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  • File : 1303769512.jpg-(231 KB, 900x1351, she__s_too_playful_by_pixyteriyaki.jpg)
    231 KB Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)18:11 No.4391293  
    Where is your god now?
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)18:14 No.4391313
    Oh god. No.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)18:15 No.4391315
    I always see these pictures of her and wonder.... who is her photographer? and why would they do this?
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)18:16 No.4391318

    You new here? (No offense meant, it's just repeated in every thread about her ever.)
    >> iamkitkatbar 04/25/11(Mon)18:18 No.4391327
         File1303769898.png-(7 KB, 191x234, 1259880004409.png)
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    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)18:18 No.4391330
         File1303769918.png-(314 KB, 588x450, _1293733152869.png)
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    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)18:19 No.4391331
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)18:20 No.4391339
    I Wish my belly button turned into a vortex that was a mutated oval. Nice shopping PT, try to make your belly button not deformed.
    >> BlondBomber !DFiVZlgUo. 04/25/11(Mon)18:21 No.4391340
         File1303770071.png-(138 KB, 717x390, 1300390823324.png)
    138 KB
    wow that shooped tummy and I don't rember her boobes ever being that large
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)18:21 No.4391345
    im not sure, but isnt gravure some artistic or cared for?

    this just looks like whorey flashing
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)18:22 No.4391349
    fucking christ, can't she at least wash her hair?
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)18:22 No.4391350
    What is with that bulge in her pants
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)18:25 No.4391366
    How does she fit into clothing?
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)18:26 No.4391371
    that bra doesn't look like it fits
    >> Felix !!BRZEOMOoX+1 04/25/11(Mon)18:27 No.4391377
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)18:28 No.4391382
    Her troll face.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)18:31 No.4391386
    her boobs look odd...
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)18:32 No.4391389
    I thought someone shooped her nipples out in the thumbnail.

    Why did I even click it?


    Also. Looks sorta like ageplay.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)18:32 No.4391393
    I cannot unsee that now.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)18:32 No.4391395
         File1303770760.jpg-(309 KB, 500x564, mournful.jpg)
    309 KB
    That poor woman has the saddest tits. Damn depressing!

    They're like The Notebook sad.

    Her tits are like "coming home from school and finding out that your old man ran over your cat" sad.

    Mournful. She has mournful tits. They're like two suicide notes stuffed in a glitter bra.

    Those things are like a little kid with progeria cracking all his ribs trying to catch a Nerf ball. Just sad. Damn it, she has gloomy tits!

    It's like she put a dollar's worth of change into some old socks and then taped them to her chest.

    I want to build two little caskets and give her tits a tasteful, dignified funeral.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)18:35 No.4391401
         File1303770933.jpg-(35 KB, 407x405, Advice_PleaseStop.jpg)
    35 KB
    >> Mason 04/25/11(Mon)18:38 No.4391413
    Marry me.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)18:39 No.4391416
    The only win in this thread. I love the Venture bros, four for you.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)18:40 No.4391424
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)18:40 No.4391428
    I need eye bleach...
    >> Yatak !!GdNti0eUy+v 04/25/11(Mon)18:42 No.4391433
         File1303771340.jpg-(642 KB, 900x1351, 1303769512749.jpg)
    642 KB
    nom nom
    >> piplup !Ebgln4OHzA 04/25/11(Mon)18:45 No.4391442
    That horrible shooping...
    and troll face.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)18:50 No.4391464
    I'm seriously tempted to go and take pictures wearing similar clothing and upload them to dA. Unfortunately, I don't have and account or a proper camera for good pictures.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)18:52 No.4391477
    She uses the smudge tool on her stomach in almost every picture.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)19:00 No.4391493
    Is that supposed to be a fish mouth or something?
    I can't stop staring at it now.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)19:01 No.4391495
    Problem /cgl/?
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)19:01 No.4391496
    There should be a DA account where the cute petite girls of /cgl/ take ~kawaii desu~ pictures in spite of PT. Show her how its really done, just to rub it in her face and be a total bitch for the hell of it.

    I know some of you are reading this now and tempted to try this.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)19:09 No.4391507
    She has no idea how to wear a bra in the correct size,
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)19:18 No.4391519
    wow...this is pretty bad.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)19:20 No.4391523
    >>implying she wears the right size of anything ever
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)19:21 No.4391530
    why the fuck does she do this???? She will never be the famous model she dreams of being. She will be infamous. That's about it. Sad but true.

    will someone kindly post whatever feedback she gets from this. Not the feedback or comments from pervy fat lovers that follow her but the commentts from people telling her not to do this.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)19:22 No.4391535
    isn't that the same place she did the school uniform pictures? which was at an actual school...?
    >> Mason 04/25/11(Mon)19:27 No.4391542

    Should make a PT fanclub, where cute girls replicate her pictures/poses and pass it off as fanart or w/e.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)19:27 No.4391543
    i thought she had breast cancer and for some reason needed her nipples removed.

    This is actually a lot worse
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)19:28 No.4391546
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)19:29 No.4391549
    Blocked from posting comments, baw. Guess she didn't like my suggestion that she step over the line and get on ahead with doing porn and cam shows. She'd be making more money than she is now.
    >> Ricebowl !iLoVeYOUvM 04/25/11(Mon)19:30 No.4391555
    major padding/shoop detected.

    I pity her tripod.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)19:32 No.4391567
         File1303774358.jpg-(29 KB, 326x479, thick646.jpg)
    29 KB

    Dat shooped stomach.

    Plus she is sitting on an American flag. It makes me rage as hard as Hetalia fags using country flags as blankets n shit.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)19:33 No.4391574
    are you dumb she claims to be "curvy" and not fat or plus sized all the time
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)19:36 No.4391581
    someone please mail this to her mother
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)19:38 No.4391588
    Those are concrete stairs. The red is the front of the steps.

    I think this is the school where she has done stuff like this before.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)19:44 No.4391619
    lamprey, I believe.
    >> Yatak !!GdNti0eUy+v 04/25/11(Mon)19:45 No.4391621
         File1303775135.jpg-(666 KB, 900x1351, 51.jpg)
    666 KB
    even more nom
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)19:46 No.4391623
         File1303775160.jpg-(152 KB, 900x1350, kitty_without_a_tail_by_pixyte(...).jpg)
    152 KB
    all dat shoop
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)19:48 No.4391636
    Particularly the set on the right side, that made my stomach lurch.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)19:59 No.4391651
    All I want in life is for PT to wear a well-fitting bra just once in her life. just once, man.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)20:03 No.4391664
    Not that plant, please!
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)20:08 No.4391682
    It would probably make her boobs look bigger.

    Scratch that, it would make her boobs look bigger.
    >> Yatak !!GdNti0eUy+v 04/25/11(Mon)20:10 No.4391685
    Am i a shopper pro like PT noaw?
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)20:11 No.4391692
         File1303776686.png-(43 KB, 157x174, 226066.png)
    43 KB
    Jesus. I've been away for awhile. Last I heard of PT was that she was 'dead' because lack of activity... turns out it was the quite before the storm...
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)20:15 No.4391709
         File1303776908.jpg-(64 KB, 500x752, fashion-fail-its-that-scary-bu(...).jpg)
    64 KB
    Dead apparently
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)20:15 No.4391712
    Does she have an Encyclopedia Dramatica page? She should.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)20:16 No.4391716
         File1303776969.jpg-(265 KB, 900x1351, herp.jpg)
    265 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)20:19 No.4391719

    Too bad that whale who ran it sold ED out to I can has Cheezeburger. It is now this watered down garbage
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)20:23 No.4391736
         File1303777385.png-(1.05 MB, 1000x727, 1303776908772.png)
    1.05 MB
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)20:23 No.4391737
    she does
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)20:23 No.4391738
    Oh man, that is just straight up nightmare fuel. Nice job,

    >mfw I'm having trouble posting anything.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)20:31 No.4391763

    see >>4391737
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)20:36 No.4391779
         File1303778160.jpg-(70 KB, 450x600, fashion-fail-locked-and-heavil(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)20:48 No.4391822
    Anyone else want to hop in on this with me? Her rage will be delicious.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)20:49 No.4391827
         File1303778953.jpg-(81 KB, 730x1094, bandaid_and_kitty_by_pixyteriy(...).jpg)
    81 KB
    Could she look like she has even more Downs?
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)20:50 No.4391836
    Kinda wanna...
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)20:55 No.4391852
         File1303779327.jpg-(29 KB, 300x400, Imgp4353.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)20:56 No.4391860

    Who wrote this? This was perfect.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)20:57 No.4391866
    kinda want to...because i have the measurements she posted as her own, which are clearly NOT.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)20:58 No.4391871
    I would join you
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)20:58 No.4391873
    This shot isn't as bad as the others to me for some reason.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)21:03 No.4391903
    Well, it looks like her face is tilted forward, and the picture is taken from above her. A nice change from her usual front-on/slightly below pictures, due to using a tripod that's just set on the ground. Anyway, it's making her chin look smaller relative to the rest of her face.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)21:05 No.4391918
    Come on brave anons I'm sure you all have lovely proportions. You just have to copy what she does but in a more tasteful style.

    And if you're a petite girl then show more skin and work dat ~`kawaii desu`~
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)21:07 No.4391928
         File1303780058.jpg-(98 KB, 730x1094, heerp.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)21:07 No.4391930
    Seriously considering this.
    Would somebody like start a tumbr or something?
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)21:10 No.4391946
    It would be amazing beyond words if a pretty brunette recreated all of PT's photos. All her "cosplays" are $20 cheap ebay crap so it wouldn't be too expensive to put together either.
    >> China !0eICAU0W1A 04/25/11(Mon)21:14 No.4391954
    Whoever wrote this. I love you.
    >> LittleJelloSalad !YG.DdnIWg6 04/25/11(Mon)21:15 No.4391962
         File1303780511.jpg-(84 KB, 450x600, 1303694940708.jpg)
    84 KB
    You know, I said to to myself last night, I said "Jello. PT has been too quiet. It's the calm before the storm. And she's going to release something that's going to make /cgl/ shit storm themselves crazy."

    And then I signed off and went to bed.

    And then I woke up to this.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)21:16 No.4391973
    I'm a reasonably attractive brunette with a decent body currently looking through my things (unfortunately all my cosplays are in another city) to see if I have something close to what she wears to replicate some shots.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)21:17 No.4391977
    That's it, I'm willing to 1 up PT. What pictures should I work base off on?
    >> RP !!irLdG43K1Dj 04/25/11(Mon)21:18 No.4391980
         File1303780701.jpg-(64 KB, 1440x900, pixyteritwin.jpg)
    64 KB
    Oh shit, I remembered what she reminds me of now with that big smile..
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)21:19 No.4391991
         File1303780791.jpg-(96 KB, 700x500, haha miku.jpg)
    96 KB
    lol@ the blatantly obvious shoop in her stomach area.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)21:20 No.4391995
    I like to think I am somewhat decent and have been told similarly before...
    but I currently have no funds so it could be about a year before I am in a situation where I could afford anything so if no one contributes to this "fan club" before then I will see what I can do~
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)21:44 No.4392058
    I'm Asian so I can pretend to be Japanese and hop on this cgl girls pt fanclub thing.... but I am skinnyfat, and don't want to show my stomach.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)21:48 No.4392069
         File1303782493.jpg-(56 KB, 640x480, 214631.jpg)
    56 KB
    I'm going to be the brave anon who is going to post herself on here to be judged by /cgl/ in a PT thread.

    Do I have what it takes to be part of the PT tumblr fanclub project?
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)21:58 No.4392089

    Yes but post your body too. You have a cute face though
    >> Blue !prw5BjXTeI 04/25/11(Mon)22:00 No.4392098
    Same. I have a good body, i'm skinny, but...i'm horribly ugly.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)22:08 No.4392113
    I don't have bangs and my t-shirt is white rather than yellow but when I get home later, I might just replicate a couple of her latest photos.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)22:09 No.4392123
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)22:11 No.4392135
         File1303783899.jpg-(48 KB, 506x614, resize01.jpg)
    48 KB
    The only full body pics I have of me are the ones of me being awkward at Megacon or drunk on St. Patricks day. Since this is /cgl/, awkward at Megacon it is.
    >> BlondBomber !DFiVZlgUo. 04/25/11(Mon)22:13 No.4392143
         File1303783981.png-(81 KB, 500x427, 1302056237790.png)
    81 KB
    I'm a fat girl who is about pt's size but I know I'm big and not as crazy as her,can I join in also?
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)22:15 No.4392152
    So... Where is this replication occurring?
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)22:17 No.4392156
    you're cute and skinny. perfect for the project
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)22:19 No.4392165
    Do it.

    I can't wait to see her reaction to all these people doing this. To make the playing field more even, you all should take tripod pictures, too. That way she can't b'aww about how your photos are better because you had a photographer.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)22:21 No.4392180
    On stairs, in alleyways, in bedrooms and beside swimming pools everywhere.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)22:26 No.4392184
    Sounds good, but do I have to make the duck face and pose like I'm pooping?

    I should probably make up an alias so PT inspired pics don't come back to bite me in the ass.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)22:28 No.4392188
         File1303784890.jpg-(15 KB, 320x240, webcam.jpg)
    15 KB

    You have my approval.

    My boyfriend will hate this if he sees this but here's a year-old webcam photo, webcam is broken but I look the same except my stomach is a bit chubby, been eating too many sweets lately.
    >> BlondBomber !DFiVZlgUo. 04/25/11(Mon)22:37 No.4392213
         File1303785427.jpg-(29 KB, 480x640, fatrabit.jpg)
    29 KB
    Sweet I have a tripod and a bunny outfit

    NOTE!this photo is from 09 so from that time I lost 10 pounds and then gained and then lost again

    Plus I don't give a shit if you guys call me fat because I'm fianly losing it.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)22:38 No.4392224
    I'll balance my camera on a stack of books in a really crap location so she can't complain about photographer or location.
    Man am I going to be getting some wierd looks from my flatmates later
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)22:42 No.4392229
    You are cute too! Plus the fact that you actually are asian will probably throw her into a fit.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)22:45 No.4392245
         File1303785900.png-(29 KB, 1234x765, 1302400198683.png)
    29 KB
    PT may be ugly and fat, but the whole "fanclub" thing is just going to make you guys look like bitches. Sure we're on /cgl/, land of bitches, but you're anonymous on /cgl/. Everyone is going to think you're a cunt when you show your face doing this. Just sayin'.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)22:49 No.4392267
    You are cute too! Plus the fact that you actually are asian will probably throw her into a fit.
    Oh shit girl you have her outfit, this is a win.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)22:52 No.4392290
    But what if we just so happen to want to be kawaii desu animu girls too? DON'T STOP US FROM SHINING!!!
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)22:55 No.4392304
    >but the whole "fanclub" thing is just going to make you guys look like bitches.

    What is that fanclub thing anyway?
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)23:04 No.4392330
    I'll join! It's the perfect quasi-bitchy activity to camouflage the fact that I really do want to be ~kawaii desu animu girl~!

    Oh the irony! I wonder if irony can be shining?
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)23:10 No.4392349
    can men join this

    shit please.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)23:13 No.4392361
    I bet every girl who comes on /cgl/ secretly wants to be a kawaii desu animu girl. Why don't we?
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)23:35 No.4392395
         File1303788916.jpg-(73 KB, 600x615, dealwithitcat.jpg)
    73 KB
    >be fat weeaboo slut
    >make fun of another fat weeaboo slut

    You not that different from PT to be honest, making this "fanclub" crap more strange.

    Dem bitches and whores.
    >> March !koCDN4Kiws 04/25/11(Mon)23:52 No.4392444
         File1303789950.jpg-(34 KB, 750x600, 1179686749412.jpg)
    34 KB
    WHY? WHY SEAGULLS? Why do you allow this leviathan to exist?

    On the bright side, if she ever does go to Japan, she'll almost immediately be "mistaken" for a whale and, well, the Japs aren't known for following whaling bans. Problem solved DESU DESU DESU DESU DESU
    >> Anonymous 04/26/11(Tue)00:15 No.4392486
         File1303791307.jpg-(77 KB, 750x600, 1265786875640.jpg)
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    Forget the harpoons!
    >> Anonymous 04/26/11(Tue)00:25 No.4392524
         File1303791949.png-(137 KB, 288x432, staypuftbitch.png)
    137 KB
    >> MORE OF THIS SHIT AGAIN? MORE OF THIS SHIT AGAIN? 04/26/11(Tue)00:44 No.4392580
    No male would go within 1000 miles of that... no photographer within 2000.
    They would go to jail for exploiting the mentally handicapped. (Downs Syndrome is a mental as well as physical handicap.)
    >> BlondBomber !DFiVZlgUo. 04/26/11(Tue)01:02 No.4392627
         File1303794131.jpg-(144 KB, 1024x576, 1303533036813.jpg)
    144 KB
    aww thank you
    >> motoko !!j+CvvVddZsH 04/26/11(Tue)01:10 No.4392654
         File1303794601.jpg-(61 KB, 640x360, 56111c80e387f20eaacae2f5364b39(...).jpg)
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    so my brother is over at my apartment right now, I jokingly asked him if he had ever seen pixyteri posted on cgl. He said "no", so I subjected him to some pixyteri viewing.

    picture related. his reaction.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/11(Tue)01:31 No.4392723

    This is the best.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/11(Tue)01:35 No.4392742
    oh god someone save that poor tiny bra of hers it's being stretched like it's in some kind of torture and it is screaming in pain, I work at Victoria's Secret and I hate bras because I was sick of seeing so many bras but... oh god that poor thing.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/11(Tue)01:42 No.4392761
         File1303796529.png-(180 KB, 850x357, 16c1f481fIMD9.png)
    180 KB
    For a second I thought she was wearing the biofit bra from Victoria Secrets.

    Then I remembered how cheap she is when it comes to buying her bras.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/11(Tue)01:42 No.4392766
    'Went to Corpus Christi and Padre Island beach yesterday with Squidflakes (Ryan!) We did a photoshoot~ Did photos in my new Chinese Qi-pao..(Not quite long enough to call a Cheongsam I don't think..) also, did photos at the beach in my bikini!

    I hope they came out well! I felt all chubby and bleh. But I also think I had a lot of eyes on me at the beach...we had some silly drunk people ask to take photos with me too, mainly guys. *shrugs* Who KNOWS.'

    From her LJ.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/11(Tue)01:49 No.4392790
         File1303796972.png-(316 KB, 608x352, vlcsnap-2011-04-15-02h38m19s13(...).png)
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    >> Anonymous 04/26/11(Tue)01:50 No.4392792
         File1303797014.jpg-(3 KB, 126x126, 1300262050757s.jpg)
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    mfw she thinks shes a celebrity outside the internet
    >> Anonymous 04/26/11(Tue)01:52 No.4392798
         File1303797133.jpg-(7 KB, 140x131, 1298686802716.jpg)
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    and just wtf is going on here??
    >> Anonymous 04/26/11(Tue)01:52 No.4392803
    At least it wasn't fucking Galveston again.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/11(Tue)01:54 No.4392808

    here's the cheongsam she bought off ebay most recently....
    >> Anonymous 04/26/11(Tue)01:58 No.4392809
         File1303797498.jpg-(34 KB, 337x450, photo7.jpg)
    34 KB
    Her eyes bore into my soul o____o
    >> Anonymous 04/26/11(Tue)01:59 No.4392815

    She said that bra was a c-cup. I'm honestly amazed it didn't pop. Jesus. Just looking at that makes my tits sore.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/11(Tue)02:02 No.4392825

    Bleh, those always look so cheap. Especially with her fat ass stuffed in it.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/11(Tue)02:03 No.4392828
    your onesie is pressing into your fat blugle above your vagina and making it pour out the sides, lady. Stay classy, /cgl/.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/11(Tue)02:04 No.4392831
    your onesie is pressing into your fat bludge above your vagina and making it pour out the sides, lady.

    Stay classy, /cgl/.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/11(Tue)02:04 No.4392832
         File1303797879.jpg-(9 KB, 265x231, 1275460456060.jpg)
    9 KB
    That would be even better.
    >> MORE OF THIS SHIT AGAIN? MORE OF THIS SHIT AGAIN? 04/26/11(Tue)02:14 No.4392864
    At least you're doing something about it.
    She's so fucked up that she can't even see that she's a hambeast.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/11(Tue)02:15 No.4392868
    Is it bad that I kind of want one?

    Then I remember they're not really for thicker/pear shaped girls.

    I do like some of their jackets though. Like the butterfly jacket and embroidered flower one.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/11(Tue)02:33 No.4392923
    she'd be incredibly cute if she lost weight
    >> Anonymous 04/26/11(Tue)02:38 No.4392941
         File1303799926.jpg-(38 KB, 550x534, guitar-hairstyle_IAqbF_6648.jpg)
    38 KB
    trust me, you don't want to know..
    >> Anonymous 04/26/11(Tue)02:41 No.4392951
    Aw man now I want to know ;_;
    >> Anonymous 04/26/11(Tue)02:44 No.4392963
         File1303800294.gif-(1.39 MB, 240x252, 1303321191936.gif)
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    >> Anonymous 04/26/11(Tue)02:47 No.4392971
    That looks AWESOME! o.o
    >> Ako♥ !mGab3icmYU 04/26/11(Tue)03:26 No.4393102
    Oh God, it's the "Holes" manga all over again. What plant is this?
    >> motoko !!j+CvvVddZsH 04/26/11(Tue)03:42 No.4393135
         File1303803770.jpg-(139 KB, 900x1350, boxes1.jpg)
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    lol, it is like a "where's waldo?" of the shooping world. I think I located all areas, but I may have missed a few. Also, her chin seems to be blurred to some extend. I know people in other threads have been wondering if she has been shooping her chin.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/11(Tue)04:30 No.4393215
    >> Anonymous 04/26/11(Tue)04:38 No.4393234
    this wasn't a good idea
    >> Anonymous 04/26/11(Tue)04:44 No.4393251
    If I enlarge the image I can scroll down so her face isn't in it... And I can almost fap.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/11(Tue)04:48 No.4393260
    >> Anonymous 04/26/11(Tue)05:03 No.4393288
         File1303808631.png-(32 KB, 400x400, ptass.png)
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    >> Anonymous 04/26/11(Tue)05:08 No.4393296
    Photoshop on her stomach makes it looks like severe burn scarring. Fucking rank.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/11(Tue)05:11 No.4393300

    Is she just so desperate for any attention that she'll keep putting up these awful photos, or does she really believe the chubby chasers who compliment her?
    >> Anonymous 04/26/11(Tue)05:14 No.4393308
    When I was 16 I had a friend who would take pictures like these, only they would evolve through out the set, as she got more and more naked.

    Later she told me that doing this turned her on and she'd always masturbate after a shoot (or during)

    My conclusion:
    PT is the same, and somewhere, there are hundreds of photos of her fapping while in a state of half-undressed cosplay.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/11(Tue)05:18 No.4393312
    i was eating, thanks a lot. :(
    >> MindISBlank !SdfPf7adN6 04/26/11(Tue)05:48 No.4393344
    I'd LOVE to see some people who are the same "size 10" as PT remake her pics, but you know with decent angles, photography and make up ect.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/11(Tue)05:51 No.4393348
    I assume you mean an American size 10. That's a UK 14. A UK size 10 is a US 6. I got all confused then.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/11(Tue)06:42 No.4393391
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    I too shall join the PT fan club fun stuff!
    >> Anonymous 04/26/11(Tue)06:54 No.4393408
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    >> Anonymous 04/26/11(Tue)07:04 No.4393427
    he's dead now
    >> Anonymous 04/26/11(Tue)07:15 No.4393448
    >I'm going to be the brave anon who is going to post herself on here to be judged by /cgl/ in a PT thread.

    This is the equivalent to taking your ugly girl friend to the club so you'll look better in comparison.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/11(Tue)07:21 No.4393457

    Who the fuck is Ryan? Her new boyfriend/partner?
    >> Anonymous 04/26/11(Tue)07:27 No.4393464
    Bitch don't got no rhythm, she couldn't have been more out of time if she tried.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/11(Tue)07:29 No.4393467

    Let's call it how it is though. I'm no white knight but I'd have sex with >>4392213 before I'd ever let Pixyteri see my cock.

    I've seen Pixyteri nude and it is not pretty my is not pretty.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/11(Tue)07:30 No.4393469
    Oh wow PT definitely overdid herself this time. This is the single most horrifying picture of her I have seen. Wow. I almost gagged.

    Usually she even makes the effort to try to pose in those 'gravure' poses, awkward but still better than this. This is just really trashy. She's just not even trying anymore.
    This, my friends, will mark the beginning of her porn career let me tell you. And it will be disgusting.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/11(Tue)07:37 No.4393475

    Also, i need copies of her naked pictures.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/11(Tue)07:42 No.4393481
         File1303818179.jpg-(18 KB, 341x339, 1299051012550.jpg)
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    I hope not! He's just some photographer known for carrying a Squid plushie to conventions while taking pictures. He took my picture once.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/11(Tue)07:44 No.4393483
    No my friend,you really don't.

    >> Anonymous 04/26/11(Tue)07:45 No.4393485

    Yes I do!
    PixyTeri is my waifu.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/11(Tue)08:54 No.4393547

    Here you go guys
    >> Anonymous 04/26/11(Tue)08:55 No.4393550
    There are two PT threads sitting next to eachother on page 0. Really you guys?
    >> Anonymous 04/26/11(Tue)09:12 No.4393566
    So honestly, how long before we have official "artistic nude" pics?
    It's all been on that route ever since she started all these ""gravure"" shoots
    boner may or may not be ready

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