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  • File : 1303341395.jpg-(117 KB, 299x420, tcctan.jpg)
    117 KB ⓜⓐⓡⓨⓙⓐⓝⓔ !zmlklASUKA 04/20/11(Wed)19:16 No.4374385  
    Happy 4/20 /cgl/

    ITT: Why conventions are better when you're high.
    >> RedDickies !!BvBZJIM+I1V 04/20/11(Wed)19:17 No.4374387
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)19:18 No.4374391
    >mfw i didn't know it was 4/20
    So thats why my whole neighborhood smelled like shit.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)19:19 No.4374395
    They're not D:

    I can't smoke weed without completely losing my ability to pay attention; it turns me into a bumbling, stuttering moron and makes me insanely anxious- I'm really unlikeable when I'm high
    >> BLUE !./././VTrk 04/20/11(Wed)19:19 No.4374397
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    it's 21/04 here in normal land

    But apart from that, I'm thinking of getting high, yes/no?
    >> Suika Ibuki !HakUORObkM 04/20/11(Wed)19:20 No.4374399
    I prefer the booze. haven't smoked in years.
    >> RedDickies !!BvBZJIM+I1V 04/20/11(Wed)19:23 No.4374408
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    this may not be relevant but i cannot wait to have a wife that makes me eggs, gets naked and is high all at the same time like damn im so in the mood to lift now
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)19:24 No.4374409
    Everything is better when you're high.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)19:26 No.4374416
    no BLUE. I think smoking is disgusting, and I think you're adorable.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)19:28 No.4374421
    because everythings better when you're addicted to heroin
    >> BLUE !./././VTrk 04/20/11(Wed)19:30 No.4374424
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    But I hear being high is really fun.
    Also, I wouldn't smoke it, I'd put it in a cookie or something.
    >> Justin !BieberJeUs 04/20/11(Wed)19:32 No.4374430
    do it. you're not that cute.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)19:35 No.4374444
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    >> Justin !BieberJeUs 04/20/11(Wed)19:37 No.4374452
    Do it. you're not actually cute at all.
    >> BLUE !./././VTrk 04/20/11(Wed)19:39 No.4374460
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    God damn Anon, stop making me feel guilty for posting words on the internet.

    Dood make your mind up.
    >> ⓜⓐⓡⓨⓙⓐⓝⓔ !zmlklASUKA 04/20/11(Wed)19:40 No.4374464
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    Better late than never.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)19:42 No.4374469
    To be honest, I've never actually seen a picture of BLUE before. I just think he's adorable with most of the things he posts.
    BLUE, I request to see your face please.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)19:42 No.4374470
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    Noooo MJ ;__;
    I always look up too you when it comes to cosplay, to only find out this.../slowpoke
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)19:44 No.4374477
    Same here.
    Used to smoke erryday though.
    Thinking of lighting up for pain relief and for the novelty of 4/20 though.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)19:45 No.4374481
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    Drugs are BAD, TCC.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)19:45 No.4374483
    I hate finding out after someone you admire, does something as trashy as smoking.
    >> Justin !BieberJeUs 04/20/11(Wed)19:46 No.4374486
    To tell you the truth, you were cuter before i saw your face.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)19:46 No.4374487
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    anon, we could smoke and be awkward and forgetful together! I'm only really anxious because I worry everybody sees me lose my mind and looks down on me for being a pussy
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 04/20/11(Wed)19:47 No.4374490
    Because it's fun
    >> BLUE !./././VTrk 04/20/11(Wed)19:48 No.4374494
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    Uhh...I don't really like posting my face, but here you go I guess.

    I appreciate your honesty.
    To be honest, I don't know why people find me cute.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)19:49 No.4374499
    You look like that guy from Drake and Josh teehee
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)19:51 No.4374511
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    >mfw he looks exactly like he sounds
    >> BLUE !./././VTrk 04/20/11(Wed)19:51 No.4374513
    I'll assume you're talking about me.
    Thank you, I've got that once before.

    Anyway, back on topic, what's being high like?
    >> Sperminator !9BDnJutgOo 04/20/11(Wed)19:52 No.4374518
    I was too, wondering how you looked like Blue.
    >> ⓜⓐⓡⓨⓙⓐⓝⓔ !zmlklASUKA 04/20/11(Wed)19:52 No.4374520
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    Find what out?
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)19:53 No.4374521
    Forgat to click the post number, sorry.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)19:53 No.4374526
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    That you smoke!
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)19:53 No.4374527
    Your head feels like a balloon disconnecting from your body and your spine feels like it's throwing off sparks. It also leaves your mouth dry and tastes like burnt pinecones.
    >> BLUE !./././VTrk 04/20/11(Wed)19:55 No.4374534
    It's fine, don't worry about it, it happens.

    Oh man, that sounds awesome.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)19:56 No.4374543
    It is if you don't drink when you toke, otherwise it feels like motion sickness you get from riding a tire swing
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)19:57 No.4374545
    but most people don't drink when they toke anyway, I'm just an idiot
    >> Suika Ibuki !HakUORObkM 04/20/11(Wed)19:58 No.4374550
    Can't say I ever had that experience when smoking.

    The spine sparking and all that. Mostly I get tired and dumb, and paranoid. really paranoid.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)20:00 No.4374560
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    >> ⓜⓐⓡⓨⓙⓐⓝⓔ !zmlklASUKA 04/20/11(Wed)20:02 No.4374569
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    I assume that by high, you mean high on the weedijuana.
    The best way I can describe it is that your brain goes into "channel surfing mode". You can usually still function but your brain skips from one thought to another every 5 seconds, so if you're trying to do anything in the world outside your head, its going to take you a long time to gather the concentration to finish a task.
    Your thoughts become a lot less linear, more abstract and seemingly profound.
    You gain a greater awareness of all of your senses (things feel nice to the touch, colors are more stimulating and food tastes good)
    Most people feel relaxed and more creative but some people who smoke get easily anxious or agitated.

    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 04/20/11(Wed)20:03 No.4374574

    That's if you smoke something that gives you a head high

    If you want something fun that won't get you tired/lazy, look for greens that give a body high and then go clubbing and dance for like 2 hours

    Best. Time. Ever. :D
    >> BLUE !./././VTrk 04/20/11(Wed)20:04 No.4374579
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    If that's how it feels, I can see why so many people like it.
    I kind of want to try it once, but I have no idea where I would get it.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)20:05 No.4374584
    <3 Let's do it!
    I know that feel. I get so paranoid that I'm being judged. When I smoke when I'm alone, I get hyper-vigilant about everything.
    >example: -some random noise from the wind or regular house creaking- OMG I'M DYING SOMEONE IS GOING TO KILL ME
    >> tenleid !tRDr4b2x2Y 04/20/11(Wed)20:05 No.4374588
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    i dont smoke. oh well.

    i have better things to spend my time and money on than drugs. dressing up as anime charatcers
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)20:06 No.4374593
    I've only been high once- good times. Once I try, I start coughing and hacking like I'm going to die.
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 04/20/11(Wed)20:07 No.4374594

    >suggesting the implication that he isn't going to AX

    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)20:08 No.4374601
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    Its ok, i mean its you body and all ;_;
    >> BLUE !./././VTrk 04/20/11(Wed)20:08 No.4374602
    dood i'm not even going to try and understand that
    but I live in Britain
    AX is sort of far away
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 04/20/11(Wed)20:08 No.4374603

    I used to get that way, but the more you expose yourself to that kind of stimulation the more you get comfortable about it

    I realized once your mind learns to not be paranoid while you're high, you also learn to not be paranoid when you're sober too.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)20:09 No.4374607
    I got so high one night I just had to go out to my car and take a nap, I tried putting on my favorite CD to lull me to sleep and it just made me sicker, like all the elements of the music were closing in on me like a swarm of angry gnats Dx, see link
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)20:09 No.4374608
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 04/20/11(Wed)20:10 No.4374610

    Nonsense. You should come anyway. :0 Not the first time I've met a British person there.

    As long as the first thing you do to greet me isn't to hit me over the head with the AX program schedule book then we're ok.
    >> ⓜⓐⓡⓨⓙⓐⓝⓔ !zmlklASUKA 04/20/11(Wed)20:11 No.4374614
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    I think its something thats impossible to have an opinion on until you actually try it once or twice. I used to despise stoner culture until I eventually tried it. Its a thousand times more desirable than liquor imo.
    >> BLUE !./././VTrk 04/20/11(Wed)20:11 No.4374615
    I plan on going to America at some point, so I'll probably go to as many cons as I can, so most likely I will go sometime.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)21:13 No.4374847
    I would only consume weed through baked goods cause smoking is gross and i hate it.

    That said I have never consumed/bought marijuana cause of the unfortunate connection to the mexican drug wars. Is there anyway to know for sure that your marijuana is grown locally? ):
    >> Sozry !i4SpGwaFSM 04/20/11(Wed)21:53 No.4375006
    I wish I could have smoked today but I need a job.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)21:55 No.4375014
    MJ, I used to be on 420chan all the time.
    I guess you don't use a trip there? And do they know you come here? They hate 4chan.
    P.S. Kirtaner is hot, I'd be banned if I said that though.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)21:56 No.4375019
    There's nothing wrong with that attitude. However, you should be advised that THC is going to hit you with a MUCH greater intensity if you ingest it than it would if you smoke it. I wasn't aware of that and my first experience was with pot brownies. It was a little too intense.
    >> Ramen 04/20/11(Wed)21:58 No.4375023
    Sozry: I know how you feel, man. Too well. :/
    >> Honeybadger !URnewFAgBI 04/20/11(Wed)22:00 No.4375026
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    I'm afraid that I'd get kicked out. Also, the cons here are not very large and there's a huge amount of 14-16 year old girls, so I'd be the only one.

    Definitely. Drinking can make people unpleasant and give bad bowel movement (well, so can getting high, if you overdo it..)...

    Zero fat?
    >> Citrine !!wxRLtW45xau 04/20/11(Wed)22:14 No.4375128
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    Entered the yearly raffle at the local smoke shop and won my second bong. In a row. Fuck yes.

    We're the same person. ;<
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)23:13 No.4375490
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    Con this weekend. I'm so excited.
    I'm going to check out of reality as I check into the hotel.

    Bahaha. :D
    >> Honeybadger !URnewFAgBI 04/20/11(Wed)23:22 No.4375514
    I imagine it would be pretty rad to be high among a bunch of cartoon characters.
    >> ⓜⓐⓡⓨⓙⓐⓝⓔ !zmlklASUKA 04/21/11(Thu)00:53 No.4375864
    I trip there when I want a constant identity for a thread (which isn't too often) The only people who have ever pissed all over me for posting on 4chan have been anons from /cgl/ who recognized me from my TCC-tan cosplay.
    >> Honeybadger !URnewFAgBI 04/21/11(Thu)01:17 No.4375950
    /cgl/ gonna /cgl/

    Ever gotten thrown out? And how big were the cons? ... How big were the pros? (har har har)

    >when I want a constant identity for a thread
    .... What?
    >> Anonymous 04/21/11(Thu)02:08 No.4376104
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    No thank you.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/11(Thu)02:14 No.4376127
    I actually don't like cons high. Big crowds of people just freak me out and make me anxious, and I'm constantly thinking everyone knows I'm high and they're judging me.
    Smoking is much more of a staying home and playing vidya thing for me.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/11(Thu)17:48 No.4377866
    because things are a lot more interesting when you're high at a con.

    Personally I take 2 valium before going in and rarely if i'm not feeling the 'groove' i'll do some coke in the boys bathroom on the back of the toilet.

    Just try valium first before taking it because it can have side effects like making you very anxious and antsy at the least...also when you're sitting outside foaming at the mouth you get a few stares. Serious shit.

    Still cons are so much more interesting when on drugs
    >> Anonymous 04/21/11(Thu)17:51 No.4377873
    is there a downtown where you are? go there and look for the shady guys or ask your friends if they know anyone or if they can score you some. That easy
    >> Coffee !BRO69tyas6 04/21/11(Thu)17:51 No.4377875
    i only roll with spiked drinks on ambien.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/11(Thu)17:52 No.4377879
    >mary jane thread
    >no pictures of mary jane's ass
    >> Ash !!/PBda20Hmwn 04/21/11(Thu)17:53 No.4377886
    realest shit
    >> ai-honey !eEQ3LJoZmM 04/21/11(Thu)17:57 No.4377894
    I make the best first impressions.

    Also stop trying to corrupt the child or I'm going to beat you all.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/11(Thu)17:59 No.4377897
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    why i keep it for just such an occasion.

    Now back on topic: i had a bad trip on acid at a con once and just freaked out the whole time. My friend ended up dragging me back to the hotel because he was afraid of what i might do. Haven't tried drugs before cons since, just alcohol but it takes way too much of it for me to feel anything
    >> Dr. Scientist !!JtQ+aYJUUCb 04/21/11(Thu)18:02 No.4377906
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    OH YOU...
    >> ⓜⓐⓡⓨⓙⓐⓝⓔ !zmlklASUKA 04/21/11(Thu)19:39 No.4378137
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    >Con on acid
    I'm going to make this happen.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/11(Thu)19:43 No.4378149

    That definitely sounds it could go to either extreme of really fun or fucking terrifying.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/11(Thu)19:46 No.4378165
    Underageb& fantwats are so much more tolerable when blazed.
    Also, anime, sci-fi, fantasy shit, and comics are pretty much made to be consumed under the influence--otherwise, you'll take them too seriously.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/11(Fri)16:26 No.4380915
    Just bring a friend who can get you out of there if things start to go bad. If you're on a bad acid trip than people in costumes is the last thing you want to see.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/11(Fri)16:28 No.4380919
    you guys are all fucking losers....
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 04/22/11(Fri)16:52 No.4381020

    >I make the best first impressions.

    Not like mine was any better :p

    >Also stop trying to corrupt the child or I'm going to beat you all.

    Can't corrupt the willing, love. <3
    >> ai-honey !eEQ3LJoZmM 04/22/11(Fri)16:55 No.4381033
    I will break your legs. >:|
    >> no Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 04/22/11(Fri)16:58 No.4381049
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    >> Anonymous 04/22/11(Fri)17:06 No.4381078
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    >>mfw tripfag circlejerk
    im so special snowflake bcuz i smoek weed guise omg
    >> Anonymous 04/22/11(Fri)17:13 No.4381096
    Your spelling sucks you fucking retard
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 04/22/11(Fri)17:34 No.4381170

    I really doubt you'd make that face in person, assuming there was a group of us at a con or something.

    I take these comments with the biggest grain of salt.
    >> Lilitu !!xrorRTcEU5x 04/22/11(Fri)17:39 No.4381183
    But I'm a special snowflake because I don't smoke weed... in fact I'm the only one in my family that's never done it before (excluding the children of course), and I have relatives that own a compassionate care clinic.
    >> M-a-n-ly-t-e-a-rs !!mogJwNPM+nu 04/22/11(Fri)17:47 No.4381205



    So your parents still disappointed in you?
    >> Anonymous 04/22/11(Fri)17:49 No.4381209
    Go back to /v/ prick.
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 04/22/11(Fri)17:55 No.4381227

    Are yours? :p
    >> M-a-n-ly-t-e-a-rs !!mogJwNPM+nu 04/22/11(Fri)17:56 No.4381228
         File1303509395.jpg-(37 KB, 290x375, BAWHAHA.jpg)
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    >Are yours

    Mine are very proud of their handsome and successful son, they proud you dress like a cartoon character?
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 04/22/11(Fri)17:57 No.4381231

    Are you successful?
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 04/22/11(Fri)17:59 No.4381237
         File1303509549.png-(137 KB, 303x305, f9216a540340f8eebc273f149770d6(...).png)
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    What bitch? Too slow. That's right punk. You don't correct me, I correct me. :)
    >> M-a-n-ly-t-e-a-rs !!mogJwNPM+nu 04/22/11(Fri)17:59 No.4381241
    Nice to see you deleted your post to save embarrassment, can't say the same for real life.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/11(Fri)17:59 No.4381242
    >makes you anxious
    I'm thinking either
    1) this doesn't happen to me because I have a legitimate anxiety/panic disorder, and therefore calms me down and slows down my thoughts, or
    2) It's because you're doing coke in the bathroom
    Although, I've never understood why people take benzos when they don't have an anxiety disorder, unless taken at a very high dose.
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 04/22/11(Fri)18:01 No.4381246

    I guess you aren't successful. Huh.
    >> Jeñ !93dAD1zPW2 04/22/11(Fri)18:02 No.4381251
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 04/22/11(Fri)18:03 No.4381253


    I'll help
    >> Honeybadger !URnewFAgBI 04/22/11(Fri)18:14 No.4381285
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