>> |
04/26/11(Tue)18:07 No.4394643>>4393016 Honestly,
not surprised. Staffing a con and waiting tables[which I and some
friend have done] have two things in common: You deal with fucking
idiots on occasion and are usually high on some kind of
narcotic/depressant/whatever, be it alcohol, weed, cocaine, or
chocolate. I'm partial to Grey Goose after a shift.
I know this
one guy who's Chief of Security ripped the lanyard off this guy[who was
pretty obviously after the little girls at the con] at one con.
assume all staff are chill like at Otakon and Katsucon, especially if
you stir up shit. Main reason Otakon staffers and gofers are chill?
They're babysitting 30 000 people. As long as you aren't committing
felonies or causing major dramu in their earshot, they'll let you smoke
your weed. That's how it goes according to my friend who did it a year
or two before swearing to only do small cons from then on. |