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  • File : 1303300869.jpg-(84 KB, 640x506, 2723190.jpg)
    84 KB Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)08:01 No.4372834  
    Am I the only one who's really gotten sick of seeing this costume done a billion times in every con? It's always either bought from ebay or made of cheap satin. Also the same godawful tangled wig and no binding even though Ciel has no goddamn boobs. The design gets really ugly after seeing it on so many chubby girls with shitty makeup and no attempt to look like a little boy at all. Ciel has a heap of other cool costumes to make so why not try something else for a change? And if you want to dress up as a girl.. then choose a goddamn girl character.

    Bonus: Discuss overdone costumes that you're really sick of seeing.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)08:04 No.4372835
    Agreed OP. I'm also sick of his green outfit, and that blue one everywhere but nothing is quite as irritating as that fucking pink ballgown EVERYWHERE.

    Also vocaloid
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)08:06 No.4372840
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)08:09 No.4372848
         File1303301390.jpg-(50 KB, 408x600, 44197_442855824731_627839731_4(...).jpg)
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    I haven't even been to any cons this year yet, but I'm already sick of Panty&Stocking. Especially the slutty stripper versions.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)08:13 No.4372856
    My major convention is still a fairly small one (only a few thousand attendees), and there's already two confirmed P&S transformation pairs. Usually the only double-ups are Ls.
    It sucks seeing the same outfits done time and time again when the character in question has shitloads of outfits to choose from.
    >> Kneesocks !I6XYC1PN4Y 04/20/11(Wed)08:13 No.4372857
    Ballgown Ciel (never done right)
    Default Miku
    Any Miku
    Shitty Incorrect Matryoshkas (no Miku does not wear a hoody you faggots get it right gpoy)
    Homestuck Trolls. (cept for that one Karkat/Terezi and her group because they do that shit well)
    Hot Topic Lolitas
    Ganguro bullshit
    >> Piderman !!lh0pOkgOR6X 04/20/11(Wed)08:14 No.4372859
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    >> Kneesocks !I6XYC1PN4Y 04/20/11(Wed)08:18 No.4372865
    The D. City Rock Video shat out like 20+ costumes at you every 3 fucking seconds not to mention the metric fuck ton of other outfits they have.

    Actually I'm gonna go through and Catalogue EVERY SINGLE OUTFIT of theirs from the ENTIRE series.

    I really hope that next season Scanty and Kneesocks will have more than 5 outfits (Uniform, transformation, Casino (Kneesocks), Swimsuit, Wedding disguise)
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)08:18 No.4372867
    I hate seeing ballgown ciels.
    It's funny though OP, I was just thinking of doing an original Ciel cosplay at a con this year. Pretty much going to invent a new outfit, completely OTT while keeping the defining Ciel features.
    Seriously, Ciel's character is way too amazing to have people kill the same getup over and over again, it annoys me so much.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)08:29 No.4372884
    I'm hoping for that too.
    ...Do any wedding Scantys exist? She looked really cute.
    >> Kneesocks !I6XYC1PN4Y 04/20/11(Wed)08:31 No.4372887
    Why original design when he has like 50 million outfits in the manga?
    Not ragging on you just saying that you don't have to make an original design to be the only one wearing an outfit.
    As long as you dont do the ballgown, the green outfit, the blue outfit, or the black outfit from the DVD cover then you'll probably be the only one in it.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)08:35 No.4372894
         File1303302924.jpg-(64 KB, 400x603, queen_esther__esther_blanchett(...).jpg)
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    I've seen too many queen Esthers. If you don't have the money or the skills, then DON'T DO A ROYAL GOWN THAT CLEARLY WILL COST YOU MORE THAN 100 BUCKS. And even if you do, don't. It's been done so many times. It's sad how many people think Esther is an auto-win in every cosplay competition so they just keep redoing her. God, last year's eurocosplay had like 4 of them.
    >> Norge 04/20/11(Wed)08:38 No.4372900
    sad cause that is my dream cosplay but i do agree its been done a lot...
    i havent seen many in the cons i go to though
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)08:38 No.4372903

    I wish there were more cosplay opportunities for tall white guys except for cosplaying Corset or blackface Garterbelt though ;_;
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)08:55 No.4372929
    No mentions of Naruto yet?!
    >> CrazyLittleMushroom !ak650C8LM6 04/20/11(Wed)09:16 No.4372957
    Damn, this whole thread! It's making me dread going to the con I have coming up. Last year I saw TONS of these cosplayers running around and that was before PSG.

    captcha related:start Denaillike
    Maybe if I pretend I've never seen any of those cosplays before I'll be happy I don't know.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)09:19 No.4372961
         File1303305577.jpg-(98 KB, 499x356, Screen shot 2011-04-20 at 9.18(...).jpg)
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    There where ton at Katsucon this year.
    I think only one or two of them were decent.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)09:29 No.4372972
    Personally, if I see a Pink Dress Ciel, well done P&S or well done any thing, I enjoy it no matter how over done it is.

    There's a few gems that make all the other crap worth it.
    >> Doll !L76VKgP3Fg 04/20/11(Wed)09:30 No.4372975
         File1303306221.png-(32 KB, 500x500, 1266214983566.png)
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    >MFW I saw not just one, but a whole shitty Kuroshit group at a tiny LIBRARY con in KENTUCKY.

    And the girl was completely enraged that I didn't give her group the award for best costumes, but gave it to a pair of girls who clearly made their Vocaloid costumes.

    I hate being the 'kids get off my lawn' type or the 'I was into it BEFORE it was cool, but goddamnit. I remember getting a Sebastian a hug at Otakon one year because she was so thrilled I knew who she was. Whenever I see this dress I kind of want to light it on fire.

    Also because most of the time, they leave off the hat or make it huge or just plain don't cover his eye and hike up their tits, and all of the rungs on their $10 hoop cage show because they don't layer and GOD. DAMNIT.
    >> Kneesocks !I6XYC1PN4Y 04/20/11(Wed)09:39 No.4372989
    I have her planned but I have yet to find a Scanty wig that I like. So sadly I might have to wait until I can make a taobao order.

    No lie I have EVERY outfit of the demon sisters planned Including Panty's panties face burn version (and her fucking chain saw from the season 2 promo image) I'm gonna finish up my Kneesocks ones first though.
    >> Schadelbrecher !!VGk3Ris4UGq 04/20/11(Wed)09:39 No.4372990

    Here (I'm on the east coast so I can only speak so much) Trinity Blood has severely waned. Which sucks, but it happens. Online, there are a shitton of Esthers and very few put the time and effort in. In person though, TB cosplay is hard to come by, even in the masq, so it's not really that overdone here. Queen Esther just might be the exception to that (I haven't gone to cons in a while so I can't judge recent events) since it's an auto-attention grabber and out of all the characters and alt-outfits that seems to be the go-to one, but more than not, if you cosplay her, you will be the only one at a con.

    I guess what I'm trying to say is.. at a con over in this part of the globe, you'll find only a handful of TB cosplayers, if any. But out of those, cosplayers that you do find, Queen Esthers make up the larger percentage. So.. it's only overdone in the fandom, but not overall.

    I don't know if I made any sense, haha.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)09:43 No.4372995
    >Also because most of the time, they leave off the hat or make it huge or just plain don't cover his eye and hike up their tits, and all of the rungs on their $10 hoop cage show because they don't layer and GOD. DAMNIT.

    Thisthisthisthisthisthis. They seriously don't even BOTHER to cover his eye. Sometimes I wonder if they even know the character or the fact that he's a boy. And holy fuck those hoop cages, no matter what cosplay it is but I rage every fucking time I see those rings poking through the dress. Are they just throwing one layer of thin fabric on top of it?
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)09:48 No.4373002
         File1303307336.jpg-(58 KB, 300x452, Esther_Blanchett_by_Kaikida.jpg)
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    It wouldn't bother me if they did alt dresses for her but it's always the same white rose-patterned gown. And they always show up at the contest. Every time. One girl did this really cheap and below-decent version of the dress and threw a fit when she didn't win, claiming that she spent this-and-this amount of money to make the dress and it should've won since it's obviously the most detailed of all the contestants. Yeah you can slather a ton of shitty small details over your hoop skirt but it doesn't make it winner material.

    pic related, it's the only person who got it right
    >> Doll !L76VKgP3Fg 04/20/11(Wed)09:49 No.4373003
         File1303307355.png-(140 KB, 336x336, 1271725514930.png)
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    Some of them know, some of them don't care. Some girls found it on places like cosplaymagic or fanplusfriend.

    I think the general consensus we came up with why it's so popular is because it's big, floofy, pink and looks 'fancy', but all of the elements can be bought on ebay. I guess these girls feel like if they have a big fancy outfit, people will take pictures of them or they'll feel fancy. I don't even know.

    Just seeing the masses of groups in this one outfit fills me entirely with rage so badly I can't even be logical about it.
    >> Doll !L76VKgP3Fg 04/20/11(Wed)09:56 No.4373014
         File1303307789.jpg-(180 KB, 454x342, trinity_blood_-_cain_nightroad.jpg)
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    Maybe it's because Trinity Blood has been seen at times as the "holy grail" of cosplay solely because of the insane details poured on each outfit, and Queen Esther in particular is seen as ludicrously detailed and over-the-top, so it's a one-way ticket to winning cosplay competitions. Especially since when people say, "post amazing cosplays", the image of THAT outfit tends to be what people post.

    Personally, if I saw a really cute!handsome adoraderp Abel I'd lose my shit. But usually it's the girls, and done for the purpose of winning competitions. Aw, man. Pic related only in the sense that it's Cain.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)10:24 No.4373049
    Anybody here find it ironic that the two best ballgown Ciels are 4n31 and Mika?
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)10:27 No.4373056
    >pic related, it's the only person who got it right

    I love it when there are 200 people cosplaying something, and only one person is able to actually make it look good. That always cracks me up.
    >> Kneesocks !I6XYC1PN4Y 04/20/11(Wed)10:30 No.4373061
    Okay So I'm done with the first episode and including the OP there are 8 outfits in the first episode alone

    The OP has 4 outfits in it (fancy, slutty, angel, and torn up)
    The shit episode has 3 (the suit start image, Sleep wear, default)
    The Speed episode has 1 (biker jacket(panty) and black and grey (stocking))

    Why does everyone do the angel versions or the default versions. god damn it Onto episode two. I'll probably make a thread with all of them later
    >> Doll !L76VKgP3Fg 04/20/11(Wed)10:32 No.4373063
         File1303309940.jpg-(101 KB, 900x506, Panty15.jpg)
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    You know somebody already did this and made a zip file with all of the outfits and which episode they were from, right?
    >> Bad Wolf !XLIjtOmIpc 04/20/11(Wed)10:59 No.4373099
         File1303311580.jpg-(78 KB, 531x800, 1285220208255.jpg)
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    This so much this so much. I personally make Trinity Blood cosplays because I love the fuck out of the novels and the manga. People that make Esther's White Queen dress to try and win awards just piss me off. It's a good series, y u gotta turn it into a competition?

    This is why west coast is best coast. We have all the Trinity Blood and little if any drama about it.

    Pic only mildly related but FUCK YEAH BAIBARS
    >> Schadelbrecher !!VGk3Ris4UGq 04/20/11(Wed)11:11 No.4373130
         File1303312264.png-(23 KB, 137x175, broodingface.png)
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    That's basically the problem with every series that's got a lot of detail in the character design. I definitely agree, it pisses me off when people think they can half-ass something like that and automatically win.


    The TB fandom has waned so much over here... One of my friends MIGHT be going as Isaak to AB with a possible Dietrich, but as far as I know that's all the (half) confirmed TB there will be. It's a really great series, just a shame that so few people are into it anymore. Cosplayers aside, just people who know it/know of it are few and far between. I talked to a Dietrich cosplayer who didn't even know the name of his character; it made me so sad.

    >mfw basically no east coast TB fandom
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)11:16 No.4373143
    stop cosplaying vocaloids

    thank you
    >> Schadelbrecher !!VGk3Ris4UGq 04/20/11(Wed)11:17 No.4373147

    polite sage 'cause this may end up being a double post

    5 (or so) people who are professionally or semi-professionally in the costume business worked on that dress and it took a couple of years to finish. Yes they got it right, but it's not really fair to compare it to even the above average cosplayer.
    >> Bad Wolf !XLIjtOmIpc 04/20/11(Wed)11:21 No.4373158
         File1303312867.png-(215 KB, 346x378, hamlet is not impressed.png)
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    I think one of the biggest problems is that the anime has been done for years and quite frankly it was done badly. Dumbed down character designs, jumpy, all sorts of things cut out, it simply wasn't handled well. People see that and don't like it, then never pick up the manga or the novels.

    I want OVAs! OVAs of Trinity Blood! With artbook details and plot true to the novels! [/hopes and dreams]

    Seriously, though- my fucking face when I tell someone what I'm cosplaying from and they say "Oh yeah, I remember that. I watched the anime and didn't like it. Stopped after a few episodes because it was too confusing." All of my rage, Gonzo. All of it.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)11:27 No.4373171

    NGL all this does is fuels my fire to remake my Cain costume. Short girl here, but I love Cain and his design SO MUCH.
    >> Schadelbrecher !!VGk3Ris4UGq 04/20/11(Wed)11:31 No.4373180
    It was one of the first animes I watched (not counting sailor moon and all that good shit) so it's a bit hard for me to hate on it, but I do see your point.

    There was a lot that wasn't addressed, and a lot that was.. extremely inaccurate and entirely upsetting in retrospect. I've watched a good three or so times to get references for cosplays and shit, so it makes sense to me at this point, but when I first watched it, yeah I was a little confused.

    OVA's would be awesome. I would die with happy.

    I think the manga isn't helping its case though, since it takes forever to come out with a new chapter. At least it is better than the anime..
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)11:33 No.4373182
    Yeah well that's pretty much why you shouldn't start working on it unless you have the resources and expect to win every competition. It takes 5 professionals and years to complete, so why would you do something over-the-top with a budget of 150 bucks and a timespan of one month?

    Also it doesn't need to be as awesome as that, you can do a decent job by yourself. It just requires a lot of patience and, inevitably, money. I've seen someone wear Esther to a contest and claim that she ran out of money so she had to make budget decisions, i.e. shitty materials and missing details. ...You just don't do that with a suit like that.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)11:33 No.4373183
    I'm one of the watched-the-anime types. It really sucked since I was really looking forward to it since i've seen beautiful cosplay of it before I knew anything about it. I still want to cosplay one of seth's outfits but that's mostly due to my love of big head pieces than of source material.
    >>4373147 good to know. That costume is so inspirational though.
    >> Norge 04/20/11(Wed)11:37 No.4373189
         File1303313845.png-(206 KB, 332x288, estherblackpearls.png)
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    i actually like her black dress more than the white one but i would love to make both of them if i could, i dont think i have the skill or money to do it yet so im still waiting on it
    maybe in 2 years haha~

    im from GA and i ahve only seen 2 queen esther walking around in cons... totally creeped on one of them that was in front of me for pre judging at AWA cause i was so excited to see one lol
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)11:38 No.4373193
         File1303313909.jpg-(299 KB, 1024x768, trinity_blood_25175.jpg)
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    Well, that's unfortunate since TB is such a lovely series. It's annoying to think that somebody sees them as just easy prize winners and don't even try to enjoy the series. People should realizes that the characters have more then just their uniforms, habits, etc....(pic related) I don't think I've seen anybody cosplay Esther in anything besides her nun habit or Queen Esther. Hell, I'd love to see somebody cosplay the outfit she wore after her and Leon fell in the river(since it's really cute) Also most people seem to think that Seth only has her empress attire. Throw in characters you don't see cosplay(I've seen one Kaya) yet to see a Monica.

    Throw that all together and yeah.....
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)11:40 No.4373198
    Not a trinity blood fan or cosplayer, but damn do I hate it when this happens. My favourite manga/game gets a shitty TV anime made out of it and every time I'm talking about my love for the said manga/game, they go "Oh I watched it for a couple of episodes. It was shit, so I dropped it". ARRGGHH

    Yes I'm aware that they possibly have no idea it's based on a novel/manga/game/whatever, my hate is targeted at the shitty anime adaptation, not the person itself.
    >> Schadelbrecher !!VGk3Ris4UGq 04/20/11(Wed)11:42 No.4373202
    Well she's a certifiable idiot if she can't judge that $150 is nowhere near close enough.

    When I did my Cain Nightlord (standard version) it cost about $500 and took 10 months. And I'll admit, it was only my fourth cosplay so it was okay, not the best out there.

    I'm here in Mass, and honestly I don't think I've ever seen a Queen Esther. I did so two Isaak's at AB one year (I was so upset I wasn't cosplaying Cain at the time, haha) but I think the most there was at any con I've been to was when I found an Abel and an Esther, and I had about 4 Rosenkreuz members to go along with my Cain. So 7. Wow.
    >> Norge 04/20/11(Wed)11:49 No.4373214
    damn i better start saving up for it now... but then i guess it was expected for it to be that much
    awesome then~
    i know one of my friend is doing Trinity Blood for AWA this year and she is getting a group together so i cant wait to see them~

    i dont know im still high on hetalia [i know i cosplay way to much from it and i really need to start cosplaying something else] but i would love to be able to get a group for Trinity Blood but none of my friends seem to like it
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)12:12 No.4373260
    anyone have a link to this file?
    >> Bad Wolf !XLIjtOmIpc 04/20/11(Wed)12:14 No.4373264
         File1303316089.jpg-(74 KB, 434x640, 1444729.jpg)
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    A Monica Argento for you, Anon.


    I feel your pain when it comes to cost- Vaclav probably cost me about the same and took me six months to finish. Also, you seem to have quite a bit of Rosenkreuz over there on the East Coast. Did you have the Von Neumann brothers?
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)12:19 No.4373273
    >> Schadelbrecher !!VGk3Ris4UGq 04/20/11(Wed)12:27 No.4373294
         File1303316869.jpg-(779 KB, 1390x1000, 89739.jpg)
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    I HAD A MELCHIOR I am proud to say.

    She was adorable and perfect. And her glasses at the time just looked exactly like his by happenstance. And she was extremely shy at the time so the whole barely talking in character-ness was there and it was great. (Can you tell I'm proud of her? Haha) Sadly there was no Balthasar, and getting a Kaspar is ridiculously hard. We had a Melchior, Dietrich, Radu, and Unus (the robot who's only in one image). But I'm trying to form a full Orden for AB13.
    >> Doll !L76VKgP3Fg 04/20/11(Wed)12:47 No.4373352
         File1303318048.jpg-(114 KB, 438x402, 1265575102717.jpg)
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    >OVAs of Trinity Blood
    I. I came.


    The TB Love in this thread makes me pic related.
    I'm honestly holding off attempting Trinity Blood until I know what the hell I'm doing. I love the rather basic designs for Esther (I discovered recently I'm a huge sucker for Nun-style outfits like hers), but her blue-white one has been done quite a bit.

    And unfortunately getting new chapters of TB is slow as molasses.
    >> Schadelbrecher !!VGk3Ris4UGq 04/20/11(Wed)12:57 No.4373388
         File1303318653.jpg-(129 KB, 1024x713, estherallesandro.jpg)
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    Wise decision. You don't have to be a super expert to do the more basic designs, but it does take a lot of time and patience.

    I'm so anxious about the manga. I read somewhere that in the untranslated light novels, derp!Cain and Isaak meet Esther in a bar, and I'm so hopeful that scenes comes up in the manga.

    I wish someone would do this version of Esther.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)13:07 No.4373428
         File1303319230.jpg-(178 KB, 491x654, 29325-12952-3.jpg)
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    I've actually seen a photoshoot of this outfit! I think there's probably more photos on coscom, but this was pulled from the cosplayers acp.
    >> Doll !L76VKgP3Fg 04/20/11(Wed)13:54 No.4373558
    I actually was looking at doing that outfit! But hats kind of terrify me.

    I've done complex Kuroshitsuji type outfits before, but I'm reserving Trinity Blood for when I have a LOT of time and money.

    And here's the link for the Panty and Stocking image pack.
    >> Kneesocks !I6XYC1PN4Y 04/20/11(Wed)14:06 No.4373586
    yeah this one doesnt actually have all of them I already have like 5 outfits that they don't.
    >> Bad Wolf !XLIjtOmIpc 04/20/11(Wed)14:55 No.4373747
         File1303325712.jpg-(697 KB, 712x1072, 1240799872443.jpg)
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    Kipi did it once, actually, if you could believe it.

    Also, you had a Melchior? a;sldkjhfalksjdf so fantastic. We have most of the AX over here on the west coast (A couple Abels, Leon, Vaclav, Caterina, Kaya, Wordsworth, Tres, Monica, Kate, Hugue and Noelle)

    I really can't wait for more of the manga. It's finally starting to pick up.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)15:00 No.4373759

    Your groups should meet somewhere in the midwest and duke it out.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)15:04 No.4373767
         File1303326298.jpg-(253 KB, 660x1002, 004.jpg)
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    I'd kill a child for a well-done Tres Iqus.
    >> o-slap 04/20/11(Wed)15:16 No.4373790
         File1303326990.jpg-(81 KB, 573x600, 14383715_m.jpg)
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    I'm with you. Just because it's often cosplayed doesn't mean it can't be good, just because it's obscure doesn't make it automatically amazing.

    I doubt you'll find an accurate Scanty wig prestyled.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)15:26 No.4373828
    Any fucking vocaloid.
    >> Doll !L76VKgP3Fg 04/20/11(Wed)15:28 No.4373832
         File1303327707.jpg-(102 KB, 353x550, 2724327.jpg)
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    Neat, good you caught all the ones they missed!

    Daww. The seam in the middle's freaking me out, though. But adorable as usual from her.

    Anyway, to not derail threads... Naruto and Bleach costumes are so common and there are so many of them, it almost seems invisible to me now? Like they're just part of the fabric of the con now or something.

    But that ballgown fills me with so much unwanted rage. Also, along the same vein "ballgown" Grells in glorified red prom gowns, or even the dress sold as Madam Red's (which uses mismatched reds... Infuriates me) ballgown. If you're gonna put Grell in a dress, at least use a canon one.
    >> Schadelbrecher !!VGk3Ris4UGq 04/20/11(Wed)15:55 No.4373887
         File1303329355.jpg-(344 KB, 533x800, Esther_Blanchett_by_auntLilith.jpg)
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    Damnit it seems like all the series I love are popular-ish on the West Coast, while no one likes them over on this side of the country.

    It was a few years ago. She might be moving soon, so no idea if she'll join again for the RCO I'm trying to pull together.

    Don't give me ideas..

    The Naruto fandom is finally starting to wane, actually. Certainly overdone still, but not to the extent as before.

    I found someone else who did the dress.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)16:16 No.4373931
    That fucking dress is only popular because they get to fulfill their pedophilic crossplay YAOI fantasies. =_=
    Ooh, look at me, I'm playing a twelve year old boy in a pink dress! PLEASE 'RAPE' ME kawaiidesushit

    But, seriously, even if you're doing a character where they isn't much wiggle room [say, a character with a specified uniform], MAKE IT LOOK GOOD. I did Zexion for Otakon 2010. I spent 80 fricking dollars on high-quality cloth [not leather/pleather, it's too shiny for Organization and B-more is a million fucking degrees], spent ages before the con working on it with a bit of help, and it still wasn't perfect.Never mind my half-styled wig. I still got more compliments than the assholes who prance around in Hot Topic Orgy shit.

    I'm saving a TB cosplay for when my $-per-costume limit goes higher than 100-150.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)17:04 No.4374037
    Oh my god I just flashbacked to this ballgown madame red Grell. But still that pink Ciel little robin dress is just the worst. At first I thought the design was cute but after seeing the 3 eBay variations for 50000000 times a con I've really developed a vomiting reflex, especially while the wearer is almost always some 170cm fatty-in-making girl on heels. It's like he has no other costumes at all. It's like Haruhi was back in 2006-07, every COSPLAY GURRLL did her without even watching the series. Seriously, they just saw Hare hare yukai and her face plastered everywhere so they got the costume off ebay and went for it. One couldn't even name the other main characters.

    And for the obvious, Yoko. There are at least 3 Yokos at every con, half of them made the bikini from a black bra and they don't even know the character. At best they saw their image, know that every fanboy faps over her, watch the first episode and go all OHH HEYY I'M TOTALLY COSPLAYING YOKO CUZ SHE'S SO AWESOME HURRR

    yea I mad
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)17:12 No.4374055
         File1303333962.jpg-(126 KB, 330x495, C00234_19.jpg)
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    Ngl.. Before I knew this was a cosplay, I was slightly interested in this. I was a little confused when I went to my first con (AWA) and saw it around so much. It just seemed like everyone just happened to like the same dress. I thought "well, that sucks that a few girls are wearing the same dress.. I thought it was pretty unique! Or maybe I'm just seeing the same person over and over.."
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)17:54 No.4374169
         File1303336463.jpg-(226 KB, 1024x768, Yoko-GurrenLagann.jpg)
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    No one has said Yoko is overdone yet?
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)17:59 No.4374189
         File1303336786.jpg-(147 KB, 437x600, 14893593_m.jpg)
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    I honestly dont see what wrong with vocaloid. why all the hate?
    That IS coming from a vocafag, but im just tired of seeing shitty miku's myself.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)18:04 No.4374196

    And yeah panty & stocking have become quite popular now, but if they try any other costume those charactes have they won't be recognized, specially Panty.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)18:09 No.4374208
    I'm fucking sick and tired of Kingdom Hearts and Final Fantasy VII cosplay, most of it sucks anyway.
    I've only seen one good Sora done and it was a guy, the others were all fat lesbians with bad wigs or not enough hair gel.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)18:12 No.4374213
    It's overdone and consists of tarty girls singing screechy J -pop.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)18:13 No.4374216
    I can see the point of the screeching j-pop. Just tell them to shut up.
    other wise.
    > nofun.jpeg
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)18:20 No.4374234
    Check >>4374037 . Yoko's so overdone it blows my mind.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)19:05 No.4374360
         File1303340713.png-(3 KB, 230x240, angrysun.png)
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    Final Fantasy: Rosa, Rydia, or Terra.

    FUCKING STOP IT!!!!!!! You like old school FF? Why are you only doing the chars from Dissidia and 2 girls from FF4 (which has had like 3 rerelases in the past 5 years)?! Why not cosplay Krile from FF5? I haven't seen a Desch before, and FF3 got a DS remake. Gordon from FF2 says hi from his updated PSP rerelase. WTF?!
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)19:21 No.4374404
    I find it rather funny how I've watched/followed series that a lot of "fans" cosplay from (read as: "I still have to watch Vocaloid anime" "I'm Haruhi from Lucky Star" "I'm Yoko from that one anime" "Who's Ciel?") yet I don't cosplay any of the characters.

    It isn't exactly overdone, but I really wish someone would cosplay the original Daughter of Evil costume- the one that resembles the spider, instead of the fan pv Servant of Evil one.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)19:25 No.4374413
    I'm cosplaying that in a couple of months :D nearly done with the dress actually
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)19:27 No.4374417
    All of my love right now. Do you have progress pictures? If not, it's cool. You've given me hope.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)19:30 No.4374425
    When I first got into lolita I saw F+Fs short version of this dress and thought it really had some potential if altered a bit...

    Then I found out about cosplay and I cried.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)19:31 No.4374427
    No progress pictures at the moment, sorry! But I'll definitely take some pictures after I'm all done :)

    Contributing to the thread, default Len, Rin, Miku, Kaito, Matryoshka [it's not even the best of Hachi's songs ;_;] and PSG.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)19:31 No.4374429
         File1303342311.jpg-(148 KB, 378x587, Red-Ciel-Ballgown-(-for-Moses)(...).jpg)
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    this. this. this. THIS. THIS. THIS. HOLY FUCKING SHITBALLS. I don't care if you think it looks better. It's wrong. Knock that shit off.
    >> Bayonetta !Whip/TdMzQ 04/20/11(Wed)19:36 No.4374451
    I actually haven't seen any PSG.
    Which makes me sad, cause I've wanted to see some.
    >> Ukraine 04/20/11(Wed)19:38 No.4374458
    I'd love to cosplay Lenna...I always wanted a Faris to go with me as well. But sadly Dissidia has made at least Terra pretty common place now.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)19:47 No.4374492
         File1303343234.png-(116 KB, 552x362, tf2___wanka_by_taklayyankovic-(...).png)
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    Tired of seeing:
    >Naruto (ham-magnet)
    >Yoko (especially)
    >Chobits (please do someone other than Chii)
    >Yuffie and Tifa (ham-magnet)
    >Terrible Grells and Ciels (period accurate clothes please)
    >As for Kuroshitsuji, which is set in 1800 London, BUY A FUCKING BUSTLE!!!!!! Not a farthingale or hoop. Sorry, history fag here.
    >Hetalia. (even though I do cosplay it) I hate the fandom it has. The show itself is enjoyable and fun, the yaoi ham-fans scare the crap outta me.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)19:55 No.4374538
         File1303343750.jpg-(31 KB, 500x375, 1303183127917.jpg)
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    What I'd like to see:
    >Tales of the Abyss
    >Legend of Dragoon
    >Macross or Macross Frontier (the mecha too)
    >GOOD Trinity Blood.
    >xxxHolic or Angelic Layer (no more Tsubasa and Chobits please)
    >CLAMP (Clover, Tokyo Babylon, Wish, etc.)
    > GOOD Dragon Ball ( we grew up with it)
    >HANDMADE COSPLAYS. I grow very tired with everyone having the exact same version that is some en mass online. Take time to cultivate A talent people.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)20:00 No.4374558
    I'll never get sick of good Sailor Moons. I want to do it myself one day.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)20:01 No.4374566

    >Chobits (please do someone other than Chii)
    Especially slutty looking, just-found Chii wandering around in a half-buttoned shirt.

    >Hetalia. (even though I do cosplay it) I hate the fandom it has. The show itself is enjoyable and fun, the yaoi ham-fans scare the crap outta
    The only reason I take my France outfit to photoshoots is because every single other France is 300 pounds or trying to stick their tongues in everyone else's mouths. I like to think I set a quiet standard.

    And you know what a bustle it, I love you forever.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)20:03 No.4374571
    I'm working on Luke from Tales of the Abyss now and I'd really love to have friends cosplay from it with me, but holy hell NOBODY has ever played it OR watched the anime. Sucks too since I'm a huge ToA fan and really would love to have people join me.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)20:04 No.4374576
    I'm surprised more people don't say this: pedobear. It just.....stopped being amusing. A REALLY long time ago. And you always see girls in skanky outfits posing with pedobear like it's soooo cute and funny, even when the girls are like 20 years old. It doesn't make sense. On top of that I never found pedobear that funny in the first place.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)20:08 No.4374604
    I've got 3 friends who want to do a TotA marathon this summer, and beat the game in as few settings as possible. Doing so will probably want to make us cosplay from it (we did the same with ToV, and we're planning a group cosplay for that -- the 360 playable cast.)

    ... But a copy of TotA is hard to find :(
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)20:21 No.4374654
    I'm part of a living history society, so yes, bustles, bloomers, corsets, stays, bumrolls, farthingales, and crinolins are all mandatory depending on the time period :)

    YAY! I really love ToA, just barely see it at cons :(

    OH GOD. How could I forget??? Ya, it was funny the first time, but when you get the elder ladies in loli its just strange. (do you even know WHO is under there?)
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)20:25 No.4374666
    YES. Around here most of the pedobear cosplayers are girls aged like 15 or creepy guys over their 20's. It's not adorable, it's not fresh, it's not funny. JUST STOP IT
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)20:27 No.4374673
         File1303345629.jpg-(4 KB, 185x82, 1302569595228.jpg)
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    i love you <3 ever work at a Renaissance Faire?
    You sound like you would work those.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)20:29 No.4374680
    back to the Trinity Blood costumes, they either end up as AMAZING or just look like shit, never inbetween
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)20:29 No.4374681
         File1303345753.jpg-(117 KB, 330x495, C00234H_02.jpg)
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    I know that feel.. It was really cute wasn't it?

    Maybe you can get it in a different fabric color and type? Maybe something with a pattern?
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)20:29 No.4374683
    Yes I do :) glad to hear that.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)20:34 No.4374697
    Not gonna lie, ive considered wearing that version to prom. I dont have a single weeaboo in my grade, so no one would notice. Cant decide if its too fancy though.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)20:38 No.4374710
    Don't do it. It's a tacky dress and you'll regret not having worn something prettier.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)20:42 No.4374725
         File1303346529.gif-(492 KB, 219x157, 1293214202925.gif)
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    Do it!

    >Dude, the dress I wore for prom was actually a wedding dress and I didn't know until after I bought it. Boy was THAT a weird conversation at checkout. Fanciest dress there and everyone loved it. Go for it and have fun!
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)20:44 No.4374734
    dat red

    Is there a certain name for this shade of red? Like what color would I need to be searching for if I wanted fabric in that color? Because DAMN that is a nice red.
    >> tenleid !tRDr4b2x2Y 04/20/11(Wed)20:49 No.4374749
    "Wine Red" maybe?
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)21:01 No.4374791
    They just call it this:
    >dark red cotton dress+black cotton skirt

    Here's the link:
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)21:05 No.4374807
    I don't even know wtf it is. I don't watch anime so if its from one, fuck it.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)21:11 No.4374840
         File1303348311.jpg-(38 KB, 720x422, 1302844834975.jpg)
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    I get really sick of seeing overdone cosplays, especially that ballgown Ciel, but I respect the people who took the time to carefully make their costume and dont act like they are the best thing in the world.
    I respect the cosplayers that cosplay a character and DO IT RIGHT.
    I've seen probably 2 good Naruto's and Sora's and even though it's over done, they pulled it off well and suited the character.
    As for Vocaloid I'm a vocafag so I love Vocaloid cosplays~ But only if it's a specific PV, the standard costumes irritate me because you can buy them everywhere.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)21:17 No.4374874
    I wish Tales of the Abyss got more love. I was working on my Ion costume up until a little while ago but stopped because my group dropped their plans to make the other characters. I picked up Tales of Vesperia and fell in love with Tales again. The tales series in general doesn't get enough attention. I like it more than Final Fantasy.
    >> Anonymous 04/20/11(Wed)22:17 No.4375147
    Black Rock Shooter. It, is, fucking, everywhere
    >> Doll !L76VKgP3Fg 04/21/11(Thu)01:15 No.4375942
         File1303362958.jpg-(376 KB, 600x900, 43471-25474-7f9b840e56fc5536e7(...).jpg)
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    FFF, when I wore Madam Red, I wore a corset underneath, sewed a bustlepad and a fluffy crinoline, and was told "oh hey, I think your petticoat has a lump in it."

    ...Aghhhh. I get kind of ragefilled when I see Kuro costumes that get the silhouette completely wrong. It IS a fantasy series that's only drawing from historical costuming, but that dress has a damn bustle. Even in the musical backstage, Nishi, Ciel's actor, is commenting on it as he runs around in the crinolines and bustlepad. Most of the time these silhouettes are shaped like a giant A on all sides.

    Pic related, Scout was one of the first folks to do this outfit, and she definitely has a bustlepad in there or a bustlecage.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/11(Thu)01:20 No.4375963
    Im the height ciel is described as in the manga, Im very thin and have a small chest (i bind anyway) and have boy looking shoulders. If i made the dress myself, and made it well and had a decent wig i would get lumped in with all the rest of the crap ones. I was thinking about it I dont think i ever will do this costume because of how overdone it is. sadness.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/11(Thu)01:24 No.4375974
    Normally I cross-play. So I decided to finally do a female one. I picked Miku because I love the color scheme. I plan on making the costume myself not buying it. I've already purchased the wig.
    I don't go to many large cons, so I didn't know it was over cosplayed. (Still decently new to cgl)
    But now I'm starting to second guess whether I should finish it off or not.
    >> Engarde 04/21/11(Thu)01:25 No.4375976
    >Legend of the Dragoon
    Fuck yes. I'd love me some LotD.
    Also all the TB love in this thread makes me so happy.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/11(Thu)01:34 No.4375999
    I am so fucking sick of all the shitty Resident Evil cosplay, if there even is any at a con. People only do RE5 Wesker, RE4 Leon and Ada, and sometimes RE1 Jill and Chris.

    And they are always shitty 95% of the time. I mean there are so many characters to choose from but I guess since most people only care about 4 and 5.. I don't even know.

    I'm also sick of P&S and shitty Kuro anything.
    >> Doll !L76VKgP3Fg 04/21/11(Thu)01:39 No.4376017
         File1303364375.jpg-(105 KB, 441x640, 391593.jpg)
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    DO CIEL ANYWAY. Good news about Ciel is, he has a ton of outfits. He's even got another dress, if you're attracted to making gowns. The other good thing about Ciel is that he sort of has levels of expertise. He has outfits that range from simple to holy shit what is all that on him.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/11(Thu)01:45 No.4376030
         File1303364712.jpg-(58 KB, 251x251, 1296532590705.jpg)
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    >mfw the most attractive looking person in photo is the Yoko in the background
    >> LittleJelloSalad !YG.DdnIWg6 04/21/11(Thu)01:46 No.4376038
         File1303364802.png-(54 KB, 184x370, Malik likes this.png)
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    >MFW I have that dress half finished
    >> Korin !Ls0QbhK90s 04/21/11(Thu)01:47 No.4376044
         File1303364864.jpg-(50 KB, 400x300, los_5_samurai.jpg)
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    I'm not really sick of seeing any certain cosplays. Maybe Vocaloid or Panty and Stocking, but whatever.

    I do wish there was more love for older anime. At Ohayocon I about peed my pants in excitement when I saw a Cale from Ronin Warriors. I would probably die if I saw an entire Ronin group.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/11(Thu)01:54 No.4376059
    I want to do either Anubis or Sage...dream costume...
    >> Anonymous 04/21/11(Thu)01:56 No.4376070
    I know what you mean about his numerous outfits, I'd just really like to do the pink one just because I have just the right build for it...
    >> Anonymous 04/21/11(Thu)01:57 No.4376072
         File1303365477.jpg-(73 KB, 500x500, kuroshitsuji24.jpg)
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    Like everyone else is saying, that fucking pink Ciel gown.
    I can't STAND seeing groups of shitty ciel pink ballroom gowns they bought off ebay.
    Makes me want to light them on fire and smear shit all over their face.

    I love kuroshitsuji, but its pissing me off how much of a shitty fanbase its turning into like Naruto.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/11(Thu)02:04 No.4376091
         File1303365856.jpg-(9 KB, 201x251, 1288240777304.jpg)
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    I love you, pure and simple. I will be attending AM2 as Madame Red, got my 18th century stays and bustle-butt all ready :) Just try to ignore people like that. I get really fed up with Hetalia fags who don't know the history and end up disgruntled :(

    Just be happy with the knowledge that you are as accurate as can be! Maybe let other people know about the costume and its "history". On a side note, I love the musical <3


    HELL YES!!!! We need more Dragoon! I have only seen maybe a handle of good ones on but never seen any at cons :(
    >> Least Homosexual Cupcake !!6okAHTBtkbF 04/21/11(Thu)02:06 No.4376097
    Just finishing Kuroshit right now. Holy fuck, I want to do Angela's dress. But she's a DFC and I have size D tits. Also, I'm a fat ass. :( Makes me sad.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/11(Thu)02:06 No.4376099
    YUP YUP YUP. I can tell eBay costumes from a mile away. Crappy fabric that wasn't meant to "fold", all one material with thin satin ribbons for lacing. Lots of lace to hide inaccurate neckline :(
    >> Anonymous 04/21/11(Thu)02:08 No.4376106
    If you want to do it, then do it :) If you are uncomfortable about wearing it to a con make it for your own enjoyment. I have made tons of costumes that I would never wear outside my house let alone in public :) Do it for yourself <3

    By the way, I'm in LOVE with Angela/Ash's dress too <3
    >> Anonymous 04/21/11(Thu)02:13 No.4376124
    I want to see Organization XIII members other than Axel, Roxas, Demyx, and Zexion.

    I'm so fucking tired of seeing those four over and over and over again. Guess what, guys? THERE'S NINE MORE OF THEM.

    Also tired of seeing flat plywood weapons from any fandom. At least TRY and put some effort into things, please.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/11(Thu)02:15 No.4376130
         File1303366506.jpg-(27 KB, 640x400, umineko51.jpg)
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    >mfw when I got mistaken for that fucking ball dress ciel at least 3 times
    >when cosplaying Lizzie
    >> Anonymous 04/21/11(Thu)02:35 No.4376205
         File1303367710.jpg-(83 KB, 265x251, 1302568774519.jpg)
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    Oh, honey I feel your pain. That sucks so much :( Which variant of her dress did you make? The "classic" orange?

    I was dressed as Germania (fucking armor and all) walked up to Germany and Italy. "Nice to know my grandchildren are getting along"

    "Who are you, Legolas? My face when
    >> Least Homosexual Cupcake !!6okAHTBtkbF 04/21/11(Thu)02:36 No.4376213
         File1303367780.jpg-(29 KB, 450x436, 1256705272309.jpg)
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    ...the fuck? As a Hetalia fan...fuck me sideways that was stupid. This is why I hate the fanbase sometimes.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/11(Thu)02:37 No.4376217

    Why do I get the feeling I know you.
    >> Souviet !YbrmcBEMWk 04/21/11(Thu)02:37 No.4376219
    ...You should have smacked their heads together for being retarded.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/11(Thu)02:43 No.4376242
         File1303368227.png-(383 KB, 531x647, 57893910.png)
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    nah, this one.
    I mean, for ffs, I know it's a pink dress but I had blonde drill curls.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/11(Thu)02:44 No.4376247
         File1303368289.png-(294 KB, 500x375, 1302571708513.png)
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    I KNOW! I got into it because I'm a history buff and too be honest Germania was a BAMF. It disappoints me when the "fans" don't know all the characters or even the history behind a history based anime/manga.

    I desperately wanted to hit them, but they the average ham-fans (easily over 200) and I'm tall (5'10") but 135.....needless to say I would have been squashed if there were negative physical reprocussions.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/11(Thu)02:46 No.4376251
    Yeah, the dress is definitely a shade of pink, but not the same. The pattern is very different, which only enrages me further. I'm sorry for you :(
    >> Korin !Ls0QbhK90s 04/21/11(Thu)02:48 No.4376258
    FFffffffffffffffffff DO IT. I constantly can't decide which armor I want to make first. It's a toss up between Strata, Halo, or Torrent. OR there's always Kayura when she gets the armor from Anubis at the end. DECISIONS.
    >> Kagami !6FK967Ta9w 04/21/11(Thu)02:57 No.4376283
    I'm a bit sick of the D. Gray Man cosplayers around here- mainly the Road ones. And well, lack of badass minor characters for every series.

    >Cosplaying Gingerbread from KHR
    >Bad Wolf comes up saying I had a nice costume.
    >Ask if she knows who I'm cosplaying 'cause I was mistaken as 8345798 other characters.
    >She says Road from D. Gray Man

    The reason she probably mistook me as Road was because of the 389475379 people who go to Hot Topic and say they're cosplaying her. Sad face.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/11(Thu)02:59 No.4376290
         File1303369170.png-(415 KB, 688x384, 10csuir.png)
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    THIS is Ciel's dress
    >> Anonymous 04/21/11(Thu)03:00 No.4376291
         File1303369217.jpg-(120 KB, 655x364, 5043044.jpg)
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    bad ref. pic, but there is a bustle pad on top of his farthingale!!!!!
    >> Anonymous 04/21/11(Thu)03:05 No.4376306
    ciel in video
    >> Doll !L76VKgP3Fg 04/21/11(Thu)03:19 No.4376366
         File1303370399.png-(149 KB, 481x317, nishibustle.png)
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    Here's a good one, about ten seconds before Yuya honks it.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/11(Thu)04:00 No.4376476
    I was cosplaying Cross Marian at this one con, the exorcist coat+hat version. Some Lenalee cosplayer didn't recognize my character. WHO'S HE? OH NO ONE, THEY JUST SPEND 200000 FUCKING CHAPTERS TO LOOK FOR HIM RIGHT FROM THE BEGINNING

    The shitty ghetto Roads are terrible. Especially with their terrible skinpaint.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/11(Thu)04:04 No.4376485
    FFFFFFFFF--- I really want to smack them good for that. If some Germania cosplayer walked up to me when I was doing Germany, I would've pretty much shit my pants in excitement. But apparently there are no other characters than the kawaii Axis and Allied.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/11(Thu)04:05 No.4376493
    I love gingerbread and I love you for cosplaying him.

    I wish more people would cosplay other characters except the main exorcists and Road. :( I would kill to see a good Reever or Jasdevi
    >> Anonymous 04/21/11(Thu)10:23 No.4377006
    THIS is why I feel bad about doing America. I love the less popular characters, but America was one of my favourite one to start with and hopefully differentiate myself from the people who just order a costume from eBay. [Steampunk!Aus from the questioning Hetalia Horror Stories thread here, btw.]
    :/ But yeah, I feel like the shitty weeaboos who also cosplay 'America-chan' paint a broad picture.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/11(Thu)18:21 No.4377954

    captcha: hangthis for
    >> Anonymous 04/21/11(Thu)20:20 No.4378338
    As much as I love the series, I'm going to need to see other LoZ characters besides Link. I ran into a ridiculous amount of them last year. Some good, some bad. It doesn't even matter if they're OoT, Toon, or TP. I'm just tired of seeing them all. Well...actually, I wouldn't mind seeing a The Legend of Zelda one (brown hair, yellow+green hat). I don't think I've actually seen one in person before. The thing is, there are like 15 games (16 if you count Skyward Sword). I'm sure there's another character you can cosplay from one of those.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/11(Thu)20:50 No.4378430
         File1303433458.jpg-(37 KB, 600x296, thordispleased.jpg)
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    I've pretty much given up on the LOZ series cosplayers. People would rather do the newest Link/Zelda/new popular female then enemies/bosses/other characters. It's like novelty and thinking outside the box is foreign to most people.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/11(Thu)20:53 No.4378433
    My friend and I cosplay the running man and the beggar(in Oot)/banker (in MM). Gonna be at AB this year.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/11(Thu)21:00 No.4378448
    >A gaggle of them.
    >No binding, no binding at all
    >Ciel's wonderland dress, Ciel's ballgown
    >"Hahaha, hiiiiii...have you watched Kuroshitsuji?"
    >All of them: "Lol no!" "A few episodes?" "Thats an OVA of Black Butler right?" "I thought this was a girl, cause she was pretty"

    brb, knifing my arm in sorrow and despair
    >> Anonymous 04/21/11(Thu)21:24 No.4378510
         File1303435470.png-(62 KB, 200x200, TheGraverobber.png)
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    Yeah, this unfortunately happens ALOT
    >> Anonymous 04/21/11(Thu)21:24 No.4378512
    Default vocalids
    I'm doing Sandplay luka myself but i dunno if i should do it or not now.
    I have Natalia from Tales of the abyss but i have to remake the boot covers and bows for the wrists.
    The one year i wore it, I had a broken arm so i got no images (no one wanted pictures with me)
    >> Owl !USYux6IMsU 04/21/11(Thu)21:33 No.4378533
    I got mistaken as Lacus Clyne when I did sandplay a luka cosplayer.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/11(Thu)21:34 No.4378537
         File1303436079.jpg-(18 KB, 345x326, 1276457532076.jpg)
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    As a Hetaliafag this makes me rage so much:

    >Asian girl who just ties her hair in a ponytail and wears a cheongsam and calls it a day. If they want more, they hold a Hello Kitty doll
    >I am fat therefore I can be America/Russia
    >> Anonymous 04/21/11(Thu)21:39 No.4378544
         File1303436388.jpg-(79 KB, 720x540, finn.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/21/11(Thu)21:44 No.4378552
    Not exactly overdone, but I would like to cosplay Hello, Planet since I love that song.

    ....Except it's normal Miku with a potted plant. And people will just be wondering why I'm generic Miku holding a potted plant.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/11(Thu)21:47 No.4378564
         File1303436826.png-(138 KB, 307x410, Yeta.png)
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    Yes. There are so~ many characters I'd love to be, but I just don't have the talent for it. I don't know how common she is, but I plan on doing Oracle of Seasons Din and I'd love to get a Poe Sisters group going. If I didn't go to summer cons, and had an idea how to do it, I'd totally cosplay Yeta. It just looks so comfortable.

    Cool. Will you have the bunny hood for running man?
    >> Anonymous 04/21/11(Thu)21:48 No.4378572
         File1303436938.jpg-(72 KB, 815x521, aph__your_wish_is_my_command_b(...).jpg)
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    Yeah, Hetaliafag too but I never got why they made everyone gay? Obviously not if you watch the anime, more like political partnerships...

    >Go to con as America
    > Use it as excuse to make-out with everyone else in hetalia cos.
    >Justification: "they do it in the anime"

    This was literally the answer I got when a girl tried to kiss me and I told her no.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/11(Thu)21:49 No.4378574
    WTF that is just...
    I hope that doesn't happen to me I love Sandplay Luka (the only thing im worrying about is that I might sweat to death/heat stroke, I'm going AX in LA and its rumored we might have a hotter then normal summer this year.) I really want to get Natalia ready for this year I can only wear it for a few hours, the heeled boots kill my feet)
    >> Anonymous 04/21/11(Thu)21:52 No.4378585
    I know what you mean, I was in a kuro group talking to a Ronald. The rest of the group had 'wtf' written over their faces, none of them have read the manga or know who Ronald is > they were all wearing circus outfits /facepalm
    >> Anonymous 04/21/11(Thu)21:53 No.4378588
    Rope in people cosplaying songs from the rest of the series for that. The Weekend's Coming, Our 16bit Warz, and The Wanderlast. Any Vocaloid fan worth their salt would recognize you that way!

    (It might also helped if you carried her plastic umbrella too)
    >> Anonymous 04/21/11(Thu)21:54 No.4378589
    I have a feeling Himaruya started it out to be history portrayed in a comedic/lighthearted manner with few gay jokes (because nothing's funnier than gay countries, amrite?) but fangirls popularized the series because of all the gay. Which lead to Himaruya adding more homo to please the fans.

    I honestly don't understand why the anime is so popular. I find the colouring style of it to be pretty terrible and the original homo jokes to be too exaggerated.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/11(Thu)21:56 No.4378596
    If you only knew how it is being a male hetalia-fag...

    I live in constant fear during the cons of getting fem-raped because I'm a guy who does Hetalia cosplay...
    >"You have to kiss her/him beacuse they like eachother in the show"
    >*Start running the fuck away*

    Also. Glomps, glomps everywhere...

    Good thing we don't have that many hambeasts in Sweden compared to the US.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/11(Thu)22:00 No.4378606

    My fiance cosplay LttP Link. I cosplayed the blue dressed version of Zelda on his request. He's been wanting to pull together a Majora's mask. I want t do the Deku princess for the group. He wants to do Oni Link, and get some other friends together for the other links(Deku, Goron, Zoron, etc...)
    >> Anonymous 04/21/11(Thu)22:02 No.4378617
         File1303437777.png-(55 KB, 310x240, greece__s_failed_adventure_by_(...).png)
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    Dude, I am so happy I'm not the only one. My girlfriend loves it because she is a history minor and I enjoy it too; so we cosplay together. (We are NOT the typical Hetaliafags, she runs close to 10 miles a day and I rockclimb)

    Usually go as Turkey. Fat Heracles. Fat Heracles everywhere. I am disappoint. ( Inwardly thinking all con "please don't come up to me")
    >> Anonymous 04/21/11(Thu)22:04 No.4378624
    OMG this. There are tons of options - I'd love it even if just a plain ol default link carried something besides the fucking shield and sword. Occasionally one things outside the box enough to whip up a bow & arrow or a Navi, but what about a hookshot? Mirror shield, or kid Link with a nifty wooden Deku shield? ...A freaking bottle? Nevermind stuff like Oni Link, Zora Link, Zora armor etc but everyone wants to be boring instead. idgi.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/11(Thu)22:09 No.4378646
    I swear, there must be some unwritten rule that all Turkey cosplayers must be awesome and chill.
    I almost got dragged into a Hetalia group just because I'm Asian and tie my hair in a ponytail.

    I'll never understand these people. I know a guy irl who likes Hetalia and girls won't stop bugging him about it.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/11(Thu)22:10 No.4378650
    My best friend (Who happens to be a girl) and I love Hetalia and we cosplay together, she's doing Germania for the next con we're going to.

    I've only went as Greece once since I didn't have time to make anything before the con so I threw it together, and it turned out pretty good, but for the next con I'm going as Russia.

    I'm also not like the "typical" Hetalia fan since I'm 6'4, built like a bishonen and I'm also pretty good looking (I've been a hair model now and then).

    So you can guess the reactions I get when I get discovered by a Hetalia group...
    >> Anonymous 04/21/11(Thu)22:20 No.4378678
         File1303438841.jpg-(93 KB, 368x459, 1302760681036k.jpg)
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    That is because Sadiq is awesome and cool :)

    They bug male cosplayers because they need to persuade themselves that they are attractive to the other sex with random spouts of non-intimate least that is my opinion.

    Pic related. I want to do this sometimes to Hetaliafags.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/11(Thu)22:26 No.4378691
    They can get "a bit" forceful at times, but they are nice and good people, they mean no harm.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/11(Thu)22:28 No.4378698
    >> Anonymous 04/21/11(Thu)22:30 No.4378705
    The only time I've ever seen dress!Ciel done right? Was when a guy did it.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/11(Thu)22:31 No.4378707

    Can I have your height?

    >> Anonymous 04/21/11(Thu)22:32 No.4378712
         File1303439520.jpg-(69 KB, 540x720, 180254_498488313579_582373579_(...).jpg)
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    I feel just a little insulted, because I feel I did this cosplay right.
    But I do understand and agree with what you are saying when it's overdone, especially with bad cosplayers.

    What I'm really sick of seeing is Panty and Stocking cosplayers... with the wrong body type. Seeing them all over has just made me resent the good Panty and Stocking cosplayers.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/11(Thu)22:33 No.4378720

    Yeaaaah, my friend is a male Japan cosplayer, this will be his first con coming up and well... he hates being touched. I'll need to get a stick to beat the fangirls off.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/11(Thu)22:35 No.4378725
    Let's see...

    >I alreayd got my frie-
    >*They start dragging me away*
    >My friend later phones me and asks where I disappeared too
    >"I don't know... but I'm scared..."

    True story...

    I like my height, and I sort of got a complex about it... you'll have to ask someone else.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/11(Thu)22:35 No.4378726
         File1303439728.png-(504 KB, 528x528, nope.png)
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    if that's you...
    >> Anonymous 04/21/11(Thu)22:41 No.4378740
    Man, you look so cute.

    My oppinion on overdone cosplay is more or less, do it way better than the rest (If you know you can that is)

    And yeah, about the body types... I will never understand people who cosplay characters when their body type doesn't fit, AT ALL. I always go for the ones that have the same build as me, but I can understand if you are just doing it because you like the character, I can accept that, but not if you are going for the authentic look...
    >> Anonymous 04/21/11(Thu)22:46 No.4378762
         File1303440377.jpg-(69 KB, 540x720, 180750_498488413579_582373579_(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/21/11(Thu)23:01 No.4378813
    speaking of body types, I have never seen a ciel at a convention that is anywhere close, its very depressing. not too mention they are nearly always about an inch shorter than their sebastian
    >> Anonymous 04/21/11(Thu)23:02 No.4378816

    My girlfriend cosplays Ciel and is 4'9" and is skinny as fuck. I cosplay Sebastian and am 5'7" (and a dude). We do exist :D
    >> Anonymous 04/21/11(Thu)23:03 No.4378818
    i have a feeling i know you, conji?
    >> Schadelbrecher !!VGk3Ris4UGq 04/21/11(Thu)23:05 No.4378823
         File1303441521.jpg-(123 KB, 720x508, 42.jpg)
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    This is nitpicky so I'm sorry, it's not you. It's me.

    Why the fuck are people physically unable to put Ciel's hat on the right side for that cosplay? No. Really. In every picture it is on his right side, so why do so many people either leave it out or don't care which side it's on? I don't fucking get it.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/11(Thu)23:05 No.4378825

    If I said I was Conji, is that a good thing? Because I'm not.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/11(Thu)23:07 No.4378831
    this is what I'm afraid about. upcoming con I'm cosplaying Ciel and my friend is being sebastian...she is 5'6" and I am 5'10"

    bad character choice I know...but We are getting her heels and lifts so she will hopefully be a bit taller than me...
    I have the bodysize/face for Ciel, but my height is my disadvantage..
    >> Anonymous 04/21/11(Thu)23:09 No.4378836
    proof of this said body/face?
    >> Anonymous 04/21/11(Thu)23:10 No.4378840
    If you're that worried about it looking bad, don't do it.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/11(Thu)23:12 No.4378848
    Holy fuck that Ciel looks like a 50 year old man.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/11(Thu)23:14 No.4378852
    >no way anon is just being mea-
    >picture loads
    >> Anonymous 04/21/11(Thu)23:15 No.4378853
    What about the Fem!Ceil that fell down the stairs at Katsucon? Anyone see her? Besides lack of binding I think it was pretty great. Had an actual hat and even wore it on the right side.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/11(Thu)23:16 No.4378854
    sorry, replied to wrong one. is >>4378842 you?
    >> Anonymous 04/21/11(Thu)23:16 No.4378856
    im just worried about it looking weird. like i said, both of us fit the characters well its just our height thats a problem
    >> Anonymous 04/21/11(Thu)23:16 No.4378860
         File1303442212.png-(15 KB, 651x450, 1295139666077.png)
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    I like insanely good Homestuck Troll cosplays. Overdone and rage-worthy levels haven't been reached, yet. But I haven't been to a con in a while.

    I'm sick of seeing any costume without a wig.
    Seriously Iowa, what the fuck? It doesn't cost that much to get a wig. DO IT RIGHT MOTHERFUCKERS.
    >yes i mad.jpg
    >> Anonymous 04/21/11(Thu)23:18 No.4378863
         File1303442310.gif-(767 KB, 200x151, colbert no.gif)
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    >mfw no wig but wearing the cosplay
    >> Anonymous 04/21/11(Thu)23:19 No.4378865
    If that was you in >>4378842, you do not fit the characters. At all.
    You forget looking "weird", you look fucking hideous.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/11(Thu)23:19 No.4378870
    That Ciel's face looked photoshopped on in the best way possible.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/11(Thu)23:21 No.4378874
    lol no that was not us. I didnt even get to see the picture that you are all talking about. was it deleted?
    >> Anonymous 04/21/11(Thu)23:21 No.4378875
         File1303442464.gif-(21 KB, 650x450, 02264.gif)
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    You'd think people have more sense.
    I even know one of them. She's local. She did a Walter cosplay (I don't know what from), no wig. No binding. Fucking participated in the photoshoot and everyone complemented her Goodwill - no mods outfit.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/11(Thu)23:23 No.4378884
         File1303442606.jpg-(156 KB, 500x763, pic.jpg)
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    I'd love to see this done..
    >> Anonymous 04/21/11(Thu)23:23 No.4378885
    >You forget looking "weird"

    How did I even do that? I remember I started to type "you don't just look weird" then deciding to change to "forget about looking wierd"... How the hell did I end up with "you forget looking weird"

    I think I should go to bed.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/11(Thu)23:24 No.4378889
         File1303442652.gif-(13 KB, 650x450, 02385.gif)
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    Not to mention I showed up decked out in fleece, trying hard not to sweat off my makeup, (which she didn't have either), with a handmade Sakutarou coat. Every detail meticulously looked at and examined. I spent four days on the medal. And I only get a few complements. What is wrong with the world, anons?
    >> Anonymous 04/21/11(Thu)23:28 No.4378899
    I've considered doing this (well, getting my very short friend to do it, I'd probably end up being her Sebastian) but I really hate cosplaying without a reference for the colour scheme.

    There are quite a lot of manga characters I'd cosplay in a heartbeat if I could find a coloured picture of them.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/11(Thu)23:30 No.4378907

    I'm led to believe it's in black and white, it's probably be best that way..
    >> Anonymous 04/21/11(Thu)23:36 No.4378924
    Shitty Vampire Knight uniforms everywhere.

    But god, I somewhat regret cosplaying in a Death Note group a few years ago. There were about 5-6 other groups there and they'd all entered the cosplay comp - with us as the last one. The only thing I'm glad about is that we had the biggest applause for our skit out of most of the entire comp. Thank heavens for that.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/11(Thu)23:46 No.4378949
    Anything Death Note.

    No, you're not cosplaying just because you have natural black hair and showed up in a white shirt and jeans.

    All props to those who take time on theirs though.
    Does it exist?
    >> Anonymous 04/21/11(Thu)23:48 No.4378952
         File1303444103.jpg-(61 KB, 960x712, femciel.jpg)
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    Ugh, so much hate for pink dress Ciel. Should I actually go through with this? It seems this thread has been very picky about body type so I think I'd be ok in that department.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/11(Thu)23:51 No.4378964
    This should now be a post an amazing overdone cosplay thread.

    I want to see a awesome L and Fem!Ciel.

    inb4 first page of DA results.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/11(Thu)23:52 No.4378972
    Is that toilet paper rubber banded under your arms?
    >> Anonymous 04/21/11(Thu)23:53 No.4378975
    lol, looks that way doesnt it? nah, random scrap cloth with black ribbon
    >> Anonymous 04/21/11(Thu)23:54 No.4378976
    You look good so far, but it's a blurry photo, and you could still completely screw up the actual dress. I can't say whether or not you'll look good when you've finished your costume and someone takes a photo of you with a really good camera. And I can't see how tall you are. If you're 5'10", you just aren't going to make a good Ciel.
    Still, you've got potential at least.
    >> Anonymous 04/21/11(Thu)23:55 No.4378980
    Thanks, but yea crappy ipod picture is crappy. but Im barely under 5 feet
    >> Anonymous 04/21/11(Thu)23:56 No.4378982
    Guys should I go with a multicolored afro for my anon costume?
    >> Anonymous 04/21/11(Thu)23:56 No.4378984
    This thread could become diamonds.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/11(Fri)00:08 No.4379016
         File1303445332.png-(405 KB, 454x342, Death_Note_chibi_cosplay_by_Te(...).png)
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    Hard mode: no over shoops.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/11(Fri)00:09 No.4379018
         File1303445371.jpg-(33 KB, 410x430, Sailor_Moon_cosplay.jpg)
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    Now I've been wondering this for a long time and seeing as everyone ITT seems to know something about Kuroshit, why is the little boy character in a dress? Does this have anything to do with the plot or is it some weird alternate costume that doesn't really happen in the anime that all the fan girls like because its some little boy in a dress? I confuse.

    And to stay on topic I am tired of seeing shitty half-done Sailors, pic slightly related
    >> Anonymous 04/22/11(Fri)00:10 No.4379022
    Heard the second season is basically fan service.
    Have I heard wrong?
    >> Anonymous 04/22/11(Fri)00:10 No.4379023
    Plot device. They have to sneak him into a party full of people who would recognize him.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/11(Fri)00:10 No.4379024
    in one of the episodes he cross dresses at a party to find out who jack the ripper is
    >> Anonymous 04/22/11(Fri)00:12 No.4379028
    I bet Light wants some... juicetice
    >> Anonymous 04/22/11(Fri)00:14 No.4379032
    It's a disguise. Ciel's a noble, and decently famous, so he was dressed up as a girl so people wouldn't recognise him when he was "undercover".
    >> Anonymous 04/22/11(Fri)00:15 No.4379033
         File1303445706.jpg-(152 KB, 576x1024, 1301115127274.jpg)
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    D1D SOM3ON3 S4Y JUST1C3?
    >> Anonymous 04/22/11(Fri)00:24 No.4379056

    I was dressed as Locke when I ran into a Terra and when I asked for a photo with her she just stared at me and shrugged. Then when someone asked her to come back to get another photo with me it became apparent she had NO idea why or who I was. When I asked if she knew who I was she said:

    >Should I?
    >Well...we're kinda from the same game
    >Oh are you Firion?
    >> Anonymous 04/22/11(Fri)00:34 No.4379086
    Welp glad I never caught on to that show
    >> Anonymous 04/22/11(Fri)00:49 No.4379117
         File1303447758.jpg-(382 KB, 900x1350, panty_justice_by_koi_desu-d3ei(...).jpg)
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    badly done panty and stocking.
    not just talking hambeasts here.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/11(Fri)01:04 No.4379162
         File1303448643.jpg-(41 KB, 411x334, 1302628986013.jpg)
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    >> Don Kanonji !qQ0Wv/4eCY 04/22/11(Fri)01:07 No.4379167
         File1303448824.jpg-(61 KB, 374x499, diapo4562dfcbdd5bc310843be6f47(...).jpg)
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    Whoafuck, man.

    And I'm going to Fanime as Alois this year.
    I'm his exact height, weight, and I look just like him. I don't give a fuck if he isn't Kuroshit canon, I'm doing it anyway.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/11(Fri)01:22 No.4379191
         File1303449739.png-(14 KB, 200x280, CannotUnsee.png)
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    >that doesn't look that horrible...
    >> Anonymous 04/22/11(Fri)01:27 No.4379209
    She probably doesn't look so bad if that pose and her expression wern't so awful.

    Also, I like those shoes. Inaccurate, but they're cute.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/11(Fri)01:31 No.4379220
         File1303450270.jpg-(71 KB, 400x517, 6-High-Heel-Red-Lace.jpg)
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    >dem heels
    >> Anonymous 04/22/11(Fri)01:31 No.4379221
         File1303450316.gif-(977 KB, 250x271, 1297492724495.gif)
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    >> Anonymous 04/22/11(Fri)01:33 No.4379227

    >> Anonymous 04/22/11(Fri)01:56 No.4379278
    KH fuckers who never played the games, or only read the CoM comics

    >Cosplaying Saix, gf as Xemnas
    >nothing but "where's your book, Zexion?" (while pointing at my scar -->) "if you're doing an emo zexy, you need more eyeliner" "good work on styling, but larxene is blonde" "there aren't any black org members"
    >Only organization members at shoot were Axels, Roxases, unidentifiable mallgoths, an OC and us (the lone Xigbar wisely decided not to come)
    >After being asked if we were in the wrong Photoshoot, they decided that I was "cutter zexion" but had no clue what to make of my gf
    >she explained exactly who the character was, but as soon as she said "Superior" the response was unanimous
    >"but you don't look anything like Marluxia!"
    >eventually they told us we could only be in shots with the other OCs
    >leave and head to nearby dq
    >Cashier recognizes the characters, shitton of photos and hugs
    >Everything better
    >> Anonymous 04/22/11(Fri)02:01 No.4379295
    or just KH fuckers in general, everything's LOLBUTTSEX and OMGSQEEEEEE
    >> Anonymous 04/22/11(Fri)02:01 No.4379296
    I know that the majority of the PSG hate is towards shitty cotumes and inaccurate body type, but I just want to say that I only get to go to one convention per year due to my financial situation. In the year before the convention, I make a list of things from that time that I want to do as I see them and buy the materials.

    I planned a transformation PSG outfit back when that ep was aired. I want to cosplay it because I like that outfit and I like the series. I'm not trying to be OMG the best Panty on the internet and I doubt that many people at the convention will know who I am at all.

    Again, I know most of the hate isn't directed towards situations like mine, but I just want to put my perspective out there.

    As for things that really irk me at cons?
    >Beta Kamina's with who obviously didn't bother to work out and used fucking washable marker for their 'tats'
    >People who attempted to give a long wig pigtails by crossing the fibers over in the back to hide the wefts
    >HETALIA (I cosplayed Hungary and I want to do Belarus because I like the detail and design of their outfits, but I CANNOT take the terrible crossplay, yaoi, offensive bullshit.)
    >Any cosplay where they did not cut the bangs of their wig
    >> Anonymous 04/22/11(Fri)02:24 No.4379333
    If that's you in the pic then NOPE.jpg. The hat is on the goddamned wrong side JESUS CHRIST. Didn't even open the thumbnail and I noticed it.

    You're right. I'm an avid follower of the manga and I basically gave up on the anime as soon as Angela/Ash appeared in the first season. Watched the second season for shits and giggles and it did not disappoint. The plot was so crazy and there was so much fanservice everywhere it was almost funnier than Gintama in a way. The only good thing was probably Alois and Claude's character designs, which were done by Toboso Yana anyway. The damned triplets that everyone were so excited about barely made any appearances, like 3 speaking lines in the whole thing.
    >> Doll !L76VKgP3Fg 04/22/11(Fri)02:29 No.4379337
    I'd honestly love to see a deliciously accurate Alois.
    I love that crazy fucker.

    It might look pretty weird in person, anon, but in photos, it can be pulled off. Look for architecture with gigantic doors, larger-than-life elements. When you're photographed next to them, you'll look smaller. And, if you want your Sebastian in the photo, be seated or have him stand quite a ways on the stairs. It's all a bit of an optical illusion.

    In person though? It might look kind of hilarious. Just don't resort to stripper shoes. That's for another one of Sebastian's outfits.
    >> Doll !L76VKgP3Fg 04/22/11(Fri)02:34 No.4379344
    I did the same thing and gave up on S1 as soon as they started deviating from the manga. But for whatever reason, I loved S2? I think it's because it took the rollercoaster to crazytown and just did not care. And, so sue me, I really loved the dynamic going on between the feuding butler/kid pairs and then getting fantastically trolled at the end.

    I'll say it again, please, some beautiful dark-skinned woman, make Hannah. I know so many girls who could do it and be gorgeous.

    Fascinatingly, Alois-in-a-dress isn't nearly as popular. I've flicked through a few pages of Coscom and haven't hit one yet.
    >> Harley !!Ocs2iA9hfoy 04/22/11(Fri)02:34 No.4379351
         File1303454095.jpg-(23 KB, 195x259, godsavethequeen.jpg)
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    >People who attempted to give a long wig pigtails by crossing the fibers over in the back to hide the wefts

    Hold up, what's wrong with that? Most wigs aren't meant to be pulled up into pigtails in the first place and it's probably one of the best options to do so you end up with a decent looking back. Beats having gaps in the back of your wig.

    It's also what godsavethequeen does with her customer's pigtailed wigs.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/11(Fri)02:36 No.4379353
         File1303454162.jpg-(45 KB, 822x461, ScreenShot005.jpg)
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    Seriously. Alois is the only reason I like Kuroshit anyway, there needs to be more fantastic cosplays of him.
    >> otaku 04/22/11(Fri)02:39 No.4379362
         File1303454386.jpg-(110 KB, 704x792, 1246303960097.jpg)
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    As a hetaliafag myself I am dissapoint.

    Seriously I read the comic and watched the anime. If I seen Germania, Rome, or HRE I would fangasm.

    I really hate how people think that Russia/America hate each other just because of the cold war and fandom wank:

    "Cold war, reason to make Russia a bad guy, reason to pair up US/UK, reason to make America call Russia a commie rapist bastard."

    It's over for god's sake. There is a reason for most of the nations to hate other nations history wise. Don't curse or deface one pairing or nation to support your own in faggotree. I'm not a history buff but for god's sake there are hints for almost any pairing, even Cuba/America with hatesex from what I read in the comic.

    For the TB and FF fans there is something more rare than that: Final fantasy Tactics. I seen FF 1-13, even holy knight because of the dissidia shit but not Ramza and friends. I seen maybe two to three cosplayers doing FFT stuff in the five-six years I have been to anime cons.

    I am seriously tired of seeing Ciel in that dress instead of regular Ciel. It's getting annoying.

    Hetaliafags: I do Switzerland and going to do Greece next year. I also do 'Russiamerica and become one with us,' America. Don't ask. There was five-six Americans one year so I am doing something different.

    Also the only one who knew who the fuck Naoto from Persona 4 was as well as MC from P3P
    >> Don Kanonji !qQ0Wv/4eCY 04/22/11(Fri)02:46 No.4379373
         File1303454761.jpg-(1.47 MB, 1733x2496, Claude Faustus.jpg)
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    Don't worry guys, I got you. I'm seriously this little fuckers twin, only with a vagina.
    And, as I found there to be a lack of 6-foot tall delicious looking men willing dress as butlers and follow me around all weekend, I shall be bringing Cardboard Claude with me.
    Picture related. A delicious looking butler.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/11(Fri)02:49 No.4379378
    I think I know you Anon.

    On the note of FF, I know a lot of people hate the Crystal Chronicle games, but I'd love to see some cosplay from them. Doesn't even matter which. Only thing I ask is no more fail Selkies from the first game.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/11(Fri)02:49 No.4379379
         File1303454984.jpg-(308 KB, 2048x1536, IMG551.jpg)
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    Something related. I hate it when people mistake cosplay as a purely Japanese thing. Seriously, no wonder our community is full of shit.

    Also, well everyone got it out of the way as far as things I'm sick of seeing (i.e. everyone's an Akatsuki guy, Bleach officers, Hetalia, Yoko and probably Kuroshit. Maybe I can throw in badly made Umineko while I'm at it).

    Pic sort of unrelated. I know he's fat and all that, but hey, I like BISON!
    >> Doll !L76VKgP3Fg 04/22/11(Fri)02:53 No.4379383
         File1303455182.jpg-(31 KB, 400x354, 100727.jpg)
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    >Cardboard Claude

    I am so okay with this it isn't even funny.

    Oh, speaking of that picture, that's the other thing that chaps my hide about shit Kuroshit cosplayers. Yana Toboso REALLY patiently goes through every single costume and shows how it's fastened together, every detail. YOU HAVE NO EXCUSE.

    Also Sebastians who don't have high-waisted pants and TUCK THEIR GODDAMN SHIRTS IN. FUCK.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/11(Fri)02:53 No.4379384
         File1303455193.jpg-(52 KB, 284x382, GriaHunter.jpg)
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    I really want to cosplay a Gria hunter. That hat is way too cute!
    It's super rare to see any Final Fantasy cosplayed in my area other than VII/VIII/XIII.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/11(Fri)02:53 No.4379385

    Yeah, well it's why most people who do mainly western stuff call themselves "costumers" now. At least all my Dragon*Con buddies do.

    We were just like "You want the word, fine. Have it."

    I've been planning an educational article for awhile about the history of cosplaying in fandom just so it can be spread around. Knowledge is power yo. And prevents you from looking like a jackass.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/11(Fri)02:54 No.4379388
    I'm getting a little tired of seeing certain Pokemon trainers and gijinka (mainly the eeveelutions, Pichu family, cutesy/popular pokemon of the week). I know it's easy mode and Pokemon started off a lot of people so it's not going anywhere, but there are so many trainers and gym leaders. Also, no excuse for shitty carbon copy gijinka either. If you're going to be the 50th Pikachu gijinka at the photoshoot, do a little more than cardboard ears/tail, bikini, and booty shorts. Be a little creative with it.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/11(Fri)02:59 No.4379392
         File1303455577.jpg-(331 KB, 1536x2048, IMG561.jpg)
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    There was this one time, I saved this one for the Rage thread but it's missing now so here.

    I had a bro (which turned out to be not a bro eventually) go to stage dressing up as James Bond. Some dudes at the back started going about
    "James Bond is not anime." I think some of my other friends talked the morons over but I don't remember anymore so yeah)

    Like the Bison dude, I kinda like it when someone does something not done commonly. In a cosplay community where the only good stuff you'll see are people doing Toku and Robots, you know something's wrong.

    Pic unrelated. It's my childhood all over again.
    >> otaku 04/22/11(Fri)03:20 No.4379413

    I was going to do something from a FF game that isn't known next year. I was doing Lat Miku for the lulz this year. So this gave me ideas.


    You probably do. I go to Acen and reactor. The problem is I didn't do anything major cosplay wise. I did Yuri from KOF and other rare ones and the minute I did Naruto I had a shitload of pictures.

    What.The.Fuck. Why do I have to do Hetalia and Naruto to get shit? And I did Maito Gai in spandex of all things. REAL FUCKING SPANDEX. I didn't enjoy it so started doing rare cosplays again until I became a Hetalia fag. Then I started doing countries that I rarely see.

    God I ragequit when I see a million versions of Organization but nobody knows SMT or the world ends with you.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/11(Fri)03:38 No.4379445
         File1303457885.png-(10 KB, 198x202, Support.png)
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    Thought that was you. Don't know you in person. Just know you from your online presence.

    Haven't really at ACen, but I see so much TWEWY online. It makes me smile. I have some cosplay ideas from it, but don't know exactly what to do. My friends and I were talking about being support reapers and making people do reaper reviews. Doubt it's going to happen though.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/11(Fri)03:48 No.4379460
         File1303458504.jpg-(74 KB, 400x600, 2908368.jpg)
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    How does this make you feel, /cgl/?
    >> Anonymous 04/22/11(Fri)03:59 No.4379479

    >> Anonymous 04/22/11(Fri)04:00 No.4379481
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    >> Anonymous 04/22/11(Fri)04:03 No.4379484
         File1303459382.jpg-(14 KB, 399x341, shinku terrible.jpg)
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    I should have been more specific when I said that.

    I meant when it's not done well and the person really didn't know what they were doing.

    There was a horrendous Shinku wig I saw at the last con I was at who had a really misshapen wig from trying to do this.

    This is what the wig looked like from the back.
    >> otaku 04/22/11(Fri)04:05 No.4379487
         File1303459514.jpg-(43 KB, 518x700, what-the-fuck-is-this-shit-518(...).jpg)
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    DO IT

    I rarely see Twewy. It's mostly Hetalia, Naru, XIII, Aka, Vocaloid, Stock and Panties, ciel in a dress, comics, or original.

    I found a Neku, Shiki, and Josh last year and that was it.

    I mostly lurked on /y/ /d/ and /h/


    Better one I seen so far.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/11(Fri)04:11 No.4379500
    I've heard Link is done a lot. I want to go to a con as Link for my first cosplay, would it be hard to do? I don't want to suck...
    >> Anonymous 04/22/11(Fri)04:17 No.4379509
    Well, which one are you doing? I'd say the first Link and Toon would be the easiest, but even then you can't half ass it. Since they are simple designs, mistakes will be more obvious.

    I plan to, but until I round up a group of reapers, I'll just settle for noise gijinka.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/11(Fri)04:19 No.4379514

    I want to do TP Link. It seems hard but I'd be willing to take the time to work on it.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/11(Fri)04:37 No.4379541
         File1303461479.jpg-(115 KB, 500x541, Full of Fuck.jpg)
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    Haha, popular. I cosplay Sailor Jupiter. Most of the con was spent answering teens asking what anime was I from.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/11(Fri)04:51 No.4379557
    I don't know if I'm sick of it but EVERY SINGLE CON I go to, there is always a Yuna (and usually a first time cosplayer wearing it)
    >> otaku 04/22/11(Fri)04:56 No.4379562
         File1303462604.jpg-(39 KB, 450x268, my brain is full of fuck.jpg)
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    What is this I don't even..
    >> Anonymous 04/22/11(Fri)05:00 No.4379569
    Isn't it awkward when you go to a con and there are 100+ of what you did. It makes me feel awkward because I compare the costumes to each other.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/11(Fri)07:06 No.4379753
    >patiently goes through every single costume and shows how it's fastened together, every detail.
    HrrngThis. Shit saved my life when I was working on Grell. She had that shit down to the CHAIN DETAILS on his glasses, dear god.

    On that note, I'm tired of running into self-conscious/shy Grells. Why would you pick the most flamboyant character in the series to cosplay if you aren't going to play it up?

    Pokemon gijinkas. It seemed like a lot of fun to do, but it's all over the place now. Shit sucks, because I made a design for Haunter, but I didn't want to add to the surplus and I don't want to cut off my arms.

    And finally, Hetalia, for reasons already mentioned, but the secondhand embarrassment isn't good for my forehead.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/11(Fri)08:11 No.4379798

    I'm just wondering, what's your guys oppinion on character personalities during cosplay?
    >> Anonymous 04/22/11(Fri)09:08 No.4379884
    Oh. My god. What the fuck. I'm a Zexion cosplayer,[in my opinion, not have bad, I gotta work on make my face less round looking] and I feel personally shamed and sorry for the shabby treatment of you by those...IDIOTS. I would like to tell you that I personally adore Saix as a character, and I want to punch those cosplayers. They're just stupid.

    Speaking as a history obssessed person, you are completely right. You can make up almost any frigging reason to pair anybody. I RP Austria, and I get the most interesting RPs because I bother to look up this CRAZY thing called 'foreign relations'. It's kinda sad because approx. 20 RPers on FB are interested in anything aside from posting pornography[Guys, you WONDER why they ban you] and doing gay smut RPs all willy nilly. Part of fandom is almost misogynistic with the abject hatred of ANY FEMALE CHARACTERS IN EXISTENCE. This is ironic, since most of them ARE female.
    Will you be at Otakon or AUSA this year? I'm doing a modern military America in surplus, a helmet[if I can find it], Vietnam era jungle boots [unless the WWII style ones come in] and water pistols modified into oblivion to look like pistols/handguns. I'd love to meet you , you sound sane.

    Personally, I think that people who insist on staying 'in character' non stop are creepy and possibly have mental disorders. I met a psycho, for example, who stayed 'in character' as Russia FOR AN ENTIRE CON. SHE SCARED THE SHIT OUT OF ME. Or the bitches who justify being frigid and rude because 'it's in character'. No, you're a bitch.
    If you doing a photoshoot, RP, then stay in character. I try to cosplay boisterous characters because I need to learn to be less tit-mouse quiet. I like to think of it as Improv acting or stretching what you can do. Maybe, if you do a loud or self-confident character, that'll rub off on you. It works for me!

    tl;dr I type to much WTF.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/11(Fri)09:51 No.4379943
         File1303480279.jpg-(11 KB, 400x226, to_aru_majutsu_no_index_13_08.jpg)
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    So if I was Accelerator you wouldn't want me acting like a douche?

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