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  • File : 1305474739.jpg-(45 KB, 360x720, 230913_218808744814313_155539481141240_8(...).jpg)
    45 KB WoW cosplay Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)11:52 No.4468559  
    Good ones please!
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)11:58 No.4468575
         File1305475099.jpg-(118 KB, 502x643, 60861_155541561141032_15553948(...).jpg)
    118 KB
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)11:59 No.4468576
         File1305475149.jpg-(50 KB, 477x720, 227248_218808504814337_1555394(...).jpg)
    50 KB
    Considering Kamui is about the only good one.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)11:59 No.4468577
         File1305475162.jpg-(90 KB, 720x480, 207071_212068855488302_1555394(...).jpg)
    90 KB
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)12:02 No.4468583
         File1305475322.jpg-(104 KB, 431x720, 216929_212068902154964_1555394(...).jpg)
    104 KB
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)12:02 No.4468585
         File1305475325.jpg-(80 KB, 400x600, wowcos01DpNuX82B23.jpg)
    80 KB
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)12:10 No.4468607
         File1305475838.jpg-(7 KB, 274x184, dowant.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)12:24 No.4468649
         File1305476665.jpg-(126 KB, 286x500, 3850651846_2592da65fd.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)12:25 No.4468650
         File1305476729.jpg-(147 KB, 500x333, 5119298609_664a7f6edd.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)13:42 No.4468861
    lol no

    There are so many better ones out there.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)19:14 No.4469987
    lol sup kamui selfpost. does anyone find it hilarious that she copied the monk chick's pose in this picture. also muffin top lol
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)19:16 No.4470011
    Wow someone lurks the fuck out of her facebook or kamui self posting again.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)19:19 No.4470027
    Does anyone else think Kamui is butterface. Is there something wrong with her face? She seems to always open her mouth
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)19:19 No.4470028
    Fuck that the monk chicks alex costume looks like shit compared to kamuis
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)19:19 No.4470030
         File1305501561.jpg-(59 KB, 453x604, undeadrogue.jpg)
    59 KB
    My personal favorite.
    Holy shit, those are GREAT! I LOVE female Trolls.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)19:22 No.4470052
    better body and not derp'd face imo. more aesthetically pleasing.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)19:22 No.4470058
         File1305501779.jpg-(69 KB, 540x720, 180881_127877993951148_1278636(...).jpg)
    69 KB
    costume looks like shit.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)19:23 No.4470065
    girl is still hotter kamui. you'll always be a butterface fatty
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)19:24 No.4470073
    forgot my sage
    also, does anyone think that Kamui self posting is getting almost as bad as Ayabi self posts of the recent/past?
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)19:27 No.4470090
    Oh lawd, in after shitstorm. In b4 ayabi though.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)19:28 No.4470100
    i dont think its self posting, but obnoxious OMFG we love KAMUI is the greatest fantards :/ or maybe im just in denial.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)19:30 No.4470114
    Kamui can cosplay whatever the fuck she wants as long as she doesn't touch Beatrice again. Stop ruining my waifu.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)19:31 No.4470122
    i do like Kamuis construction better than this chick, and i like this girls face but i think they both lack a little in the body. The characters supposed to be very..voluptuous. Kamuis almost got it, and i really dont mean that in a bad/callin her a fatty.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)19:31 No.4470125
    she ruins pretty much everything she cosplays. her craftsmenship is good but jesus get some surgery for that face. PLEASE.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)19:35 No.4470143
    So agreed.
    Besides theres much more better looking Alextraszas around...
    >> lol !!/s91Il1LLTk 05/15/11(Sun)19:37 No.4470161
         File1305502675.jpg-(500 KB, 600x902, dragonqueen.jpg)
    500 KB
    Does anyone remember this girl lol~~
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)19:39 No.4470168
    sure there slots of samefagging in the tread...
    >> lol !!/s91Il1LLTk 05/15/11(Sun)19:41 No.4470182
         File1305502906.jpg-(62 KB, 480x720, 141-44340-2fd51aee7d40c176e95f(...).jpg)
    62 KB
    one of my favorites
    >> lol !!/s91Il1LLTk 05/15/11(Sun)19:42 No.4470184
         File1305502951.jpg-(458 KB, 600x809, starcraft_ghost.jpg)
    458 KB
    girl crush~~
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)19:42 No.4470185
    She is a very pretty girl, but the OPs costume is just miles better.
    >> lol !!/s91Il1LLTk 05/15/11(Sun)19:43 No.4470190
         File1305502991.jpg-(372 KB, 600x545, emeralddream.jpg)
    372 KB
    lololol was this 3rd place or some hilariousness? sage for facepalms last year
    >> lol !!/s91Il1LLTk 05/15/11(Sun)19:47 No.4470211
         File1305503263.jpg-(132 KB, 333x500, 3850658320_bee3427ff2.jpg)
    132 KB
    Valeera Sanguinar
    >> lol !!/s91Il1LLTk 05/15/11(Sun)19:48 No.4470220
         File1305503311.jpg-(91 KB, 690x458, 30888_108665139180404_10000110(...).jpg)
    91 KB
    Kael and harem
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)19:49 No.4470226
    So.....poorly made shit like the "pikachu" girl with cardboard tail and yellow bikini is long as the girl is cute? I'd rather have really well made cosplays, sure the people wearing them might not be the best looking, but nothing beats an awesomely made cosplay in my book. Besides, cute girls/guys with shitty cosplays usually have no idea what they're cosplaying, they just what the least try damn it. ...Unless you're super hot.... then it's ok in my book....
    >> lol !!/s91Il1LLTk 05/15/11(Sun)19:49 No.4470235
         File1305503376.jpg-(145 KB, 1024x768, blizzcon-harpy.jpg)
    145 KB
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)19:50 No.4470241
    This. Why Kamui won't make costumes and hire models to war them for her. They would make an epic work.
    >> lol !!/s91Il1LLTk 05/15/11(Sun)19:50 No.4470243
         File1305503429.jpg-(91 KB, 468x700, 1205261208186.jpg)
    91 KB
    arthas standard
    >> lol !!/s91Il1LLTk 05/15/11(Sun)19:51 No.4470253
         File1305503481.jpg-(123 KB, 400x601, img_3183.jpg)
    123 KB
    lol war them for her
    pic is the same girl from>>4470184
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)19:51 No.4470256
    Alright, way to kill your own argument.
    >> lol !!/s91Il1LLTk 05/15/11(Sun)19:52 No.4470257
         File1305503522.jpg-(82 KB, 500x334, 1282865160728.jpg)
    82 KB
    one of the better if not best maievs I have seen as far as helm detail goes.
    >> lol !!/s91Il1LLTk 05/15/11(Sun)19:52 No.4470264
         File1305503559.jpg-(134 KB, 375x500, 3422384907_6fc61db697.jpg)
    134 KB
    decent Tamuura figure cosplay.
    >> lol !!/s91Il1LLTk 05/15/11(Sun)19:53 No.4470274
         File1305503630.jpg-(82 KB, 552x800, mark_2009060821154686757.jpg)
    82 KB
    sylvannas windrunner. girl is so tiny but her costume pulls of the WoW bulky armor aesthetic well limo
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)19:53 No.4470275
         File1305503635.jpg-(127 KB, 800x600, Blood_Elf_Priest_closeup_by_Ai(...).jpg)
    127 KB
    >> lol !!/s91Il1LLTk 05/15/11(Sun)19:54 No.4470282
         File1305503673.jpg-(106 KB, 666x1000, wowsylvanaswindrunnercos145G7Y(...).jpg)
    106 KB
    lol captcha lemonde, datmee
    >> lol !!/s91Il1LLTk 05/15/11(Sun)19:55 No.4470285
    >> lol !!/s91Il1LLTk 05/15/11(Sun)19:56 No.4470295
         File1305503760.jpg-(195 KB, 521x770, wowcos2615867Aj8xR.jpg)
    195 KB
    have some shoop 80lb chinese random
    >> lol !!/s91Il1LLTk 05/15/11(Sun)19:56 No.4470299
         File1305503792.jpg-(87 KB, 420x630, wow_cos_s08.jpg)
    87 KB
    another sylvannas
    >> lol !!/s91Il1LLTk 05/15/11(Sun)19:57 No.4470303
         File1305503833.jpg-(110 KB, 750x999, 1283112796921.jpg)
    110 KB
    really good UD construction imo
    >> lol !!/s91Il1LLTk 05/15/11(Sun)19:57 No.4470308
         File1305503865.jpg-(98 KB, 533x800, blizzcon081334Y72vR4b1.jpg)
    98 KB
    >> lol !!/s91Il1LLTk 05/15/11(Sun)19:58 No.4470316
         File1305503901.jpg-(55 KB, 420x280, wow_cos_s10.jpg)
    55 KB
    cute gnome lock I believe. T4? haven't played the game in years
    >> lol !!/s91Il1LLTk 05/15/11(Sun)19:59 No.4470323
         File1305503965.jpg-(45 KB, 450x306, 1282866830125.jpg)
    45 KB
    trio maiev arthas sylvannas(?)
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)19:59 No.4470325
    UD construction?
    >> lol !!/s91Il1LLTk 05/15/11(Sun)20:01 No.4470332
         File1305504062.jpg-(86 KB, 426x640, 1282865418075.jpg)
    86 KB
    that one dota hero/varimathras/night stalker
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)20:01 No.4470333
    UD = Un Dead in Wow.
    >> lol !!/s91Il1LLTk 05/15/11(Sun)20:02 No.4470341
         File1305504152.jpg-(186 KB, 750x999, 1283111961129.jpg)
    186 KB
    undead construction as in the limbs and shit. person is also thin enough realistically to cosplay UD. so more accurate than other UD cosplayers

    loldraeneiface pic related
    >> lol !!/s91Il1LLTk 05/15/11(Sun)20:03 No.4470349
         File1305504208.jpg-(210 KB, 800x1087, 105374768193.jpg)
    210 KB
    dark templar/zeratul
    >> lol !!/s91Il1LLTk 05/15/11(Sun)20:04 No.4470352
         File1305504246.jpg-(92 KB, 500x333, 3845080646_a8ae30d3db.jpg)
    92 KB
    now posting all blizzard related except lost vikings

    hell bovines, secret cow level diablo 2
    >> lol !!/s91Il1LLTk 05/15/11(Sun)20:04 No.4470357
         File1305504289.jpg-(61 KB, 334x500, succubus1.jpg)
    61 KB
    succubus WoW
    >> lol !!/s91Il1LLTk 05/15/11(Sun)20:05 No.4470363
         File1305504333.jpg-(153 KB, 1000x677, 105374768195.jpg)
    153 KB
    mistress of pain
    >> lol !!/s91Il1LLTk 05/15/11(Sun)20:06 No.4470368
         File1305504367.jpg-(83 KB, 458x690, 30888_108663809180537_10000110(...).jpg)
    83 KB
    lol. kael x illidan yaoi situation.
    >> lol !!/s91Il1LLTk 05/15/11(Sun)20:06 No.4470376
         File1305504413.jpg-(205 KB, 800x1232, 105374768190.jpg)
    205 KB
    starcraft marine
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)20:06 No.4470377
    some of these look like shit specially>>4470323
    and this>>4470274 is just frightening. That bitch need to eat a sammich or stop shooping so much.
    >> lol !!/s91Il1LLTk 05/15/11(Sun)20:07 No.4470382
         File1305504454.jpg-(134 KB, 333x500, 3866102423_d6cf2b1dc9.jpg)
    134 KB
    >> lol !!/s91Il1LLTk 05/15/11(Sun)20:08 No.4470388
         File1305504522.jpg-(106 KB, 669x427, wowsylvanaswindrunnerc456XL74F(...).jpg)
    106 KB
    why are you so mad that an Asian is shooping. all asians shoop.
    have some more delicious shoop and tape worm diets
    >> lol !!/s91Il1LLTk 05/15/11(Sun)20:09 No.4470398
         File1305504597.jpg-(85 KB, 420x630, wow_cos_s06.jpg)
    85 KB
    here's some more non-sammich eating goddamn asians
    >> lol !!/s91Il1LLTk 05/15/11(Sun)20:10 No.4470401
         File1305504632.jpg-(221 KB, 333x500, cosplay17.jpg)
    221 KB
    some more shoop
    >> lol !!/s91Il1LLTk 05/15/11(Sun)20:12 No.4470410
         File1305504741.jpg-(83 KB, 296x500, 1138942812_19b4bb37ed.jpg)
    83 KB
    obligatory shooped asian also needs a sammich
    >> lol !!/s91Il1LLTk 05/15/11(Sun)20:13 No.4470412
         File1305504824.jpg-(29 KB, 438x650, women-blood-elf-in-world-of-wa(...).jpg)
    29 KB
    lol no ears
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)20:14 No.4470416
         File1305504852.jpg-(47 KB, 600x600, undead.jpg)
    47 KB
    >> lol !!/s91Il1LLTk 05/15/11(Sun)20:14 No.4470418
         File1305504874.jpg-(198 KB, 521x770, wowcos2575043Mh77F.jpg)
    198 KB
    same girl
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)20:14 No.4470419
         File1305504876.jpg-(19 KB, 400x300, i_ain__t_even_mad_by_terriblep(...).jpg)
    19 KB
    Mad, no one said anything about mad, I'm saying she looks freaky cause her head is wider then her torso. I'm sorry if I insulted your fap material
    >> lol !!/s91Il1LLTk 05/15/11(Sun)20:19 No.4470436
    the picture is obviously shooped and her cloak is covering part of her waist area(?). don't even find this girl particularly attractive, just like her costume.

    more of my type of fapping material ajajajajajaja
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)20:19 No.4470437
         File1305505167.jpg-(25 KB, 604x453, heavy.jpg)
    25 KB
    Dear thread: Why so many thumbnail-sized overshopped pictures?
    >> lol !!/s91Il1LLTk 05/15/11(Sun)20:20 No.4470442
         File1305505234.jpg-(106 KB, 500x607, 105374768187.jpg)
    106 KB
    Witch doctor d3
    >> lol !!/s91Il1LLTk 05/15/11(Sun)20:22 No.4470451
         File1305505351.jpg-(179 KB, 1000x666, 105374768188.jpg)
    179 KB
    because azns love themselves sum o dat shoop also no one posting except me and all I have is small pictures. Forget to save all the time sadfaez

    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)20:23 No.4470457

    You can tell the file names are all facebook defaults. Its a lurker, creepy lurker.
    >> lol !!/s91Il1LLTk 05/15/11(Sun)20:23 No.4470458
         File1305505432.jpg-(58 KB, 300x390, BlizzCon_Winner___Paladin_T2_b(...).jpg)
    58 KB
    never gonna give you up

    someone go google and post. I'll google later. done for a bit
    >> lol !!/s91Il1LLTk 05/15/11(Sun)20:25 No.4470464
    also, can someone give me sauce for this girl. I lost it since the last WoW threads.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)23:38 No.4471143
    Kamui is ugly as fuck. But because she makes good props she has a bunch of whiteknights from the progress threads who will try to defend her honor.
    >> Anonymous 05/16/11(Mon)02:33 No.4471786
    lol'd /agree
    >> Kamui !hMk3cortn2 05/16/11(Mon)02:41 No.4471814
    Oh guys, not again please. Yeah, I'm maybe not a beauty, but I love what I do and also will keep on doing it. Thank you for your critism, but there are things I'm not able to change.
    >> Anonymous 05/16/11(Mon)02:44 No.4471828
    These girls were so good but they didn't have costumes .. they were just wearing jeans and tshirts. I was disappoint. It would have been the most epic troll cosplay ever had they had actual costumes.
    >> Poolboy !!FxpWWedJUtg 05/16/11(Mon)02:45 No.4471830
         File1305528333.jpg-(296 KB, 1022x1372, 1305192502271.jpg)
    296 KB
    i think you are adorable
    >> Anonymous 05/16/11(Mon)03:08 No.4471940
         File1305529690.png-(278 KB, 403x398, 1297681775055.png)
    278 KB
    >lolol this girl is fugly, anyone who cares about craftmanship over looks is a whiteknight
    >mfw you are everything wrong with the cosplay community
    >> Anonymous 05/16/11(Mon)03:10 No.4471947
         File1305529812.jpg-(189 KB, 533x800, 34543.jpg)
    189 KB
    This picture always makes me lol
    >> lol !!/s91Il1LLTk 05/16/11(Mon)03:21 No.4472002
         File1305530511.jpg-(272 KB, 987x629, voldepunch.jpg)
    272 KB
    me too. and I've lol'd every single time you've posted that picture of me. pretty sure I was 16 and made that in a couple days/a week. It's a huge joke and I look like complete shit as well. Probably should have lost weight for that costume too. Good news: I've been lazily remaking tier 6 rogue out of leather but with school and what not + lazyness..yup.

    So we all know I'm fat and ugly and a dumb asian etc etc costume is shit I've already stated this numerous times. I mad at 16 year old self for churing that piece of shit out after I made judgement the year before. In conclusion: I am a piece of shit.

    Also in the words of Megan aka Volde I am "fugly asian cunt with no skills" I'm surprised she didn't call me fat though because I'm fat as well. She probably just forgot lol~

    Pic related
    >> lol !!/s91Il1LLTk 05/16/11(Mon)03:22 No.4472009
    >> Poolboy !!FxpWWedJUtg 05/16/11(Mon)03:26 No.4472025
    costume made me lol,
    girl made me moist
    >> Anonymous 05/16/11(Mon)03:27 No.4472029

    she's fat yo
    >> Poolboy !!FxpWWedJUtg 05/16/11(Mon)03:28 No.4472033
    couldnt tell that from picture,
    face is cute
    >> Anonymous 05/16/11(Mon)03:28 No.4472035
         File1305530894.jpg-(84 KB, 732x1024, alexstrasza.jpg)
    84 KB

    It looks like she changed the gems in the gauntlets recently. It looks a lot better now. It's not bad, just different construction.

    I think she finished hers in a couple weeks vs. a few months for Kamui's.
    >> Anonymous 05/16/11(Mon)03:33 No.4472056

    Too much makeup imo. The costume is pretty cool tho. Her's is made entirely from tooling leather vs Kamui's suede leather stuff and foam
    >> lol !!/s91Il1LLTk 05/16/11(Mon)03:33 No.4472058
    my face is terrible. I'm fugly and I'm fat irl. Pretty much a waste of space. I should an hero jajajajajaja

    Also really hope(lol) one of my cosplay "friends" doesn't constantly post pictures of my shitty cosplay and bash me on here. Seems standard though.
    >> Poolboy !!FxpWWedJUtg 05/16/11(Mon)03:37 No.4472074
    im sorry?
    >> Anonymous 05/16/11(Mon)03:38 No.4472076

    Who else would be randomly always doing that? It's always shitty "friends" or some creep stalker
    >> Anonymous 05/16/11(Mon)03:42 No.4472090
    ooo is that bronzebeard?
    >> Anonymous 05/16/11(Mon)03:45 No.4472098

    >> Anonymous 05/16/11(Mon)03:51 No.4472119

    Yea, I love the crappy paint blotches. Didn't realize how hard it was to make decent lines painting and not getting the white paint everywhere.
    >> Anonymous 05/16/11(Mon)03:51 No.4472121
         File1305532316.jpg-(223 KB, 533x800, 452.jpg)
    223 KB

    Forgot my photo
    >> Poolboy !!FxpWWedJUtg 05/16/11(Mon)03:53 No.4472125
    how is she fat?
    >> lol !!/s91Il1LLTk 05/16/11(Mon)04:04 No.4472179
         File1305533095.jpg-(268 KB, 571x800, 13484334734.jpg)
    268 KB
    Because I weigh over 100 pounds. Any asian that weighs over 100 pounds is auto fat even if you are taller than 5'.

    Here anon have some more of my shitty cosplay from 4(?) years ago. lololol cardboard warglaives saturday morning of AX. dear god I did stupid shit when I was 16.

    Well I'm aware the WoW cosplay community has a higher concentration of bitches and whores but I wouldn't expect people that I actually cared about to troll/bash anonymously on cgl rofl.

    Lol why would you apologize. It is my fault that I was born so hideous and fat. I should gain like ~500 lbs and cosplay an accurate snorlax.
    >> lol !!/s91Il1LLTk 05/16/11(Mon)04:10 No.4472204
    Not sure if its bronzebeard. I couldn't locate the pictures in context on the moonspeak website. Really like the facial hair extension/prosthetic situation going on though that this Chinese(?) cosplayer presumably made.
    >> Poolboy !!FxpWWedJUtg 05/16/11(Mon)04:14 No.4472220
    i dont even know what to say at this point
    >> Anonymous 05/16/11(Mon)04:15 No.4472226
    >>Any asian that weighs over 100 pounds is auto fat even if you are taller than 5'.
    Everyone knows it's 120, but otherwise forgiven if you're from SE Asia.
    >> lol !!/s91Il1LLTk 05/16/11(Mon)04:17 No.4472236
    come bash my 4 year old cosplay with this kid who has been doing so for the past 4 years :D!! It might be 3 actually I don't remember if I was 16 or 17.
    >> Poolboy !!FxpWWedJUtg 05/16/11(Mon)04:23 No.4472262
         File1305534199.png-(202 KB, 385x478, 1270838815236.png)
    202 KB
    but id rather be nice...
    >> lol !!/s91Il1LLTk 05/16/11(Mon)04:24 No.4472269
         File1305534298.jpg-(149 KB, 750x999, 1283111012338.jpg)
    149 KB
    hmmm, there may be more hope for me then anon. But I think nowadays any asian heavier than some ludicrous 80lb or something is "fat".

    ok anon. I'll post good WoW/Blizzard cosplay for you since you posted a panda and being one from moonspeak land I like the pandas.
    >> Poolboy !!FxpWWedJUtg 05/16/11(Mon)04:30 No.4472295
    >> Anonymous 05/16/11(Mon)04:39 No.4472331
    You're cute, and quality aside the costume is at least visibly clear as Rogue T8. For a 16-year old on a highschooler budget, it's good.

    Also, you aren't fat. Stop belittling yourself and have a bit more confidence.
    >> lol !!/s91Il1LLTk 05/16/11(Mon)04:47 No.4472347
         File1305535652.jpg-(118 KB, 333x500, 3848740857_b7daaf55fb.jpg)
    118 KB
    Its actually a shitty Tier 6 "Slayer's" set. Budget wasn't an issue, I was mainly short on time AX 2007 or 2008 -I can't remember.

    I'm actually fat irl lol. I don't think you understand.
    >> Anonymous 05/16/11(Mon)04:52 No.4472357
    I want to marry kamui...
    >> Anonymous 05/16/11(Mon)05:08 No.4472387
    I always wanted a tier 6 priest outfit.
    >> lol !!/s91Il1LLTk 05/16/11(Mon)05:11 No.4472394
         File1305537088.jpg-(547 KB, 500x752, Tier_6_Priest_by_OrangeMoose.jpg)
    547 KB
    like this?
    >> Cutman 05/16/11(Mon)05:11 No.4472396
         File1305537093.png-(263 KB, 478x300, cutman.png)
    263 KB
    So many sandy vaginas in this thread.

    Kamui may not be model pretty but damn that girl can make props like a motherfucking wizard. Plus she's
    far from being fat. The two fatty fat fat lardo15 year olds in this thread need to go exercise, get better at making props, or get some friends to bitch to because you ain't fooling anyone with projecting your fatty fat hate for yourself to the world.
    >> lol !!/s91Il1LLTk 05/16/11(Mon)05:14 No.4472398
    But I fat bro. IRLZ
    >> Anonymous 05/16/11(Mon)05:14 No.4472400
    I read the whole thing in ruby spear's cut man's voice.
    >> Anonymous 05/16/11(Mon)05:15 No.4472401
    done lurking kamui's facebook for pictures? sage for obvious fb stalker.
    >> Cutman 05/16/11(Mon)05:16 No.4472403
         File1305537391.jpg-(13 KB, 487x304, cm_2.jpg)
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    then you're forgiven, my unfortunate yet honest man
    >> lol !!/s91Il1LLTk 05/16/11(Mon)05:17 No.4472404
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    >> Cutman 05/16/11(Mon)05:19 No.4472408
         File1305537545.jpg-(34 KB, 277x250, hotbod.jpg)
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    Get lost fatty.
    Quit assuming the world is out stalking people you love to hate because unlike you I have a glorious toned body to worry about. Go grease up somewhere else.
    >> Anonymous 05/16/11(Mon)05:22 No.4472412
    The fact that you know she has these photos on her facebook tells a lot about your little 'stalking' hobby.

    sage for one really mad cunt
    >> Anonymous 05/16/11(Mon)05:24 No.4472417
    everyone and their mom is added to her fb. who wouldn't know? she literally spams the fuck out of her progress. you sound mad though, keep sucking kamui's dick you still won't be as thin or talented as she is.
    >> Anonymous 05/16/11(Mon)05:27 No.4472423
    whoa whoa whoa

    Backpedaling much, stalker?

    You're amazing at being a downs ridden cock blocker.
    >> Anonymous 05/16/11(Mon)05:33 No.4472431
    I miss cutman guys
    >> Anonymous 05/16/11(Mon)07:11 No.4472533
    did a quick search on flickr,

    >> Anonymous 05/16/11(Mon)10:49 No.4472813
    Those ladies and the trolls are the same girls :D
    >> Anonymous 05/16/11(Mon)11:27 No.4472919



    more wow cosplay
    >> christfag !xyWyVn95HA 05/16/11(Mon)11:33 No.4472932
         File1305560013.jpg-(2 KB, 33x33, ¦3urichan.jpg)
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    i liek you brave wee crazy fekkers who enjoy dress-up

    jus sayin
    >> grhdss 05/16/11(Mon)11:37 No.4472941
    what about that one alex with the big tits pics pls
    >> Anonymous 05/16/11(Mon)11:55 No.4472975
         File1305561328.jpg-(61 KB, 480x720, alex.jpg)
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