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  • File : 1305116304.jpg-(26 KB, 281x650, uu1B2pN.jpg)
    26 KB Anonymous 05/11/11(Wed)08:18 No.4452249  
    All I have, anon.
    >> Anonymous 05/11/11(Wed)08:19 No.4452252
    opps, misfire. #o#
    >> Anonymous 05/11/11(Wed)09:52 No.4452393
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    >> Anonymous 05/11/11(Wed)10:31 No.4452466
    >> Anonymous 05/11/11(Wed)10:40 No.4452476
    >> Anonymous 05/11/11(Wed)10:52 No.4452490
    Why not? Bumping again.

    captcha:lincen Pietrain

    Get on the pietrain!
    >> Anonymous 05/11/11(Wed)10:57 No.4452499
    No thanks, I'm fighting to keep my breakfast down.
    >> Anonymous 05/11/11(Wed)11:00 No.4452504
    Look at that wall, what the FUCK is going on there?
    >> Anonymous 05/11/11(Wed)11:01 No.4452508
    Terribad shooping. Notice how the nipple on her left tit is missing?
    >> Anonymous 05/11/11(Wed)11:06 No.4452515
    she has a nasty, fat vag.
    >> Anonymous 05/11/11(Wed)11:07 No.4452520
    newfag detected.thats a real pic, bro. there are more too, you can see her vagoo
    >> Anonymous 05/11/11(Wed)11:11 No.4452528
    Okay one, why would I want to? And two, Look at her tit. Look at it. Where is her nipple? You can see it on the right one so why not the left? And notice how fuzzy her waistline is? Not to mention how much smaller her left tit is than her right one.
    >> Anonymous 05/11/11(Wed)11:13 No.4452530
    Her vagina is fat and hairy. You should see it.
    >> Anonymous 05/11/11(Wed)11:13 No.4452531
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    Sexii desu nee
    >> Anonymous 05/11/11(Wed)11:15 No.4452534
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    >> Anonymous 05/11/11(Wed)11:16 No.4452535
    If I want to see a vagina, I'll look at my own, thanks.
    >> Anonymous 05/11/11(Wed)11:17 No.4452536
    I can't stop staring, just so wrong in so many ways.
    The animu poster above her bed, the gross curtains, the apron to hide the fat roll, the pose, dat terrible angle, the tits. It's just so painful I can't look away.
    >> Anonymous 05/11/11(Wed)11:17 No.4452537
    Because she's never shooped herself before.
    >> Anonymous 05/11/11(Wed)11:19 No.4452541
    I wonder why she took these and who was she suppose to send them too.
    >> Anonymous 05/11/11(Wed)11:20 No.4452542
    No one, they're for the internet.
    >> Anonymous 05/11/11(Wed)11:21 No.4452543
    its fucking pixyteri we're talking about
    >> Anonymous 05/11/11(Wed)11:25 No.4452546
    I just still surprised, WHY DIDN'T SHE CLEAN HER ROOM, how come she didn't shoop these better, these are really terrible even bad for pt standards.
    >> Anonymous 05/11/11(Wed)11:26 No.4452548
    According to what she has said in the past....

    They were for a boyfriend who put them online. No idea if that's the truth or if she dumped them herself, but she did often get agitated in the past when people brought it up. It's only recently that she's taken the "expressing my sexuality, so it doesn't matter!" route of things.
    >> Anonymous 05/11/11(Wed)11:30 No.4452552
    bumping to the top of the page!
    >> Anonymous 05/11/11(Wed)11:33 No.4452557
    I think she leaked them her self, like she has been doing with her new pics. I don't know what is sadder that she knows people search her photobucket for lulz so she puts all her "new photos" there first then acts surprise that omg kekek I can't believe found my new gravvyure set kekeke I should be more careful next time when I post photos on my public photobucket.
    >> Anonymous 05/11/11(Wed)11:37 No.4452566
    >> Anonymous 05/11/11(Wed)11:39 No.4452570
    Now that I think about it kekekeke isn't fitting for pt.
    I think HUEHUEHUEHUE would be a better laugh for pt.
    >> Anonymous 05/11/11(Wed)11:43 No.4452577
    but she's a kawaii nipponese princess, she says fufufu~
    >> Anonymous 05/11/11(Wed)11:48 No.4452588
    >> Anonymous 05/11/11(Wed)11:50 No.4452593
    i don't think she looks that bad in op's pic. she looks comfortable and soft. has she put on weight since then?
    >> Anonymous 05/11/11(Wed)11:50 No.4452596

    WHat are you smoking?
    >> Anonymous 05/11/11(Wed)11:53 No.4452601
    Its not as bad as I thought it would be?

    But uh, yeah, still kinda gross.
    >> Anonymous 05/11/11(Wed)11:55 No.4452606
    Where's the pic where you can see her vagflaps from behind under her asshole?
    >> Anonymous 05/11/11(Wed)11:57 No.4452610
    she has gained alot of weight, if you look through her old photobucket pics and old scraps in her deviant art she was much thinner, like at least flat stomach not fat.
    >I don't want to download the pics and upload them
    >> Anonymous 05/11/11(Wed)12:00 No.4452617
    She says she is a size 8.

    Honestly I am so jelly of really fat chicks who still manage to have a flat belly. Seriously, how.
    >> Anonymous 05/11/11(Wed)12:01 No.4452619
    Its not really flat more like a keg shape she just hasn't developed rolls.
    >> Anonymous 05/11/11(Wed)12:03 No.4452622
    >> Anonymous 05/11/11(Wed)12:06 No.4452624

    Flatter than mine's ever been and I am same dress size but a foot taller.
    >> Anonymous 05/11/11(Wed)12:12 No.4452633
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    A) There's no way she's a size 8, and B) Her stomach is not flat. She's just proportionately round and barrel-like. Her fat is distributed fairly evenly, with most of it being in her torso (apple) and you're probably a pear shape, with fat distributed on your lower body, below the ribcage.
    >> Anonymous 05/11/11(Wed)12:18 No.4452644

    That makes so much sense o.o I generally thought bodyshape had most to do with bone shape or proportions or something.

    Also, I think she COULD be a size 8, as she is only 5'1".
    >> Anonymous 05/11/11(Wed)12:24 No.4452655
    she must love dog dicks.

    captcha related:denyl itsoeasie
    >> Anonymous 05/11/11(Wed)12:25 No.4452657

    No. I can tell I am smaller than her. My breasts are smaller, for sure. There's no denying she's big, and I'm smaller than her. I'm a size 10, and I fit snugly. If she's a size 8, than I'm a fucking 2.
    I'm pretty sure size has very little to do with your height, and a lot to do with your body-size/shape.
    >> Anonymous 05/11/11(Wed)12:25 No.4452659
    While I do actually doubt that she'd be considered plus size (18 or up) due to her height, she's definitely not an 8. I think with pants, she'd probably be about a 12 (because the waist doesn't matter so much with low rise jeans/skirts), and a 14 on top.
    >> Anonymous 05/11/11(Wed)12:29 No.4452668

    I thought she could be an 8 because A) you can be hugely fat in proportion to your own body, but next to a taller person of the same measurements, you will look MUCH bigger and B) because she managed to SOMEHOW shove herself into the Angelic Pretty dresses.

    I'm not arguing, I am explaining my reasoning.
    >> Anonymous 05/11/11(Wed)12:33 No.4452677
    AP is surprisingly forgiving on a lot of pieces. But. You also have to keep in mind that Melty Chocolate was so short because of her bulk that she had to wear the straps as a "halter" to be able to even put it on.

    I have a friend who is pretty sizable and taller than PT, but still fits into AP's half-shirred dresses without busting a seam if they have the shirred neckline. She's definitely larger than an 8, though. Probably closer to a 12 or 14 up top. Unlike PT, she's more hour-glass or pear-shaped, however. She has a defined waist. Her boobs and hips are just huge.
    >> Anonymous 05/11/11(Wed)12:49 No.4452714
    She probably USED to be a size eight in those older photos where she's a lot smaller. She probably still insists that she's that size because she doesn't want to admit that she's put on weight.

    The funny thing is that I have a friend who looks like the Superman to PT's Bizzaroman. Her facial features are the same as PT's except hers are more proportional and she has nice lips. She's more-or-less the same proportions as PT is in OP, too. (Except she doesn't shoop herself to look like that).

    The differences physically? Her hair and eyes are naturally brown and her skin has an olive cast to it.

    The differences otherwise? She loves herself for who she is, accepts even the parts of herself that she doesn't like, has an amazing personality and doesn't go out of her way to insult other people if she's feeling insecure.

    As a result she styles her clothes/hair/makeup better and is much, much prettier. I look at my friend and see what PT could be and it makes me kind of sad.
    >> Anonymous 05/11/11(Wed)12:54 No.4452728
    Ah, makes so much sense.

    Your friend sounds really cute...Pixy can look cute sometimes but most of the time she looks kindof mentally retarded.
    >> Anonymous 05/11/11(Wed)12:57 No.4452737

    >>plus size (18 or up)
    12 is plus size according to every mall store ever.
    >> Anonymous 05/11/11(Wed)13:10 No.4452766
    Thanks for correcting me. I was thinking 18 since most clothing stores cut off their regular sizes at about 14 or 16, but I forgot that there is some overlap.
    >> Anonymous 05/11/11(Wed)13:15 No.4452773

    Yeah, most mall stores (H&M, F21, UO, etc) tend to go up to a 38 MAYBE 40 inch bust, which is a 10/12 and SOMETIMES a 14.
    Even though for some reason F21's regular line tends to end at like a 36 inch bust...which confuses me to no end.
    Torrid and stores of that tier start at 12, but its a slightly bigger 12 than the other stores, leaving a bit of a gap in mall fashion between the "Regular" and "Plus" tiers.

    /rant. Sorry, that was more suited to /fa/ but I just foam at the mouth when I go shopping.
    >> Anonymous 05/11/11(Wed)13:44 No.4452838
    I'd love to lift up that apron and dine at the Y! slurp! slurp!
    >> Anonymous 05/11/11(Wed)13:47 No.4452843
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    >> Anonymous 05/11/11(Wed)13:49 No.4452846

    She is NOT an 8.

    I'll be honest, I have a very similar body. She'd be closer to a 12/14.

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