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  • File : 1306984900.jpg-(64 KB, 400x302, anime-computer.jpg)
    64 KB Convention Survival Guide Kuroniji 06/01/11(Wed)23:21 No.4540240  
    Okay so recently I have acquired a pupil wanting to learn the ways of cosplay and going to conventions.

    I'm looking for Tips/Advice for cosplay/conventions to add into a small Guide I am making for her.
    Personal experience or general knowledge it can help them out greatly.
    >> Anonymous 06/01/11(Wed)23:23 No.4540249
    >Never agree to hug's and avoid those holding "Free Hug" signs
    >> Anonymous 06/01/11(Wed)23:26 No.4540259
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    Always bring a mini sewing kit or repair kit just in case of cosplay emergencies like rips, obvious missing pieces (like buttons), broken props, etc.
    >> Anonymous 06/01/11(Wed)23:55 No.4540387
    >Always bring a "medical kit" of some kind- if female, bring feminine products even if you don't expect your period, as well as things like aspirin, pepto bismol, tums, bandaids, suntan lotion, etc. Chances are if you don't need it, a friend might.

    > Bring plenty of bottled water for summer cons, and make sure you carry it with you. You can also buy the mini-packs of Crystal Light powder to turn the water into practically anything (iced tea, lemonade, etc).

    > Bring prepackaged snacks or fruit with you. I thought "bring food" was stupid advice until I went to my first con and didn't eat the entire first day because there weren't any nearby restaurants and we didn't make time to eat.

    > Do a Google Maps search for the neighborhood around where you're staying, especially if you're flying to a place far away. You never know when you might need to stop by a grocery store or drugstore for last-minute necessities. The last con we went to, even longtime regulars of the con were surprised to learn there was a large supermarket only a few blocks from the con.

    Also, sometimes it pays to know what restaurant options are nearby. The ones closest to the convention venue are packed. Sometimes you can go a little further or in another direction and eat someplace quickly and without waiting or a hassle. We found a diner that offered take-out this way, and we took our food to our room to eat, to avoid the hour long wait for a table at most of the other restaurants.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)00:05 No.4540440
    If I'm driving to a con, I bring my full sewing kit, safety pins, fabric glue, stain remover, fashion tape, duct tape, bobby pins, wig caps, etc. for my group's emergencies.

    Some enterprising booth -- maybe one of the dealer's room tables that's advertising for other other cons -- could cash out selling safety pins at a 200% markup...
    >> Iris 06/02/11(Thu)00:06 No.4540442
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    This packing list
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)00:09 No.4540457
    This one is going to sound dumb but... locate the bathrooms. Even better, locate the quiet bathrooms. There is always at least one bathroom in every convention center that will have no wait time and if you're like me, you like a little solitude when you're doing your business. If it's a large convention this can be pretty important because some of the more obvious bathrooms will have huge lines while others a few minutes walk to another part of the building will be empty.
    >> Kuroniji 06/02/11(Thu)00:09 No.4540458
    Wow this is getting printed out ASAP.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)00:11 No.4540474
    Always think it over before cosplaying an infamous series like Hetalia. You WILL get touched inappropriately by crazy, obsessed fans (unattractive pubescent girls or women children).
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)03:57 No.4541327
    At any large convention, there are panhandlers as well as scammers. Best rule of thumb, just keep your money to yourself. Plenty of people do give them money over the weekend anyhow.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)04:19 No.4541370
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    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)04:23 No.4541385
    Bring food bring food bring food and bring water bottles. My first con was in the middle of nowhere with no fast food or restaurants anywhere nearby (at least, none anywhere near my budget) and I spent that con starving and spending way more than I meant to. Since then I always bring non-perishable foods like those little tuna salad kits, instant soup/ramen, chips/crackers, etc etc etc and two of the biggest water bottles I can get from the grocery store.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)04:25 No.4541391
    And when you get to your hotel room after a long day of cosplay, take your costume off SLOWLY and CAREFULLY. Not just because it might be delicate, but because if you fling it off piece by piece as you flop onto the bed you're going to lose something, especially if you're sharing the room with other cosplayers or having a party. Put everything safely away and you won't have to spend an hour looking for a glove the next day.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)04:26 No.4541399
    >Always bring a "medical kit" of some kind- if female, bring feminine products even if you don't expect your period, as well as things like aspirin, pepto bismol, tums, bandaids, suntan lotion, etc. Chances are if you don't need it, a friend might.

    :'D I thought I was the only one who did this
    >> Biscuit 06/02/11(Thu)04:30 No.4541409
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)04:31 No.4541410
    I do it too! I also bring a mini-sewing kit, complete with clear thread--never know when you or someone else will need it! That's how I made a pretty cool friend one year, too.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)04:34 No.4541418
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    M-marry m-me, please? *holds out ring full of diamonds*
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)04:35 No.4541420
    hurr derp, I put the numbers in the wrong order. The proposal is for >>4540442
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)04:40 No.4541430
    Water, water, and more water.

    Print out a schedule before the con and pick out what you want to do and BE EARLY to get boss seating.

    Pepto Bismol, tylenol, aspirin, anti-diarrheal, and bandaids in a small bottle carried at all times.

    Make line friends.

    Pack food with you. Ramen packs can be tasty crackers if crushed lightly then tossed with about 1/4 a packet of seasoning. Cans of chicken can be opened quick in the bathroom and drained, then mixed with packets of mayo/mustard/relish and dried onions from the dollar store in line. Add crackers or toast and you have a proteiny lunch. Trail Mix with nuts and fruit and NO CANDY BITS is great--candy melts in heat like sun and the natural sugars burn longer and are better for you.

    Avoid too much sugar!

    Sleep in a bed, and at least 6 hours a night.

    Don't bring anything you can't afford to lose or break.

    Punch people in the nose, slap them across the face, or kick them in the crotch if they touch you innapropriately. Play if off as a reflex if they say it was an accident. Odds are it wasn't, but you've given them a warning.

    If someone is making you feel unsafe go to con security. It's their job. And if you get reported for punching someone in the face/slapping them/kicking them in the crotch state flat-out what had happened and that you reacted instinctively.

    You have to right to say "no" to a picture.

    Don't lend your electronics to ANYONE. They may lend them to others.

    Eat at least two meals a day. Actual meals, with carbs, veggies, and protein.

    Enjoy yourself!
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)04:46 No.4541440
    If you might buy prints or posters bring a shipping tube and immediately place them inside to prevent damage from water/food/soda and crushing.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)04:46 No.4541441
    I know this one may sound rather odd, but make sure to wear comfortable underwear. Wearing clothes that aren't weather appropriate can cause pretty bad chafing and rashes, and in general just be really unpleasant.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)04:48 No.4541445
    And shoes. I'll never understand girls walking around in club shoes all day then complaining their feet hurt before the dance ever begins. Herp derp.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)04:51 No.4541449
    Carry superglue and safety pins on your person
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)04:53 No.4541455
    Before the con go to Walgreens or your pharmacy and pick up earbud hearing protection. Raves can be too loud, man. The hearing protection lets me hear the music AND my friends.
    >> Kuroniji 06/02/11(Thu)09:08 No.4541858
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    Thanks everyone for what has been posted so far!
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)12:46 No.4542390
    Don't burry your nose in your portable gaming system all day.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)13:01 No.4542430
    Shower. Please.

    Also, do keep in mind that most conventions have websites. On those websites usually have important information such as gatherings and events. Take some initiative to join them or even help out; you don't need to volunteer the whole weekend, but being around for panels can get you to look forward in the making of the con. I know too many people who wander around cons saying that there's nothing to do or look forward to (which makes me wonder why they're there in the first place) because they're not taking the time to plan out or participate in anything.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)13:03 No.4542439
    Ugh. This. Yes anime/other pop-culture conventions involves a lot of nerds in which half are not all that socially graceful, but you're in a social environment. Deal with it accordingly or come home after the convention wondering why your friends have so many pictures of it on their fb.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)13:06 No.4542447

    If I can do it at home I don't waste time doing it at the convention. There's too much to do and see and have fun with to sit and play the same damn game I could play alone in my bedroom.

    That said, COMPETITIVE gaming can be fun and you can get a lot of new competitors and gaming friends that way.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)13:08 No.4542457
    Agreed. Even if you aren't participating in gaming competitions, do check out at least one of them, but don't stay at the arcade/gaming room too long or you'll miss out on the good stuff. Again, just plan accordingly.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)13:10 No.4542463
    Seconding at least one shower a day. If you get sweaty take two or more. Dance competition/DDR/Rave.. Shower immediately.

    This one con I'm going to has a policy that they can ask you to take a shower if you're entering a closed space like the table gaming or vidya gaming rooms and you're a sweaty, smelly bastard. They put signs up and everything.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)13:22 No.4542495

    Con-mom here. If you go to cons frequently in a year and often have a group of friends traveling with you, it's probably a good idea to invest in a rice maker. J-list sells some cute ones that are microwaveable, but you may be better off investing $30 in ones that plug in and serves more than 4 people at a time. Some hotels (I'm looking at you Hyatt @ ACen) don't have microwaves and fridges that are censored so that if you pull out a drink, it goes to your roombill (even if you didn't open it >_<). You don't need to shell $20 on a large bag of rice, just bring some pre-made stuff from the groceries and a gallon of distilled water for a few nights of actual food.

    Ah, speaking of hotels, please help the con-parent out by scoping out rooms (AND AMENITIES), as well as nearby restaurants and stores, prior the time of the con.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)13:30 No.4542515
    Ricemaker and a hotpot.

    Hotpots can heat up canned soups/pasta, boil water for premade noodle dishes, and actually be used to cook fresh pasta if you have a sieve or colapsable colander. Premade spinache tortilini is a very very good convention room meal.

    Also, never underestimate peanut butter and wheat bread.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)13:59 No.4542633
    ahhh what con is this? I feel like more cons should have this policy... I ventured into the game room at a con last year and was hit by a wave of funk from the ddr corner, ugh.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)14:04 No.4542645
    Boss. I really want to get those sandwich/tortilla makers for the near future; my friend has one and I had no idea how amazing those can be for late night snacks and lunches. Bring a cooler along, fill it with tortillas, shredded cheese, lunchmeats, and cover it with ice (and salt to keep the ice from melting quickly); save $5 from nachos at the con and stay filled.

    >never underestimate peanut butter and wheat bread.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)14:09 No.4542660
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    >salt to keep the ice from melting quickly

    >stops ice melting
    >> Bunny Mage !TvNZI.MfJE!!K5cz4Oivace 06/02/11(Thu)14:48 No.4542836
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    *If you have to stock up on foods for your room, don't just get a bunch of candies and snacks. Eating nothing but junk food makes you feel more miserable during the con. Eat real, nutritious food. You're not 6 years old anymore.
    *If you're a guy, pick up the tab at restaurants if you can afford it. It builds moxie with your friends and leaves a good impression on your internet buddies.
    *If you're a girl, learn to let guys pay for you at restaurants. You should know how by now.
    *Don't linger in your hotel room if there's "not much to do". Get out there and do stuff! The more you do at a con the more experiences you gain and the better your time will be.
    *Don't wear your con badge on your costume. Ever. Keep it with you and take it out only when needed. It looks really tacky and you worked too hard on your costume to let crap get in the way.
    *Carry a small pair of scissors to cut off those ugly zip-ties con staff wants to put on your props. Cut them off once you get out of view.
    *There is a term for friends at a con not in costume: pack mules. Have them hold your stuff so they don't get in the way of your costume and encourage them to bring things from the hotel you don't have room for. That's why they're there.
    *Keep your prescription meds in your bag, not in the bathroom. Nobody wants to know that you have ADHD or what kind of birth control you use.
    *When going out to eat, try to eat at places that are fun and different. A con is essentially a vacation and you should get the most out of the experience. Don't let friends pressure into eating at nothing but Denny's and McDonalds.
    *If you have to shit and there's other people in the hotel room, run the faucet and press a towel between your legs so people don't hear. Also clean up any shit rings in the toilet if they show. The last thing you want is a reputation as being "the shitter".
    *If you're female and want to build esteem with guys, learn to play fighting games before the con.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)14:52 No.4542853
    >*If you're a guy, pick up the tab at restaurants if you can afford it. It builds moxie with your friends and leaves a good impression on your internet buddies.
    >*If you're a girl, learn to let guys pay for you at restaurants. You should know how by now.

    This is bull. A lot of congoers are in college and strapped for cash. Pay for your own shit.

    Unless you're with one of those weeaboos with more money than sense. Milk them for all they're worth.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)15:00 No.4542899

    Derp. Sorry. Typing too fast with other things on my mind.

    On another note, femanons and most MTF crossplayers - never underestimate the power of double-sided tape.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)15:19 No.4542991
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    Your advice is terrible.

    >*If you're a guy, pick up the tab at restaurants if you can afford it. It builds moxie with your friends and leaves a good impression on your internet buddies.
    The only impression that leaves somebody with is that they can leech money from them. Pay only what you got, and make others pay what they bought.

    >*If you're a girl, learn to let guys pay for you at restaurants. You should know how by now.
    Pay your own shit.

    >*There is a term for friends at a con not in costume: pack mules. Have them hold your stuff so they don't get in the way of your costume and encourage them to bring things from the hotel you don't have room for. That's why they're there.
    Don't force the friends who came to enjoy the con to carry all your shit simply because they didn't cosplay.

    >*If you have to shit and there's other people in the hotel room, run the faucet and press a towel between your legs so people don't hear. Also clean up any shit rings in the toilet if they show. The last thing you want is a reputation as being "the shitter".
    You're acting like taking a shit isn't a normal body function. I doubt any con-goer will take the time to remember the exact person who walked out of the stall and whenever they see them they'll be like "lol that's the SHITTER. they took a SHIT in the BATHROOM."

    >*If you're female and want to build esteem with guys, learn to play fighting games before the con.
    You've got to be fucking kidding me. I don't even have to say anything about this one.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)15:22 No.4543012
    I hope that's a troll!
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)15:23 No.4543020
    He said "if you can afford it". If you're a bum with no money then you lose out.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)15:24 No.4543023
    >> Bunny Mage !TvNZI.MfJE!!K5cz4Oivace 06/02/11(Thu)15:25 No.4543032
    Despite your angry flailing, you have failed to describe how any of what I said isn't true.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)15:26 No.4543037
    Bunny, no one likes you. Thats why your fat and no one goes to cons with you.
    >> Bunny Mage !TvNZI.MfJE!!K5cz4Oivace 06/02/11(Thu)15:29 No.4543051
    I'm not fat. :(
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)15:29 No.4543054
    Ok, sorry but screw off with the leeching girls thing. I always pay for my own share unless someone owes me a favor or meal.


    To add to this to keep weight down if you're carrying stuff and trying to keep weight down bring a stove with you. Like a cheap backpacker camping stove. I have one from Canadian Tire by Brunton which folds up and packs small. So small that it fits in the GSI cup, with fuel, stove head, lighter/swedishfire steel, cleaning sponge, soap, spork, and can cram about 4 energy bars into that approx 3-4 cup container all self contained.

    If you're coming frmt he airport and out of town ask the cabbie or if with friends to map out where the grocery stores are before you reach the hotel. Stop by and pick up some food like ramen, add water rice/noodle dishes, oatmeal, energy bars, energy drinks, some fruit. Bananas are good for those that move a lot. I work for a major con and do 3 day stints walking and running constantly from 8am to 1-2am. Your legs will thank you for the bananas.

    Bring ziplock bags. Larger the better. 1gal should be std for what you should keep with you. Have at least 2 on you. THey make great ice packs over food. If you get quality dual or triple seal bags then one bag can be an ice pack or if you get the cheaper stuff use 2 bags to ensure no leakage. Grocery stores have those hot/coldthin insulated bags for like ~$3.50/small and about 5 for the large ones.

    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)15:30 No.4543057
    oh well, no one likes you still. anyways you have the same, stupid, female entitlement issues that frances tripfag had.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)15:30 No.4543058

    I always treat it like mordern camping when at the cons with my setup. I save fuel by running the cold water tap in the sink for about 2 mins to clearout anything in the pipes into my small pot then fill the sink with hot water and let the pot warm up. This saves cooking fuel as the items are preheated then.

    I pack MREs and freeze dried add water or freeze dried add water with light cooking meals with me which keep the weight down.

    I once was able to make a small veggie stew in the hotel. Break off a piece of celery, cabbage, and small carrot. THey all are charged by the /lb so you don't have to buy the whole thing.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)15:31 No.4543060
    bananas can dehydrate you though.
    >> Bunny Mage !TvNZI.MfJE!!K5cz4Oivace 06/02/11(Thu)15:32 No.4543065
    >I always pay for my own share
    You must be pretty ugly then.

    I'm not female though.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)15:37 No.4543090
    You can still have female entitlement issues you know...All it means is that you think girls have the right for blah blah blah.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)15:39 No.4543100
    >>*If you have to shit and there's other people in the hotel room, run the faucet and press a towel between your legs so people don't hear. Also clean up any shit rings in the toilet if they show. The last thing you want is a reputation as being "the shitter".
    You're acting like taking a shit isn't a normal body function. I doubt any con-goer will take the time to remember the exact person who walked out of the stall and whenever they see them they'll be like "lol that's the SHITTER. they took a SHIT in the BATHROOM."

    Typical female thinking thier shit does not stink. You should have a daily bowel movement to stay regular.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)15:45 No.4543124
    DId not know that. The cons I've been too always had water around for people to stay hydrated. If you're concerned about the water then get a water bottle with a water filter on it. Brita years ago had the water bottle with filter inside it. Brilliant design but they don't make it anymore. I vaugely recall anoyhter company that made one. Polar bottles are the shizzle!!! IIRC or google it.

    THey are insulated andi f you froze half of the bottle (horizontally frozen that is) then added liquid later it can last a good 5hrs in the sun or 10+ish hours if you're out of the sun. I own the 24oz one. The 20oz would be ideal for cons. Pack it with ice cubes then fill as you're low on water. If you're in cosplay you may want to look into a wide bag that holds water ready to keep you cool while concealed inder your cosplay (if you have a non body forming cosplay).
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)15:46 No.4543126
    don't you hate those people? I just don't understand why any girl would think that once their little "feminism" thing got going that they still get to keep all those nifty little social quirks... like not getting hit back for instance.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)15:48 No.4543134
    Yes, good idea. For some reason bananas dehydrate you alot I think because of the manganese in them, but also give you energy because of vitamins, so they're great if you stay hydrated as well.
    >> G !!0KLJYlknxts 06/02/11(Thu)15:50 No.4543144
    Here's a big one for me.

    Rarely let the phrase "We'll do it later" come out of your mouth as most times later never happens. Cons are busy places and its very easy to let plans slip by especially if its with a new person you've just met. If you see something you really want or a cosplayer you want photos of take initiative and get them ASAP before your forget. Of course you can defer plans like dinner gatherings or other dates for a later time if you have means of contacting each other besides randomly bumping into one another in the hallway.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)15:50 No.4543149
    I do infact hate those kinds of people. I'm not a feminist, they're too self serving. I just think people should be treated the same, and as they wanted.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)15:51 No.4543152
    Ok I may get some flack on this one as with my friends RL. IMHO I don't care if you're fe/male. If you're attacking me -with- a weapon I don't care if you're female I'm going to respond to that attack in defence even it if means punching you in the face or smashing your into the window (did that before to a girl that charged with a broken glass cup). To me you're an enemy and enemies are race/genderless.
    >> Bunny Mage !TvNZI.MfJE!!K5cz4Oivace 06/02/11(Thu)15:52 No.4543155
    So you don't want me to pay for your meal at the con? :O
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)15:56 No.4543167
    Nope. I only let my boyfriend that. And even if he does, I pay for both our meals the next time. I've had people trying to by me all of my life and it's annoying as all hell.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)15:57 No.4543172
    Femanon here. THANK YOU SO MUCH!
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)15:59 No.4543184
    It should be obiovios but if not...I am a guy saying this. Some of my friends would totally disagree with hitting a girl and I'd hate to be at htier funeral if they died because of that.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)16:04 No.4543215
    BTW those numbers are tested by me. The 5hr was in 24C (28C humidex) and the other was likely ~19-20C indoor temps. The ice was still something like 1/4 left in there at the 10hr mark. My testings are done on a 100km bike ride for the heat side of things. The other was at the con.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)16:04 No.4543218
    In terms of cosplaying, practice your poses in front of a mirror before exposing yourself.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)16:06 No.4543223

    Sounds perfectly reasonable. Equal rights, equal fights.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)16:09 No.4543232
    Any cop would do the same fucking thing.
    >> Bunny Mage !TvNZI.MfJE!!K5cz4Oivace 06/02/11(Thu)16:20 No.4543292
    Sorry, but your boyfriend isn't invited. He'll have to wait outside.
    >> BatsuSai !50F7GPuDeM 06/02/11(Thu)16:21 No.4543294
    If there are guests you want to see/get autographs from- Plan it ahead of time. Make sure you know when signing sessions will be and be there early. Some guests have short lines, others have lines you'll wait in for an hour or more.

    On that note- DON'T BRING 8 THINGS TO SIGN! Remember other people are waiting just like you. 2 things should be enough. Tell your friends who want stuff to wait in line too, or tough shit.

    More guest stuff- Don't act like one of those squealing idiots when you run into someone. It makes you look immature and then no one wants to deal with you. Just you know, have normal conversation.

    If you are going with friends- Make sure that you are clear on what you want to do together. Nothing spurns stupid, pointless arguments like "OMG you went to this panel and you didn't bring me! You IGNORED ME..."Blah blah.

    If you are over 21, don't supply alcohol to minors. It's illegal and it's annoying to watch kids who can't hold their drinks run around like idiots.

    If rooming with others- keep your things tidy. Even if they don't, keeping your things nice will help out. People will notice who is and is not keeping clean.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)16:27 No.4543314
    badges should be tied to you or your bag and placed inside a pocket.

    It's annoying to take them on and off throughout the day for pictures when they're around your neck, and the badge can fall off the lanyard clip if they are left to hang free.

    Also, adding, purchase water bottles and protein-based snacks (I usually carry around clifbars and lightly salted almonds) to carry around. You don't want to get dehydrated while walking around, and the protein in the snacks will give you longer lasting energy for your system than, say, candy or ramen would.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)16:38 No.4543371
    Also, if you are driving your own car- make sure you have a jack, gas can, spare tire, jumper cables, tire iron, and extra oil in your car.
    It really sucks when something (like your tire gets slashed, run out of fuel, car won't start) happens to your car and you don't have the tools needed to fix it.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)16:38 No.4543372
    Like those 8gm or I think 24gm protien powerbars
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)16:43 No.4543399
    Those could work, but are typically pretty expensive (near where I live it's approximately 4 dollars a bar singly, and 3 dollars a bar in bulk. No thanks. I'll go with my 5 dollar huge ass jar of almonds.)
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)16:58 No.4543512
    Oyu have to be aware of the sales. Go on redflagdeals and some survival sites. I paid about $3 max (canadian taxes in) a bar for my most expensive bar and normally I buy them in group buy local bulk so it's about $2/bar. Cheaper then 10rds of 639gr. .50cal in once-fired brass at $3.99 that I buy.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)17:00 No.4543536
    Or you could actually eat nutritious food and not spend all your money on fucking chocolate bars.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)17:10 No.4543594
    No time dude.. I'm always everywhere at the con covering stuff so I eat what I carry on body. Sometimes I'm able to buy out some surplus goods off some friends and people and use that at the con.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)17:34 No.4543714
    powerbars are used as a protein supplement for running or working out. It's not meant to be a replacement for actual food or nutrition.

    You're essentially just eating candy in place of food.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)17:51 No.4543775
    bring a couple changes of clothes (2-3 full changes and something to sleep in), deodorant, toothbrush, razor, mouthwash, febreeze, and any other thing a regular human being would use in the morning in the bathroom. STAY FRESH AND CLEAN. tell em andre

    bring your phone and a charger, know who has the room key and how to find them. Set a time and place to meet for lunch. Get a con map/schedule and work out what you want to go see/do and when you're going to sleep (you have to sleep a little bit or else you will die when you go back to the real world)

    Talk to people, make friends. pocky helps. be nice, dont break shit, pick up after yourself.

    Dont spend all your money in the dealer room on the first day, and never pick something up and buy it on first sight. sometimes you can haggle prices down, sometimes you'll see another booth with the smae thing you want for cheaper, or something else you want more.

    If you knwo theres gonna be a line, arrive early. or have someone save you a spot.

    more as i think about it
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)17:54 No.4543782
    What con is she going to? I'm an Animu Expo con Veteran, I have much wisdom to give on the subject.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)17:55 No.4543790
    Colossalcon? yeah? YEAH
    >> SamtheGuy !!RGo3r6wYmea 06/02/11(Thu)18:18 No.4543865

    >Dont spend all your money in the dealer room on the first day, and never pick something up and buy it on first sight. sometimes you can haggle prices down, sometimes you'll see another booth with the smae thing you want for cheaper, or something else you want more.

    Fucking this

    My wallet suffered so badly my first few cons because I bought shit the moment I saw them and never thought to haggle.

    Don't be stupid with haggling, take a thing that costs say 100 bucks and try to bring it down to 92 or 91.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)18:43 No.4543981

    There's nothing wrong with asking for a deal or discounts, as you do it more you'll learn what words/mannerisms/speech patterns are most effective. most of the time you can swing 10%.

    I think one of the better deals i got at a con was a set of 3 eva figs. i went by the booth a few times (i circle the dealer room 3-4 times before actually buying anything) and started talking to the girl about something. when she asked me if there was something i was looking for, i noted the figs but said i didnt have the cash (they cost twenty something altogether). she asked me how much i had, i said 10 (blatant lie, but you never let a dealer know how much you really have. had the bill in my pocket separate from the rest of my cash) and she said that she could do that! Really nice of her. just goes to show that no price is set in stone if you're willing and able to charm the dealer :3
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)22:56 No.4545220
    >> Anonymous 06/03/11(Fri)00:52 No.4545748
    So you get rewarded for telling a lie...nice.
    >> BatsuSai !50F7GPuDeM 06/03/11(Fri)01:16 No.4545844
    It's true though. You NEVER tell a dealer exactly how much money you have. You always say stuff along the lines of "Well, I don't think I have enough." Don't be rude about it if the dealer won't haggle. Just say thank you.

    Dealers are less likely to haggle on Friday and Saturday, and way more so on Sunday. They want to unload what they can so they don't have to pack it back up.

    Also, haggling is infinitely easier for attractive females buying from male dealers. So if you want something, send your sister in to buy it from the guy. XD
    >> Anonymous 06/03/11(Fri)03:22 No.4546496
    Any more tips on what to say/do in haggling?
    >> Anonymous 06/03/11(Fri)10:55 No.4547283
    -wait until the last day of the con, the less they have left, they less they have to pack
    -don't be absurd and ask for like half off.
    -That said, do shoot for lower than you think you can get as sometimes you can split the difference
    -don't be a little shit if they don't come down
    -try to sweeten the deal, "hey I'm picking up this wall scroll, how about this one too at 25% off?"

    I have saved a lot at cons. Don't get discouraged and you'll get better as time goes on.

    -tip your fucking bellman, waiter, valet please

    I work at a con hotel and am always a sad panda to see fans of the same stuff I like be cheap fags. If you don't want to tip, DON'T USE the service
    >> Anonymous 06/03/11(Fri)11:06 No.4547316

    THIS THIS THIS. As a waitress, nothing pisses me off more than people who don't tip. Teenagers are the WORST for this.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/11(Fri)14:36 No.4547975
    GIVE ME MY DOLLAR BACK! is how I feel about tipping.

    In north america it's hard to starve to death. You have social safety nets for food kitchens. Try places in europe (I was born in North America) where they hardly have any safety net. Ok, then I'd throw in a buck. Over hear if you screwup your job or finances you can reset to zero by filing chapter11. I've tried the looking for food thing for about 3 months for the heck of it before to see if it could be done and it could be. You just have to ask the right places and you can find where to go.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/11(Fri)14:54 No.4548036
    on the top of haggling, I was in the artist alley, some kid said that he only had 1 dollar left and he wanted two buttons+ bookmark. Since it was Sunday, I gave him the deal. Thirty minutes later, sees him buying 20 dollar prints from animu desu chick. rage face.
    also, never ask for discounts on commissions. unless it's a large group. I've had people asking me to lower bust sketch commissions from 5 dollars to two dollars when I had about 7 people on the wait list :/.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/11(Fri)15:31 No.4548175
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    Whoever said tipping should be automatic? Your work is compensated by your salary. You want tips, do a special job.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/11(Fri)15:35 No.4548189
    people in tip-centric jobs all get really huffy about their tips
    >> Anonymous 06/03/11(Fri)15:41 No.4548210
    -tip your fucking bellman, waiter, valet please

    URGH. This.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/11(Fri)15:44 No.4548222
    Ok, conmom is back. In lieu of going to cons in a group, please try to be neat or at least put your stuff in a corner of the room you're sharing. Don't come crying to me if you can't find your otk socks in that mess.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/11(Fri)15:46 No.4548232
    Also, bring extra garbage/plastic grocery bags. You can leave it in the car; just have one for general garbage (eating at the room? Having an unexpected party?) and for dirty laundry.
    >> Mika !oRbSrLD/7w 06/03/11(Fri)15:54 No.4548271
    Everyone is saying it but I agree.

    Aside from this checklist >>4540442
    Bring food and water. For food I tend to pick it up in the area of the con. It saves me money and keeps food within easy access.
    >Cream cheese
    >Some cereal

    For cutlery you can request it from room service generally at no charge. And if you have empty cups (clean preferably), you can use those as bowls.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/11(Fri)16:11 No.4548320
    I will tip my waiter and bartender. However, I can carry my own shit to my room so the bellman can fuck off. So can the valet. Valet is fucking dumb. Park your shit and walk fatasses.
    >> BatsuSai !50F7GPuDeM 06/03/11(Fri)16:26 No.4548367
    Browse the room. If a dealer has two things you want,but another dealer has one of them at a lower price- Tell the dealer "Hey, look I want to purchase these things from you, but X dealer has this one at X price. Can you cut me a deal?"

    Show cleavage if you are a girl and the dealer is a guy. Doesn't hurt to try.

    And don't lie to a dealer then turn around to the dealer next to or across from them and buy more expensive shit. Wait till the next day, or a couple of hours. At least then you can say you went to the atm or something.

    I usually just go to dealers and flat out ask what type of deal they would be willing to give me once I have picked stuff out I want. Buying in bulk gets the best results.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/11(Fri)17:55 No.4548737

    i dont ask for a particular percentage off, say that with other people around and everyone will want one, and the salesperson will be screwed.

    i put a certain ammount of money in my pocket for that particular booth, and when i go in my pockets i say that "thats all i have til tomorrow, can you cut me a deal?"

    i usually keep a few ones in my back pocket, and dig around for that and "discover it" in case they are willing to go lower but can't go as low as i'd like.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/11(Fri)17:58 No.4548753

    and yes, buying in bulk works great. never pay sticker price if you're buying 4 or more reasonably expensive things.

    Also, if you see something you want but don't/can't want to buy it right then, ask them if they can hold it for a day, or a few hours. never hurts to ask.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/11(Fri)18:07 No.4548780
    wear comfortable shoes, or bring a pair of comfy flip-flops in your bag. if you're going to a big con like comic-con, you're going to be walking around a LOT.

    make routine bathroom checks to make sure your wig is okay and your makeup hasn't smeared or anything.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/11(Fri)18:27 No.4548855
    Find other people interested in the dealer that they are looking at and work out something like a win-win situation. More people on board means buying more in bulk and thus more leverage to ask for a better deal. Then everyone pays for thier item with thier discount applied and everyone wins and the dealer makes a one chunk sale.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/11(Fri)20:26 No.4549430
    Alright, Anon here is kind of... uncertain. I've only been to one convention and I couldn't buy much, but I have a REALLY big con coming up soon.

    What are things that are considered 'expensive' and not? Can someone write up a guide or something, like, if something is below X amount, it's not polite to ask for a discount, how much most things cost, and so on.

    I remember seeing a plush at the con that I really wanted, but it was like 60 dollars, and about the size of a milk carton. I didn't get it, but would it be acceptable to have asked, say, ten dollars off the price? Or just five?

    Any help is appreciated greatly! I just want a guide to take with me so I have something concrete to stick with.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/11(Fri)20:44 No.4549507
    There is no guide. You just ask. You try to make a deal. If they budge, good. If they don't, you either pay their asking or you walk away. Just follow what people have said and the chances of them accepting your offer are better. Last day purchases, buying multiple items, saying another place has a better price, etc. Don't insult their intelligence by trying to get something for half off when it costs $100 to begin with but don't be afraid to get a few bucks off.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/11(Fri)21:03 No.4549600
    Honestly what I'd do is do research on items/fandoms you're interested in. Do a Google search on it. Look on Ebay. Look on official websites for anime & gaming companies. See what the price range is, write it down in a little notebook if need be. Discreetly do price checks at the con.

    A note about buying at cons- there are pros and cons to when you buy an item. On the one hand, if you wait until Sunday, sometimes dealers will cut deals (it depends on the vendor). However, if you wait too long, things might sell out. I found this out the hard way.

    More tips:
    > Read the convention policy on autographs. Many limit you to one item per person. There may be other rules, so know them. Line up early, and expect to wait awhile. (Friends have sat in line for 6 hours for autographs.)

    > Never forget chargers for your phone & for your camera (or extra battery). Check your battery levels nightly. Nothing sucks more than to start the day off with a dead battery.

    > Exchange phone numbers with everyone in your hotel room. You never know when you might need to meet up with somebody else.

    > Keep a pocket-size notebook handy. I use it for a lot of things, everything from noting an itinerary for busy days to collecting contact info from people I meet at the con.

    > Explore the "travel/trial" section in the store. Things like tissues, Wet Wipes, Tide-to-Go pens, Hand Sanitizer... all are great to have in a small size.

    > Take care of your health- wash hands before eating/drinking, use hand sanitizer, you can even use Airborne or Emergen-C to boost your immune system. Nothing sucks more than getting con funk & being sick for half the con.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/11(Fri)21:07 No.4549612
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    >> Anonymous 06/04/11(Sat)00:29 No.4550355
    This times 1000, I don't know why it's so hard for many con goers to use this.
    >> LittleJelloSalad !YG.DdnIWg6 06/04/11(Sat)00:36 No.4550370

    I buy like, three different types of deodorant, and put the antiperspirant ones without scent on places I'm prone to light sweating, and then scented ones on my underarms.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/11(Sat)00:41 No.4550394
    Holy shit, I didn't even think of the Airborne idea. Thank you very much.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/11(Sat)00:44 No.4550406

    No, our work is NOT compensated by our wages. We make LESS than minimum wage, which is already not a living wage. We are expected to make up the difference in tips.

    Furthermore, we are taxed by the restaurant we work for on our food sales, some restaurants will take up to 10%. That means if you tip less than that, the money comes out of the server's pocket. I'm lucky, the restaurant I work for only takes 3%. Even so, if a table comes in and stiffs me, it's COSTING ME money to have served them.

    In short, fuck you and Mr Pink together.
    >> The Cosplay Cop 06/04/11(Sat)01:50 No.4550696
    Tips eh?

    Guy's, shower up with a good scented bodywash like Old Spice, Right Guard or Gillette (stay the fuck away from that axe crap though). After the shower use talcum powder (look up Balla powder) on you body with heavy emphasis on your nuts, underarms and ass so you wont sweat like crazy at a hot ass summer con like Otakon or AX.

    Deodorant USE IT. Personally I'm a fan of Old spice, so get whit it.

    Cologne, since its summer I recommend using Chrome, but don't drown yourself in it otherwise people will start to think you're trying to cover up something. Plus a girl you might be interested in getting to know better will appreciate the guy who took the time to keep himself fresh.

    Speaking of picking up girls, before you take that girl back to the hotel room for some midnight bedpost rockin' make sure the girl is over the age of 18. The police will not hear the tired assed excuse of "but she said she was 22" this also applies to same sex hookups as well.

    If you can afford it, get your own hotel room to avoid the guaranteed room drama that comes with sharing rooms with multiple people. If you're employed and you know you are traveling to a con in advance, put aside $50 each paycheck for your con fund. And don't forget to put your leave in advance.

    For the love of god don't buy hotel food you 'd be a dam fool to pay $15+ for a pancake breakfast. Ask the locals where to find cheap food they will tell you where to go. In fact during Otakon '08 the housekeeper that was cleaning my room (Hilton) recommended a place called the Upper Deck Bar and Grill a place that served cheap delicious food (their breakfast is God tier) and is open 24 a day.

    Most people don't know this but if you are a government employee, hotels will offer a discounted rate if you show them your government/military ID. These rates are often cheaper then the con rates.
    >> BatsuSai !50F7GPuDeM 06/04/11(Sat)02:41 No.4550906
    Like this anon said, It helps to make a list of shows/characters you want items of. It's up to the individual to decide how much is too much.

    I am big on doing my research as a consumer, specially before/during cons. What you need to consider is the following-

    How much does it cost on most websites? (Amazon, Ebay, Amiami, HobbyLinkJapan)
    What is the mark-up compared to online?
    Would that mark-up be equivalent to, or less than the cost for the item PLUS the shipping?
    Is this something you MUST HAVE right now, and don't want to wait to buy online?

    Your basic poseable anime figurines (Figuarts, Figma, Revoltech) cost about 25$ to 30$ before shipping.
    Statues range in price but often start around $50.
    Plushes vary depending on the license. Anything Ghibli is going to cost you an arm and a leg, even for a small one.

    Oh! And sometimes, dealers won't put out their best merch until Saturday, when they have the biggest crowds with more money.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/11(Sat)02:50 No.4550947
    your employer is required by law to make up the difference for you if you are unable to do so in tips if you are in the United States.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/11(Sat)02:53 No.4550959
    and in some states like California you are entitled to the minimum wage and tips are extra.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/11(Sat)03:45 No.4551053

    I'm not in the states.

    Even if I were, it doesn't change the fact that stiffing your server forces them to pay out of pocket for serving your stupid ass.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/11(Sat)04:25 No.4551096
    Trader chick here!

    Tips for getting Dealer Discounts:
    - Be nice to the trader, but not -too- nice. Have a friendly conversation with them, but if they aren't interested/are too busy to pay attention, accept it and continue browsing.
    - If your attempt at friendly conversation is not well received, don't bother asking for a discount until the last two hours of the convention on its final day.
    - If your attempt at conversation is well received, direct the conversation to information about the dealer's time at the convention. Get them to talk about themselves, and pretend that you give a damn about how long they spent bumping in even if you're zoning out.
    - At this point, DO NOT LEAVE. Once you leave the stall, consider yourself and your conversation forgotten. Dealers serve too many people each day to be able to remember each one.
    - Make sure that you're standing near the item that you want whilst you chat with the dealer, and make sure they know your attention is on that item. Touch it, look at it... when the dealer finally asks you if there's anything they can get for you, casually ask them how much the item is. Most dealers will, at this point, say "it's supposed to be [x], but, well. I'll round it down for you". If they don't, then it's at this point that you should pull the "oh... I only have [x] amount to spend on it. =( I need to save the rest of my money for food" card.

    >> Anonymous 06/04/11(Sat)04:26 No.4551097
    If it doesn't work, it'll mostly be for one of these reasons:
    1. The dealer doesn't like you, and you didn't take the hint.
    2. You made it obvious that you're only chatting the dealer up for a discount. (If someone right-out asks me for a discount or offends me, I will raise all prices for them by about $5. There are plenty of other people at the convention - none of us care if we lose one jerkass customer.)
    3. The dealer isn't the person who owns the business, and isn't allowed to give any sort of discount.
    4. The dealer is determined to not give any discounts, because the stock is cheap enough and the business is barely making profit. To go any lower than the sale price would be selling it for the original wholesale price of the item. (Most common with small companies, and fantraders.)
    5. The stall has received too much business to justify any discounts. If everyone else is buying the stock at the full price, then obviously there's nothing wrong with the pricing, and the dealer will consider you a cheapass if you can't afford it.

    Also, don't ask for discounts on the first day of the convention. The answer will always be "no".
    >> Anonymous 06/04/11(Sat)14:11 No.4551983
    whats a good anti-diarrheal? noo idea what to buy. which one works the best?
    >> Anonymous 06/04/11(Sat)21:30 No.4553297
    Not always true. I have been able to get first day discounts a few times aleady because I was only going to be there that one day. I maed it clear and also backed it up casually mentioning and showing my one day pass and sometimes I get a good deal.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/11(Sat)21:42 No.4553343
    >Put toilet paper in the bowl before you pee/poop to reduce noise. It is SO AWKWARD when theres a couple of people trying to do their business and trying not to make a sound.

    May sound funny and silly and stupid but its true.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/11(Sat)21:48 No.4553371
    You know what's even more awkward than pissing or taking a shit in a room designed for pissing and taking a shit? Contributing to deforestation because you are insecure about being a human with a functioning digestive tract.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/11(Sun)07:31 No.4554837
    If you're sharing a room with more than 2 people, keep your toiletries in a gallon size Ziploc bag instead of leaving them on the counter. Sharing a tiny hotel bathroom with eight other people can get crowded and confusing, and keeping your stuff in your suitcase saves space and makes it harder to lose things.

    Make sure to try your costume on for the first time before the con, and if possible wear it around the house for a couple hours so you can fix any unforeseen issues while you still have access to your materials. Make sure you're not breaking in your shoes for the first time Friday morning.

    Those Scholl's gel inserts can be a godsend when you're walking around all day in uncomfortable shoes. Also, make sure to bring blister band-aids if you can. Regular band-aids work in a pinch, but the ones made for blisters (and trust me, you will have blisters) cushion them so you can barely feel them.

    Pack a power strip if you can. There are never enough wall sockets in hotel rooms, and even if you don't need all the sockets someone else will.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/11(Sun)07:44 No.4554851
    Make sure you trust the people you're rooming with. Half the con horror stories posted on /cgl/ are about shitty roommates; if you have a problem with someone normally, imagine how bad it'll get living with them for three days on very little sleep. At the very least, either a. make sure you trust all your roommates to have full access to all your stuff when you're asleep/not in the room or b. hide your valuables really well.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/11(Sun)07:57 No.4554871
    Might be a difference in conventions, then... I'm an Ausfag, so over here the first day of cons is a preview day that comes bundled in with the other passes. (Usually cons run Friday-Saturday-Sunday, and Friday is bump-in for traders a preview of the convention for con-goers with a few screenings, the trader's hall opened for a few hours, and a few events.)

    Since every person there for the preview has a ticket to another day of the convention, I've never met a trader who will cut a deal for a patron on the first day. I suppose in other places where there's no preview day, there are probably traders willing to cut deals on the first day.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/11(Sun)08:00 No.4554879
    American cons don't tend to have that preview day, and a lot of them let congoers buy a one-day pass for a bit cheaper than the full price, so if someone has a Friday-only pass the dealers might be a bit more lenient with haggling.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/11(Sun)08:06 No.4554889
    Bring your own food. Eating out is unhealthy and expensive. Good stuff that will keep well and is healthy/filling even if you don't eat much of it include string cheese, summer sausage, trail mix, fresh or dried fruit, bagels, and jam. If you tend to forget to eat a lot even when you pack food, eat foods that are high in fat and protein. They'll keep your body running longest on the least amount of food.

    If female, pack sanitary napkins even if you think there is no chance you will menstruate. If mother nature can screw you into bleeding and ruining your cosplay, she will.

    Don't get stuck in the room party room.

    Do not keep all your money with you at once, or bring/withdraw more than you can afford to spend. And bring all your moneys in cash ahead of time, because the con ATM will be out of cash halfway through day one.

    Bring lots of caffeine, expect no sleep. If possible, take an extra day off from work/school on monday so you can make up the sleep you missed. Emergen-c and echinacea are good to pack and take at the con, your immune system is lower from lack of sleep and eating less, and you will be around many strange people. They can effectively fight con funk.

    For etiquette at cons, you want to think like the doctor. Don't be rude, but you can behave as strangely as you want. Say please and thank you. When in doubt if you can do something, asking nicely and being friendly goes a long way.

    Don't just shower. Wash your hands if you get anything weird on them before doing anything strange.

    Tip the fuck out of your cleaning staff. The more people in your room, the more trash you use, etc. The more you tip. Our room usually ranges from $20-$40. Keep in mind their lives pretty much suck that weekend.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/11(Sun)08:14 No.4554903
    >The ones closest to the convention venue are packed.
    This. Fortunately, one of the best sushi restaurants in the city is 15-25 minutes away from the con and I always go there for an amazing dinner, and practically no one knows of it, much less con-goers. They probably go to the overpriced sushi place right next to the convention center and spend all their money there.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/11(Sun)08:22 No.4554911
    If you are drinking/room partying at the con, here are some tips.

    I know it sucks, but try to respect local laws. Don't have people under 21 staying in your party room, don't serve drinks to kids. Checking IDs at the door for a large party, maybe even stamping people's hands if they're over 21 and removing younger people isn't viable is a good idea.

    Don't smoke weed or do illegal drugs in your or someone else's hotel room. That's just stupid. Everyone knows who rented that room, the people who's names are on the list could all be in the shit. If you must partake, do that shit outside or in the parking lot or something.

    If you are drinking, especially if you are drinking and raving, it's hot at your con, or you have had a lot of cafiene, drink a TON of water. It will help prevent hangovers or other awkward incidents. This is good even if you don't drink. A guy in my room once got heatstroke from too much caffeine and a heavy costume in warm weather. It was not cool for him or the people who had to babysit him til he got better.

    Know what something is before you drink it. If you're a girl, watch drinks made by gay or very hard drinking male friends. If they make it the strength they'd make for themselves or another guy, it might be too strong. After drinking something new, take a break for awhile and see how you feel.

    Tequila, Absinthe, Beer, and Jager are drinks that react funny to some people's stomachs. Be especially careful with them.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/11(Sun)08:24 No.4554913
    The object of drinking is to maintain a nice buzz for a long period of time. Not to pass out. If you start to feel dizzy or nauseous, go find a place to sit down and drink some water. Don't drink again until you feel better. If you feel really bad, go back to your room or find a friend, preferably of the same gender, to take you back there.

    Don't leave your drink unattended.

    Do not take anything anyone you don't know gives you unless someone you do know is there or you see the bottle.

    Again, if you are going to take illegal drugs, do not take them from strangers ever. Only take them from people you trust.

    If you want to hookup with someone, do it discreetly. If you can't find a way, wait. The bathroom can be okay if you are quiet and non-obvious. Even in your own room with the door closed, remember to not make a ton of sex noises and be sure to put up the do not disturb sign. Put a pair of cat ears on the door if you have to. No one wants to walk in on that.

    If you are planning on throwing a room party, contact the con or hotel and check the website. Many cons now have designated room party areas or rules for room parties. Follow them. Being in the designated room party area or at least in rooms next to people you know and who will be at the party is a very good idea. Then you can feel free to make noise a bit more, which you will do, even if you don't mean to.

    If your party doesn't break up naturally by 3am, it might be a good idea to try to reduce the noise or maybe try going elsewhere so people can get some sleep.

    Get mixers, alcopops, fruity crap, and rum. Girls and men who are secure in their masculinity (and/or gay) like them, and they are important to the success of a party. Don't whine or hate. Try one first. They are tasty.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/11(Sun)08:24 No.4554914
    Bring alcohol and/or cannabis.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/11(Sun)08:37 No.4554923
    THIS. Also, at a con, for optimum results, be a "yes man." But you probably shouldn't tell anyone, or they will make you do stupid shit.
    Lolita here, fuck you.

    I carry a large purse at cons so I can carry my purchases and small needed items in it. People who are staying with me are always fucking trying to get me to carry random shit of theirs, because they didn't realize they would need to carry stuff around at the con, are too lazy to go back to the room, and are stupid enough not to realize they can't just put down a tote bag or something if someone needs a picture. Carry your own shit.

    Also, I honestly think bringing a tote is a good idea. You won't lose things, and yes, you can put it down for pics if you can't find a way to get it to match your costume like disguising it as a school bag for school uniform characters, etc. Be creative.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/11(Sun)08:42 No.4554931
    I agree with everyone else that it's better to bring your own food to save money and eat healthier, but if you can, try to eat out with your roommates or friends from out of town that you might be meeting. It's a nice way to spend some quality time with your friends at the con when you might not see much of each other otherwise.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/11(Sun)11:02 No.4555138
    I swear by Immodium. Always bring a pack with me to cons just in case.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/11(Sun)13:01 No.4555387
    Is there a place we can archive this?
    >> Anonymous 06/05/11(Sun)13:14 No.4555431
    bring alcohol AND cannabis. No exceptions.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/11(Sun)13:18 No.4555451 Do eet.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/11(Sun)13:19 No.4555455

    About the tote thing, I highly suggest getting one. I don't care if you're not into the whole "go green" schpeal, but you'll never realize how much you end up carrying once you leave the AA and dealer's. You might as well make sure you have at least one manilla folder or cardboard tube for the AA.
    >> Anonymous 06/05/11(Sun)13:20 No.4555459

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