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    File : 1303928111.jpg-(387 KB, 1338x500, 13417456.jpg)
    387 KB Anonymous 04/27/11(Wed)14:15 No.4397193  
    Tell about the cosplay scene and conventions in your country.

    >What are the most popular series
    >Do people make their costumes by themselves or do they mostly just buy them
    >Do you have more good or bad cosplay at your local conventions
    >How is your cosplay community: is there much dramu or are people very helpful
    >How big are your conventions
    >What kind of manners the con goers have

    >> Anonymous 04/27/11(Wed)15:43 No.4397412
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    My shithole of a city

    >What are the most popular series
    Naruto and Vocaloid
    >Do people make their costumes by themselves or do they mostly just buy them
    Buy. Or "wolololo i put on a headband i'm cosplayin"
    >Do you have more good or bad cosplay at your local conventions
    >How is your cosplay community: is there much dramu or are people very helpful
    The community is too spread-out to be called a community. It's kind of a downer.
    >How big are your conventions
    Very small
    >What kind of manners the con goers have
    Mostly poor manners. "it's okay to act like a majestic retard if it's a con" is universal.

    I hate this city ;_;
    >> Anonymous 04/27/11(Wed)15:46 No.4397433
    >What are the most popular series
    Hetalia, Panty & Stocking, Vocaloid
    >Do people make their costumes by themselves or do they mostly just buy them
    Buy them, and they always buy the shittiest ones.
    >Do you have more good or bad cosplay at your local conventions
    Bad, definitely.
    >How is your cosplay community: is there much dramu or are people very helpful
    People pretend to be really helpful but underneath the surface there's a lot of dramu. There's a lot less now than there was a few years ago, though.
    >How big are your conventions
    Eh. A couple thousand people.
    >What kind of manners the con goers have
    HORRIBLE manners.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/11(Wed)16:01 No.4397508
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    Meanwhile, in Finland...

    >What are the most popular series
    Vocaloid, Hetalia and Kuroshitsuji mostly, you don't see too much Naruto and Bleach like before.
    >Do people make their costumes by themselves or do they mostly just buy them
    People mostly make costumes by themselves, here cosplay is a hobby concentrated on crafts. Few buyed costumes here and there, but nothing too dramatic.
    >Do you have more good or bad cosplay at your local conventions
    It's surprisingly balanced, actually. There are not as many god-tier cosplayers as there are those really bad ones, but mostly the level is average: few mistakes, but some details are done well.
    >How is your cosplay community: is there much dramu or are people very helpful
    Not much dramu, we don't have any connected community, sadly, so usually you get help from your friends, or if you're reading the blogs of some Finnish cosplayers, they'll gladly help.
    >How big are your conventions
    This depends on the convention, in American-standards our cons are ridiculously small, of course, but when looking at other Scandinavian countries, they have a lot of people coming to them. A couple thousand con-goers would be my guess.
    >What kind of manners the con goers have
    Mainly good manners, thank god. Hetaliatards can be rude at times, and some people really don't know what is basic hygiene or good, basic manners (and god those 12-year olds, they're so noisy), but other than that, good manners.

    >mfw there has been only two PASWG cosplayers
    >> Anonymous 04/27/11(Wed)16:01 No.4397511
    >What are the most popular series
    Hetalia, Panty & Stocking, Vocaloid
    >Do people make their costumes by themselves or do they mostly just buy them
    It's about half and half, leaning towards buying
    >Do you have more good or bad cosplay at your local conventions
    >How is your cosplay community: is there much dramu or are people very helpful
    Lot's of drama, but it's not too hard to find cool helpful people either
    >How big are your conventions
    Average of like 15k
    >What kind of manners the con goers have
    The younger the age the worse the manners, and it can get really bad
    >> Anonymous 04/27/11(Wed)16:02 No.4397515
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    >What are the most popular series
    Hetalia, Vocaloid, Kuroshitsuji and Kingdom Hearts. Naruto and Bleach used to be popular but I guess they're sort of out today.
    >Do people make their costumes by themselves or do they mostly just buy them
    Make them, sometimes people might buy some second hand clothes and modify them for cosplay but buying a costume is very rare since it's not so easy to get them them overseas here.
    >Do you have more good or bad cosplay at your local conventions
    The quality of cosplay used to be very poor but I think we've got a lot better considering how small country it is! Unfortunately some of our fabric stores aren't big enough and they have too much poor quality fabrics.
    >How is your cosplay community: is there much dramu or are people very helpful
    I think people are pretty helpful when you ask for advice and it's encouraged to sew your own costumes. I have no idea about drama but once again it's a small country so there's no room for extremely big drama, so many people know each others.
    >>How big are your conventions
    Biggest ones have about 3000 visitors, we also have cons at smaller towns and there can only be about 100 visitors... Tickets are pretty cheap from 0 to ~25 euros.
    >What kind of manners the con goers have
    This varies a lot but most people are polite and maybe a bit shy and reserved. Obnoxious yaoi fangirls are loud and they can't stop making out/having dry sex in public... I've never met any creepers.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/11(Wed)16:14 No.4397537
    >What are the most popular series
    Panty & Stocking, Hetalia, Kuroshitsuji
    >Do people make their costumes by themselves or do they mostly just buy them
    Make, from what I can tell.
    >Do you have more good or bad cosplay at your local conventions
    Decent outfits, poor wigs/makeup, general hygiene, etc.
    >How is your cosplay community: is there much dramu or are people very helpful
    Moderate dramu.
    >How big are your conventions
    Small, but there's a 5-6 per year.
    >What kind of manners the con goers have
    They mostly keep to themselves. General weebyness. Not quite near the horror stories that get posted here.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/11(Wed)16:16 No.4397548
    >What are the most popular series
    Vocaloid, Utena, Trinity Blood, Naruto, Bleach...
    >Do people make their costumes by themselves or do they mostly just buy them
    People usually make costumes by themselves. Buying cosplays is really not a very acceptable thing here.
    >Do you have more good or bad cosplay at your local conventions
    Good. I tend to ignore all the wanna-be cosplays and look at the serious ones, they're very well made.
    >How is your cosplay community: is there much dramu or are people very helpful
    A lot of dramu since we're a tiny community. It depends who, but most of them are willing to help.
    >How big are your conventions
    Very very small. Like... 1900 people was the biggest con ever.
    >What kind of manners the con goers have
    Most of them are teens since the older anime fans just don't go to cons. When I compare them to the horror stories I hear on this board, I guess they're very pleasant and they treat cosplayers with much respect. There are fangirls, of course, but they don't glomp into you without asking permission.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/11(Wed)17:08 No.4397688
    The biggest is Finncon, which in 2009 had as many as 15000 visitors. Next would be Helsinki Comics Festival with 6000 visitors. Both events have free entry so visitor numbers are estimates. Below that are a few ~3000 cons, of which only Desucon could be considered a "pure" animecon.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/11(Thu)03:26 No.4398194
    New Zealand
    >What are the most popular series
    Vocaloid, Naruto, Kingdom Hearts, hetalia is getting there...but there aren't really any too overdone series.
    >Do people make their costumes by themselves or do they mostly just buy them
    The majority of the community makes at least some of their costumes? Though there are a few that buy.
    >Do you have more good or bad cosplay at your local conventions
    Sort of even-ish. Some totally shocking, some amazing, most average.
    >How is your cosplay community: is there much dramu or are people very helpful
    very little drama and everyone is pretty nice and willing to help in any way they can.
    >How big are your conventions
    our only anime convention got like...200 people? I don't know, I didn't go. the auckland armageddon expo gets like 30 000+ and like maybe 200 of that is cosplayers
    >What kind of manners the con goers have
    mostly good, we have a couple weeaboos and some sociall awkward people but most of the people are polite, i've never seen a yaoi paddle or a glomper [who didn't ask for permission].

    I think we have a pretty good cosplay comm. Even our younger members are pretty mature and we have very little elitism.
    >> otaku 04/28/11(Thu)03:33 No.4398207
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    Take a damn guess

    >What are the most popular series
    Hetalia (from the last two years, previous years,) Black Butler or Kurowhatever, Naruto, Bleach, KH or anything that's square enix.

    >Do people make their costumes by themselves or do they mostly just buy them: Make. I have not to this day met anything who buys cosplay commissions online like myself. Everyone is either an expert at sew fu or fails at it.

    >Do you have more good or bad cosplay at your local conventions: Both. For god's sake BOTH. Especially those attention whores who think their cosplay is the shit.

    >How is your cosplay community: is there much dramu or are people very helpful: Both. The forums that I am currently on for the con in May at my city is drama queen city but helpful anon as well. Everything from bitching trolls to sewing experts.

    >How big are your conventions: Medium; between 10-20k

    >What kind of manners the con goers have: Varies but it's mostly: Attention whores, anti socials, I'm with my friend kawaii desu like I'm totally don't like guys except in yaoi so go FUCK OFF, fangirls, otaku hambeast fangirls, ignorant assholes, People who go to cons just to stare and experiment, people who are too emo to cosplay but go to cons for some weird reason and then there are people like me.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/11(Thu)03:38 No.4398214
    >What are the most popular series
    Not sure. I think one of them is Pokemon but I don't really pay attention enough at cons to know for sure.
    >Do people make their costumes by themselves or do they mostly just buy them
    It seems like most people make them but no one minds when people buy them.
    >Do you have more good or bad cosplay at your local conventions
    Mostly good and the people that have bad cosplay are nice enough that no one cares about it.
    >How is your cosplay community: is there much dramu or are people very helpful
    I've never seen any drama and every one seems really nice and helpful. However, I might just be looking at the community for rosy glasses and there could be mega drama for all I know.
    >How big are your conventions
    Not too big, some are tiny but some are quite bigish, not really.....
    >What kind of manners the con goers have
    Very good for the most part, but a lot of us get drunk (hey, we're Scottish) and manners tend to fly out the window.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/11(Thu)03:44 No.4398223
    Just remembered, also, Naruto and that Black Butler.stuff.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/11(Thu)05:47 No.4398325

    >What are the most popular series?
    Vocaloid and Final Fantasy
    >Do people make their costumes by themselves or do they mostly just buy them?
    Most people buy them, even cosplayers that have been around for 10 years. They lie about it and sometimes enter WCS with bought cosplays.
    >Do you have more good or bad cosplay at your local conventions?
    >How is your cosplay community: is there much dramu or are people very helpful?
    Dramu everywhere. Little help since almost everyone buy everything.
    >How big are your conventions?
    Fairly big, but not like the huge conventions in America and Japan.
    >What kind of manners the con goers have?
    Everyone goes with their group and don't bother unknown people. But they come here to bad talk about anything.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/11(Thu)05:52 No.4398329
    Hai from England
    >What are the most popular series
    Naruto, Bleach, Death Note, Pokemon & Vocaloid
    >Do people make their costumes by themselves or do they mostly just buy them
    >Do you have more good or bad cosplay at your local conventions
    Most of it's pretty subpar
    >How is your cosplay community: is there much dramu or are people very helpful
    I've never seen any drama, but I don't really have cosplay friends or am involved in the community
    >How big are your conventions
    MCM's about 50k
    >What kind of manners the con goers have
    Everyone I spoke to was an absolute sweetheart even if they were a bit of an aspie
    >> Anonymous 04/28/11(Thu)05:53 No.4398330
    Whoops, forgot to say it's about 50/50 for making and buying - Naruto/Bleach/Vocaloid etc ALWAYS buy their costumes but Pokemon's usually a bit more creative.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/11(Thu)07:00 No.4398374
    Tell about the cosplay scene and conventions in your country.

    >What are the most popular series
    Naruto, Bleach, Vocaloid, Hetalia, Umineko, and "K-pop"/originals
    >Do people make their costumes by themselves or do they mostly just buy them
    A mix of both. But the above mentioned well, storebought. Or worse: Put trinket on head = cosplay

    >Do you have more good or bad cosplay at your local conventions
    Lately bad ones

    >How is your cosplay community: is there much dramu or are people very helpful
    Dramu-tastic. Used to be good before the hobby became a marketing gimmick of sorts.

    Also filled with "goddesses" and "professional cosplayers"

    one guess as to where.

    >How big are your conventions
    Relatively large

    >What kind of manners the con goers have
    Perverted photogs, morons, and smelly weaboos ahoy.

    There are nice guys sometimes though.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/11(Thu)07:28 No.4398399
    In the Netherlands
    >What are the most popular series
    Hetalia, Vocaloid, Kuroshitsuji, Panty/Stocking will probably make a big break next convention, Pokemon and FMA have been making a comeback.
    >Do people make their costumes by themselves or do they mostly just buy them
    I think there's a good balance in this. Plenty people buy but a good share makes them as well.
    >Do you have more good or bad cosplay at your local conventions
    Tends to lean towards the bad cosplay side and usually about avarage. Really good cosplay is rare, but does exist sometimes.
    >How is your cosplay community: is there much dramu or are people very helpful
    As far as I know not that much dramu. A few names pop up every thread but in general we are pretty dramu free.
    >How big are your conventions
    >What kind of manners the con goers have
    Not that bad generally, but we've got the retarded 14 year olds just like everyone else. Thankfully, the whole yaoi for pocky/free hug/glomping movement seems to be dying out lately.
    >> SWEET BRO cosplayer !VZ4aWqW0FA 04/28/11(Thu)07:42 No.4398418
    >MCM's about 50k


    Around 10k over the whole weekend/like 20-25kish for total for both of the cons.

    50k, ha...
    >> Anonymous 04/28/11(Thu)07:49 No.4398430
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    >What are the most popular series
    Hetalia, Kuroshitsuji

    >Do people make their costumes by themselves or do they mostly just buy them

    Buy, unfortunately. So they're really shitty Chinese cosplays.

    >Do you have more good or bad cosplay at your local conventions
    Eh, its a mix.
    >How is your cosplay community: is there much dramu or are people very helpful
    People are extremely helpful
    >How big are your conventions
    Really small, the last one I went to had about 1,100 people.

    >What kind of manners the con goers have
    Either extremely nice, or really creepy.

    I live on an island in Canada and most the people here are hippies. :D
    >> Anonymous 04/28/11(Thu)07:52 No.4398436
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    >What are the most popular series
    Hetalia, Vocaloid, Kuroshitsuji.
    Death Note, Code Geass, D.Grey Man have lots of fans too.

    >Do people make their costumes by themselves or do they mostly just buy them
    The majority makes their costumes but it's OHGODSOHORRIBLE. There are a few good cosplayers though (like Kairi, who won the second place in Euro Cosplay contest)

    >Do you have more good or bad cosplay at your local conventions
    BAD. Wanna see pics?

    >How is your cosplay community: is there much dramu or are people very helpful
    Don't know much about cosplayers, lolifag here. But I've heard some rumors about some cosplayers being elitists bitches. The cosplayers I know are quite nice.

    >How big are your conventions
    3000 people con is the biggest I've heard about so far.

    >What kind of manners the con goers have
    Old con goers are very chill and you can hang out with them, but recently lots of KAWAII UGUU weebs popped out so I stay away from conventions. I also avoid my fandom because those bitches are so embarassing.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/11(Thu)08:57 No.4398498
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    >Saudi Arabia
    Cosplay? What is that? Sounds like the work of the Devil.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/11(Thu)10:44 No.4398679
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    Southern US

    >What are the most popular series
    Hetalia, Vocaloid, Kingdom Hearts
    >Do people make their costumes by themselves or do they mostly just buy them
    Buy buy buy
    >Do you have more good or bad cosplay at your local conventions
    Good, bad, and the ugly
    >How is your cosplay community: is there much dramu or are people very helpful
    Depends where in the south, I've noticed that cosplayers from Louisiana, Missouri, Oklahoma, and Mississippi tend to be helpful but those from Florida, Alabama, and Texas tend to be catty
    >How big are your conventions
    They range from small con to big con tier
    >What kind of manners the con goers have
    They tend to be alright. Weebs are gonna weeb and bitches will be bitches. The majority I've met going to cons along the south are pretty good.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/11(Thu)11:15 No.4398747
    >What are the most popular series
    Hetalia, Kuroshitsuji, Vocaloid, and whatever else is super popular right now. I don't keep up with a lot of current anime anymore.
    >Do people make their costumes by themselves or do they mostly just buy them
    I'm pretty sure everyone either buys them, or makes them. There's about a handful of people who do make their cosplays well, but for the most part, I no longer notice when I see hordes of people rushing by with shoddy construction and party city wigs.
    >Do you have more good or bad cosplay at your local conventions.
    Once upon a time in 2000something, I think the cosplay scene used to be great. There were a lot more people with great effort put into their cosplays, and even if they weren't perfect, it was still nice to see the "I did my best" parts showing up. Between then and now, it feels like everyone just stopped giving a shit about effort.
    >How is your cosplay community: is there much dramu or are people very helpful
    SoCal's always full of drama. If you haven't heard anything new, just wait till after the next large con.
    >How big are your conventions
    Large to small.
    >What kind of manners the con goers have
    Maybe it's because I'm older than most of the people I meet now, but I notice rudeness and poor behavior a lot more. However, it's easier to find the cool people, because they're usually quiet and calm.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/11(Thu)11:39 No.4398789

    >What are the most popular series
    Bleach, Kingdom hearts, Hetalia, Vocaloid. Although we had a lot of Naruto cosplayers, they've started to thin out.
    >Do people make their costumes by themselves or do they mostly just buy them
    Mostly make, but there are some buyers (My first cosplay was a bought one, but that was the first and last time I did so.)
    >Do you have more good or bad cosplay at your local conventions
    It's balanced, we have great cosplay with amazing details and then we have the halfassed shit that was just thrown together.
    >How is your cosplay community: is there much dramu or are people very helpful
    They are very helpful, especially with cosplay, the only drama I've actually seen is in my group's skype room, "'My cosplay sucks' [insert obligatory brownnosing]" none at the con since we are a very humble people. Otherwise, the mood is amazing.
    >How big are your conventions
    The largest one we have is around 3k people, but we have a lot of smaller ones all over Sweden (sizes vary from 300-2000 people)
    >What kind of manners the con goers have
    Well, glomps and hugs galore, but do note that hugging is a lot more accepted here in Sweden, especially amongst con goers. As I mentioned before, Swedes are very humble, so we get a long pretty good, never seen a fight or an argument that's gotten out of hand etc.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/11(Thu)12:18 No.4398881
    Another Finfag here.

    >What are the most popular series
    Hetalia, Kuroshit, Kingdom Tarts, Vocaloid, Final Fantasy. There's always few stray Bleach and Naruto-cosplayers here and there and a couple walking circus tent-ToriBuri-cosplayers. This year's big hits are most likely gonna be Personas, Panty and Stocking, and possibly Pokemon.

    >Do people make their costumes by themselves or do they mostly just buy them
    As >>4397508 said before, cosplay is here more concentrated on crafts and new cosplayers are couraged to make their own costumes with the help of their friends/family/etc.

    >Do you have more good or bad cosplay at your local conventions
    It's pretty balanced. There's about a dozen cosplayers who, in a way, hit the high notes everytime they make a costume, but compared to them there's a shitload of
    half-assed costumes. Most costumes are either good or just average.

    >How is your cosplay community: is there much dramu or are people very helpful
    People are usually VERY helpful. Most share their stories of what to do or what to avoid and gladly answer questions. Few people are working to expand our communication network, so it would be easier for old, new and curious cosplayers to stay in touch, change information, show their costumes etc.

    Oh, and there's always dramu. It might not be big, it might not be visible, but there's always a bit of drama.

    >How big are your conventions
    From few hundred congoers to about 4000 ppl. The "estimated" numbers Finncon gave out are filled with stinking pile of horse crap. Finland's got like, what, six people living in huts and only two of those are congoers. When the convention is free you can say whatever, who's gonna no if you lie?

    >What kind of manners the con goers have
    From amazingly polite to fucking asshats. Most are smart enough to remember where they are and what's okay to do, but there's always few turds in the punchbowl.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/11(Thu)12:27 No.4398901
    >What are the most popular series
    Naruto, Bleach, Kuroshitsuji, Hetalia, Vocaloid
    >Do people make their costumes by themselves or do they mostly just buy them
    Depends on age. People under 20 usually buy them, people over 20 usually make them. Tbh I'm kind of annoyed because the ones that buy them always just say "lol i buy because i can't sew and will never be able to learn b/c it's ~so hard~" and then say they've never tried. Try before you decide it's impossible.
    >Do you have more good or bad cosplay at your local conventions
    Mostly mediocre. The bad tends to be with the popular series, and there are some good cosplays.
    >How is your cosplay community: is there much dramu or are people very helpful
    Most of the drama is centered around one person in particular, so there's not too much drama overall.
    >How big are your conventions
    We have two large cons and a few small ones.
    >What kind of manners the con goers have
    They tend to act like bratty teenagers, either causing problems for attention or just being inconsiderate of everyone around them.

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