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  • File : 1305335231.jpg-(72 KB, 720x540, rorita.jpg)
    72 KB Anonymous 05/13/11(Fri)21:07 No.4462712  
    So it was my 16th birthday and I was at ACEN 2010. I was so excited for to see Vic for the first time in my life, and what would turn out to be the last time for a many years. My mother brought me here for my birthday just to meet him. When it was finally my turn to get his autograph I gushed and told him all about how my b-day wish was to see him.....
    >> Anonymous 05/13/11(Fri)21:08 No.4462718
    He invited me up to his room because he wanted to make my bday even more special. He gave me the room number and time to go up. Of course I went. When I got inside there were rose petals on the bed. My face was blushing so hard. He said he was going into the bathroom to freshen up and that I should put on the blindfold that was on the bed and lay down. My wildest dreams were coming true......
    >> Anonymous 05/13/11(Fri)21:09 No.4462723
    I laid there so nervous. He talked gently to me and I hung on his every word. He told me to open my mouth and that he was going to give me a very special gift. I'm not naive. I knew he was going to slip his cock into my mouth and I couldn't wait. I felt him mount the bed. I knew the moment was coming. Then with a creamy splash I got the special gift, only it wasn't his cock.......
    >> Anonymous 05/13/11(Fri)21:10 No.4462725
    It was a greasy turd. I yanked off my mask in horror. He asked me what was wrong and insisted that I should be so honored to have him brick in my mouth. I'm not going to lie, I did feel very honored and knew all my friends would be extremely jealous, but even this was a little weird. I spat the turd out and kept spitting. At this point Vic was very angry and was yelling. I don't recall what he was saying as I was trying to get shit out of my mouth and hair. Things got worse when his rage boiled over and he began choking me. What was probably just a few seconds seemed like several minutes. Finally I gave in and passed out. 2 years later.....
    >> Anonymous 05/13/11(Fri)21:12 No.4462735
         File1305335569.jpg-(48 KB, 505x514, 1302989397202.jpg)
    48 KB
    >this thread
    >> Anonymous 05/13/11(Fri)21:13 No.4462738
         File1305335597.png-(38 KB, 348x348, 1299425814812.png)
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    ... Even though Vic has a giant ego.
    >> ZomZom !TroZomZom2 05/13/11(Fri)21:13 No.4462739
         File1305335610.jpg-(27 KB, 640x352, motherofgod-1.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 05/13/11(Fri)21:13 No.4462740
         File1305335638.jpg-(202 KB, 600x496, shocked-cat.jpg)
    202 KB
    This story ...
    >> Anonymous 05/13/11(Fri)21:14 No.4462745
    2 years later. After intensive therapy, I was able to return to conventions. Although my friends think its crazy, I'm still a Vic fan. I was completely caught off guard when I saw him at Anime Punch. Especially when I found out that he is the con chair. Talk about multi-talented. He also has a beautiful girlfriend named Jennifer.

    <3 Vic
    >> BLUE !./././VTrk 05/13/11(Fri)21:14 No.4462747
         File1305335686.png-(120 KB, 358x321, 1305075137880.png)
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    i dont
    >> Anonymous 05/13/11(Fri)21:16 No.4462754
         File1305335783.jpg-(15 KB, 334x335, Ash and Pokédex.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 05/13/11(Fri)21:17 No.4462756
         File1305335823.jpg-(91 KB, 394x394, 1296094359695.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 05/13/11(Fri)21:19 No.4462759
         File1305335983.jpg-(110 KB, 704x792, 1246303960097.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 05/13/11(Fri)21:21 No.4462764
         File1305336086.jpg-(112 KB, 604x453, grehrefbfdh.jpg)
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    >> Todd !0i832mB5Is 05/13/11(Fri)21:21 No.4462765
    I am hard now. Need to masturbate.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/11(Fri)21:22 No.4462769
         File1305336144.jpg-(71 KB, 571x587, 1304247329797.jpg)
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    >>This thread
    >> Anonymous 05/13/11(Fri)21:24 No.4462779
         File1305336283.jpg-(3 KB, 126x87, 1299526657204.jpg)
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    This thread gave me cancer.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/11(Fri)21:25 No.4462784
         File1305336328.jpg-(41 KB, 385x600, 1303448777079.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 05/13/11(Fri)21:26 No.4462786
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    >> Anonymous 05/13/11(Fri)21:31 No.4462802
         File1305336712.png-(339 KB, 430x600, what.png)
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    >> tenleid !tRDr4b2x2Y 05/13/11(Fri)21:32 No.4462804
         File1305336736.gif-(428 KB, 500x284, tumblr_lkfl8l3vmo1qaykjwo1_500.gif)
    428 KB
    Aw man I was hoping it was cake ;___;
    >> Anonymous 05/13/11(Fri)21:32 No.4462807
         File1305336771.png-(6 KB, 400x400, wat.png)
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    >> Anonymous 05/13/11(Fri)21:34 No.4462810
         File1305336841.jpg-(29 KB, 500x354, goodmasturbate.jpg)
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    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 05/13/11(Fri)21:50 No.4462839
         File1305337856.jpg-(125 KB, 499x360, YOU INTERUPTED MY BANANA FOR T(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 05/13/11(Fri)21:55 No.4462850
         File1305338109.gif-(903 KB, 230x173, 2hzicfk.gif)
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    >> Banana 05/14/11(Sat)10:48 No.4464507
         File1305384520.jpg-(94 KB, 500x280, tumblr_lk9rgxTuPk1qa4uc1o1_500.jpg)
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    >> Page !PageMe/drI 05/14/11(Sat)10:53 No.4464518
    What a story.
    I dont know what to say other then..
    9999-/10. Bad job OP :<
    You should have made it longer and more cliffhanger like.
    >> Anonymous 05/14/11(Sat)11:26 No.4464571
    This thread is just horrible
    >> Anonymous 05/14/11(Sat)11:27 No.4464577
         File1305386877.png-(867 KB, 1280x800, Screenshot2.png)
    867 KB
    what the heck!
    >> Anonymous 05/14/11(Sat)11:52 No.4464605
    Nice trolling, OP! I'll give you points for effort and for not ending with the usual "opened the door, got on the floor, everyone walk the dinosaur." You get an 7/10.
    >> Anonymous 05/14/11(Sat)20:36 No.4466142
         File1305419772.jpg-(63 KB, 480x720, gumby.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 05/14/11(Sat)20:44 No.4466160
    Who's Vic?
    >> Anonymous 05/14/11(Sat)21:01 No.4466243
         File1305421272.jpg-(51 KB, 640x480, remiq.net_6305.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 05/14/11(Sat)21:06 No.4466262
         File1305421563.jpg-(8 KB, 251x192, Vegeta HAHAHA.jpg)
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    everything about this thread
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)00:14 No.4466865
         File1305432842.jpg-(225 KB, 1280x720, goldengirls.jpg)
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    bumping for justice
    >> Korin !Ls0QbhK90s 05/15/11(Sun)00:21 No.4466896
         File1305433293.jpg-(65 KB, 304x446, 1302125196296.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)00:36 No.4466967
    Well, yeah, Beuerlein is multi-talented. Multi-talented rapist, liar, sucky conchair, cheating on girlfriends...don't know who the Vic shit is.

    And Jennifer is a crazy evil bitch. She's beautiful...if you like fucking easy girls who like they're 10.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)00:37 No.4466978
    So Mike, stop making drunk posts on /cgl/ and get a fucking life, or go fuck your crazy whore girlfriend.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)00:52 No.4467071
         File1305435178.png-(164 KB, 500x275, tumblr_ll48s9e1v61qincmao1_500.png)
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    Obviously the conchair of Punch himself trying to stroke his ego...

    Why don't you go back to e-mailing the moms of people you don't like?
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:01 No.4467108

    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:01 No.4467109
    wtf, Vic's not conchair of AP at all, what is this
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:03 No.4467121
    completely avoiding the actual subject matter of this story
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:04 No.4467124
    The conchair of Punch is drunk and making an ass of himself on /cgl/.

    And trying to say he has a beautiful girlfriend when everyone knows she's an ugly little whore.

    Very impressive for 27 year old. I bet his mom is proud.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:05 No.4467132
    Whassup Mike, you sound like a weeaboo.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:07 No.4467142
    Yeah guys, you're right, this is totally just me, the conchair of AP and OP of this thread posting scat stories. I am very drunk... sort of starved for attention, not a lot of it comes from from chairing conventions. So just making amends, we cool?

    ~Mike Beuerline
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:09 No.4467153
    you can say sorry for your small penis michael
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:11 No.4467164
    He's been getting attention lately, just not the type he likes...

    Again, why don't you just e-mail the moms of people you don't like, threaten legal threats you can't carry out, and stop spamming stupid things on cgl. That shit is entertaining.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:13 No.4467177
    Also, does your girlfriend really cry herself to sleep every night?
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:15 No.4467185
    Yes...she gets angry that everytime she goes to suck me's just a pimple on my stomach
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:16 No.4467189
    My penis is an average size. Thank you

    I don't know what you're talking about sir.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:19 No.4467201
         File1305436746.jpg-(13 KB, 251x236, 1302411051166.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:19 No.4467203
         File1305436760.jpg-(76 KB, 501x502, 1298177480520.jpg)
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    >>>/x/ ?
    >>>/d/ ?
    >>>/b/ ?
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:20 No.4467210
         File1305436857.jpg-(357 KB, 850x950, 580271e71f7596119b12a942d392aa(...).jpg)
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    You know, the blog? Of your ex? Where you threatened legal action, then e-mailed her mom because she wouldn't take down her post. Most entertaining stuff. The comments on the first post are the best. You said your girlfriend cries every night because of the bad rep you have, or something like that, and you telling her on recorded phone call.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:23 No.4467222
    Which in your language means she does. Your girlfriend needs to grow up dude, what sort of stupid girls cries herself to sleep every night?
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:26 No.4467231
    You really know how to pick them, you got an ex with a vendetta and a blog with popularity that's been quickly rising, that red head, and now a cry baby. Think you could not pick half-crazy ones, hm?
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:27 No.4467239
    Look guys, I understand what I did was wrong. I'm not a bad guy, you guys just don't understand me. I'm a very complex person. Thank you
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:29 No.4467244

    Crazy girls r best in bed
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:30 No.4467248
    During Anime Punch, the convention that some of the members of Animate! @ Ohio State have helped staff, an unacceptable incident occurred.

    During the convention, rumors circulated that a bogus "Fur-acaust" was being planned for the closing ceremonies. Con chair Michael Beuerlein saw a girl dressed in a fur suit, and, believing her to be in on the joke, sent someone after her with a cattle prod. Several people associated with the convention then proceeded to intervene and engage in a mock-battle. The incident "ended" and it was assumed by staff and most witnesses that our fur-suited friend was merely participating in some pre-arranged joke.

    Unfortunately, this was not the case. The young lady was terrified under the perception that a staffer, at the instigation of the con chair, came after her with a weapon.

    However, even if she were "in on it" and participating in the "joke," this event nevertheless violates Ohio State's Student Code of Conduct which everyone in, and associated with, Animate! @ Ohio State should have been following. Such conduct also violates Animate!'s club constitution and bylaws, and is grounds for termination from club membership.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:30 No.4467254

    I, Susan Bruno, Anime Punch Convention Chair Michael Beuerlein, and the staff of both Anime Punch and Animate! @ Ohio State, collectively and individually, deeply apologize for this incident and any connection we had with it. We also apologize to the girl inside the suit (she wishes to remain anonymous), and to everyone else involved in this matter, for any distress we may have caused.

    Finally, a request: we are currently dealing with the situation, and would appreciate that anyone associated with Anime Punch and/or Animate! @ Ohio State in any way come to us first before commenting on this incident online or elsewhere. Let's not let ego or flame wars detract from doing what we have all gathered to celebrate, be it anime or fur suits. We're all fans, after all; let's be friendly.

    Any comments, concerns, or questions can be directed to me personally at

    Thank you.

    Susan Bruno
    Coordinator, Animate! @ Ohio State
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:31 No.4467258
    WAAAAAAAHHHHH, I'm just misunderstood. So that's your defense for raping her? Now, to be fair, I'm sure both of you are lying or not being honest about shit, but I don't think she's making everything up. I think there's some truth to what she says.

    Do you have any idea how stupid you look next to that 19 year old right now?
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:32 No.4467262
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:32 No.4467263
    Susan's not on staff anymore...I'm confused why that's been posted.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:35 No.4467274
         File1305437729.jpg-(44 KB, 456x664, 1292535611609.jpg)
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    This thread is now wedding gowns.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:36 No.4467276
         File1305437763.jpg-(89 KB, 341x459, 1297278708334.jpg)
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    Gorgeous gowns.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:36 No.4467279
         File1305437795.jpg-(153 KB, 600x900, 1297288489335.jpg)
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    This one's a little...odd. But it's cute.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:36 No.4467280
    How would ap continue without the weeaboo faggots from animate!? Oh theve been doing just fine for what 3 years now?
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:37 No.4467284
         File1305437834.jpg-(67 KB, 500x750, marchesa-rtw-fw2011-runway-028(...).jpg)
    67 KB
    Here's something different.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:37 No.4467285
    If you call the Hyatt empty doing fine.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:37 No.4467288
         File1305437870.jpg-(108 KB, 546x778, 1297290070645.jpg)
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    Wrong file.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:37 No.4467289
    I would get married in this.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:38 No.4467290
    Well...Janette isn't someone I'd cross. Anibloggers are a small community, but they're a tight knit one, and one that has the power to advertise or send a message to many people. Never cross any of them.

    That said, she's not all there, and she's clearly traumatized for whatever reason, but the girl is also a bit of a genuis. Some of those posts she's written are brilliant. She strikes me as an intelligent person who doesn't function properly 80% of the time and is just an embarrassment but that 20% that she does is scary. So I'd never cross her anyway.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:38 No.4467292
         File1305437907.jpg-(121 KB, 600x870, 1297288447737.jpg)
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    Here's one I'd like to get married in.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:38 No.4467293
    was replying to>>4467276
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:39 No.4467295
    Mike is the ultimate weeaboo faggot. Thus it continues forward.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:39 No.4467299
         File1305437981.png-(74 KB, 500x469, 1298852247126.png)
    74 KB
    >This whole thread
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:39 No.4467300

    Vic sounds annoying.. DO NOT WANT!


    HOW COULD ANYONE EVER LOVE THAT VOICE?!!?!?!??!?!????!?!?!?!??!!
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:39 No.4467302
    Its a bird! Its a plane! Its the whiteknight fag flooder from the nick anglin thread!
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:39 No.4467303
    I wish I could get married in this thread to
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:41 No.4467310
         File1305438061.jpg-(128 KB, 500x375, cc12416715440-l.jpg)
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    Oh but you need nice nails when you get married. Time to post some of those.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:41 No.4467312
    the wedding dress spammer is just jennifer
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:41 No.4467314
    see >>4467293
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:41 No.4467315
    Obvious Jennifer showed up to post wedding dresses because she's stupid enough to think Mike will marry her and won't leave her for another crazy chick!

    Well, she's stupid enough to think he hasn't cheated on, so...gah, I hate stupid sluts.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:41 No.4467317
    Guys this thread is getting out of hand I want this thread down, I've ashamed myself enough!
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:41 No.4467318
         File1305438115.jpg-(51 KB, 350x573, 1292843159110.jpg)
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    Remember, kids. THESE are NOT okay wedding day nails. Because what do we do on honeymoons? We fuck. And fingers like this make sex very difficult. Trust me.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:42 No.4467320
    MOAR! I am getting married in a few months and am still looking for a dress.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:42 No.4467321
         File1305438162.jpg-(164 KB, 850x565, 1288662328224.jpg)
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    Bored of nails. Look at them titties. Cute dress, too.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:42 No.4467323
    Because someone mentioned Janette's blog?

    Protip: Everything she has said is true then.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:43 No.4467324
         File1305438202.jpg-(224 KB, 804x579, 1304037196171.jpg)
    224 KB
    Fine. Here's some more wedding gowns.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:43 No.4467326
    pffft, DON'T GIVE A SHIT
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:43 No.4467327
    Jennifer, why are crying yourself to sleep every night?
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:44 No.4467331
         File1305438254.jpg-(1022 KB, 2132x2848, 1303933394074.jpg)
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    If you're a princess type.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:45 No.4467336
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:45 No.4467337
    Hard to toss mikes salad with those nails huh jennifer?
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:45 No.4467338
         File1305438306.jpg-(42 KB, 381x300, 1297208492926.jpg)
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    Or even if you're a sexy bride type
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:46 No.4467342
         File1305438365.jpg-(112 KB, 600x526, 1297289179914.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:46 No.4467347
    No one likes you because you're a two faced back stabbing slut Jennifer.

    Except Mike, but everyone know he's cheated on you and doesn't treat you well 50% of the time and you're in denial. Has he started hitting you yet?
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:46 No.4467348
    You don't toss salad with your fingers, that's just silly
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:47 No.4467349
         File1305438430.jpg-(42 KB, 798x720, 1298756532977.jpg)
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    But this is not /x/...
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:47 No.4467351
         File1305438477.jpg-(104 KB, 570x857, 1292137909322.jpg)
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    Is this /x/?
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:48 No.4467353
    Abused in denial girlfriends are hilarious.
    >> Lexxy !BEATO6hj6A 05/15/11(Sun)01:48 No.4467354
         File1305438498.jpg-(43 KB, 490x444, areyou.jpg)
    43 KB
    >This entire thread.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:48 No.4467356
         File1305438509.jpg-(166 KB, 1278x856, 1303329231211.jpg)
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    Or maybe this is /x/.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:49 No.4467358
    It may as well be
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:49 No.4467359
         File1305438594.jpg-(54 KB, 600x799, l.jpg)
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    maybe he's just a faggot cause she looks like a little boy
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:49 No.4467360
         File1305438595.jpg-(243 KB, 900x1350, 1291437538548.jpg)
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    I like Yaya Han because her tatas are nice and I have an odd fetish for Asians who look like prostitutes. I'm not even kidding. Is that /x/?
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:50 No.4467362
    I wonder why Jennifer does date a shithead like Michael and support all the bad things he does like harass people he doesn't like.

    This is a serious question, what is wrong with her and why does she put up with that behavior from her boyfriend?
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:50 No.4467363
         File1305438633.jpg-(127 KB, 900x1200, 1289835671740.jpg)
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    Little boys?
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:50 No.4467365
    Inb4 bearsex has a retarded baby
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:51 No.4467367
         File1305438663.jpg-(119 KB, 450x600, 1289262042242.jpg)
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    They are not old men.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:51 No.4467370
    It's like she never grew tips.

    Seriously, that girl is so /fucking/ ugly. That nose. That mouth. Those eyebrows. Ewww...
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:51 No.4467372
         File1305438700.jpg-(103 KB, 405x640, 1290667829439.jpg)
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    Or old ladies!
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:51 No.4467374
         File1305438710.jpg-(32 KB, 600x449, l (1).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:52 No.4467377
         File1305438742.jpg-(75 KB, 310x355, 1290964454142.jpg)
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    They are little boys. Cute and fluffy like a marshmallow. But don't eat them because I think that's illegal.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:53 No.4467381
         File1305438788.jpg-(24 KB, 600x449, l (2).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:53 No.4467382
    I've heard Janette wants to kill Jennifer, and has described to people in graphic detail how she wants to beat her, and strangle her and kill her with her bare hands, and she won't go to cons because she thinks she'd seriously attempt it. Makes you wonder what Jennifer did...
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:53 No.4467383
         File1305438805.jpg-(23 KB, 369x409, 1264801225130.jpg)
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    Aaaalrighty then.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:53 No.4467386
    This is Jennifer, I have reported this thread to the FBI. ur all going to jail
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:53 No.4467390
    Sorry I think most people would say she is pretty. Maybe stick calling her crazy?
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:54 No.4467392
         File1305438851.jpg-(430 KB, 2000x1406, 1295578903741.jpg)
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    she eat ym friend becuase cheese and mami are yallow
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:54 No.4467393
    Does she stuff to look like she has a tiny bit of boobage?
    >> Clau 05/15/11(Sun)01:55 No.4467398
         File1305438916.jpg-(11 KB, 245x350, 80s Tragedy.jpg)
    11 KB
    When I was in high school, my girlfriend and I would randomly find and mock pictures of crazyass wedding dresses. There may also be some awesome ones. I feel like /cgl/ would appreciate these.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:55 No.4467399
         File1305438944.jpg-(67 KB, 422x723, 1292657547025.jpg)
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    Sometimes to stuff is bad

    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:57 No.4467402
    How can you think she's pretty? Especially when you see her teeth and that mouth? EWWWW.

    Unless you like them looking like little gir-WAIT. Mike does.

    Sorry. I like real women. Not girls who look at best 14 and try to dress like they're and act like they're still 12. Not her. She can't even properly dress herself, if you've ever seen her at a con. So retarded.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:57 No.4467405
         File1305439062.jpg-(190 KB, 532x800, 1303349237843.jpg)
    190 KB
    I forgot where the Vocaloid thread went.
    >> Clau 05/15/11(Sun)01:57 No.4467406
         File1305439064.jpg-(35 KB, 300x400, 1931 Nice Dress.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:57 No.4467407
    So about this pooping in the mouth thing...
    >> Clau 05/15/11(Sun)01:59 No.4467411
         File1305439160.jpg-(12 KB, 275x400, Acid Trip.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)01:59 No.4467413
         File1305439166.jpg-(115 KB, 375x500, vic_cosplay.jpg)
    115 KB
    Let's go back to talking about vic poo poo. I post picture of vic cosplay.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)02:00 No.4467417
    I bet Mike poops in Jennifer's mouth.

    Because Jennifer lets him. And when she said no, he slapped her and told her to do it or else.
    >> Clau 05/15/11(Sun)02:00 No.4467420
         File1305439221.png-(203 KB, 510x360, worm in a corset shitting Sara(...).png)
    203 KB
    This filename really says it all.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)02:00 No.4467421
    I've seen her around and I think she is pretty and nice person. U must b a jealous ex? R u large?
    >> Clau 05/15/11(Sun)02:01 No.4467426
         File1305439297.jpg-(7 KB, 277x369, Ballet Costume.jpg)
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    >> Clau 05/15/11(Sun)02:03 No.4467433
         File1305439384.png-(514 KB, 535x640, Bad Dress, Worse Model.png)
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    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)02:04 No.4467438
    dick scabies
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)02:04 No.4467439
    That because you don't know her. She acts nice, but she talks behind everyone's back, and will betray and manipulate anyone to get ahead. The stupid thing is an act. The girl is pure evil and crazy.

    Plus, I have no respect who stays with a man that is a known rapist, on top of staying with Mike for all the bad things he's done. Oh wait. He's just misunderstand. No Mike. You never take responsibility, you never apologize, and you keep hurting the people you hate every chance you get instead of letting go and moving on. You act like a high school even though you're 27, and you make sure to date girls more mentally unstable then you to feel big. And guess what. SHE FUCKING LETS HIM ACT THAT WAY.

    And hey, I'm allowed to not like the girls I don't like. She looks like a little girl.
    >> Clau 05/15/11(Sun)02:04 No.4467443
         File1305439483.png-(175 KB, 318x389, BAD Train.png)
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    >> Clau 05/15/11(Sun)02:05 No.4467447
         File1305439545.png-(283 KB, 381x356, Bedsheet Dress.png)
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    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)02:06 No.4467449
    >>4464683 is filled with bearsex action
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)02:06 No.4467450
    None of Jennifer's tits can hold up these dresses.

    Cause she doesn't have any.

    >> Clau 05/15/11(Sun)02:07 No.4467451
         File1305439628.jpg-(10 KB, 400x337, beekeeper.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)02:07 No.4467453
    I can't breath oh man i'm laughing to hard
    oh god
    make it stop
    >> Clau 05/15/11(Sun)02:08 No.4467455
         File1305439686.png-(211 KB, 275x395, Best Poses Ever.png)
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    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)02:08 No.4467458
    So Jennifer, why do you let Mike act this way? 4chan wants to know.

    It because you LOVE him and just know he'll change? Cause he fucking won't.
    >> Clau 05/15/11(Sun)02:08 No.4467460
         File1305439735.jpg-(9 KB, 232x392, Bikini Top.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)02:11 No.4467469
         File1305439903.jpg-(423 KB, 531x800, 1290667921018.jpg)
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    my favorite babeh
    >> Anonymous 05/15/11(Sun)02:11 No.4467470
    It's really funny how there's wedding dresses alongside what sounds like the worst couple on earth.
    >> Clau 05/15/11(Sun)02:12 No.4467473
         File1305439942.png-(142 KB, 375x255, Cake Icing Flowers.png)
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    >> Clau 05/15/11(Sun)02:13 No.4467479
         File1305440018.jpg-(53 KB, 470x684, Confusing.jpg)
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