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  • File : 1307141527.jpg-(53 KB, 320x480, johnny bravo wallpaper-5454355.jpg)
    53 KB Johnny Bravo !!o97AjyrsYH7 06/03/11(Fri)18:52 No.4548988  
    Hey there pretty /cgl/ mammas. Johnny Bravo has noticed that many of you have been busy looking good with all the conventions you've been attending. While you've been doing a great job posing your sexy bodies in front of the cameras, why don't you send your photos Johnny's way so I can see how good looking you are myself.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/11(Fri)18:55 No.4549001
    Johnny! <3 I love these threads and really want to post but.. I don't have any acceptable cosplay pictures of me and would feel silly if I posted a rl picture of me.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/11(Fri)19:01 No.4549026
         File1307142118.jpg-(35 KB, 521x571, l_475d691758c9497a8adb34b1f527(...).jpg)
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    less than avarage picture, sorry Johnny I love your threads too much.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/11(Fri)19:04 No.4549045
    Cosplay from The Wonder Years. You know who.
    >> Johnny Bravo !!o97AjyrsYH7 06/03/11(Fri)19:07 No.4549054
         File1307142470.jpg-(88 KB, 554x275, Johnny-Bravo-St.-Valentines-Da(...).jpg)
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    Why love just my threads, when you can have the entire hunky ball of yarn to cuddle? Why don't we do this you sassy singing mamma. I'll knit you a nice hunky sweater and you can sing me a lullaby. Between the two of us cuddling I'm sure we can make some beautiful music together.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/11(Fri)19:08 No.4549060
    WTF is this thread about?
    >> Anonymous 06/03/11(Fri)19:10 No.4549078
         File1307142651.png-(221 KB, 1345x607, LOLING.png)
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    Ain't nothing new
    >> Anonymous 06/03/11(Fri)19:14 No.4549090
         File1307142840.jpg-(88 KB, 540x720, 40903_1511132051026_1016120416(...).jpg)
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    oh, johnny darling! I missed you in the last thread... you are so awesome!
    >> Anonymous 06/03/11(Fri)19:16 No.4549105
         File1307142993.gif-(18 KB, 500x346, tumblr_lkpjr1wpkr1qdpe1g.gif)
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    Sounds like a plan Johnny Honey~♪

    You mean that tv series from '88?
    >> Anonymous 06/03/11(Fri)19:16 No.4549106
    Oh my god, I love these so much. If I cosplayed at all, Johnny, I'd contribute.
    >> Johnny Bravo !!o97AjyrsYH7 06/03/11(Fri)19:27 No.4549171
         File1307143662.gif-(12 KB, 274x300, JohnnyBravo3.gif)
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    And I'm glad you came back to me. Looks like my little piece of heroic fluffiness has drifted back to my sights. The more I look at you the more my love meter fills up with the wild emotions you drive inside me. No need to get any braver in order to date me, I'll cover you just fine. Now, you care to equip your lips with mine so you can send me to cloud 9?
    >> Ore !zN9y4Gpli6 06/03/11(Fri)19:38 No.4549222
         File1307144307.jpg-(51 KB, 500x456, thank you thank you very much.jpg)
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    sorry I don't have an image johnny but I'll still bump your thread
    >> Anonymous 06/03/11(Fri)19:43 No.4549239
         File1307144589.jpg-(33 KB, 640x480, homura03.jpg)
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    Johnny, I know I messed up the caplet on my Homura and I'll be remaking all of it, but I can't help throwing myself at you.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/11(Fri)19:49 No.4549270
         File1307144987.jpg-(276 KB, 1000x1333, DSCN2337-copy.jpg)
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    Not a costume, sorry Johnny. But.. a fancy dress is sort of a costume isn't it?
    >> Anonymous 06/03/11(Fri)20:18 No.4549407
         File1307146686.jpg-(65 KB, 604x401, yunacosplay.jpg)
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    Ooooh Johnny, you're so manly! I have SUCH a huge crush on you~
    >> Johnny Bravo !!o97AjyrsYH7 06/03/11(Fri)20:22 No.4549424
         File1307146976.gif-(6 KB, 200x281, johnny_bravo.gif)
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    Your photo needs to be remade as well as its missing me holding on to your pretty arms. Care to form a contract with me, you won't get special powers but I can promise that the experience will be magical. Don't think too much about my offer or else you might lose your head over it.

    That is indeed a fancy dress. I especially love the little stones on it, they look like little sugar balls that mamma makes and are as pretty as my eyes. Just promise me that you won't call your dress a costumr cause costumes always look a bit silly. Your dress is shiny enough for me to see my own reflection and if there's one thing Johnny Bravo isn't, it's silly looking.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/11(Fri)20:34 No.4549464
    Johnny! ♥

    Yeah...too chicken to post a picture, haha~ but I love your threads. ♥
    >> Anonymous 06/03/11(Fri)21:10 No.4549627
    Always bump Johnny Bravo threads.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/11(Fri)22:12 No.4549821
         File1307153524.jpg-(17 KB, 331x441, 1254452349954.jpg)
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    Hail to the Bravo baby
    >> Gakupo !OLJ5tGetNA 06/03/11(Fri)22:14 No.4549824
    Oh Johnny, i'd send something your way but I usually dress as men
    >> tenleid !tRDr4b2x2Y 06/03/11(Fri)22:18 No.4549839
         File1307153913.png-(1.11 MB, 800x1200, IMG_4980.png)
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    I missed out on the last thread, so i guess i'll bite. Who can say no to Bravo.
    >> Fluttershy 06/03/11(Fri)22:21 No.4549850
         File1307154108.png-(134 KB, 500x281, tumblr_llsomhAZ6C1qgex26o1_500.png)
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    Johnny, it's good to see you again and that you're doing well.

    I don't think it's working out between your neighbor and I. I hope you don't take it personally if I...don't spend time with her anymore.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/11(Fri)22:49 No.4549940
         File1307155775.jpg-(77 KB, 601x720, 231073_2025182676050_143850183(...).jpg)
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    I love you Johnny. I was too scared to post on your last thread, but you make me smile.
    >> Tofu 06/03/11(Fri)22:54 No.4549959
         File1307156090.jpg-(444 KB, 900x1200, a4e365af23d45784471d0ac5a60ec4(...).jpg)
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    Hope you're into red chicks, Johnny <3
    >> Anonymous 06/03/11(Fri)22:57 No.4549966
    Are you willing to take construct crit from an anon? if so..

    eyebrows. eyebrows, man. shape those mofos, they're the first thing i noticed.

    for the middle bang, cut downwards with thinning sheers. and dont bring as much forward.

    i will say, though, them horns look so beautifully smooth, and your costume is very well constructed. I also like your wig color choice.
    >> LittleJelloSalad !YG.DdnIWg6 06/03/11(Fri)22:58 No.4549973
    I don't have any recent cosplay pictures...

    But I have a picture of me from my graduation if that counts?
    >> shaynii !j79tVmQJnU 06/03/11(Fri)23:01 No.4549987
    Johnny, this is me at a convention last week.
    I cosplayed you because you are my idol. ♥
    Though I couldn't really do it right, because you are just too beautiful.
    >> shaynii !j79tVmQJnU 06/03/11(Fri)23:01 No.4549993
         File1307156513.jpg-(21 KB, 225x297, babynii.jpg)
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    hnnng, forget to post the image because I was too distracted by your beautiful hair.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/11(Fri)23:20 No.4550096
    Johhny left us. how awkward.
    >> shaynii !j79tVmQJnU 06/03/11(Fri)23:21 No.4550100
         File1307157702.jpg-(29 KB, 614x345, panty.jpg)
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    It's because he's on his way over to my house.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/11(Fri)23:26 No.4550123
    Nah, his neighbor next door came acalling.

    He had to run and hide.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/11(Sat)00:28 No.4550349
         File1307161723.jpg-(30 KB, 411x407, 249446_10150189347137130_51348(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 06/04/11(Sat)00:54 No.4550451
    >> Johnny Bravo !!o97AjyrsYH7 06/04/11(Sat)03:06 No.4550998
         File1307171214.jpg-(40 KB, 445x558, Johnny_Bravo_tv_01_Tribute_to_(...).jpg)
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    Nobody can say no to the Bravo. My name is what ladies utter when they see me shirtless...that and when my mamma sees me able to prepare butter toast without setting the kitchen on fire. It's appropriate that you're wearing red as that's the color of my burning passion of love toward you. I promise that if you dig deeper, you'll find more than a pretty face. You'll see a really pretty face.

    It's going to be my number one crusade to get you to by my steady. No need to form a contract with me as your happiness and pleasure is something I will guarantee. The only time you'll be kicking and screaming is when you'll be missing me.

    Ohhh....great, it's you again. I think Pops is looking for more ingredients I mean "helpers" for his new chili sauce. Why don't you go and bother him now.

    As long as my mamma likes you and you marvel at my glories abs and face, Your name might be called Scanty but when it comes to tender loving care and love, those will be things Johnny Bravo won't skimp on. Don't worry about panties or stockings getting tangled up in your business as I'll smother you with hair gel and biceps. I want you, sexy demon girl, so transform my single life to one where you're my girlfriend.

    Did you just summon a good looking man to keep you company, cause I'm right here. My only request is that you bring The Calm to my racing heart cause I feel like I'm in a dream right now. If I had access to time magic, I'd case haste on the two of us so we can skip the dating and just be seeing each other exclusively from this day on.

    I am a hero to a lot of people and my hair is beautiful, you're a woman with fine taste. You're a bit too young to be wielding my lovely traits. While I believe that it's the man's job to look pretty and have the girls come to him, I can appreciate someone who's willing to make the first move. It means there's less walking for Johnny.
    >> Johnny Bravo !!o97AjyrsYH7 06/04/11(Sat)03:12 No.4551012
         File1307171529.jpg-(53 KB, 553x522, johnny-bravo-016.jpg)
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    Everyone knows that's not true. It's past my bedtime and if mamma catches me then that means I can't watch cartoons for an entire month.

    I'm blowing my prettiness back at you right now, winged wonder mamma. There's already a demon sister in this thread, does that make you my Guardian Angel? I got an idea, how bout the two of you rest on my strong shoulders and give me advice on how to satisfy both of you. During a date Johnny can be both naughty and nice.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/11(Sat)03:13 No.4551014
         File1307171622.jpg-(22 KB, 400x299, yui.jpg)
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    hi again johnny!
    >> Anonymous 06/04/11(Sat)04:51 No.4551139
    >> Anonymous 06/04/11(Sat)05:09 No.4551154
         File1307178541.jpg-(155 KB, 720x574, 246621_207273925975959_1168448(...).jpg)
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    H-Hi Johnny.

    You've my favorite.

    (The only good picture I have in any costume ever. )

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