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  • File : 1306881573.jpg-(56 KB, 401x121, 1306010928453.jpg)
    56 KB Anonymous 05/31/11(Tue)18:39 No.4534136  
    What happened?
    >> Anonymous 05/31/11(Tue)18:41 No.4534144
         File1306881713.png-(60 KB, 300x400, pikasay.png)
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    >The photo portion of the zelda project is over.
    >> Anonymous 05/31/11(Tue)18:44 No.4534156
    oh good, then maybe we can stop having threads about i---

    right. never mind.
    >> Anonymous 05/31/11(Tue)19:54 No.4534465
         File1306886082.png-(14 KB, 100x100, ryojibroseidon20.png)
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    >implying she ever did play any zelda games her whole life
    >> Anonymous 05/31/11(Tue)19:55 No.4534479
    Wat? When did this happen? Their site is still up and they are still taking donations.

    It doesn't look over.
    >> Anonymous 05/31/11(Tue)19:56 No.4534484
    >Implying all women aren't filthy casuals

    They are in it for the costumes not the games themselves. Any idiot realizes this the first tike they attend a con.
    >> Anonymous 05/31/11(Tue)19:57 No.4534492
    >does all of this shit for "the love of zelda"
    >breaks up with boyfriend
    > suddenly hates zelda

    nothing about adella has ever really made me rage as much as this.
    >> Anonymous 05/31/11(Tue)19:59 No.4534510
    >he rages over a woman's behaviors

    Women and children are incredibly similar. To get upset over little Johnny not liking baseball anymore implies that you yourself are an idiot.
    >> ??? 05/31/11(Tue)20:01 No.4534523
    >Women and children
    >Men and children
    >Adults are just older kids

    >> Anonymous 05/31/11(Tue)20:01 No.4534525
    you seem to miss the point as to why I am mad.
    I'm personally a huge Zelda fan, and for you to like something enough to do a retarded and expensive project like this and put that much work (albeit terribad) into it and suddenly want nothing to do with zelda at all because you broke up with your boyfriend is fucking stupid.
    >> Anonymous 05/31/11(Tue)20:08 No.4534569
    This almost seems like a troll to me... is she serious?
    >> Anonymous 05/31/11(Tue)20:12 No.4534601
         File1306887154.jpg-(249 KB, 509x661, 1306010790127.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 05/31/11(Tue)20:13 No.4534607
         File1306887211.png-(84 KB, 335x290, sbhj.png)
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    Now, I have only been loosely following this, so forgive me if I've made a mistake, but...didn't they take a shit-ton of donations for this? Now she's just going to stop?
    >> Anonymous 05/31/11(Tue)20:18 No.4534634
         File1306887496.png-(12 KB, 486x135, The Zelda Project_130688745027(...).png)
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    And they keep getting them.
    >> Anonymous 05/31/11(Tue)20:20 No.4534644
    So, when are they going to announce that it's over? Or are they going to keep quiet so they can continue to get money?
    >> Anonymous 05/31/11(Tue)20:21 No.4534652
         File1306887674.png-(23 KB, 520x174, The Zelda Project_130688750559(...).png)
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    >> Anonymous 05/31/11(Tue)20:21 No.4534655
    anons spouting random misogynistic crap when they can't think of anything relevant to say? business as usual on /cgl/!

    Adella's a twat, no need to lump the rest of us in with her.
    >> Anonymous 05/31/11(Tue)22:48 No.4535410
    She won't announce it. She just wants all of the money.
    >> Anonymous 05/31/11(Tue)22:49 No.4535418
         File1306896592.jpg-(24 KB, 500x387, tumblr_lgtqj8CCRo1qejraeo1_500.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 05/31/11(Tue)22:57 No.4535461
    BAHAHAHAHA, so fucking much for her being a devoted fan. I think PL is way overrated, but if she was working on such a project and hit a roadblock I'm sure she wouldn't just throw in the towel. What a brat, just because her boyfriend was a dick doesn't mean that the games suddenly suck and she should never pick them up again.
    >> Anonymous 05/31/11(Tue)23:00 No.4535479
    She never played them to begin with and the only reason she did this project is so she can play Marry Sue with her BF as Link and herself as Malon because that is her biggest OTP
    >> Anonymous 05/31/11(Tue)23:05 No.4535499
    I've been watching my bf play these games a bit in the last few months (they're his childhood favorite of course) and Malon is a very cute character...but why would she even want to be obsessed with that OTP if she knew nothing of the characters or their personalities? Fucking weird man...

    I totally understand why you raged...I did too. She's such a spoiled cunt, I mean god just reading her FB status that anon posted made me rage...20/10, seriously, it was that good of a rage fest. I had no idea that adults could be SO immature as to publicly declare that they need to prune their f-list because they can't be reminded of their past s.o. and that they throw a hissy fit about a game that they claimed to looooooooooooooove~desu like a day before.
    >> Anonymous 06/01/11(Wed)01:07 No.4536045
    Boo hooo hooo. Stupid bitch. I'm glad the project is over. It was a piece of shit.
    >> Anonymous 06/01/11(Wed)01:43 No.4536238
    You don't talk to girls much huh.
    >> Anonymous 06/01/11(Wed)01:55 No.4536296
         File1306907753.jpg-(32 KB, 185x200, 1299218152199.jpg)
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    The fuck is this?
    >> Anonymous 06/01/11(Wed)01:57 No.4536303

    Eh,that's kind of rude. But I guess guys get really on edge when they hear about girls playing vidya. I don't know why, does it frighten your egos or something?
    >> Anonymous 06/01/11(Wed)07:10 No.4536983
    Oh boy, shits about to go down on their facebook fanpage.
    Truth vs blind fans

    This will be great. Someone please screencap it all.
    >> Anonymous 06/01/11(Wed)14:43 No.4538027
    I can't wait to see how this will unfold.
    >> Anonymous 06/01/11(Wed)15:49 No.4538252
         File1306957798.png-(23 KB, 502x181, The Zelda Project (1)_13069575(...).png)
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    LOL delusional fans
    >> Anonymous 06/01/11(Wed)17:13 No.4538578
    OH GREAT. She's done with everything even RELATED to Zelda and people are still claiming that they need money for this project. Which she's said is pretty much dead.

    >> Anonymous 06/01/11(Wed)17:18 No.4538591
    Some one needs to link to this image in their FB
    >> Anonymous 06/01/11(Wed)17:25 No.4538612
    LOL. Wow I thought they would have made it through one more shoot before it went under. I wonder when shes going to milk lots of money from people if she sells all the costumes they have made so far.
    >> Anonymous 06/01/11(Wed)17:31 No.4538630
    She's not announcing that the project is over is because she is still getting donation money from people for it. If they cancel it now publicly, then they wont get anymore money, and Adella needs to pay her bills.
    >> Anonymous 06/01/11(Wed)17:38 No.4538646
    She should just open a pay site.
    >> Anonymous 06/01/11(Wed)21:16 No.4539537
    >> Anonymous 06/01/11(Wed)22:20 No.4539937
    why dont you do it you lazy bastard
    >> Anonymous 06/01/11(Wed)22:32 No.4540007
    I don't have or use FB.
    >> !/ReimuGFWM 06/01/11(Wed)22:41 No.4540056
         File1306982509.jpg-(86 KB, 500x314, 1305088952290.jpg)
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    >TZP Fans
    >Pic related
    >> Anonymous 06/01/11(Wed)22:51 No.4540105
    I wonder what they will do after they find out that the project has been dead for 3 weeks and their money keeps getting collected.
    >> Anonymous 06/01/11(Wed)23:03 No.4540158
    who teh hell is this girl?
    >> Anonymous 06/01/11(Wed)23:06 No.4540172
    >> Anonymous 06/01/11(Wed)23:11 No.4540190
    Sarah = Adella
    The Mary Sue/starter of this project
    >> Anonymous 06/01/11(Wed)23:13 No.4540205
    ok. so why should I care ?
    >> Anonymous 06/01/11(Wed)23:19 No.4540233

    Get the fuck out of this thread then bitch.
    >> Anonymous 06/01/11(Wed)23:42 No.4540330
         File1306986170.jpg-(18 KB, 340x259, excuse_me.jpg)
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    >I think Zelda is officially out of my system now
    >I will likely never play another Zelda game again

    Well excuse me, princess.
    >> Anonymous 06/01/11(Wed)23:45 No.4540347
    I was waiting for someone to say this. ilu anon. you made this thread worth while
    >> Anonymous 06/01/11(Wed)23:49 No.4540361
         File1306986566.jpg-(59 KB, 720x540, 217332_10150239154763793_23898(...).jpg)
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    Keep sending donations!
    >> Anonymous 06/01/11(Wed)23:50 No.4540365
    I never really cared for the drama surrounding this, and I've never felt inclined to comment before now but seriously what the fuck.

    What kind of person kicks friends out of their lives because they're also friends with an ex? Someone who doesn't know what friendship fucking means, that's who. What a fucking tool, whoever she's removing is better off without that bullshit anyways.

    Yes I mad. I hate seeing people pull bullshit like this.
    >> Anonymous 06/01/11(Wed)23:50 No.4540366
    She played OoT. She still calls herself a "Zelda Fan" after only having played the one game though. There's so much more to Zelda than OoT.
    >> Anonymous 06/01/11(Wed)23:56 No.4540391
    I don't care if people consider OoT the best one, I don't consider people devoted fans if that's the only one they've played. That's like saying you're a devoted fan of FF and only playing nine or something.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)00:04 No.4540428
    She hasn't even played OoT. She said either on FB or one of her videos, I don't remember which, that she simply watched her brother play the game, or maybe it was her boyfriend of the time. I just remember she said she watched it being played and became a fan of it that way.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)00:13 No.4540479
    it's not "girls playing games" that bother us, its the ZOMG I AM GURL GAEMUR SPESHUL SNOFLAKE LOL I PLAY GAEMZ U MAD LOLOLOL girls that do.
    And Adella's not a gamer, in that she plays no games.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)00:17 No.4540499
         File1306988247.png-(29 KB, 522x249, The Zelda Project_130698820834(...).png)
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    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)00:19 No.4540511
         File1306988384.gif-(499 KB, 300x124, tumblr_ljz7k79Cu21qfteeho1_400.gif)
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    here we go
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)00:22 No.4540529
    Oh god what the actual fuck. I was pretty indifferent to this whole thing before 'cause whatever. But backing out of something like this after taking money for it and then deleting friends because they won't delete your ex is fucking retarded. Unless he turned out to be some crazy rapist or something I can't figure out why that would ever be okay.

    But I'm also curious about something... when my family got OoT and MM I couldn't really play the games. I could sort of dick around in the overworld but when it came to actually fighting the enemies anything from the great Ghoma onward I pretty much died to. (MM I was just too terrified of the moon to do much myself) So, for both games my brother would beat things up and I'd tell him what to do/figure out the puzzles/hit the buttons for the ocarina songs when he got stuck. Basically I didn't really touch the controller that much but I still considered myself a fan of the games. Was that right?
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)00:23 No.4540531
    >> Katsumiyo !bSYx8p6gbU 06/02/11(Thu)00:27 No.4540550
    It's not wrong per se but you should definitely play them yourself now. It's been ten years since Majora's Mask so you should be able to kill some Stalfos and shit on your own. Watching the games played is a few steps above some people, for sure, but there's nothing like playing them yourself. Besides, Zelda isn't exactly renowned for being difficult.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)00:28 No.4540558
    What do the others in the project have to say about it?
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)00:31 No.4540570
    They think it's stupid and they were only in it because Adella dragged them to be in it.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)00:41 No.4540616
    I think the stupid thing about all of this is that her status seems to be more about TZP then her relationship ending and that it was done on an account that I assume was for closer friends not her 'fans'. If you wanna post about your break up on FB that's fine and I am sure your friends want to be there to support you but it makes her seem crazy that she breaks up with her BF and all she can focus on is "WAH I HATE ZELDA NAO!"
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)00:44 No.4540630
    They broke up because of TZP. She threw a huge bitch tantrum because her shoot didn't work out and she took it out on him. He told her to fuck off and broke up with her. Now she doesn't want anyone who is friends with him to be her friend anymore.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)00:56 No.4540699
    LOL Breaking up with your boyfriend over cosplay. I hope there was more to it then that. Score for her ex though! Got some sex and free horse back ridding lessons out of the relationship.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)01:52 No.4540963
    sooo you guys might wanna look at her fb
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)01:54 No.4540968
    or you could post pics
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)01:55 No.4540973
    i cant im on my phone :<
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)02:00 No.4541001
    you could tell us instead?
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)02:12 No.4541045

    Her page is private. What's up?
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)02:41 No.4541142
    Post pics now.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)02:59 No.4541209
    She's bitching. Like usual.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)04:48 No.4541444
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)04:50 No.4541447

    could you either screenshot it or relay what she's bitching about?
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)04:58 No.4541462
         File1307005101.gif-(544 KB, 160x120, 1298024112297.gif)
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    Can anyone give me his facebook? this is mah time to shine
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)05:33 No.4541527
         File1307007226.jpg-(59 KB, 261x380, derpylink.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)05:49 No.4541562
    I knew it!
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)05:56 No.4541575
         File1307008582.jpg-(77 KB, 460x586, docfraken.jpg)
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    Yea, that's reasonable. Love a game that you (allegedly) have played and as soon as you go through a breakup throw it aside.
    What is she, like 12?
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)09:11 No.4541862
    wow that is some messed up shit.

    i was all for tpz ever since i saw that photo shoot. legit stuff. i was looking forward to more.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)13:16 No.4542478
    LOL you should check out the latest reply, delusonal fans are indeed delusional
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)14:55 No.4542873
         File1307040914.png-(37 KB, 505x302, The Zelda Project (1)_13070406(...).png)
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    LOL. It's probably their plan to not update and just let it die, that way Adella still gets donation money.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)15:25 No.4543034
    What's there to see, I see nothing special.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)17:18 No.4543632
         File1307049512.jpg-(25 KB, 480x340, KingLaugh.jpg)
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    TZP trying to save their reputation, check newest update!

    >Even with all this we managed to regroup and establish a more stream lined crew of stone cold Zelda freaks who will give everything to deliver what we have envisioned since the beginning.

    >Stone cold Zelda freaks

    >Stone cold Zelda freaks

    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)17:23 No.4543654
         File1307049802.png-(65 KB, 653x426, TZP Update- A Change of Pace_1(...).png)
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    The project being over was just a RUMOR
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)17:30 No.4543698
    >refunded all of the more recent donations

    That's a pretty cool thing to do. My rage has been calmed.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)17:33 No.4543708
    Which were only 2 donations.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)17:34 No.4543712
    oh god, the person commenting as Gund Dam on the update on the facebook page deserves a prize

    Is it a seagull?
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)17:45 No.4543755
    I saw that, Adella is probably fuming.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)17:49 No.4543764
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)17:51 No.4543772

    so if it's not over, why refund the recent donations?
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)17:52 No.4543777
         File1307051566.png-(218 KB, 498x1037, Screen shot 2011-06-02 at 22.5(...).png)
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    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)17:56 No.4543791
         File1307051761.jpg-(176 KB, 581x1600, TZP1307049743135.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)17:57 No.4543793


    And thanks, kind anons
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)17:57 No.4543794
    >you never had an outburst before where you said something that wasn't entirely how you felt at a later time?
    >Seriously though, if it's not posted here or on the site, then it's not official. Don't let people's personal issues create your foundation for factual reasoning.

    So Indigo is basically saying that Adella threw a hissy fit and now they are calling it a rumor.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)17:57 No.4543796
    adella has always been about the dick. when she was 'obsessed' with ffvii she joined the Shinra Online forum and tried to ride so many many....

    this news does not suprise me tbh.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)17:59 No.4543802
    Especially that it came right after someone calling them out on their own page.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)17:59 No.4543804
    "Just because the girl who started the whole project said it's over, don't think it's over! Gosh, you people will believe any dumb rumor you hear!!"
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)18:00 No.4543805
    Hahaha this guy is amazing. But I like how he's calling her out on not being a fan anymore and now they are ignoring it.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)18:09 No.4543826
    Hell fuckin yeah. I would ride Lune all day long in his Link costume, as long as he didn't make
    facial expression.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)18:10 No.4543831
    This is the best thread. Has adella responded to any of those comments yet?
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)18:13 No.4543844
    It's Indigo responding and not Adella. He also wrote the Main post.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)18:59 No.4544079
    this drama is amazing.

    i would love to see The Zelda Project in the same way they made The Social Network.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)20:18 No.4544479
         File1307060310.png-(12 KB, 424x161, Things have been a... (2)_1307(...).png)
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    >"I have put far more into this project than you have, a couple grand worth in fact. I have far more reason to complain about some of the rumors, but I haven't."

    >I have put far more into this project than you have, a couple grand worth in fact.

    >a couple grand worth in fact.

    Could they get in trouble for taking so much donation money?
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)20:26 No.4544511
    Donated a couple grand? WTF
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)20:36 No.4544544
    Damn that is a sad sad person. Were they hoping that adella would suck their cock because they gave so much money?
    Wouldn't they have to tell the government that they have been accepting donations of such a large amount?
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)20:49 No.4544595
         File1307062181.png-(65 KB, 442x745, Things have been a..._13070621(...).png)
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    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)20:55 No.4544615
    I wish somebody would throw money like that at my cosplay projects. I'd buy a nice camera/HD recorder and make so many costumes and videos. Photoshoots every weekend!
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)21:13 No.4544696
    More people need to step up and side with this Gund guy. He's bringing up good points but everyone is brushing him off as a troll.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)21:31 No.4544767
    Shit, where can I find a cosplay Sugar Daddy? I'll make whatever costume he wants to see!
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)21:42 No.4544810
    Adella is simply covering up her tracks. They won't let the project just die, they will make people think it's still alive.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)22:02 No.4544905
    ok I just looked it up and unless they are a nonprofit charity they must report all donations and gifts. It is considered income and that means it must be taxed. Adella can be brought up on tax evasion.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)22:12 No.4544959

    >and the plot thickens
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)22:18 No.4544990
    Reading up on the recent posts on TZP wall on FB and Adella must be pissing her pants in rage right now.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)22:39 No.4545125

    I was around when she got banned from various forums like SO, but didn't know exactly what happened

    Details, please?
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)22:52 No.4545193
    oh shit he deleted all of Gund Dam's posts...
    >> Gund dam 06/02/11(Thu)22:53 No.4545199
    Adella banned me from TZP face book. She is ignoring to provide proof of where the donation money is going to.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)23:00 No.4545241
    haha wow what a spineless shady coward she is being about all of this.
    >> Gund dam 06/02/11(Thu)23:13 No.4545317
         File1307070790.jpg-(540 KB, 570x4377, GundVSAdella.jpg)
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    She cannot handle anything maturely.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)23:16 No.4545334
    such bs. Came to cons for gaming, didn't start cosplaying until my boyfriend asked me to. Granted I generally go to gaming and not anime conventions, and I only sometimes cosplay. My BF does both and cosplays the whole time.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)23:25 No.4545373
    MAKE THIS HAPPEN, /CGL/. Please bring this cunt down.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)23:35 No.4545408
    As hilarious as it'd be, /cgl/ doesn't care enough
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)23:40 No.4545427
    if only we had the willpower, man.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)23:41 No.4545431
    Can someone updated the ED page on her to include all this shit?
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)23:45 No.4545448
    >When the CG artist's PC broke down during the editing for the Lost Woods photos, I took $1,600 of my own funds to replace it immediately to ensure a timely delivery.

    The money is going towards a new computer and many other things.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/11(Thu)23:54 No.4545483
    Why does she keep using the word "rumor"?

    Jesus fuck, the words came straight from her mouth that everything was over.

    The least she can do is own up to it.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/11(Fri)00:00 No.4545508
    LOL, now they say they never denied any of it and everything is wide in the open.

    I wish there were more seagulls.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/11(Fri)00:03 No.4545518
    Just chiming in after asking my accountant friend about this, who is also an enrolled agent, which is someone who works directly on behalf of taxpayers when they speak with the IRS. Nothing states that you have to be shown receipts for donating to a project like this. The fact that they have posted actual finished photos is enough to satisfy the question of whether or not they produced something with the money brought in.

    On the tax evasion issue, he said the chances it would be looked into are remote, and the only thing that would happen from that is they would be asked to show receipts to the IRS via an audit. Even not having receipts for everything, there is enough documented evidence of their expenses via video that it would be easy to prove that actual money was spent on the production of the photos.

    Failure to report a profit and pay the taxes on that profit would be tax evasion (i.e. evading the tax on the actual profit). He said that since they are also putting in their own money, it would be very easy to show that they spent more on the project than the funds they took in, and that all of the expenses, including most of the meals, would be tax deductible. Their project would be easy to show as operating as a loss, not a profit.

    So in this case, if they were called in on account of taking donations for the project, the end result is that they'd walk out of the audit with a tax deduction, which is the exact opposite effect and a major reason the IRS would just ignore the case from the start.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/11(Fri)00:04 No.4545524
    So what is she going to do with all the money she's received for the Zelda Project?

    I think it should be donated to charity.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/11(Fri)00:14 No.4545570
    The Janette person is amazing for coming in to get Adellas ass kicked. If she is in this thread, she should check her FB messages.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/11(Fri)00:15 No.4545572
    Disappointing. Hmm. Maybe Nintendo would be interested in the amount of money she's making using their characters?
    >> Anonymous 06/03/11(Fri)00:17 No.4545582
    Sarah needs to be reported for this or someone needs to make a website because it is obvious that the only reason she didnt quit was to keep the donation link up

    Why is no one saying anything about her using her fans to pay her bills so she can play dress up and smoke pot?

    without her boyfiend to pay for anything sarah is going to be homeless very very soon
    >> Anonymous 06/03/11(Fri)00:18 No.4545586
    It's down for maintenance thought right now.
    This is a consumer protection issue.
    For the Federal Trade Commission handles it.

    Report for the donation fraud.

    Nintendo will only listen if enough letters are sent.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/11(Fri)00:19 No.4545591

    File your complaint here. I am. Tired of her taking money from kids in mexico who think she's a star.
    >> SethBullock !!b2MBtRSeJ8i 06/03/11(Fri)00:20 No.4545596
    They deleted all of the Gun Dam comments.

    >> Anonymous 06/03/11(Fri)00:21 No.4545598
    Someone did, but she deleted it.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/11(Fri)00:22 No.4545602
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    >> Anonymous 06/03/11(Fri)00:23 No.4545606
    She should not be taking donations for us to pay for her gas money to photoshoots and fabrics. She needs to pay for that with her own money. All the costumes were already made so what do people think their money was going toward?
    >> Anonymous 06/03/11(Fri)00:25 No.4545609

    Can you take 5 minutes and fill out a complaint? The only people giving her money are teenagers. This is just fucked up and needs to stop.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/11(Fri)00:25 No.4545614
    There's the rub. Even if they brought in $2000 in donations, as long as the project cost them at least $2001 over the long run then they didn't do anything wrong, legally or even ethically.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/11(Fri)00:26 No.4545615
    What would you even write in a report?
    >> Anonymous 06/03/11(Fri)00:30 No.4545634
    That depends. Did they specifically say that the money was only going to the costumes? If not, legally it would be assumed that it was for the entire project, and that would clear them for every single expense they had, including food and gas to get to their photo locations.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/11(Fri)00:31 No.4545644
    If someone made an anti-zelda project fan page I wonder how many people would join...
    >> Anonymous 06/03/11(Fri)00:31 No.4545645
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    For those really serious about filing complaints and making her stop taking money, also file a complaint here:

    There's the internet crime complaint center

    Your name
    Your mailing address
    Your telephone number
    The name, address, telephone number, and Web address, if available, of the individual or organization you believe defrauded you.
    Specific details on how, why, and when you believe you were defrauded.
    Any other relevant information you believe is necessary to support your complaint.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/11(Fri)00:32 No.4545651
    Write this: OMG I hate this one girl who cosplays, please spend taxpayer money to investigate her project and bring it down so I can laugh about it with my friends on the internet.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/11(Fri)00:33 No.4545654
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    >> Anonymous 06/03/11(Fri)00:34 No.4545660
    They are not a company nor non-profit organization. People cannot just take mass amounts of money from others without "the man" being notified and approving it.

    Sarah is hurting herself with this project. She needs to go get a job and focus on her life and stop sitting there with her hands out.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/11(Fri)00:36 No.4545671
    I hate people not getting a job to pay for their hobbies on teenage fans and Nintendo's dime. Yes.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/11(Fri)00:39 No.4545682
    Whether what they are doing is technically legal or not, something about it just seems really fishy/not right.

    But based on what this anon said >>4545518 I'm not sure there's anything we can do, guys.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/11(Fri)00:43 No.4545695
    You can file complaints on the above two sites or write nintendo. She doesn't have anything registered for non-profit or donations. Just takes a quick search to find that.

    So yes. Illegal. there are legal ways to do this, she didn't do it.

    Thanks cgl.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/11(Fri)00:43 No.4545696
    That isn't fraud. Fraud would be accepting donations for a zelda project and using it to make something from final fantasy instead. If they used the donations to do exactly what they said they were going to do, then they don't have a problem.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/11(Fri)00:45 No.4545702
    Don't worry the legal team will reclassify it.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/11(Fri)00:45 No.4545705
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    >> Gund dam 06/03/11(Fri)00:47 No.4545711
    Jesus, you're fast.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/11(Fri)00:47 No.4545714
    Why doesn't someone just ask her why she doesn't have a job to pay for her costumes and gas?

    Lol. If only anon weren't so scared.
    >> TAnitiZP 06/03/11(Fri)00:48 No.4545721
    Okay, give me things to update with!
    What should I write in the info?

    This should not be about trolling, it should be about the truth.
    >> Gund dam 06/03/11(Fri)00:49 No.4545735
    Take this and post it in there >>4545317
    >> Anonymous 06/03/11(Fri)00:51 No.4545740
    Well just write down things it is known to be spent on

    Before the woods shoot she had some 500 dollars
    links costume hadbeen done for months and both malon and saria have been around for years

    so from what i gathered the money went to buy them hotel rooms and a giant breakfast that they took pictures of

    its totally normal to make people on the internet pay for your day trips and breakfast while you are doing a hobby

    totally normal
    >> Anonymous 06/03/11(Fri)00:52 No.4545747
    All $500 (They've gotten way more than that btw) went to buying that child a new ear.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/11(Fri)00:53 No.4545752
    You don't have to register anything to accept donations for a project. For tax purposes, it would simply be considered as income. And every expense they incurred would be tax deductible against that income, because something was produced from it, profitable or not.
    >> SethBullock !!b2MBtRSeJ8i 06/03/11(Fri)00:53 No.4545753

    Okay, if you're going to post shit like this, source it, pics, blog posts, whatever. If this is to be taken seriously, you need to source your facts.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/11(Fri)00:54 No.4545755
    I would sign up. I would offer to make the website but I would need all the info about this crap. Like the fucked up pics of the little girl and stuff like that.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/11(Fri)00:54 No.4545757
    Fraud is fraud is fraud, son. Also you make me sad that you thought I was talking about anything tax related. Lol. I'm filing it anyway so chill dude.
    >> SethBullock !!b2MBtRSeJ8i 06/03/11(Fri)00:54 No.4545758

    Not that I don't believe them. I'm just stating a fact. If anyone other than /cgl/ is going to take this seriously the facts that are being posted need to have sources behind them.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/11(Fri)00:57 No.4545765
    That one was actually true. If you go through and try to amass a list of what exactly they could possibly be spending money on, it comes down to just gas and hotels and the rest of it seems to not be spent on anything accept going directly into Adella's pocket as profit?
    >> Anonymous 06/03/11(Fri)01:01 No.4545785
    But see, that's the real question. What fraud did they commit? Accepting donations and spending it on the project you accepted them for is not fraud. I mean, file away, nothing's stopping you, but I wouldn't suggest watching for the mailman every day to see if you finally got a prize from the FTC in the form of a junior g-man badge.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/11(Fri)01:03 No.4545790
    I'm disappointing in the cosplay community for allowing this to continue and just kissing her ass. I don't ask people to give me money to make my costumes. I woudn't if I was offered. It's weird.

    They are just dumb weaboo kids that have no idea that this is just some sad jobless 30 year old girl.

    gj deleting posts there adella
    >> TAnitiZP 06/03/11(Fri)01:06 No.4545801
    Who wants to be an admin? I will make everyone an admin if you want that. That way the page can be updated by anyone. post a comment onto the latest post "yes?"
    >> Anonymous 06/03/11(Fri)01:08 No.4545810
    I think anon is just doing it for the same reason that I'm writing Nintendo. I just want it logged. Actually, you do have to report donations and there are rules surrounding accepting them in each state. It is only fraud on her part if her business isn't registered at all, or under a classification where you can accept donations and said restrictions within that category. There are a lot of ways that they've set up for consumers to be protected when they have these "Something is fishy" problems in law. Just report what you know and let them do the rest.

    The most you can do is increase public knowledge, anon. File complaints but you just have to stand up to her if you want to make it clear.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/11(Fri)01:13 No.4545824
    >>4545810 same reason that I'm writing Nintendo

    Make sure you also tell them that You do not want a Zelda movie. Then they will see that the project is pointless since that is their goal.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/11(Fri)01:15 No.4545839
    Amen. I'll be sure to include that.

    Lol after reading those screen caps?

    GunDam is my hero. Thank you man.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/11(Fri)01:18 No.4545862
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    >"I am and will continue to be at your disposal."

    BAHAHAHAHAHA!!! What a tool.

    >> Anonymous 06/03/11(Fri)01:21 No.4545881
    I've had boyfriends who have cosplayed series I loved, and when we broke up, I couldn't stand looking at the series for a long while. It's a natural feeling so I don't get the jump to the "obvious" answer that she never liked the Zelda series
    >> Anonymous 06/03/11(Fri)01:21 No.4545886
    I'd really like to see a list of how much she has received and where it has gone after giving her some of her first money ever on this project.

    I do not see shit but 1 photoshoot in a "laval tunnel" (lol cave.) that is free for use, and a photoshoot of her ex-boyfriend in a costume she already had in a part of the state park that is also free for use. They didnt stay in the desert over night but did stay 1 night in the redwoods. . . so 2 hotel rooms, breakfast, gas. Thats the extent of their expenses tho I guess the internet also bought her boyfriend horse-riding lessons.

    I think I bought breakfast for some burn out.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/11(Fri)01:24 No.4545901
    I think the real argument here is that cosplay is a HOBBY and for some reason she feels that because she is popular, others should pay for her hobby rather than her getting a real job.

    I agree that this money should be given immediately to charity.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/11(Fri)01:25 No.4545906
    I'm sure that will go direct to the top and be the first point of order when the board of directors meets up next.
    >> TAnitiZP 06/03/11(Fri)01:26 No.4545909
    I need some admins, I can't take care of this page alone. Who wants to be an admin?
    >> M♥♥- !herODr.moo 06/03/11(Fri)01:29 No.4545927
    I don't know how much help I will be though~
    >> Anonymous 06/03/11(Fri)01:30 No.4545930
    I see a lot of shopping tweets but not a single mention of a job anywhere come to think of it.
    >> Gund dam 06/03/11(Fri)01:31 No.4545942
    I'll join too.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/11(Fri)01:32 No.4545945
    What is it like to live off your significant other and never have to work?
    >> TAnitiZP 06/03/11(Fri)01:32 No.4545946

    Okay, one sec.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/11(Fri)01:33 No.4545951
    >I think the real argument here is that cosplay is a HOBBY and for some reason she feels that because she is popular, others should pay for her hobby rather than her getting a real job.

    I agree that this money should be given immediately to charity.

    Yes. You are paying for her to go play with horses and eat at nice restaurants. Deal with it. She's Adella and you are lucky if you are allowed the opportunity to serve her.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/11(Fri)01:34 No.4545962
    I would, but seeing as most everything is assumption and emotionally driven, I'd rather stand back and watch rather than sign my name to something traceable that will end up turning into libel.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/11(Fri)01:39 No.4545995
    Libel, not liable. Huge difference, and one you should probably read up on if you're going to "run" (not join) a group based on posting assumptions as fact.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/11(Fri)01:40 No.4546002
    That wasn't the group person.
    >> Orca 06/03/11(Fri)01:46 No.4546040
    Was there any reply to your last post in >>4545317 conversation, Gund dam?

    The fact that she deleted any mention of finances or donations IMMEDIATELY should be a big clue here, fellas.
    >> Gund dam 06/03/11(Fri)01:49 No.4546061
    She did not reply to my post except wrote "Hahaha" And that was right after I was blocked and my posts deleted.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/11(Fri)01:51 No.4546073
    There seem to still be lots of posts referring to finances and what was paid for. Also it looks more like it's Indigo doing all of the posting and deleting.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/11(Fri)01:59 No.4546116
    I just don't get the whole girl gamer thing. When I was a kid practically the whole neighborhood played together and no one cared about being a girl or a boy while playing. All we cared about was playing the damned game.

    Anyway, now that Adella's OTP wet dream seems to be over she really should stop taking the donations. Any left over funds should be given to charity. I honestly couldn't live with myself if I were her and just let the donations keep rolling in.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/11(Fri)02:02 No.4546130
    Hmm I wonder if we all write to our governors, if they'll call in the national guard for us. If we can organize someone in each of the 50 states to do this, we only need a 2% success rate and BOOM we've got soldiers on our side.

    I think our collective anger alone guarantees at least a 2% success rate!
    >> Anonymous 06/03/11(Fri)02:04 No.4546139

    Of course you couldn't, because you are a decent human being.

    Let's just say I doubt any charities will be seeing any of that money ever.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/11(Fri)02:06 No.4546151

    The website costs around 600 Dollars

    Holy fuck.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/11(Fri)02:10 No.4546187

    30 years old, living on donations from teenage kids.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/11(Fri)02:15 No.4546208
    >>I just don't get the whole girl gamer thing. When I was a kid practically the whole neighborhood played together and no one cared about being a girl or a boy while playing. All we cared about was playing the damned game.

    LOL Thats because girls who play video games and call themselves a gamer gurl have snow flake syndrome. (You can spot them because usually in their profile pics they are holding an Xbox controller.) Because the media has told them 'video games are for boys' they think that they are special and every guy will wants them when in fact they are a dime a dozen and most guys dont give a shit.
    >> Orca 06/03/11(Fri)02:16 No.4546217
    Even if the project continues, that money should just be given to charity anyway and she should pay for her own shit. I'm disgusted with her, and I don't understand how she's not disgusted at herself at just taking money from strangers who idolize her.

    I'd feel so incredibly bad hearing young girls write to me with "I'd send u money but I'm broke so i can draw you pictures but i'll save up!". That's heart breaking. Stop letting these people give them or their families' money to you when you should be working and not playing dress up? A 30 year old taking money for free from 16 year olds?

    Also I don't see how a post hasn't been made about the Link quitting?

    Never really thought she was an evil bitch until reading that thread, Gund Dam.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/11(Fri)02:19 No.4546232
    can someone save this thread and post it to the anti-zelda project, please?
    >> Anonymous 06/03/11(Fri)02:25 No.4546255
    I love that she gotten broken up with then immediately puts up a public post of "Remove him or I am going to remove you as a friend".

    I was about to ask "How would the people on her friends list not have a problem with being ordered to do something then immediately threatened after? " but then I remembered that she surrounds herself in people just as shallow as she is.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/11(Fri)02:26 No.4546262

    Wow, this.

    When I saw that girl in the screencap going: "Oh I wish I could give u monies but I am poor ;~;" My blood started to boil.

    How does she sleep at night knowing kids feel bad for BEING POOR and not being able to give her money?
    >> Anonymous 06/03/11(Fri)02:35 No.4546301
    Wow. Unfollowed her on Twitter and Unliked the zelda project..

    this is all really fucked up.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/11(Fri)02:44 No.4546345

    It'd probably be easier to get the thread itself archived.

    >> Anonymous 06/03/11(Fri)02:57 No.4546416
    You know what's really funny?

    The main Zelda community isn't that impressed with it, or care enough for it.


    Fans will fucking rage if they see the trailer filled with fan characters and dramatic angsty love between Link/Malon.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/11(Fri)03:05 No.4546435
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    Money only goes to her friends. Not to talented people that could bring quality to the project.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/11(Fri)03:09 No.4546447
    guys "i wish i could donate but im poor" is just what people say when they dont want to give any money

    dont take it too seriously
    >> Anonymous 06/03/11(Fri)03:26 No.4546512
    She may honestly believe she deserves the money. All her fans of her cosplay over the years has really gone to her head.
    >> Mister Cat !!FcDOjI047uC 06/03/11(Fri)03:35 No.4546543
    I'm tempted to write something along the lines of

    "Oh where do I wire large sums of funds?"


    "Hey I'm curious of whom and where to contact. The company I work for is interested and would like to contribute to your project."

    fffffffff and see if they try to jump for it.
    >> Mister Cat !!FcDOjI047uC 06/03/11(Fri)03:37 No.4546555
    Because they're like "We're not taking donations anymore!"
    >> Anonymous 06/03/11(Fri)03:40 No.4546563

    Great way posting your plan on /cgl/
    >> Mandark 06/03/11(Fri)03:43 No.4546576

    As a CG artist, I am a bit peeved she asked for that kind of work for free. o_o

    The kind of work she wanted would take several months and she wants it for FREE?
    >> Mister Cat !!FcDOjI047uC 06/03/11(Fri)03:45 No.4546585
    Theres a great chance I wont anyways. Because it seems a bit too trivial. Excuse me as I continue to convince PT to apply to try to contact AV studios.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/11(Fri)03:45 No.4546587
    As a CG artist, you should be aware of customers who will try to pull the age old bullshit of "It's a picture, you just draw it! It's not difficult so I don't have to pay you!"
    >> Mandark 06/03/11(Fri)03:47 No.4546598

    Haha oh I'm aware of that, I'm just surprised she thought she could pull that off and sorta worked but dude wised up.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/11(Fri)03:50 No.4546606

    Like we all know here on /cgl/, Adella uses everybody for her own purporpes, if someone doesn't agree they are a troll.

    Doesn't surprise me people leaving the project.
    >> E-Tan !T2yDkuD3Zg 06/03/11(Fri)03:57 No.4546628
    and obviously it doesn't take much to just type into a computer and make a website work!

    same boat as the CG artist in this thread. I am a website designer and I think its silly when people think that it just magically appears and takes < 10 seconds. If they think its THAT easy, then they should try doing it themselves.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/11(Fri)06:52 No.4546912
    the only people involved are her friends. so uh. yes.

    lol i still love the website acting like they were hired.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/11(Fri)07:07 No.4546950

    Okay out of 2,000 dollars; Gas to redwoods 6 hours away, 2 hotels rooms, food, gas back. Gas to desert place 3 hours away for free use of a cave then home.

    Funny that Adella is sure to slap up a "Pray for Japan" thing immediately for good press then just sit on her ass and take money rather than giving the extra to a disaster relief thing. Why can she not pay any of the effects people a dime when the "models" that she "hired" (her boyfriend and best friend) are getting to enjoy free vacations and horse riding lessons?
    >> Anonymous 06/03/11(Fri)07:25 No.4546978
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    This is what happens when people are surrounded by kiss-asses all the time.

    All I see on this website are 2 cosplay photoshoots after a year and half and having all the costumes already made.

    I do not understand.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/11(Fri)09:03 No.4547084
    don't forget about those character pictures she commissioned. Anyone have the caps saying how much those cost?
    >> Anonymous 06/03/11(Fri)09:09 No.4547097

    what a fucking waste of money.


    'course, it's not her money she's spending.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/11(Fri)09:12 No.4547103
    >reads thread
    >surprised no one has dobbed in the copyright infringement to Nintendo yet
    >Son, I am disappoint

    Regardless of where the money has gone; they have obtained it through exploiting characters and designs that are not theirs. It is illegal to gain money from someone elses work that is already copyrighted to them/their company.

    You can also not gain money from OC's that are linked to a copyrighted storyline; and despite her "fanfic" being used, its still linked to LOZ!
    >> Anonymous 06/03/11(Fri)11:03 No.4547305

    "end of line"

    I love this Gund Dam guy.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/11(Fri)11:33 No.4547411

    Yea, this.

    I am not sure how thousands of dollars = two photoshoots
    >> ai-honey !eEQ3LJoZmM 06/03/11(Fri)11:55 No.4547450

    Well, it makes as much sense as the rest of the bullshit you've been saying anyway and I like this rumour better.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/11(Fri)12:22 No.4547502

    Bump just for you~
    >> Anonymous 06/03/11(Fri)12:47 No.4547558
    Only $600? That's cheap for a website, unless you're paying some kid down the street.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/11(Fri)12:52 No.4547575
    Oh look, here's ai honey, the girl that sucks up to joellen and was the admin for their TZP forums.

    Any other friends you wish to whiteknight?
    >> Anonymous 06/03/11(Fri)13:24 No.4547683
    ...the thing is, though, in this case all of the "rumors" aren't rumors-- there are screencaps of Sarah actually saying these things.

    So, you know, just get the fuck over it for once. People goan rage.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/11(Fri)13:33 No.4547718

    She did a pretty lousy job being admin of a forum that's getting spammed with tons of sex ads.

    600 dollars for a fansite that is considered for supporting your hobby is a lot if you ask me. Can't you waste that money on fabrics? Or better yet a CG artist? What's wrong with a free wordpress blog?
    >> ai-honey !eEQ3LJoZmM 06/03/11(Fri)13:41 No.4547746
    I don't feel the need to suck up to people thousands of miles away, less so when this is a hobby I barely partake in, but okay. Also I host the site/installed the forums, I've never actually admin'd anything if we're going to get technical. I've offered to host /cgl anons before before you give me any gip that I did it to be popular (clearly with all the drama it's had the opposite affect anyway).

    Even in her upset state she never said TZP was finishing, just the the photo section might do, hence why it's on hiatus. So yes, the rumour that everything is being cancelled is indeed a rumour. I can genuinely see WHY it started, doesn't make it true, though.

    But come on, I don't need to tell you guys that this isn't a scam. You can't force people to donate and those that do are very happy to do so. We've not had a single person email in asking for their donations back (I know as I get all emails bounced to me) and really the only people who have the right to complain about donations ARE THOSE WHO HAVE ACTUALLY DONATED. And even then, people do not donate to get an outcome. They donate so they can feel a part of something and because they believe in the project. Of course if anyone was legitimately unhappy they would get their donations sent back, hence why some have already been sent back (not because they were unhappy, more as a gesture of goodwill) and why not donations are on hold. No one needs the donation money for living expenses etc that's just ludicrous.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/11(Fri)13:41 No.4547748
    $600 is around what my boyfriend charges for making wordpress sites for other people. Though generally it's as low as $300, and that's actually considered undercharging..

    The difference is he works with people who are running a business or trying to promote something for profit, which, 'allegedly' TZP is totally not doing in the slightest, oh no, not at all.
    >> ai-honey !eEQ3LJoZmM 06/03/11(Fri)13:42 No.4547757
    At the end of the day so much of what has been said here is built on misinformation and been twisted beyond recognition. I like to think I don't have to explain each individual case because anyone with an IQ over five can see which parts are silly and untrue. But I'm bored of staying quiet whilst people make shit up. If you'd legitimately like to know the answers to things I would be happy to answer. If there are things I don't know I will find them out for you.

    tl;dr: I spend all the monies on ponies.. I.. I can't help it /cgl. It's a drug.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/11(Fri)13:56 No.4547817

    Can you blame /cgl/? TZP has been lying about that permit in the first place. They begged fans for the money. I just don't understand how a crew of more than 10 people can't share costs together as a dedication to the project.

    TZP is just an overrated project, there are TONS better Zelda cosplayers on the internet than they are. And guess what? These cosplayer actually PAY for all their material and never ask for donations. They invest in the material because they are TRUE fans of the games.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/11(Fri)13:58 No.4547826
    You're a fucking moron. People aren't complaining because their donation money was wrongly spent. They're complaining because Adella and the others are soliciting people out of money to pay for their own hobbies and other personal expenses. You don't need to be a donator to see how that's horseshit.

    They're not forcing people to donate, they're preying on people that don't know any better.

    And if you actually think Adella who is unemployed, complains about her finance shit all the time and is no longer getting money from her boyfriend isn't spending this money on personal stuff then I have a bridge to sell you.
    >> ai-honey !eEQ3LJoZmM 06/03/11(Fri)14:10 No.4547873
    Can I blame /cgl? Naww, you are a drama factory, I'd be confused and disillusioned if you didn't make shit up. I also appreciate that no one has stood in and tried to correct anyone.

    I know that a lot of the people involved have worked for free, the majority even. But specialists (i.e. the guy who designed the new website) and other things that couldn't be avoided paying for (renting of horse, riding lessons, travel for others less involved etc). There's a lot of already existing evidence to show where the rest of the money has gone. I'm not about to list an itemised bill now but you get the gist.

    Yeah there have been a couple of donators who have donated quite a bit but they are in the far minority. They are also big Zelda fans and have no real connection or care for cosplay or /cgl. They just want to see the project come to fruition. You can try and tell they they are wasting their money if you like, but it's their money to waste. We all waste money on frivolities after all. Unless you live in a cave.

    It seems you have more of a problem with the idea of donations. I can't really help you with that one, it is a personal view you are entitled to, however you must understand not everyone feels that way and enjoy donating to then be a part of something and also feel as though they are helping something.
    >> ai-honey !eEQ3LJoZmM 06/03/11(Fri)14:17 No.4547900
    Ignoring the personal attack, people wilfully giving money is not 'soliciting'. Nor is anyone being preyed on when it is them coming forward.

    I'm not sure what 'hobbies or personal expenses' donation money is apparently spent on, but it's not true and you have no proof of it. Even if one person kept $2000 to themselves (which is impossible, as you've seen where a lot of it has been spent already) how far do you think that would get someone in the real world if they need to live off of it? Not very far my friend. No one could survive off of the TZP donations in LA of all places, that's just silly talk.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/11(Fri)14:24 No.4547926

    She's taking advantage of the fact that kids are dumb enough to fork over money that would be better spent on their families.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/11(Fri)14:33 No.4547960
    how can you justify spending money on commissioned portraits of each character? Please explain to me. That is a major waste of money that could of been put to better use. If this really is a project of their love for zelda then they should use their own money and not other peoples. It just seems shady to go we love zelda so much we are going to do this thing but we want to use other people money.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/11(Fri)14:36 No.4547976
    TZP keep saying shit but won't deliver anything except stupid shitty movies of how Adella's Ex-BF is riding a horse.

    Where the fuck is the rest of the cast?
    >> ai-honey !eEQ3LJoZmM 06/03/11(Fri)14:44 No.4548003
    What 'kids' would these be?

    It's fair you do not consider this to be a resourceful use of funding. However, it's not your project and you have to bear in everyone has wildly different ideas. It is quite impossible to please everyone. If anyone who had donated had a problem with this use of money they could have come forward, since it was so publicly mentioned, but they didn't as far as I know.

    As for the whole 'using other peoples money means xyz' simply put this project would be very hard to do on the backs of those involved and without the support of other fans. Similar projects usually receive funding somehow (i.e. there will be brawl was supported by the escapist) so that it may come to completion in a faster manner and to a higher standard. No one is making money out of this regardless of donations being involved.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/11(Fri)14:50 No.4548026

    I've seen better quality of cosplay of different Zelda characters. All funded by themselves.

    The trailer TZP is going to deliver is just a shit trailer from Adella's shitty fanfic no Zelda fan gives a fuck about.

    Thank god Nintendo is working on something secretly with actress Zelda Williams.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/11(Fri)14:54 No.4548037
    I know I'm opening a can of worms saying this but I think that PL did a better job at doing her photos and she didn't even beg for money. That being said if she did ask for donations I would gladly send $50 or $100 dollars her way. I feel that she would put the money to good use and put out a far more superior finished result.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/11(Fri)14:55 No.4548043
    I've always loved Pikmin Link's Link cosplays.
    >> ai-honey !eEQ3LJoZmM 06/03/11(Fri)14:58 No.4548050
    Well, it should be obvious this project has little to do with cosplay, but you are entitled to your opinions of course.

    Anyway, not everyone is interested in being a martyr by putting all their own money into a venture. Some are quite happy to ask for the involvement for others. There is nothing wrong with it and it doesn't make the others better just because they 'struggled' on their own.

    For instance my friend is working on a docu about freerunning being funded by channel 4. He could have done it himself, he still could. But why should he if he can be helped and funded to make it? It's quite normal that bigger projects need money to work. Yes you can struggle by without sometimes, but why do so if you don't have to? It doesn't mean someone's passion is less or their intentions are different because they want help.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/11(Fri)14:59 No.4548053
    Don't even bring up that retarded picture of her fighting a cartoon sand monster. Pikminlink does not need to be force-jammed into every topic mentioning Zelda. Go back to her deviantart account if you want to whiteknight.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/11(Fri)15:00 No.4548054
    >Funded by a company
    >Versus funded by a bunch of poor fantards
    >> Anonymous 06/03/11(Fri)15:01 No.4548057
    if they are so desperate for money they should not be spending money on such frivolous things such as the pictures and I'm calling bs on them not making money off of this. Their are just too many things that appear shady for me to think different.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/11(Fri)15:01 No.4548059
    Everything you say is stupid. There's no way that you can dignify begging for money to finance your cosplay hobby and personal bills. The shit they do (or claim to do) can be easily afforded if they split up the cost.

    The internet is not your personal piggy bank. Get a fucking job.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/11(Fri)15:05 No.4548068
    she has done other pictures that are better than the sand creature. Why don't you go back to adella's da and whiteknight for her. I'm not white knighting PL. I'm just stating my opinion that I believe she has done a better job.
    >> ai-honey !eEQ3LJoZmM 06/03/11(Fri)15:07 No.4548076
    There is no desperation, otherwise recent donations wouldn't have been given back. The option is just there for those who want to, it has never been pushed on anyone.

    All I can say is donation money has not been used for personal gain and you have no proof of it being used for such so maybe you should give it a rest, eh? Because all you're pushing is rumours and false information.

    Please feel free to get back to me when you have any proof of.. well, anything really.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/11(Fri)15:12 No.4548092
    Yes but your friend's project that is being produced has a chance of making money for it's investors. That's why they gave your friend money because they saw a money making chance. But if tzp makes any money at all I doubt that any of the people that gave adella their hard earned money will see anything at all except for the heap of shit over shoop pictures adella has already put out.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/11(Fri)15:14 No.4548102

    TZP always reacts when the truth comes out. First Adella's FB post now the whole problem with the donations.

    TZP is trying to save it's image, not because you guy's really want to give those donations back.

    Don't worry /cgl/, the Zelda community is already suspicious of TZP's acts.
    >> ai-honey !eEQ3LJoZmM 06/03/11(Fri)15:17 No.4548112
    They are not 'investors' they are 'donators'. I'm sure you know the difference. An investor expects a certain amount back (or claims a stake) a donator gives not expecting to own something. A donation is a GIFT free of any strings of obligation. A cause does not owe a donator anything for donating. They are called 'donations' for a reason, please don't get the two mixed up.

    There has never been anything written anywhere implying people would make money for the venture. It is listed as non profit for everyone involved.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/11(Fri)15:17 No.4548114
    3hen show proof that all the money that has been donated has been used for TZP only. They should of been keeping receipts for tax purposes. Show to the world that everything they have been giving has been used for the intended purpose. If you can do this I will donate $200 and start supporting tzp whole heartedly.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/11(Fri)15:20 No.4548125
    I guess I don't understand why TZP hasn't come under scrutiny from Nintendo already. I'm not hugely aware of the workings of the legal world, but by producing this project using Nintendo's characters and receiving financial profit from it (even if it's called a "donation," it's still a cash flow), what is preventing them from being sued by Nintendo? I remember hearing news about a woman who would pose for pictures wearing a particular NFL team's logo, colors, etc. and sold the pictures for profit and was sued by the NFL and her website was forcibly taken down. Isn't it the same idea?
    >> Anonymous 06/03/11(Fri)15:24 No.4548146
    Because they know TZP is a piss of shit and it is not worth their time or money to go after adella and her cock suckers.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/11(Fri)15:24 No.4548149
    Nintendo's common sense is keeping them from suing. If it was getting major, they'd C&D it. It's still at the stage of "shitty fan project" so they aren't going to do anything, and as we're seeing, they don't really have to.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/11(Fri)15:24 No.4548150
    A donation is not a gift to the organization. It is money sent with certain expectations attached and the ethical obligation for the receiver to uphold. A gift to another person is done in good heart and meant as a gift in the truest sense of the word. However, these donations to TZP are expected to be use for directly to fund the project and only the project, not to support the lifestyle of the crew. Want to test this? How do you think donators would react if they see that a portion of donations is being spent on renting legitimate photoshoot locations versus a week vacation at the bahamas?

    It's intentionally misleading fans and manipulating their trust.
    >> ai-honey !eEQ3LJoZmM 06/03/11(Fri)15:25 No.4548152
    As previously stated, since the hiatus some donations have ALREADY been given back as a goodwill gesture.

    Some of the rest has of course been used towards the project and those donators have not asked for returns and are quite happy to remain involved. Some still wish to donate currently but have been encouraged to wait a while till things are back on track.

    I'm not entirely sure how possible it will be, but I could try? I do feel though that it's unfair that TZP have to prove themselves when no one else has any proof that anything untoward has actually happened.

    It's common knowledge what a good portion of it has been spent on (i.e. websites, riding lessons, renting of horses, materials, props, travel and yes the infamous portraits) anyway. But I will see what I can do. I don't know about receipts however, I know for a start I never got given receipts when I had riding lessons, nor do webdesigners give them!
    >> ai-honey !eEQ3LJoZmM 06/03/11(Fri)15:27 No.4548166
    That would be true if the money was being spent on personal ventures outside of relation to TZP, but it isn't. Again, it's all hearsay.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/11(Fri)15:36 No.4548192

    A Zelda project called ZREO asked for donation as well for funding an orchestra based on TP music. They asked above the 10 grand and received it from the donaters.

    Difference between TZP and ZREO.
    ZREO delivered fucking outstanding orchestra while TZP delivered NOTHING.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/11(Fri)15:38 No.4548199
    There's no justifying this level of panhandling.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/11(Fri)15:41 No.4548211
    >implying charities and organizations don't need to show records on what they spent donations on

    lol wow

    I mean I know you're defending a spoiled lazy bitch who would rather have strangers pay her bills so you're already stupid, but - wow.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/11(Fri)15:42 No.4548215
    I am still going to talk to my state's AG off ice because I feel that TZP is defrauding people. I hope that they will do something to put a stop to it.>>4548152
    according to the tax website you must be able to show that all the money from donations you take in how it is being spent. You must be able to show detailed inventory of expenses and money reserves.
    >> ai-honey !eEQ3LJoZmM 06/03/11(Fri)15:42 No.4548217
    Right, I'm off ahht, it's a friday night afterall.

    Before I go I wish to state I live in a country which advocates "Innocent until proven guilty". Until any proof of untoward activities surface I'm afraid I will be continually repeating myself.

    I will do my best to further answer those who have made legitimate enquiries. Those who wish to contact me may do, I'm not hard to find after all.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/11(Fri)15:45 No.4548224
    the problem i have with this project ai-honey is that it's been well over a year since the project started. and in that year and a half the only result has been one photo shoot. now i realize that TPZ ran into problems but i'm surprised with the amount of donations plus their willingness (apparently) to use their own personal funds that these problems couldn't be overcome. the donators pay to be involved in this project like you said, but the project is barely off the ground. like the fact that one photo shoot was cancelled because of some botched ears. use some inaccurate lower quality ears then and fix the rest with photoshop, camera angles and clever shadow effects. the point is you guys need to show more results. i don't see where the donations are going because the only finished product is ONE PHOTO SHOOT. and this is in a year in a half. that's pretty pathetic if you ask me considering the amount of donations you get.
    >> ai-honey !eEQ3LJoZmM 06/03/11(Fri)15:46 No.4548228
    I never said that. Also there is a discernible difference between 'non profit organisation' and 'charity'. I simply said that a 'donator' is different from an 'investor' and that it's clear money from donations have been spent on the project and that there is no proof it has been spent elsewhere.

    Anyway I really have to go or my friends will yell at me. Peace out.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/11(Fri)15:48 No.4548238
    >that it's clear money from donations have been spent on the project and that there is no proof it has been spent elsewhere.

    Really, how is it clear that $2000++ has been spent on the project? You keep saying there's no evidence that it hasn't been spent, but there's no evidence it has --- oh wait, we have proof they bought themselves a huge ass breakfast... gee.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/11(Fri)15:50 No.4548245
    Wow running off to hide. Damn the whole TZP team are a bunch of little whiney bitches. No wonder all the stuff TZP has done is shit. Now go cry to adella and the others that we aren't playing nice and we aren't sucking adella's cock like you do every waking moment of your life. I'm surprised you took your lips off her ass long enough to come on here and try to defend her and the shit stain that is TZP.
    >> ai-honey !eEQ3LJoZmM 06/03/11(Fri)15:51 No.4548250
    Gah okay, one more.

    You have a good point. I agree with some of this. Yes I think given the time frame more should have happened by now, despite the set backs. I think that negativity from various sources has dampened spirits however and it seems a lot of people have turned out to be unreliable in general. That being said more has been organized behind scenes than can be really accounted for right now. I hope that something worthwhile can be shown soon, too. I appreciate the legitimate concern and will pass it on.

    I'm going I swear!
    >> Anonymous 06/03/11(Fri)15:52 No.4548255
    ITT people are jealous no one will ever donate to their cosplay fund.
    >> ai-honey !eEQ3LJoZmM 06/03/11(Fri)15:53 No.4548259
    No, I'm going to the pub. I'll be back in.. five ish hours? Again, my friends will murder me if I flake. I'm more scared of them than you lot, I'm afraid.

    Five texts later, they is not be happy bunnies.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/11(Fri)15:54 No.4548267
    How does it feel to take money from poor students? Apparently for the TPZ group: Awesome.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/11(Fri)15:54 No.4548269
    >people have turned out to be unreliable in general.

    That's what you get if your crewmembers aren't dedicated fans of the series.

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