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  • File : 1304060029.jpg-(11 KB, 325x170, PAX_qjpreviewth.jpg)
    11 KB Anonymous 04/29/11(Fri)02:53 No.4401729  
    A few friends have asked me to go to PAX with them and I'm very curious about the event. However, I've never been to a gaming con before.

    - What's it like?
    - Is cosplay allowed or encouraged?
    - If cosplay is encouraged, would anime-type costumes (i.e. Pokemon) or VN/strictly Japanese games (i.e. Type Moon, Touhou) be well-received or discouraged?
    - What would be highlights of the con for someone who isn't a hardcore gamer?
    >> Anonymous 04/29/11(Fri)02:55 No.4401732
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    >anime type costume

    >> Anonymous 04/29/11(Fri)03:07 No.4401746
    Hope you're cool with being raped by dickwolves.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/11(Fri)03:07 No.4401748
    I am going to PAX for the first time as well, I am planning as complying from both Assassin's Creed and American McGee's Alice. From what I have been told by friends is that it is perfectly acceptable to cosplay.

    I am sticking to game characters basically by accident.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/11(Fri)03:14 No.4401755

    Fuck PAX.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/11(Fri)03:31 No.4401783
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    I enjoy that these social justice morons believe that refusing to buy tickets to PAX will make any difference. For every non-buyer there are ten more lined up to take their place. Congratulations, you achieved nothing.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/11(Fri)03:35 No.4401797
    Eh, considering Penny Arcade has lost a lot of credibility over the issue, and major reporters (such as from IGN) have decided not to go over this issue, I wouldn't brush it aside.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/11(Fri)03:48 No.4401819
    Except it should have been a non-issue in the first place? The only reason it blew up to begin with is because that joke of a blog Shakesville took offense to it, which should have been ignored because they take offense to everything. Granted, the way that PA themselves handled it was very poor, but the fact remains that if it weren't for Shakesville then no one would have batted an eye.

    Regardless of whatever controversy that arose, it still doesn't change that PAX Prime is looking at selling out of tickets within the next 15 days or so. Numbers talk. Attendees obviously couldn't care less about imaginary wolves with penises for limbs, they just wanna play some goddamn games.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/11(Fri)03:52 No.4401830
    Actually, no. Misogyny in the gaming community is rampant, and I see nothing wrong for calling out a spade for being a spade.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/11(Fri)03:59 No.4401839
    It's basically a convetion for misogynists who think rape jokes are hilarious.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/11(Fri)04:02 No.4401845
    Rape wasn't even the joke, just mentioned as part of it. Also it was a man being raped, how is that misogynistic?
    >> 1/2 04/29/11(Fri)04:06 No.4401852
    Because it advocates rape (by trivializing it), and statistically, rape affects women more than men.

    Anyways, my issue with the entire kerkuffle is how Jerry and Mike handled. Instead of an neutral, "It has come to our attention that the message of our previous strip was, perhaps, not as clear as it could have been. We intended for the strip to convey that it is morally reprehensible to leave a person in a situation where they will be physically or sexually assaulted. For more information, [links to domestic violence prevention, rape prevention for men, etc. sites]"

    Instead, they made fun of those who found an issue with the comic, and their fans followed. A survivor of rape spoke against the comic, and PA fans questioned her story, going as far as saying she was making her rape up.
    >> 2/2 04/29/11(Fri)04:09 No.4401858
    *You don't do that, period* I don't agree with the people who issued death threats against Mike and Tery's family, that is vile as well, but telling a rape survivor she's lying, organizing a 'dickwolves t-shirt flashmob' and one of the creators drawing a vaginawolf, mocking the people who took issue to the comic, is not what a business (and they are a business) should do towards what is, whether they like it or not, a part of their clientele.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/11(Fri)04:10 No.4401860
    Adding to this, when a side has a twitter account called @teamrape, it's probably time to reconsider your position on the issue.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/11(Fri)04:16 No.4401873
    And that is totally PAs fault isn't. This whole argument is infuriating. No one should need to apologize for something they have written that others find offense with. It is on the part of the readers to omit anything they don't like and move on. They may have made a number of poor decisions along they way. But in honesty they never needed to justify their actions to any one in the first place.

    Feel free to voice your opinion on a subject but don't chastise those who don't see the world as you do. Who are you to do so?
    >> Anonymous 04/29/11(Fri)04:21 No.4401881

    Mother of god, I'm going to need a citation in regards to the whole "saying she made her rape up" thing. Other than that, I think that anyone that immediately freaked out need to simply swallow the fact that they were offended, and move on. In comedy, absolutely nothing is sacred. Abortions, rape, anorexia, multiple homicides, pedophilia. It's all open to a joke or two. No one has the right to decide what is allowed when it comes to comedy. If you find yourself offended by some joke, it's best to simply suck it up and move on with your life. Adopting an aggressive posture in response to it simply leaves you open for further mockery.

    By displaying how offended you are in such a militant fashion, you have become a part of the joke.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/11(Fri)04:23 No.4401888
    Except for, they do. By hosting a convention, by hosting a site, from which they acquire profit from, they do have an obligation to answer to their clientele, regardless of whether they agree or not, in a satisfactory, non-sarcastic, non-degrading manner.

    I think it's a big deal consider many reporters from various websites have stated they are pulling out of PAX coverage over this issue.

    I have no problems if you disagree with what I'm saying, as I'm not the original anon who commented that PAX can go fuck itself. I am, however, a bit miffled that Mike and Jerry ostracized and acerbated a situation that could've been handled a lot better, and are a telling a large chunk of their fanbase, who found issues with their humor, to deal with it, while complaining that it's not fair they're getting backlash, even though *they* caused the backlash, by being reactionary, indifferent, and insensitive.

    Whether people want to go or not want to go PAX is their problem. But no, I disagree with your comment about this being a non-issue; it is an issue, which is why this has gone on for almost half a year now.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/11(Fri)04:24 No.4401889
    Correction, Mike was the only one who retaliated, but he's a douche anyways. Jerry did apologize, but he had waited until it had escalated too far-- a bad move on his part.

    How the fans reacted are not representative of PA as a whole. And even then, the ones who took it to extremes (ie the @teamrape twitter account, the ones who harassed rape victims) are not representative of all PA fans. They just happened to be a vocal minority. I am female. I happen to be victim of sexual assault as well. I am a Penny Arcade fan. I thought that dickwolves were hilarious (hyperbole, yo). Do I condone their actions regarding their response to the issue? Of course not. But I'm willing to look past it to go to a convention that I have enjoyed for the past four years because I love video games, I love the atmosphere and I love the community.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/11(Fri)04:27 No.4401895

    How exactly is one strip, one joke, going to affect the entirety of a con and the experience of those that go there? Do these people think that they're going to arrive to a con filled with nothing but jokes aimed directly at their sensitivities, to walk through the gates of the convention center to find a "RAPE IS FUNNY" banner hanging over their heads? One comic, and one t-shirt does not make an entire convention. Hell, you have the option to avoid both if you so wish. You can simply not read the comic, and not buy the shirt.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/11(Fri)04:28 No.4401897

    January 29, 2011
    * HoodedMiracle twitter account contacts Courtney Stanton, demanding proof that she is a rape survivor. When none is forthcoming, HoodedMiracle begins telling others that she lied about it, and that she’s only causing a ruckus to make money on the Dickwolves Survivors Guild t-shirt.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/11(Fri)04:30 No.4401900
    Perhaps some attendees are rape survivors, or were sexually abused. Perhaps some attendees are women who are not comfortable with misogyny. Perhaps some attendees are men who are not comfortable with misogyny.

    There's many reasons why this issue would color someone's experience at PAX, especially if you're a woman.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/11(Fri)04:34 No.4401911

    And? Did she provide any proof? The problem with this wonderful world wide web of ours, is that people can and WILL lie simply for attention or to prove a point. One can't blame someone for displaying a lack of disbelief towards a group that was already making such a mountain out of a molehill by playing up the "David vs Goliath" angle. Oh yes, PA is the big bad business that harmed your sensitivities, and you're the innocent little customers that just wanted to be respected.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/11(Fri)04:35 No.4401915
    are you seriously saying she lied about being raped

    fuck you, you piece of shit
    >> Anonymous 04/29/11(Fri)04:36 No.4401917

    You're answering one part of my hypothesis whilst completely avoiding the rest. What exactly do you expect to see at this convention that will be so misogynist or "pro-rape"?.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/11(Fri)04:36 No.4401918
    Um, how can you prove rape? With a rape kit? A police report? The rapist going forth and saying, "I, X, have raped this woman?"

    Please think about what you're typing and why it's inherently flawed and downright offensive.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/11(Fri)04:37 No.4401922
    How about two guys not caring about rape and continue to dismiss the concerns of their readers regarding rape? That's pro-rape, considering Gabe twitted many sarcastic comments regarding rape.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/11(Fri)04:39 No.4401928

    No, I'm simply implying that it could be possible. People have lied about all manner of things on the internet before now, and will afterward. It is very easy to type "I am a victim of a sexual predator". It's just as easy as writing "I am a purple polka-dotted dinosaur", and as a result carries about just as much weight when there is no evidence to support it.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/11(Fri)04:42 No.4401933
    And people wonder why there aren't more girl gamers. The community is filled with creepy idiots like this.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/11(Fri)04:43 No.4401937
    Except for people are less likely to lie about rape.

    Also, you're creepy as fuck.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/11(Fri)04:44 No.4401941

    I'm not saying it IS possible, I'm simply saying that people are immediately jumping to defend the other side of the fence without even considering the possibility. How can you trust the words of someone you didn't even know before this whole incident even occurred so readily?
    >> Anonymous 04/29/11(Fri)04:45 No.4401944
    There are birthers that still believe Obama wasn't born in the US people will blindly speculate, it is going to happen no matter the subject.

    Rape is a horrible thing, truly, but people shouting that the mere mention of rape is perpetrating sexual violence stirs an entirely different pot entirely. The squeaky wheel gets the oil, but do you consider the fact that saying rape jokes only make light of a serious problem is a serious problem.

    I don't believe calling to the heavens that some one making a joke marks their support of such actions. You say it is because it only furthers "rape culture" one minute to saying it is PAs fault. I don't think you are defining or supporting your arguments if you switch your aim every other paragraph.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/11(Fri)04:47 No.4401946
    I want the offending t-shirts to be banned from PAX conventions. Anyone wearing one should be turned away at the door—no matter how much money they’ve paid, no matter who they are, no matter what.

    I want Mike Krahulik and Jerry Holkins to stop viewing this as a “ridiculous” matter that sprang up as a result of people taking their comic too seriously. It is not about the original comic.

    I want Mike Krahulik and especially Jerry Holkins to realize that this has absolutely nothing to do with artistic freedom or censorship. No one is censoring them. I haven’t seen anyone ask that they take down the original comic. I have seen people exhort them to be more aware of the impact of rape jokes and misogynistic humor, but that isn’t even on the same fucking planet as telling them that they are not allowed to write and draw whatever shit they want. It is perfectly within anyone’s rights to object to certain kinds of humor. To say that it isn’t is advocating censorship—and that’s what I’ve seen coming overwhelmingly from “their” side.

    I would like Mike Krahulik and Jerry Holkins, once they have processed that they have grossly misunderstood the nature of this controversy, to post new apologies that aren’t festering with bullshit, straw-men, and deliberate ignorance.

    I would like Mike Krahulik and Jerry Holkins to renew their commitment to making PAX a safe space for everyone.

    I would like Mike Krahulik and Jerry Holkins to explicitly repudiate the @teamrape twitter and apologize for tacitly encouraging it. I know the @teamrape twitter hasn’t posted anything since February 3rd, but considering they retweeted images of dead, mutilated women (let us never forget this) I refuse to let this point go.

    Of course, I’m not delusional. I know it’s very likely that none of these things will happen.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/11(Fri)04:48 No.4401948
    No, I agree. Mentiong rape is not the problem; minimalising it, through humor, is.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/11(Fri)04:53 No.4401954
    I guarantee that 90% of the people bitching about the rape joke have never been raped, or even know anyone personally who has been raped.

    Shut up. Coming from someone who was raped... just shut up. Its a goddamn joke. Nobody gives a shit. It wasn't advocating rape in any way, shape, or form.

    God you guys are fucking retarded as shit.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/11(Fri)04:54 No.4401956

    According to you, anyways.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/11(Fri)04:54 No.4401957

    what evidence do you want, you mother fucking dingbat? should she have taken snapshots of her vagina after she was raped to prove to everyone later that it actually happened?

    it's not enough that the woman was raped, she needs to be publicly slandered, mocked and humiliated too?
    >> Anonymous 04/29/11(Fri)04:56 No.4401959
    ANd to further prove my point, this person makes one hell of a point with their post by claiming that they themselves are a victim of rape (Not that I am implying that they are not, simply that the possibility exists). It seems to add a certain panache to their post, does it not?
    >> Anonymous 04/29/11(Fri)04:57 No.4401962
    >even know anyone personally who was raped realize that's statistically impossible, right? you do realize 1 in 6 American women have been or will be raped within their lifetimes? EVERYONE knows someone close to them that has been raped, whether you're aware of it or not. never mind that you entirely missed the point and no one who's upset is accusing them of CONDONING rape.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/11(Fri)05:00 No.4401967

    Please actually read the thread before you put the shining armor of yours on. Look above and someone already claimed that the comic advocated rape.

    Also, utilizing statistics as part of your argument does not strengthen it. I for one, have absolutely no idea where the hell you got them, and how the hell they were figured out. And by who.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/11(Fri)05:01 No.4401968
    Rape jokes trivialize rape. They are not just jokes, they normalize and make rape less unsavory, even acceptable.

    Only 1 in 10 rapists goes to jail for their crime. That's pitiful.

    Once again, what proof do you want?
    >> Anonymous 04/29/11(Fri)05:04 No.4401973

    seriously, talk to an older woman you know well, maybe your mom, ask how many of her friends or family members have been raped. the statistics aren't fun to know. they're horrible but true. people don't want to think it's as rampant as it is. the truth is harsh.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/11(Fri)05:05 No.4401974

    Here you go!
    >> Anonymous 04/29/11(Fri)05:11 No.4401982
    Absurdist humour (or what was quite obviously intended as absurdist humour) carrying the implication that rape is bad, encourages and trivialises rape?

    Read the comic. No, go on, read it. The humour - the essence of the joke itself - lies in the fact that the apparent 'player character' is acting in a way that is so completely fucking horrific, and the implicit justification of "It's just a game".

    The comic doesn't glorify rape. It doesn't promote rape. If anything, it says rape is bad and people who refuse to look at it seriously are messed in the head. The only problem that this carries is that it could trigger PTSD in someone who's been raped, and if we're going to object to that then yes, you're arguing for censorship on the basis of offense.

    Stop with the knee-jerk reactions to hearing about a controversy. And stop condemning things solely because you either don't or can't understand its intention.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/11(Fri)05:11 No.4401983

    I'm going to say this one more time. I am not expecting or even demanding any sort of proof. I am simply trying to put the idea that she may indeed not have been raped into your heads. It's not a matter of whether she was raped or not. The problem is that you all simply accepted the claim without question.

    Rape is one of the single most violent acts that one living being can enact upon another. IT breaks every sort of boundary and victimizes in absolutely every single way. It harms the victim's psyche, their body, and their sanctity of being. It makes a person feel unwhole and unclean. It is a horrible act, and I believe that even though I have heard an innumerable amount of rape jokes in my life thus far, they would do very little to soften the act if I (Or someone I know) was a victim of it.

    Being able to laugh at something that has been brought into a humorous context does not remove or lessen our human capability for empathy.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/11(Fri)05:16 No.4401992
    And you still think it's about the original comic.

    It's not; it's about Penny Arcade's reaction to being told, "Umm, I find this a bit offensive," by profiting from discomfort, acting like misogynistic idiots, and encouraging all this harassment towards their own fanbase.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/11(Fri)05:18 No.4401993
    Also, the reason we're all contending your asking for proof is because that's disgusting, especially when taking into account, 1) most rapes are not reported, 2) most rapes are not believed.

    Just like you're doing.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/11(Fri)05:20 No.4401996
    >> Anonymous 04/29/11(Fri)05:21 No.4401998
    i'd rather get raped then killed. herp derp

    rape joke from a rape victim. what'cha'gonna'do?
    >> Anonymous 04/29/11(Fri)05:24 No.4402002
    Honestly, I would've preferred death. Because that way, at least he would've gotten caught, I wouldn't have to switch my phone every year because some asshole finds out I was raped, people online are insensitive, men see me as weak and dirty, women see me as tainted, etc.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/11(Fri)05:31 No.4402008
    My response (>>4401982) was intended towards the whole 'these sorts of jokes trivialise and promote rape' commentary.
    As for PAs response to the whole issue, they were dicks about it initially. And secondarily, up until they got tired of it. They could have and should have handled the whole thing in a much more mature manner. Offense at their response is understandable. The -initial- issue, however, definitly was with the comic, and that shouldn't have happened either. Offended by art? Great! Stop looking at it. Nobody's required to agree with everything they see, but since you don't have to view it you aren't entitled to complain if it offends you.
    >> BigDumbHippy !!sLz+fwCdMOg 04/29/11(Fri)05:41 No.4402014
    I went to PAX east I feel strongly against Dickwolves. I being there and showing you're against dickwolves means more than not going at all.
    Unless you're a certain person or company and you're vocal about not going to PAX you're not going to make a difference.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/11(Fri)05:51 No.4402026
    >implying no rapists get caught
    mine did. i'm not a chicken shit, filed a police report. all done.

    have to change my number? i have had the same number since i got my first phone. and i got one right when phones came out.

    guys think i'm dirty or weak? nope.jpg doesn't happen at all.

    girls think i'm tainted? LOL right.

    it's people like you that are why rape victims don't report. they think the retarded thoughts you do. and think if anyone finds out their world is over. so they hide it, and are ashamed of something that was forced upon them.

    even drug addicts celebrate publicly that they have been sober for not even 2 days. and act like it's something to be proud of.
    why should a rape VICTIM be ashamed? no. they are a victim. they did nothing wrong.

    i'm gettin' mad now.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/11(Fri)06:57 No.4402095
    Anyone who got offended at dickwolves clearly does not play world of warcraft because that was the main punchline of the joke. also that we are not meant to sympathize with the character in the cartoon who ignores the "rape victim" was also largely ignored by the most vocal opponents of penny arcade.

    furthermore rape has been discussed in penny arcade and not one gave a shit because it was rape against fruit. all of you are fruitsogynists.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/11(Fri)13:41 No.4402744
    Goddang it, I just wanted some answers to basics of PAX as a convention, and the thread derails into rape discussion.

    Suddenly PAX seems a lot less attractive if the attendees/non-attendees find non-issues the highlight of PAX.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/11(Fri)13:44 No.4402755

    I'm not the person you quoted but my mom was raped by her boss in 98 and when she reported him it ruined her life. Granted, she was a specialist in the military and he was her captain.

    My friend in college was raped last year by her husband's friend (she was one of those that got married as an undergrad). She reported it to the police and they questioned her for two hours with things like "Are you sure you didn't lead him on? Are you sure you want to ruin this young man's life?"

    Also I live in Texas.

    Maybe the world outside of here is a better one.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/11(Fri)13:51 No.4402771
    I have nothing to say about your mom, but I always hear people complaining about the way victims are grilled by police officers and juries, the way they're rigorously questioned, as evidence that rape victims are being actively shamed. Well no fucking shit they're questioned for hours and hours. I would be more suspicious of a justice system that just threw convicted rapists in jail without rigorously questioning the accuser. Come on.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/11(Fri)14:05 No.4402801

    Vigorous questioning is fine, but it was the "are you sure you want to ruin this young man's life" question was waaaay the fuck out of line.

    They took the damned rape kit at that point, they'd already been questioning her and when it looked like she'd proceed with the case they dropped that bomb on her. dudenotcool.jpg
    >> Anonymous 04/29/11(Fri)14:06 No.4402809
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    Oh god, this whole thread.


    I was raped by my own brother when I was just nine years old(he was 16) Even little crybaby me at that time went to an adult and told them what happened. Police were called. Medical tests were done(both a rape kit and blood tests to make sure I hadn't contracted any stds), years of therapy and he was sent to a group home. I'm in my mid twenties now. All this time I've never been ostrasized for what happened nor made to feel like a lying whore by people.

    Random strangers on the internet? Well who fucking cares what they think, they're not important to me and don't dictate my life for me.

    I even got the courage to tell the man I'm marrying what happend and he doesn't hold it against me. Though it gives him a clearer understand of why I have such a strong dislike of my brother.

    I'm not saying every woman who has or will be rape will have such understand people around here. Yes it was a tramatic experience. But it could have been much worse. He could have beaten me bloody. He could have slit my throat. He could have left me for dead.

    I'm glad I'm alive, because I can at least say it doesn't have to be the end of your world when something really tramatic or terrible happens to you.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/11(Fri)14:10 No.4402818
    It's a weird question, but why wouldn't you want to ruin some rapists life? They shouldn't even really be treated as real people. I just don't personally understand why that would stop me pressing charges I guess.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/11(Fri)14:30 No.4402868
    Because there are some young women that think crying rape s a perfect way to get back at a guy for not being her idealized white knight.
    Generally it's teens and younger women that think it's okay for revenge or to get what they want.
    Some women are also quite stupid and panicky and think any sexual touching they dislike (before during or after the incident) is rape.
    >If you break up with me I'll tell everyone you raped me.
    >I love you even though we've never had a relationship and I'm just a one night stand to you. Why did you use me like that? You RAPED me!
    >I didn't like when you touched my breasts and ass over my clothes, I feel violated, YOU RAPED ME!
    >Johnny is such an asshole turning me down like that! I was gonna let him take my virginity too! I'm gonna tell everyone he raped me to get back at him!

    There is also a prejudice against alleged rape victims as stated by a few people. You are questioned relentlessly and in some places you'll be treated like a malicious liar. The constant questions are to find holes in the story, because many women that make up a rape story can't keep their story straight. Being treated like a liar is just a bias some people have against any accuser of crimes. Rape is a bit harder to prove than "hey that guys stabbed me".

    I feel the worst for male rape victims. Few of them can come forward and say they have been raped without facing a huge social price.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/11(Fri)15:38 No.4403044
    Sorry, I swear this isn't how everything thinks of PAX. Just the few annoying critics. :P

    > What's it like?
    Tons of people but it never feels crowded. The attendees average around the age of 20. Hardly any kids, and those that are there are well-behaved. The con bans strollers, which is A+. And everyone is friendly.

    > Is cosplay allowed or encouraged?
    Yep. As long as you're not a douche about it and wear a cumbersome, roadblocking outfit you're good to go. Just remember to be courteous about photos and get out of the way, especially in the exhibitor's hall since that's where most of the traffic is.

    > If cosplay is encouraged, would anime-type costumes (i.e. Pokemon) or VN/strictly Japanese games (i.e. Type Moon, Touhou) be well-received or discouraged?
    As long as it's from a game I say go right ahead. There are always tons of Pokemon cosplays (since it's easy) and I've seen quite a few Touhou. There are people who do anime cosplay as well, although they're in the minority (and they justify it by saying there's a video game of it, ie Bleach).

    > What would be highlights of the con for someone who isn't a hardcore gamer?
    Exhibitor's hall for sure, you can spend hours in there and not get bored. Free stuff errywhere, it's awesome. There's a huge variety of panels and keynotes too so you're bound to find something you'll be interested in. There's concerts every night, and you can get invites to private industry parties if you're into that sort of thing. It's really hard to say because there's a ton of stuff to do and it really depends on the individual person what a "highlight" would be.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/11(Fri)16:45 No.4403196
    Thank you, that's the first straight answer(s) in the whole thread so far.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/11(Fri)16:50 No.4403210
    do they forbid rolling suitcases?
    >> Anonymous 04/29/11(Fri)16:51 No.4403216

    Not that many women just make up rape stories. It happens but it isn't all that crazy common. That just really boils my blood because honestly, in a lot of places a rape case is pretty much where the defense calls you to the stand and pretty much calls you a slut, rifling through your sexual history and mode of dress to see if you deserved it.

    With my mom, the defense lawyer used the fact that she was a single mom with a low income to prove that she obviously lied about being raped because she needed the money. My mom had to honorably discharge to avoid being sent to Bosnia right after the trial, and her rapist was completely acquitted. The more I read about women's stories regarding these trials, it hasn't come all that far.

    Rich white girls accusing a guy that would be thought beneath her/a guy who is not white of rape = more likely the girl will be believed

    But in many cases those trials are humiliating and intense. I guess it is not that way for everyone, everywhere. But also keep in mind that not even every case of rape where the rapist gets off is a case where the girl accused him falsely--a lot of times women come under pressure to drop the charges.

    This stuff isn't as easy to deal with as the Men's Rights Activist blogs claim it is. Sure, a woman can just "cry rape" but just because it is possible doesn't make sexual assault a horrible fucking thing for a person to go through. I can't think of another violent crime where a false accusation gets more attention than the actual crime does.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/11(Fri)17:11 No.4403281
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    >"PAX East 2012 is scheduled for April 6-8 2012"
    >"Anime Boston 2012: April 6-8, 2012"

    >> Anonymous 04/29/11(Fri)17:17 No.4403304

    >> Anonymous 04/29/11(Fri)17:30 No.4403365
    As far as I know, no, but if you absolutely need to bring one I'd keep it small. I've seen people around with them (mostly Sunday, since that's when everyone is leaving) and for the most part they haven't gotten in the way. I'd ask on their forums just in case.
    >> SariaCrossing !wBW8YlZZyU 04/29/11(Fri)17:32 No.4403370
    >What's it like?
    PAX is an amazing con, it has a very different feel from anime cons. It has an older crowd and no meme spouting dickwads (if there is meme spouting I haven't heard it)
    >Is cosplay allowed or encouraged?
    allowed yes, I don't know about encouraged. If you make a really good costume for it you will get a LOT of attention because there isn't that much cosplay there.
    >If cosplay is encouraged, would anime-type costumes (i.e. Pokemon) or VN/strictly Japanese games (i.e. Type Moon, Touhou) be well-received or discouraged?
    uuuuuhhh...Pokemon would be fine. Touhou miiiight be a stretch to tell you the truth. My friend wants to bring her cirno there but we still haven't decided if PAX is the best con to bring it to. I'm sure it would be fine though
    >What would be highlights of the con for someone who isn't a hardcore gamer?
    FREE STUFF. Also the panels at PAX are SO much better than anime cons. I'm not sure if that's because I'm more a gamer than an anime person. The pitch your own game idea panel has been hilarious the last two times I've gone. Also there is great concerts and signings at PAX.
    Also if you're not from Seattle there is a lot to see and do where the convention is located, like Pikes Place and the space needle (though the needle is a giant tourist trap and is really boring to me) The science center is really fun to :)
    >> Anonymous 04/29/11(Fri)17:50 No.4403443
    PAX sounds like it would be fun. Anyone who is insulted by dickwolves is stupid, and should be focusing their energy on real cases where rape is trivialized.

    The term is used all the time in today's gaming culture. When the term is used, they aren't actually visualizing a woman being sexually violated and then having their life ruined. Assuming that they are meaning that is dumb.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/11(Fri)18:06 No.4403541
    LOL at all the people crying that bloggers are pulling out. And nothing of value will be lost. No one really announces anything at PAX. That is done at E3 because by PAX games need to be in the polishing stages because so much stuff drops in Q3 and Q4 so there is no need to report.

    To OP:
    PAX is fun as FUCK. You get free shirts, free food, free drinks and there is always something to do. Cosplay if you want to but I find it can limit you on seeing everything you can at the con if your concerned about pictures and the like. Also no one really gives a shit about people who cosplay at PAX so don't be surprised if no one even cares that you are in costume. (Especially JRPG crap.)
    >> Anonymous 04/29/11(Fri)18:10 No.4403560
    >Also no one really gives a shit about people who cosplay at PAX so don't be surprised if no one even cares that you are in costume.

    Bullshit. It all depends on your costume. I couldn't go more than three feet down a hallway with people wanting a picture of me.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/11(Sat)00:31 No.4405056
    What costume did you wear?

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