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  • File : 1303664681.jpg-(32 KB, 300x410, 6a00d83452033569e200e5534af5b18833-800wi.jpg)
    32 KB Anonymous 04/24/11(Sun)13:04 No.4386905  
    you are now at a con that is run by Cave Johnson.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/11(Sun)13:17 No.4386928
    Lemonade, lemonade everywhere.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/11(Sun)13:21 No.4386934
         File1303665663.jpg-(388 KB, 1440x810, 1303531872099.jpg)
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    Potatoes, Potatoes everywhere
    >> Anonymous 04/24/11(Sun)13:21 No.4386937
    >> Anonymous 04/24/11(Sun)13:22 No.4386941
    if i see a ragged version of myself from the future trying to warn me away, i will ignore them and continue on, for the sake of the space time continuum and science.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/11(Sun)13:22 No.4386942
    Johnsons, johnsons everywhere.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/11(Sun)13:27 No.4386958
    I'll keep an eye out for the mantis people
    >> Anonymous 04/24/11(Sun)13:30 No.4386960
    No security, all "science".
    >> Anonymous 04/24/11(Sun)13:31 No.4386965
    Oh christ, we're all going to die.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/11(Sun)13:38 No.4386987
    Is it just me, or does OP's pic look like an amalgamation of Lyndon B Johnson and Richard Nixon?
    >> Kiwi !Hc6EcVkstI 04/24/11(Sun)14:23 No.4387108
    Its not just you
    >> Anonymous 04/24/11(Sun)14:27 No.4387120
    I don't think my body has enough room for all the cancers i'd be getting
    >> Anonymous 04/24/11(Sun)14:40 No.4387150
    Don't worry, the guys'll get rid of all these tumors.

    You poor, poor person.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/11(Sun)22:04 No.4388469
    oh my god tumors.. tumors everywhere.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/11(Sun)22:15 No.4388500
    Better bring an umbrella for all the gel.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/11(Sun)22:40 No.4388558
         File1303699205.jpg-(46 KB, 520x600, char_cave.jpg)
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    Welcome to Fanime. I'm Cave Johnson, the con chairman. Now, upon entering the convention center you may have noticed that the air conditioning system has made the environment a lot cooler than the weather outside. This is normal. We've been pumping an experimental pathogen into the air conditioning ducts that makes your blood slowly freeze as you walk. If you are in costume containing any sort of leather or spandex try not to sit in any of the metal folding chairs we have in our screening rooms. The boys in the lab say it may cause your bones to stick to your skin. If this has already happened come see us at the information desk and we'll replace your skin for you. Free of charge.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/11(Sun)22:46 No.4388577
    I'm bleeding gasoline, but it's supposed to do that. So I'm ok.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/11(Sun)22:49 No.4388587
    He told me there'd be cake. Have you guys seen it?
    >> Anonymous 04/24/11(Sun)22:51 No.4388594
    I want my 60$.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/11(Sun)22:53 No.4388602
         File1303700009.jpg-(142 KB, 591x411, hitler approves.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/24/11(Sun)22:53 No.4388604
    Kill yourself.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)07:10 No.4389703
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)07:26 No.4389723
         File1303730782.png-(203 KB, 381x561, CJ_and_Caroline.png)
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    Now, some of you may have noticed that during the convention a large number of rotund women have been sporting gaudy victorian doll dresses. These are what our engineers call 'Lolitas'. part human, part caribou, these hungry hamfisted lady-beasts have been bred by science to stand out in a crowd for testing purposes. Although normally harmless, you MAY want to move out of the way if two of them meet each other in a hallway as they have been known to tear each other's hair out violently.

    Which reminds me: make more fake hair for the behemoths.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)07:29 No.4389729


    >> Coffee !BRO69tyas6 04/25/11(Mon)07:35 No.4389738
         File1303731321.jpg-(65 KB, 519x305, 1282068939224.jpg)
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    This thread is going over my head like a Blue Angels Show.
    >> he has !m8dubsteps 04/25/11(Mon)07:35 No.4389739
    i read that entirely in his voice
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)09:24 No.4389915
         File1303737877.png-(513 KB, 500x667, 1303722886061.png)
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