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  • File : 1304369316.jpg-(170 KB, 640x480, instrument181.jpg)
    170 KB Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)16:48 No.4415406  
    Ok wtf happened to you reddickies?
    >> BLUE !./././VTrk 05/02/11(Mon)16:49 No.4415409
    he liked eggs so much he went to be a farmer
    god it's like nobody knows this
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)16:50 No.4415418
    He would
    >> Matt !o504RVa/WI 05/02/11(Mon)16:53 No.4415432
         File1304369599.jpg-(15 KB, 295x306, What The.jpg)
    15 KB
    MFW NOPE.jpg
    >> BLUE !./././VTrk 05/02/11(Mon)16:54 No.4415437
    I know, but you can so picture him in overalls with a straw hat, right?
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)16:57 No.4415454
    I'm picturing him taking it in the butt from a doberman
    >> BLUE !./././VTrk 05/02/11(Mon)16:59 No.4415459
         File1304369955.jpg-(204 KB, 640x480, KOOLCIDRADDECKIES.jpg)
    204 KB
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)16:59 No.4415461
         File1304369991.jpg-(27 KB, 500x348, bawwbbels.jpg)
    27 KB
    >mfw I actually miss him
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)17:00 No.4415463
    The boxes collapsed on top of him.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)17:04 No.4415488
    He's probably dead. His head might've popped from all the ugly women of cgl causing the consistent inflation of his big dumb ego.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)17:07 No.4415498
    He got lost while painting a room white
    >> tenleid !tRDr4b2x2Y 05/02/11(Mon)17:09 No.4415505
         File1304370588.png-(166 KB, 730x387, Screen shot 2011-04-25 at 12.5(...).png)
    166 KB
    The tower of boxes finally toppled. Poor RedDickies, didnt see it coming until it was too late..
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)17:11 No.4415508
    I saw him Saturday I think.

    He's just posting less. Chill.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)17:14 No.4415518
    I'm so glad that dumb nigger is gone he was such a dumb nigger
    >> Todd !4ZxTOOT8q. 05/02/11(Mon)17:15 No.4415523
    That's crazy talk.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)17:20 No.4415536
    Does anyone actually know what happened to him or did he just stop posting?
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)17:24 No.4415546
    didnt he say he was busy writting a paper?
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)17:26 No.4415552
    Writting? Having had been already writ? Lol
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)17:28 No.4415559
         File1304371707.png-(103 KB, 351x748, Todd_Ingram.png)
    103 KB
    Dickies started tripping under the name "Todd", the character from Scott Pilgrim he'd like to identify himself with.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)17:29 No.4415561
    sorry english is not my first language and i always forget is only one 't'
    >> tenleid !tRDr4b2x2Y 05/02/11(Mon)17:46 No.4415598
         File1304372804.jpg-(105 KB, 1920x1080, 1303677670775..jpg)
    105 KB
    According to him in the last thread: His internet connection is dumb, school is dumb and women are dumb.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)18:02 No.4415641
    >>4415598 women
    Too bad Dickies wouldn't know anything about those. He's a dumb faggot.
    >> Hobbes !146FIGmXbc 05/02/11(Mon)18:05 No.4415647
    He went to the gym in a thunder storm, ya'll bitches mad?
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)18:11 No.4415658
    I went to a thunderstorm in a gym. Because I'm better than him.
    >> Suika Ibuki !HakUORObkM 05/02/11(Mon)18:11 No.4415659
    what does that have to do with anything? Red lives in America, where a motorized vehicle with a roof is a standard piece of property.

    Aint like he went and ran 10k in a thunderstorm or something.
    >> Todd !4ZxTOOT8q. 05/02/11(Mon)18:17 No.4415674
    wow... it's you.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)18:18 No.4415677
    The only way to get Dickies to run a marathon is to be driving a dairy truck.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)18:21 No.4415688
    Whoa he's hot
    >> BLUE !./././VTrk 05/02/11(Mon)18:22 No.4415695
         File1304374938.jpg-(205 KB, 640x480, jamesdeanflexinghisnoodlearms.jpg)
    205 KB
    no homo
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)18:24 No.4415697
    I think Iive in the same city as him.

    Small world. Then again Louisville sucks ass.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)18:25 No.4415700
    cool thanks I didn't have that one. /saved

    uh. also he is big and dumb and extremely gay and fat also.
    >> BLUE !./././VTrk 05/02/11(Mon)18:26 No.4415705
         File1304375217.jpg-(198 KB, 640x480, JamesFrancoFlexing.jpg)
    198 KB
    Don't worry about it, I've got loads.
    I don't know why I save these.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)18:29 No.4415713
    Yeah that makes you almost as gay as he is huh
    >> BLUE !./././VTrk 05/02/11(Mon)18:34 No.4415727
    Anon that hurts I am not gay :(
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)18:34 No.4415734
    I'm starting to question your claims of no homo, Blue.

    >his center
    What are you trying to tell me captcha?
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)18:35 No.4415737
    >talking to Miyu on the phone everyday
    >> BLUE !./././VTrk 05/02/11(Mon)18:38 No.4415751
         File1304375894.png-(52 KB, 598x684, ;w;.png)
    52 KB
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)18:39 No.4415754
    That makes him even gayer. Nigga got friend-zoned already lol
    >> RedDickies !!BvBZJIM+I1V 05/02/11(Mon)18:41 No.4415763
    okay this is weird for the rest of you youre all dumb. laura call me.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)18:41 No.4415768
    its ok Blue we love you anyway
    >> Hobbes !146FIGmXbc 05/02/11(Mon)18:42 No.4415769
    hey babe <3
    >> BLUE !./././VTrk 05/02/11(Mon)18:42 No.4415770
         File1304376139.jpg-(3 KB, 126x120, ohmy.jpg)
    3 KB
    I told you they made threads about you!

    >> RedDickies !!BvBZJIM+I1V 05/02/11(Mon)18:43 No.4415772
    louisville sucks
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)18:43 No.4415773
    I don't understand why guys would save pics of other guys unless for a specific reason for other people. In this case if blue is saving the pics only to post them up later for everyon.... lol no that's just gay.

    Anyway I look at it, it's just gay tendencies. I can understand motivational pics, but to save so many of one man?
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)18:44 No.4415779
         File1304376254.jpg-(221 KB, 640x480, 1303308019260.jpg)
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    >> BLUE !./././VTrk 05/02/11(Mon)18:44 No.4415781
         File1304376291.jpg-(187 KB, 640x480, GRRR.jpg)
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    no homo
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)18:44 No.4415782
         File1304376297.jpg-(148 KB, 640x480, 1302578866403.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)18:45 No.4415783
         File1304376332.jpg-(165 KB, 640x480, 1302579680917.jpg)
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    >> RedDickies !!BvBZJIM+I1V 05/02/11(Mon)18:45 No.4415784
    this image sucks
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)18:46 No.4415791
    please stick to brown hair it really looks better
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)18:47 No.4415794
    OMFG You're alive. ;~;
    >> RedDickies !!BvBZJIM+I1V 05/02/11(Mon)18:48 No.4415800
    okay laura called im gone
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)18:49 No.4415803

    >"anonymous" thread about dickies starts
    >dickies posts in it after being absent for a long time.

    are you honestly that oblivious that he started this thread about himself?
    >> BLUE !./././VTrk 05/02/11(Mon)18:51 No.4415810
         File1304376703.jpg-(104 KB, 731x1000, 32654.jpg)
    104 KB
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)18:52 No.4415812
         File1304376770.jpg-(14 KB, 271x256, word_eddie.jpg)
    14 KB
    we haven't had a dickies and blue thread in a long time.
    i've been waiting to post this!!!!
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)18:54 No.4415817
    Nah, there were 2 others. At least one I don't think he posted in.

    It's possible that someone said "hey, thread about you, go calm them down and let them know you're not dead."
    >> fuumuu !0dzsGKEjhk 05/02/11(Mon)18:56 No.4415827
         File1304376981.jpg-(84 KB, 300x315, Herbert.jpg)
    84 KB
    Redickies~ Blue ~ hobbes

    Holy moley, it must be my birthday
    >> BLUE !./././VTrk 05/02/11(Mon)18:58 No.4415833
         File1304377104.jpg-(91 KB, 312x235, all4ubabe.jpg)
    91 KB
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)19:01 No.4415846
         File1304377293.jpg-(8 KB, 215x251, 1304128184799.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)19:11 No.4415879
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)19:14 No.4415893
    Blue you never gave me your skype. :(
    >> BLUE !./././VTrk 05/02/11(Mon)19:15 No.4415898
    I don't have Skype at the minute, sorry Anon ;w;
    But I have an MSN.
    Would you like that instead?
    I don't really go on it that often though.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)19:18 No.4415907
    Sure I'll add you through yahoo. ;)
    >> tenleid !tRDr4b2x2Y 05/02/11(Mon)19:19 No.4415913
         File1304378393.png-(214 KB, 734x344, Screen shot 2011-04-25 at 4.40(...).png)
    214 KB
    Psst. Blue. You should hook me up with your MSN.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)19:25 No.4415933
    Dickies looks like Robert Pattinson here
    >> BLUE !./././VTrk 05/02/11(Mon)19:26 No.4415935
         File1304378777.png-(128 KB, 523x480, 1300208586344.png)
    128 KB
    It's in the email field.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)19:26 No.4415938
    Woah. Odd that you replied directly to me..

    I scrolled threads the day there were like 3-4 weightloss threads on and thought maybe I saw you say something, that's all.

    Also, wanted to point out that.. tenleid is a different person. Not that it matters. But I don't want you to attribute my wonky antics to her. She's pretty chill.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)19:27 No.4415943
    Hey dickies have you made her yours yet? You're my fucking hero bro
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)19:34 No.4415984
    Who is 'her'? This laura person?
    >> tenleid !tRDr4b2x2Y 05/02/11(Mon)19:38 No.4416009
         File1304379512.png-(206 KB, 725x392, Screen shot 2011-04-26 at 4.06(...).png)
    206 KB
    ..Man, this is the second time an anon has felt the need to tell RedDickies im not them. I dont get why.
    >> RedDickies !EKKUeeABlE 05/02/11(Mon)19:39 No.4416016
    I am a huge dumb beta faggot

    Hail miyu
    >> BLUE !./././VTrk 05/02/11(Mon)19:40 No.4416022
         File1304379651.jpg-(24 KB, 720x480, Wahaha.jpg)
    24 KB
    totally legit post
    and i think you'll find i'm the only beta one in this thread
    it's my god damn claim to fame
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)19:42 No.4416028
    First time, I didn't think he saw it. I figured I'd do you a favor and not let him think you were someone you're not.
    Don't worry about it, sis!
    >> RedDickies !X65SffLqHs 05/02/11(Mon)19:43 No.4416031
    I'm also RedDickies
    >> RedDickies !EKKUeeABlE 05/02/11(Mon)19:45 No.4416041
    Also, I'm RedDickies as well too also
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)19:45 No.4416042
    Dickies? K.
    Blue? Well, he's got the yupster look going for him.
    Hobbes?.... Why??
    >> White !MlEo6DClZo 05/02/11(Mon)19:52 No.4416066
    >> Hobbes !146FIGmXbc 05/02/11(Mon)19:53 No.4416069
         File1304380410.png-(102 KB, 320x240, 1.png)
    102 KB
    Cause they dont have super cool goggles like me.
    >> BLUE !./././VTrk 05/02/11(Mon)19:55 No.4416076
         File1304380517.jpg-(135 KB, 650x850, 1304000132406.jpg)
    135 KB
    hey you know i love you and all (no homo) but
    and serious question here
    do you own a shirt?
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)19:55 No.4416079
         File1304380544.jpg-(142 KB, 412x691, why-so-jelly.jpg)
    142 KB
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)19:57 No.4416085
    But you're a skeeny azn.

    Oh right, /cgl/..
    >> Hobbes !146FIGmXbc 05/02/11(Mon)20:01 No.4416102
         File1304380879.jpg-(34 KB, 640x480, Snapshot_20110502_5.jpg)
    34 KB
    no but I do own a hat c:
    >> BLUE !./././VTrk 05/02/11(Mon)20:02 No.4416112
         File1304380976.jpg-(81 KB, 315x235, EyeAmTheStrongest!.jpg)
    81 KB
    that is a really nice hat i'm so jelly of that hat ;3
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)20:04 No.4416120
    so tiny. Like a little baby.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)20:05 No.4416122
    You're hillairyus. Thanks for being entertained and as adorable as possible.
    >> Honeybadger !URnewFAgBI 05/02/11(Mon)20:05 No.4416123
    Blue, enough with the no homo. U homo.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)20:06 No.4416125
    I think he's partially homo to be exact, sir/madam.
    >> Hobbes !146FIGmXbc 05/02/11(Mon)20:06 No.4416126
    my hat <3s u too
    >> BLUE !./././VTrk 05/02/11(Mon)20:07 No.4416129
         File1304381255.jpg-(406 KB, 700x700, ff.jpg)
    406 KB
    No problem dood.

    No I'm not :<

    I'm not homo ;w;
    Guys this is mean.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)20:07 No.4416130
         File1304381259.jpg-(25 KB, 913x572, 1246509961975.jpg)
    25 KB
    >mfw no one reads filenames and connects obvious shit
    >> Hobbes !146FIGmXbc 05/02/11(Mon)20:08 No.4416134
         File1304381297.gif-(497 KB, 498x226, tumblr_lfm8xr6JEi1qf96r6o1_500.gif)
    497 KB
    I lost alot of mass :\ slowly gaining it back.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)20:11 No.4416141

    Blue is the best tripfag on this board.
    >> RedDickies !EKKUeeABlE 05/02/11(Mon)20:12 No.4416150
    Hobbes get at me. With some anal beads.
    >> Hobbes !146FIGmXbc 05/02/11(Mon)20:13 No.4416156
         File1304381619.jpg-(21 KB, 410x338, tomato.jpg)
    21 KB
    >> RedDickies !EKKUeeABlE 05/02/11(Mon)20:17 No.4416170
    Hobbes your abs are so much nicer than mine. I wish I was as alpha as you bro.
    >> Hobbes !146FIGmXbc 05/02/11(Mon)20:18 No.4416179
         File1304381916.jpg-(164 KB, 672x887, 1303031469556.jpg)
    164 KB
    Hey bro, we can shine together its k <3
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)20:21 No.4416194
         File1304382099.jpg-(277 KB, 640x480, agreement816.jpg)
    277 KB
    Stimulate my prostate you beautiful man.
    >> Hobbes !146FIGmXbc 05/02/11(Mon)20:22 No.4416201
         File1304382177.jpg-(16 KB, 379x284, bleh.jpg)
    16 KB
    ok ; _ ;
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)20:24 No.4416210
         File1304382270.jpg-(153 KB, 480x360, wind172.jpg)
    153 KB
    Oh yea
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)20:26 No.4416217
         File1304382405.jpg-(43 KB, 410x342, hate357.jpg)
    43 KB
    Someone draw Hobbes making sweet love to Reddickies asshole :D
    >> BLUE !./././VTrk 05/02/11(Mon)20:28 No.4416221
         File1304382490.jpg-(97 KB, 900x749, 1304074523845.jpg)
    97 KB
    Red, if you're reading this, I tried everything in my power to stop this, but failed ;w;
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)20:28 No.4416225
    Hobbes, you dropped your fake trip..
    >> RedDickies !EKKUeeABlE 05/02/11(Mon)20:30 No.4416232
    I would let blue videotape hobbes and matt taking turns donkey punching me
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)20:30 No.4416233
    i think Blue is just bi and doesnt want to admit it
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)20:30 No.4416236
         File1304382654.jpg-(68 KB, 864x480, 1277015619378.jpg)
    68 KB
    Actually.... If drawfags are taking suggestions.. I think there's a pair that the femanons would much rather see..
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)20:33 No.4416244
    i second this
    but what pair are you thinking about?
    >> BLUE !./././VTrk 05/02/11(Mon)20:34 No.4416247
         File1304382840.gif-(332 KB, 367x284, FLIBBERTYGIBBET.gif)
    332 KB
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)20:34 No.4416250
         File1304382883.jpg-(428 KB, 800x616, drawer827.jpg)
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    This one amirite?
    >> B-O-Y !lXtoUMADsc 05/02/11(Mon)20:36 No.4416255
    sure got gay in here fast
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)20:39 No.4416270
    >> Suika Ibuki !HakUORObkM 05/02/11(Mon)20:41 No.4416278
    Shouldn't be any surprise there, BOYo
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)20:43 No.4416283
         File1304383405.jpg-(36 KB, 550x550, 1293031099969.jpg)
    36 KB
    Not sure who one of those people is.

    But I don't want to mention the two I was thinking of.
    >> God !BrODINgKJM 05/02/11(Mon)20:43 No.4416285
         File1304383437.gif-(1.23 MB, 320x240, 334m4p5.gif)
    1.23 MB
    >> Hobbes !146FIGmXbc 05/02/11(Mon)20:53 No.4416308
    u mad jelly I bench what you DL?
    >> B-O-Y !lXtoUMADsc 05/02/11(Mon)20:57 No.4416316
    u dont even bench what i military press lol
    >> Hobbes !146FIGmXbc 05/02/11(Mon)20:58 No.4416319
    I can dream cant I? :\
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)21:00 No.4416325
         File1304384429.jpg-(31 KB, 203x222, 1293031307231-2.jpg)
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    >> Hobbes !146FIGmXbc 05/02/11(Mon)21:00 No.4416327
    >> BLUE !./././VTrk 05/02/11(Mon)21:05 No.4416336
         File1304384713.gif-(258 KB, 170x350, 1302912372441.gif)
    258 KB
    >they want to fuck
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)21:07 No.4416344
    Oh, fuck no.
    He's not nearly adorable enough or alpha enough. Or you know... sane enough.

    I found just amusement in his active imagination.
    >> BLUE !./././VTrk 05/02/11(Mon)21:13 No.4416359
         File1304385208.jpg-(77 KB, 359x360, 1301010730032.jpg)
    77 KB
    >show down over the internet

    >> Hobbes !146FIGmXbc 05/02/11(Mon)21:13 No.4416361
         File1304385220.jpg-(56 KB, 182x360, lol-U-jelly.jpg)
    56 KB
    >> BLUE !./././VTrk 05/02/11(Mon)21:14 No.4416363
    >didn't sage right
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)21:16 No.4416367

    Kind of begs the question, who has those qualities in /cgl/?
    >> Suika Ibuki !HakUORObkM 05/02/11(Mon)21:16 No.4416369
         File1304385419.jpg-(68 KB, 569x460, 1295762398191.jpg)
    68 KB
    I'm at least sane!
    >> BLUE !./././VTrk 05/02/11(Mon)21:17 No.4416372
         File1304385478.png-(49 KB, 271x241, problem.png)
    49 KB
    >> B-O-Y !lXtoUMADsc 05/02/11(Mon)21:23 No.4416391
    holy shit you could probably have crazy adventures on that thing
    >> Suika Ibuki !HakUORObkM 05/02/11(Mon)21:24 No.4416394
    nonono, perfectly sane adventures~!
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)21:27 No.4416405
    so who is the king of cgl?
    >> B-O-Y !lXtoUMADsc 05/02/11(Mon)21:29 No.4416414
    those are nofun, im not going to go around pretending to be sane for some random anon
    i will have as much insane fun as i want
    >> Suika Ibuki !HakUORObkM 05/02/11(Mon)21:31 No.4416421
    you've never been on one of my sane adventures.
    >> B-O-Y !lXtoUMADsc 05/02/11(Mon)21:33 No.4416426
    you have never been on one of my insane ones
    >> Suika Ibuki !HakUORObkM 05/02/11(Mon)21:34 No.4416429
    >> Hobbes !146FIGmXbc 05/02/11(Mon)21:35 No.4416436
    I have, I really dont like you doing calculus homework in a mech suit.
    >> motoko !!j+CvvVddZsH 05/02/11(Mon)21:40 No.4416457
         File1304386851.png-(53 KB, 199x183, 1232226901543.png)
    53 KB
    >>this thread
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)22:10 No.4416534
    >>4415984 who is laura?
    Miyu. RedDickies is spreading rumors that he's going to "claim" her.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)22:14 No.4416545
    Go seek attention elsewhere you knobby little cunt. You remind me of a balsa wood bridge I built once except far less sexually appealing.
    >> Suika Ibuki !HakUORObkM 05/02/11(Mon)22:17 No.4416548
    balsa wood *is* really damn sexy.
    >> Hobbes !146FIGmXbc 05/02/11(Mon)22:43 No.4416646
    >> motoko !!j+CvvVddZsH 05/02/11(Mon)22:49 No.4416679
         File1304390942.jpg-(18 KB, 315x404, 101217-055027.jpg)
    18 KB
    >>think I came in looking for attention
    >>get pissed off
    >>inadvertently give me attention anyways
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)22:52 No.4416689
    drawfag here...
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)22:57 No.4416713
    I gave that balsa wood bridge about 20 min of my attention. You've had 2 min of it so far. But I'm still flattered to have pleasantly surprised you with it. Don't you have a v-card to take care of before you turn 30 in a few years?
    >> Hobbes !146FIGmXbc 05/02/11(Mon)23:16 No.4416797
    >> BLUE !./././VTrk 05/02/11(Mon)23:23 No.4416821
         File1304393004.jpg-(146 KB, 544x400, 1303346341021.jpg)
    146 KB
    draw me and hobbes being bros in a totally non-homo way
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)23:24 No.4416828
    Draw Mika and Miyu <3
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)23:26 No.4416836
         File1304393179.jpg-(44 KB, 242x269, 1294191608537.jpg)
    44 KB
    oh good, as much as I like drawing porn, I'm not much a fujo. I like this much better. Let me finish my essay first though
    >> Hobbes !146FIGmXbc 05/02/11(Mon)23:26 No.4416839
    you can ride on my shoulders ;;
    >> BLUE !./././VTrk 05/02/11(Mon)23:27 No.4416841
         File1304393246.jpg-(118 KB, 404x590, 1301604243515.jpg)
    118 KB
    >> B-O-Y !lXtoUMADsc 05/02/11(Mon)23:28 No.4416842
    what shoulders?
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 05/02/11(Mon)23:29 No.4416845
         File1304393390.jpg-(46 KB, 640x480, 1274943528941.jpg)
    46 KB

    If you like drawing porn

    Put me in a hetero scene like this, pic related
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)23:30 No.4416846
    I can draw that. Mika would probably take Miyu missionary-style. He seems romantic like that.
    >> ai-honey !eEQ3LJoZmM 05/02/11(Mon)23:30 No.4416847
    The way he's squidging her boobs looks painful. :(
    >> RedDickies !!BvBZJIM+I1V 05/02/11(Mon)23:33 No.4416857
    some anons seem to be under the impression that i am just completely full of shit or easily swayed fuck your shit miyu is mine i will conquer and completely ruin her shit
    >> Hobbes !146FIGmXbc 05/02/11(Mon)23:33 No.4416861
    My shoulders silly :3
    It should be
    Me, Boy, Blue, Red we are all playing in a field with Gundams while Starfruit is being angry in the background.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)23:34 No.4416862
    Ilu kelly <3

    But Nick is gross ew no hetero porn in the gay thread goddamn son
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)23:35 No.4416865
    You are so full of shit
    >> RedDickies !!BvBZJIM+I1V 05/02/11(Mon)23:36 No.4416869
    fuck your shit laura
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 05/02/11(Mon)23:38 No.4416873
         File1304393901.jpg-(99 KB, 800x600, 1274878578507.jpg)
    99 KB

    Y-yeah, now that you point that out

    It's like he's going after bread dough

    How about this instead. :0
    >> RedDickies !!BvBZJIM+I1V 05/02/11(Mon)23:42 No.4416888
    this is really gay also my pecs can do this
    >> ai-honey !eEQ3LJoZmM 05/02/11(Mon)23:43 No.4416890
    I don't know what I did to deserve love but I'll take it.

    Also this thread is pretty gay.

    GDI dude don't you have any porn where the girls boobs aren't ridiculous?
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 05/02/11(Mon)23:47 No.4416905
         File1304394434.jpg-(132 KB, 1000x750, 1274878081856.jpg)
    132 KB


    >> RedDickies !!BvBZJIM+I1V 05/02/11(Mon)23:48 No.4416908
    >shes likes nonridiculous breasts
    thats cool
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 05/02/11(Mon)23:50 No.4416917
         File1304394621.jpg-(229 KB, 800x1013, 1274863135096.jpg)
    229 KB

    :l I'm Masa to you, pal.
    >> RedDickies !!BvBZJIM+I1V 05/02/11(Mon)23:51 No.4416922
    i didnt even see this yeah i totally did get at me
    >> ai-honey !eEQ3LJoZmM 05/02/11(Mon)23:53 No.4416928
    More acceptable.

    I'm not against bigger boobs, just on tiny girls it looks very odd. All things within proportion, or something.
    >> Penny !CwVY/8O3DQ 05/02/11(Mon)23:56 No.4416939
    I approve. Please continue
    >> Anonymous 05/03/11(Tue)00:02 No.4416965
    But but... I look like those image minus the race n skintone. :( I like dis.

    My tits aren't ridiculous, sis. :(
    >> ai-honey !eEQ3LJoZmM 05/03/11(Tue)00:04 No.4416977
    I'm sure you don't look ridiculous dear, you're a real person. Just torpedo boobs don't exist outside of fake boobs and dat is not my thing.
    >> Anonymous 05/03/11(Tue)00:07 No.4416992
    >mfw when I'm thinner than they are and tits nearly as big.. 32F

    Trust me. Never had an onlooker voice a complaint unless they thought my tits were fake.

    lol What are torpedo boobs?
    >> Anonymous 05/03/11(Tue)00:21 No.4417057
    This thread is making me even more ready to kick dickies in the mouth. But oddly I am turned on by all of it (except for that big dumb faggot in OP and the biological version of Death Valley that is known as motoko's dusty vagina cavity)
    >> ai-honey !eEQ3LJoZmM 05/03/11(Tue)00:26 No.4417076
    Boobs that look like torpedos? Large and seemingly ignoring the laws of gravity. Usually fake.

    I'm sure you look fine, but boobs appearing almost as large as peoples heads still looks odd to me. But these are animu prons anyway.
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 05/03/11(Tue)00:36 No.4417102
         File1304397371.jpg-(39 KB, 800x600, 1274947184116.jpg)
    39 KB

    Np. :)
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 05/03/11(Tue)00:38 No.4417108

    o_o; Gee.

    If you're a butterface though it could ruin everything. EVERYTHING

    That's pretty rad though. :)
    >> Djinn !PPDrtmbQkY 05/03/11(Tue)00:43 No.4417126
    This thread hurts my fucking brain.
    >> Hobbes !146FIGmXbc 05/03/11(Tue)00:46 No.4417136
    chill your wheels dumbo
    >> Anonymous 05/03/11(Tue)00:47 No.4417142
    Seriously. I have to keep my face up so that it doesn't pale in comparison. :|

    ngl, very occasionally I wonder what part of me people are complementing.. but anyway. I'm out lol
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 05/03/11(Tue)00:55 No.4417166
         File1304398517.jpg-(213 KB, 800x600, 1274950835469.jpg)
    213 KB

    Okay, see you later bigboobs. :D You were cool.
    >> Anonymous 05/03/11(Tue)00:58 No.4417173
    As you can see, he lived in a closet. His parents thought he moved out two years ago and finally figured out what's been running up the electricity bill and making their food disappear at night. They had previously been blaming their mexican neighbors.
    >> Matt !o504RVa/WI 05/03/11(Tue)01:01 No.4417179
         File1304398878.jpg-(8 KB, 193x138, Dont Even Know.jpg)
    8 KB
    Jesus Titty Fucking Christ.

    What is going on here?
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 05/03/11(Tue)01:02 No.4417181
    >> Moose 05/03/11(Tue)01:02 No.4417183
         File1304398971.jpg-(32 KB, 355x413, 1292952439498.jpg)
    32 KB
    What the fuck guys, seriously.
    >> Anonymous 05/03/11(Tue)01:54 No.4417308
         File1304402075.jpg-(92 KB, 751x674, cglboys.jpg)
    92 KB
    finished my essay and since I didn't want to draw porn, so you get this! I'll probably color it if you want/ add people
    Sorry if it looks nothing like them, I don't typically transfer from 3D to animu style

    Also, would anyone like to post an actual picture of Miyu? I don't know what she looks like, I don't think
    >> Anonymous 05/03/11(Tue)02:00 No.4417328
    well it's not homo porn, but I like it
    lol shota hobbes
    >> Hobbes !146FIGmXbc 05/03/11(Tue)02:00 No.4417329
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 05/03/11(Tue)02:02 No.4417334

    >> Anonymous 05/03/11(Tue)02:03 No.4417340
         File1304402638.jpg-(19 KB, 169x303, 1299286768697.jpg)
    19 KB
    I dunno, man, you just always struck me as the shorter of the bunch! I think it's cute
    >> God !BrODINgKJM 05/03/11(Tue)02:05 No.4417350
         File1304402730.png-(119 KB, 619x687, hahaha.png)
    119 KB
    You caught my glimmer.
    >> ai-honey !eEQ3LJoZmM 05/03/11(Tue)02:06 No.4417353
    Can you add me in punching masa in the face? PLEASE.

    If not I will compromise for just looking like I want to.
    >> Anonymous 05/03/11(Tue)02:07 No.4417354
         File1304402845.jpg-(14 KB, 188x212, thumbsup.jpg)
    14 KB
    It's so you. ahaha
    Glad you like it!
    >> Shushilover 05/03/11(Tue)02:07 No.4417356
         File1304402847.jpg-(15 KB, 435x435, 1298617413518.jpg)
    15 KB

    I think that's called the clap.
    >> Hobbes !146FIGmXbc 05/03/11(Tue)02:07 No.4417358
         File1304402870.gif-(289 KB, 500x259, tumblr_kzaserc3831qbrus1o1_500.gif)
    289 KB
    > thinks I'm short
    I'm 6ft tall ; _ ;
    >> God !BrODINgKJM 05/03/11(Tue)02:09 No.4417365
         File1304402961.jpg-(23 KB, 270x400, cuntpunt.jpg)
    23 KB
    >> Anonymous 05/03/11(Tue)02:10 No.4417369
    I'm sorry Hobbes. ;__;
    C-can you forgive me?
    Yes! I like it! I'll see what I can do!
    >> Shushilover 05/03/11(Tue)02:11 No.4417374
         File1304403076.jpg-(39 KB, 400x400, 1298694386495.jpg)
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    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 05/03/11(Tue)02:11 No.4417376
         File1304403099.jpg-(12 KB, 364x406, thank you.jpg)
    12 KB
    >> Anonymous 05/03/11(Tue)02:12 No.4417379
    blue how tall are you?
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 05/03/11(Tue)02:12 No.4417380
         File1304403144.jpg-(21 KB, 500x591, thank you 2.jpg)
    21 KB
    >> ai-honey !eEQ3LJoZmM 05/03/11(Tue)02:14 No.4417386
    Yay, you're awesome! You know vaguely what I look like?

    Oh quit that. Least you cropped me out I suppose. :|
    >> Hobbes !146FIGmXbc 05/03/11(Tue)02:14 No.4417387
         File1304403273.jpg-(8 KB, 307x173, SG24-2.jpg)
    8 KB
    y-yes I will <3
    >> GeneralIvan !!es8jpwZdntp 05/03/11(Tue)02:14 No.4417389
    These threads are amusingly silly.
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 05/03/11(Tue)02:15 No.4417390

    :0 I could show the drawfag the face you were making in that photo lolololol

    If you're going to draw her punching me at least have her keep the DERP written all over her FACE.
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 05/03/11(Tue)02:16 No.4417393
    Awww gotta love dat board love~ needs a /cgl/ mural
    >> ai-honey !eEQ3LJoZmM 05/03/11(Tue)02:17 No.4417401
    NO. >:|
    >> Anonymous 05/03/11(Tue)02:22 No.4417416
         File1304403732.jpg-(19 KB, 463x403, 1298957637711.jpg)
    19 KB
    Yep! I do~
    ahaha okay, I'll make it a bit derpy!
    if it's any consolation, you'd make a ridiculously cute shota
    Maguma! You should be in this too
    >> Hobbes !146FIGmXbc 05/03/11(Tue)02:24 No.4417422
         File1304403868.jpg-(25 KB, 500x334, Photo _ 1 (Kiran Bedi on Aap K(...).jpg)
    25 KB
    I guess it will do.
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 05/03/11(Tue)02:26 No.4417426
         File1304403965.gif-(496 KB, 180x208, c47a02e0.gif)
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    >> Anonymous 05/03/11(Tue)02:39 No.4417462
         File1304404772.jpg-(98 KB, 751x674, Untitled-2.jpg)
    98 KB
    added ai-honey!
    >> Charizard !VGgzyrjHeY 05/03/11(Tue)02:41 No.4417466
    Hahaha ok, this is pretty awesome.
    >> Anonymous 05/03/11(Tue)02:44 No.4417472
    You'll color it right? :D
    >> Anonymous 05/03/11(Tue)02:47 No.4417477

    >1/3rd of Gods ego
    >> Anonymous 05/03/11(Tue)02:49 No.4417481
         File1304405356.jpg-(165 KB, 500x375, 1267594221290.jpg)
    165 KB
    I'd like too! I think it'll have to wait until tomorrow though. I'll probably add the other guys (boy, charizard, maguma, wf) then too if I can figure out what I want to do with them
    >> Anonymous 05/03/11(Tue)02:57 No.4417504

    Everything wrong with new /cgl/ in one picture.

    Someone post the superior christmas edition
    >> Stupei, Ace Defective !1HOs/D5o7M 05/03/11(Tue)02:59 No.4417510
         File1304405984.png-(3 KB, 223x176, 1299044635988.png)
    3 KB
    >open this
    >read thread
    >> Anonymous 05/03/11(Tue)03:01 No.4417514
    >Implying people aside from tripfags and blue himself think blue is remotely attractive
    >> God !BrODINgKJM 05/03/11(Tue)03:03 No.4417520
    >> Anonymous 05/03/11(Tue)03:11 No.4417528
    >implying it was implying that
    >> B-O-Y !lXtoUMADsc 05/03/11(Tue)03:12 No.4417532
    sure is jelly and mad in here
    if you want attention make a trip and spam the board, its not hard
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 05/03/11(Tue)04:33 No.4417659
         File1304411604.jpg-(70 KB, 500x308, 1286218280140.jpg)
    70 KB


    this is priceless, you even got my hair right

    Pic related, thank you
    >> Anonymous 05/03/11(Tue)04:55 No.4417690
         File1304412905.png-(206 KB, 681x581, CGL Christmas.png)
    206 KB
    Not 'cause I necessarily think it's superior, I just like /cgl/ drawfaggery

    >captcha: they orestain
    >> Anonymous 05/03/11(Tue)05:06 No.4417699
    >new /cgl/ in one picture.
    >Thinks Ai-Honey, Masa, God and Mika are new
    >> Anonymous 05/03/11(Tue)05:07 No.4417701
    Outside of Masa I have no idea who the rest of them are supposed to be

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