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  • File : 1307512798.jpg-(67 KB, 300x321, putin u guys.jpg)
    67 KB message to all seagulls Anonymous 06/08/11(Wed)01:59 No.4567151  
    stop having threads about ugly cosplays and making fun of cosplayers in general

    cosplayers are happy with their cosplays, the end. you have no right to bitch any cosplayer,because everyone puts alot of efforts into either making/shopping online/stressing to have it on time cause it's a fucking commission, and having money for cosplays and cons

    now stop this shit and and let's make /cgl/ a friendlier board

    picture is probably very related
    >> Anonymous 06/08/11(Wed)02:03 No.4567180
    oh hai ore
    >> Anonymous 06/08/11(Wed)02:05 No.4567189
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    not sure if new or just very naive. We can, and will bitch and moan about everything.
    BTW not everyone puts in that effort, stress over the cost. there are cosplayers out there who mooch through life, chuck a costume on and expect everyone to be in awe of their skills. don generalise such things, it makes you seem silly.
    besides threads like this pop up every now and again by whiteknights such as yourself, this aint new.
    >> Anonymous 06/08/11(Wed)02:48 No.4567356
    Nope, they're not. However, common courtesy and not being a total asshole to people would be so shockingly new here, it's inconcievable. Also, as normal as the hate on this board is, it's not a good thing and I think the majority of people here forget that 100 % of the time.
    >> Anonymous 06/08/11(Wed)02:49 No.4567359
    >> Anonymous 06/08/11(Wed)02:54 No.4567374
    I think the weight loss/gain threads with people going on 500 calorie diets warrants more attention. God damn people, what are you doing.
    >> Anonymous 06/08/11(Wed)02:55 No.4567377
    >implying it's any better during the school year

    YOU must be a summerfag if you truly thinks that's the case.
    >> Anonymous 06/08/11(Wed)02:56 No.4567385
    Nigga, you mad because I expose you for who you are? This is a 4chan board, nobody has to be fuckin nice.
    >> Anonymous 06/08/11(Wed)02:57 No.4567389
    I don't believe in irrational hating on cosplayers, but as they say 'haters gonna hate'. if you yourself don't contribute to the hate, then thats pretty much all you can do.
    >> Anonymous 06/08/11(Wed)02:58 No.4567392
    >No body has to fucking be nice
    >Nothing you said had anything to do with what I said

    And now I understand why people bitch about summerfags
    >> Anonymous 06/08/11(Wed)03:03 No.4567403
    You're an idiot. There are people who stick solely for the drama, sure, but don't paint /cgl/ as that group of girls in HS that didn't invite you to their lunch table. There are stupid people on this board making stupid threads, but there are just as much if not more people who support each other through tutorial threads, advice threads, progress threads, and those con experience threads.

    You're not just an idiot, you're a self absorbed idiot who broadly generalizes to offer 'help' that no one wants, that no one needs. /cgl/ is already one of the more helpful boards on this site. Snippy and bitchy, yeah, but not many other boards will be as quick or as thorough to reply when a wandering newfag asks for assistance.

    This board ain't sunshine and lollipops. The people we aim for are those who are less than innocent and for an aesthetically driven board, we need to criticize ugly cosplays as much as admire good cosplays to show us what to do and what not to do.

    Now get the hell out of here.
    >> Anonymous 06/08/11(Wed)03:03 No.4567407
    Amerifag summer, perhaps. November-February is Australifag summer. On account of 4chan being an international website, summer technically never ends. Categorising a time period as worse than another time period because one part of the world is on vacation is idiotic.
    >> Anonymous 06/08/11(Wed)03:05 No.4567412
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    well said, anon
    >> Anonymous 06/08/11(Wed)03:12 No.4567434
    It's always the worst in the American summer, though.
    I think, for the most part, a good majority of visitors on 4chan are from the US.
    >> Anonymous 06/08/11(Wed)03:18 No.4567448

    The fact that you called me an idiot twice already proves my point. And on your point of "critizising": Critique? Not the amount of trash talking about people's looks and weight that's done here. If this were to happen to anyone irl on a regular basis they'd need years of therapy, if they didn't try to kill themselves because people spend that mmuch energy on making them feel worthless. Which is not to say that you're (general you) not causing exactly these problems for people anyway.
    >> God !BrODINgKJM 06/08/11(Wed)03:18 No.4567449
    Umad fatty?
    >> Dead !Mau55LLxj. 06/08/11(Wed)03:21 No.4567457
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    I will post all 300 images in my U Mad folder, so help me God...
    >> Anonymous 06/08/11(Wed)03:23 No.4567463
    If someone's weak enough that the opinion of a stranger could cause them to end their life, then they deserve to be ragged on day in and day out.
    >> Dead !Mau55LLxj. 06/08/11(Wed)03:25 No.4567467
    El Stupido.
    German for stupid/idiot
    French for idiot
    Insults in foreign languages.
    >> Anonymous 06/08/11(Wed)03:28 No.4567473
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    >> Dead !Mau55LLxj. 06/08/11(Wed)03:29 No.4567474
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    That's my job.
    >> Anonymous 06/08/11(Wed)03:29 No.4567475
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    >> Anonymous 06/08/11(Wed)03:29 No.4567476
    If I'm not mistaken, the word for idiot in German and French is "idiot".
    >> Dead !Mau55LLxj. 06/08/11(Wed)03:30 No.4567477
    Thanks for clearing that up! Now I know more ways to insult people in other languages!
    >> Anonymous 06/08/11(Wed)03:30 No.4567478
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