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06/12/11(Sun)14:59 No.4583625 File1307905183.jpg-(60 KB, 500x522, normal_f958db54c88eaee5fbdcab1(...).jpg)
 >>4583582 Alright.
I'm not a cosplayer.. So I don't have any advice there. But I can tell
from your photo that you're a bit shy and/or socially awkward. Might
want to give that a little tweak. Get some books from your local library
if you have to. (I know that sounds silly, but self-help books are
actually a fantastic resource after you filter out the BS.) I can see this from your posture and facial expression.
regards to the costume (again I'm not a cosplayer and I had to Google
this honestly), it looks like though you worked on it, that it's your
first attempt and you said to yourself "oh well, I don't want to redo
it.. It's okay I suppose.."
Don't settle for less next time! Redo it until you're proud of it!
isn't shaped like her dress in the least. It's shapeless even. I
realize you're male and may not have a tapered waist, but there's more
you could have done to it. I don't know the right terminology.. Sorry. And... dat wig. It's messy.
This all creates an overall picture of lack of self-confidence. You
can be better next time. I'm certain of it. You came here for advice,
bravely. You can definitely improve by leaps and bounds if you like
constructive criticism.
PS: Eat a healthier diet and exercise
more. You'll look and feel better. Mentally and physically. I'm not
saying go get buff. Read the sticky in /fit/ if you need to learn the
basics of health and fitness. Actually, here's the link from the sticky:
www.liamrosen.com/fitness.html |