old thread maxed>>4438157
self posting ^__^
Got quite a few from the "photos that make you think, 'god damn my hobby is awesome'" thread, so I'll dump those.
end of self posts
>>4451147DAT SOUSUKE
I don't know DRRR, but I think this is a great atmospheric photo.
this kid. so cute.
>>4451200My nickel fell down the drain....
>>4451195I really like this one.
...yeah, I just got reminded why I go here. Thanks for posting awesome cosplay, guys.
>>4451155does anyone else think Lightning has a bit of a manface from here
>>4452807>"Remember when my family were cartoons? Ah, those were the good ol' days."
>>4452824I admit, I lol'd.
Saved so many damn pictures from this thread. This is amazing. One day I can have a few awesome cosplay shots like these.
>>4451195Holy shit! I am always happy to see that people have done Diablo cosplay
>>4454096Who is that person in the back?? lol
thread died?
>>4456892i... i just died. she's so perfect.i'm not sure if my tank girl can live up to this.;_;
>>4456924Fucking awesome.