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04/22/11(Fri)18:55 No.4381441 File1303512954.jpg-(72 KB, 400x300, mr-satan-points.jpg)
it seems you have Misunderstood THE CHAMP, i wasnt insulting THE
PEOPLE, i was insulting YOU, YES without the people we would no longer
exist. THE PEOPLE is what makes the things that you and me do worth it,
HOWEVER, when WWE was in a time of need, WHEN THE PEOPLE WERE IN A TIME
OF NEED, no good wrestlers other then Taker and Shawn micheals, where
were you? You left them to make shitty movies. I LOVE the people, ill
say it again, THE CHAMP LOVES THE PEOPLE, THEY are what keep me going! I
WILL DEFEND THESE PEOPLE until the end of time, as long as there is
breath in my lungs, I WILL DEFEND THESE PEOPLE. Which is why i called
out to them to help us beat Buu. i had a great life, if i didnt care for
these people, i would have let buu live, i lived a full life. BUT I
CARE WHICH IS WHY IM HERE, if someone offered you enough money you would
go and leave the people in a heart beat, liek you did for 7 years
Now before you start embarrasing yourself more Dwayne i
sugjest you appologize to the people and start showing you truely care.
You came back to the WWE to Host wrestlemania, THE PEOPLES WRESTLEMANIA,
now im not sure if its because your movies werent selling and you
needed money or you did it because you really cared, if you leave again,
EVER AGAIN, i personally will walk down the PEOPLES RAMP, step into the
squared circle, THE PEOPLES RING, and i will deliver an ass whooping
with the force of THE PEOPLES spirit bomb, that isnt a threat, THATS A