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05/01/11(Sun)14:03 No.4410294I'm sorry, but I have to agree. Women in general are absolute bitches. This
is the reason why I only have 2 close friends who are girls. I used to
have a lot more, but all they do is bitch about each other constantly,
so I distanced myself from them a lot, since I never bitch and didn't
want to participate. I only hang out with my boyfriend, 2 female friends
(who are amazing, they don't bitch about anyone or aren't nasty in the
slightest), and the rest of my friends are male. It's absolutely true,
whenever I used to sit in class with the rest of the girls, ALL they
ever talked about was how ____ was such a bitch because *insert retarded
reason here* and how ugly and attention seeking she was/how much of a
whore she was/etc. Legit, that was it. Most women I've found are
like this. All they do is bitch and make unnecessary drama from nothing.
They're nice to your face and bitchy behind your back. I never have
this trouble with my male friends, at all. I'm lucky I have some female
friends who aren't this way either. Of course not all women are like
this, the same way you will come across bitchy guys too. But for the
most part? This is the way majority behaves, and really do wonder why
they act this way. |