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  • File : 1307357171.jpg-(213 KB, 1000x665, 1296620986022.jpg)
    213 KB Anonymous 06/06/11(Mon)06:46 No.4558991  
    Alright /cgl/ You've just been diagnosed with a terminal illness. It's advanced, there's no cure.

    You can finished ONE cosplay and attend ONE more con before you die. Money/timing isn't an issue.

    Which con would it be and which cosplay? Anyone you'd talk to, confess to in the cosplay community? Anything else you need to take care of before you go?
    >> Anonymous 06/06/11(Mon)06:50 No.4558994
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    >mfw this is the exact situation I am in right now

    Fuck, and I go on the internet to forget this shit. Fuck.
    >> Anonymous 06/06/11(Mon)06:54 No.4559003
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    Tell me this is a troll.
    >> Anonymous 06/06/11(Mon)06:57 No.4559006
    Well this is off to a good start
    >> Anonymous 06/06/11(Mon)06:59 No.4559011
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    I remember some anon confessing about a terminal cancer or something...
    >> Anonymous 06/06/11(Mon)07:00 No.4559012

    I wish. Brain cancer, grade 3. It's in an inoperable spot. Yeah. I have anywhere from six months to a few years.
    >> Anonymous 06/06/11(Mon)07:01 No.4559013

    That was probably me.
    >> Anonymous 06/06/11(Mon)08:23 No.4559101
    Goddamn this thread is depressing.

    I feel bad for everyone that's posted in it.
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 06/06/11(Mon)08:28 No.4559111
    ALA. Don't care for costume. Spend all the time with the woman I love.
    >> Anonymous 06/06/11(Mon)08:56 No.4559187
    Money and Timing isn't an issue?

    Oh hell yeah!

    Cosplaying a 100 foot menos grande from bleach that fires lazers from it's mouth and blast everything in sight.

    yeah I'm ready to die now.
    >> Anonymous 06/06/11(Mon)13:13 No.4559917

    We feel for you anon, we all do...
    I hope you'll spend every day in happyness, and live like there is no tomorrow...
    Guess you've already made your bucketlist of things to do, so have fun completing that list <3
    >> ★★ 06/06/11(Mon)13:20 No.4559941
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    Otafest and most likely Blue Rose from Tiger & Bunny.

    Also: >>4558994
    Most depressing thing I've seen in awhile.
    >> Anonymous 06/06/11(Mon)13:52 No.4560032
    This is my life. 19 and my kidneys are slowly shutting down.

    Already did it. Homura. I'm hoping I have enought time to remake it and fix all the mistakes I made. But if I don't, that's okay. I had a blast.
    >> Anonymous 06/06/11(Mon)14:00 No.4560058
    Good costumes, and they actually look like the characters, but damn what is up with those greasy ass wigs?
    >> Lily !.FloraZooo 06/06/11(Mon)14:02 No.4560068
    MCM Expo and the cosplay would be Kallen Kozuki.
    >> Anonymous 06/06/11(Mon)14:13 No.4560095
    you cant get kidney transplant? are you in line?
    or it's not possible?

    It's such a waste for someone so young to die for something like this when it could be cured with compatible kidney from living or dead donor.
    >> Anonymous 06/06/11(Mon)14:23 No.4560123
    I'm in line with many others, all who deserve to live. If one did, I'd be esastic. But it hasn't happened, and I'm being realistic about my odds.
    >> fuumuu !0dzsGKEjhk 06/06/11(Mon)14:28 No.4560144
    i'd guilt trip my family into letting me dress my 6 year old sister up like yotsuba. I could then die happily.

    the only person who would really suffer from me dying is my best friend, i'd make sure all of my important things went to her
    >> fuumuu !0dzsGKEjhk 06/06/11(Mon)14:33 No.4560154
    whats your blood type? I have two healthy kidneys, im on the donor register but i don't want to live without seeing the difference i'd make.
    >> fuumuu !0dzsGKEjhk 06/06/11(Mon)14:39 No.4560174
    just checked my birth certificate, i'm o negative.
    >> Anonymous 06/06/11(Mon)14:54 No.4560221
    Oh man, I'm seriously touched. Like no words. You have the ability to save a lot of lives through giving blood alone, O- is the universal donor. I'm either O- or O+.

    Still, surgery is a lot to put yourself through. I already had my gallbladder removed, and it takes a lot more out of you then you realize. It's understandable to do that for a loved one, but you'd be putting yourself through a lot for a stranger.

    There is one more thing that we're (the doctor) is going to try, and hopefully if it works, I won't need a transplant. If it does, I'll make a mention somewhere here that I'm okay. Wish me luck.
    >> fuumuu !0dzsGKEjhk 06/06/11(Mon)15:01 No.4560239
    Email in email field,

    honestly, i have very few family and even my close friends would forget about me if anything went wrong, which is pretty unlikely. It would hurt a lot and take lots of recovery, but as is childbirth!

    I'd be honored to give you my kidney, although i just realised that i turn 18 in two months, that could be problematic considering my parents would not give consent.
    >> Anonymous 06/06/11(Mon)16:34 No.4560560

    Guys I almost cried. That's how touching this is. Kidney-anon, I'm really rooting for you, okay? I wish I could do more.
    >> Anonymous 06/06/11(Mon)16:38 No.4560576
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    you are a lovely person.

    I really hope things work out for you, Kidney-chan. <3
    >> Anonymous 06/06/11(Mon)16:40 No.4560586
    I would finish my Iron-Man costume or just have someone make it for me. I don't think anything could make me feel stronger ;_; And I'm a girl, so it would be nice to grow an extra 4 inches for it. I would just wear it in public and hi-five a bunch of kids, fuck cons.
    >> Anonymous 06/06/11(Mon)16:47 No.4560611
    Well, I've saved your e-mail, just in case. No matter what, I'll let you know what happens.

    And everyone else, thanks. It means a lot.
    >> Anonymous 06/06/11(Mon)16:49 No.4560622
    FINALLY finish Gaspard from .hack

    Go to Fanime since it's during my birthday (always wanted to be at a con on my birthday, what better way to party?) and I've never gotten to see California or any of my cgl friends out there. Second choice is SDCC.

    There isn't anyone I want to confess to; I'm already with the only person I like/love. Not even anyone I want to talk to that I already don't talk to. As far as conventions and cosplay go, there's nothing else to take care of. After all, it's just a con.
    >> Kuroniji 06/06/11(Mon)16:56 No.4560645
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    Make my Aperture Laboratories Cake Baker cake more perfect than it already is and then go to E3.
    Seriously I would cry tears of joy.
    >> Page !PageMe/drI 06/06/11(Mon)17:03 No.4560665
    If i had the same blood type i would offer my kidneys also.
    This is freaking sad, and no one deserves to die at that age.

    keep on making that perfect Homura.
    >> Anonymous 06/06/11(Mon)17:35 No.4560762
    Don't despair! You will turn into a witch!
    >> Michael !wCO6pmHSUQ 06/07/11(Tue)01:04 No.4562622
    If I was about to die, I don't think cosplay would be the first thing on my mind.

    But if I did I would do Lacus Klein... because she is perfect.

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