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  • File : 1304759669.jpg-(39 KB, 379x450, 1302274019216.jpg)
    39 KB Anonymous 05/07/11(Sat)05:14 No.4435148  

    /cgl/ is not the place to discuss girly time period talk just because there are a lot of girls here.
    /cgl/ is not the place to debate women's rights issues/feminism just because there are a lot of sluts here.
    /cgl/ is not the place to discuss your mental health issues.
    /cgl/ is not the place to ask for relationship advice.
    /cgl/ is not the place to vent to about how mad or sad you are when your problems have nothing to do with cosplay or egl.
    /cgl/ is not the place to talk about how xyz famous cosplayer is secretly a whore or fat or a bitch or whatever.
    /cgl/ is not the place to talk about Livejournal drama.
    /cgl/ is not the place to discuss "hooking up" with strangers at anime conventions.
    /cgl/ is not the place to discuss kawaii K-pop bishies.

    I really wish we had a janitor.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/11(Sat)05:17 No.4435154
    /cgl/ is not the place to complain just because you don't like what other people are doing. Use the report function.

    If you really can't stand it, get the fuck out. 4chan is not yours to control, quit backseat modding.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/11(Sat)05:20 No.4435159
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    And so you post a complaint as a new thread instead of saging the others. You retard.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/11(Sat)05:21 No.4435161
    >quit backseat modding.

    I hate that shit too but all of those threads are obviously off-topic.
    There was a mod in here the other day but it doesn't seem like any of them generally pay much attention to /cgl/
    >> Anonymous 05/07/11(Sat)05:26 No.4435170
    I'd suggest /tg/. They have a pretty good janitor there. Hell you could probably get away with talking about cosplay. You can find everything on /tg/ and you of course have the LARPers.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/11(Sat)05:26 No.4435172
    I do that too and I always publicly announce that I am reporting their shitty threads and yet I get called a party pooper and am told to get out, even though their threads are the cancer.
    >> God !BrODINgKJM 05/07/11(Sat)05:26 No.4435173
    Lol what you expect when beta males find the board.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/11(Sat)05:29 No.4435176
    just hide and report those threads you dont want to see.. thats what I do ffs
    >> cmkz !VowelsK1wQ 05/07/11(Sat)05:29 No.4435177
    That's some damn good hipster Ariel cosplay.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/11(Sat)05:33 No.4435183
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    >> Anonymous 05/07/11(Sat)05:53 No.4435202
    >/cgl/ is not the place for shitty meta-threads.
    You forgot one. You're welcome.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/11(Sat)05:57 No.4435206
    Guess that's why you're here.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/11(Sat)05:59 No.4435209
    and our vocaroo threads were doing so well. We should bump those up.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/11(Sat)06:01 No.4435211
    with singing. Where's G?
    >> Anonymous 05/07/11(Sat)06:13 No.4435218
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    >> Anonymous 05/07/11(Sat)06:18 No.4435221
    shouldn't a new thread be done only after the old thread is full. Also why wait for G? Can't anyone make those threads?
    >> Anonymous 05/07/11(Sat)06:23 No.4435224
    It's not quite as bad with the off-topic threads as it is on /v/, and they do have janitors.
    >> Page !PageMe/drI 05/07/11(Sat)06:59 No.4435242
    >/cgl/ is not the place to vent to about how mad or sad you are when your problems have nothing to do with cosplay or egl.

    What did you just do then?
    I think someone broke their own rules written.
    Also get the 4chan addon for your browser, hide things you cant stand, it isnt harder then that.
    Also... u mad?
    >> Anonymous 05/07/11(Sat)07:04 No.4435246
    moot prefers his mods and janitors to have a hands-off approach. Unfortunately that does lead to people starting up threads on a subject that turns out to be popular enough to become a recurring theme and suddenly it's "traditional". Some of that stuff doesn't really make much sense (tokusatsu show discussions?) and just seems like some aspie got carried away when discovering other people who like the same stuff. Judging from other boards the mods do eventually step in and start deleting and banning stuff when the OT stuff gets out of hand.

    I have to admit the K-pop stuff annoys me because the threads are often started by some koreaboo who doesn't care shit about /cgl/, just spams many boards simultaneously to promote the girls he has a hardon for.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/11(Sat)09:45 No.4435320
    /cgl/ is full of women who love to gossip and has no moderators to mandate behavior. So the board is essentially just /b/ for girls.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/11(Sat)10:13 No.4435364
    >>4435154 where,

    I hope you do realize that many people once into imageboards can't go back to normal forums.

    Well, there is another chan with a cosplay board. It's at if you're fed up with how /cgl/ has changed to.

    Sad truth
    There is some truth to that.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/11(Sat)10:17 No.4435374
    Needs to be said.

    Short version is that /cgl/ ain't your goddamn live journal and you deserve a fistful of shit in your mouth for arguing otherwise.

    One metathread about it is still better than 150 vendettafag, whiny, emo, faggoty bullshit threads.

    "Hurrr /cgl/ how does I talk to wimmenz?!~ Uguuuu"
    Fuck you! We should be talking about places having sales on good fabrics, or money saving techniques, or different ways to sew certain patterns. Costuming shit, for fuck's sake.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/11(Sat)10:21 No.4435383
    As a matter of fact, why not we make our own chan based on cosplay and conventions? Cosplaychan or something? We'll finally have our own home to talk about cosplay with out the bullshit drama.

    Captcha: out. butived
    >> Anonymous 05/07/11(Sat)10:31 No.4435394
    Because that would be the slowest moving chan in the world. This board's already slow enough, anybody remember that LolitaChan or whatever it was that cropped up a while ago?

    Anyway, I felt it was more suitable when this board was called /DRAMA/.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/11(Sat)10:40 No.4435404
    It's sad how much joy I got from going to that board and seeing JUST cosplay threads.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/11(Sat)12:14 No.4435563
    You got a better idea? I like to hear it from you.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/11(Sat)12:15 No.4435566
    Am I the only one that has trouble hiding threads?

    The plugin works for about 15 minutes but then all the threads open themselves again and I get to see brand new stupid shit. I have the latest version of chrome. I really don't want to download firefox just for /cgl/.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/11(Sat)12:26 No.4435594
    Are you moving from different internet sources? That happens to me if say I go from my place to someone else's house or something.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/11(Sat)12:27 No.4435598
    Nope, staying in one place.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/11(Sat)12:40 No.4435632
    Weird...well all I suggest is remove the add on and then put it back...
    >> Anonymous 05/07/11(Sat)12:40 No.4435634
    /cgl/ gets mods who give a shit. Problem solved. Or we just rename this board /bitches&whores/ and get over it.
    >> ZomZom !TroZomZom2 05/07/11(Sat)12:53 No.4435659
    4chan x works well,
    It has the filter built in and some other cool features.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/11(Sat)13:36 No.4435778
    Yeah thats the one thats giving me problems :/
    Thanks, I tried that and hope it works now.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/11(Sat)13:41 No.4435792
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    Just wanted to say
    first time here (linked from /a/)
    This board is complete and utter shit, probably because you actually have women here
    Tied with /adv/ and /soc/ for worst board
    Now you have to keep up that reputation
    >> Anonymous 05/07/11(Sat)13:44 No.4435808
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    Its one thing to be whores but its another thing to want to dress up like the PURE 2D women we love and defile them. /cgl/ you are scum
    >> ZomZom !TroZomZom2 05/07/11(Sat)13:46 No.4435816
    Ah, I see.
    Give this a whirl, I believe its just the filter and thread hider.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/11(Sat)13:52 No.4435840
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    Better get back to /a/ before you miss a waifu thread
    >> Anonymous 05/07/11(Sat)13:53 No.4435845
    Better than all the 3D crap you have here. Enjoy your landwhales and attention whores.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/11(Sat)13:57 No.4435857
         File1304791029.jpg-(172 KB, 401x447, 1303416979456.jpg)
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    And yet you're still here
    You might miss out on a speculah thread, anon
    >> Anonymous 05/07/11(Sat)14:00 No.4435868
    Sure is /a/ in this thread, you guys must be lost.

    Also, enjoy your basements and character modeled fleshlights faggots.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/11(Sat)15:07 No.4436208
    >> Anonymous 05/07/11(Sat)15:09 No.4436218
    There was a similar thread posted yesterday but the OP decided just to praise all the people they knew who were known to "play nice" and were actually productive. That thread got flamed to hell and back.

    Guess /cgl/ doesn't want posters who are on topic and supportive.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/11(Sat)15:12 No.4436243
    I am a long-time regular on /cgl/ and I started this thread last night, fuck you slut. I've been so sick of this shit for months and I hope some good will come out of this /a/ raid.

    And the problem with reporting and hiding threads is that it usually only leaves one or two threads on the front page that aren't hidden, and that's just depressing. We NEED moderation, you whores can't control yourselves.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/11(Sat)15:32 No.4436362
    I'm sorry, you won't get better moderation and you never will. Unless done as a joke, mods do their job on cgl when they feel like it. It's time for us to leave for another imageboard. One anon suggested , we should go there. There will be no improvement in our situation
    >> Anonymous 05/07/11(Sat)15:35 No.4436379
    We only need moderation against people that come here to troll about whores and tripfag circlejerks that belong on /soc/. Moot likes the drama threads, they aren't going away anytime soon.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/11(Sat)15:39 No.4436398
    >Moot likes the drama threads
    Moot liking Boner Robin does not mean that he also likes livejournal loli and feminists vs normal people drama by extension.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/11(Sat)15:41 No.4436413
    >tripfag circlejerks

    Problem with that is that some people's definitions of circlejerk is so lose that tripfags can't even reply to each other without being called on it. Sure threads started by the /fit/ bros or cglchat2 crowd ARE circle jerks but then you have people posting in post con threads talking to people they met at the con doing convention related activities and later being accused of circle jerking. By that definition, the progress threads and the latest Vocaroo threads are circle jerks as well
    >> Anonymous 05/07/11(Sat)15:41 No.4436415
    sorry but he likes em. he renamed the board /drama/ and he said he thinks they're amusing. I can tell you're a newfag who came here last month and now thinks /cgl/ needs to be "fixed" because it's "SO much worse than the old days!!!" take your fail and go the fuck home.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/11(Sat)15:43 No.4436433
    Well I'm referring to stuff like the mirin awards. I have no problem with progress threads and vocaroo stuff. /fit/ shit is a little out of control but that's my personal opinion, and i know other people find it valuable. But tripfags starting threads about each other? No, get the fuck out. Even if mods were really, REALLY lenient on this /cgl/ would still be greatly improved.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/11(Sat)15:59 No.4436495

    >/cgl/ is not the place to talk about how xyz famous cosplayer is secretly a whore or fat or a bitch or whatever.

    /cgl/ has been talking about this since the 2nd year it was in existence. Its probably about 15% of what it is supposed to be used for.

    Everything else though, I totally agree on. No matter how bad OP needs to get the sand out of his vagina.

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