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  • File : 1303599301.jpg-(52 KB, 400x225, 6a01287754a012970c0148c71cd6f1970c-800wi.jpg)
    52 KB Anonymous 04/23/11(Sat)18:55 No.4384900  
    Hey /cgl/ I looked through the pages and looked through my tutorial folder and I couldn't find what I needed, so I'm asking here.

    I just got a long Stocking wig in the mail and i want to brush it out and put it on my wig head but I'm having trouble. It's heavy so it just keeps slipping and falling over. Do you guys have any tips for putting the bobby pins in to hold it and how to keep the wig head from falling over from the weight. Actual pictures would help too. I'm so lost.

    The wig head is just a simple styrofoam one.
    >> Anonymous 04/23/11(Sat)18:56 No.4384906
         File1303599369.jpg-(22 KB, 300x300, wig_pins_00028.jpg)
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    Have you tried wig pins?

    No. No of course you haven't.
    >> Anonymous 04/23/11(Sat)18:57 No.4384910
         File1303599462.jpg-(168 KB, 900x600, 1294004708769.jpg)
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    No I didn't. All I have are regular bobby pins and those weird horseshoe shaped ones.

    Can I buy those at a place like Sallys?
    >> Anonymous 04/23/11(Sat)19:00 No.4384915
    >> Anonymous 04/23/11(Sat)19:02 No.4384922
         File1303599764.jpg-(141 KB, 480x640, 1287953980351.jpg)
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    Alright thanks anon! I'll pick some up when I go there next time.
    >> ai-honey !eEQ3LJoZmM 04/23/11(Sat)19:04 No.4384924
    lol or you could just use regular sewing pins. Let's hope you have some of those.
    >> Anonymous 04/23/11(Sat)19:06 No.4384929
         File1303599978.jpg-(146 KB, 550x825, 1296308047617.jpg)
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    I've got some lying around somewhere. Thanks!
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 04/23/11(Sat)19:08 No.4384935

    I always thought the panty in this photo was hot, photoshop or not :x
    >> Anonymous 04/23/11(Sat)19:09 No.4384937
         File1303600143.jpg-(299 KB, 777x1158, 1293976403289.jpg)
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    Same. I like how she went with a sort of gyaru look with the makeup.
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 04/23/11(Sat)19:09 No.4384938

    sadfasgdasr and then my favorite Stocking

    Stop it :l
    >> Anonymous 04/23/11(Sat)19:10 No.4384939
         File1303600215.jpg-(242 KB, 708x1064, 1286000627746.jpg)
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    That's your favorite? Her eyes always scared me.

    This one was my favorite back when she was the only Stocking floating around, and she's still my favorite now.
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 04/23/11(Sat)19:11 No.4384941

    >Her eyes always scared me.

    Lol, that's what I liked about her. That and the photoshopped smooth skin lol

    I'm sure in person it's a different story. :<

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