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  • File : 1304888491.jpg-(8 KB, 249x249, dad-daughter.jpg)
    8 KB Anonymous 05/08/11(Sun)17:01 No.4440174  
    Do you love your daddy seagulls?

    Does he approve of your hobby?

    Does he know about what you get up to at cons?
    >> o-slap 05/08/11(Sun)17:07 No.4440195
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    >dad thread on mother's day
    >> Anonymous 05/08/11(Sun)17:09 No.4440207
    Maybe a non-american fag. It's not the mother day in the all world.
    >But yeah, not a good thread.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/11(Sun)17:20 No.4440255
    >Dad is a total bro
    >Helps pay for cosplay material
    >Pays for Hotel when at a convention
    >Gives ride
    >Pays for a dinner or two
    >Lets me dress him up in mild cosplay
    >Buys me a con shirt
    >Takes lots of pictures and is an overall friendly guy
    >Doesn't even watch anime or really know what it is other than 'those Japanese cartoons', does it because it's one weekend I look forward to the entire year.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/11(Sun)17:20 No.4440256
    mother's are more forgiving towards daughter's indiscretions.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/11(Sun)17:25 No.4440282
    >Dad is a total bro
    >Helps pay for cosplay material
    >Pays for Hotel when at a convention
    >Gives ride
    >Pays for a dinner or two
    >Lets me dress him up in mild cosplay
    >Buys me a con shirt
    >Takes lots of pictures and is an overall friendly guy
    >Doesn't even watch anime or really know what it is other than 'those Japanese cartoons', does it because it's one weekend I look forward to the entire year.

    Damn, all that for a handjob?
    >> Anonymous 05/08/11(Sun)17:25 No.4440283

    I've noticed this too. Dads get mad about their daughters getting boyfriends moreso than mothers.
    >> Lilitu !!xrorRTcEU5x 05/08/11(Sun)17:27 No.4440293
    I love my Daddy. He's pretty much the most awesome guy ever, and is so OK with cosplay. I went to my first conventions as a kid with him and his Halloween costumes are normally comic book or anime related. He's going to be doing Garterbelt hopefully this year.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/11(Sun)17:28 No.4440300
    Bwahahaha, don't be bitter just because my Dad is cool.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/11(Sun)17:29 No.4440306
    I love my dad very much. His love for me is entirely conditional though.
    >> BLUE !./././VTrk 05/08/11(Sun)17:29 No.4440311
    Course I do, he's my father.

    Hah, god no. You should have seen his face the first time I showed him my pikachu kigurumi and a wig I bought. I bet he's really disappointed in me. At least he has my brother.

    And no, I can't imagine he does.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/11(Sun)17:33 No.4440330
    >> Anonymous 05/08/11(Sun)17:37 No.4440350
    My dad is a bro. Both my parents think doing anything creative is really important so they approve of cosplay. My dad doesn't involve himself so much he just goes 'hey cool!' when he sees my costumes.

    Also, its Mother's say OP.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/11(Sun)17:39 No.4440357
    derp. Mother's day*
    >> Anonymous 05/08/11(Sun)17:39 No.4440359
    Girls without fathers: Do you ever feel jealous of girls with good fathers?
    >> Anonymous 05/08/11(Sun)17:45 No.4440400
    not really but my family isn't that close and we rarely talk to each other
    >> Anonymous 05/08/11(Sun)17:46 No.4440406

    are you physically attracted to him?

    do you want a boyfriend who is like him?
    >> Anonymous 05/08/11(Sun)17:46 No.4440410
    Of course I love my dad. He went to a con with me once, but wasn't really too into it and just let me be with my friends. He paid for my cosplay supplies, bought me sewing machines, bought me my first sewing books...
    >> Anonymous 05/08/11(Sun)17:49 No.4440428
    dat feel when you hide in your room whenever you're at home because your father treats your mother like garbage (shouts at her, hits her etc).
    >> Piplup !Ebgln4OHzA 05/08/11(Sun)17:50 No.4440431
    I love my Dad. He knows I've always been a weird kid so he's fine with my hobbies. He knows a few pokemon names (although he still thinks piplup is pip-plop), and every turtle we see is called turtwig. He knows what I do at conventions because... It's what I do. Derp.
    >> Beloved_of_Cthulhu !!wIEkitftaKh 05/08/11(Sun)17:51 No.4440444
    My dad died in 1999. He'd not think too much of it but would help me if he had relevant experience
    >> Anonymous 05/08/11(Sun)17:53 No.4440461
    Not at all attracted to my Dad and my boyfriend's personality and looks are way different. He's shy but sweet, and taller, skinner, and a different ethnicity.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/11(Sun)17:54 No.4440469
    what ethnicity?
    >> Anonymous 05/08/11(Sun)17:56 No.4440474
    If my daddy were alive, I think he'd be supportive.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/11(Sun)17:56 No.4440476
    Daddy lives too far from home to know what I do and whatnot. He knows of it, but not into much detail. He wouldn't really acer anyway, as long as I wasn't wasting HIS money.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/11(Sun)17:58 No.4440483
    >> Anonymous 05/08/11(Sun)18:00 No.4440495
    Dad's white, my boyfriend is Mexican.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/11(Sun)18:02 No.4440506
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    I don't like my dad very much... and I am pretty sure he is thoroughly disappointed in me for being alive.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/11(Sun)18:03 No.4440510
    is he one of those 'brown pride' fucktards?
    >> Anonymous 05/08/11(Sun)18:04 No.4440517

    >> Anonymous 05/08/11(Sun)18:04 No.4440518
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    Unlike every other stubid bitch on here with "daddy issues" or a "hard life", My dad is fucking awesome.
    Also, stop bitching. Chances are you live in one of the better countries in the world. Man the fuck up.

    Anyway, My dad is the fucking shit.
    He totally gets that cosplay and cons are just a hobbie. (And not a fucking life style like so many people think it is)

    >About a year ago
    >Wanting to go to first con
    >I have waited till' I was 18 because I kinda wanted to go alone. I understand that liking anime is kinda a shameful hobbie.
    >"No! It's not shameful! Please let me come with!"
    >Not embarrassed of him. embarrassed of fucking weeaboos trying to glomp my dad or some shit.
    >Tell him I will be going with my big sister (20)
    >"I still want to go! You girls are my babies!"
    >Dad's to awesome. Let him come with
    >Super embarrassed
    >Look up expecting OH GOD face
    >He's smiling ear to ear
    >We have a great fucking time
    >He judges no one, get's it's all in good fun
    >Later I want to buy some figures
    >"Please let me pay for those"
    >"No dad, it's my hobbie, I'll pay for them. If your going to pay I won't get them okay?"
    >mfw he insists, buys me 3 figures, then later on buys me and my sister $30 in raffle tickets.

    Dad, you are the fucking shit.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/11(Sun)18:04 No.4440521
    LOL not at all. He's really humble, he doesn't walk around with a race complex or anything.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/11(Sun)18:05 No.4440525
    My father's an alcoholic that's completely obsessed with watching baseball to the point it's pretty much the only thing he cares about. He treats my mother, myself and my other sibling like shit and I can hardly bring myself to talk to him anymore. As for cosplay and anime/vidya he just gets pissed when I get packages in the mail. I don't talk to him about conventions.

    Just wish my Grandpa from my mother's side was still around, from the sound of it we have similar personalities and he was into the same stuff, like cooking, drawing and playing musical instruments. He died a long time ago though, before I was born. But we probably would've been good friends.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/11(Sun)18:07 No.4440538
    It's mother's day, not father's day
    >> Anonymous 05/08/11(Sun)18:10 No.4440557
    Girls need good male role models. Don't let those experiences negatively affect you too much to the point you're sleeping around with random guys and so on.
    >> ⓜⓐⓡⓨⓙⓐⓝⓔ !zmlklASUKA 05/08/11(Sun)18:11 No.4440561
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    >mfw I don't even know if my dad is alive
    >> Anonymous 05/08/11(Sun)18:13 No.4440574

    No wonder you're a whore.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/11(Sun)18:16 No.4440586

    finally, the reason for your whoreness
    >> Beloved_of_Cthulhu !!wIEkitftaKh 05/08/11(Sun)18:19 No.4440602
    So are you looking for a Daddy?
    >> Souviet !YbrmcBEMWk 05/08/11(Sun)18:20 No.4440608
    My dad is really awesome, even though he has the SHE'S STILL MY INNOCENT BABY GIRL thing going on in his head. (Harharhar.)
    He doesn't make any active movements to help in my hobby, though. He thinks the crafting is kind of neat, but the ~*~helping me~*~ bit is my mom's thing... He kind of just gives me odd looks when I talk about it.
    So. He's cool, I love him tons and tons, but he doesn't take an active interest in my hobby. Which is cool. He doesn't need to. :D He's awesome for completely unrelated reasons.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/11(Sun)18:21 No.4440617
    >My dad is really awesome, even though he has the SHE'S STILL MY INNOCENT BABY GIRL thing going on in his head.

    To be fair, you seem like the most level-headed, non-slutty seagull I've ever spoken to.
    >> ⓜⓐⓡⓨⓙⓐⓝⓔ !zmlklASUKA 05/08/11(Sun)18:22 No.4440624
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    I'm really not that much of a whore. I just openly enjoy sex.

    Not gonna lie, I have a track record for falling for guys with similar qualities as my dad. Especially Workpants. God damn it.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/11(Sun)18:23 No.4440629
    I pity my dad. Am not sure if it counts as love.

    He doesn't really know anything about me or my life. I prefer it that way.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/11(Sun)18:23 No.4440630
    Nah I haven't done anything like that, I've kind of gotten used to the way he is and I know that people shouldn't act like that. I usually just try to avoid annoying him. If anything I'm more worried about my mom being around him.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/11(Sun)18:24 No.4440632
    >I just openly enjoy sex.

    With lots and lots and lots of men.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/11(Sun)18:24 No.4440634
    I love my dad. He doesn't understand my hobby, but he tries to share in it to a degree. He likes video games and asks a lot of questions about the ones I play, so I decdied to let him try some of them (he really enjoyed DoA: Paradise, lol). But ever since I bought him GT5 for his birthday, I haven't been able to pry him off of my PS3. I'm beginning to regret having done that.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/11(Sun)18:24 No.4440635
    Dad is a bro. He's cool with cosplay and kodona. I pay for my shit, but he sometimes helps me get material and he's glad I learned to sew and build props.

    He sometimes watches anime with me, if he likes the series we watch them together. So far we have both watched Majin Tantei Nougami Neuro, Cowboy Bebop, some Kuroshit and Mononoke, and Miyazaki's films. He likes history as much as I do, so he's ok with my interests in historical costumes and kodona.

    Besides, we both enjoy a great time together. I love him.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/11(Sun)18:24 No.4440636
    >If anything I'm more worried about my mom being around him

    >> Souviet !YbrmcBEMWk 05/08/11(Sun)18:25 No.4440639
    Oh! Thank you. I'm not really that bad. My dad just thinks I'm still a little girl sometimes and that it would be BAD if I went to a party or something. That kind of thing.
    >> Bad Wolf !XLIjtOmIpc 05/08/11(Sun)18:26 No.4440644
    I love my dad very much. He loves helping me with cosplay props and I'm always in his garage working on something. The two of us together make one whole Angus MacGyver.

    I don't get up to much crazy unwholesome stuff at cons, but he hears all my hilarious stories when I get home. He also asks to see pictures of my costumes when I get back.
    >> ⓜⓐⓡⓨⓙⓐⓝⓔ !zmlklASUKA 05/08/11(Sun)18:28 No.4440654
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    7 isn't a lot. Unless its 7 at once.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/11(Sun)18:28 No.4440656
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    >Well from what I hear he used to treat my mother nicely but the second she got pregnant he would beat her and poison her food
    >after my birth he would break into our home steal our stuff and filmed my mom as he pointed a gun to her head and made her beg for our lives
    >through out my life I think I have only received one birthday card and it was because he thought he wouldn't have to pay child support anymore.

    There is a lot more but it gets really depressing and I wanna stay happy for my mom today.
    >> Beloved_of_Cthulhu !!wIEkitftaKh 05/08/11(Sun)18:29 No.4440659
    It's not unusual, a depressing number of people reapeat the mistakes of their parents in a relationship context
    >> Anonymous 05/08/11(Sun)18:29 No.4440661
    >7 isn't a lot.

    Uh, yes it is.

    I take great pleasure in knowing you're going to be a 40 year old singleton :3
    >> Anonymous 05/08/11(Sun)18:30 No.4440665
    My father has never been a part of my life :S he simply bailed, no visits, no alimoney, nothing. He sucks.

    I have lived with my grandfather all my life. He's really old so he doesn't really understand much of what I do, but he smiles when I'm dressed in lolita, specially when he sees a bunch of us girls dressed. He thinks we look very pretty and dressed up :3
    >> Todd !4ZxTOOT8q. 05/08/11(Sun)18:32 No.4440678
    oh jeez...
    >> Anonymous 05/08/11(Sun)18:32 No.4440679
    For a prude, maybe. Sex is sex.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/11(Sun)18:32 No.4440680
    God... That is so fucking shitty. Don't go for men like that anon ;_;

    Aw. He sounds cool.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/11(Sun)18:33 No.4440683
    How old is she? If she's in her twenties, 7 isn't bad.
    >> Beloved_of_Cthulhu !!wIEkitftaKh 05/08/11(Sun)18:33 No.4440686
    ? Your logic is flawed
    >> Anonymous 05/08/11(Sun)18:34 No.4440687

    Prude refers to attitudes towards sex itself, not having sex with tons of partners, as girls like you and maryjane do.
    >> Souviet !YbrmcBEMWk 05/08/11(Sun)18:37 No.4440694
    ...7 really isn't that bad. Really. She's in her 20s, right? If she's been sexually active since she was a late teenager, that's easily just one man a year. (I don't actually know her age, so adjust accordingly.)
    7 isn't that much once you do the math. I know women who easily rival that.
    >> Broodmother !!A1yh1XpOQ2T 05/08/11(Sun)18:37 No.4440695
    All Broodmother wants for Mothers Day is for her children to stop posting in this troll thread.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/11(Sun)18:37 No.4440699
    girls who sleep around have a harder time being loyal or holding down LTRs. Not the person you're replying to by the way, I'm a guy and I'd prefer a girl I was dating to have say... a maximum of 3 or 4 sexual partners. Women tend to be too concerned with sex and not enough with real things of substance these days..
    >> ⓜⓐⓡⓨⓙⓐⓝⓔ !zmlklASUKA 05/08/11(Sun)18:38 No.4440701
    >I take great pleasure in knowing you're going to be a 40 year old singleton :3
    Really? Thats kind of pathetic. But what ever gets you off.

    Turning 21 in August.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/11(Sun)18:39 No.4440705
    He just yells at her a lot and gets into arguments for dumb things, like once he flipped out because she cooked mashed potatoes twice in one week. He threatens to kill us on an almost daily basis and once slammed her hand in a door and it looked bad enough that I wanted to take her to a doctor.

    It's just that if it weren't for me being around she wouldn't tell anyone that he does stuff like this. I don't know how she can deal with it because it drives me nuts - I even take night classes at school to avoid dealing with him. My sister actually called the police on him a couple times but she moved out about two years ago.

    I think they'll probably mellow out though, they're both from old fashioned families so it's not like they'll ever get a divorce or take anything seriously. It's depressing to think they're like this but it can't really be helped at this point.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/11(Sun)18:40 No.4440707
    Actually, I've only had sex with one guy. You must be a virgin lardass.
    >> Broodmother !!A1yh1XpOQ2T 05/08/11(Sun)18:42 No.4440718
    That's terrible. Thank you for saging, sweetheart.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/11(Sun)18:43 No.4440720
    I love my dad and he loves me unconditionally, though has very strong ideas about my further education. When it comes to lolita, he understands.
    My mum, way back when in the 70s, was very fashionable and wore the false eyelashes and make up and high heals everywhere ( I think if she was my age today she would totally be gyaru!) so he understands the need for fashion very much whilst not partaking in it at all.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/11(Sun)18:44 No.4440731
    >Do you like your dad thread
    >MJ and other bitches talking about sex

    Shut the fuck up!
    Fucking dramafags... Can't you go one thread without "Baaw my vagina!" or "I herd shez a slut"?

    You all can suck my non existent cock.
    >> Beloved_of_Cthulhu !!wIEkitftaKh 05/08/11(Sun)18:46 No.4440743
    Sounds like a smart guy
    >> Souviet !YbrmcBEMWk 05/08/11(Sun)18:47 No.4440745
    If you're going to contribute to drama by complaining rather than contributing to the thread itself, please sage. :(
    >> Cutesy !aAKq1dbhUw 05/08/11(Sun)18:47 No.4440749
    Being the last of 5 kids he is very protective, but he is extremely laid back and down to earth. He is actually going to be dropping me off at AX this year since he doesn't want me driving in LA. He tried to watch anime with me once but couldn't really get a lick of what the show was about, after explaining it about 50 times, also never again after I showed him Evangelion.
    >> tenleid !tRDr4b2x2Y 05/08/11(Sun)18:48 No.4440756
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    My dad is pretty awesome. My parents are divorced and he became a workaholic and moved to america, but we'd go see him a couple times a month and he would spoil us cause he has a good job and has nowhere else to spend the money.

    he had a stroke a year ago, and completely changed. his personality is now the exact opposite, and for a long time he was like a stranger because of it. he's getting better now and im really worried about him, he's lived alone for the last 10 years and doesnt have a job anymore because of his stroke. he's not low on money or anything, i just worry he gets lonely.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/11(Sun)18:49 No.4440758

    You're awesome for putting up with that for so long. I hope you realize that's not the way real men treat women though.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/11(Sun)18:49 No.4440764
    My dad is my worst enemy, my nemesis if you will. There' s few times in my adult life where we haven't been at each other's throats. And that isn't just a figure of speech, we have been close to killing each other in a handful of ocassions.

    Mom is prety chil, fortunately.
    >> Broodmother !!A1yh1XpOQ2T 05/08/11(Sun)18:49 No.4440765
    It's because this topic is classic troll baiting. They begin by bringing up the belief that girls who have absent, abusive, or distant fathers grow up to be sexually promiscuous. For the record, Broodmother doesn't remember her father.
    >> God !BrODINgKJM 05/08/11(Sun)18:50 No.4440770
    >> Anonymous 05/08/11(Sun)18:52 No.4440773
    My dad helps me with my props. Yesterday, we made a wig stand together and he's going to help me build a stand for my duct tape body form.

    I don't get up to much at cons because I'm always tired out by the time all the parties start. :c
    >> Anonymous 05/08/11(Sun)18:55 No.4440788

    dont be a whore then.
    >> tenleid !tRDr4b2x2Y 05/08/11(Sun)18:58 No.4440815
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    I dont believe this at all. My dad hasnt been totally gone my entire life, but I only saw him a few days a year when i was really young, and a few days a year from age 8 and on. I'm not promiscuous at all.

    i think this stems from the idea of fathers being over protective of their daughters. so when daddys not around anymore, girls are free to do what they want. not everyone whos without a father is like that, though.
    >> Souviet !YbrmcBEMWk 05/08/11(Sun)19:01 No.4440831
    But... I have a vastly overprotective father, and I'm the furtherest thing from a slut. I think it's a matter of how sex was presented to you as a child and what kind of person you are is the reason for how you react to it.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/11(Sun)19:01 No.4440833

    To a degree it is true. Girls without father figures seek out surrogates.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/11(Sun)19:14 No.4440893
    Look, I have a father who was a perpetually absent alcoholic asshole throughout my childhood. We rarely speak now and I know that we are not good at communicating with one another. I'm somewhat resentful of him for not being there for me when I was a child. Looking back, I never had a strong male role model in my life. As a twenty-year-old woman, I have a pretty equal balance of males and females in my circle of close friends. I date occasionally, but I haven't met anyone I'd be interested in pursuing a sexual relationship with. I am a virgin.
    So, am I an anomaly or are you full of shit?
    >> Anonymous 05/08/11(Sun)19:15 No.4440896
    So no black fathers in this thread, eh?
    >> Anonymous 05/08/11(Sun)19:21 No.4440926
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    I don't know my dad. My parents were young, they fucked, no condom, he didn't want me and wanted to pay my mom an abortion, but she didn't want it. He ran away, so I don't even know his face, only his name. Sometimes I think about him, I like to imagine him as a cool guy, I'm not sure the reason. Probably because all my mother's couples were shitty as fuck.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/11(Sun)19:25 No.4440947
    My biological father was an asinine douche who should never have gotten married. I admit that there are women/men out there that shouldn't get married and foster offspring because they only care about themselves and their whoring.

    With that said: I was fortunate enough to have a mom who could get married to a wonderful new man. I love my stepdad, he's like my best friend. We even troll each other irl, we play the "U MAD?" game, and it's so awesome because he knows what memes are, haha. He's pretty hip for an old man.
    >> Tim 05/08/11(Sun)19:34 No.4440996
    >Do you love your daddy seagulls?
    Yes. My father is a disciplined man and a certified badass. We've had rough patches, but that's only because I can never be as badass as he is and that disappoints him somewhat. He's like an Asian Ernest Hemingway, but perhaps without the Nazi-hunting
    >Does he approve of your hobby?
    He's ambivalent. Cosplay isn't a particularly badass hobby unless you do props. The one time I attempted a kind of large prop, though, he was kind of impressed.
    >Does he know about what you get up to at cons?
    Yeah, but he doesn't really care. Are you implying that I do incriminating things at cons?
    >> Anonymous 05/08/11(Sun)19:36 No.4441002

    black anon reporting in.
    Shouldn't we be talking about mom today, given that it is Mother's day?

    Anywhoo, my dad is just a wonderful man. He had a shitty childhood thanks to the depression and it being the 1940's. But when I came along he became the most gentle, encouraging, super daddy. I'm his only child and he just beams when I do something interesting.
    He thought my cosplaying was a stage and that I would grow out of it. But when I started making things for my own apt, sewing things for others, patching up things instead of always needing new clothing he became really proud of my sewing and even shows off pictures to people.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/11(Sun)19:38 No.4441008
    Yes I do
    Yes he does
    I havn't done anything yet I'd be afraid to tell him.

    But he was the one who encouraged me to get into animation. Got into anime through that.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/11(Sun)19:48 No.4441032
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    my dad's always been distant. even after the divorce when I was three and my mom, sister and I were still living in the same state as the rest of our family, I've only got a few memories with him, but not really of him if that makes any sense.
    once we moved when I was 7, I got cards and calls, and then the calls waned, and I got cards only on the major holidays. for most of my growing up I didn't talk to him. I tried to get to know him later, when I started college.
    he was always kinda spaced out, like he wasn't really there/ listening, and when he'd talk he'd just go on about conspiracy theories...he barely grunted when I told him I had a boyfriend.

    the strangest part is, despite the distance, we're exactly alike. we're both kinda lazy, we both get angry easily, both terrified of flying, and about a million other little mannerisms and speech patterns. So I get him. I get it. and I don't hate him, but I just don't know him and I don't think there will ever be a place for him in my life.

    I do have an awesome stepdad who drives trains and can text and taught me nearly everything I know about nature. and I have a boyfriend with heart of gold, so I think I came out pretty good considering.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/11(Sun)19:49 No.4441035
    Tim, why don't you ever post pics? I bet you're cute.
    >> Schadelbrecher !!VGk3Ris4UGq 05/08/11(Sun)19:50 No.4441043
    Haha, my uncle does that. (he's black)

    My dad's white, and he's pretty cool. He doesn't care about cosplay too much, he'll help me with some props every now and then but largely he's too busy to listen to me bitch and moan about my shitty exacto knife. He only helps on the big shit that includes power tools. I stay out of his way, he stays out of mine largely. And it works. We still bro around, so I'd like to think we have a healthy relationship.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/11(Sun)19:53 No.4441054
    >I don't think there will ever be a place for him in my life.

    This is genuinely sad.

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