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  • File : 1303568816.jpg-(96 KB, 920x300, small2011.jpg)
    96 KB Anime Punch aka "Lets set the hotel on fire" Anonymous 04/23/11(Sat)10:26 No.4383766  
    >> Izuna Drop !FigmaT5hwg 04/23/11(Sat)11:11 No.4383818
    Friday was kind of small.
    Hentai Olympics was a let-down.
    >> Anonymous 04/23/11(Sat)11:13 No.4383820
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    Why bother to discuss drunk con?
    >> Anonymous 04/23/11(Sat)11:17 No.4383828
    because it's interesting and not everyone knows about the fuck ups of drunk-con. Enlighten us.
    >> Anonymous 04/23/11(Sat)11:22 No.4383837
    I went to the last one, was not only shitty, but this year, I found this guy's blog.

    Conchair is a nasty evil psychopath, as he points out. The blogger isn't vendetta-ing, because multiple people [there was another thread wandering on here about drunk-con] have confirmed the guy and is a sleaze. And everybody saw those 14 year olds at Hentai Olympics.
    >> Anonymous 04/23/11(Sat)11:26 No.4383840
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    I was Garterbelt again and I went to the Hentai Olympics for a second year. I can tell you right know. Other than the DFC Stocking cosplayer, I didn't need a tissue. At all... I kinda wanted fucking pancakes after it honestly...
    >> Izuna Drop !FigmaT5hwg 04/23/11(Sat)11:31 No.4383849
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    >MFW Madhatter had tits on her back.
    Dude, I came expecting a marathon of Hentai Animus, what I got was FLAP JACKS.

    Yeah, I'm hoping it sort of picks up today, the only good cosplay photos i got yesterday were a Virgilia and her Goat, and a Madotsuki. I'm thinking about just saving up for Colossal con come around next year, so Garter and I don't bore ourselves out most of the day.
    >> Anonymous 04/23/11(Sat)11:35 No.4383855
    Yeah, good luck to you. Worst con I'd ever been to, to be honest. A local high school held a mini con that was more interesting 2010 AP, and that's saying something.
    >> Anonymous 04/23/11(Sat)13:20 No.4384062
    I'm curious, I didn't go, what are these "Hentai Olympics"?
    >> Rein !!LoP9vyOv6Ig 04/23/11(Sat)17:16 No.4384657

    I agree with you. The Hentai Olympics were kind of silly more than anything.
    >> Izuna Drop !FigmaT5hwg 04/24/11(Sun)02:51 No.4385950
    Extremely silly. For people who push it to the 'extreme' , they didn't really go extreme...

    PROTOMEN on the otherhand, oh god. yes

    Call up volunteers to do embarrassing adult things revolving around sexual positions and stripping clothes. Sounds promising until YOU REALIZE, that most of the girls that do go up, are not the good looking ones, but the really nasty and hambeasted ones.
    >> Izuna Drop !FigmaT5hwg 04/24/11(Sun)03:07 No.4385978
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    And before Garterbelt / sk haggles me tomorrow, here.

    Happy Easter /cgl/
    >> 4ng31 !!hKQFMnsBtJf 04/24/11(Sun)03:42 No.4386042
    Pictures -

    One of the worst cons I've ever been to. When I walked into "let's have the biggest girls here strip", aka Hentai Olympics and have 3 separate security faggots threaten to confiscate my 5D when I have a fucking press pass because they're letting in underage people everywhere...something is seriously fucking wrong.

    Cosplay was decent but there is absolutely no need for this "convention" to exist anymore.

    Although, I do find the title of OP's post amusing considering it's almost exactly what they did (during the first skit, some girl threw a Pikachu plush into a stage light and almost knocked the shit over).
    >> Anonymous 04/24/11(Sun)07:32 No.4386345
    This was the worst con I've ever been to.
    It was even worse this year than it was last year.
    >> Rein !!LoP9vyOv6Ig 04/24/11(Sun)12:08 No.4386787
    This. They made it sound like it was gonna be some frickin' summer of love going on in there. All I saw was a flapjack breakfast with some amusing moments. (I laughed heartily at the "Ghost in the shell" sex move)
    >> Anonymous 04/24/11(Sun)12:21 No.4386815
    >>4386042 my eyes deceive me or was this held at the same location as Ohaycon? Mind = blown. Particularly because they don't draw nearly the same attendance number.

    captcha : nuffine agreeable
    >> Rein !!LoP9vyOv6Ig 04/24/11(Sun)12:24 No.4386820
    Yep. Same damn place.
    >> Goku-fag !UArVywJyWc 04/24/11(Sun)12:28 No.4386826
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    >>MFW The aspie who whooped up on my ass in MvC3 got carried out of the Game Room by three polices officers after he threw a massive bitchfit and had an emotional OVERLOAD of butt frustration when he lost in the SSB:Brawl tournament
    >> Rein !!LoP9vyOv6Ig 04/24/11(Sun)12:35 No.4386842
    EB: dave tell these officers that I'm cool. help me out!

    TG: you're on your own egbert

    And then John had a police record.
    >> Izuna Drop !FigmaT5hwg 04/24/11(Sun)12:39 No.4386852
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    LMAO. Dude, the kid's name is Karate Lincoln. He does this at ALL THE FIGHTING GAME related tournaments here in C-bus. Hell, there was a time where we caught him crying on stream at Columbus Bar Battles because he got raped in TvC.

    Hey do you know the name of the Gundam and Zaku couple? I was supposed to add both of them on facebook, but I forgot the last name. Those two and the drunk ZEED goon from HNK were pretty cool guys.
    >> FFF 04/24/11(Sun)13:08 No.4386913
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    Sounds like they didn't even try this year beyond trying to struggle not to get busted by the law.

    No wonder the hotel already slotted in another con for Easter weekend next year (has since 2010). Even the Columbus Convention Center hates Punch.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/11(Sun)13:14 No.4386923
    The skits were so...awkward.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/11(Sun)13:26 No.4386953

    Oh hello GB.
    I was the Pokemon Breeder that hugged you.
    No one recognized me as a breeder.

    Also, creepers, creepers everywhere.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/11(Sun)13:32 No.4386968
    Cuz the conchair will always side with the creepers and let them do what the hell they want.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/11(Sun)13:32 No.4386970
    No, john-- Conchair IS the creepers.
    >> SK 04/24/11(Sun)13:54 No.4387025
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    Garterbelt here. Happy Easter.

    It was a really shitty con. The nightlife was great. Protomen were amazing, moshing was not. I would not recommend going unless Protomen go.
    >> 4ng31 !!hKQFMnsBtJf 04/24/11(Sun)13:56 No.4387032
    Not a clue unless they were the sane couple in the masquerade, in which one of my friends has video that will be uploaded to YouTube sometime here soon.
    >> Rein !!LoP9vyOv6Ig 04/24/11(Sun)13:58 No.4387036
    Yep, pretty much. At least people weren't retarded enough to inappropriately mosh to "Total Eclipse of the Heart". I would've just fucking lost it if they did that.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/11(Sun)13:59 No.4387039
    Creepers flock together.

    Dear Garterbelt. You are sexy. That is all.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/11(Sun)14:00 No.4387042

    Dis guy is still the best Garterbelt evar
    >> Izuna Drop !FigmaT5hwg 04/24/11(Sun)14:37 No.4387143
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    Yeah, I'd assume they were the only sane couple at the convention. They were surprised i was the only person who knew about Umineko. :V
    >> Anonymous 04/24/11(Sun)14:40 No.4387151

    >moshing to Protomen

    What is WRONG with these people?!
    >> Anonymous 04/24/11(Sun)16:29 No.4387457
    Many many things
    >> Anonymous 04/24/11(Sun)17:42 No.4387669
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    This was the worst con I have ever been to. Not enough booze in the world could make this boring shit palatable.

    Pic related. It's to you, AP.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/11(Sun)19:25 No.4387952
    Maybe then you needed booze and fire.

    Seemed like it would have been a winning combo here.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/11(Sun)21:00 No.4388219
    Pics of the hentai olympics
    >> Anonymous 04/24/11(Sun)21:37 No.4388351
    This con has it's ups and downs, quite frankly if you don't enjoy it then don't fucking go. It's plenty of others' favorite fucking con. Sure, cosplay was a joke, and yeah the chairman is a notorious creeper, but if you think no amount of alcohol can save this, then you're unfamiliar with the amount of alcohol that gets brought to punch.

    I enjoyed the shit out of it, and I would have without drinking too. Staff are from my experience extremely friendly, nice people. Really relaxed and chill. That's what the whole cons about, they just don't give a fuck so they always set shit on fire and get away with it and such.

    The hentai olympics wasn't anywhere near what it's cracked up to be, oooOOOooo titties I'm so excited!

    Also that blogger is obviously a dumb psychotic cunt. Chairman is in fact a shitty person I agree but she's an attention whore who's all I HAVE ANXIETY DISORDERS I'M A WOMAN LET ME BITCH etc.

    Anyways, if you don't go to cons to get trashed, then why the fuck are you going to one that's infamous for that, considering it's ran by a group of college kids? Who clearly state it's a party oriented con, and that theres a floor just for fucking partying and everythings insane etc.

    I don't get you /cgl/.

    Also it's in the Hyatt because it's got enough space, and it's cheap as fuck being on a holiday weekend. And every fucking con is at the Hyatt now. Matsuri, Ohayo, and Punch. We're going to be so sick of fucking Hyatt in like no time.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/11(Sun)21:38 No.4388356
    itt: people who didn't see the fucking hidden temple.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/11(Sun)21:48 No.4388404
    Demanding pictures of the fat stripping bitches. Apart of me feels like I know someone who would be there and it would just be a lark to see her whoring it up even more.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/11(Sun)22:35 No.4388544
    I was actually at the Yugioh regionals on the other side, stumbled into the con by accident. It being my first, I didn't mind it much. I saw that Madotsuki, got a pic of her. I wanted to exchange contact information since she was the only person there who actually helped me out, but I couldn't find her afterwards.
    So have some White dancing.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/11(Sun)22:45 No.4388572
    I was only there Saturday, the only decent cosplay I saw was the Deadmau5 guy.
    The only reason I even went to AP was to see Brad Swaile. Did that, walked around, felt sick, and stuff.
    I was just surprised by the free food. I would've actually eaten the wrapped onigiri if I wasn't wearing a tight obi and feeling awful.
    The Shin Chan panel was pretty funny.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/11(Sun)22:46 No.4388578
    I dropped by to see if I knew any bros over there playing their yugimans or whatever, and you seriously smelt like shit. Seriously that entire room just smelt like fucking diarrhea. I've been in some funky ass smelling game rooms, and some poorly ventilated raves, but holy fuck yugi-bros smell like raw ass.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/11(Sun)22:51 No.4388595
    I do remember several police cars right outside the Hyatt, did anything happen?
    >> Anonymous 04/24/11(Sun)22:57 No.4388616
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    >get taken to Anime Punch by a friend, since I've never been to a con, haven't been into anime in years
    >get ditched by friend, left to wander
    >nobody is friendly
    >think I was just an outcast who doesn't "get" cons
    >wander over to /cgl/ in the vain idea that there would be a thread
    >read this thread
    >no idea what to think

    I remember you, giant black afro man.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/11(Sun)22:57 No.4388619


    hahahaha are you serious
    >> Anonymous 04/24/11(Sun)23:01 No.4388636
    When I was there some crazy 15 year old girl threatened to stab me while I was getting subway.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/11(Sun)23:05 No.4388652
    Fuck, tell me about it. I had to go outside after every round. A large majority of Yugioh players don't understand basic hygiene, it sucks shit.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/11(Sun)23:46 No.4388733
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    Yeah that was definitely sweet but I guess the hotel raged when they tried to let everyone in.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/11(Sun)23:55 No.4388772
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    >> The Blogger 04/25/11(Mon)00:23 No.4388859
    Hey anon, you wanna roll? Let's do it.

    Because guess what. I'm allowed to bitch. I have a lot of bad memories from the experience that I'm allowed to carry around with me. The post was not to "get punch" but to let it all out. The anime blogsphere after all, is one that cares little to none about cons, and I'm honestly really surprised that post got back onto 4chan. I guess that's karma, in a way, because I swear honest to god, getting back at Michael or the con was not my intention, nor getting attention. It was just to vent it out. My blog is where I express myself.

    And all of those "wonderful staffers" are okay with the fact Michael is not only a rapist, but done the other things I listed. They know he's raped girls. They just don't care. I didn't get into the personal stuff, nor do I wish to, but I'm honestly damaged from the whole thing. All those nice people aren't any better then he is.

    I don't go to cons anymore besides two non anime cons a year. I'm on a ton of medications, and still in extensive therapy. Believe me, paying the medical bills for that isn't funny. Being scared of other people isn't funny. Nor the fact that I have boobs and a vagina isn't funny.

    Then again, you're hiding behind a computer just like me, so you're probably just as pathetic as I am, if not more. At least I know what I am, and don't have to put down others for telling the truth about a con.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)00:28 No.4388871

    Haha, I love when you fucks get so defensive. I think you might've missed another poster who had a shitty time, gonna start calling samefag as you do every thread?

    Lol... your con sucks. It's beyond a matter of taste or personal preference at this point.

    Deal with it.
    >> The Blogger 04/25/11(Mon)00:36 No.4388898
    Laugh at me all you want, but you don't know shit about anything. The fact that you think enjoying the con makes the morality issues pointless. Spoiled whiny snot.

    I'm going to be my stupidity optimistic self and hope you're 14 or 12.
    >> The Blogger 04/25/11(Mon)00:47 No.4388930
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    We're trained to be good little hiveminds, and to repeat what Michael and the higher-ups tells us, while ignoring anything in front of our eyes..
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)00:56 No.4388962
    ...So did you ever, like, file criminal charges, Blogger?
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)00:58 No.4388969

    One thing I have noticed is that even people who went to drink and party had a shitty time.

    The only ones who EVER seem to truly enjoy this con are the little weeaboos running around, screaming, carrying on, and being downright annoying to the point that an otherwise tolerating hotel staff does not want them back next year. In the end AP is run by college students who have the mind of a child who is just be hitting puberty.

    This is just my opinion, if the convention is just there for people to drink, what's the point of calling it a convention? It has no substance and simply should not even exist any more. Especially if criticism is ignored and not taken into consideration to better the convention goers experience. Conventions are there for the attendees, not the con chair.
    >> Tofu 04/25/11(Mon)01:01 No.4388977
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    Blogger, I'm really sorry went through all that. Anon calling you an attention whore or whatever is complete BS. There's no way they can understand what you went through, and honestly just sounds like a troll. I hope that the therapy is helping you. Good luck <3
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)01:06 No.4388993 i even want to know what all this "the con is evil and the chair is a rapist" is about?
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)01:11 No.4389008
    Honestly, to both of you, shut up. People are going to go weather you like it or not. Its kind of stupid to expect it either way. Now, that being said...

    To the anon bitching about the con and saying how bad it is...seriously, is it so bad to have one con a year where you don't have to worry about meme spouting faggots running around the entire time. Also, the at-con drama? I don't know what happens with the rest of you, but seriously my group gets NONE here. We are aware of what happens at the con, we are aware of what the people who run it are like. We go to have fun, to meet a few people, and to relax/drink. Its the only con we are able to do this at.

    To "The Blogger" ...the stories of what a notorious fucking creeper the con head is have been around FOR YEARS and you weren't the first person to say anything about it on the internet, so.... why the fuck did you get into that situation? Did you go to the con alone? Did you not know? Did you think it couldn't happen to you? I mean seriously, this guy is known for doing this shit, so its not a situation where you couldn't have seen this coming.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)01:12 No.4389012
    With the exception of the Protomen, this con sucked. Everything was as disorganized as you could expect with AP, and the Protorally was lame and did not deserve to have the prefix 'Proto' attached to it.

    You were an absolutely amazing Garterbelt.

    And The Protomen melted my face off with their godliness. With the exception of the absolutely terrifying moments during moshing (my friend literally was covered by some asshole in the front), I don't think I have ever been to something of such epic proportions. My only regret was that I wish they had played both acts, but... Princes of the Universe and Total Eclipse of the Heart made up for it. Oh. And Turbo Lover. He knows how to sell somebody else's socks.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)01:20 No.4389045

    >>seriously, is it so bad to have one con a year where you don't have to worry about meme spouting faggots running around the entire time.

    What the fuck con were you at, this was the WORST con for this shit. That's ALL anyone fucking did.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)01:25 No.4389058
    >To the anon bitching about the con and saying how bad it is...seriously, is it so bad to have one con a year where you don't have to worry about meme spouting faggots running around the entire time. Also, the at-con drama? I don't know what happens with the rest of you, but seriously my group gets NONE here. We are aware of what happens at the con, we are aware of what the people who run it are like. We go to have fun, to meet a few people, and to relax/drink. Its the only con we are able to do this at.

    Wait, was there a cordoned off section of the convention I was not aware of that lacked meme spouters and idiots? Or where you just in your hotel room the whole damn con? Because I am pretty sure every where I went I was disappointed with every aspect of this convention

    I hope you are a troll, because your argument is REALLY lacking.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)01:27 No.4389068
    Really? Where? I was around the entire con. All day. Did this the past 2 years too. Didn't hear it. Didn't see it. People dancing in the halls, ravers all over the place, some people being odd but it to Acen. Congo lines of rick rollers, people walking around shouting about the game, carmeldancin all day every day, "u mad u mad u jelly?" ...seriously, this year may have been a boring year event-wise, but its still the best retard to normal ratio of attendees in comparison to ACEN, Ohayocon, Geek.Kon, Anime Iowa...yeah, keep going down the list, not sure what the hell you're talking about. Maybe you're just angry that they didn't put up with your shit?
    >> Izuna Drop !FigmaT5hwg 04/25/11(Mon)01:31 No.4389078
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    And from the SRK side of things. (More game room stuff.)

    From Mit :
    >>No one got footage of it D:

    I was right behind it when it happened. It was my friend, Scala, who blew up his Meta Knight using Game & Watch. They had just changed the tournament rules to only allow Ice Climbers to get two regrabs, so, KarateLincoln (I guess was his name?) switched to Meta Knight. After losing his second stock he screamed "FUCKING BULLSHIT", and then when he lost, he started screaming, grabbed the two con controllers that were plugged in by the wire, and started swinging them straight up into the air and slamming them onto the ground repeatedly. Con people grabbed him, he kept going, they tackled him to the ground, he rolled up into a ball crying, and two people carried him out. He then lied on the floor outside the game room for like 2-3 hours sobbing, with more and more hotel security and eventually police surrounding him.

    I didn't see it happen, but apparently they eventually zip tied his hands and carried him out, while he was screaming about how they were trying to kill him and yelling for help and whatnot.

    Batshit crazy. Hope he's banned 4 lyfe. My friend went on to win the Smash tourney :P I won the Tatsunoko vs. Capcom tourney. Beat KarateLincoln. He was salty and said he could've beat me if he could remember how to launch. Practice the game for five seconds before the tourney, bro.

    Oh, and if there's footage there might be footage of him lying on the ground outside the gameroom.

    EDIT: His dA says he was arrested and temporarily sent to a mental hospital.

    Antonia seemed alright when I was talking to her and Brad. Laughed my ass off when we heard the drunk ZEED goon rant. Why? enlighten me anon.

    Texted her, actually. Have not received an aim contact yet, she seemed nice enough.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)01:39 No.4389098
    There was a second incident later on saturday night, around 11 or 12, as my friends and I were leaving. We didn't hear anything inside, but lots of hotel security and hotel staff showed up and I heard one of them say something along the lines of "if I had known it would be like this..." We asked one of the staffers about it, but they gave some line about them just being bored.
    >> Izuna Drop !FigmaT5hwg 04/25/11(Mon)01:45 No.4389110
    Hm, around that time, Garterbelt lost his badge, and we had just got back from getting a drink from the convenience store down stairs.

    If I had to assume, it was because someone in the front of the Protomen concert got headbutted in the 'mosh' crowd and couldn't take the beating. Had to be dragged out. That's the story I heard at least, sounds like something light. We didn't even bother going to the rave either, just hung out and watched PSG for like three episodes, and then hung out in the lower lobbies meeting people the rest of the time.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)01:48 No.4389116
    Oh, sorry, forgot to post that it was at the game room...but yeah, maybe thats what was up? We figured it might have been a noise complaint since they normally quiet the game room down a little at midnight but they did not this year.
    >> 4ng31 !!hKQFMnsBtJf 04/25/11(Mon)01:53 No.4389134
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    For anyone who still cares:

    Masquerade photos -

    Hall Cosplay -

    All finished. To the guy asking about their real names, I'll try to get those videos up ASAP to get that info to you.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)01:59 No.4389158
    ok. wonder what was up then or if it was just all sorts of timing on people walking around.
    >> Izuna Drop !FigmaT5hwg 04/25/11(Mon)02:01 No.4389170
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    I might be able to get a better clue from Hitstun, one of the guys who usually holes up in the game room 24/7. I heard from him that they were 'airing' out the game-room, and it does sound appropriate from the time we were hanging out.

    I'd hope they were just airing out stale air, though it'd be more interesting to find out that there was another story. I'll ask him tomorrow, might be able to satisfy both of our curiosities.

    Nah I found Antonia and Brad's facebook.

    That deadmaster cosplayer was also a Megurine Luka cosplayer as well, and it seemed like the Black Rock Shooter cosplayer was disdained about something when they passed me in the hall. Wanted to take a picture but douchebag boyfriends with aviators glaring at me made me feel extremely unwelcomed. Shame too, the Luka was well done.

    Found an Ankh and two Go-ongers though.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)02:02 No.4389172

    Definitely have to be a troll... I don't know how anyone missed the carameldansen on the stairs, or that congo line in the food court that had to have been the entire con's attendees becasue there was nothing else to do...

    but that's typical AP fanboy attitude. "Of course nothing negative happened! it's totally chill here bro! it's just not your THING, bro!"

    Try harder.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)02:07 No.4389186
    Or you can read the other post thats obviously me saying that yes, in fact, negative shit happens. But that shit did not, so how about we look at it from the real perspective of you being one of those "I absolutely hate AP unconditionally and pay 25-35 dollars a year to attend, and then make shit up about what happened"
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)02:11 No.4389197
    >>4389186 "I absolutely hate AP unconditionally and pay 25-35 dollars a year to attend, and then make shit up about what happened"

    I was just thinking that. I've never been to AP so I can't comment on how shitty it may be, but I hear so much crap about it every year. I'm wondering why some of you go and then are so gobsmacked it sucks. You had warning. And for the people who have been multiple years and cry about it every time, why do you keep going?
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)02:23 No.4389236

    Try again!

    First year attending, and yeah actually, I do feel pretty ripped off. I did have warning it sucked, so thank you, internet for the warning, and shame on me for ignoring it. Nice of you to point out again that everyone else--except for you--was right. :)

    Keep getting mad though, it's cute to see you defeating your own arguments about how I'm 'making stuff up.'

    Congo line & memes happened, sorry you missed them! You probably miss a lot when you're passed out drunk "enjoying" your "awesome" con.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)02:26 No.4389250

    Lucky me, I didn't pay for a badge, nor a hotel room. Neither did the friends I went there with to visit. All that was paid for was food. I'd never invest any money into attending AP.
    >> 4ng31 !!hKQFMnsBtJf 04/25/11(Mon)02:30 No.4389264
    >but douchebag boyfriends with aviators glaring at me made me feel extremely unwelcomed

    This. Those guys were fucking tools to the extreme. Insecure faggots...
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)02:36 No.4389287
    Ya know, I hate the "u mad" argument, since you can't really respond to the argument without being labeled as mad...and yet if you don't respond you're still labeled as mad! its a defeatist argument used by people who know they have lost the fight and refuse to admit it, so they just shout out "u mad? he mad." in the hopes that the person he is arguing with doesn't realize this.

    So yeah, I'll keep having my relaxing vacation con and not deal with the people like you who really want to make sure people can't have any fun unless its sanctioned by you.

    and I sure was passed out the whole con. it's actually pretty easy to prove that one wrong, but i'm smart enough to not do that here and have some internet tough guy mouth breathing down my neck.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)04:36 No.4389546
    Then alpha the fuck up and take their pictures anyway. Then invite the girls back for nudes with Soni watching or joining.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)07:22 No.4389719
    Necro bumping from hell.

    >>4388544 [spoiler][/spoiler]here. Any way I could get your email or something, Izuna? Then I'd know two people near me who do this stuff, you and maybe Madotsuki if I ever get a way to contact her.
    >> The Blogger 04/25/11(Mon)09:39 No.4389949
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    I did try. The police brushed me off. Too much of a he said she said thing.
    Wow, you're just special. To answer your question, when I got involved with Punch, I had no idea of Michael's rep. I was 14 years old, not internet saavy, and met him at a science fiction convention. By the time I started to figure it out, it was too late. He was possessive of me. I tried to break away from the con once, and that ended badly for me. Though Michael remembers events differently from me regarding that. But no one deserves to be abused, regardless.

    Anyone who said anything nice
    I'm really not use to anyone being nice to me regarding this. Thank you very much. It restores my faith in people, a little.
    >> The Blogger 04/25/11(Mon)09:51 No.4389971
    "Oh man, everyone talking about how they didn't enjoy the con and the staff engage in illegal and reprehensible activity just don't want me to have fun!"

    I have nothing against excessive drinking, but I think it this case, you seriously lost some brain cells.

    Frankly if people like Punch, as long as they're informed, whatever. You can make the choice. It's just when you're in denial about who you're supporting and what goes on behind the scenes, or make excuses for them that you become a dumb-ass.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)09:56 No.4389981

    Thanks for the information, Blogger.
    I had no idea that this con was so sketchy, but it was also my first. I did enjoy it, but now that I know more about it's history, ehhh
    >> Raito Sonozaki !!4OUCVHhUOgB 04/25/11(Mon)09:59 No.4389986
    Coming from what sounds like one of the most shitty cons, this picture makes me happy. |D
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)10:35 No.4390042

    Hey, send me a message if you ever see this. Email in the email field, obviously.
    >> Izuna Drop !FigmaT5hwg 04/25/11(Mon)10:46 No.4390069
    Yes! Though I later found out that the Ankh is a fujoshi to the extreme, but it's better than nothing. Wish more people did toku cosplay.

    Email sent. Sorry, I was sleeping.

    Meh, not so much a big deal. I have a feeling I'll be running into them at future cons, probably with the tools being not near them. As I said earlier, the BRS did seem VERY disdained about something.

    Polite sage because it's monday and probably a dead topic already.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)10:55 No.4390082
    Hey there, I'm the person who posted your blog link up originally. I thought that you gave a fair-if-shellshocked story about conchair and the misdeeds thereof. The money I wasted going up to AP last year was piss-poor thinking of mine. I honestly was most interested in how creative they'd get with anime-themed drinks. Disappointing in every aspect. I think I'm going to stay south of the Mason-Dixon line from now on.

    The sad thing is, if this guy was running a con in the 80s or 90s, he wouldn't have a leg to stand on. His own security guy would turn him in for the wide range of felonies he's committed.

    Are you sure nobody can get the girls he's raped or witnesses to that 'setting a leg on fire' thing to testify? That shit seriously shouldn't be 'he says she says', it should be 'he's a public menance'.
    >> The Blogger 04/25/11(Mon)19:47 No.4391628
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    Hallo. Thanks, I'm glad you feel that way, because although I do have rocky personal relations, I really wanted to keep the personal stuff out of it, and focus on my bad feelings from working for the con, but I'm sure how well that succeeded--especially as it's been a month and a half since I wrote it. And yes, shellshocked is a good way to say it--I'm still trying to cope with the fact he's not who I thought he was.

    The setting leg on fire actually went to court. He got a plea bargain that involved no jail time, was spooked for a little bit, then went back to the same old same old.
    >> The Blogger 04/25/11(Mon)19:47 No.4391632
    The rapes...are much more difficult to say. I don't know each girl's individual story but telling someone you've been raped is hard, and on top of that, he's scary, has friends who cover his ass, and manipulative. Then there's the way people act if you say you're raped. I know mine (I'm not sure I was raped, I tried to make him stop, he said don't you dare make me stop in this scary way, I screamed stop and was terrified to say anything else, went along with anything he wanted or lay there).

    I was 15, too ashamed to tell anyone, and he told me if I did, I would destroy his life, and he'd kill himself. I couldn't face the prospect of someone's death being my fault. So I didn't tell anyone for years, and when I did, I was accused of a lot of things, including that it couldn't be rape if I didn't call the police on him.

    Plus, with some of these girls, if they had been underage drinking, they're scared to go to the police, because they don't want to get in trouble for drinking. Then to finally get up the courage to talk to the police and usually get brushed doesn't feel worth it for the girls unless they report the crime as soon as it happens, and the girls are such a wreck as soon as it happens.

    The best thing to do is to report it, and hope they at least put down this guy needs to be watched out for, but it takes a lot of courage to open up about. Police are strangers on top of that. The way the world, and law system works, it's just easy for these guys to get away with it.
    >> Vash Trigun 04/25/11(Mon)20:25 No.4391743
    I had stopped by briefly to drop a friend off at the con during the 1 o'clock hour on Saturday. And while I admit that it was a brief glance, if looking at the food court or the huge staircase during that time is any indicator, then the attendance of this con was pitiful! Sure the con was small to begin with, but they screwed themselves over big time by going to the Hyatt in the first place and kep running with Easter weekend. Yes, it was cheap because of the Easter Holidays, but they are getting some serious payback for playing it so cheap. Just because you go in to a big venue doesn't mean you'll pull in the huge crowd! That's like expecting some new garage band to fill up the arena by the Hyatt or the Madison Square Garden in New York City! I remember someone describing it as putting one pound of baloney in a ten pound bag
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)20:35 No.4391775
    It's not meant to fill up the Hyatt, they only used like 1/8th of it, and they in fact tried to stay away from those stairs because they didn't want to be Ohayocon. The simple fact is they get the Hyatt cheap because it's easter weekend, so why not get the best space you can. Plus any cheaper alternative can't hold them, or is a terrible, terrible place to hold a con. See doubletree, and why Matsuri is moving to the Hyatt this year too.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)20:36 No.4391780
    They thought they could ride ohayocon popularity. Not today...
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)20:52 No.4391847

    Most cons pride themselves on not being Ohayocon, because it's too big for it's own good and as a result extremely poorly run. Plus everyone goes to Ohayocon because everyone goes to Ohayocon. Seriously, most attendees I ask tell me they go to Ohayo because everyone else they know does. They hate the way Ohayo staff treat them, they hate the cosplay department (seriously their judges were a joke this past year) game room is ran by lazy bitches and the only real thing they have going for them is a dealers room you can see fog in the distance.

    Nevermind though, we had enough Ohayo hate threads back in January, I'll wait for next year to rant. Anime Punch, then....
    >> Vash Trigun 04/25/11(Mon)21:01 No.4391895
    Nice dodge.

    I guess that explanation goes hand in hand with the attempted boasting of a "growing attendance" had to include the staff members? I do have to admit that it takes some balls to cook the books on an open web page!
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)21:15 No.4391961
    You wanna explain what you're talking about better maybe? The only claim that was made was that prereg this year went from like 400 something last year to exactly 666. Considering pre-reg only saves you 5 bucks on an already considerably cheap con for it's size it's not that crazy an assumption that attendance did in fact grow this year, a lot.
    >> The Blogger 04/25/11(Mon)21:19 No.4391988
    That got a chuckle out of me.

    But. Rabid teenage fanboys or staff anons--can't reason with them. 99% could say the con doesn't fit the Hyatt/Columbus Convention Center (Fyi, I don't think it's that high) and have rational reasons why and they'd still be defending.

    But. The convention center is free on Easter. Punch can't go back there on Easter though, so they don't have that sweet deal anymore. Though I don't know if it's they Hyatt...Punch has never been able to figure out how to use a hotel well for the same reason that while they have interesting event ideas, they never seem turn into any actually great event-the con can't execute anything to save it's life.

    Which is probably why it's dying a slow death.
    >> The Blogger 04/25/11(Mon)21:22 No.4392006
    Besides the con being dead, it being Easter weekend and it's rep...?

    It'd be surprising if the con did grow *that* much, if at all.
    >> The Blogger 04/25/11(Mon)21:40 No.4392037
    I mean, it's possible, that'd just be why I'd question the numbers. That, and reports about it looking empty.

    >> Izuna Drop !FigmaT5hwg 04/25/11(Mon)21:43 No.4392056

    Oh? I think i know why Anime Punch is banned from next Easter Weekend (Which in return dampens alot of their more future plans) ;

    There was a nude streaker running around on Friday and Saturday that none of the security or the con staff could catch. Guy got huge applauses, but since there were other things ; such as a YuGiOh regional, and an RnB anniversary party going on, gave them an even worst impression than usual.

    Not to mention the whole headbutting incident at the Protomen concert, and the police being called in on Karate Lincoln for causing an austismal hissyfit. Just a bunch of negative aspects ontop of a negative reputation.

    As for the Hyatt, It is pretty huge, and I have not been to a Matsuricon so I cannot judge, but I'm going to hope that they can at least fill up the lower lobby in comparison to Anime Punch.
    >> Vash Trigun 04/25/11(Mon)22:09 No.4392119
    Simply go on the AP web site and see for yorself
    >> Vash Trigun 04/25/11(Mon)22:11 No.4392134
    Simply go on the AP web site and see for yourself
    >> The Blogger 04/25/11(Mon)22:20 No.4392173
    They've been pushed out long before this weekend--Marcon signed a contract before Marcon 2010 to get the Columbus Convention Center for the next three Easters. Unless they plan to use an area that isn't the main convention center, they'll have to find a new hotel/weekend.
    >> Vash Trigun 04/25/11(Mon)22:26 No.4392182
    I don't think it was the streaker that was responsible for Marcon grabbing the Easter schedule next year. I heard that Marcon had dibs for those dates months before this year's AP. Although the streaker didn't help matters.
    >> Funk Brothers !xi8/JKFwzo 04/25/11(Mon)22:28 No.4392193

    wow even the likes of Duelin' Dan can't save this con.

    i didn't even go to this con. why waste money on a product that insults our anime club? :/.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/11(Mon)22:39 No.4392228
    A friend of mine went to this con, anyone have pictures of any of the KHR characters?
    >> Anonymous 04/26/11(Tue)00:47 No.4392587
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    Hey Garterbelt. Found you!

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