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  • File : 1308019899.png-(8 KB, 357x319, faget pc.png)
    8 KB Anonymous 06/13/11(Mon)22:51 No.4590216  
    Femanons who are also shut-ins, I've always wondered, do you spend your days the same ways as me? Do you preoccupy yourself with cosplay related activities all the time or is it more about nerding over your favourite things?
    >> Ore !zN9y4Gpli6 06/13/11(Mon)23:06 No.4590315
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    >mfw nahhhhhhhhhh it's summer.

    I spend most of my time with cosplay stuff, video games, and just being a geek.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/11(Tue)07:52 No.4591799
    Video games are always fun.
    >> Pickled Pepper !8lBEjKOhI2 06/14/11(Tue)09:05 No.4591889
    I do a lot of research into interesting topics, but a lot of my day is spent cleaning house, playing vidya, and watching Anime.
    I do have commissions and costumes I work on but its not an everyday occurance; and besides I usually wrap everything up and cook for the significant otter around 6.
    Mon. Wed. and Fri. are my gym/yoga days, I usually spend a good 3 hours, 1 at yoga and 2 dinking around the gym and getting home.
    Being a shut in sucks, really hoping to change that soon, moving 21hr drive away from your old friends sucks big time. I am starting to get a little bored, getting drunk with your neighbors can only entertain for so many weekends.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/11(Tue)09:13 No.4591901
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    I'm a shut-in, I don't cosplay.
    I spend around 6-8 hours on here or reading/watching stuff I've downloaded, and spend the rest of the day running outside, drawing or playing videogames.

    And recently I joined a community band that'll take up a little summer time until I have to register for more college classes. But that's it.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/11(Tue)10:56 No.4592097
    I live at college with 300 people, I spend my day studying, gaming, intarwebzing, gymming, sewing AND socialising/going out a few nights a week.

    Unless you actually enjoy being a shut in more, I don't understand the difficulties people have in being both social AND a nerd...
    >> Anonymous 06/14/11(Tue)10:58 No.4592106
    Sometimes I work on cosplays, most of the time now I just kinda play LA Noire or Penumbra.

    >>Not really a shut in persay, just sick lately
    >> Anonymous 06/14/11(Tue)11:22 No.4592187
    If a person is a shut-in and doesn't enjoy it they're probably doing it wrong.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/11(Tue)11:40 No.4592239
    I just play video games or read or browse internet. I don't cosplay but I lurk here a lot.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/11(Tue)11:50 No.4592262
    Here is a day in the life:
    > Wake up between 2 and 4 pm
    > Have a cigarette, drink some tea, eat some food
    > browse 4chan
    >get hungry
    > Watch lesbian porn
    > Feel Guilty, Delete browser history
    > Watch some cartoons online
    > Continue to watch Lesbian porn
    > Eat some food, smoke some more
    > Draw shitty doodles whilst watching csi and eating food
    > fall asleep on the sofa in the early morning

    I left out quite a lot of lesbian porn there. It's usually 3-4 times a day.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/11(Tue)11:53 No.4592267

    Also no matter how "asocial" a woman claims to be she will still have friends and a social network. No woman will ever be as ronery as you. Sorry, sport.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/11(Tue)12:55 No.4592480
    >work on cosplays
    >watch anime at the same time when possible

    why not both?
    >> Anonymous 06/14/11(Tue)12:56 No.4592481
    >wake up around noon
    >stare at my fishbowls
    >they need food
    >if I'm too lazy to get myself food, they don't get food either
    >stare at the ceiling for a while
    >turn on the computer
    >Lolita websites
    >dying of hunger
    >Lolita websites
    >finally get food and feed fish
    >mom calls and guilt trips me about wasting my life
    >lie about being constructive
    >lolita websites

    pretty much that in a circle
    >> Anonymous 06/14/11(Tue)12:59 No.4592493
    1. Wake up
    2. Internet
    3. Internet
    4. Internet
    5. Eat occasionally
    6. Sometimes drink
    7. Internet
    8. Internet
    9. Internet
    10. Go to bed
    I like being a shut-in. I've tried the whole friends thing and it's just a waste of time. Though now I play D&D once a week, that's fun.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/11(Tue)13:02 No.4592498
    I really resent this. Most of my life I didn't have any friends. Literally, zero. Sometimes people would pretend to be my friend so they could pull a prank on me or make fun of me behind my back for awhile. Does that count?
    >> Anonymous 06/14/11(Tue)13:02 No.4592503
    I hope every single one of you ITT are just trolling.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/11(Tue)13:11 No.4592523
    I'm chronically on again off again shut in. When I am out of a job it's the worst since I've graduated college already. It's actually really fucked up... Sometimes I refresh the page over and over and just scroll down without reading, refresh, scroll, refresh. I have things I could be doing but something in my brain keeps telling me to do it.

    Lately I have been feeling very guilty about my lack of productivity though.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/11(Tue)13:11 No.4592526
    >wake up at 8
    >eat and dick around on computer
    >swim team at 10
    >get back around 12 and clean house
    >occasionally work on cosplay stuff
    >sleep at 1

    rinse and repeat
    >> Anonymous 06/14/11(Tue)13:12 No.4592527
    >Wake up
    >Video Games
    >Draw stuff up for cosplays
    >Animu/Mango tiem
    >Video games
    >Watch random stuff on youtube
    >Eat at some point
    >Go for a run

    I wish I could add work in there somewhere, but no job. Hopefully soon.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/11(Tue)13:15 No.4592536
    Hmm. I'm home-bound while I wait to ship off to my job in Japan (visas, how I hate you). My life:

    >wake up at about 10:30
    >breakfast, shower, dress
    >check websites (lolita, email, facebook)
    >work on my writing/read comics/go to library
    >walk dogs
    >make dinner, eat with parents, sometimes do dishes
    >watch TV/movie/go on computer some more
    >walk dogs with mother
    >write/read until bed at 1 - 2am.

    Sometimes I mix it up and go to the grocery store, and I've got a play that I'm going to be assistant director for coming up, but otherwise I don't do a lot. There's cleaning in there too, when it needs to get done. Yesterday I cleaned my room. But yeah, not super exciting, especially now that I'm not going crazy trying to find a job and get to interviews.
    >> OP 06/14/11(Tue)15:48 No.4592980
    Well, reading these posts, it seems like the same routine for me. I didn't say I had no friends, I just rarely go out with them. I mean, my daily routine at the moment is:
    >Turn off my alarm at 11 am
    >Fall back to sleep wake up anywhere between 12 and 1:30
    >Get up, get dressed, eat "breakfast"
    >Back upstairs to my room to either browse the internet on my laptop or play some video games
    >Dinner at 5:30
    >Continue with my game/whatever I was reading on the internet
    >Realise I need to get off this shit and either go for a walk out to the woods or, if the weather is shit, play drums for a while
    >9 o' clock, go downstairs for a while to update my iPod/podcasts
    >back onto the internet for a while
    >back onto the internet
    >talk to a friend on MSN while browsing
    >feeling tired at 3 am, say goodbye, look up some porn
    >go to sleep as the birds start to sing

    Shit's boring right now. Red Dead Redemption is quite fucking fun though.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/11(Tue)15:55 No.4592999
    >Wake up at 7am
    >Freshen up, go downstairs
    >Eat a bowl of cereal
    >Getting late, gotta get to the bus
    >Friends drive by
    >Which seat can I take?
    >> Anonymous 06/14/11(Tue)15:57 No.4593008
    >Wake up at 9
    >Dress up my PoupeeGirl
    >Spend 4-5 hours on /a/, RuneScape, WoW
    >Pretend to be a male on all three of those
    >Spend a few hours on PoupeeGirl making my little virtual me look cute
    >Shop for pretty clothes online
    >Trade and battle with people on /vp/ for a few hours. Always like to save a few shinies for those little kids.
    >Drawing and /cgl/ throughout the day

    I like /cgl/. Lolita clothes is pretty, cosplay is cool. Most everyone here is a girl and unlike PoupeeGirl, I can actually interact with other girls on here. No one ever believes that I'm actually a girl on /a/ or any MMORPG. Thanks...I love you all.
    >> Masao !AXKingCkkQ 06/14/11(Tue)15:58 No.4593010
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    >> Anonymous 06/14/11(Tue)16:03 No.4593027
    >Wake up around 2-4 PM
    >Maybe shower
    >Eat lunch
    >Browse interwebs
    >Video Games
    >If I finish a doll for a customer, pack it up along with anything I sold on eBay
    >Watch anime during the last two activities
    >Go to bed around 5-7 AM
    >Rinse and repeat
    >> Anonymous 06/14/11(Tue)16:15 No.4593076
    Unintentional shut-in. Most of my friends work at the local theme park, and that place works everyone more than is legal. When they're not at work, they're sleeping.

    My shut-in schedule:
    -Video games
    -Watch animu
    -Lesbian porn
    -DP porn
    -Shop online for animu figures, pretty wigs and nail art supplies
    -Admire my animu figure collection
    -Re-pose my figmas and Nendoroids
    -Dress up in my nice clothes (includes doing my hair and makeup)
    -Take off makeup, put PJs back on
    -Do some crazy deco shit on my nails (easy way to kill 3+ hours) while watching anime
    -Play with the hamster if it's awake

    There's not much "working on cosplay". I only go to one con a year, so I only make three costumes a year.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/11(Tue)16:23 No.4593100
    Fellow /a/ member here.
    You female "shut-ins" do know that you can just flash your vagina on the street and you'll get an instant social life.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/11(Tue)16:26 No.4593110
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    Any femanons in uk midlands?
    >> Anonymous 06/14/11(Tue)16:27 No.4593113
    >Wake up and seven
    >Crawl out of basement
    >Sit in sewing/computer cave and do those things
    >Get up occasionally for food and bathroom
    >Eat dinner with family
    >Back to Internet
    >Watch Twilight Zone with parents at about 11PM until whenever
    >> Anonymous 06/14/11(Tue)16:28 No.4593119
    You could do similar things if you flash your dick, you know. Besides, many shut-ins are fat. And fat women don't live, they merely exist.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/11(Tue)16:30 No.4593123
    Sex with some stranger off the street =/= social life. You are a shut-in because you don't understand this.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/11(Tue)16:30 No.4593124
    Flashing your dick just makes everyone think you're pissed or a douche, prolly right too
    >> Anonymous 06/14/11(Tue)16:34 No.4593132
    Meh, flashing your vag makes people think you're either a raging femanazi or a disease-riddled slut. But sluts, douches, and angry folk are all social archetypes, so yeah.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/11(Tue)16:36 No.4593141
    Girls never flash their vag around here! Where have all the raging femanazi's gotten to!! If you're on /cgl/ you're sorely missed :3
    >> Kiwi !Hc6EcVkstI 06/14/11(Tue)16:38 No.4593151
    >wake up and run out of house with toast in mouth
    >go to work, come back to home
    >look at miku watch OH ITS FAGGOT TIEM
    >On laptop; Torrent new anime releases, plan cosplay, shop for lolita, oggle over BJDs I'll never have, look for updates for animu merchandise, etc etc
    >log off comp, draw a few pages for a doujinshii
    >get distracted by reading 3 piles of manga in room
    >get back on comp and draw digital fanart;
    >bored, play a Visual novel. Finish a route, then play Touhou for a bit
    >Shower with K-on towel
    >nighttime yey; Browse fakku, gel/loli/male booru, etc
    >sleep with various handmade animu plushies & dakimakura

    wash, rinse, repeat
    >> Anonymous 06/14/11(Tue)16:38 No.4593153
    I'm fapping to this thread.
    More lonely women's daily routines please.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/11(Tue)16:40 No.4593159
    >Obvious femanon posting
    It's just going to make her seem like a funny and permissive person. Just like a dildo on the shelf will make people think a girl is kinky but independent. What will a fleshlight say?
    >> Anonymous 06/14/11(Tue)16:41 No.4593166
    I really hope you're not lying, because you'd be the perfect waifu.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/11(Tue)16:42 No.4593170
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    Buy in one of these -> perfect life!
    >> Anonymous 06/14/11(Tue)16:43 No.4593172
    >Sex with some stranger off the street =/= social life.
    Oh come on now. It's partially true in a sense that you can develop a relationship with the said stranger later on. Last time I checked, relationships are a part of having a social life.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/11(Tue)16:43 No.4593174

    wat do u look like?
    >> Anonymous 06/14/11(Tue)16:44 No.4593178
    >Wake up, open laptop.
    >Read 4chan and other websites.
    >Go for a walk to buy food.
    >Come straight home, play WoW with guild mates that live at least 8 hours away.
    >Go to sleep.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/11(Tue)16:45 No.4593181
    What if I don't want one?
    >> Anonymous 06/14/11(Tue)16:46 No.4593183
    >Wake up
    >Take quick shower
    >Go to work
    >Come home
    >Watch anime
    >Browse /cgl/
    >Watch more anime
    >Pose my figures
    >Look through the Lolita sites and books
    >Watch some hentai
    >Go to bed with my desu Len plush~~~ n__n
    >> Anonymous 06/14/11(Tue)16:47 No.4593185
    Honest and non-judgmental question, how come you are shut-ins? Do you never leave your house?
    >> Anonymous 06/14/11(Tue)16:47 No.4593187
    Flash your shut-in and you'll get an instant vagina
    >> Anonymous 06/14/11(Tue)16:48 No.4593190

    Social lives lead to drama, and I like to keep my drama on /cgl/ for convenient access.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/11(Tue)16:49 No.4593192
    Then, that means that you are waifu material to almost every single /a/non in this vile imageboard, excluding, of course, the 2D masterace anons.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/11(Tue)16:50 No.4593197
    No. you.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/11(Tue)16:51 No.4593199
    I try to leave my house at least once a day for a walk, but I don't really interact with anyone, I just need the exercise.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/11(Tue)16:51 No.4593202
    >eyes crack open
    >turn over and check fb no mater how much it hurts to look at screen
    >no notices... as usual.
    >get up pee, wash face.
    >go back to room
    >internet (4ch)
    >internet (4ch)
    >internet (fb)
    >internet (4ch)
    >internet (4ch)
    >internet (fb)
    >internet (fb)
    >internet (fb)
    >depending how bored I am I will drink and watch youtube. More like drink to watch youtube..
    >> Anonymous 06/14/11(Tue)16:51 No.4593205
    >Do you preoccupy yourself with cosplay related activities all the time?
    Pretty much this, except on some days I clean/fix up the house instead of working on cosplay. Typical day:

    >Boyfriend goes to work
    >Birds start screaming between 7-8am.
    >Wake up
    >Uncover birdcage, feed/pet/talk to birds
    >Install self on couch
    >Tea while browsing, /cgl/, LJ
    >Load anime on computer
    >Watch shows while working on cosplay
    >Eat/drink if I remember to
    >Desperately message friends to see if anyone will talk to me (no one will)
    >Work on costumes
    >Boyfriend gets home. Show boyfriend what I have worked on for him (no1curr)
    >Work on costumes until 1am
    >Install self in bed
    >Stare at ceiling because no cuddles
    >> Anonymous 06/14/11(Tue)16:53 No.4593210
    >pun intended
    >jump in time machine
    >back to the 80s
    >> Anonymous 06/14/11(Tue)16:55 No.4593220
    So are all men 3dpigs? Apart from thine boyfrundos of course.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/11(Tue)16:57 No.4593232
    So none of you have jobs or go to school?

    How do you get money?
    >> Anonymous 06/14/11(Tue)16:58 No.4593235
    I usually
    >wake up.
    >feed animals and self
    >interenets all day erry day.
    >and top off the day with getting drunk alone which always ends in shlicking then sleep.
    I'm ok with my life. Boring, yeah... but I don't see myself changing anytime soon so I'll give it a few more years before I get massively depressed at how much I fail in life and pull an hero.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/11(Tue)17:02 No.4593255
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    :( This makes me a sad panda. Hugs for you, girl, lots of hugs. <3
    >> Anonymous 06/14/11(Tue)17:04 No.4593263
    I'm bad at introductions. I'm very shy and my neutral face looks like a bitchface, so everyone I meet thinks I hate them. If we talk a second time, things usually work out but most people have such a bad first impression of me that it doesn't happen often.

    I leave the house for school and work, but I don't have much time to interact with people at school and am always in the front at work, so I can't really talk to my coworkers.

    When I'm at work, I have an excellent fake smile (it's completely identical to my real smile, so I look genuinely cheerful, not strained) and all the customers think I actually am happy to see them. Hell, I've had customers try to hire me on the spot for their businesses because they want my smile. I wish I could carry that persona outside of the workplace.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/11(Tue)17:06 No.4593272
    I (>>4593205) attend college, but no classes for the summer. I can't get a job because I live in NYC/have no job experience/speak no foreign languages/am a white female and expected to do unpaid internship crap instead of, say, restocking at Target. My mother gives me money for food, but I spend it on costume materials because eating is over-rated and gives me no satisfaction.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/11(Tue)17:07 No.4593277
    >> Anonymous 06/14/11(Tue)17:07 No.4593280
    >Wake up around 1:00 or 2:00 in the afternoon
    >Feed cat
    >Go to bathroom
    >Out of toilet paper
    >To lazy to go get more
    >Use Clorox wipe
    >Get on 4chan
    >Anime and manga
    >Fap to yaoi
    >Cook myself something to eat
    >Fap to yaoi
    >Anime and manga
    >Vidya games
    >Attempt to clean room
    >Play with cat
    >Fap to yaoi
    >Draw ideas for cosplay
    >Fap to yaoi
    >Put some Radiohead on and go to sleep
    Maybe not all in that order but that sounds about right.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/11(Tue)17:18 No.4593319
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    Male shut-in here.

    I was unaware that there'd be so many non-male shut-ins. Then again, how the fuck would I know anything about anything if I shut myself in, hurr
    >> Anonymous 06/14/11(Tue)17:20 No.4593328
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    they have a choice

    you don't. do not compare yourself to them.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/11(Tue)17:21 No.4593333
    Lovely bit of sexism
    >> Anonymous 06/14/11(Tue)17:23 No.4593342
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    reality is a sexist place

    you can pretend it isn't
    >> Anonymous 06/14/11(Tue)17:25 No.4593349
    Was a shut-in last year, went to uni but dropped out at the end of this semester so facing shut-in mode again. No job, too anxious to even order my own food at McDonald's. Basically waiting to die.

    Basically days consist of playing video games, trying to work up the courage to play multiplayer but never do because I'm too scared of playing badly and getting made fun of for it, playing MMOs alone for the same reason, watching anime, drawing, and sleeping.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/11(Tue)17:27 No.4593358
    That's silly.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/11(Tue)17:30 No.4593370
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    I'm below beta. I have problems answering a goddamn phone. I'm 21, yet to have a job, and I'm too retarded/socially retarded to manage to get myself out to get a job.

    I spent my days playing videogames. Mostly in multiplayer though. I rarely talk to more than a select few people.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/11(Tue)17:34 No.4593381

    my are not alone. I'm the same way. getting better though. forced myself to take a job where i was answering phones all day.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/11(Tue)17:35 No.4593386
    Women can't be beta.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/11(Tue)17:38 No.4593398
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    Phones are awful. I'm almost ok if I'm the one making the call and have what I want to say written down in front of me, but answering numbers I don't know and the like cause me to flail and sound like a complete freak. Yesterday they made me use the phone at Centrelink and as they were asking me for personal information my mind kept drawing blanks.

    I'm glad you're improving. It makes me happy to know this is more common a problem than I'd first thought...

    Dammit, these responses are making me tear up.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/11(Tue)17:40 No.4593408
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    >mfw you think I'm not a dude
    >> Anonymous 06/14/11(Tue)17:41 No.4593411
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    Alright shut-ins we need to break you out!!
    What do you think you could do to help it all?
    >> Anonymous 06/14/11(Tue)17:42 No.4593415
    Please get professional help. Seriously. My past situation sounds like you guys', (now diagnosed with generalized anxiety/panic disorder) and I kept putting off seeing a therapist for years just 'cause it seemed like such a hassle/I didn't want to be a bother to my family/other dumb reasons.

    A year later (plus a Paxil prescription) and I'm 300% happier, have a pretty social-interaction-heavy job, and am actually doing okay in school. You can do it.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/11(Tue)17:43 No.4593419
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    >posting as anonymous on a board full of vagina
    >expect to be referred to as your actual gender
    >> Anonymous 06/14/11(Tue)17:44 No.4593422
    I was going to start therapy. Then my husband lost his job...
    >> Anonymous 06/14/11(Tue)17:44 No.4593424
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    A .45 ACP bullet could help them.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/11(Tue)17:46 No.4593426
    I was gonna pay my child support, but then I got high...
    >> Anonymous 06/14/11(Tue)17:46 No.4593428
    >OP: Femanons who are also shut-ins, I've always wondered, do you ....

    Also, alpha females? That thought scares me.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/11(Tue)17:46 No.4593429
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    Clear out carlton

    Shut-ins have you tried forcing a bit of a run? Always helps me feel great. Sweat-fest but great.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/11(Tue)17:47 No.4593432
    I know trolls everywhere, but the point isn't that "you can just do x and not be a shut-in anymore!" The point is that they CAN'T do x no matter how easy it is. If shut-ins didn't have psychological problems making them shut-ins then none of them would be shut-ins.
    Just like it's "so easy" to answer a phone or "so easy" to strike up a conversation. For shut-ins, those things are NOT easy. They're damn near impossible. It's like saying "it's SO EASY to just pick up a fork and feed yourself!" to a paraplegic.
    >ITT: "I'm a REAL shut-in unlike all those posers!!!1"
    shut-in elitism, nice one. you guys have sunk to a brand new low.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/11(Tue)17:47 No.4593433
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    I'm a shut in :'(
    I worry about my GI tract issues and allergies and asthma so I don't go out. Especially now when it's hot. And allergy season.
    Hoping to go out more when I move into a nicer area.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/11(Tue)17:47 No.4593434
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    >if I'm the one making the call and have what I want to say written down in front of me, but answering numbers I don't know and the like cause me to flail and sound like a complete freak.
    >mfw this describes me perfectly

    >> Anonymous 06/14/11(Tue)17:49 No.4593443
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    >>ITT: "I'm a REAL shut-in unlike all those posers!!!1"
    >shut-in elitism, nice one. you guys have sunk to a brand new low.
    What? Where?
    >> Anonymous 06/14/11(Tue)17:49 No.4593445
    I used to be more of a shut in. when I was in high school and for my first 2 years or so of college, all I did was go to class, come home, go on the internet. and then by some fucking fluke I decided to meet a guy via OK Cupid that I'd been talking to off and on for a few months and we hit it off really well and then through him I met my best, best friends in the world and learned to be less afraid and more outgoing and he just turned my world upside down in the best possible way.

    of course I had to go along with it too so I had a hand in it, but I would have never been able to do so without his encouragement.

    but most days I do still chill out on my own on 4chan. except occasionally now a friend will IM me or someone will come over and it's really quite nice.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/11(Tue)17:50 No.4593446
    >>4593349 here.
    I was diagnosed with social anxiety last year, and depression in January. I'm on anti-depressants and was going to a therapist until March when he had a heart attack and needed surgery. I know I've got to find another therapist (he's back at work now but I'm scared to go back in case I end up contributing to another heart attack. Which is stupid because he was overweight and had to deal with other people before his first one, so it might not have been my fault to start with but... anxiety doesn't work logically.)
    >> Anonymous 06/14/11(Tue)17:51 No.4593453
    Of course you can, the hikkirism would have to be pretty bad to be at that stage, I have faith that most posters here could at the very least get out of the door without any major worries.

    If not, please mail someone!
    >> Anonymous 06/14/11(Tue)17:51 No.4593455
         File1308088313.jpg-(88 KB, 1280x720, Cronasadface.jpg)
    88 KB
    But there are people outside!
    >> Anonymous 06/14/11(Tue)17:57 No.4593468
    Now that it's summer...
    >Wake up around noon.
    >Grab iPhone (which is always next to me).
    >Check email, check fb, check egl/getoffegl/cgl.
    >Continue browsing other shit until I have to get up and pee.
    >Get a glass of water.
    >Settle down in front of a real computer.
    >Read more cgl if there was something interesting that I saw on the phone.
    >Maybe chat with friends, maybe browse some more.
    >Get bored.
    >Play video games.
    >Maybe get bored.
    >Look at my own picture on fb.
    >Get critical of how I look, get depressed.
    >Maybe get some food.
    >Pull up porn.
    >Finish and clean up.
    >Some more browsing.
    >Go to work.
    >Don't have anything to do until at work 10pm, so more browsing.
    >Text my waifu.
    >Actually work.
    >Get off work around midnight.
    >Go home, shower, pass out.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/11(Tue)17:57 No.4593469
    I can see where you're coming from, but really there are people who come in with way crazier shit: you wouldn't be a problem. Plus I'm sure your therapist himself would want you to continue therapy.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/11(Tue)17:57 No.4593470
    Run at night with your eyes closed
    >> M♥♥- !herODr.moo 06/14/11(Tue)17:59 No.4593475
         File1308088775.png-(586 KB, 800x637, loliinbed.png)
    586 KB
    >wake up at 7 am to the sound of my mother yelling at the dogs
    >go back to sleep til 2 pm
    >either A. talk to mom about how hopeless the world is is
    >or B. turn on computer and read almost anything
    >occasionally watch anime
    >possibly get mail on facebook inquiring to whether or not I have sex with either chickens or teddy bears and ignore it
    >occasionally browse 4chan
    >oh shit forgot my meds again quickly take them
    >cuddle my dogs for 5 seconds before they start fighting
    >realize I haven't eaten anything today so I whine a bit before just going to bed anyway
    >kiss my cow plush on the head and think about talking to people till I go to sleep

    My schedule used to be filled with more cosplay and school but I am moving and already having to sell off my stuff so making more would be silly
    >> Anonymous 06/14/11(Tue)18:00 No.4593480
    I'm actually really worried about you lot now.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/11(Tue)18:01 No.4593485
         File1308088914.jpg-(45 KB, 600x593, f_OST2Coverm_7ac55c0.jpg)
    45 KB
    It's feeling awfully welcome to the n.h.k. in here.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/11(Tue)18:02 No.4593488
         File1308088978.gif-(1.38 MB, 300x169, fuckthis.gif)
    1.38 MB
    >know I need to get myself the fuck out of here, but just.. can't
    >don't go to therapist because I loathe the idea of paying to sit down and talk to someone, plus, the goddamn awkwardness of it all

    Fuck it all.

    Carlton gives the best advice.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/11(Tue)18:05 No.4593497
    >wake up, grap a quick bite and feed the cat
    >commute to work and sleep at the same time
    >commute home, takes longer than commute to work in the morning, read Tom Clancy's book
    >watch news, browse 4chan, listen to music
    >play vidya
    >cook dinner, eat dinner, clean dinner, feed cat
    >vidya or net
    >read a book

    rinse repeat and rage
    >> Anonymous 06/14/11(Tue)18:05 No.4593500

    ditto, this might actually explain a lot of the behavior here.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/11(Tue)18:06 No.4593505
         File1308089219.jpg-(119 KB, 630x462, scrubs4.jpg)
    119 KB
    >mfw I come here to watch other people dress up as fictional characters, dreaming of having the courage to do it myself, to be someone else, get away from this shit, but I lock myself inside instead
    >mfw I come here, but don't even cosplay, and probably never will
    >> Monoclancer !.EmqUW5J46 06/14/11(Tue)18:08 No.4593511
         File1308089280.jpg-(249 KB, 1600x1200, Sea Gel.jpg)
    249 KB
    >Be guy with a job, friends, and a girlfriend
    >Used to practically never leave the house
    >Once read how it is mostly men who become hikkikomori.
    >Now all the girls are shut-ins. Everybody is shut-ins. Nobody is outside anymore.

    I seriously hope you don't put this in your fridge, sea gel.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/11(Tue)18:08 No.4593514
    >wake up
    >go on laptop for hours
    >play games
    >cycle starts over

    I'll be going to college in a few months so hopefully I'll be more outgoing and make friends.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/11(Tue)18:09 No.4593515
         File1308089354.jpg-(60 KB, 480x640, 2429486.jpg)
    60 KB
    >Search for welcome to the nhk cosplay
    >Only find this
    >> Souviet !YbrmcBEMWk 06/14/11(Tue)18:09 No.4593517
    This thread makes me feel significantly better about my activities.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/11(Tue)18:10 No.4593521
         File1308089416.jpg-(70 KB, 301x450, ohfuck.jpg)
    70 KB
    >eat before waking up
    >> Anonymous 06/14/11(Tue)18:12 No.4593528
    >wake up between noon and 4pm
    >/v/ /po/ /cgl/ /ck/ then egl comm sales
    >stop WoW bots, put up auctions, resume bots
    >/v/ /po/ /cgl/ /ck/ then egl comm sales
    >Xbox til game crashes or I get stuck/bored
    >/v/ /po/ /cgl/ /ck/ then egl comm sales
    >Local con forum
    >/ck/ for dinner idea
    >make dinner, eat
    > after midnight
    >/v/ /po/ /cgl/ /ck/ then egl comm sales
    >pass out at some point

    Though lately i've been working on cosplay a lot more since I had to send out my Xbox's hard drive. Dem nerds need to send me a new one already!
    >> Anonymous 06/14/11(Tue)18:12 No.4593532
         File1308089564.jpg-(89 KB, 640x465, 2842524.jpg)
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    I think this photo made my day.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/11(Tue)18:13 No.4593534
    >wake up at noon
    >browse 4chan
    >make a salad
    >eat salad while watching scrubs
    >vidya games
    >visit my horse
    >hang out with boyfriend
    >repeat vidya games, animu, and drawing
    >sleep @ 4am

    18 year old in the prime of my life, woo~
    >> Anonymous 06/14/11(Tue)18:14 No.4593537
    It's a therapist, you are expected to sound awkward and/or crazy. Payment is another issue, but still. I BELIEVE IN YOU.

    YOU TOO. If I knew you I'd show up at your house with cake and/or booze and give you a pep talk or general talk-about-feelings-time, because that's how I roll.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/11(Tue)18:17 No.4593551
         File1308089826.jpg-(11 KB, 256x256, goddamnit.jpg)
    11 KB
    >mfw both your replies are to me, and I've posted a lot in this thread

    As for the cake, I should cut down on weight-stuff. I say should, because if I can't work up the fucking balls to go outside, how's proper exercise and diet going to work?
    >> Anonymous 06/14/11(Tue)18:19 No.4593564
         File1308089976.jpg-(58 KB, 400x553, Bucci-Much.jpg)
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    I'd double this with more booze, extra pillows.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/11(Tue)18:22 No.4593575
    >dont like parties
    >dont like socially interacting with people
    >my only friends that i have fun with are on the internet
    >> Anonymous 06/14/11(Tue)18:28 No.4593597
    Why do you like characters in anime then?
    >> Anonymous 06/14/11(Tue)18:32 No.4593615
    I admit I'm socially awkward when I'm outside of my comfort zone of people.

    If I'm around people that play vidya or anything of the sort/share the same interests then yeah. It's easy and I can get along with them.

    But I have that one friend that has...over 1k facebook friends and feels the need to introduce me to all of them irl. I appreciate the fact he's kind about it and wants me to get more friends but... I am not going to like every single person out there. Especially none I share no common interest with. I just stand there feeling awkward and just whip out my phone or psp :(

    It's a lot easier to have fun/not spend money/not deal with awkward silence when it's just myself chillin' at the computer doing...whatever.
    >> d 06/14/11(Tue)18:32 No.4593617
    This is bullshit, guys. I just moved to a new town, HOW DO I MEET NEW PEOPLE?
    >> Anonymous 06/14/11(Tue)18:36 No.4593635
    Same! Shiit, I live in chav land and all!
    >> Anonymous 06/14/11(Tue)18:38 No.4593642
         File1308091084.gif-(1.9 MB, 275x205, chickenisdealingwithit.gif)
    1.9 MB
    Finish building a bunker. It's nice to have a safe-zone.
    >> d 06/14/11(Tue)18:38 No.4593643
    where's chav land?
    >> Anonymous 06/14/11(Tue)18:38 No.4593646
    I became a master level hikkikomori after failing to get accepted into university. I developed depression and spent most of my time sleeping or browsing /jp/ (lol). Currently I'm working on getting a job and then plan to upgrade my education so I can re-apply to university next year. I currently spend most of my time playing the videya.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/11(Tue)18:40 No.4593654
    Tamworth, it's a stint north of birmingham; not terrible terrible to be fair but you've either got a pregnant girlfriend there or live in the dodgy pub up the road if you're from round there. I'm being bit harsh really.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/11(Tue)18:43 No.4593665
         File1308091435.png-(133 KB, 300x300, revealyoursecrets.png)
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    What's a hikkikomori?

    Japanese version of a shut-in?
    >> Anonymous 06/14/11(Tue)18:46 No.4593672
    yeah it's the moonrune definition of a shut-in. I lukr /jp/ too much. Comes with being a dirty basement-dwelling neet.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/11(Tue)18:47 No.4593678
    Pretty much.

    >Hikikomori (ひきこもり or 引き籠もり Hikikomori?, literally "pulling away, being confined", i.e., "acute social withdrawal") is a Japanese term to refer to the phenomenon of reclusive people who have chosen to withdraw from social life, often seeking extreme degrees of isolation and confinement because of various personal and social factors in their lives. The term hikikomori refers to both the sociological phenomenon in general as well as to people belonging to this societal group.

    >The Japanese Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare defines hikikomori as people who refuse to leave their house, and isolate themselves from society in their homes for a period exceeding six months.[1] While the degree of the phenomenon varies on an individual basis, in the most extreme cases, some people remain in isolation for years or even decades. Often hikikomori start out as school refusals, or futōkō (不登校) in Japanese (an older term is tōkōkyohi (登校拒否)). The Ministry of Health estimates that approx. 50,000 hikikomori live in Japan, about one third of which are aged 30 and older (Larimer 2000).

    So yeah, there ya go.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/11(Tue)18:48 No.4593687
         File1308091710.jpg-(47 KB, 512x288, crona150334_512x288.jpg)
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    This thread is depressing me further. I need to play F:NV. Bye.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/11(Tue)18:50 No.4593696
         File1308091810.jpg-(18 KB, 600x383, happysoldier.jpg)
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    Enjoy being buttraped by cazadores.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/11(Tue)18:57 No.4593729

    Even if you don't have FuckCazadors.esp, all you need to do is shoot the wings. Everyone knows this.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/11(Tue)19:07 No.4593772
    >> Anonymous 06/14/11(Tue)19:17 No.4593823
    My social life explodes during Thurs-Sun, but the rest of the week is preeetty boring. Mostly because I'm still trying to find a part-time job for the summer while most of my friends already have them.

    "Shut-In" Day Routine (Mon-Wed):

    >Wake up at 8-9 AM.
    >Workout, usually a strength routine.
    >Eat some cereal. Always 3/4 cup Special K Vanilla Almond with 1/4 cup soy milk.
    >Shower, hair/makeup, etc.
    >Internet cycle.
    >Maybe lunch.
    >Work on cosplay. Or stare at stuff that needs to be worked on. Meanwhile watch a TV show on my laptop while I'm "working".
    >Cook dinner. Eat it.
    >Internet cycle.
    >Workout again or walk the dog.
    >Internet cycle.
    >Go to sleep anywhere from midnight to 2 AM, rinse, repeat.

    And on Tuesdays I have yoga for two hours. I'm thinking about enrolling in a dance class too..
    >> Anonymous 06/14/11(Tue)20:14 No.4594122
    I'm a wizard
    >> Anonymous 06/14/11(Tue)20:18 No.4594140
         File1308097132.jpg-(57 KB, 350x465, wizardhurrr.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 06/14/11(Tue)21:13 No.4594294
         File1308100417.gif-(686 KB, 427x240, 1307500198092.gif)
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    wow are you me?
    >> Anonymous 06/14/11(Tue)21:14 No.4594296
    >going to work or school
    >shut in

    Nice try, you guys.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/11(Tue)21:27 No.4594366
         File1308101240.jpg-(148 KB, 493x500, hahahaohgodmyballs.jpg)
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    >this thread
    You people make me sick.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/11(Tue)22:20 No.4594585
    If only we all lived in a dorm together....
    >> Anonymous 06/14/11(Tue)22:21 No.4594590
    Then we can hug all night long.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/11(Tue)22:24 No.4594601
         File1308104674.jpg-(155 KB, 1280x720, errday.jpg)
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    it would be like this all day errday

    except significantly more fashionable?
    >> Anonymous 06/14/11(Tue)22:43 No.4594681
    Nah man/girl, it'd be video games, drawing and watching nerdtacular things all day, e'ry day. I actually do wish I had friends like you guys. I can't help but think I'm in that horrible space where most of my friends aren't nerdy enough and a handful are so nerdy they give me headaches. You guys have the same balance as myself though.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/11(Tue)22:45 No.4594692
    >wake up 9-10 am
    >livejournal, tumblr, facebook
    >Guild Wars
    >eat first meal of the day at 4 pm
    >livejounal, tumblr, facebook
    >livejounal, tumblr, facebook
    >go to bed at 9:30

    Fuck summer.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/11(Tue)22:56 No.4594738
    /cgl/ slumber party yaaayyyy
    >> Anonymous 06/14/11(Tue)23:10 No.4594802
    One of us is a man. I'll give you a hint; it's me.
    >> M♥♥- !herODr.moo 06/14/11(Tue)23:12 No.4594806
         File1308107521.jpg-(13 KB, 500x281, hikiko.jpg)
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    What about people who live at school/work?

    Personally the only thing keeping me a shut in didn't effect me at school since there was only 10 people there and they gave me coco and blankets.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/11(Tue)23:13 No.4594812
    I spend most of my days playing games, working out, watching tv, here, and touching myself while obsessing over the men of supernatural.
    >> M♥♥- !herODr.moo 06/14/11(Tue)23:13 No.4594819
    If there is a /cgl/ slumber party can I bring my cow plush and vidya games?
    >> BLUE !./././VTrk 06/14/11(Tue)23:15 No.4594822
    can i come i've never been to a slumber party befo-
    no that's okay i'll just stay home
    sounds boring anyway
    >> De-anoning for some reason Clau 06/14/11(Tue)23:22 No.4594855
    Whatever man, slumber parties can be coed.

    Yes, of course.

    DON'T BE LIKE THAT BLUEREGARD. We'll play Mario Party 2 and watch silly animus and make cupcakes.
    >> M♥♥- !herODr.moo 06/14/11(Tue)23:32 No.4594907
    You should come blue so we can woo all the ladies together.
    >> Anonymous 06/14/11(Tue)23:51 No.4594966
    It's not always by choice. It's easy to get out and have fun if you have friends and they live reasonably nearby. It's even easier if you have money to spend.

    20-somethings with no social lives are becoming more common, and most of them aren't just lazy androphobes. if you cant find a job (look at the unemployment rates) then you dont have money to go out and have fun. and chances are your friends are as broke as you are, if you still have any after high school when everyone starts moving away and going to school. it's great if you're in college, occupies your time and helps you meet people, but what if your family can't afford to send you to school? and for young people that have to support themselves, chances are they have a short resume and can't get anything better than a crappy fast food or cashier type job, and since those pay so badly, they may have to have two jobs just to pay their rent. then you don't have time for much of anything besides work and sleep.

    Yes, I know a lot of people surpass all those difficulties. I always hear a comeback for every reason I can give anyone for why my life is the way it is. I know some people work AND have a social life, or go to school AND have a part time job to fund their hobbies, and so on and so on. those people should be proud, but luck is an element too. some of us just have really really shit luck. and yes, we can change our lives, but no one said it's easy.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/11(Wed)00:27 No.4595106
    I enjoy being a shut-in. Never did like much social interaction. I have a job out of nessesity only, and the things I deal with makes me further distance myself from humanity. I have 1 friend, but I only allow socialization with him once a week and he has to come to me. For me "getting out" is my weekly shopping trip for food and manga, and I cant handle small privatly owned shops where they get to know people, only large chains so I remain unnoticed. It's rather sad but an ok life as I live it.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/11(Wed)01:23 No.4595379
         File1308115425.png-(814 KB, 2000x2000, space.png)
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    I very rarely leave my home. I have contact with only one friend, and only because he lives within walking distance of me so I don't have to put much effort in to see him. I spend most of my time on the internet. If I'm not cleaning, washing or doing something with my multiple animals I'm on 4chan. I'm on medication for depression and severe anxiety and have been since I was young, so I think that contributes. I'm also incredibly lazy. I also draw a lot and am a ponyfag, so that takes up a lot of my time.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/11(Wed)07:09 No.4596313
    So......I take it we're all virgins too?
    >> Anonymous 06/15/11(Wed)07:25 No.4596328
         File1308137115.gif-(231 KB, 217x196, 18487120506.gif)
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    I pretty much sit around and play video games all day. I sleep for about 5-7 hours during the afternoon and I'm awake the rest of the time. Most of the time is spent playing Diablo II,various PS3 games, catching up on movies/animu I have lined up. Around 6-7 AM I'll go for a bike ride or do some cardio so I don't turn into an amorphous blob.
    I help with chores and I cook for my parents often, which is cool I guess. The only times I leave the house are for bike rides or meeting my mom at work to help with groceries.
    I don't really have any friends where I live and because my sleep schedule is weird the one friend I do have is never awake/available the same time I am.
    I work on cosplay pretty often, I haven't lately as I'm still winding down from my biggest con of the year, next week after I come back from visiting some family i'm going to hunker down and get started, probably 5-6 hours of my gaming time will be gone over to cosplay.
    i love my basement tan.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/11(Wed)07:37 No.4596341

    I really enjoy your pic. Do you have any spike drawings?
    >> Anonymous 06/15/11(Wed)07:47 No.4596353
         File1308138420.png-(331 KB, 1440x900, dawnbg.png)
    331 KB
    Recently my time is filled with cosplay related activities, mostly hand-sewing my costume for otakon. I work til 5 everyday, smoke, dick around on the internet for a few hours, either papercraft or sewing before bed. Repeat.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/11(Wed)08:45 No.4596410
         File1308141916.jpg-(10 KB, 319x309, batemanlaughing.jpg)
    10 KB
    Best be necromancer..
    Goddamnit, I read "smoke dick around the internet for a few hours"

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