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  • File : 1304167487.jpg-(63 KB, 450x605, gow-1.jpg)
    63 KB Anonymous 04/30/11(Sat)08:44 No.4405905  
    Male cosplayers:

    >Has sense of humor
    >Cosplays just to have fun
    >Doesn't care about drama
    >Make the best props and craftwork
    >Usually decent appearance and often good looking
    >Doesn't get uptight
    >Easy to get along with and accepting in the community
    >The most fun people to hang out with at cons

    Female cosplayers:

    >Boring personality
    >Cosplays solely for attention
    >Sees other female cosplayers as competition that needs to be squashed
    >Tries to make all props out of crappy foam and wonderflex
    >Almost always fat and/or ugly
    >Attacks other women on the internet out of pettiness and jealousy
    >Scared of the opposite sex and doesn't like being touched
    >Obnoxious and self-entitled

    Can we all just agree that female cosplayers are the cancer of the community?
    >> Anonymous 04/30/11(Sat)08:48 No.4405910
    >Male cosplayers:

    >Doesn't care about drama

    And yet here you are creating a thread to stir up drama. From this we can deduce that you're either full of shit or a female and according to your theory: the cancer of the community.

    Either way, you should probably stop posting.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/11(Sat)08:50 No.4405915
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    Negative, bro.

    Male cosplayers are usually the ones with shitty craftmanship, no wigs, no makeup and an I'M THE MANLIEST MOTHERFUCKER AROUND LOOK AT ME attitude.

    Most of my convention bros are females, just because they don't act fucking obnoxious, are relaxed and fun to hang around with.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/11(Sat)08:54 No.4405923
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    >convention bros
    >> Anonymous 04/30/11(Sat)09:01 No.4405939

    You only see females as frilly bitches, do you?
    >> Anonymous 04/30/11(Sat)09:14 No.4405954
    >> Anonymous 04/30/11(Sat)09:29 No.4405970

    I was seriously scared for a while. It looked like misogyny chan was gone, with some faggot who kept making instigating race thread to replace you.

    Shine on, you crazy diamond. I missed you.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/11(Sat)09:32 No.4405973
    Women are awful in general, not just at conventions.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/11(Sat)09:33 No.4405977
    I sense a lot of bottom pain from this thread.

    But the truth hurts, doesn't it?
    >> Anonymous 04/30/11(Sat)10:22 No.4406059
    You should come to Spain. Both men and women fit into your women category.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/11(Sat)10:28 No.4406070
    I think you need to replace 'male' with 'good' and 'female' with 'bad'.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/11(Sat)10:41 No.4406094
    This doesn't apply to EVERY male and female cosplayer, but it does apply to a lot of them. The only stipulation is that this seems to be the case with anyone who works hard on their costumes, but still does it for fun.
    >I want my costume to look good because lookin' good is more fun than looking like a wrinkled anus.

    Most Male cosplayers I've met are totally cool with instantly making friends, sharing stories and hanging out. Most female ones, even if you're wearing from the same series act as if they always have somewhere else to be and stick to their entourage of friends for protection, even if you were just being casually nice.

    Not always the case, but this happens quite frequently to me and from what I've seen.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/11(Sat)10:48 No.4406102
    That's because you look like a greasy mouthbreathing pervert.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/11(Sat)10:55 No.4406112
    Really? Huh. I've met a lot of awesome chicks who cosplay and do it very well. I've met maybe seven guy cosplayers. Only three weren't stuck brats about how awesome their costumes were and even then one of those three is barely one step above closet cosplay. Man, perspective sure can change things, huh?
    >> Anonymous 04/30/11(Sat)10:56 No.4406113
    I fucking agree. All women are good for is bitching.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/11(Sat)10:58 No.4406117
    Damn, clicked the wrong one to reply to. Oh well.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/11(Sat)11:03 No.4406132
    Don't be mistaken. There are plenty of divas for both male and female cosplayers.

    In this particular instance, it comes down to the cosplay community surrounding your regular cons. In either case, should we ever meet, I'll do my best not to seem stuck up about my handiwork. Never my intention to be.

    On the topic of perspective.. How many times have you heard stories about some famous lady cosplayer being a total stuck up whore to innocent con-goers? Ever wonder if someone has a story like that about you and the explanation was probably something like, "Sorry, I was running to the bathroom" or "I was really dehydrated at the time and wasn't focused on you."
    >> Anonymous 04/30/11(Sat)11:14 No.4406144
    This is the nature of women, extremely competitive. Guys are competitive, but we'll bring our shit out to the open. Generally if a guy looks good, he knows it, no need to rub it in someone's face. Since the dawn of time if we have a problem, its usually solved with a fight. If we have no reason to fight, then whatever we just want to play with our toys.

    Women on the other hand get off on making it known that one girl is better than other another girl. I've seen best friends backstab each other over stupid petty shit. I always hear women making negative comments about other women, generally just sounds like they are trying to make themselves feel better. Now not all women are like this, but it seems like if a girl didn't have good experiences growing up with other girls they've got some vendetta against them all.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/11(Sat)12:44 No.4406351
    >implying that all females have boring personalities

    I happen to think that I have a perfectly interesting personality. At least on the same level as my male friends =p
    >> Anonymous 04/30/11(Sat)14:00 No.4406532
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    >implying judgement of ones own personality.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/11(Sat)14:08 No.4406557
    What's wrong with foam?
    Just curious cause even craft foam really nice base for armor. I use it to make the whole shape and then cover it in styrene or other plastics. Similarly, EVA foam is an excellent armor material in and of itself.
    Celtec and polystyrene also work great for making props.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/11(Sat)14:14 No.4406586
    I'm sure you're not nearly as interesting as you think you are.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/11(Sat)14:15 No.4406588
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    this made my day.

    sage though.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/11(Sat)18:58 No.4407500
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    gears steempunk
    >> 4ng31 !!hKQFMnsBtJf 04/30/11(Sat)19:04 No.4407517
    I like how OP used a NAS picture...therefor disproving his troll logic from the beginning. GG
    >> Anonymous 04/30/11(Sat)19:11 No.4407541

    I'm sitting next to this dude right now playing D&D.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/11(Sat)19:35 No.4407613
    I like how the only people disagreeing with OP are women and the only people that bitch about other peoples shit on /cgl/ are women and how the majority of the people that come and regularly post on this board are women.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/11(Sat)19:45 No.4407635
    Way to go 4chan. See someone who might have an ounce of self esteem? Better knock em down a peg.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/11(Sat)19:50 No.4407646
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    >> Anonymous 04/30/11(Sat)19:53 No.4407655

    >faggots, all of them
    >> Anonymous 04/30/11(Sat)19:53 No.4407656
    I will agree that male cosplayers usually have the best props, but most men can't sew to save their lives.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/11(Sat)19:55 No.4407663
    sewing is simple. Even a noob can stumble through making a garment and few people could tell a difference.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/11(Sat)20:04 No.4407686
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    Yep, no cosplay men are involved in drama, ever.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/11(Sat)20:05 No.4407687
    Then why the fuck is cosplay commissioning even a viable option?
    >> Anonymous 04/30/11(Sat)20:05 No.4407690
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    op you lie! Male csoplays can make horrible cosplay too!

    pic. related
    >> Anonymous 04/30/11(Sat)20:06 No.4407692
    >> Anonymous 04/30/11(Sat)22:49 No.4408127
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    Bump for awesome male cosplay!
    >> Anonymous 04/30/11(Sat)22:58 No.4408143
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    >> Anonymous 04/30/11(Sat)22:59 No.4408146
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    >> Anonymous 04/30/11(Sat)23:00 No.4408148
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    >> Anonymous 04/30/11(Sat)23:01 No.4408156
    Man why are homosexual's so hostile now? I though guys were nicer then this.
    >> Anonymous 05/01/11(Sun)09:40 No.4409599
    this is so shitty!
    and why are men so retarded when it comes to sewing? they only can make decent props, and then everything is ruined by shitty sewing. arg.
    the only men cosplayers that look good are the ones that buy or get their cosplay comissioned.
    >> Anonymous 05/01/11(Sun)09:43 No.4409608
    Typical comment of a retarded guy who looks down on sewing because he's and will always be incapable of figuring out how it works. Is that you, gryphus?
    >> Anonymous 05/01/11(Sun)09:46 No.4409617
    >Salute the almighty anon who knows every other anon's gender.

    HErp derp.
    >> Anonymous 05/01/11(Sun)09:48 No.4409624
    Wut? What about Heidi's boyfriend? Or Kyle from Oh and >>4406059
    >> Luca-Pyon !dhli6GN1EQ 05/01/11(Sun)09:55 No.4409635
    Where do Kids fit into this? I'm curious.....
    I mean like 13 year olds and below
    >> Anonymous 05/01/11(Sun)09:57 No.4409641
    In the obnoxious and loudy kids category?
    >> Anonymous 05/01/11(Sun)10:01 No.4409643
    ROFLMAO at the anons who think sewing is easy. Clearly you've never sewn. Making props is easier 1000 times than sewing. Even a little kindergarden kid can make awesome props. But only an enough experienced adult can sew to save their life. You need at least two decades of sewing your shit to look professional, instead of half assed.
    >> Luca-Pyon !dhli6GN1EQ 05/01/11(Sun)10:01 No.4409644
    My lil brother has met some great friends 12 year old friends at cons, and they have been pretty awesome. Their costumes have been very decent too.
    >> Anonymous 05/01/11(Sun)10:03 No.4409649
    ...and that, little kids, is why you should know when a cosplayer comissioned their shit. looks absolutely perfect and cosplayer is less than 25-30 years old? comissioned.
    >> Luca-Pyon !dhli6GN1EQ 05/01/11(Sun)10:08 No.4409658
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    I think that there are some loop holes to that theory. If you practice and you work hard age doesn't really apply to your cosplay. I've seen 17 year olds with better cosplays than 30 year olds.
    But everyone has their own opinion!
    >> Anonymous 05/01/11(Sun)10:13 No.4409669
    Herp Derp awesome costumes, but their sewing omg!

    Hurr Durr hot girl looks hot in cosplay, but her sewing omg!

    Do you people not see how you're actually proving OP's point?
    >> Anonymous 05/01/11(Sun)11:23 No.4409812
    I like girls that look hot. I don't care if their outfit is bought, or has crappy "craftsmanship" If she looks good in the outfit then I like it too.

    Men can just GTFO out of the hobby
    >> Anonymous 05/01/11(Sun)11:28 No.4409827

    Why? Cause we're better at it?
    >> Anonymous 05/01/11(Sun)11:43 No.4409865
    I don't care who's better. I like looking at hot girls in sexy outfits.
    >> Anonymous 05/01/11(Sun)11:44 No.4409866

    What about the girls who like looking at hot men in hot outfits?
    >> Kneesocks !I6XYC1PN4Y 05/01/11(Sun)11:58 No.4409899
    Male cosplayers:

    >Running around like jack asses
    >make lame jokes all day
    >Cosplays just to get attention from women
    >Tend to cosplay the most badass character from the popular game atm
    >Sees other male congoers as competition that needs to be squashed
    >Pretends not to care about drama and secretly feeds off of it
    >Make the most props but most are shitty cardboard and inaccurate to look more 'cool'
    >Usually sweaty with greasy long hair
    >Attacks women on the internet out of pettiness and jealousy but mainly because she rejected him
    >Gets uptight about everything to do with their vidja games
    >Easy to get along with if you're a girl and they think they have a chance with you
    >The most fun people to hang out with at cons
    >obnoxious and self-entitled and the entire world must know how awesome they are

    Female cosplayers:

    >Boring personality
    >Cosplays solely for attention
    >Tend to cosplay what they like
    >Sees other female cosplayers as competition that needs to be squashed but can still be friendly with them
    >Tries to make all props out of crappy foam and wonderflex but tend to be more accurate
    >Almost always too skinny or too fat
    >Attacks other women on the internet out of pettiness and jealousy
    >Scared of the opposite sex and doesn't like being touched
    >Obnoxious and self-entitled but can hide it

    </ sarcasm>

    What is up with all these 'EAST vs WEST' 'FEMALE vs MALE' 'WHITE vs BLACK' threads recently? God /cgl/ here I was thinking you were getting better :< let's go back to the help threads of a few months ago.
    >> Anonymous 05/01/11(Sun)12:01 No.4409906
    That's awsome, when they're not fat neckbeard/skrawny ass nerds.
    >> Anonymous 05/01/11(Sun)12:04 No.4409918
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    >> Anonymous 05/01/11(Sun)12:17 No.4409953

    Unless you play said vidya, you never talk about a man's vidya, ever.

    Why wouldn't we want to cosplay a badass character? It's cause we're badass. Why do soooooooooo many girls cosplay panty & stocking now? fucking everywhere.

    Yes, we feed off drama, drama that we aren't involved in lol. So when the bitches are bitching to each other, it's funny.

    We make lame jokes cause either we make some jokes or we gotta listen to women talk about stuff that has no relevancy to anyone else but themselves, complain about another girl, talk about some girl's shoes, or something just boring. Sadly, women really are boring.

    Attack women on internet cause of rejection? This is anon, lol what rejection are people getting?

    Sweaty greasy long hair is how the women love it. It's cause we're so awesome we don't have to give a fuck. Women on the other hand are the weaker sex so they really just rely on looks and giggling.
    >> o-slap 05/01/11(Sun)12:29 No.4409988
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    Deep down you all know that generalisations are pointless. This >>4407655
    is the only truth.
    >> Anonymous 05/01/11(Sun)12:41 No.4410015
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    >b-b-b-b-but guys are just as bad as girls!
    >no one can post any examples
    >> Anonymous 05/01/11(Sun)13:09 No.4410116
    None of that is even remotely accurate.
    >> sage sage 05/01/11(Sun)14:03 No.4410294
    I'm sorry, but I have to agree.
    Women in general are absolute bitches.
    This is the reason why I only have 2 close friends who are girls. I used to have a lot more, but all they do is bitch about each other constantly, so I distanced myself from them a lot, since I never bitch and didn't want to participate. I only hang out with my boyfriend, 2 female friends (who are amazing, they don't bitch about anyone or aren't nasty in the slightest), and the rest of my friends are male. It's absolutely true, whenever I used to sit in class with the rest of the girls, ALL they ever talked about was how ____ was such a bitch because *insert retarded reason here* and how ugly and attention seeking she was/how much of a whore she was/etc. Legit, that was it.
    Most women I've found are like this. All they do is bitch and make unnecessary drama from nothing. They're nice to your face and bitchy behind your back. I never have this trouble with my male friends, at all. I'm lucky I have some female friends who aren't this way either. Of course not all women are like this, the same way you will come across bitchy guys too. But for the most part? This is the way majority behaves, and really do wonder why they act this way.
    >> Anonymous 05/01/11(Sun)14:12 No.4410332
    try again.
    >> Anonymous 05/01/11(Sun)14:17 No.4410348
    The cosplays of those 17 years old were bought. It's physically impossible having a perfect cosplay done by yourself if you aren't over 25-30 years old, even if you start when you were a little kid.
    >> Anonymous 05/01/11(Sun)14:21 No.4410360
    what the hell are you talking about? the only thing i see here is men bitching about women. way to fuck your point, OP.
    >> shaynii !j79tVmQJnU 05/01/11(Sun)14:23 No.4410368
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    I think it's safe to say that there are good and bad cosplayers from both gender.
    You can't group such a large number of people together, and expect them all to have the same traits and characteristics.
    >> Anonymous 05/01/11(Sun)14:33 No.4410402
    OP is a troll, it's no use to reasoning with it (yes, IT).
    >> Anonymous 05/01/11(Sun)14:38 No.4410428
    >Someone said something I didn't like? I'll just say its a troll.
    >> Anonymous 05/01/11(Sun)14:46 No.4410457
    It's a troll because they said something obviously wrong that was purposely inflammatory
    Nice try though, but you're better off saving this comeback for when you might actually have a point.
    Personally, trolling aside, I've noticed that the only threads guys ever make on here are "men are better than women!", "how do I pick up women at cons?" "how do I pick up underage women at cons?" "what can I cosplay that will help me pick up girls at cons?" tripfag circlejerks, and the always not-gay "/fit/ thread post yourself naked so we can admire each others bodies!!!"
    Sure, women make terrible drama-filled threads, but they also make all of the actually useful ones.
    >> Anonymous 05/01/11(Sun)14:50 No.4410469
    I love how you're trying to make it sound like picking up women is somehow an evil or immoral thing. Take the plug out of your crotch and go back to your loli vendetta threads.
    >> Anonymous 05/01/11(Sun)14:54 No.4410483
    I wasn't, though. I was merely pointing out those are the only threads guys make around here. Not threads about "construction" or "having fun" or "making epic props." They only ever make threads tangentially related to cosplay, attention whoring threads, or both.
    Also, Misogyny-chan and his ilk love to point out that female cosplayers are in it for sex and attention, but the complete lack of similar threads started by them kind of proves the opposite.
    >> Local/v/irgin 05/01/11(Sun)15:13 No.4410551
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    male cosplayers:
    >tiger blood flows through their veins

    female cosplayers:
    >lose their tiger blood once a month through their vagina
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)05:17 No.4413678
    male: don't have pms or bear children

    female: do
    >> God !BrODINgKJM 05/02/11(Mon)05:18 No.4413681
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)05:22 No.4413687
         File1304328123.jpg-(22 KB, 429x381, 1296891263563.jpg)
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    >See obvious troll thread
    >70 posts and 17 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.
    Never change /cgl/!
    >> Anonymous 05/02/11(Mon)07:10 No.4413843

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