Squall and Snow's). I wonder if the girls are sick of them already? The guys put themselves on the pedestal too much.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/11(Wed)03:51 No.4595902
    >I wonder if the girls are sick of them already?
    If they don't want them I'll take em.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/11(Wed)03:54 No.4595913
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    dat Squall
    >> Anonymous 06/15/11(Wed)03:54 No.4595915
    they talk about pussy too much. but they are black so i shouldnt be surprised
    >> Anonymous 06/15/11(Wed)03:57 No.4595925
    So much anger towards these guys and why mention their girlfriends? If they weren't asian I bet they would never come up
    >> Anonymous 06/15/11(Wed)03:58 No.4595928
    They REALLY do put themselves on the pedestal too much. Honestly they act like attention whores. Their Facebook status' says it all too.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/11(Wed)04:00 No.4595932
    If you guys know them and creep their facebooks oh so well then how come no one says a single word to them on there? Neither of those guys use 4chan at all so there's no way of them ever knowing about this.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/11(Wed)04:02 No.4595940
    this thread looks like a bunch of kids mad that there's immensely popular and well known black people that get a ton of girls that all us weeaboos and otaku wish we could even talk to
    >> Anonymous 06/15/11(Wed)04:06 No.4595948
    I actually know them quite well irl.
    They're a bunch of douchebags if you ask me, with cheating tendencies it seems.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/11(Wed)04:06 No.4595949
    I know for fact the one Jordan cheats on his girlfriend because all he talks about is going to the club and all his "johns"
    >> Anonymous 06/15/11(Wed)04:07 No.4595951
    This. Are you all afraid your going to get shot or something? If you have a problem with them, tell them so they can fix it. Or at least tell their girlfriends and they can handle it. People can't grow if they don't know what they're doing wrong.
    >> God !BrODINgKJM 06/15/11(Wed)04:09 No.4595956
    Lol beta as fuck nerds taking their vendetta here
    >> Anonymous 06/15/11(Wed)04:09 No.4595957
    Kev Masa here...
    ...yall niggas gay
    >> Anonymous 06/15/11(Wed)04:13 No.4595965
    I don't believe anybody in this thread knows them like I do irl. First of all their girlfriends wouldn't have been with them for so long if they had remote cheating tendencies. Secondly if they weren't black and just so happened to be freakishly popular at cons this thread wouldn't exist. They also wouldn't be beloved and looked up to by so many people and all the people that creep their pages can clearly see the praise they get from people the world over. Last but not least good lord can you guys at least use a different picture, maybe one with those asian girlfriends 4chan wishes they could get if they stopped being anons and idk, went outside.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/11(Wed)04:14 No.4595968
    I hang around them once in a blue moon, but enough to see what they're really like. They clearly don't want to change though, because they OBVIOUSLY don't see that talking about "pussy" 24/7, neglecting their gfs, and having the ego about the size of the fucking planet, is wrong.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/11(Wed)04:16 No.4595971
    Niggers! Goddamn jigaboo monkey stompin big lip chicken hoardin white women stealin bastaaads.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/11(Wed)04:16 No.4595972

    You went too far into whiteknighting territory for me to take you seriously anymore duderino.

    When people start talking about others being praised "the world over" they rapidly move into a bullshit territory.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/11(Wed)04:16 No.4595973
    All 3 of their facebook accounts are wide open with 0 privacy how come nobody takes this trash talk directly to them? Oh wait I know why! Because everyone in this thread is on the outside looking at their lives wishing they saw half as many women in a year as they do in a day.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/11(Wed)04:19 No.4595979
    Whoever says they hang out with them probably doesn't even know their full names much less a thing about them
    >> Anonymous 06/15/11(Wed)04:21 No.4595986
    nobody ever says a word about the guy in the middle. everyone seems to be way obsessed with jordan and jordan. i blame it on the hot asian girlfriends and the hordes of cosplay hotties
    >> Iris 06/15/11(Wed)04:22 No.4595989
    All of you guys are ridiculous

    If you guys hate them or some shit, don't interact with them or have them as a friend. Easy.
    Either that or just say it to their face. Whatever stuff you guys say about having a big ego or popularity will make it even more so with this thread and your comments.

    This is one of the most obvious brown-nosing post I have ever seen. You're feeding into their ego whether they have a huge one or not. Perhaps you're doing this to get in good and get some girls they are friends with but this is over the top suck up.
    They're just con-goers who have their own fun.
    Why people are making a big deal, I don't even know.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/11(Wed)04:23 No.4595995
    well i'm a female and i've had sex with both jordan's and they're both amazing this thread is stupid
    >> Anonymous 06/15/11(Wed)04:24 No.4596000
    hot cosplay friends? have you seen the one girl stephanie that the one jordan is always with? you guys act like they only know cosplay girls.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/11(Wed)04:26 No.4596006
    You know, they may come off as douchebags, cheaters, ego-hungry men, but... NAH, they are! Haha.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/11(Wed)04:26 No.4596008
    they found out about this thread and now they're making fun of it on facebook
    >> Anonymous 06/15/11(Wed)04:28 No.4596013
    is there any proof they've actually cheated or is this whole thread a pile of assumption and jealously?
    >> Anonymous 06/15/11(Wed)04:29 No.4596015

    It was rather obvious going by the comments in this thread. So much for them "never browsing 4chan".
    >> Anonymous 06/15/11(Wed)04:30 No.4596020
    Who the fuck are these people and how are they apparently relevant to all of you?
    >> Anonymous 06/15/11(Wed)04:30 No.4596022
    I had sex with them too. And I'm a male.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/11(Wed)04:31 No.4596024
    >> Anonymous 06/15/11(Wed)04:32 No.4596029
    they're black so they probably don't even know how to post on this site
    >> Anonymous 06/15/11(Wed)04:33 No.4596032
    >> Anonymous 06/15/11(Wed)04:34 No.4596034
    they talk about banging pussy every time you're with them.
    sounds to me they have cheating tendencies.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/11(Wed)04:35 No.4596039
    maybe they just get alot? alot more than everyone in this thread at least.
    >> Iris 06/15/11(Wed)04:35 No.4596040
    Like anyone can take that kinda talk seriously. If they are, let their girls deal with it
    >> Anonymous 06/15/11(Wed)04:36 No.4596041
    ...just wait for it. They'll be here any minute now.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/11(Wed)04:36 No.4596042
    >> Anonymous 06/15/11(Wed)04:38 No.4596049
    if their girlfriends haven't left them yet then they obviously get the joke. I know both jordans and they're just poking fun at all the girls that wanna have sex with them when they talk about the pussy or whatever
    >> Anonymous 06/15/11(Wed)04:44 No.4596060
    Talking about it every single day on facebook can be really repetitive and annoying. Soon enough, their girls will start to believe it.
    They are big flirts too. If I saw they way they act towards their girlfriends, I'd have doubts.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/11(Wed)04:44 No.4596061

    They're already here anon, they're already here.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/11(Wed)04:45 No.4596062
    these guys are the most egotistical pieces of inbred coon nigger shit ive ever seen in my life
    and tiffany fuck dat bitch
    >> Anonymous 06/15/11(Wed)04:49 No.4596067
    After seeing Miss Davis... Aimi who?
    >> Anonymous 06/15/11(Wed)04:49 No.4596068
    all this and not one happy birthday to the little jordan?
    >> Anonymous 06/15/11(Wed)04:51 No.4596072
    miss davis like deanna davis? that chick is ok but seriously what does she have to do with the jordans? their spiky haired otaku friend is fucking her not them.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/11(Wed)04:51 No.4596073
    I went to school with that bitchhhhh
    >> Anonymous 06/15/11(Wed)04:54 No.4596076
    what's wrong with aimi? besides her whiny hentai noises that sounds like she's begging to get raped, and the fact that shes as dumb as a copy machine
    >> Anonymous 06/15/11(Wed)04:54 No.4596078
    >> Anonymous 06/15/11(Wed)04:55 No.4596079
    the tall jordan thinks he's actually squall and walks around like it. at least the other jordan makes fun of himself and laughs at the irony of him cosplaying all the time. still both ugly niggers that don't deserve the goddesses they fuck every night
    >> Anonymous 06/15/11(Wed)04:56 No.4596083
    miss davis is fat
    >> Anonymous 06/15/11(Wed)04:56 No.4596084
    i hope leon fucks both yalls girlfriends
    >> Anonymous 06/15/11(Wed)04:58 No.4596087
    little jordan wouldnt care he tries to get rid of aimi all the time so he can fuck all his sluts and so called "daughters". the tall one would probably cry like a bitch if tiffany left him because the only pussy he gets are otaku and man sakura.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/11(Wed)05:00 No.4596088
    yo this is draco up in this bitch
    yall need to suck my dick
    >> Anonymous 06/15/11(Wed)05:00 No.4596089
    All these posts and no one posted their face books? Come on now.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/11(Wed)05:00 No.4596090
    j.chambers's girlfriend tiffany is prettier than the other gook tbf. she doesnt have to use colored contacts every day and put on massive eye liner either
    >> Anonymous 06/15/11(Wed)05:02 No.4596091
    draco they don't even like you
    >> Anonymous 06/15/11(Wed)05:02 No.4596092
    yo tiff would get it
    >> Anonymous 06/15/11(Wed)05:02 No.4596093
    >> Anonymous 06/15/11(Wed)05:03 No.4596096
    can't we all just admit we're hating because if we tried to do what they do it just wouldn't work and we'd be like that draco guy
    >> Anonymous 06/15/11(Wed)05:05 No.4596100
    jordan young is hot as balls outside of cosplay thanks for the page link *creeps*
    >> Anonymous 06/15/11(Wed)05:05 No.4596101
    who the fuck is deanna delozier
    she should get banged by draco
    >> Anonymous 06/15/11(Wed)05:05 No.4596102
    >> Anonymous 06/15/11(Wed)05:06 No.4596105
    chambers has bad ass hair for a nigger
    >> Anonymous 06/15/11(Wed)05:07 No.4596107
    threesome with their girlfriends now please
    >> Anonymous 06/15/11(Wed)05:07 No.4596108
    yo how can black people get so much asian pussy
    >> Anonymous 06/15/11(Wed)05:07 No.4596109
    i love how nobody gives a fuck about the guy in the middle at all, he needs an asian girlfriend to get noticed since being black and cosplaying isn't enough anymore
    >> Anonymous 06/15/11(Wed)05:10 No.4596112
    didnt that snow have some really dumb fake scripted fight at a con once? yeah...cuz that guy actually gets laid
    >> Anonymous 06/15/11(Wed)05:10 No.4596113
    Thanks anon. Jordan young's nails look diseased in some of those pics.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/11(Wed)05:10 No.4596115
    aimi has a fat ass for an asian girl no wonder she's with a nigger, white people can't hit that right
    >> Anonymous 06/15/11(Wed)05:10 No.4596116
    tiffany is tight as hell, aimi's mouth is pretty damn nice too, had sex with them both
    >> Anonymous 06/15/11(Wed)05:12 No.4596120

    idk going by his facebook he gets laid's right in his fucking pictures and shit...just sayin. and i thought that guido faggot laid out the fight?
    >> Anonymous 06/15/11(Wed)05:13 No.4596124
    their girlfriends are just a cover up you know they fuck each other
    >> Anonymous 06/15/11(Wed)05:16 No.4596126
    why the fuck does the one jordan have a wife? and you guys say he isn't a cheater when he has it displayed right on his facebook page.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/11(Wed)05:16 No.4596127
    man that snow smashed that stephanie sanborn bitch once
    this thread is over
    yall niggas can go the fuck home
    >> Anonymous 06/15/11(Wed)05:16 No.4596128
    Draco wishes he had their girlfriends
    >> Anonymous 06/15/11(Wed)05:18 No.4596131
    at least those jordan kids get pussy, this thread should be about draco and lonely nigger in the middle
    >> Anonymous 06/15/11(Wed)05:20 No.4596136
    isn't that Tiffany ho kinky as hell in bed? Heard it from one of the jordans... damn thats hot tho
    >> Anonymous 06/15/11(Wed)05:21 No.4596139
    Aimi = phenomenal head.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/11(Wed)05:23 No.4596141
    jordan told me himself aimi's head is only so so
    >> Anonymous 06/15/11(Wed)05:24 No.4596147
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    Holy shit /cgl/ this thread.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/11(Wed)05:26 No.4596149
    Some anon seems to know a bit too much. Talk about hypocrisy. Will prolly be seeing you over the weekend.
    Also K.B wishes you a happu birthday, Jordan~
    >> Anonymous 06/15/11(Wed)05:39 No.4596169
    >> Anonymous 06/15/11(Wed)06:20 No.4596248
    Ahahahahaaha, this thread is MAGNIFICENT...
    >> Anonymous 06/15/11(Wed)06:28 No.4596260
    I think ya'll niggas need to hop off that Jordan (Dem Jordans') cock(s)... Like, for real...

    Lawwwwwwwwwwwwwllll, some individuals seem QUITE Jelly.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/11(Wed)07:50 No.4596355
    You anons really need to shut the fuck up. Seriously. Draco, I pretty much know that YOU posted this thread. Don't try to hide it either. You're just honestly mad because the jordans put themselves out there. It doesn't matter if they talk about pussy and goin to the club all the time. That's just them. That's what they do. They're good looking men so they flaunt it with pride. You're just mad because you try to be as popular as them, but people just think that you're a 40 year old lookin' creep.

    And on the topic of their girlfriends. Just because they talk big does NOT mean that they cheat on their girlfriends. They're GOOD boyfriends to their girlfriends. Why talk shit about something you don't even know about? Don't be mad because they have 2 hot girlfriends and you can't even get any in real life.

    To the anon who "posted" this, get the fuck off the internet. You just pretty much fail at life, okie dokie? If you really knew the jordans, this shit just makes them stronger. Haters fuel them, just like any good person. Why don't you go up to them YOURSELF and tell them what you think about them. THIS. All of THIS. Completely unnecessary. If you don't have the guts, then just stay at home and fuck your mommy.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/11(Wed)07:59 No.4596361
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    The door is over there white knighting newfag.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/11(Wed)08:20 No.4596375
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    Take this stuff to /soc/ and now post something relevant to cosplay!
    >> Anonymous 06/15/11(Wed)08:29 No.4596389
    >> Anonymous 06/15/11(Wed)08:39 No.4596398

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