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  • File : 1304880027.jpg-(288 KB, 1288x1304, 1304879541095[1].jpg)
    288 KB Boxer !8BoXer4n3s 05/08/11(Sun)14:40 No.4439602  
    So what is this? /soc/ for weebs? What the fuck.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/11(Sun)14:43 No.4439613
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    >> Anonymous 05/08/11(Sun)14:47 No.4439623
    Due to the nature of this board being about female fashion, it is mostly populated by women. Other women realize this and collect here because of that. This board also has no mods/janitors so threads like the one you posted have unfortunately just kind of seeped into our board "culture." Because this is 4chan, there are also a lot of fucking nasty feminist sluts here, who are probably the ones being so open about what their bag smells like and shit on a cosplay board because they like the negative attention.
    >> tenleid !tRDr4b2x2Y 05/08/11(Sun)14:51 No.4439640
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    ..Why would you spend actual time putting that together? You seem a bit mad.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/11(Sun)14:52 No.4439642
    ...That's not it at ALL, you must not understand sociology.
    Different demographics (races/sexes) like relating to each other's experiences, that's all there is to it.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/11(Sun)14:54 No.4439646
    Everyone just needs to get out of this thread.
    >> o-slap 05/08/11(Sun)14:57 No.4439658
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    The dream of the weaboos is alive in /cgl/ (/cgl/, /cgl/)
    >> Anonymous 05/08/11(Sun)14:59 No.4439667
    Lmao, my post is in this picture. Which reminds me, I need to take a shower and scrape out my smegma in case I wind up going to my boyfriend's house tonight. Probably tweeze my mole hair and pluck my eyebrows too.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/11(Sun)15:03 No.4439682
    god forbid women anonymously discuss what bodies do. yes, bodies do gross things, female bodies included. if you can't deal with it, have fun never having a fulfilling relationship or hell, even sex ever again, since nearly all of the grossness is centered around the vagina.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/11(Sun)15:06 No.4439700
    me too, I'm planning to go to my boyfriend tomorrow and I need to pluck my eyebrows and wax my moustache and legs and shave my kitty.
    hate the pain but it's worth it.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/11(Sun)15:07 No.4439707
    >god forbid women anonymously discuss what bodies do.
    /CGL/ IS NOT THE PLACE FOR THIS, go on /adv/ or /soc/ if you really need to talk about it. It has no relevance to cosplay or lolita.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/11(Sun)15:08 No.4439712
    Off topic discussion on 4chan? Oh lawdy.
    >> o-slap 05/08/11(Sun)15:14 No.4439729
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    This. Seriously, at least if you want to talk about off topic shit at least post cosplay or rori pictures while you do, it's not that hard.

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