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  • File : 1304293441.png-(668 KB, 1094x854, 20.png)
    668 KB Anonymous 05/01/11(Sun)19:44 No.4411694

    >The African American Gothic Lolita Community

    This.... actually exists?

    For real?

    >> Anonymous 05/01/11(Sun)19:45 No.4411710
    You're...mad about this? Yeah, it's been around for a while. Sage for inevitable race wank.
    >> Anonymous 05/01/11(Sun)19:46 No.4411711
    Just like why your mother didn't abort your shitty racist ass.
    >> Anonymous 05/01/11(Sun)19:47 No.4411721
    Fuck off nigger.
    >> Anonymous 05/01/11(Sun)19:48 No.4411730
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    because there can never be just a standard group. there has to be the standard group, and then the african american group.

    there is always a need for this "representation"...

    IMO, it just seems like voluntary segregation.
    >> Anonymous 05/01/11(Sun)19:48 No.4411731
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    >black people dressing in exagerrated 18th and 19th century european fashion

    I think you're missing the overarching point OP.
    >> Anonymous 05/01/11(Sun)19:49 No.4411737
    das rayciss, you gibs us reparashuns.
    >> Anonymous 05/01/11(Sun)19:50 No.4411743
    All you white people are so racist, we just want a thing where we can go to amongst ourselves, discuss issues relevant to us as black people and black anime/manga fans and gothlolis etc while being proud of our african roots.
    >> Anonymous 05/01/11(Sun)19:51 No.4411749
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    "you're so racist. no whites allowed."
    >> Anonymous 05/01/11(Sun)19:51 No.4411753
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    >of being african
    >> Anonymous 05/01/11(Sun)19:53 No.4411763
    I'm black (well, I'm mixed... people think I'm middle eastern or latina sometimes), and I like lolita (haven't made my first outfit though), and I think this is a stupid idea. Why can't you just go in a group with white lolitas? I guess maybe if you're the type who only has black friends (I have, like, NO black friends), or only likes to hang around black people... but then, if you're that type, you're an idiot.
    >> Anonymous 05/01/11(Sun)19:54 No.4411767
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    I don't understand the need to segregate yourself like that.

    I've noticed that the people who ten to segregate themselves are the ones with the most prejudice
    It feels so Anti-productive to what the group feels they want or need
    >> LittleJelloSalad !YG.DdnIWg6 05/01/11(Sun)19:54 No.4411768
    >Black people issues

    >Baby daddies
    >Big booties
    >Obama haters
    >Being racist against racist people because AALLL DEM WHITE PEOPLES IS RACIST.
    >> Anonymous 05/01/11(Sun)19:55 No.4411775
    "racial pride" in itself is stupid... but there are some good things that black people have done, and there are definitely a lot of bad things that white people have done.
    >> Anonymous 05/01/11(Sun)19:55 No.4411779
    just like i said, you white americans don't get it.
    >> Anonymous 05/01/11(Sun)19:56 No.4411786
    >but there are some good things that black people have done

    Such as? Name a single technological and scientific development pioneered by niggers.
    >> Anonymous 05/01/11(Sun)19:58 No.4411795
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    not american
    and I'm italian

    seriously, it only causes problems when people segregate themselves but claim to want equality. Why make such a big deal out of race
    >> Anonymous 05/01/11(Sun)19:58 No.4411800
    Careful gaiz. There are mods watching over /cgl/ now. Don't get banhammered~

    Not that I read anything that was said in here. But remember, there's a reason /new/ is gone.
    >> Anonymous 05/01/11(Sun)20:03 No.4411825
    ignoring your n-word use:
    music, for one thing. hardly matters whether you like country or j-pop but it all has at least some roots in african music. for another thing, ever heard of George Washington Carver?

    here are some links, this really isn't my field of expertise:
    >> Anonymous 05/01/11(Sun)20:05 No.4411835
    Why is black lolita community ok, but not white lolita, hispanic lolita, asian lolita, middle eastern lolita, etc?
    >> Anonymous 05/01/11(Sun)20:06 No.4411837
    > hardly matters whether you like country or j-pop but it all has at least some roots in african music.

    It all goes back to European folk music anyway, which predates any of that shit. If blacks were truly geniuses they would have produced a Bach.

    >George Washington Carver

    He didn't actually invent peanut butter, you know that right?

    >Peanuts, which are native to the New World tropics, were mashed into paste by Aztecs hundreds of years ago. Evidence of modern peanut butter comes from US patent #306727 issued to Marcellus Gilmore Edson of Montreal, Quebec in 1884, for a process of milling roasted peanuts between heated surfaces until the peanuts reached "a fluid or semi-fluid state." As the product cooled, it set into what Edson described as "a consistency like that of butter, lard, or ointment." In 1890, George A. Bayle Jr., owner of a food business in St. Louis, manufactured peanut butter and sold it out of barrels. J.H. Kellogg, of cereal fame, secured US patent #580787 in 1897 for his "Process of Preparing Nutmeal," which produced a "pasty adhesive substance" that Kellogg called "nut-butter."

    And you're aware all this stuff like 'blacks invented the traffic light' and so on is lies, correct?
    >> Anonymous 05/01/11(Sun)20:06 No.4411841
    lol... not the guy that you're replying to, but George Washington Carver was the very first name that popped into my head.
    >> Anonymous 05/01/11(Sun)20:06 No.4411844
    >issues relevent to black people
    Um, like what?

    >black anime/manga fans
    Right, because there's such a difference between black anime fans and asian/latina/middle eastern/native american/white anime fans.
    >> Anonymous 05/01/11(Sun)20:08 No.4411851
    Chinese girl here, I support you black girls. White girls are very racist and talk about people behind their backs if they aren't white! We Chinese don't do this!
    >> Anonymous 05/01/11(Sun)20:10 No.4411860
    actually you do. every race does. Not the majority, but a minority. stop segregating yourselves.
    >> Anonymous 05/01/11(Sun)20:10 No.4411861
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    99% sure this is trolling.

    PS: generalizing all white people as racist is, in itself, racist. The more you know...
    >> Anonymous 05/01/11(Sun)20:11 No.4411866

    This is hilarious because chinese people are the most racist ethnicity I can think of.
    >> Anonymous 05/01/11(Sun)20:11 No.4411867
    >White girls are very racist and talk about people behind their backs if they aren't white! We Chinese don't do this!
    >We Chinese don't do this!


    I was friends with Chinese exchange students and they always segregated themselves from the non-chinese and talked about people behind their backs (especially handicapped people).
    >> Anonymous 05/01/11(Sun)20:12 No.4411870
    >>4411786 Such as? Name a single technological and scientific development pioneered by niggers.

    Refrigeration cars
    Your curling iron
    Potato chips
    Allergen filters

    You know, nothing important at all
    >> Anonymous 05/01/11(Sun)20:13 No.4411874
    So that's why you guys think that pale skin is superior and do everything you can to make yourselves lighter, right?
    >> Anonymous 05/01/11(Sun)20:14 No.4411882
    I know he didn't invent peanut butter. He did actually do OTHER things.
    ...and you're denying black people inventing anything now. So, yeah, I'm just going to back away from this conversation, because there's no point arguing with idiots.
    >> Anonymous 05/01/11(Sun)20:15 No.4411884
    Hey, >>4411844 here. You never answered my question, so please don't leave yet!
    >> YawningGlory !pwFT01FCm. 05/01/11(Sun)20:16 No.4411887
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    mfw White people are the only people allowed to get butthurt about racism in this thread.
    >> Anonymous 05/01/11(Sun)20:17 No.4411896
    No one is saying that. The people saying "black people didn't invent anything!" are stupid, but nobody has shown why a black lolita community is needed.
    >> Anonymous 05/01/11(Sun)20:17 No.4411898
    that wasn't me who posted that, I really don't support the segregation of lolitas by race. It's stupid, about as stupid as "girl gamer" and "black nerd" communities.
    >> Anonymous 05/01/11(Sun)20:18 No.4411901
    There was this one chinese/african girl that was performing on some show in China. I think it was some talent show like American Idol or whatever. Even though she was a very talented young lady, all the Chinese posts on the internet were about how disgusting she was, and how ugly, and how her Chinese relatives must be so ashamed to be related to this hideous halfrican creature.
    >> Anonymous 05/01/11(Sun)20:18 No.4411903
    Oh, okay, nevermind then.

    And I agree about the girl gamer and black nerd communities. They're not needed.
    >> Anonymous 05/01/11(Sun)20:19 No.4411906
    A black guy invented the super soaker and thus redeemed his entire race, like some sort of black jesus.
    >> Anonymous 05/01/11(Sun)20:20 No.4411910
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    I'm black and in school I always wondered about those people who always sat with their black friends at lunch, always talked to them, and pretty much only had black friends.

    It's like, branch out people, the whole world isn't against you and there is so much out there you miss when you just stick to one thing.

    But I do understand the need to talk about stuff amongst yourselves because others just have no point of reference. Because, lets face it, some of the shit on the Invisible Knapsack is true.
    I cannot for the life of me think of what black lolis need to talk about that cannot be in a typical forum aside from suitable colors for skintone.
    >> Anonymous 05/01/11(Sun)20:20 No.4411913
    Hi, I'm black, I hate racism, and I think this community sounds stupid.
    Nice to meet you, person who obviously hasn't been reading this thread.
    ...I'm going to go eat some aebleskiver.
    >> Anonymous 05/01/11(Sun)20:20 No.4411915
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    >but there are some good things that black people have done, and there are definitely a lot of bad things that white people have done.

    >good things that black people have done
    >drawing a blank.....

    >and there are definitely a lot of bad things that white people have done
    >The majority of what's created modern society as well as the most advanced of societies for the last melenium
    >> Anonymous 05/01/11(Sun)20:21 No.4411919
    it's people trying to segregate themselves, in this case African Americans specifically meaning they should be from America. pretty much anyone against segregation over something stupid like race can join in white/black/asian/w.e
    >> Anonymous 05/01/11(Sun)20:21 No.4411922
    Chinks are the worst. Agreed.

    When a Chink gets raped or killed I feel nothing. They're worthless little shits who would probably have the same reaction if such a thing befell a white person.
    >> Anonymous 05/01/11(Sun)20:22 No.4411928
    White People made that Carrot Top movie.
    >> Anonymous 05/01/11(Sun)20:23 No.4411933
    >Refrigeration cars
    >curling irons
    >Potato chips
    >Allergen filters

    >You know, nothing important at all

    Yeah, you're RIGHT. Nothing particularly important.
    >> Anonymous 05/01/11(Sun)20:24 No.4411940
    hey, I'm not saying white people haven't done anything good. they certainly have. and for your understandable lack of education on the achievements of black people, here:
    Thank you for your time! ( ^ w ^ )
    >> Anonymous 05/01/11(Sun)20:24 No.4411943
    >Refrigeration cars


    >Refrigerated ships and railcars had been moving perishables across oceans and continents even before Jones was born. Trucks with mechanically refrigerated cargo spaces appeared on the roads at least as early as the late 1920s. Further development of truck refrigeration was more a process of gradual evolution than radical change.
    >> Black Invention Myths 05/01/11(Sun)20:25 No.4411946


    >The first known traffic signal appeared in London in 1868 near the Houses of Parliament. Designed by JP Knight, it featured two semaphore arms and two gas lamps. The earliest electric traffic lights include Lester Wire's two-color version set up in Salt Lake City circa 1912, James Hoge's system (US patent #1,251,666) installed in Cleveland by the American Traffic Signal Company in 1914, and William Potts' 4-way red-yellow-green lights introduced in Detroit beginning in 1920. New York City traffic towers began flashing three-color signals also in 1920.

    >Garrett Morgan's cross-shaped, crank-operated semaphore was not among the first half-hundred patented traffic signals, nor was it "automatic" as is sometimes claimed, nor did it play any part in the evolution of the modern traffic light.
    >> Anonymous 05/01/11(Sun)20:26 No.4411950
    hey, man, think about it. you've probably used or benefited from at least one of those things today.
    >> Anonymous 05/01/11(Sun)20:26 No.4411953
    >but there are some good things that black people have done, and there are definitely a lot of bad things that white people have done.

    Wow, it's not like you can say that about ANY race, retard.

    I can name some pretty bad things blacks have done, too spanning from slavery and cannibalism spanning across thousands of years of African history, right up to the LA riots.

    Political Correctness: Turning a blind eyes to the historical crimes of minorities, while criticizing the histories of other races because it's what the media said to do.
    >> Black Invention Myths 05/01/11(Sun)20:26 No.4411954


    That was Percy Spencer.
    >> Anonymous 05/01/11(Sun)20:28 No.4411961
    I KNOW I can say those things about any race. That's the point, and if you didn't notice, I said racial pride was wrong and stupid.
    >> Black Invention Myths 05/01/11(Sun)20:29 No.4411964
    >Curling Iron


    That was Karl Nessler, a German.

    >potato chips


    >Allergen filters


    >Dr. Willis Carrier built the first machine to control both the temperature and humidity of indoor air. He received the first of many patents in 1906 (US patent #808897, for the "Apparatus for Treating Air"). In 1911 he published the formulae that became the scientific basis for air conditioning design, and four years later formed the Carrier Engineering Corporation to develop and manufacture AC systems.
    >> Anonymous 05/01/11(Sun)20:30 No.4411967
    Hey, you there, shut up.
    People aren't valued by the amount of things their ancestors invented. People are valued by character.
    >> Anonymous 05/01/11(Sun)20:30 No.4411971
    >>4411933 Yeah, you're RIGHT. Nothing particularly important.

    Ok then, I'll be taking your fresh food, your traffic lights, and microwave. Enjoy your flat hair and sneezing your lungs out.
    You'll be just fine, since it was nothing important you know.
    >> Anonymous 05/01/11(Sun)20:30 No.4411974
    That's fine, just don't get buttmad about whites also self-segregating in some scenarios and preferring our own kind.
    >> Anonymous 05/01/11(Sun)20:31 No.4411976
    so what are you, personally, getting out of disproving that blacks invented those things? jw
    >> Anonymous 05/01/11(Sun)20:31 No.4411979


    They're all politically correct lies. Whites invented those things.
    >> Anonymous 05/01/11(Sun)20:32 No.4411980
    And, hey, how about this idea? How about people make friends based on shared interests and personality, rather than race? How about that? Yeah, let's do that.

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