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    File : 1303973835.jpg-(49 KB, 620x418, 1210791143gSzl7Er.jpg)
    49 KB /jfa Anonymous 04/28/11(Thu)02:57 No.4398140  
    He /cgl/, hows it going? I've been thinking, do lolitas and cosplayers belong on the same board? Is /cgl/ even an accurate name? (Cosplay and EGL, considering most lolitas aren't elegant or gothic styles) Where do mori girl and gyaru threads fit in?

    I propose a discussion. Consider the following;
    Should we split
    What would the boards be mixed with
    What would the boards be named
    What namesake/-tan would those boards have

    I'll post my own opinion after the initial post. Pic unrelated.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/11(Thu)03:01 No.4398152
    As you can guess by the subject name, I think EGL should be trimmed from /cgl/ and become part of a J-fashion board, or even an asian fashion board (ulzzang is pretty awesome, too.) I don't know what Cgl would become, considering it's already a slow board. I think mixing it with crafts or something would keep the numbers from crashing, but I don't know.
    >> PichuPower !Lo5lXi7StI 04/28/11(Thu)03:07 No.4398165
    I'd rather the boards separate, but I don't like it being thought of as explicitly a j-fashion thing for EGL and mori and all...

    Mind you it is... but the stigmata...
    Nippon supremacists... fuckin' weebs...
    >> Anonymous 04/28/11(Thu)03:10 No.4398170
    Perhaps an "alternative fashion" board? Considering the users of 4chan it would likely be treated as a jfashion board, but there's always the risk of being overrun by western fashions. Either way I can only see improvement in posters. What would happen to the cosplayers, though?
    >> PichuPower !Lo5lXi7StI 04/28/11(Thu)03:14 No.4398177

    Cosplay and... gijinka board. I think there's little to be fussed over with how easy and exsplicit it is for that lot.

    And yes... I dunno, I think it should just be made explicit... somehow...

    Lolita... Gyaru... Mori... I dunno man, I dunno.
    Anything but JFASHION board...
    I mean, /jp/ is just another /a/...
    >> Anonymous 04/28/11(Thu)03:14 No.4398178
    just mix egl with /fa/, not like /fa/ is super busy and half the posts are shit anyway
    >> Anonymous 04/28/11(Thu)03:20 No.4398186
    The problem I see with just mixing EGL and fa is that fa already has a bitter hatred of japan, Asian fashions and Asians in general. They also have a superiority complex about their style as compared to out-of-style or subculture fashions. That and mainly men.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/11(Thu)03:23 No.4398190
    I don't think they should be split. If they were split, both boards would be impossibly slow. And because they're together, it allows for 'overlap' topics (like makeup tips, craft threads or jfashion not explicitly stated in the name such as mori).

    Honestly, the main reason people want a split is "Lolitas are such dramawhores! They shit up out board!" "No way, cosplayers have way more drama!" It's just everyone bitching because they can't get along. Both sides need to deal, /cgl/ is fine how it is.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/11(Thu)03:27 No.4398195
    >If they were split, both boards would be impossibly slow

    This. We need the egl side if only for traffic's sake. If we split /cgl/ would pretty much devolve into a constant tripfag circlejerk, and its bad enough already.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/11(Thu)03:29 No.4398199
    It sounds you are of the opinion Jfashion belongs here, do you think everyone else agrees? Personally I enjoy the other fashion threads, but I have seen many complaints as well.
    >> PichuPower !Lo5lXi7StI 04/28/11(Thu)03:30 No.4398203
    >> Anonymous 04/28/11(Thu)03:31 No.4398204
    they should be split. Maybe it will take its shitty hate and drama threads with it
    >> Hatsuu !!+vbHxqaHFI4 04/28/11(Thu)03:31 No.4398206
    I think it is accurate because without /cgl/ we would not be /seagull/s.

    That is my logic and I'm sticking to it.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/11(Thu)03:35 No.4398210
    Nope, because cosplayers have more shitty hate threads in disguise as other things. That's why there's a PT thread everyday, LoZ thread bashing Adella, JNig threads galore, MJ camwhore threads... Seriously cosplayers here have a lot of "drama" for saying that the lolita side is just a whole bunch of drama.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/11(Thu)03:36 No.4398212
    Considering hate and drama threads are made for cosplayers and lolis, I don't think so. Actually, I wonder which side complains about PT more? Would there be thread per board? That's scary.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/11(Thu)03:37 No.4398213
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    I absolutely hate the vendettas/hate/bitterness/dramu about this board as well. It makes me sick, but this is the only place to see a collection of cosplays as well as interesting progress threads and well-versed users. I don't care about who slept with who, and I care even less about how such and such person said something stupid when I will never meet this person anyways. This board's discussion is destructive, rude, and certainly not classy. This is not what cosplay should be about. This isn't what any hobby should be about. Conventions are fun and so are meeting fellow cosplayers- why should we ruin it with such backstabbing and bitchy tendencies? It's really sad what this community has turned a fandom into. What happened to doing something because you like it? Who should care if you do it wrong? Why can't we appreciate the good, praise the accurate, and bypass the/ encourage the mediocre and bad? Pointing out funny cosplay because they are terrible and laughing at someone's stupidity are humorous thing to discuss, but /cgl/ takes it way too damn far to the point that it feeds off of it.
    Sorry if that was off-track, I know it was, but generally what I am trying to say is that if /cgl/ really wants to be a better board, separating lolita and cosplay isn't going to make it better. The ideals and attitudes of the users are the problem and they alone can fix that.

    Again, sorry for the ranting.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/11(Thu)03:38 No.4398215
    meant to reply to
    >> Anonymous 04/28/11(Thu)03:41 No.4398220
    This. I don't even mind most of the drama on this board, but the cosplayer v lolita stuff I can't stand.
    I'm a cosplayer and a lolita so it feels like I have to hate myself....
    Can't we all just get along! And ride rainbows and bake cookies and shit.
    Anyway, I think /cgl/ should stay as it is just tidied uo a bit.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/11(Thu)03:42 No.4398221
    Or you know we could just ignore the cosplay side because there are very few cosplay posts and
    just make
    a lolita board
    or something
    >> Anonymous 04/28/11(Thu)03:44 No.4398225
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    I don't care if the boards would be slow, we desperately need a split between /cos/play and convention discussion and /altfa/shion. Years ago lolita threads only rarely popped up here so it wasn't a problem, but ever since all the catty bitches from livejournal started pouring in just to talk shit anonymously about other livejournal whores because keeping the drama within their own shitty site would ruin their precious Internet reputation as a ~kawaii and sweet rori girl~, they've created a huge rift in the community. The culture of the cosplayers and the livejournalers here clash too much to continue to pen them in together like this.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/11(Thu)03:50 No.4398229
    While I can respect your opinion, splitting a slow board into two really slow boards isn't something moot would ever go for.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/11(Thu)03:51 No.4398231
    Yet cosplayers still have tutorial and progress threads and such while lolitas only have drama threads, well maybe once in a while you might tell what kind of dress your boyfriend/dad bought for you.

    I still have nothing against lolitas and cosplayers on the same board, I just wish we could get rid of the fucking /soc/ threads.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/11(Thu)04:01 No.4398241
    I agree, the cosplay side of /cgl/ has tutorials, progress threads, q&as for costume details, suggestion threads, "what will you do next?" threads, con threads, selfpost threads, OC con photo threads, meet-up threads, and many other contructive topics.
    Lolitas don't make their own costumes, they have more secluded gatherings than the mass ones cosplay sees, and the hobby is just too expensive to make too many "look at my closet"/"newest cord"/ "newest purchase". After the image dumps and fashion bickering, all that's left to say is drama, and boy do they love their drama.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/11(Thu)04:02 No.4398242
    If people started actually using the report function they'd be removed, because they are against the rules of the board. I've reported completely off-topic drama threads about "omg dis random nameless bitch from daily_lolita is so fugly lulz but I called her pretty in the comments on her actual post cuz I want her to think I'm nice ^___^" and such only to still see them on the front page three days later.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/11(Thu)04:03 No.4398245
    /cgl/ is in the same boat as /vp/, mods don't want to touch it with a ten foot pole
    >> Anonymous 04/28/11(Thu)04:04 No.4398246
    I think all the alternative fashion should invade /fa/ and stay there.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/11(Thu)04:09 No.4398251
    Even if there were separate boards for Cosplay and Lolita, it sure as hell wouldn't go as slow as /3/... Just sayin'
    >> Anonymous 04/28/11(Thu)04:15 No.4398258
    >bitter hatred of japan
    >they are on 4chan: weeaboo paradise
    they'll learn to deal
    >> Anonymous 04/28/11(Thu)04:16 No.4398260

    Did moot ever actually review the janitor applications from a few months ago? seems like nothing's changed.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/11(Thu)04:19 No.4398262
    I'm down for that idea. Gather a huge group at a specific time and flood the board with alt fashion threads and posts, and keep this up for long enough until the entire culture of the board gradually changes. Usually this is a bad thing when this happens but /fa/ is so shitty and full of catty elitist (literal) faggots with no actual fashion sense that it would actually benefit from it.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/11(Thu)04:21 No.4398265
    I've seen a few people complaining about getting short bans for making off-topic threads recently. Maybe our new janitor is just extremely lazy/inactive.
    >> Chi 04/28/11(Thu)04:22 No.4398268

    Too busy browsing /r/ladyboners
    >> Anonymous 04/28/11(Thu)04:23 No.4398269
    Are you guys serious about that? I would definitely be down for that. I could dump issues of kera/fashion magazines!
    >> Anonymous 04/28/11(Thu)04:25 No.4398272
    I'd love to see lolita on /fa/. Delicious hipster tears.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/11(Thu)04:28 No.4398273
    I don't actually know enough about the alt fashion scene to be able to make decent threads but I'd definitely at least post in all the ones you make, lol.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/11(Thu)04:37 No.4398281
    Despite liking the merged board I would definatly take part in a seige of /fa/. Just for shits.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/11(Thu)05:13 No.4398301
    I am ridiculously keen to invade /fa/.

    On topic - I prefer /cgl/ how it is now. If only because splitting would probably make both boards even slower and I read both cosplay and lolita posts, so the lazy part of me likes not having to click too many times...
    >> Anonymous 04/28/11(Thu)05:31 No.4398316
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    So, when do we do it? I'm ready for loli-dump.
    To the OP: I would think it's time that cosplay and egl/alternative fashion split - I can't stand cosplay's tripfags, while I think (certain types) of lolita drama is delicious. And it's not like you don't have your drama (PZ?) I just couldn't give a shit about it. I think your side is most annoying, you think our side. We're ready for a breakup.
    >> Clau 04/28/11(Thu)05:50 No.4398327
    I dunno, I've gotten used to it, and I skip drama threads regardless of whether they're cosplay or lolita related. In any case there is some overlap between the two, and our communities have similar habits, e.g. meet-ups being pretty commonplace (unlike other boards) and the fact that we both spend shittons of money to sporadically wear unconventional clothing.

    Also this.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/11(Thu)06:00 No.4398335
    I'm down with whenever, if at any given time there's at least one lolita/mori/fairy kei/whatever thread on /fa/ that's enough to make me happy, lol. It would be awesome if we could get a lot of people to join in over time, and maybe if enough hipster butts are hurt it'll even be sufficient cause for a real /altfa/.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/11(Thu)06:23 No.4398346
    I would be much disappointed if there was to be a split in cosplay and lolita. As a cosplayer I have grown to love loli drama, and I don't know how I'd live without it.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/11(Thu)06:25 No.4398351
    I'd like steampunk to be permanently exiled to /fa/.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/11(Thu)06:47 No.4398367
    >implying that any mod will ever read this
    >implying that moot will ever give 2 shits about this board other than
    oh holy shit we still have a cosplay and lolita board?

    seriously, we never even got janitors like the rest of 4chan did.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/11(Thu)06:53 No.4398370
    Well we do things besides that, but everytime someone asks for help on how to dress and everything people start the "fat wank". But I digress, lolitas as a whole have been trying to steer their place into more content friendly things, we don't wank all that much anymore except for "token" people, which I guess is a lot better than before...

    The problem isn't necissarily "content" as it is people. I report every single thread be it cosplay or lolita related that doesn't fit into the rules, which is many of the /soc/ threads and hate threads. And this place would be much nicer if others did the same.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/11(Thu)06:56 No.4398372
    >don't know how to live without lolita drama
    Just go to EGL on LJ some sort of drama will pop up eventually.
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 04/28/11(Thu)07:10 No.4398377
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    They should just split the boards into /cos/ and /ita/

    I mean seriously
    >> Bunny Mage !TvNZI.MfJE!!K5cz4Oivace 04/28/11(Thu)09:30 No.4398542
    I think this board should just be renamed /con/ once and for all. Most of the topics are more about conventions in general than simply cosplay or lolita.

    "Splitting" the board up would be a mistake, since the board as it stands now barely has enough traffic to mandate one board, let alone two.
    >> o-slap 04/28/11(Thu)09:49 No.4398582
    I've been trying my best to ignore this thread because anyone who legitimately thinks that /cgl/ would be better off split must be a full retard.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/11(Thu)10:19 No.4398624
    >wah bitchy lolitas need to get out
    >baww cosplayers don't want lolis and dramu

    The whining on this thread is redic, probably the reason we didn't get janitors because 90% of /cgl/ are lazy/didn't want another responsibility and didn't even submit.

    And we are still complaining that lolitas and alt fashion should be on /fa/, I guess everyone forgot altfashion friday where /cgl/ was suppose to peacefully make threads in /fa/ like how we have /fit/ friday. WHY DID YOU GUYS STOP?

    All I see is lips and fingers fapping and no one making change, does it mean a tiny portion of /cgl/ is frustrated with how things are and the majority actually likes all the drama, offtopic and pt shit?

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