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06/09/11(Thu)20:25 No.4574649 File1307665520.jpg-(154 KB, 467x700, e2ff9f51380dda9870b4b778016f7a(...).jpg)
>>4565711 >I'm making my Engraver
looks like I forgot to comment on this. Good luck to you, fellow
Engraver anon! I don't envy you out there in that summer heat. I wore
Needles to Atlanta in September, and between the heat of the day and the
heat of my body, the wax that I use with my needles was literally
*melting.* While being able to squeeze the wax out like some kind of
nasty pus was thoroughly entertaining, it meant that the needles were
extremely unstable and didn't want to stay put for more than an hour or
two without extensive touchups. Best of luck to you, friend - and if you
don't want to post the results here on /cgl/ once you've finished,
please send me a link on Coscom (username in email field); I should very
much like to see your Needlewoman when it's done =) |