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  • File : 1305177592.jpg-(45 KB, 434x335, weeaboo.jpg)
    45 KB weeaboo stories Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)01:19 No.4455717  
    These are always my favorite threads on here, so I thought hey-why not start another one?
    Pic related; related is pic.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)01:21 No.4455723
    I never have massive weeaboo's in school. However, there are the kpop fan girls who you'd THINK would be a little more attractive, but no...they rank of shit.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)01:26 No.4455739
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)01:31 No.4455768
    god damn bump
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)01:32 No.4455770
    the fuck you bumpin this for? its been on the first page for 4 posts...
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)01:47 No.4455839
    The time was my sophomore year of college. The place? The hotel hosting an anime convention located an hour away from my home.

    Our friends invited us and even offered to let us crash at their hotel if we were too drunk/tired/whatever to make the drive back when we left. So, Boyfriend (Let's call him J) and I had just started dating officially only a few days prior to our getting this invite. He had never dated anyone else before let alone another guy and was sort of nervous, so we thought this would be a fun way to get past that since we both like vidja and animu.

    Anyway, fast forward to the con. We saw some panels, got cool stuff from the dealer's room and took photos of awesome cosplayers. (I had a hilarious conversation with a Vampire Hunter D cosplayer because I apparently look like the guy from Twilight.)

    Anyway. We get lunch at Wendys and IT shows up. (cont)
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)01:57 No.4455891
    IT is a warthog masquerading as a human female who demanded that we call her "Rock-chan". She was an enormous, self-proclaimed "kawaii badass" wearing vinyl cat ears and your standard Hot Topic gawth gear that was several sizes too small for her behemoth frame. Underneath her Death Note shirt, her unbound camel tits jiggled and warmed the character's faces so badly I actually felt sorry for them. She claimed her bondage pants were "real j-rawk clothes from Japan". Her hair was a lusterless, dull brown that settled in this bizarre, half-matted cloud around her unfortunate face. She had tried to dye some of it blue and it was running down the hotdog rolls of her neck. she was so overweight that when you saw her in profile you almost couldn't see her nose or her lips because her cheeks were so fat. Although, to her cheeks' credit, her nose was one of those overly puggy noses that would have almost been cute if it hadn't been offset by beady dark eyes and lips that were both oddly thin and saggy. Her lower lip was pierced through with a safety pin and infected as shit. She proudly told me it was on the same side as Miyavi's and she did it herself.

    Worst of all, she had this bizarre patch of hair growing from one of her meaty cheeks that looked like a miniature goatee that someone slapped crooked.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)02:01 No.4455902
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    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)02:01 No.4455903
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    The best story you will ever read.

    By the by, anyone have that link to that Hetalia meetup video with the naked France cosplayer and the lap dances?
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)02:02 No.4455910
    Rock-chan the eatbeast was apparently an old highschool friend of one of our friends who had grown out of this terrible phase. She still asked of us that we be nice to her even if she could be a bit "socially awkward".

    "Socially awkward" doesn't begin to describe it. Of course, she spoke in pigeon Japanese and ended nearly everything with "ne" or "aru", but that wasn't the worst of it. She did all the bizarre "anime mannerisms" like walking with her hands behind her head, running with her arms out, twitching and falling down for no reason. She would also hold her hands up in the sign for "I love you" like they do in Ranma 1/2. She would also verbalize mannerisms. For example, she might say something along the lines of "I should have brought more monies for pocky. Sweatdrop."

    Feeling enough second-hand embarrassment yet? It gets worse.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)02:04 No.4455915

    But I am already red with embarrassment :(
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)02:06 No.4455922
    F5 F5 F5 F5
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)02:11 No.4455937
    She went on long-winded rants about how the manga style differed from the anime style in various series that she kept up with. She also ranted at length about characters from various animu and gaems that she wished were real so she could kill and/or fuck them. She described each in great detail. When she wasn't doing either of these things, she was giving us a play-by-play of her favorite fanfics, her exploits in "trolling" people on Gaia, or meowing like a cat.

    Of course, she was a rabid yaoi fan as well and went on and on analyzing every little thing about the pairings she shipped in order to defend them as "cannon". When she found out that I was dating J, she nearly creamed her mothbitten panties.

    Instantly, she designated me as the "seme" and J as an "uke" before classifying us with further stereotypes based on some lame internet quiz she knew about. Apparently, she wanted to be bff with J because she liked "innocent ukes". She asked us really, REALLY personal questions about our sex life (or lack thereof at the moment, we really hadn't done much) and announced she was going to write a hentai fanfic about us for livejournal. She started writing and would read excerpts of it to us at random intervals. All of this was at full, fucking volume of course.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)02:11 No.4455938
    Gather round while I tell you about [name withheld to protect the guilty]. [name withheld] was your average male fanboy, high school aged. He had a very sparse ginger neckbeard and while he wasn't fat, he wasn't skinny either. He'd also try to emulate anime mannerisms. And he bowed. Constantly. His role model in life was what's his face from Love Hina. He wanted to be that guy SO BAD.

    He was also my co-president of the anime club so I had to put up with him constantly.

    But really, he was pretty par the course. I'm pretty sure that half of the male anons here were the same way in high school, no matter how much they deny it. He wasn't that bad.

    No...this story is about [name withheld]'s best friend. The Giant.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)02:11 No.4455939
    hear that? thata the sound of anons, slapping their f5s
    (kinda with i had that picture right now)
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)02:16 No.4455948
    The giant was a fucking Viking warrior, and he'd never let you forget it. He was fifteen and already nearing seven feet and three hundred pounds. And he was a Viking. Never forget that. His hair and beard were oily and blonde but he was a fucking VIKING. Doesn't matter that he, like [name withheld], went to bed praying every night they'd be magically transported into a harem anime--

    I give up. Your story is way too fucking good. Please continue, good anon. You are the master bard here. My FUCKING VIKING can wait until there's a less awesome thread floating around.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)02:16 No.4455949
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    This one?

    Good god, I'll admit I've been guilty of some of the more minor stuff in here, but I just don't understand how so many people like this can exist without having the stupid literally beat the fuck out of them...
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)02:21 No.4455967
    This all made J incredibly uncomfortable and he told her so. She laughed it off, though. He was barely getting used to the idea of even thinking of doing anything beyond making out with me and here was this planet with a Gloomybear backpack reading porn that involved the two of us in a pseudo rape scenario at the top of her lungs. She called cocks "love wands", too. I would have been more pissed if that wasn't so fucking funny.

    Then the rape jokes started.

    "You'd make the perfect uke slave, J!"
    "You're so cute, J! I bet you'd look even cuter if I tied you up and made you cry!"
    "I bet you'd go full-on, ruthless seme on me if I tried to steal J and keep him in my basement, huh Anon?"

    Her dropping hints that she loved yaoi and had a voyeurism fetish was creepy enough. Now she was joking about raping J so much that it seemed like she wished it was a reality. I finally snapped at her and told her to fuck off, but "Rock-chan" just giggled and said something about me being "over-protective" before making the joke that she'd be a better owner.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)02:22 No.4455968
    I can read both at once, please continue.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)02:25 No.4455977
    J and I took our friends aside and said that "Rock-chan" was giving us the jibblies. By now it was pretty late and we were considering going home.

    Our friends assured us that she was not going to stay in our hotel room under any circumstances so it'd be okay for us to crash. We ended up going to the room of some other people we had met up with during the day to drink and watch the live-action DBZ movie and some adult swim stuff. Rock-chan was bearable because animu distracted her and we had alcohol. (Which we all got a lecture from her for for drinking).

    In hindsight, I probably should have watched J a little better. He's not super short or anything, but he's a skinnyfuck and as a result is a lightweight. Couple that with the fact that he isn't used to drinking at all and the drinks they were mixing us tasted really sweet and mild while being really strong, and he very quickly got fucked up.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)02:34 No.4455997
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)02:35 No.4456005
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)02:37 No.4456012
    By the time that I realized all the aforementioned factors that wouldn't have bothered me would be a big issue for him, it was too late.

    Given J's semi-prone state and the development of "Rock-chan"'s most recent "quirk", I thought it would be a good idea if the two of us got the fuck out of dodge. It was around two am by this time, anyway. I asked the designated key-holder of our group for one of our room keys and commenced to half-carry, half-lead J back to our room.

    The whole time he was apologizing like crazy because he didn't realize how strong the drinks were until he stood up to pee. I told him it was alright and admitted that I was just glad to be away from "Rock-chan" and her flappity, braless tits. I was starting to feel cheerful for the first time that night because J was currently under my arm and it was nice to be somewhere quite and more-or-less empty. I was in the process of assuring J that I would help help find his pajamas when he said those fatal words:

    "I think I'm gonna throw up." By this time, we had reached our floor, but our room was at the other end of the hall. I told him I thought I remembered a vending machine nearby and would get him something to drink to help his gag reflex. He didn't want to walk anymore since it was making his head swim worse and insisted that he would be just fine if he sat in the hallway and waited for me. I eased him down and jogged off because I didn't want to leave him alone too long (or at all for that matter).
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)02:40 No.4456024
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)02:45 No.4456036
    I am.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)02:46 No.4456042
    As I reached the vending machine I noticed Rock-chan stomping down the hallway. I hoped she wouldn't notice me but it was too late. She locked her piggy eyes on me and began running towards me. I took off in a sprint back to the room. I got there, opened the door, dropped on the floor, everybody did the dinosaur.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)02:50 No.4456058
    I round the corner and continue down the hallway for about 20-30 feet before my dumb, half-drunk ass remembered I had half a bottle of soda in my messenger bag from earlier.

    I swear I was gone for all of thirty seconds.

    I make it back and somehow, "Rock-chan" had found where we were despite her not leaving the room with us. She had J on his back on the floor in the middle of the hotel hallway and was straddling his waist. He was kicking his legs uselessly and trying to push her off, but as I mentioned before, he's a skinnyfuck and since she weighs about as much as a small minivan, his attempts proved to be unsuccessful. Later, we noticed that there was a bite mark on his neck detailed enough to get her fucking dental records from, but he doesn't remember being bitten.

    I start towards her like Thomas the Tank Engine on roids and barely have the words "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU--" out of my mouth before J utters something that's unintelligible and fucking VOMITS all on the hambeast and her animu shirt. It was a hard day for the cast of Death Note, indeed.

    It wasn't like normal vomiting, either. It came rocketing out of his mouth and hit her like the first of an angry god.

    Her reaction is immediate. She jumps off him faster than I have ever seen anyone of that size move, freaks the fuck out and flees the scene. J rolls over, throws up a little more and then looks up at me. With puke in his hair, he offers me a rueful smile and says "I think I feel better now."

    It was the best fucking unofficial first date ever.
    >> BlakeRyan !!4E1IEjI9c+/ 05/12/11(Thu)02:51 No.4456062
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    MFW you go to the hotel room and have your firsttime, and halfthrust you see Rock-chan fapping in the dark corner
    >> Broodmother !!A1yh1XpOQ2T 05/12/11(Thu)02:53 No.4456068
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    Broodmother hopes you have had the foresight to say goodbye to your friends and loved ones, anon.

    Because we are going to hit you.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)02:54 No.4456071
    >>She also ranted at length about characters from various animu and gaems that she wished were real so she could kill and/or fuck them.
    >>kill and/or fuck them
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)02:55 No.4456076
    I find this a surprisingly anticlimactic ending for the build up. Leads me to believe the story might actually be true.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)02:56 No.4456079
    Poor J. Are you still with him?
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)02:56 No.4456080

    Broodmother, you are a beautiful soul and let no one tell you otherwise.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)02:56 No.4456083
    I can tell this story is either made up or heavily exaggerated, but still a good read. well-played, OP.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)02:56 No.4456088
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    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)03:00 No.4456102
    Real or fake, it was beautiful.
    Bravo, Anon. Bravo.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)03:02 No.4456105
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    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)03:04 No.4456107
    Finally, a cap that is not all jpegartifacts.jpg. good job
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)03:04 No.4456111
    Thanks :)
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)03:07 No.4456116
    i don't get my weeb on too often, but right now i feel i must;
    domo arigato! aishiteru!!!! ^_^
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)03:09 No.4456122
    I admire your attention to detail, anon. Yes, there were some people that she both killed and fucked.

    It was way more dramatic at the time; probably because we were both drunk. I swear, when he puked on her, it was like a scene out of a movie. There's a little epilogue to the story that's a little more exciting, but I feel like ending with me falling totally in love with someone who had just projectile vomited twice and had puke in his hair was ending on a stronger note.

    She made a lot of noise on account of being up to her tits in vomit and it got the attention of this nice lady who looked like a chubby, middle-aged version of Kel. She came out and let us use her phone to call security. They came up and talked to us (our friends arrived while this was all happening), we gave them her description and she was apprehended. She was banned from the rest of the con and threw an epic bitch fit at the mutual friend we shared. That's a story in and of itself.

    Yes. It's been about nine months now. We often joke that that horrible experience bonded together like two people who survive a terrible tragedy.

    I'm a Creative Writing major so hyperbole is my bread and butter. Everything that was said and everything that happened was true, but I exaggerated my descriptions of it all for the purposes of entertainment. I always love the stories on here that have funny descriptive language.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)03:13 No.4456135
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)03:16 No.4456152
    This was an amazing story anon! Nice read.
    Happy to hear you guys are still together!
    Now need to save that screencap!
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)03:18 No.4456156
    Gay people have the best stories.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)03:19 No.4456162
    after being through that...
    i reaaaally hope you're together forever.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)03:20 No.4456163
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)03:20 No.4456165
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    where the fuck is the like button for this
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)03:22 No.4456168
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    >We often joke that that horrible experience bonded together like two people who survive a terrible tragedy.
    That's beautiful.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)03:27 No.4456174
    "Rock-chan"'s parents were none-too-happy about having to pick her up from a hotel room at nearly three in the morning because she nearly got thrown out. She called our mutual friend shrieking and crying after we had all gotten in our room and got settled. It was loud enough that I could register that she was yelling and screaming, but I couldn't make out any of the words. It just sounded like a lot of squalling and wailing.

    Basically, Rock-chan had somehow gotten it into her head that if our friend had "been there for her" when security came to get her, then she would have been let go or something. It seemed that she thought that if our friend had pleaded with hotel security to let her stay, that would have somehow saved her.

    Now her life had been ~*MOTHERFUCKING RUINED*~ because her parents were going to ground her forever and she had been kicked out of the CONNNNN. Sweatdrop.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)03:29 No.4456180

    She threatened to tell our parents that we were drinking underage (oddly enough, the security staff didn't notice or didn't care) if we didn't help to get her let back into the con. She texted our friend obsessively throughout the date about it and kept calling her periodically when her parents weren't around to see she was on the phone.

    Our friend said she had enough and couldn't be friends with her anymore so Rock-chan flooded every inbox, journal entry and whatever else she could with guro pictures, shock images and barely concealed threats.

    One night, our friend went out to eat with another group and happened to bump into Rock-chan who started out sort of...normal while she was talking to her, but when our friend said that she still wasn't interested in being friends with her anymore, Rock-chan apparently grabbed her by her hair and her ear and yelled in her face. I can't speak much for that incident because I wasn't there, but the police were obviously called and Rock-chan was escorted off the premises and reportedly spent the night in jail. Our friend didn't press charges, but when dead birds started turning up in her mail box at fairly frequent intervals, she got a mini-restraining order against her.

    Personally, I haven't dealt with her since the con and our friend doesn't like talking about how she was basically stalked. I think that girl is legit crazy and needs to be sent somewhere, but from what I understand her parents spoil the hell out of her and baby her so I doubt they'll actually try and force her to get her shit together.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)03:36 No.4456197
    >>It wasn't like normal vomiting, either. It came rocketing out of his mouth and hit her like the first of an angry god.

    This gives me a pretty amazing image.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)03:37 No.4456199
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    >when dead birds started turning up in her mail box
    >dead birds in mailbox
    >motherfucking dead birds
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)03:41 No.4456212
    > dead birds

    This pissed me off badly because she took a little life that was minding its own business.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)03:42 No.4456218
    I'm gonna pray the the birds were dead already when she found them. Because THAT would be insane enough on its own......
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)03:45 No.4456233
    yeah but how often do you come across dead birds? I see them once in a while but not often enough to be able to stick them in someone's mailbox consistently.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)03:46 No.4456241
    I see them quite often, either run over or killed by someone's cat. I guess if she were doing it really frequently that would indicate she had to kill some herself. =|
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)03:47 No.4456246
    But how often do you encounter a bird that you could feasibly catch?
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)03:48 No.4456248
    Last year at AX I had my own encounter with a weeaboo. So I was there with my friends and my boyfriend, and we were cosplaying as Vocaloid (I was Meltdown Rin, boyfriend was Len, etc). I was already annoyed, because since I'm Asian, people kept coming up to me and asking me to speak Japanese for them (wtf?). I'm Vietnamese and I don't even know that language, stop asking me to speak your mother tongue. Anyway, so this somewhat fat couple (girl looks 20-ish, cosplaying Sakura Haruno, guy looks about 16, cosplaying Sasuke) comes up and asks to take our pics. Sure, we say it's fine.

    The girl starts taking multiple pictures of us and asking us to pose in different ways, which isn't weird, but then some started getting kind of innappropriate (like ripping off Len's shirt and licking him). We decline as nicely as we can, and they seem to get over it. But they keep talking to us, and try to join our group. No matter where we went, they followed. In fact, she even followed me into the bathroom.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)03:49 No.4456253
    Well, there are other ways to kill birds.

    Like, when I was little I accidentally killed a baby bird because it fell out the nest and I tried to feed it :(((((((

    I repented by saving a bird that was stuck in my store for atleast 6 hours. It (literally) flew up to me and just let me pick him up and take him outside without protest.
    >> Souviet !YbrmcBEMWk 05/12/11(Thu)03:51 No.4456262
    ...I got a hold of a crow once. It didn't attack at all. Just kind of...laid there. It had a busted wing, so I brought it home to try to feed it something and get the wildlife agency to come after it. :( Sweetest crow ever.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)03:52 No.4456268
    Now at my high school the anime kids were well anime kids.

    But their not just anime kids
    You know that one anime weeaboo who has that second chin poking out from under their already chubby and mishapen face, crooked teeth that constantly seem to be yellow, while the glare from their naruto head band only slightly detracts from their red mountsonofabitch zits that more or less make their face resemble some one who has contracted some horrible skin infection. Infected chop job piercings, half of which are fake because their mothers will have a hissy fit if they come home with a real lip piercing. Their hair makes you think they avoid a shower more than Severus Snape, with the occasional faded streak of self dye blue or red. All this whilst their muffin tops are poking out from underneath a to small anime t shirt (or in some cases a detailed tacky painting of a wolf) which left the fat to then buldge out over either the mini skirt they wish they could pull off with those thunder thighs, or the "j rocker" heavily adorned with chain's pants they wore.
    And of course they were never seen with out their animu plushie, manga, and their book bags were covered with anime pins and their notebooks had anime pictures printed off and pasted all over them.
    And of course most were under the conception that they could draw, and claimed that their lack of talent was just their style.

    So basically, that really really bad anime kid, the one that is the plague of the anime community/club near you.
    Every anime fan at my school was like that. Every single one of them.
    There were three exceptions, me, my friend C (only using initials for this) and an acquaintance of mine M. -Continued
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)03:54 No.4456277
    While in the bathroom, she wanted a picture of me. Fucking sitting on the toilet. She told me that was her fetish, and it was one of many. I tried my best to ignore her, but she fucking looked under the stall door, and I practically had a panic attack. She apologized a few times (saying arigatou and junk), and when I told my boyfriend, he said it didn't sound like that big of a deal.. and my friends thought it was humorous, so they wanted to keep them around to laugh at. So I put up with it, but ignored the hambeast.

    While we were in the dealer's hall later, Sakura "accidentally" pulled my wig off, and she started running away with it. I chased her like a boss, tackled her and got the wig, and she said I was glomping her. And guess where she followed me again when I went to put my wig back on? The bathroom.

    I started complaigning to my boyfriend about it, and he said we can finally just tell them to go away. I was really happy, but even when we told them, they still followed relatively close behind us.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)03:57 No.4456292
    After about 30 mins, they dissapeared, so things went well for us after that. But we'd always see them from the distance sometimes, where they'd be running around like ninjas with their arms out, attacking random people, especially other Naruto cosplayers. While they wree with us before, they wouldn't stop talking about how they were the best Sasuke/Sakura cosplayers there, because they were a couple. Their costumes were really bad, and her wig looked like a cheap one from Party City, not even styled.

    We ended up running into them again on Day 2, and that's where the real horror started.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)03:59 No.4456302

    I advise you to turn up your volume for a better experience.
    >> EvirusTheSlayer !!j0/Rk5sFRHS 05/12/11(Thu)04:02 No.4456313
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    That fucker is a disgrace to ZAFT.

    That video made me rage. 10/10

    >Ledger Joker
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)04:02 No.4456314
    So they walked up to us like absolutely nothing was wrong between us, like we were all best friends. At the time, none of us really felt like starting shit, so we just tried to make small talk and walk away. We really should've known better, considering they followed us around all day yesterday. They said they saw us in the hotel lobby the night before, so they were staying at the same hotel, and they suggested a room rave. We said no, so they got over it after she bitched and moaned for about 10 minutes about us being "not sugoi" and shit like that.

    We managed to get away from them for most of the con, but they caught up with us agan when we were sitting down eating. Bitch ended up taking my food and shoving it into her already pocky-filled mouth, and then they said we shold all share a ride back to the hotel because they didn't have money to get back and wanted to save their money for yaoi. We said no, and that we were taking the shuttle anyway, but they decided to just get on with us when we left.

    They kept making all these innappropriate gestures at us, and Sakura kept squealing when her sasuke started "doing yaoi" with a Naruto on the bus.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)04:04 No.4456320

    Please don't continue.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)04:06 No.4456328
    Now me C and M kept our love of anime in the closet and for good reason. We liked to have friends that werent constantly spouting badly mispronounced japense and had other interest's besides an unhealthy obsession with Japan. High school being high school if some one found out you liked anime, you were associated with the anime kids, weather you liked them or not.

    And the odd part is that even though all our anime fans were so extreme on the weaboo scale that they made the rest of us hide in shame, there were a lot of them. And they couldnt stand to just have one anime club. Instead they had an Anime Club, a Manga club, and an Asian Culture Club.
    (for the sake of the story I'm not going to count the LARP or RPG clubs as part of this cult they had created.)

    All three of these clubs were run by the same person. Let's call her S.
    Now if the others obsession with anime and general japanese culture was on the unhealthy scale, S made them all look like small fry.
    She wore her cosplay to school every day, and enjoyed to bring Yaoi Doujins to school to read. And not just fluffly cute and cuddly, but full on Yaoi with the steamy sex and blushing ukes.
    Nor was she above drawing her own versions of boys humping eachother in her notebook, it was never proven but I believe her to have had a whole note book full of the stuff, and it wasnt uncommon to open a text book from under your desk and come to the daunting realization that you were sitting in the same seat that her sweat rear had been in a class before you when you saw a chibi of two generically drawn anime boys making the whoo hoo all over the math equations you were supposed to copy down and answer.
    (how she never got caught or in trouble for this I do not know. I chock it up to the fact that we all hastily erased it away before we had to look at it longer)

    So now that the stage is set, I'll get into the story-
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)04:07 No.4456330
    We got back to the hotel and went to our rooms. They followed us all the way up, and we told to go away. So we locked them out, but we could hear them outside of the door, talking, laughing, shit like that. Eventually she was pounding on the door, begging to come hang out because they "had something to show us". We ignored it and after a while it got quiet out there so we assumed they left.

    One of my friends went out to go get ice, but they were still out there, and shoved their way in when she opened the door. We told them to get out, but they thought we were joking for whatever reason. At that point, I'm pretty sure they were drunk, since they reeked of alchohol, and they were surprisingly acting more retarded than before. So we told them they could stay for 30 minutes only, and then they had to leave. He suggested we watch Naruto, but didn't even have a DVD, thank god. But then the worst thing happened.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)04:11 No.4456343
    They asked us if we wanted to have a foursome. Her, me, her boyfriend, my boyfriend. She said my friends weren't good enough for it, and they were obviously relieved. We said no, but they started crawling all over us, and sasuke stuck his motherfucking hand down my boyfriend's motherfucking pants. And my boyfriend sat there like a retard. He was in a state of shock or something, and sat there for a minute, then flipped the fuck out. Then it really got terrible..
    >> EvirusTheSlayer !!j0/Rk5sFRHS 05/12/11(Thu)04:13 No.4456349
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    You're a goddamn master of suspense, I tell you what.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)04:18 No.4456361
    putting my story on hold to see the rest of this one play out...
    what is it with Weeaboo's and being sex fiends though?
    >> EvirusTheSlayer !!j0/Rk5sFRHS 05/12/11(Thu)04:19 No.4456367

    You'd be amazed at how nerdy people in general also tend to be pretty kinky.

    At least in my experience, I mean.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)04:20 No.4456368

    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)04:20 No.4456370
    > she wanted a picture of me. Fucking sitting on the toilet.

    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)04:21 No.4456376
    I'm the Rin.. the one before wasn't me putting it on hold, if you meant me. I'm confused.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)04:22 No.4456385
    I wanna read both! TYPE FASTER GOD DAMMI! <3
    Captcha: Was weabu >.>
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)04:22 No.4456386

    Yeah, you. I like your story best. Please continue! D: I want to know what happens.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)04:23 No.4456390
    woops continue, Im the one with the highschool anime clubs of doom
    (your a very good writer btw)
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)04:26 No.4456396
    It's actually just that "your" a really terrible writer. Everything is awesome in comparison.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)04:27 No.4456402
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)04:29 No.4456413
    She showed me her "kawaii miku pantsu shimapan", which was stained with old blood. They were obvious period panties. She told me she wanted to take them off because they were getting too tight (and I believe it). At that point, I had it. My boyfriend shoved Sasuke off and my friends were threatening to call security. Sakura and Sasuke got up and stumbled out of there as fast as they could, and we didn't see them until Day 4...

    When we saw them on Day 4, they said hi like they never were in the hotel room to begin with. We just walked past them without saying anything, but Sakura suddenly glomped me and started going on about how she'd miss me.. and she was attempting to feel me up. My friends, with all their might, lifted her off me and practically threw her away from us, and her boyfriend started yelling at us about being violent to her for no good reason. At that point, I was really pissed off, and I let it all out about how disgusting and annoying they were. Then we finally left, and hadn't heard from them until a month or so later, when they tried to add us on facebook. And they keep trying with new accounts, but I just keep blocking them. They also tried to ask us to be in a cosplay group of other vocaloids with them, since we're so "kawaii", but obviously we ignored them.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)04:34 No.4456434
    >period panties

    Excuse me but what?
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)04:36 No.4456438

    I assume them to be ugly underwear you wear when you're on your period. I have a few pairs of these. I don't like wearing my cute underwear during that time because I don't want to risk leaving stains that won't wash out.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)04:38 No.4456448
    did anyone screencap this shit? my god
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)04:40 No.4456454
    I have a story about a 'kind-of' weeaboo. It started with anime and slowly turned into Satan, rape and lesbianism. But I'm not sure if it will be as entertaining as the other stories in this thread.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)04:40 No.4456460
    post it post it post it
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)04:41 No.4456462
    >Satan, rape and lesbianism
    Sounds good.
    >> EvirusTheSlayer !!j0/Rk5sFRHS 05/12/11(Thu)04:41 No.4456463


    YES. Do share, please.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)04:41 No.4456465

    This. I'm in a place where I just don't have cute panties, because my period is super irregular and I never know when it'll start until it's starting RIGHT NOW GET A PAD BITCH.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)04:44 No.4456475

    Okay! It's a long one and I'm tired, but I'll do my best. I'll be changing names for the sake of privacy, but brace yourself, folks.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)04:45 No.4456478
    I don't have cute panties, either. Primarily because I don't wear them, as I r man

    OT: I have a short one about an encounter in Borders with a (former) friend if anyone wants to hear. Nothing too crazy, just a little blood and a minor concussion >.>
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)04:45 No.4456479
    A boy wrote a fanfiction about me once and posted it on his myspace for the world to see. I was a mysterious new student/alien with magical girl powers, a baggy sweater, and big "moe" glasses. I don't wear glasses.

    He was the most popular geek who brofisted everyone, but sweatdropped and slipped on banana peels around me. "That's Anon. She never talks, so forget about it," they warned him. We made eye contact for a moment. Cherry blossoms swirled around me and in a blink, I was gone~

    I wish I had saved that shit. It was golden.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)04:52 No.4456494
    alright I'll continue from here >>4456396

    So S was on my avoid list. And on one unfortunate day I happened to be placed as her partner in class to work on a project. Being my last day before I drive up to a con with some friends I'm already impatient to get out of there, and defiantly not thrilled with how I have to spend my last hour waiting.
    Ignoring the unholy stench she gave off I started to work on my project and eventually tuned out her babble. The only thing that caught my ear was when she mentioned something about her boyfriend, and I wondered who on earth would want to get near her and how she managed to put away her overwhelming love of gay men long enough to date a straight one. But beyond that I just started to doodle on the side of my paper when I had finished working and she was still talking. I dont practice to often but I'm not the worst at drawing small stuff, and it does tend to have a manga influence to it. And to my misfortune S look's over and see's it
    S: Zohmaigawd you draw? That's so sugoi desu! Is that an anime character?
    Me: Um just a doodle...
    S: You know I'm into anime too!
    Me: Oh um really now? -starting to look at the clock to see how long till I can get out of there-
    S: Yeah! And theres this con coming up this weekend and my parents said I could go so my boyfriend and I are driving up there!
    and with sitcom timing the bell rings and I get out of there as fast as I can whilst groaning realizing I'm going to be in the same space as her for a whole weekend. I calm myself and remember it's a big con and that likely I wont even see her.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)04:52 No.4456495

    I meet with my friends after school and we make a small road trip up to the con, happy as can be to have a weekend with out the parents and to enjoy some good old fandom fun free of shame and associating with S and her crowd. (At least for me, my other friends had their own anime stigma crowds to avoid at school I'm sure.)

    And the con for the first day seems pretty enjoyable and I'm having a blast. I was on my toes at first, afraid of seeing S, but to my delight I had seen hide nor hair of her.

    That was until day 2. I was out early to get some breakfast for my group while they got ready and I was going down the hallways. It was probably around 8am, so not to many con folk were about yet as the panels weren't going to start for another hour and the dealers hall was closed till then as well.
    And then standing down the hallway a bit I see a sight I have tried many a time to erase from my head. cont-
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)04:54 No.4456499
    Standing there is S.
    In all her fat stuffed into a to small Yokko cosplay glory. To small bikini and all.
    >> cross !ivFx6rupY2 05/12/11(Thu)04:57 No.4456504
    kind of a weeaboo story, but once at a convention Aoi and i were walking around. and one of his internet fans spotted him, stopped dead in her tracks, pushed her against the wall screaming
    >you're Aoi Panic! you're Aoi Panic
    rubbed her face with her hand, then ran away shaking.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)04:58 No.4456507
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    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)04:59 No.4456510

    It all started in elementary school. A new girl had arrived in my class. Her name was Bethany and she was very homely and quiet, but very smart. The other kids didn't like her because she was 'ugly' and 'weird'.
    I, on the other hand, felt like she just needed a friend to bring her out of her shell. I started talking to Bethany one day and we became fast friends.

    Towards the end of elementary school, the two of us were pretty darn obsessed with the Inuyasha manga. We were never at weeaboo level, maybe because we were just kids. The worst we got were 'crushes' on different characters. My crush was Miroku because I thought he was funny and cute.

    Bethany, on the other hand, liked Naraku.
    I remember joking about how creepy he was and asking why she liked him. Her response was very shocking, especially from the mouth of an 11 year-old. ...
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)05:04 No.4456516
    after controlling the gag reflex long enough to realize it was in fact her, I b lined it towards the stairs, instead of walk past her to get to the elevators.

    Thankfully I was far enough away that she didn't spot or recognize me, and I wanted to keep it that way.

    Once I finally get down to the main floor of the hotel, I look around, make sure she's not there, and start to casually walk towards the hotels cafe to pick up some coffee and food for me and my group.

    I place my order then move a bit to the side to wait for them to brew my drinks. I've only been standing there for maybe a minute when I suddenly feel a hand on my butt and my skirt lifted up.

    I start to turn around ready to slap a bitch when I hear a terrifyingly familiar high pitch squeal "Ohmaigawd those are like totally Miku panties! She would totally wear those! Where did you get them?"
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)05:07 No.4456518

    "Can't you imagine? He could pin you down and take you and there would be nothing you could do."

    I...didn't know what to think. I wasn't entirely sure what she meant at the time because I was young and a little dumb, but I had an inkling of an idea. But I laughed her comment off and let it pass.
    Eventually, though, she began to make more and more comments like these. And they got gradually worse.

    "Do you think Satan is real?"

    "Do you think I could choose to go to hell? Or do I have to earn it?"

    "Wouldn't you want to see a real demon?"
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)05:08 No.4456519

    Former weaboo in denial.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)05:18 No.4456536
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)05:19 No.4456538

    After going on a tirade about how she had 'a demon living inside of her', a few of my other friends convinced me to stop being friends with Bethany. She was getting really scary and we stopped speaking right before the start of middle school. I soon found out that her mom sent her to a different school anyways, so I wouldn't see her for quite some time.

    I got through my first and second years in junior high just fine. I made plenty of new friends and became even more of a weeaboo, but I was happy. A lot of my new friends had Gaia accounts (inb4 Gaia weebs) and they encouraged me to get one. And as luck would have it, by coincidence, I found out that Bethany had an account there, too.

    I sent her a message and we eventually started talking again. We were both older now and I figured maybe Bethany had changed and was living with a healthier mindset.
    Then I went to her profile.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)05:21 No.4456542

    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)05:26 No.4456552

    Her journal entries were filled with stories about rape.
    The one that stuck out the most featured a drugged young woman leaving a bar. She was gang-raped in an alley way and eventually gained an addiction to sex and began to worship Satan to get revenge against her attackers.
    There were no pictures or funny quotes in her signature. Instead, there was a single sentence that was obviously written by her.

    'I want to find the real Jersey devil and fuck him!!'

    So...obviously, she had not changed. These things scared me shitless, but I swallowed my uncertainty and decided I would be the one to help Bethany get better. We kept talking over PM about every day stuff. She joined a couple of role-plays that I was in and things were pleasant between us. Not once did she bring up anything disturbing to me, but I could still see her journal and profile posts. And they were getting pretty frequent.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)05:29 No.4456572
    Lol, get over yourself.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)05:30 No.4456578

    Dear self, do not google image search for "Jersey Devil" right before bedtime.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)05:34 No.4456591
    After I jerk away from her fast as I could manage and whirl around in a panick and open my mouth to start yelling before she cuts me off-
    S: Oh mai gawd Anon it's you! You didnt tell me you went to cons? Your cool points just went up by like ten! Are you staying in the hotel too?

    I would have just found an excuse to get out right then and there but I wanted to get my drinks as they had already been paid for (and with my friends money who wanted them)
    awkwardly I converse with her and dodge as many questions about my anime interest and where I was staying as possible. As soon as my drinks are up I grab them and tell her I have to go.

    She then asked me if I would hang out with her and her boyfriend, who I still believed was a myth. I wanted to be polite so I told her I already had a group this con and I really needed to get back to them with their coffee. And then as fast as one can go carrying 4 late's and a bag of breakfast food, I head back to my room and make a further note to constantly check over my shoulders during the con in case S was waiting in the wings for another skirt lift and ass grab.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)05:35 No.4456594
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    >Hmm... Judging from this reply... should I?
    >Suddenly, I remember what the fuck this shit is.
    >I had forcefully forgotten last time
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)05:35 No.4456595
    Good thing I had decided to Google that tomorrow instead.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)05:36 No.4456598

    One day, Beth surprised me with a message that said she was being transferred to my middle school. I was excited because I figured I could help her a lot more in real life than online. During my second year, she showed up and I introduced her to all of my new friends. She was very pleasant and happy now, rather than quiet and 'weird' and my friends got along pretty well with her.

    We still talked over PMs on Gaia after school. It was around that time that I was starting to gain an attraction towards the same sex, as well as the opposite sex. I was really confused about these feelings and didn't want to tell anyone, due to my mother constantly proclaiming there was 'no such thing as bisexuals'. I thought I was going through a phase.

    Then one day, Bethany confessed that she was starting to like girls.
    I asked her why she said that, thinking we could relate.
    She said, "Because no boy wants to have sex with me."
    I thought that was a stupid reason, but confessed to her that I kind of liked girls as well, but wasn't entirely sure. Her interest was highly piqued by this information.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)05:37 No.4456604
    >Then one day, Bethany confessed that she was starting to like girls.
    >I asked her why she said that, thinking we could relate.
    >She said, "Because no boy wants to have sex with me."

    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)05:38 No.4456605
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)05:42 No.4456626

    I started to regret telling Beth about my feelings.
    She began following me around like a puppy dog. During lunch, she would rub against me and nuzzle me. She'd sit behind me during classes, just for the chance to run my shoulders and feel my bra straps through my shirt.

    She even started using words like 'kawaii' and 'sekushi' to describe me. Loudly in the halls, she'd proclaim how much she loved brunettes.
    At this point, I was done. She completely terrified me to the point where I knew I didn't want to date girls after all.

    Finally, after skipping up to me with a red string around her finger (still have no idea what that was about) and asking me to attach it to my pinkie, I took a deep breath, pulled her aside and told her straight.

    "Beth, I'm sorry, but I don't like you. I'm pretty sure I was confused about liking girls. And even if I did like them, I could never date you. You're just my friend."

    I will never forget her face when I told her this.
    Her eyes were huge, barely visible beneath her long blonde bangs and thick glasses. Her entire frame was shaking, but stiff, as if she were containing all her anger. Her lips grew tight and I could tell she was grinding her teeth.

    Then she ran. We stopped talking again.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)05:43 No.4456628

    so day two goes fine from there, I don't see S and I start to relax and my friends and I get ready for the rave that night.

    While were having a good time I break away from my group and go to get a drink from one of the water coolers the con staff had placed near the back of the room for us.

    I fill my cup and start to take a sip before I feel two chubby hands suddenly slam me into a wall and my short's pulled down only to hear "See I told you she had the most Miku panties ever!"
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)05:45 No.4456631
    You are a brave and wonderful person for trying to help a nutcase like that.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)05:47 No.4456637
    Honestly, from listening to your description I think it's pretty safe to say that she suffered some pretty hefty trauma early in life and had NO idea how to handle it.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)05:48 No.4456641

    Bethany avoided me like the plague after that. Instead, she started to confide in my good friend, Nikki. They passed notes and talked a lot during classes, but wouldn't interact much outside of that.
    Nikki was a tough girl. She was the tiny friend who was surprisingly strong and often stuck up for us when we were too afraid to do it ourselves. The key word in this paragraph is 'was'.

    Through our final year in junior high, Nikki's 'toughness' started to wane. She suddenly became the wimp in our group and would quietly sit in the corner, whimper if we jokingly gave her a push and flinched when we'd move our arms in any way.

    Concerned by her sudden changes, I asked her what was wrong. In response, she handed me a carefully-folded note.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)05:49 No.4456642

    You have the patience of a monk puttingup with her so long and trying to help her.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)05:52 No.4456648
    I'm tired thought those were the same story for a second. 3am soon I should go to bed. But these stories are so good.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)05:52 No.4456649
    I manage to crane my neck around enough so that between the strobe light's I can make out the figure of S pinning me against the wall.

    She keeps going on about my panties and I then highly regret wearing that pair and try to squirm away telling her to let me go.

    she finally let's go of me after I start to kick my leg back in hopes of hitting her and I can get a better look of her. She's still in that god awful cosplay that reveals more of her than I ever wanted to see, and next to her I see the only man in the world who I can see giving her the time of day.

    I thought no one was bad enough to date her till I saw him. The scary part was they might as well have been siblings with their crooked teeth, greasy hair (though hers was hidden under a wig)

    I then have finally about had it, not being one to enjoy having my panties shown off to to the world. I pull my pants back up firmly covering everything and start to yell at her before she says something along the lines of "Aaaaw she's so cute when shes angry! I think shes a tsundere!"

    I then look back over to her boyfriend and see he has a creepy grin on his face that reads "I want to get into your pants."

    I start to walk away and S. pull's me back by the arm and tells me to come with them. I start to yell at her no and she pins me against the wall again and leans in, her hot nauseating breath against my skin as she whispers "come up to our hotel room and have a threesome."
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)05:52 No.4456652
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)05:54 No.4456656

    The note was, of course, from Bethany. I don't recall the exact details, but towards the bottom, it went a bit something like this:

    "It's hard for me to see you in the halls with Anon. She broke my heart just last year and it took me forever to get over her. I am so thankful I have you now, but when I see you with her, it makes me want to kill her. You're mine. You belong to me, not her. Please, don't talk to her. I don't want her to take you from me."

    What. The. Fuck.
    My heart dropped into my stomach reading that note. I grabbed Nikki by the wrist and literally dragged her into the principal's office and demanded she tell what had been happening.

    Apparently, after I turned Bethany down, she had quickly rebounded to Nikki.
    She would constantly hit her, throw her into walls and touch her, proclaiming that she was now her 'property' and 'slave'. The note Nikki had shown me was one of hundreds that had gruesome details in them.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)05:55 No.4456662
    >> Melvarkie 05/12/11(Thu)05:56 No.4456663
    Damn they should bring Bethany to an asylum. I understand why poor Nikki became so afraid.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)05:56 No.4456665

    And you folks are in for a real treat. Because I just stumbled upon one of the actual notes I scanned and saved that day. Allow me to block out the names really fast and I'll post it to you.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)05:57 No.4456669
    That sick... anon I feel so bad for you experiencing this
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)05:58 No.4456673
    I am both terrified and intrigued.
    Poor Nikki, though. I hope she got help for that abusive monster's damage
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)05:58 No.4456674
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    This is such a good story. It's 6 AM, but I can't sleep until I know what happens Dx
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)06:00 No.4456677
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    Sorry it's a bit small. This was straight after I turned her down. The last dot was me being stupid, so it doesn't have a purpose.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)06:00 No.4456678
    this shocked me and before I could start to scream at her in protest I felt her grubby hands pulling me by the wrist out of there as I'm yelling at her to let go and for help, though with the strobe lights and the music raging no one seemed to hear me or care.

    I finally manage to yell loud enough to her that no I do not want to go to her room.

    She then takes this as an invitation to do it right then and there.

    I heard her say "Kinky" after she had then yanked me near a corner where the music wasn't so loud.
    I was becoming surprised at how much arm strength she had, as it become fairly difficult to fight her off. Between exhaustion and her mammoth weight I couldn't shake her off of me.

    (almost done I swear)
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)06:04 No.4456688

    She may be a crazy devil worshiper, but at least she has good penmanship.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)06:05 No.4456691
    still yelling and trying to get away I feel my shorts suddenly down again and my top unzipped.

    I start to scream bloody murder at this point as I'm so confused as to exactly whose hands are now on my boobs and which one of them is trying to get rid of the rest of the clothing in the way, namely my "Miku" panties.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)06:05 No.4456692

    One note mentioned how she wanted to kill hundreds of children. Another note mentioned her laughing while people were tortured. And here's the best part of all!
    Our principal didn't do anything until we brought her a note that said Bethany wanted to bring a gun to school. And even then, all she did was give Beth a note to give her parents.

    The note requested that she get her parents' permission to see the school therapist. This scared Bethany, probably because her mom, dad and little sister were all very kind, normal and sane people. I think she was afraid of what they would think of her. Needless to say, she hid the note.

    ....And then the beatings began.
    We got into the habit of sitting with Nikki in the mornings before class, near the stone walls of the entrance. One morning, Beth came storming up and started screaming at Nikki.


    And then she proceeded to slam Nikki's head straight into the stone wall. Repeatedly.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)06:08 No.4456697
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    Holy shit! More now!
    >> Lucky Cannon !4SoLucky1k 05/12/11(Thu)06:09 No.4456699
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    mother of god...
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)06:11 No.4456709

    After screaming at her like a bunch of...well, junior high school girls, she ran for it. Nikki's head was bleeding and she was wobbling around on her feet.
    Me and another friend carried her into the principal's office and demanded that we file a police report right away.

    The nurse cleaned Nikki up while we included every detail of the situation. I had never written a police report before and my principal seemed irritated to finally give it to me, but I was very precise with my words. Basically, I wrote down a clear but tl;dr version of what I'm telling you all now.

    Nobody had seen Bethany since she hit Nikki. We assumed she'd run home, maybe, or went to hide at a park nearby. I didn't care. I just wanted her away from us.
    I felt a wave of relief wash over me as I handed my principal the police report.
    Just as I slipped out the door towards the nurse's office to pick up Nikki, I watched from the corner of my eye as the principal took the report....and threw it into the trash can.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)06:11 No.4456710
    What the fuck is wrong with that principal? Go to the fucking police at that point, shit. You have evidence. Show the notes to her parents.
    >> EvirusTheSlayer !!j0/Rk5sFRHS 05/12/11(Thu)06:13 No.4456715

    Holy shit. What the fuck. Why are all principal's such pussies?

    Mine was the same way...
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)06:14 No.4456719
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    what a stupid asshole, jesus christ
    please tell me that bitch got what she deserved
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)06:15 No.4456725
    WHAT THE FUCK! I hope you ran straight to the police and told them everything. That principal should get fired for that shit. They're endangering their students! If Nikki gets murdered it's all on that lazy fucking douche.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)06:16 No.4456726
    Finally some one must have heard me as I feel the hands let go of me and there is some one between me and S. now.

    I have no clue who it is beyond the fact that it's a guy who then start's to yell at the pair and tells them he's going to report them to con staff.

    The two then scamper out of there while he's yelling at them.

    The guy then turns to me and asked me if I knew them. I told him I went to the same school as the girl but I didn't know the guy, and he agree's to come with me to find a staff member to report them (and he even gave me his coat to cover up since my costume had been ripped in the process)

    we report them to con staff and the guy help's me find my group again who had been panicking since they couldn't find me.

    The con then goes smoothly from there and the staff later found me to tell me that S and her boyfriend were banned from the con.

    The con goes smoothly and the guy who saved me, K, stay in contact the next day and we find out we only live a city away from each other, and end up becoming friends.

    So I ended the con on a high note. But then I come back to school, to find S. has been telling people that her boyfriend broke up with her over what happened and that now I was her girlfriend.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)06:21 No.4456735
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    I hope you cunt punted that bitch. You should have had her arrested for sexual assault, K was your witness. Get her on the fucking sex offender list. That's what she fucking deserves.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)06:22 No.4456737
    There was this creepy asian weeaboo guy in the same grade as me in high school, he had some sort of social disorder and anger management problems.

    Anyways, he pursued me all through high school in a very creepy manner.

    On the first day of school for grade eleven, he walked up to me while I was getting stuff for my locker. I was like "Hi, how was your summer?" and stuff, just being polite, making small talk. He just stared at my chest, went "you've gotten bigger.", reached out and poked my breast, then ran off down the hallway.

    Later in the year, he presented me with a picture he drew of me. It was anime-style, I was in a schoolgirl outfit, lying back on a bed, skirt around my ankles, tugging my panties down with one hand and making a wanton facial expression with a little speech bubble that said "I want you...". Super. Fucking. Creepy.

    Anyways, that's my story, boring compared to what else is on here, but meh.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)06:23 No.4456739

    For days, I thought I imagined it. Every bone in my body wanted me to think it wasn't true. But after a week of no action being taken at all, I realized it had actually happened.
    My junior high never had good control over bullying. The officials were the type that would say 'kids will be kids' and 'it will go away if you ignore it'. But I was astonished that he had actually thrown away a fucking police report.

    Nikki's personality had taken a complete flip. She was meek, submissive and silent now. Terrified by what her overbearing parents might think, she refused to go to the police about the situation, let alone tell anyone but me. Even through high school, she maintained the personality Bethany had given her. She officially became the 'bitch' of the group.

    As for Beth....I haven't seen her since that day. She went to a different high school across town and I never saw her in the final months of junior high. I hope she got help. I really do.
    One friend who kept in touch told me she was in love with her married chemistry professor at her college. I didn't want to know the details.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)06:23 No.4456741
    Hahaha, that's actually amusing. Do you still have the drawing?
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)06:23 No.4456744
    My school life feels ruined at that point. Her story went something along the lines with that we had hooked up at the con and started to get into it when some one interrupted us and reported us to con staff but that now she and I were together.

    I of course told everyone no we weren't and that she had molested me. More people were inclined to believe me than her, but my reputation is now extremely tainted and I get lumped into the "anime crowd" that I had described in my first post.

    But thankfully it was a spring con and things start to relax and the school begins to forget about the drama, and my friends who at first taunted me a bit for the anime thing, believe me about S. and anyone who knows me starts to shun her in response.

    The school year ends and I start hanging out with K more and we agree to attend a con near us at the end of summer. We also start dating.

    And though the summer was fun and the school rumors had faded I knew S. was probably going to be at the next con and K told me if we saw her we'd report her instantly to avoid repeat events.

    The one bad thing here was that S still had it in her head that I was her girlfriend. This proved to be problematic when I ran into her at the con at the end of the summer.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)06:24 No.4456745

    Life went on. We grew from the whole thing and eventually, it faded away into nothing but a memory. I haven't told this story to anyone in over 7 years.
    Now that I am older, I feel like I am the one to blame for Bethany snapping. I'm the one who drove her towards Nikki. I'm the one who kept forcing myself into her life to try and help, only to make things worse. And even worse, we all handled the situation stupidly and never got the police involved, like we should have.

    It resolved itself, sure. But even to this day, I still think about Beth. Her house is just down the road and around the corner from where I live. I don't want her in my life again, that's for sure. But the worried 11 year-old in my brain still worries about her 'ugly' and 'weird' friend from so long ago.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)06:25 No.4456747
    what happened to Nikki
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)06:25 No.4456748
    SHE GOT AWAY WITH IT?! FFFFFFFFFUCK! So much rage I don't even have a face!

    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)06:28 No.4456752

    You mean after the beating? It was just a little scrape on her head. Big enough to make her bleed, but not enough to give her any damage.
    She's currently working in a hospital as a nurse-in-training. She's still very meek and still the 'bitch' of the group, but she's doing very well for herself.

    None of us bring up this story around her, though. Just mentioning Bethany's name frightens her.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)06:28 No.4456754
    Nothing is your fault. If not Nikki it would have been another girl. She had real fucking mental issues, she was going to take them out on someone. It is too bad she was never forced to get help, it seems like she really needed it.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)06:29 No.4456758

    Unfortunately, yes, she did. I spent years wishing I'd hunted her down and beat the shit out of her. After that day, I became fiercely protective of all of my friends. I didn't want anything like that to happen again.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)06:29 No.4456760
    Shame, she sounds adorable though, hope she finds someone who treats her right. I know there's plenty of whiteknights out there looking for girls like that, myself included.

    As for Bethany, well, hopefully she got better. If not, well. Here's to hoping.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)06:30 No.4456761
    Poor Nikki needs some counseling. She's like an abused child or a battered spouse. No one should have to live in fear.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)06:32 No.4456767
    getten to that part!

    Low and behold the con comes and since it's a smaller one I know a fair few of the staff members. Me and K. tell the staff the story and to look out for her.

    Meanwhile I'm fairly terrified, attempted molestation really puts you on your guard. So I stick to K now pretty closely along with some of our friend's who had joined us.

    And then of course there is S. This time she thankfully choose a cosplay that didnt reveal as much of her but the site of her still made my stomach churn. I thought I had imagined it at first and told K what I saw, he told me not to go anywhere alone and we told the staff that I thought I saw her there.

    Later that night as me and my friend M are walking back to our hotel room (K was already up there) I heard a familier high pitched voice from behind me and turned to see S. This time I was sure it was her and I started to panic.

    M started to yell at her with me to go the fuck away but then S started yelling at me asking me why I was with "that boy" (K) when I was dating her and that I was a bad girlfriend for denying that we were together and spreading rumors about her, and how I was lucky she hadnt punished me for it.

    M got between her and I and we started to get out of there but were a bit to slow as her grubby hands managed to pin the two of us to the wall.

    She told me she was going to "punish me" for being a bad girlfriend and I felt that all to familiar feeling of my clothes coming off as she had let go of M.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)06:33 No.4456768
    Unfortunately she's more likely to attract an abusive douche that does the same shit to her because she's so meek and submissive. Douchebags can smell that on a woman. I really hope she gets some counseling. She doesn't need all out therapy I don't think, but someone that can help her work through the trauma and not be afraid anymore.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)06:34 No.4456769

    No, at first I refused to take it, but then when he said he was going to scan it and put it on his deviantart I accepted it then tore it up as soon as he walked off.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)06:35 No.4456772
    Question: Are we allowed to post horror stories from somebody else who doesn't frequent cgl?
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)06:35 No.4456773
    Yeah, that does happen, but then you get big scary teddybears like myself that happen to love women like that, and do our best to help them out.

    Keep an eye on her for the good males of the species out there. They exist, just gotta keep the douchbags at bay.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)06:36 No.4456774
    CALL THE POLICE, RESTRAINING ORDER, FUCKING ANYTHING! Getting her banned from a con is not enough for this level of delusional depravity!
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)06:37 No.4456775
    Yes please.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)06:38 No.4456777

    Righto. Asking her permission first, be right back.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)06:39 No.4456780
    but since we were in a hallway and not a rave it was much easier for our screams to travel.

    Some one slammed the door open from their room to see what was going on to find me pinned against the wall with S.'s hand on me while she held me in place with the other.

    Thankfully this person was a man who appeared to have done some weight lifting in his time and before yelling at her pushed S. off me and held her still and told M. to go get the staff.

    M. runs off while I'm left there with S. and the man, who is yelling her head off about the whole situation and how she has done nothing wrong.

    M comes running back with con staff who with the help of Mr. Friendly Hotel Con Goer, escort her to the lobby where they wait for the cops.

    I havent seen her since and she transfered out of my school. K who had known nothing of what happened until me and M had calmed down and returned the room (after thanking the guy) and he proceeded to get very angry at S and almost wished he had had a chance to get at her for it.

    K and I are also still together, I attend cons still fairly happily and havent had this sort of trouble since.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)06:39 No.4456781
    The red string is the red string of fate that ties people together in love. It's shown sometimes in animes.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)06:41 No.4456785

    I worry about these same things, honestly. She's dated a couple of boys from her college, but it isn't anything serious. I think if she ever gets married, I'll probably end up interrogating them.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)06:41 No.4456786
    Thank god she got arrested.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)06:42 No.4456790
    Sorry, but this sounds really fucking weird. You like women "like that" who are meek, submissive and traumatised?! It's good if you want to help them out, but then the ultimate goal is to NOT having them being meek, submissive and traumatised, and frankly, a therapist would be better than any boyfriend, because these women has to learn to stand on their own and have power within, instead from someone else.
    You may not have meant it that way, but your posts sure come out creepy.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)06:44 No.4456794

    Ah, I see! Thank you for clearing that up for me. I'll go read the story when I'm not super tired, haha.

    Oh and thank you guys for listening to my story. There were a lot of other details I skipped, mostly because I felt like it was already too long. And I may have made it sound very dramatic at some points, only to give you that let-down of an ending. But I'm glad there were people who actually read the whole thing through.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)06:46 No.4456798
    Sorry it sounds creepy, it goes back to being a follower of the actual chivalrous code. Guys who care for people because hey, that's part of our job.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)06:47 No.4456799
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    Do you guys want to hear about a weirdo stalker that's not a weaboo, but still a weirdo stalker?
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)06:47 No.4456800
    Why do I want to read more of these?


    Creepy hentai room stories, anyone?
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)06:47 No.4456801
    Can somebody screen-cap the Bethany story?
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)06:48 No.4456804
    it was a good story, I have no idea why I like to read these things (as they are so depressing)

    I feel bad for Nikki though, I hope she finds some one good and at least she has friends who will smack away any new Beth's.
    >> LittleJelloSalad !YG.DdnIWg6 05/12/11(Thu)06:48 No.4456805
    How about creepy gaming room creeper story?

    Cause I got one.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)06:50 No.4456807
    So... This is a story about N and H, two girls that went to my high school. They weren't horrible weebs, but what they became was a couple of "fakebois".

    Let's start off with N. Both of these girls were compulsive liars, but N was completely self centered. She'd do things like eat all your food if you got up to get something and then proclaim it was your "gift" to her. Her mom treated her like a speshul snowflake, constantly giving her money along with her every whim, so she got used to never considering anyone else's feelings. She would steal your shit, bite you, lie to you, and think this was completely acceptable or even "kawaii".

    H was possibly a sociopath. Her compulsive lying was almost terrifying. You like to ride horses? Her uncle totally owns five horses, she rides all the time. You like that movie? She totally knows the star from when he was younger. She also told us that her dad raped her and gave her hormones to make her boobs bigger.

    So, these two were bearable separately. Both reasonably attractive girls, let them get away with a lot. Then they discovered yaoi and it was all down hill from there.

    They started to dress like boys, cut their hair short, changed their gender on all their profiles and started to live action role play their yaoi pairings. They would make out in front of the school all the time, but get pissed off if anyone called them a lesbian because "we're boys!"

    They made no attempt to hide their obviously female bodies, they weren't trans, they didn't claim to be trapped in the wrong body or want surgery. They just wanted to live life as "yaoi boys".
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)06:51 No.4456811
    The horror, the horror!
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)06:52 No.4456814
    can we please screen cap like all of these?

    this is one hell of a night for stories.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)06:53 No.4456815
    Yes. Please.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)06:53 No.4456816
    People should care for people, not necessarily because they are guys and knights protecting the meek wimmins. Seriously, it's good that you want to care, and heal, but being attracted to a woman, solely because they are traumatised and meek is not cool. Are you going to dump her when she finds her own strength again? It's okay to say "It's sad that she is like that now. I want to be a good boyfriend to her, and hope that she will gain her confidence and strenght." Stating that you like meek and traumatised women are. not. good.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)06:53 No.4456817
    You can imagine how annoying this got. They wrote "seme" and "uke" onto everything, constantly talked about how every male in fiction was totally gay, and were constantly on each others' very obvious and unbound tits making out obnoxiously.

    I couldn't stand it, but luckily I graduated shortly there after and only saw them at a distance at the odd con after that.

    The real kicker is I was looking through my old DA and saw comments they left me in high school. Out of morbid curiosity I clicked over to their profiles. Still relatively active. Still pretending to be boys laughably. Bitches have to be at least 25.

    >mfw I have no face for this.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)06:55 No.4456821
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)06:56 No.4456824
    I do not want to be discovered... N is still friends with one of my friends.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)06:57 No.4456827
    Dat Ending! >:(
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)07:00 No.4456835
    email to me?
    I just want some laughs. I won't share/reveal anything.
    This just sounds hilarious.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)07:05 No.4456840
    Goodie! Buckle up then!
    This is actually a story about my Big Bro, Xander's stalker. My bro and I are pseudo-twins and always support each other, but right about that time he was starting in high school, and I wasn't. I hated my class, and I didn't really have any friends in my area, because I was pretty awkward at the time. I did however start at an art course and at the first day I arrived early. Waiting outside was another girl. She had insanely long, dull hair, glasses, no make-up and was very cross eyed. She wasn't horrible looking, but she was also awkward, no make-up, just jeans and tee thrown on, the "quiet nerdy girl" type (I myself was going through a terrible gawth face, in a feeble attempt to hide that I was a nerd too.) We talked, or she talked and I listened, and we became "friends". Mostly because I looked up to her because she was older, and I didn't have any other friends. Turns out that she's in the same class as my bro... I didn't think anything about it at the time, but I should have... cont.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)07:05 No.4456841
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    please...someone post more...they feed my insatiable thirst...
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)07:05 No.4456842
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    Capped the Bethany story.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)07:07 No.4456844
    Alright, here is a little snippet of N's gallery... including a picture of her. She claims to be a boy. No joke.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)07:07 No.4456845
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    Derp, forgot my image
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)07:09 No.4456846
    oh lord
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)07:09 No.4456847
    >Wishes people would grow the fuck up.

    Oh the irony.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)07:10 No.4456848

    >found her btw
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)07:12 No.4456853
    Currently reading journal entries.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)07:13 No.4456855
    Bad idea adding the text, it's google-able.
    >> LittleJelloSalad !YG.DdnIWg6 05/12/11(Thu)07:13 No.4456856
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    Game Room Story

    So it starts out I'm at a con, staying with two of my friends. I was really, really fuckin' sick that weekend. [I think I had the flu, or it was something I ate. IDK. AllI knew was I'd already invested a lot of money into my favorite convention and I wasn't about to miss it.]

    [I gotta leave for work in 15 so I'll do a shortened version]
    >Go to find my friends so I can chill at their artist alley table cause everyone is going to the rave and I didn't want to.
    >Run into friend who I had known in high school when he was a senior [At the time I was a sophomore? I wanna say a sophomore.]
    >He see's I'm wobbling around from being sick and carries me into the game room
    >I don't realize he's drunk as shit because I've never seen him drunk before
    >We're sitting in the game room and I'm tired so he holds me up. Kinda drifting off from being exhausted, figure I'm with a friend so it's safe.
    >"I wanna bite you"
    >"Let me bite you"
    >No, wtf man-
    >Bites me
    >Start struggling and tell him to cut that shit out
    >"I just can't help it..."
    >Tries reaching in my shirt and is thwarted by chest binder [I love you chest binder.]
    >Struggling more, now getting loud and people are starting to look but they think we're just two teenagers fucking around.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)07:14 No.4456858
    Oops. Oh well. I doubt they even remember me but they left a big trauma scar on my high school experience. They did some seriously fucked up shit to my friends and even some of the teachers. I've been debating posting them every time a "fakeboi" thread shows up.
    >> LittleJelloSalad !YG.DdnIWg6 05/12/11(Thu)07:15 No.4456859
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    >Tries undoing my pants
    >End up breaking free, and storming [shuffling/wobbling off]
    >Make b-line for artist alley table for help, but friends are gone and EVERYONE is in the rave so the hallways are empty
    >He's trying to follow me to my hotel room
    >Run into girl I kind've know, but not really well. Don't care. Pretend we're the bestest gal pals in the history of ever and oh?She needs medicine? Look bitch I don't care if you want cocaine just take me to my hotel room.
    >She takes me to hotel room where room mates are luckily inside.
    >Get inside, shut door in his face and lock him out
    >She chills with us until he leaves before heading back to her hotel room.
    >Next day he acts like nothing happened, and is hanging around me and my friends.
    >Stick close to ex-boyfriend/best friend for safety.
    >Tell nobody what happened until I get home from con, where much raging ensues and many friends threaten to cut a bitch.
    >He acts like the victim, and how the whole thing just kills him every time he thinks about it and moans and cries every time my name is mentioned.

    Never go to cons alone. Ever.

    [Follow up: He ended up apologizing to me months later. I don't hold a grudge, but I don't talk to him much. He can't look at me at cons, especially if I wear the cosplay I was wearing that night. ]
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)07:19 No.4456866
    Jeez, from what i read here it seems cons are filled with more sexually depraved people and rape than an american prison. Why do these criminal acts get considered acceptable? Cops should be called far more than what they do now it seems.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)07:23 No.4456869
    >>4456840 Btw, if there's any lolis in the house, imagine Chrystalmoon, because she was the exactly same type.
    We hung out together at her house a couple of times, but since we didn't really have any interests in common, we didn't have anything to talk about - except shw actually didn't want to talk to me, she wanted to lecture me: About the greatness of her genius and about the greatness of communism. And she would lecture, and lecture, and lecture, and I was too polite to tell her to shut up. It could have been any political stance, I wasn't interested in politics at the time, and I tried to gently switch subjects But she would hand me the communist manifesto, tried to get me to join the party, and whined to me about how people at the high school tore down her posters. If I asked critical questions, I just triggered a new lecture. Dinners in her house were also really awkward because her stepdad was hardcore conservative, lol.
    Clearly, I began disliking her, and I didn't want to be her friend any more, but because I was a pussy at the time, I didn't know how to break things off. She kept calling me and asking me to hang out, and didn't take a hint when I ignored her. Well one day my mom wanted to have a talk with me about the girl, and thus I learned the true scope of her crazy...
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)07:27 No.4456870
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    Put alot of sexually and socially frustrated kids in one place at one time...things can get messy. Also, I might be quick to assume...that most people into anime learned how to handle their feelings based on what they learned in h-rape gaems and not trough real human interaction. I'm talking about hambeasts and such. Or people that go into la-la land as soon as they see the convention center in the disdance and try and act like the anime is REAL :DDD
    Sorry, very sleepy speculation...
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)07:30 No.4456874
    Because this shit is mostly done by desperate women... Sadly people won't take it so seriously if it's not a man harassing you.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)07:33 No.4456876
    The girl had previously mentioned my brother a couple of times, but she had just said that he was nice, and since they were in the same class I didn't think any more about it. But I should have. Because now my mom told me that she stalked my brother.
    My brother is also pretty leftist, and thus they had ended up talking about politics. By the end of the first week of high school she had confessed her love to him. My brother was in no way interested and being a nice guy had told her that they could instead be "comrades in fighting capitalism". She didn't take no for an answer, and instead began following him around school. When he still wasn't interested she began giving him the stink eye whenever they were in room together. My bro ignored it, but then she started throwing fits during lessons, and made the principal schedule a monitored meeting between them so they could "work out their issues". Of course my bro hadn't done anything against her, but she still ranted about how mean he was, and so my bro was forced by the school to move seats away from her (which really wasn't a punishment to him, but still hugely embarrasing and agitating to him, since he had, and wanted absolutely nothing to do with her) contd.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)07:38 No.4456885
    I honestly think that these socially inept weebs mimic what they see in manga and anime, where sadly rape/sexual harrassment is glorified a lot of the time :/
    A while ago I decided to take a closer look at the glorification of sexual harrassment in shojomanga, downloaded a bunch of dirrefent ones and goddamn it happens in basically every single one
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)07:41 No.4456888
    Did you write a paper about it or something?
    If so, I'm interested.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)07:42 No.4456890
    He had initially not told me about it, because he was happy that I was making friends and didn't want to distress me. But now she was trying to talk to him by mentioning her friendship with me, but the last drop was when my mom googled our names, and a declaration of love, adressed to my brother's full name, by her, showed up on the net, and mom felt that she had to tell me. All friendly feelings towards her turned to ice. She could give her all the boring lectures in the world, but it was another thing to humiliate and emberass my bro.
    I actively avoided her now. When she called I turned of my phone, and when she walked towards me I walked away. Fortunately she stopped coming to the art classes, and I without her I was making a lot of new, sane friends.
    But one day, she caught me of guard. I was reading at the library, when she just sat across me untill I noticed her. contd.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)07:43 No.4456891
    Yeah. It get's treated with "hilarious" anger but no real repercussions at best, or someone get's "raped" but they secretly like it at worst. Anyone that tosses around "rape" as casually as the word "hug" really needs some sense and real world perspective beaten into them.

    No one wants to be raped. Rape is non-consensual forced sex. By the very definition it is unwanted, and it's horrible and traumatizing, and it does not turn you into an "uke yaoi slave boi".
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)07:49 No.4456898
    Nope, just looked at it because it thought it was interesting.
    It's scary though, because I haven't read shojomanga since I was in my ~*japan is a wonderful and magical country*~ teenage weeaboo phase a couple of years ago, when I thought that these stories were romantic.
    Reading the same mangas now, I realize how fucked up they are. Like, if a guy kisses/touches you without your consent, its okay because he's probably a nice guy and you'll fall in love with him later.
    Also, I've yet to read a ecchi shojo manga where the guy doesn't force himself on the girl the first time. But it's okay, because when he keeps going it starts to ~feel good~. Urgh.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)07:51 No.4456900
    I once read a really interesting piece about why older Western romance novels are all, "He raped/took/advantage/harassed me and then I fell in love with him! Teehee!" The idea is that it was the only way to have a woman engage in sexual behaviors while still being socially acceptable and while still having a defense. Otherwise they would be "slutty" or "too masculine". That trend is dying, apparently, as female sexuality becomes more acceptable. It's an interesting idea about the appeal of rape, that definitely applies to shojo and could conceivably be applied to yaoi, in a much more genderbent way - the only way for the protagonist to engage in homosexuality in an acceptable is through force, and if the reader is assumed to be female and meant to relate to the protagonist, she is experiencing something familiar to her - desire in which she can't indulge because it isn't socially acceptable.

    I want to speculate here and say that I can see how it might translate to these women sexually harassing other women at cons - they, more sexually liberal Americans, read something aimed at Japanese women, who are more concerned with traditional roles, and instead of relating to the want-to-be-raped woman, they relate to the sexual aggressor, and deem that to be the acceptable behavior. But I don't want to be the imperialist asshole who makes assumptions about Asian countries being more traditional....
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)07:55 No.4456906
    She asked "are you avoiding me" and I said "yes" (I was secretly shaking now, because she looked furious and I was not used to confrontations. Her crossed eye vibrated, and she turned the volume up: "WHY?!" I asked her to calm herself, we were in a library, and apparently her geek genes accepted that, so instead she forcefully dragged me outside: Still scared (I seriously thought she was going to hit me) I said that she was stalking my brother, and that she should leave him alone. I couldn't be friends with her, when she was doing that. Then she started to cry and wail, and instead of feeling scared, I just felt second hand embarrasment. She said. "How can you believe him (and this was said with seething contempt), and not me, I thought we were friends!!#" And I said "We might have been friends, but he's my brother, of course I am going to believe him." And then she muttered "bitch" made a strange hand sign, stumbled, and scuttered away blubbering. Since then she started walking by our house constantly. An asian kid started at school, and she latched on to him as her new "boyfriend" (more like pet) and she dragged him with her by our house. They also made violently and really really awkwardly out in the halls while she sent us deadly glares, but then the principal banned kissing in the halls, and a spot on parody of them was featured in that year's theatre production. contd.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)07:56 No.4456909
    I don't think she harassed my bro after that, but she still sometimes walk by our house. The end. (Ah, it was probably lame, but it's a true story. I guess it's more creepy when it's happening to you.)
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)08:01 No.4456913
    I think you might most definitely be right. /saving your comment
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)08:04 No.4456915
    that poor son of a bitch
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)09:01 No.4456937
    Let me tell you a story, I admit it doesn't compare to these but well, I hope you'll enjoy it!

    It all started in elementary, when I and K transferred to the same class, K was a bit masculine thai girl and we got along because neither of us spoke the language.
    At the end of 5th grade K met N, N was a small indian girl who believed EVERYTHING you told her. They started getting friendlier and all, which I didn't mind really, but then the weeaboism struck, N started using "nya~, uguu~ or desu~ at the end of every sentence she said, and it just got by worse, when we moved to middle school (all went to same) N decided she's a lesbian, yes, she just DECIDED, and at the same time talked how singer Y or boyband X were so hot.
    K also at the time became a weeabo, she started pretending to be Japanese, she also cut her waist long hair to below ears and decided she's been a guys dressed as a girl all along.
    Of course she was late in development so no boobs or ass were present, and she was 5'4 and 100lbs so she kinda passed.
    N started gaining weight, now she was 5'1 and 125lbs, and you could see it very well, her stomach protruded 15cm and that's where it all went. She decided that too small clothes must look amazing on her, so she started closet cosplaying Sasuke.
    Well, to not top the obsession N also decided sasuke is her husband, she would write stories about him, tell me how she saw dreams of him etc...
    This is jsut the start, it will get lot worse, don't worry.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)09:08 No.4456941
    Allright, ganked this off a friends lj.

    (Pt 1 of 10)
    It all happened a few years ago, when I was just starting to get into the convention scene. I was in university, making awesome friends, and finally connecting with people who didn’t have the mentalities of eight year-olds. We were all into anime and manga, but we weren’t those creepy-ass weeaboos that seemed to frequent most places - just a few people who liked to get together and watch Gundam, or Fullmetal Alchemist, or Bleach. It was pretty awesome.

    Around this time, my friends and I (who were in charge of the university’s anime club) were also some of the major backbone of our community’s anime convention, which we helped to establish, being in a city in the middle of freaking nowhere. So we were pretty proud about that. Even more so when a fellow university’s anime club wanted to affiliate with us. We thought, why not, the more the merrier. So I made heaps of friends in the community, and you have our occasional weirdo, but for the most part, we were a pretty relaxed and fun bunch of people.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)09:10 No.4456945
    (Pt 2 of 10)
    It was around this time that I met N. She was part of this other university’s club, just a regular member, and I’d heard some whispers and rumors about her before I’d seen her face, mostly from the other uni’s club organizers. Lame weeaboo stuff like how she glomped a guy from behind really hard while his attention was elsewhere, and being of heavy girth she gave him some serious back damage. Also, she’d made some veiled threats to people (goodness knows why) and she was pretty much just an annoying person in general. I heard she got kicked out of said club because she was trying to be a nekomimi all the time, and pranced around the lecture hall during screenings with multiple cat-bells on her person, and it got real old, real fast. Anyway, I’d known of N for maybe around - a year? Two? I’d never met her face to face, but I figured that it wasn’t really a big deal, and I doubted that if I did, she’d do anything crazy to me. Boy, was I ever wrong.

    A couple of my new friends (one who I still cherish very much to this day) were having a joint birthday party, and long story short, it was awesome. They rented out a video arcade for the night, and we all dressed up in cosplay and spent all night playing DDR, Guilty Gear, Tekken, etc. It was at this party that I finally met N. she seemed polite enough, a few years older than me, but still pretty sweet despite the fact that she was almost twice my size and wearing a really tacky ‘lolita’ dress, which had obviously been bought online and strained terribly on her figure. But aside from the greasy hair and awfully crooked teeth, she was quite pleasant. We bonded over our enjoyment of anime, though I was more the ‘Oh, yeah, that anime is cool’ person, while she was the ‘Ohmygawd I would totally rape/molest _____ and kill ______’.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)09:11 No.4456947
    (Pt 3 of 10)
    It would have been creepier, but having been around so many newbs in the club, I had developed a weeaboo-tolerance. And it’s not like I’d never said any of those things myself, being an anime fan and all. And besides, there were more of my friends at the party, so I just politely answered her questions and spoke to her, but when things got too extreme, I just moved on. Easy enough. Time passed and I got more into the community, because I am a massive nerd and my life consists of either playing video-games, watching/drawing anime or sewing. That is, between my part-time job and my university work. Meanwhile, N starts sort of integrating her presence within our group of friends. Not noticeably at first, but eventually she starts attending the conventions, going to the screenings, hanging out with us socially, you get the gist. And although she had her moments of herpderp, for the most part she was fine. The only things that struck me as odd was the fact that, aside from dressing in clothes that didn’t suit her frame and were very obviously too small, was the odd way that she kept referring to herself as a horse. More specifically, a ‘mare’. Granted, she was obsessed with horses, but it was that strange obsession that pre-pubescent girls get about, say, dolphins, or fairies. N replaced words like ‘boys’ or ‘men’ with ‘colt’ or ‘stallion’, and ‘girls’ or ‘women’ as ‘fillies’ and ‘mares’, and when she’d get mad or annoyed she’d say things like her ‘ears were flicking down’ or ‘she was going to bite someone’. Because horses do that, and in her past life she had been a horse (a psychic had told her).

    It was at the end of one year that I went to an interstate con with a couple of friends, and had an absolute blast. Also, I met T, and, to my surprise, we hooked up. Having never really had a significant other before, I was over the moon, all those goopy feelings you have at young love, etc.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)09:13 No.4456950
    (Pt 4 of 10)
    Anyhow, I came back home, T and I had a sort of long-distance thing happening, and then I decided to move interstate, both for better job opportunities (the city being bigger and better than our little pokey one) and also because T was there. I told my friends and family this, and for the most part, they were all really supportive. Well, my mum wasn’t, but we’re Italian, and being overprotective runs in our genes. One day, out of the blue, N calls me and tells me that she wants to spend the day together. I figure, ‘What the heck, I’ll be leaving in a few weeks to move interstate, might as well take this time to catch up with as many friends as possible now’. So we organize a time to meet at the shopping center two blocks away from my house, where she says is midway between her house and mine, and we can go from there. Fair enough. The day comes, and we meet up, and get juice. All seems fine, and she’s even dressed kind of normally too. I can’t complain, because I’m the T-shirt-and-jeans girl. We walk around a bit, and I can feel her kind of… standing a little bit close as we walk, and staring at me over her juice, but I figure it’s just a figment of my imagination.

    After a while, she asks if I want to go to her house and see her horses. I say yes, because I love animals, and I’ve never seen a horse close-up before, and a really stupid 5-year-old inner-self wonders if ‘golly, maybe I can even pet one!’, so we go back to my car to drive to her house. It’s only a 10-minute drive, and I feel pretty cool, because my old dust-bomb of a car (that’s as old as I am) was finally back from the repair shop after its nth service, and is actually working alright in short drives. Get to her house, and… she starts pulling large boxes of feed from a shed and stacking them in my newly-cleaned trunk, scattering hay and seeds everywhere.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)09:15 No.4456951
    (Pt 5 of 10)
    I figure that, fair enough, her house (a kind of average-looking residence) is probably too residential for horses, and her garden doesn’t look big enough for them anyway. She finishes stacking these boxes into my car, climbs in and smiles at me, telling me the drive isn’t very far. So we drive. And drive. And drive. It’s a hot day, my poor shabby car is starting to get overheated, and I’m worried that, as we’re driving out into country now, we’ll break down in the middle of nowhere. N tells me that she’ll give me some cash for gas, which I’m grateful for, and we finally get to these paddocks. I can see all these horses far away, standing kind of listlessly, but I think ‘It must be the heat, they’re probably just being lethargic’. We get out, and start carrying the feed into this paddock. These horses - well, there’s no easy way to describe them. I’m not a vet, but even I could tell there was something very, very wrong with them. They were listless and tired-looking, their coats dusty in the sun and full of spots and uneven patches of hair. Their manes and tails were full of bits of grass and tangles, their ribs were protruding and obvious, and their hoofs were split and cracked. One of the horses had a calf nosing her belly, but the little thing looked just as tired as its mother.

    We set the boxes on the ground and open the lids, and these horses ran to them - or they would have, but they kind of just trudged wearily, like they didn’t have any strength to run. N told me I could pet one, so I did, very carefully. This horse flinched away from my hand, like a kid who thinks it’s about to get hit, even though it’s easily three times my size. Once I started petting it, though, it seemed to melt under my touch, like a puppy. My heart did the weird melty-thing that’s totally out of a shoujo manga.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)09:15 No.4456952
    K decided it's appropriate to grope people at this point, and randomly glomped people from the behind and grabbed their asses or boobs, and she got away with it due to the confusion it caused. Now N thought this was "kawaii~!" and started to develop a crush on K, which when she found out about decided to date her.

    As you can imagine, this wouldn't be ending well.

    A while it was quiet and well, until H transferred to our class, H was 5'6 Slovakian girl, very pretty and thin (~115lbs) who happened to like some J-pop and K-pop too, she had some attitude too, which K suddenly decided that H was her dream girl.
    H had no interest in K, who would glomp and grope other girls, especially me and H.
    At the time we didn't think it was bad (we were in 8th grade) so we slapped her off and maybe told her to fuck off.

    Soon enough K found out about porno, which she would watch to "educate" herself. This also applied making N watch it all the time, so K could prepare herself for H who was pretty creeped out already.
    K started talking about what porn she watches and talk to about it to us, we were 14 to top it all.
    This is when K decided she needed to go further, so she found out a guy in our class had a crush on her, so she seduces him and lies how she's not with N and how she loves him.
    From what I know, K seems like a compulsive liar, she lied how the guy tried to rape her and force kisses on her and how he forced him into it, (even when she invited him over and took initiative).
    Soon enough obviously N got to know about K's affair, who blamed it on the guy totally, calling how she couldn't help it.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)09:16 No.4456953
    (Pt 6 of 10)
    N opens a bag of marshmallows and starts feeling this black horse the sweets by the handful, telling me that she rescues abused horses and rehabilitates them on this plot of land. Still feeling melty around these horses like fresh fondue, I tell her it’s really admirable. Then she asks if I want to ride a horse. I freaked out and told her no, because these beasts barely look like they can hold their own weight, let alone someone else’s. she says it’s alright, she has another riding horse somewhere else, and we pack up the containers and drive off. I felt really upset, especially because the brown horse I’d been petting followed us back to the fence, and kept nudging me with its nose like it didn’t want me to leave. In my rear-view mirror, I saw it watching us drive off, its head drooping sadly over the fence. We get to this other residence in suburbia with a big backyard and a corrugated iron fence. She obviously knows the ladies that live there, because they all greet each other happily when we get out of the car.

    I start getting a weird feeling in my gut, but I ignore it. We go inside the yard where it’s basically a couple of iron sheds down one side, and flat brown dirt. That’s it. N pulls me towards the sheds, telling me that the horse I’ll be riding is in it. Suddenly, there’s a huge ‘WHAM!’ noise from inside, and one side of the shed quivers precariously. My mind screamed ‘NOPE NOPE noptyNOPE’, as if she was going to open the door and lead our a friggin’ Rancor. It’s not, thankfully, but the horse I see is a massive, mean-looking white stallion (‘An Arabian!’ she said proudly) that is easily double the height of the ponies I saw in the paddock. And it’s looking at me like it would like nothing better than to grind me into the mud.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)09:18 No.4456957
    (Pt 7 of 10)
    N chirps happily that she hasn’t worked the horse in about six months, but she really REALLY wants me to experience his glory firsthand. So while her friends are putting a helmet on me, she takes a long rope (a lunging rope, I think its called) and stands in the middle of the dusty yard, making him run in circles around her. After about 5 or 10 minutes of this, she says that I’m ready for my first horse-riding lesson. I stand against a wooden fence while she brings him over, intending on using the gaps between the planks as a makeshift ladder to climb this behemoth of a horse. The huge white bastard has another thought altogether, because it slams his giant, heavy body and butt into me, crushing me against the wall and driving the air from my lungs. N laughs, asking me if I was having my period, because ‘stallions can tell, and it winds them up even more’. Now, I’m blaming myself for this equally, because anybody with half a brain would have said ‘HELLS TO THE NOPE’ and gone. But I had an audience by now (5 or 6 ladies) and I was feeling peer-pressured, so with a bit of difficulty, I got on the horse. Now, I’m a total pussy when it comes to heights. Anything higher than the third step on a step-ladder, and I’m ready to burst into tears. This horse was HIGH, and it was really strong-feeling under my body, and I started freaking the hell out, asking if I could get down already. N told me I’d barely been on a minute, and to stop being such a coward.

    N leads me to the middle of the yard, holding the horse by the bit, and, once we’re there, lets go of the ropes and darts to the side of the shed, joining the rest of the ladies there. I’m stuck in the middle of the yard with a giant horse under me, and, after a very quiet, quivering question of ‘what do I do now?’ (‘Ride!’ she answered) stayed perfectly, wonderfully still. Statues had nothing on me, I was as still as anything, mostly due to being petrified by fear.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)09:19 No.4456958
    (Pt 8 of 10)
    This beast under me doesn’t do anything for a long time, then I feel its muscles star bunching and its shoulders move. I grip the reins, knowing, just KNOWING, that this is my end. The horse. Starts. Bucking. Out of freaking nowhere, this massive animal jumps in the air and rocks forwards and backwards, legs flying, trying to throw me off. I last about ten seconds in the saddle before I fall off, landing awkwardly on the ground. This horse rears directly above me, and I’m certain that it’s going to bash my head in with its hooves. Instead, it turns around, breaks down the iron wall of the yard and takes off down the street. The ladies scream and go after it, and I get told off by one of them for dawdling on the ground (I was, at the time, experiencing a wonderful world of day-time stars) instead of chasing after this horse. We find it ten minutes later, chillaxing in one of the side paths of the street.

    I drive N home after that, furious but silent at her, but mostly myself, for being such a retarded dickwad at getting on such an animal. On the way, we stop at a gas station, where she buys me a can of Coke (‘As payment for driving today’). No gas money. No voucher for my impending therapy classes which I’d obviously need to take after that. Just a can of Coke. By this time, I am rage quitting the entire day, so I take her home and say bye, happy in the fact that I never have to see her again. The next morning I had a bruise the size of two handprints down the side of my leg, and I could barely move it without feeling pain. Fast forward a few weeks and I’m living interstate. N has gotten my cell phone number from a mutual friend, and is texting me all the time, writing how much she misses me and so on. I ‘meh’ at most of it, feeling bad because I probably overreacted that day.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)09:21 No.4456961
    (Pt 9 of 10)
    The texts keep getting more random and frequent, sending me photos of strawberry tarts saying ‘It reminded me of you’ and so on. She starts sending me emails too, which are innocent enough at first, but then she always ended them with strange lines like ‘I would write more, but since you are in a relationship it wouldn’t be appropriate’. I cosplayed Roxas a couple of years back, so she starts asking me for my measurements, because she wants to ‘make a Lolita apron for HER adorable Roxas!’. I get weirded out, and begin replying less and less frequently to her, hoping to phase her out of my life bit by bit.

    News starts coming in from our mutual friends that N’s planned to move to the state I’m in, planning to ‘steal me away’ from my partner. N also starts putting up thinly-veiled journal entries on her DA about the ‘magical afternoon’ we spent together, where she envisioned her and I waking up to watch the sunrise together every morning, mugs of hot chocolate in our hands, taking care of the horses together. N was telling people how she‘d loved me for so long and she’d been pining after me for five years straight (even though I’d only known of her for about two or three, and the times I’d seen her face-to-face were in the single digits) . She also starts spreading rumors about T, saying things like my email, DA, LiveJournal etc.’s passwords were all controlled, how I wasn’t able to use the phone or go out without a chaperone, how I was LOCKED IN A BASEMENT and basically T was abusive and controlling and OMFGWAT. So I rang N and asked her if these things she said were true. Because I said that I respected our (weird, dwindling) friendship and that I wanted to hear it directly from her own mouth.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)09:23 No.4456963
    (Pt 10 of 10)
    She laughed at me really nastily over the phone, telling me not to ‘flatter myself’ and that I was being a ‘silly filly’ (again with the horse euphemisms) for thinking I could ever think myself good enough to be with her. She then went on a massive online attack against me, putting up all these rants about how she was going to find someone with ‘more spark’, and how I’d betrayed her and abused her trust.

    In the time since then, she’s basically done all this really petty stuff to me. I’ve basically tried to ignore her the best I can, even when she’s started to spread BS about me (I’d just be feeding the troll). She’s cosplayed the exact same costumes and characters I’ve done after me, trying to ‘one-up’ me because I don’t do the characters any justice. A couple of years ago I was technical judge at the local convention, and her friend entered with a ball gown (which was made really beautifully and got high scores from me), even as she paced angrily outside the clear plastic tent like a PMSing tiger. When her friend lost Best Technical to an 8-foot tall Gundam, N screamed and carried on that my judging was biased and unfair, even though our technical judge scores only counted for half the points, and the other judges had their inputs too.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)09:23 No.4456964
    Sorry for my shitty writing.
    Things all calmed down fora while, so we thought atleast. Turns out K lied about her age(claimed she was 18) to a couple who wanted to have a threesome with a cute asian, so she made them pay her lunch at expensive restaurants leading them on. When time came she CALLED THE POLICE on them saying they were trying to buy sex from her, she got away scott-free and N got to know and got angry knowing what she was doing. Again K said she can't help her urges and sweet talked N. N had by this become K's total puppet and did all she asked, giving money, skipping lessons, going out at night etc... She believed everything K asked her for, even when K claimed she couldn't help almost cheating on her.
    Then K decided H must like her, so one nice evening after school she asked H to go to the shop with her, which H agreed to. at the time I was walking to buy soda, when I heard H screaming in the bushes so I ran there. K had pinned H to a tree and tried to kiss and grope her. I pulled K away and told her to never go near H anymore, K apologised and for some reason N convinced us to let it off on with "Why are you so mean to K, she can't help it you bitches".

    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)09:24 No.4456965
    That’s pretty much all the bad stuff she’s done to me. I’ve heard rumors of other terrible stuff she’s done, but N’s basically just obsessive - changing her name and identity to the character she’s cosplaying/obsessed with at the moment, refusing to wear hoop-skirts under dresses that obviously need them because she’s a ‘cosplay elite’ and ‘animes don’t show hoop-skirts’ (anime is also cel-shaded, but I don’t paint my skin with lines to be true to the anime) and basically acting really horrid to people who don’t bow down to her, blocking them from her DA, reporting them on FaceBook if they stand up for their friends she’s bullied, etc.

    Sorry it took ages to put up, had to chage her entry to eclude names.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)09:30 No.4456976
    Soon K realised she could get drama from bullying N, who she would call at 3am during test weeks and if she wouldn't answer would scream and yell at her. K also decided to involve the guy to their drama again, claiming how he almost raped her, and then claiming H came onto her. K started flipping her shit off randomly, getting angry if someone won her in an argument or disagreed with her. She took all her anger out on N.
    N is submissive, and they had to keep it a secret from her "overprotective parents" ( If I had a kid like N, I'd be doing the same) who were trying to restrict her from going to gloorious Nippon with her love of life K. One time we were going to the movies and K RANDOMLY flipped her shit because N touched her shoe and could've dirtied her shoes. We went off to the theater without K, who then calls deliberately 5 minute before it starts screaming and yelling to first N and then to another friend who was there. They dealt it, we 10 minutes late and doors almost closed, deciding they'll meet after the movie at K's house.
    N came next day to school with a black eye.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)09:40 No.4456992
         File1305207652.jpg-(13 KB, 180x218, 211353_1467344065_3719747_n.jpg)
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    This is when It started going worse, N came often from K's house with swollen eyes or limping. When we asked about it she told she fell or etc... K started suddenly all nationalist about Thailand, refusing still to learn the countrys main language (non-english country, english school) because it wasn't glorious Thai, or japanese she lied about talking natively. She started wearing naruto-bands and "ironic" t-shirts, and got angry if anybody said anything bad about thailand or their royal family, and even lied she was part of the royal family. Then she started lying about her brother, how he was gay and so, even when he clearly had a gf.

    N, who started dressing how K liked, got to hear all the time from K how shit we were, and got contracted by the bullshit. One of our friends disagreed with K, and she starts shit talking all of her friends how we're bitches who don't care for her and how shitty people we are. Then they ask me and H to hang out with them pretending all is nice... To top it all they asked the chick to bake them cookies for their birthdays.

    tl;dr crazy thai lies about her gender, nationality, how she's a royal, and is a creepy backfaced fucker.

    Pic very related, luckily I haven't seen this bitch for some time.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)09:54 No.4457015
    Alright, I hate to post off-topic without a story to offer, but I've seen this a couple of times now and it's starting to rub me the wrong way. You guys do realize that the term is "bee line", not "b line or b-line", yeah?
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)10:31 No.4457105
         File1305210705.png-(439 KB, 1315x2401, HorseGirl.png)
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    Just realized I have to run to make it to school, but have one of the caps I managed to finish.

    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)10:34 No.4457111
    Why didn't you try to get N counseling/report the abuse to someone?
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)10:36 No.4457116

    The part 3 in the caps seems to have been cut off a bit weirdly.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)11:46 No.4457261
    N refused it totally, and by that time we had all graduated, we were 15 and didn't know what to do.
    I admit I should've acted, but this was ages ago, so reporting now Is late.

    Luckily N went to another school, and K in to another, not sure if they're together still.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/11(Thu)12:26 No.4457330
    >Her crossed eye vibrated
    My face hurts from laughing. Oh god, that image...

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